||dts-data-start||1737984351||id||type||template||path||image||icon||inset||name||code||idbreadcrumbs||breadcrumbs||currentprice||price||saleprice||headline||label||shipweight||availability||orderable||taxable||leaf||giftcertificate||ypath||contents||abstract||caption||options||keywords||manufacturer||producturl||ean||classification||upc||inyshopping||modelnumber||yshoppingcategory||manufacturerpartnumber||stylenumber||condition||medium||merchantcategory||isbn||style||brand||crosssell||instock||customfields|^^|moinonneven||link.||||artoloellaty||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/more-information-on-the-newest-version-nextouch-14.gif|||||| More Information On The Newest Version (Nextouch)||||diglocel artoloellaty||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Yale/Arrow NexTouchTouchscreen Electronic Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|an15yeoldrop||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ancient-1500-year-old-roman-padlock-4th-9-th-century-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ancient-1500-year-old-roman-padlock-4th-9-th-century-36.gif|| Ancient 1500 Year Old Roman Padlock 4th - 9 th Century||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Ancient 1500 Year Old Roman Padlock 4th - 9 th Century

||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Ancient 1500 Year Old Roman Padlock 4th - 9 th Century

41 mm x 27 mm x 8.5mm||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|3la16cemeke||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/3-large-16th-centery-medieval-keys-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/3-large-16th-centery-medieval-keys-38.gif|| 3 Large 16th Centery Medieval Keys ||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Museum Quality Keys. Found in Bavaria Germany.




||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|auimpaforand||item-1||soliditem||kabaeplex2000||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/audit-implementation-package-for-and-audit-trails-35.gif|||||| Audit Implementation Package For And Audit Trails||3527-B||diglocel kabaeplex2000||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Kaba E-Plex 2000 Electronic Digital Lock With Key Bypass Included > ||175.000||175.000 ||||Audit Implementation Package For And Audit Trails||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This package is used for easy audit trails only on the Kaba 2000 series models. The pack includes software which will be downloaded from Kaba and USB hardware/software/Infra-red reader interface kit. Free Download of Standard Software

E-Plex Standard Software operates the E-Plex 1500, 2000, 3000 and 5000, or PowerPlex 2000 (formerly EPS 2000) electronic PIN based locks. Download it for free (a $350 value) by completing the form below.

Please note : This version supports MS Windows XP Home, XP Pro (SP 3 or higher), VISTA, Windows 7 and Windows 8 (NOT compatible with Windows 10). It also supports MS Excel versions in MS Office 2003, 2007 and 2010. This version adds software management or audit capabilities to a E-Plex 1500 series lock; previous software versions did not support the E-Plex 1500 series. The E-Plex Standard software requires the use of an Actisys IRDa dongle. If you need drivers for this device go to the www.actisys.com website.

Important: In order to communicate with the lock, i.e. Program and/or Audit the lock, a Kaba PC M-Unit Communication Kit (IrDA > USB hardware/software interface kit), must be purchased to install and operate the E-Plex Standard Software. P/N: EP-MU-COM-001; List Price : $175

Warning: E-Plex Standard Software is NOT compatible with Windows 10 due to changes Microsoft made in the operating system. This version does not support Palm or other PDAs supported in previous versions; Kaba no longer supports the use of the Palm or other PDA devices with E-Plex products. To register a lock you'll have to go here: http://www.kaba-adsamericas.com/support/292708/free-e-plex-standard-software-download.html||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|mi0prca||item-1||soliditem||etbahtwebclr||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-mifare-0-8mm-proximity-card-pack-of-20-32.gif|||||| Avea Mifare 0.8mm Proximity Card (Pack Of 20)||3821||proxread etbahtwebclr||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea Ethernet Based HTTP Web Client Mifare RFID Reader With POE Power Injector > ||129.000||129.000 ||||Avea Mifare 0.8mm Proximity Card (Pack Of 20)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||
  • 1K proximity cards
  • Size : 54mm x 86mm x 0.8mm thickness.
  • Convenient to use : Credit card size, can fit into a wallet.
  • Long life : No-battery design allows for an infinite number of reads.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|234inchlatch||item.||soliditem||digcomloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bolt-optional-or-to-replace-28.gif|||||| Bolt (Optional Or To Replace)||11439||mecpusloc digcomloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > ||25.000||25.000 ||||Backset Bolt (Optional Or To Replace)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||For longer backsets - see backset diagram||The picture is of the latch type. The latch will lock automatically when the door the is closed. The bolt will only lock when you turn the knob on the outside or the thunb turn on the inside.

    For longer backsets||"Please choose" "2 3/8 inch" "2 3/4 inch"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|alcurtran||item.||soliditem||securitronpowerjump||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/current-transfer-25.gif|||||| Current Transfer||Item: 1206||securitronpowerjump||Securitron Powerjump ICPT Inductive Coupling Power Transfer > ||129.000||129.000 ||||AlarmLock Current Transfer||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This item brings the current from the frame to the door to the lock. Power flows only when the door is closed. It use a standard strike cutout.

    No need to buy and cut in an electric strike and no need for electric hinges! It's easier to bring the wire up through the frame and than through the door.

    2 1/4" long X 1 1/8" wide||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|samcabbutwit||item.||soliditem||digkeycab|||||||| Electronic Digital Key Cabinet But With 95 Key Capacity||1263-B||keycabinets1 digkeycab||Key Cabinets > Electronic Digital Key Cabinet 65 Key Capacity > ||579.000||579.000 ||||Electronic Digital Key Cabinet But With 95 Key Capacity||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Capacity: 95 keys
    Size:20" x 16.5" x 5" - 508 x 419 x 127mm
    Weight:17 lbs - 7.7 kg||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|prkepadolo||item.||soliditem||heavdutkeysu||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/patio-door-lock-heavy-duty-professional-model-33.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/patio-door-lock-heavy-duty-professional-model-34.gif|| Patio Door Lock ( Professional Model)||3225||medecolocks1 heavdutkeysu||» Medeco High Security Door Locks & Cylinders > Revolving Surface Mounted Door Lock (Heavy Duty Professional Model) > ||89.000||89.000 ||||Patio Door Lock (Professional Model)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||heavdutkeysu||Ideal for: sliding patio doors, sliding windows, swinging doors, double doors, french doors, plus many more. Can be used on narrow stile doors and frames with a frame width of only 1 5/8".||Use this heavy duty Professional bolt lock when dealing with your sliding patio door.

