Dortronics/Everswitch Ultra
Heavy Duty Keypads
Wiegand TypeThe same single part keypad but with a Wiegand output instead of relay so it can be connected to a multi-door
access system.
Tough - Just about indestructible!
26 bit output
Power requirements: 12.28 VDC 30 mA
Cable requirements: 500 feet max 5-9 conductor 20 AWG shielded cable
Operating temperture range: -40° to +257°F (-40° to +125°C )
100 percent Humidity
Method of operation: Pressing one or more numbers followed by the # key sends the sequence of digits via 26 bit Wiegand protocol to a host control panel. Each keypress causes the Red LED to flash and the beeper to sound.
Output: Wiegand-Data 1 and Data 0 Open collector 1K ohm. Pull up to internal +5V.
CCTV interface capability: Activated by keypress Open collector 250 mA. 30 second duration.
Tamper: Photo-diode sensor Open collector 100 mA. Pulled "low" when light sensed.
Hold: Ground to Activate Causes data to be held in keypad buffer when pulled "low".
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