AlarmLock Magnetic
Lock With
Remote ControlA new kind of maglock - now simply use a small remote control key fob to unlock. Use up to 100 different remotes
to control each lock. It works with long range IR and it's
sensitive from up to 10 feet outside and up to 30 feet from inside. Can also be used the usual way with an exterior
keypad or card reader and the IR remote for much more unlocking flexibility. The lock comes with one hand held remote control and if you need more than one remote then see the below option to order as many as you need.
Great features!
Add up to 100 remotes
Lock comes with one remote
For glass and aluminum doors
1200 pound holding force
Easy to install
Easy to program
Unique passage mode (the ability to be put in an unlocked state) from a remote
Unique quick lock mode (the ability to be instantly locked when in the passage mode) from a remote
Door ajar feature
Hard wire a request to exit switch or add a card reader!
Will work at distances up to 35 feet on the outside
of protected area and 15 feet inside.
Comes with a power supply ready to plug in
Size: 10.5" Long X 2.875" Wide X 1.5" Deep
We also accept Paypal for US orders
and now also international orders through our International Checkout.
We are proud to be
A top rated store!
Phone:561 477-1864
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We look forward to hearing from you!
In This Business Since 1978
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