  • Single Point 1 Locking Rod.
  • Aluminum Powdercoat - 9" Locking Rod.
  • Can be installed on top or bottom of door.

    A 360 degree rotation of the key will drive the locking rod 2 3/8 inches. All required parts for installation supplied including one rod guide and both phillips and one-way screws. Requires a 1 1/8 inch mortise cylinder (not included). See to the right for optional cylinders.

    Aluminum Powdercoat - 3/8" diameter x 40" Locking Rod - #1 Gear for Standard mortise cylinders. A 360 degree rotation of the key will drive the locking rod 2 3/8 inches. All required parts for installation supplied including three rod guides and both Phillips and one-way screws, cylinder is not included. Requires a 1-1/8 inch mortise cylinder. The cylinder should use a regular Yale or Adams rite cam. he cam will be removed and an included gear will then take it's place.

    ||"Please choose finish" "Aluminum" "Durondic or brown"|^|"
    Specify your prefered keyway if you need a cylinder - if not, click on don't need" "Don't need - we have our own" "Arrow AR1 Add $39 (+39)" "Schlage SC1 Add $39 (+39)" "Kwikset KW1 Add $39 (+39)" "Segal SE1 Add $39 (+39)" "Yale Y1 Add $39 (+39)" "Russwin RU4 Add $39 (+39)" "Lockwood L1 Add $39 (+39)" "Yale GA Add $39 (+39)" "Dexter D1 Add $39 (+39)" "Schlage SC8 Add $39 (+39)" "Weiser WR3 Add $39 (+39)" "Sargent LA Add $39 (+39)" "CL4 Add $39 (+39)" "Dexter DE6 Add $39 (+39)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|brrebobon||item-1||soliditem||brutelock||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/replacement-bolts-for-the-brute-lock-bolts-only-27.gif|||||| Replacement Bolts For The Sargent & Greenleaf Brute Lock (Bolt Only)||3810||cylocoincosy3 brutelock||Cypher Lock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic System Model With Battery Backup > The Sargent & Greenleaf Electronic Brute Lock Heavy Duty Deadlatch > ||279.000||279.000 ||||Replacement Bolts For The Sargent & Greenleaf Brute Lock (Bolt Only)||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Please call for current pricing and availability for this item.

    Inswing 8497-006.
    Outswing 8497-007||"please choose" "Inswing" "Outswing"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|heavdutkeysu||item.||soliditem||prkepadolo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/revolving-surface-mounted-door-lock-42.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/revolving-surface-mounted-door-lock-43.gif|| Revolving Surface Mounted Door Lock (Heavy Duty Professional Model)||1924||aseq prkepadolo|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Patio Door Lock ( Professional Model) > ||169.000||228.000 ||169.000 ||Revolving Surface Mounted Door Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||heduduprstpl heduhastcygu hr122 prkepadolo||Hot Surface mounted lock bolt is great for locking revolving doors. Not keyless but the best lock we have seen for locking Revolving doors. Add the optional Medeco cylinder and hardened protective ring for the ulimate security.||

    New keyed surface mounted extra heavy duty deadbolt lock (or drop bolt) is great for locking revolving and sliding doors! Will work for many different types of installations such as a manual lock down for man trap or inter lock doors."

    Aluminum body with a stainless steel 5/8 inch round bolt - total length of bolt in and out of body is 1 9/16 inches. Takes standard one inch mortise cylinder with adams rite cam(included with a Yale Y1 or 999 keyway and 2 keys). Can easily be keyed into an existing key system by just changing the cylinder. Very heavy duty.

  • Case is 5-7/8” x 1-3/4” x 1” ingot aluminum
  • Stainless steel bolt is 5/8” round
  • Bolt protrudes 1-9/16”
  • Turn key 90 degrees and bolt drops. Extract key and bolt is locked in place. Bolt can also be locked into unlocked position.
  • Cylinder w/2 keys included
  • Available finishes: Duronodic, satin aluminum & polished brass

    Important: if you'll be ordering the optional Medeco high security cylinder and hardened cylinder guard keep in mind that this then creates a seriously secure lock and if you loose your Medeco keys you will most likely have to call in a professional locksmith to unlock. Since this is a surface mounted lock there is no way to unlock from the reverse side. Just something to think about before proceeding.

