Vandal Resistant Outdoor/Indoor Access Control Keypad with Built In Proximity Card ReaderVandal And Weather Resistant Outdoor or indoor Access Control Keypad with built in Proximity Reader
Built-in proximity reader. 125kHz (EM125)
4 Available programmable access modes for all 3 outputs: card only, code only, card and common user code, card and unique user code.
1,100 Users over 2 Outputs. Codes may be 4~8 digits: - Output #1 – Form C relay, 1A@30VDC, 1,000 users - Output #2 – Form C relay, 1A@30VDC, 100 users
Outputs can be programmed to activate for up to 99,999 seconds (nearly 28 hours).
Super user code gives admin access to keypad.
•Up to 50 (01~50) possible temporary visitor codes, which can be programmed for one-time or limited-time use (1~99 hours).
Programmable egress input with optional warning alarm and delayed egress.
Real-time clock to auto-disable access at specific times.
Up to 50 (01~50) duress codes for output #1 and 10 (01~10) for output #2.
Duress code signals a silent alarm if an authorized user is forced to open the door under duress.
12~24 VDC/VAC Auto-adjusting operation.
•All features are programmed directly from the keypad: No need for an external programmer.
IP66 Weatherproof Rating.
Mounts to a standard single-gang back box (surface-mount back box included).
Durable and attractive stainless steel faceplate.
Tamper output: N.C. Dry contact, 50mA@24VDC max.
Keypad illuminates when a button is pressed; backlight can be programmed for FULL, AUTO, or OFF in standby mode.
Mantrap: for a protected area with two doors, this feature allows only one door to be open at a time.
Door sensor input for anti-tailgating operation.
Door-propped-open warning.
Door-forced-open warning.
EEPROM Memory protects programmed information in case of power loss.

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Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up
Important! Please note: always use a separate power supply when using a proximity card reader and an electric strike or magnetic lock.
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