    Case is: 5 7/8 inches long x 1 3/4 inches wide x 1 inch deep

    Please note that one of the reviews below says that a Yale cam is used. This is incorrect. The correct cam is a smaller Adams Rite cam.||"Please choose lock finish" "Aluminum" "Doronotic (dark brown)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|sularobrkey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/superb-very-large-roman-bronze-key-29.gif|||||| Superb Very Large Roman Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Superb Very Large Roman Bronze Key||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This is a superb Large Roman Bronze Key dating to the 2nd Century AD, possibly repaired, measuring about 5 1/2 inches (14cm). Very rare this nice.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ankeymus||item.||soliditem||index||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/see-our-ancient-roman-lock-key-gallery-39.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/see-our-ancient-roman-lock-key-gallery-40.gif|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery•||||||||||||||•Ancient Roman Key Gallery And A Brief History Lesson!•||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||larbronromke rominbitrink byznatinekey larkeyfromin greatbritirc romircaskeyc lat5thcenbc larromkeycir romcir1stcen smalromrinke beatromrinke 3romlocbol anromfacloc ringkey anlarinkey anromlocbol anrombol6 noname4 smallromankey groupofinkey romkeyar1stc romanbolt romkeyar1stc1 anrombol anrombol1 anrombol2 anrombol3 anrombol4 anrombol5 anrombol7 anromkey1 romanironkey rombronkey1s noname6 romirkey1st3 romankey romirkey4th5 romanlock medievalkeys rombronkey1s1 notromoranbu 9tcbyzirkey rombroncir1s romanbronzekey bronzeromankey romanbronzekey1 romanbronzekey2 romanbronzekey3 rombronkey1s2 earrombronke wonlatrombro rombronkey1s3 romanbronzekey4 rombronkey1s4 noname16 medsmalbronk romirkey2ndc rombronkeyci rombronkeyca romanironkey1 rombronkey1s5 nicmedkey rombronkey1s6 rombronkey1s7 larirromkey rombronkeyci1 nicoldlarkey largecastkey anrombol8 beautlarromb medcasorpadk noname17 romanbronzekey5 medirkey larromirkey1 larromirkey11 rombronkey1s8 veroldirpad elromirkey rombronkey1s9 rombronkey1s10 smalrombronk bronzeromankey1 larrombronke rombronkey1s11 rombronkey1s12 romanbronzekey6 romlocbol1sc medcaskeycir larrombronke1 rombronkey1s13 splenlarirro beautlarromk romanbronzekey7 medpad tinrombronke romkey2ndcen hanforirlocm rombronkey1s14 earrombronke1 larrombronke2 med16cen rombronkey1s15 rombronkey3r rombronkey1s16 rombronkey1s17 rombronkey1s18 suplarrombro romirkey1st31 crazmedirkey verlarirrom1 larbronmedke rombronem1st anrommilpad larmedbronke supmedruskey1 supmedruskey rombronpadke bronkeyromem romem1st3rdc romem1st3rdc1 larmedirkey bronkeyromem1 romem1st3rdc2 romem1st3rdc3 beautormedke medgotkey rombronkey1s19 larmedbronke1 rombronem1st1 larrombronke3 anrompad suplarbronme bronkeyromem2 rombronramhe larromem1st3 larromem1st31 romem1st3rdc4 larrombronke4 rombronkeyse romanbronzekey8 verlarrombro rombronkey3r1 larbronholti rombronkeyse1 rombronkey3r2 veroldruspad noname21 hugeromankey musqualbigen nicgroupofro romirkeycir1 romanbronzekey9 beautenmedbr noname10 beautmedkey grecrombronk rarrombronpa noname24 verlarromkey romkey1st3rd nicmedbronke anromprispad rombronkey2n chunrombronk ormedcaskey robrkeywihuh berokey romanbronzekey10 laroramkey 2lamekey15ce nirobrkey2nd robrkey1stto robrloco2nd3 robrfokey12c meirpa stroherokey robrkeyca2nd beyme16cekey brrokeyci1st bebrrokeci1s robokeywipad an15yeoldrop robrloha roirkeywibrh bebrrokeywip sularobrkey laeameirkey noname25 sularobrkey1 3la16cemeke stshandverat beandrarobrf mepadloci14 lahotiptyrok beandramekey melokerapapu beandramekey1 robrfapa1st3 ratyrobrkey berobrkey laankeywiron largeromankey robrkeyri3rd nirokeystto3 robrke1st3rd unlarobrkey robybrpa6ad robrlakey1ad rokeyandke robrkeyri 17anprofanro inliofromelo loeneamebrke labrrokey2nd lotof4brroke ronrkeyubi rofapa robrpa anrofalo1030 ficaanrobrpa||||Please let us know if you like this section!

    The picture on the left is of an ancient wooden Egyptian pin tumbler type lock. The picture on the right is showing how the parts of the key engage the bolt directly in an ancient Roman type lock.

    It is generally acknowledged that ancient locks have not survived well and are extremely rare intact because they were usually made from iron or wood and the iron and wood has corroded away over the centuries. So it's lucky for us that the keys and lock bolts were usually made from bronze or bronze and iron and although they are by no means common, they can be found in sufficient quantities and conditions to be a very popular collectable. Consider that ancient keys become available only when they are dug up and often even when they are found, are by law, not always allowed to be sold or to leave the country. Today, many countries treat these items as national treasures and try to prevent them from being sold off.

    It is also generally acknowledged that keys and locks were invented around 4000 BC - probably by the Egyptians although some experts think that the Chinese from around the same period, also used locks and keys. We also know that by 712 BC locks and keys were commonly used. This from the book of Isaiah chapter xxii, verse 22: "And the key of the house of David will I lay on his shoulder"..

    For information on the keys at the bottom of this page you can take a look in our book section.

    Please note: about Counterfeit items if you are a collector. Recently we have noticed a large amount of bogus ancient items coming into the market place. Please be particularly careful when buying the following items: any supposedly old Asian padlock or key. Almost everyone we have seen has been recently made in Asia. Next is almost any key from eastern Europe in the shape of an animal or human. It appears at least for now that the bad, in this case the bogus keys, have driven out the good - the authentic ancient keys from the marketplace. Although I have seen some that are real, most are recently made counterfeits made in eastern Europe. Unfortunately, these counterfeiters (mostly it seems from Bulgaria) may have killed the ancient key collecting hobby. Again, at least for now. Note: as of 01/01/2012 - the counterfeit situation seems to have gotten even worse. Almost every key we have examined lately that isn't iron and deeply encrusted has been bogus so until things change we would suggest staying clear. If no one buys this crap maybe the'll just go away.

    -The following is an extract from the Chubb Encyclopaedia of Locks and Builders Hardware. First published in 1958-

    The History of Locks Old locks and their keys together form a subject which has received considerable attention. There is a great deal of information about them in the works by John Chubb (1850) George Price (1856), Commissioners of Patents (1873), Pitt-Rivers (1883) and H. W. Chubb (1893) which are named in the Bibliography. Also there are Decorative Antique Ironwork and The Lure Of The Lock and American Genius Nineteenth Century Bank Locks and Time Locks. Another very good book I found recently is "Keys Their History and Collection by Eric Monk (Shire Library). These are the outstanding studies in the English language and together they have provided some of the material for the present account.

    Of earlier and other means than locks and keys to protect valuables it must suffice to mention only a few. Primitive man's treasures were often buried or hidden in caverns, the hollow trunks of trees or elsewhere. Cords and ropers were used in various ways to fasten doors and for other measures of security. The Gordian knot comes to mind. Then there was the wooden latch on the inside face of a door which would be lifted or drawn back from the outside by a cord passing through a hole in the door. To prevent opening from outside no more was needed than pulling in the cord.

    In a history of locks it is interesting and important to trace the means adopted to make the lock secure, as age succeeded age. There are and have been throughout the centuries, only two mechanical principles by which security in key operated locks is obtained. One is by means of fixed obstructions to prevent wrong keys from entering or turning in the locks. The other, which is superior, employs one or more movable detainers which must be arranged in pre-selected positions by the key before the bolt will move. The earliest locks, although crude, ungainly and inartistic, demand notice for the admirable means adopted by their makers to provide the security. After these, through another long period, appeared locks which, according to present ideas, were inferior in respect of security to the primitive forms. On the other hand, many of these later locks were so beautifully fashioned that the work of the artist overlaid and sometimes obscured the mechanical intention. This is true no less of Roman times than when French and German smiths of the Middle Ages encrusted their lock plates with Gothic mouldings and carved their delicately shaped keybows. As the styles of architecture and its kindred arts succeeded one another, the decoration and treatment of locks and keys were affected by the same changes. Mechanically they altered also, if not always for the better. In a much later age, which showed itself more utilitarian than artistic, the mechanical features of locks and the need to provide greater security gained a new importance.

    It is quite reasonable to suppose that the first barring of a door was done by means of a cross beam, either dropped into sockets of sliding in staples fixed on the door; and it is equally reasonable to suppose that if it slid, a vertical pin dropping into a hole through the staple and beam together, kept the beam in place. If the beam was on the outside of the door, the locking pin must be hidden, and reached either through a hole in the beam, or else through a hole in the staple. This is the kind of primitive lock as made by the Egyptians.

    Roman lockingRoman Locksmiths at work
    Roman lock and key on the left and Roman locksmiths at work on the right

    They shortened the beam in a long bolt, and made it hollow for part of its length, so as to reach the pin hidden in beam and staple through the beam itself. The key, which was pushed up the hollow, had pegs on it to match the pins which held the bolt - for the one pin was now mutiplied. When the key was well home it was raised, and so its pegs lifted up the pins out of the way, leaving the bolt free. Then the bolt was drawn back by the key; the pegs are the latter filling up and engaging with the holes until then filled by the pins. It will be noticed that the shank of the key is the arm and the pegs are the fingers of the hand. The dropping pins are the true tumblers. The Egyptian lock was first described by Eton in his Survey of the Turkish Empire, 1798. Further information about it was given early in the 19th century by Denon, the Frenchman, who said that he had found the locks sculptured in one of the grand old temples of Karnac, which shows that the same kind of lock has served Egypt for 40 centuries. Locks almost identical or with very little difference and still made of wood have been seen recently in Iraq and Zanzibar. In another class of primitive locks, the pins were reached through a hole in the staple and not through the bolt. There is good reason to believe they were once remarkably widespread. They have seen comparatively recently in some parts of Scandinavia, in the Hebrides and Faroe Islands. They have been observed also upon the West Coast of Africa and in the less frequented parts of certain Balkan States. The hole in the staple by which to get at the pins is a horizontal one above the bolt. The pins are square in section, and are notched on their sides for the key to pass and get into position before being lifted. The key is usually flattish, with little side projections which engage the pins. After they are lifted, it is necessary to pull back the bolt by hand, thus making a marked and essential difference between this and that of Egypt, in which the bolt is withdrawn by the key itself. These locks vary in detail, some having two sets of pins, the key passing between the sets, in others the pins have holes right through them for the key, not merely side notches.

    The next two classes of primitive locks are those in which the beam or bolt was mounted on the inside surface of the door. In this case, if fastened by the tumbler pin, it would not be so necessary to conceal it as when bolt and pin were outside the door. There are some curious sickle-shaped pieces of iron found now and again - as illustrated - which look as if they were made for the purpose of putting through a hole in the door and pulling up or pushing up the pin. Perhaps they simply engaged the bolt in a direct fashion, and, being turned from the outside, move it to and fro, but they vary in their outlines too much for this supposition to be probable, some being full sickle-shackle and other only slightly cranked or bent, and in some well-preserved specimens their ends have been carefully shaped, as it to fit a hole exactly. They have been found at many places in France and Germany. General Pitt-Rivers ascribes some which he himself found near Lewes, to the late Celtic period. At last we come to the fourth primitive type of lock, the bolt or beam being still inside the door. In this type the bolt was kept out by the projection of a spring or springs, which spread out against the sides of the staple in the same way that an unwilling boy spreads out his arms and legs against the jambs of a doorway through which his school fellows try to push him. The first function of the key is to compress the springs. It is a flattish one, with return prongs or hooks on its end. It is first passed through a horizontal slit in the door and bolt; then turned a quarter circle, and pulled. The pull brings the prongs to bear upon the springs of the bolt making them lie flat, and so clear of the fixed obstructions at theirs ends. The bolt is then free to slide back, and this is effected by simply sliding back the key, for its prongs are now embedded in the bolt. The keys of these locks have been numerously found among Roman remains, and not long ago it was stated that locks of this kind were still in use in Norway.

    Some references and quotations from ancient and other writers concerning primitive locks and their keys are of interest. Aratus in his description of the constellation Cassiopeia says that in shape it resembles a key. Huetius agrees, adding that the stars to the North compose the curved part and those to the South the handle of the crooked or curvey keys belonging to those early days. According to Parkhurst's Hebrew Lexicon (1807) keys of this kind with handles of wood or ivory were put through holes in the doors and turned one way or the other to move the bolt. Homer in the Odyssey says that Penelope wishing to open a storeroom picked up a well made copper key which had an ivory handle. That is the translation by a modern scholar. Pope's version is:-

    A brazen key she held, the handle turn'd, With steel and polish'd elephant adorn'd;

    The poet Arison in the Anthologia applies to a key an epithet meaning on that is much bent. Eustathius, a Greek commentator on Homer about AD 1170, says that keys of this kind were very ancient but still in use in his time. As they were in the shape of a sickle and awkward to carry otherwise, they were tied together and carried on the shoulder. This custom is confirmed by Callimachus in his Hymn to Ceres. Eustathius attributes the invention of keys to the Lacedemonians while Pliny and Polydore Virgil give credit to Theodorus of Samos. This, however, is disproved by other authors who hold that keys were in use before the Siege of Troy.

    It has been said that the most ancient lock every discovered is that described by Mr Joseph Bonomi in Nineveh and its Palaces as having secured the gate of an apartment in one of the palaces of Khorsabad. He says that the gate was fastened by a large wooden lock like those still used in the East, the wooden key with iron pegs at one end to lift the iron pins in the lock, being as much as a man can carry. Mr Bonomi adds that the length of such keys ranged from thirteen to fourteen inches to two feet or more. In a letter which appeared in a trade journal in 1850 Mr W C Trevelyan said that it was remarkable that the locks which had been in use in the Faroe Islands, probably for centuries, were identical in their constructions with those of the Egyptians. They were, lock and key, in all their parts made of wood; of which material, he believed, were others which had been found in Egyptian Catacombs, thus making the Egyptian so like the Faroese in structure and appearance, that it would not be easy to distinguish one from the other.

    The frequent mention of locks and keys in the Old Testament is further evidence of their great antiquity. In the book of Judges (Chapter iii), it is recorded that after Ehud had stabbed Eglon, King of Moab, he shut the doors of the parlour upon him, and locked them, and when the servants came and found the doors locked, they took a key, and opened them. This would probably be in the twelfth or thirteenth century B.C., and there is no reason to doubt that by that time locks and keys were in use in Palestine. In the Song of Songs (Chapter, v, v. 5) there is a poetical reference to hands dropping with Myrrh on the handles of the lock. Then in the book of Nehemiah (Chapter iii, v.6) 445 B.C., it is stated that at the time of repairing the old gate of Jerusalem, they set up the doors thereof, and the locks thereof, and the bars thereof. In confirmation of other records that keys in the early days were very large, there is in the prophecy of Isaiah (Chapter. xxii, v.22) circa 712 BC, this passage: And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder. (See illustration).

    Roman padlocks in metal were constructed very much after the fashion of the fourth primitive type of lock for doors mentioned earlier. The shackle or hasp, which was separate from the body, carried on its lower side a pair of spreading springs, which entered a hole in the end of the body when the two pieces were being put together. When the shackle was pressed in fully, the springs which during the operation had been gradually closed up, spread out inside the body and so held the two pieces together. To take them apart, the springs, which were simply flexible barbs, had to be compressed. This was done in some locks by a key which was turned after being pushed through a hole in the body.

    Many Roman were operated in this manner. Another type lock is a German of the 18th century which had a similar mechanism. Its keyhole is concealed by a secret hinged cover which is released by using the projection on the bow of the key to press the end of a spring that is reached through the hole in the side of the shackle. In locks such as that, the key when inserted merely slides along the springs to compress them and then drives the shackle outwards. This style of padlock is found to be the almost universal native type in China at this day, so one wonders who was the first and true inventor, Roman or Celestial. Being loose portable locks of a kind convenient to secure baggage of all sorts in transit, they might easily become well known, especially along the ancient trade routes. These padlocks, whether Roman or Chinese in origin, are seen all over the East, shaped and decorated in ways peculiar to their own countries. Some are shaped like dragons, others like horses or dogs, the tails forming the hasps. The Romans had other kinds of padlocks as well, in which the security parts were made like those of their fixed locks. The padlock has always been in favour as a fastening with the Greeks and Romans, and the natives of the East. In all probability the movable lock succeeded the primitive. It seems to form the connecting link between the earliest locks and those of more recent date.

    Roman keys have been found also in various parts of England, and specimens are to be seen in the British Museum, some being rigidly attached to finger rings. Mr Price declares that the holes and cuts in the keys discovered at Herculaneum and Pompeii, of which three are illustrated, are distinct from the old Roman keys found in this country, and indicate that they did not perform a complete revolution in the locks, which, in consequence, were the equivalent of the spring locks of modern days. Roman keys are found much more frequently than Roman locks, some being of such shapes that it is not always easy to say what their locks were like. One kind of key has its bit angle shape; one angle is cut to operated bolt pins in the way already described, the other being pierced with holes as if to pass fixed obstructions or wards. Many of the keys were undoubtedly made to turn, their stems being pin or pipe, after the manner of modern keys. Some of the pipes were drilled right up so that any dirt or other obstructions could be pushed through. This old idea is from time to time brought forward as a novelty by one or another in these days. A great many of the keys of olden times have been found at different periods; most of them are of bronze, but some are made of iron; many of these keys have numerous wards peculiarly shaped, extending considerably up the shank and belonging without doubt to warded locks, which, judging from the intricate arrangement of the ward-bits of their keys, must have been elaborately contrived. Lipsius, in his comments on the second book of Tacitus, is the first to allude to the ancient usage's respecting keys, which in some cases, he states, had a ring adapted in size for the purpose of being worn on the little finger, and engraved to answer the purpose of a seal. From the evidence of various early writers is seems safe to conclude that the Greeks and Romans learned the use and construction of locks from the Egyptians. From the beginning of the mediaeval period, the shapes of keys are more like our own, and working more like them than the preceding types. The sliding and pushing have given place entirely to turning movements, the keys being either made pipe-fashion to slide onto a fixed pin in the lock, or else made solid, and terminating in a projecting pin, which fitted a socket or hole in the back plate of the lock. Later on, the section of the pipe was not always circular; sometimes it was triangular, and the pin on which it was pushed was shaped to fit it. Of course, provision was then made for the pin itself to turn with the key. The outside of the key, too was fluted in the Renaissance period and the lock pin then became a barrel as well, revolving in bearings at both ends. Some of the most beautiful specimens of keys are those belonging to the 15th and early 16th centuries which can be seen in various museums. They are represented by the illustration. For perfect proportion in all their details and minute workmanship, they have never been excelled. Their four-sidedness and breadth gives them a strong sturdy look, but this is lightened by the gracefulness of their pierced tops and sides. Flat pictures along do not show their beauty.

    From Roman times until the end of the seventeenth century reliance for security in the great majority of locks was placed upon fixed obstructions. The falling pins had gone almost into disuse. To this end, wards and keyholes of peculiar shapes were extensively used. Wards became progressively intricate so that in the best locks the fashioning of them and keys to suit, with numerous fine slits and perforations, was truly a craft that required a long apprenticeship. The exterior of such locks was in keeping with the interior and as a result very many beautiful specimens with delicate forging, open work and fine traceries were produced, especially in the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The skill and imagination of the smiths who made them, as a branch of the blacksmith's art, were apparent in these locks of which many good examples are preserved in the museums and other buildings of this country, France, Germany, Italy and elsewhere. They were often very large and expensive locks which in the making must have taken as many weeks as minutes are now required for the manufacture of some locks. To keep the dead bolt of these early locks in the locked or unlocked position, a spring was commonly fitted or, alternatively, a single acting tumbler which was no more than a simple catch or hook, without any security value, to be lifted by the key as it was turned. In warded locks with spring bolts the tumbler was not necessary. The wide diversity of design of the mediaeval locks, with never a repetition as it seems, is one of their striking features. Dozens of pages could be covered with illustrations and accounts of these locks but here a few only must suffice.

    One interesting lock, known as the Beddington lock, is illustrated. It is a wrought iron gilt rim lock measuring about 14 x 8 inches with the Royal Arms and supporters used by Henry VII and Henry VIII. It is said that Henry VIII took it with him when he traveled and had it screwed to his bedroom door wherever he stayed. A seventeenth century lock with its key is shown below. This was formerly on the iron door of the Treasury at Aix-la-Chapelle, but now is at South Kensington. The lock, which was five bolts, measures 171/4 x 91/2 inches and the key is 7 3/4 inches long. Among mediaeval locks we find chest locks occupying an important place. Wooden chests, often strengthened with iron bands, were the safes in which our forefathers kept their treasures. The locks of some of these had an elaborate system of bolts arranged round the lid of the chest. Two varieties of comparatively simple chest locks are illustrated below.

    It has been said that keyless combination locks were common in China in remote antiquity. Others ascribe the invention to the Dutch but the history of these locks remain obscure. It is clear from two quotations given here in Modern English that they were in use at the beginning of the 17th Century, probably in the form of letter padlocks. In Beaumont and Fletcher's play The Noble Gentleman written before 1615, were the lines:

    A cap case for your linen, and your plate, With a strange lock that opens with A.M.E.N.

    Improvements were made later by M Regnier, Director of the Musee d'Artillerie, in Paris, who was a man of considerable ingenuity. He produced some keyless combination locks which were held in high regard at the time. There were of excellent workmanship and so constructed that the combination could be changed. In some verses by Carew addressed to Thomas May on his Comedy of The Heir, acted in 1620, there is the following passage:

    As doth a lock, That goes with letters; for, till every one be known The lock's as fast, as if you had found none.

    Robert Barron, who was British born, made a valuable contribution to the development of locks by his invention in 1778. He recognised the weak points of wards and the insecurity of locks which depended on them. Barron devised a lock with two pivoted tumblers described as double acting, both of which had to be lifted correctly, neither too much nor too little, before the bolt could move. Six years later, Joseph Bramah, a Yorkshire man, patented the famous lock which is known by his name. This is technically very important though as a commercial product the lock to a large extent has fallen in disuse. It is believed to be the first lock having the security mechanism in a nozzle or cylinder and a small key which did not reach the bolt but acted through intervening members. The mechanism comprised a set of sliding plates to be pushed inwards differently by the key to certain positions to allow movement of the bolt.

    The name of Chubb is famous in the lock world for the invention of the detector lock and for the production of high quality lever locks of outstanding security during a period of 140 years. The detector lock, which is described elsewhere in this work, was patented in 1818 by Jeremiah Chubb of Portsmouth, England, who gained the reward offered by the Government for a lock which could not be opened by any but its own key. It is recorded that, after the appearance of this detector lock, a convict on board one of the prison ships at Portsmouth Dockyard, who was by profession a lock maker, ad had been employed in London in making and repairing locks, asserted that he had picked with ease some of the best locks, and that he could pick Chubb's lock with equal facility. One of these was given to the convict together with all the tools which he stated to be necessary, as well as blank keys fitted to the drill pin of the lock and a lock made on exactly the same principle, so that he might make himself master of the construction. Promises of a reward of £100 from Mr Chubb, and a free pardon by the Government were made to him in the event of his success. After trying for two or three months to pick the lock, during which time he repeated over lifted the detector, which was as often undetected or readjusted for his subsequent attempts, he gave up, saying that Chubb's were the most secure locks he had ever met with, and that it was impossible for any man to pick or to open them with false instruments. Improvements in the lock were subsequently made under various patents by Jeremiah Chubb and his brother Charles.

    From the Barron and Chubb locks, which demonstrated the protective values of their double acting detainers, whether tumblers or levers, it was a logical process to develop a lever lock in its simplest form, that is to say, without detectors or other additional feature. Thus came into being what is known as the English lever lock. Notwithstanding its long history, which extends over nearly 150 years, and the advent of other mechanisms, it still remains the best type for locks which are operated by a key with a projecting bit designed to act directly on the bolt. Levers, in essence, are thin metal plates of which any reasonable number may be superimposed to swing on the same pivot. Collectively and simultaneously they must be lifted correctly to pre-selected positions, which may be different for each lever, before the key, as it turns, can move the bolt. Lever lock with these fundamental characteristics, if different in detail, are now made in all parts of the world. The interest aroused by the Barron, Bramah and Chubb inventions, all for the sake of giving more security in locks, and their claims to high achievement, created a desire in other lock people to devise something as good or better. So during the first half and middle of the 19th century very many fine locks were cleverly contrived. Most of them were costly to produce and for that and other reasons have fallen into the limbo of oblivion.

    The rivalry between some of the manufacturers was acute and faith in their own inventions strong. Challenges were thrown out and offers of reward to the would-be pickers of locks, if successful. It is believed that Bramah began it in 1817 or earlier by offering £200 to anyone who could make an instrument to pick a padlock which was exhibited in Bramah's shop window in Piccadilly. It is said that an ingenious mechanic after spending a week in the attempt gave it up in despair. In 1832 Mr Chubb challenged a Mr Hart to pick a Chubb lock. More of this kind of thing continued on and off, frequently before panels of judges and witnesses, until the year 1851 of the Great Exhibition. The whole affair was known as the lock controversy for there was a good deal of interchange of correspondence and letters to the press. In 1851 Alfred Charles Hobbs came from America to sell locks in this country. He first gained fame here by picking some of the best locks of the day having previously mastered all American locks which he head been challenged to pick. This Mr Hobbs, who invented the protector lock, was one of the founders of the firm of Hobbs Hart & Co Ltd.

    The credit of producing pin tumbler locks, as we know them, belongs to the Yales, father and son. In 1848 Linus Yale senior, who was born in Middleton, Conn. for a time devoted his attention to bank locks and later applied the pin tumbler mechanism of the ancient Egyptian lock to modern conditions. The first models had the tumblers built into the case of the lock, which had a round fluted key. Linus Yale junior developed the pin tumbler cylinder, reducing it to its present dimensions, with different kinds of keys, these being at one time flat and later corrugated, which eventually gave place to the paracentric pattern now used. Pin tumbler locks very much alike in size and construction are now made in great quantities in many countries throughout the world.

    Thomas Parson's lock of 1833 was the first change key lock patented in England but old locks embodying the same idea have been seen, showing that Parsons was not the original inventor. For one of these early locks the key bit was made of a number of pieces which could be threaded on the stem in any order and there secured by a nut and a pin. The levers in the lock were rearranged to suit. A keyless combination lock superior to any so far named, is the kind made for safes and strong rooms. This was developed in the United States of America during the second half of the 19th century, so it is believed. Such locks are widely used in the States and to a smaller extent in this and other countries. Some of them are capable of one hundred million changes of combination. Keyless locks of a simpler construction, though they are manipulated similarly to the one just names, are made for drawers, boxes and other receptacles.

    As far as is known, the lock patented in 1831 by Williams Rutherford, a bank agent, of Jedburgh in Scotland, was the first time-lock made. This was a lock requiring a key to open it after a given period of time. The inventor introduced at the rear end of the bolt a circular stop plate, which prevented the withdrawal of the bolt by the key until the plate had rotated a definite amount in order to bring a notch in it opposite the end of the bolt. The rotation of the circular plate was caused by clockwork. As the notch could be set at pleasure any distance from the end of the bolt, the time could be varied, but the lock could not be opened by its own or any other key until the appointed number of hours had elapsed. The modern time-lock as used for safes and strong rooms is a much more elaborate piece of mechanism than Rutherford's. It may be used as the sole fastening of the bolts of the door, or in conjunction with locks of other kinds. It is believed that Mr James Sargent, of Rochester, NY made the fist model of this variety about 1865 and subsequently improved it. Great numbers of these locks are now in use in different parts of the world. The need for time locks arose in America when masked burglary increased to such an alarming degree. Finding that forcibly opening or attempting to open safes and strong rooms was too slow and too dangerous, burglars adopted another plan. A gang of masked and armed men in the night would seize an official of the bank and compel him by torture, if necessary, to disclose the combinations of the locks or give up his keys. Such success followed this procedure that the method soon became prevalent, and bankers were told that neither the bank officials themselves nor anyone else could open the safe doors before a determined time.

    In 1890 an early model of the flat or disc tumbler lock, of which enormous quantities are made these days, was patented in Great Britain.

    During the first quarter of this century early models of knobsets or cylindrical locksets were produced in America. In 1919 a British patent and a few years later other British patents applying to knobsets were taken out by W R Schlage whose name in the United States is famous in this connection. Though gaining favor slowly at first, knobsets had a rapid increase of popularity later and now many manufacturers in America and a few in other parts of the world producing great numbers. It is believed that in England only the firm of Josiah Parkes & Sons Ltd, is making them.

    It is thought that lock making in this country began with rough specimens before the reign of Alfred. The products were greatly improved by the twelfth century. Lock making was important in the time of Queen Elizabeth and remained the staple trade of Wolverhampton and Willenhall in Staffordshire for several centuries. It is still the chief industry of Willenhall which is the most important lock making town in Great Britain. Development during the last 50 years has shown itself in the production of numerous new patterns, among which are many for motor vehicles, in standardising certain fundamentals, in manufacturing methods which have been transformed by the increased use of machinery and the application of new materials and treatment to cheapen and make more attractive products.

    Roman Culture In General:
    Houses, Customs, Institutions, Etc.
    The private houses of the Romans were poor affairs until after the conquest of the East, when money began to pour into the city. Many houses of immense size were then erected, adorned with columns, paintings, statues, and costly works of art. Some of these houses are said to have cost as much as two million dollars.

    The principal parts of a Roman house were the _Vestibulum_, _Ostium_, _Atrium_, _Alae_, _Tablínum_, _Fauces_, and _Peristylium_. The VESTIBULUM was a court surrounded by the house on three sides, and open on the fourth to the street. The OSTIUM corresponded in general to our front hall. From it a door opened into the ATRIUM, which was a large room with an opening in the centre of its roof, through which the rain-water was carried into a cistern placed in the floor under the opening. To the right and left of the Atrium were side rooms called the ALAE, and the TABLÍNUM was a balcony attached to it. The passages from the Atrium to the interior of the house were called FAUCES. The PERISTYLIUM, towards which these passages ran, was an open court surrounded by columns, decorated with flowers and shrubs. It was somewhat larger than the Atrium.

    The floors were covered with stone, marble, or mosaics. The walls were lined with marble slabs, or frescoed, while the ceilings were either bare, exposing the beams, or, in the finer houses, covered with ivory, gold, and frescoing.

    The main rooms were lighted from above; the side rooms received their light from these, and not through windows looking into the street. The windows of rooms in upper stories were not supplied with glass until the time of the Empire. They were merely openings in the wall, covered with lattice-work. To heat a room, portable stoves were generally used, in which charcoal was burned. There were no chimneys, and the smoke passed out through the windows or the openings in the roofs.

    The rooms of the wealthy were furnished with great splendor. The walls were frescoed with scenes from Greek mythology, landscapes, etc. In the vestibules were fine sculptures, costly marble walls, and doors ornamented with gold, silver, and rare shells. There were expensive rugs from the East, and, in fact, everything that could be obtained likely to add to the attractiveness of the room.

    Candles were used in early times, but later the wealthy used lamps, which were made of terra-cotta or bronze. They were mostly oval, flat on the top, often with figures in relief. In them were one or more round holes to admit the wick. They either rested on tables, or were suspended by chains from the ceiling.

    The meals were the JENTACULUM, PRANDIUM, and COENA. The first was our breakfast, though served at an early hour, sometimes as early as four o'clock. It consisted of bread, cheese, and dried fruits. The prandium was a lunch served about noon. The coena, or dinner, served between three and sunset, was usually of three courses. The first course consisted of stimulants, eggs, or lettuce and olives; the second, which was the main course, consisted of meats, fowl, or fish, with condiments; the third course was made up of fruits, nuts, sweetmeats, and cakes.

    At elaborate dinners the guests assembled, each with his napkin and full dress of bright colors. The shoes were removed so as not to soil the couches. These couches usually were adapted for three guests, who reclined, resting the head on the left hand, with the elbow supported by pillows. The Romans took the food with their fingers. Dinner was served in a room called the TRICLINIUM. In Nero's "Golden House," the dining-room was constructed like a theatre, with shifting scenes to change with every course.

    Dress and bathing:
    The Roman men usually wore two garments, the TUNICA and TOGA. The former was a short woollen under garment with short sleeves. To have a long tunic with long sleeves was considered a mark of effeminacy. The tunic was girded round the waist with a belt. The toga was peculiarly a Roman garment, and none but citizens were allowed to wear it. It was also the garment of peace, in distinction from the SAGUM, which was worn by soldiers. The toga was of white wool and was nearly semicircular, but being a cumbrous garment, it became customary in later times to wear it only on state occasions. The poor wore only the tunic, others wore, in place of the toga, the LACERNA, which was an open cloak, fastened to the right shoulder by a buckle. Boys, until about sixteen, wore a toga with a purple hem.

    The women wore a TUNIC, STOLA, and PULLA. The stola was a loose garment, gathered in and girdled at the waist with a deep flounce extending to the feet. The pulla was a sort of shawl to throw over the whole figure, and to be worn out of doors. The ladies indulged their fancy for ornaments as freely as their purses would allow.

    Foot-gear was mostly of two kinds, the CALCEUS and the SOLEAE. The former was much like our shoe, and was worn in the street. The latter were sandals, strapped to the bare foot, and worn in the house. The poor used wooden shoes.

    Bathing was popular among the wealthy. Fine buildings were erected, with elegant decorations, and all conveniences for cold, warm, hot, and vapor baths. These bath-houses were very numerous, and were places of popular resort. Attached to many of them were rooms for exercise, with seats for spectators. The usual time for bathing was just before dinner. Upon leaving the bath, it was customary to anoint the body with oil.

    Festivals and games etc...:
    The SATURNALIA was the festival of Saturn, to whom the inhabitants of Latium attributed the introduction of agriculture and the arts of civilized life. It was celebrated near the end of December, corresponding to our Christmas holidays, and under the Empire lasted seven days. During its continuance no public business was transacted, the law courts were closed, the schools had a holiday, and slaves were relieved from all ordinary toil. All classes devoted themselves to pleasure, and presents were interchanged among friends.

    The LUPERCALIA; a festival in honor of Lupercus, the god of fertility, was celebrated on the 15th of February. It was one of the most ancient festivals, and was held in the Lupercal, where Romulus and Remus were said to have been nursed by the she wolf (_lupa_). The priests of Lupercus were called LUPERCI. They formed a collegium, but their tenure of office is not known. On the day of the festival these priests met at the Lupercal, offered sacrifice of goats, and took a meal, with plenty of wine. They then cut up the skins of the goats which they had sacrificed. With some of these they covered parts of their bodies, and with others, they made thongs, and, holding them in their hands, ran through the streets of Rome, striking with them all whom they met, especially women, as it was believed this would render them fruitful.

    The QUIRINALIA was celebrated on the 17th of February, when Quirínus (Romulus) was said to have been carried up to heaven.

    Gladiators were men who fought with swords in the amphitheatre and other places, for the amusement of the people. These shows were first exhibited at Rome in 264 B. c., and were confined to public funerals; but afterwards gladiators were to be seen at the funerals of most men of rank. Under the Empire the passion for this kind of amusement increased to such an extent, that gladiators were kept and trained in schools (_ludi_) and their trainers were called _Lanistae_. The person who gave an exhibition was called an EDITOR. He published (_edere_), some time before the show, a list of the combatants. In the show the fights began with wooden swords, but at the sound of the trumpet these were exchanged for steel weapons. When a combatant was wounded, if the spectators wished him spared, they held their thumbs down, but turned them up if they wanted him killed. Gladiators who had served a long time, were often discharged and presented with a wooden sword (_rudis_), Hence they were called _rudiarii_.

    The Amphitheatre, theatre and circus:
    The AMPHITHEATRE was a place for the exhibition of gladiatorial shows, combats of wild beasts, and naval engagements. Its shape was that of an ellipse, surrounded by seats for the spectators. The word Amphitheatre was first applied to a wooden building erected by Caesar. Augustus built one of stone in the Campus Martius, but the most celebrated amphitheatre was built by Vespasian and Titus, and dedicated in 80 A. D. It is still standing, though partly in ruins, covers nearly six acres, and could seat ninety thousand people. The name given to it to-day is the COLOSSÉUM. The open space in the centre was called the ARÉNA, and was surrounded by a wall about fifteen feet high to protect the spectators from the wild beasts. Before the time of Caesar the shows were held in the Forum and in the Circus.

    The THEATRE was never as popular with the Romans as with the Greeks. The plays of Plautus and Terence were acted on temporary wooden stages. The first stone theatre was built by Pompey in 55 B. C., near the Campus Martius. It was a fine building, with a seating capacity of forty thousand. The seats were arranged in a semicircle, as at present, the orchestra being reserved for the Senators and other distinguished persons. Then came fourteen rows of seats for the Equites, and behind these sat the ordinary crowd.

    The CIRCUS MAXIMUS. between the Palatine and Aventine Hills, was built for chariot races, boxing, and gymnastic contests. It was an immense structure, with galleries three stories high, and a canal called Eurípus, and it accommodated one hundred thousand spectators. In the centre Caesar erected an obelisk one hundred and thirty-two feet high, brought from Egypt. The seats were arranged as in the theatre. Six kinds of games were celebrated: 1st, chariot racing; 2d, a sham-fight between young men on horseback; 3d, a sham-fight between infantry and cavalry; 4th, athletic sports of all kinds; 5th, fights with wild beasts, such as lions, boars, etc.; 6th, sea fights. Water was let into the canal to float ships. The combatants were captives, or criminals condemned to death, who fought until one party was killed, unless saved by the kindness of the Emperor.

    Triumphal procession:
    The Imperator, when he returned from a successful campaign, was sometimes allowed to enjoy a triumphal procession, provided he had been Dictator, Consul, or Praetor. No one desiring a triumph ever entered the city until the Senate decided whether or not he deserved one. When a favorable decision was reached, the temples were all thrown open, garlands of flowers decorated every shrine and image, and incense smoked on every altar. The Imperator ascended the triumphal car and entered a city gate, where he was met by the whole body of the Senate, headed by the magistrates.

    The procession then proceeded in the following order: --

    1. The Senate, headed by the magistrates. 2. A troop of trumpeters. 3. Carts laden with spoils, often very costly and numerous. 4. A body of flute-players. 5. White bulls and oxen for sacrifice. 6. Elephants and rare animals from the conquered countries. 7. The arms and insignia of the leaders of the conquered enemy. 8. The leaders themselves, with their relatives and other captives. 9. The lictors of the Imperator in single file, their fasces wreathed with laurel. 10. The Imperator himself, in a circular chariot drawn by four horses. He was attired in a gold-embroidered robe, and a flowered tunic; he held a laurel bough in his right hand, a sceptre in his left, and his brow was encircled with a laurel wreath. 11. The grown up sons and officers of the Imperator. 12. The whole body of infantry, with spears adorned with laurel.

    The OVATION was a sort of smaller triumph. The commander entered the city on foot, or in later times on horseback. He was clothed in a purple-bordered robe. His head was crowned with laurel, and a sheep (_ovis_) was sacrificed, instead of a bull as in the case of a triumph.

    The Pomoerium was the sacred enclosure of the city, inside of which no person holding the _Imperium_ was allowed to enter. It did not always run parallel to the city walls.

    Every man in Rome had three names. The given name (_praenomen_), as Lucius, Marcus, Gaius. The name of the gens (_nomen_), as Cornelius, Tullius, Julius. The name of the family (_cognómen_), as Scipio, Cicero, Caesar. To these names was sometimes added another, the _agnomen_, given for some exploit, or to show that the person was adopted from some other gens. Thus Scipio the elder was called AFRICÁNUS, and all his descendants had the right to the name. Africánus the younger was adopted from the Cornelian gens into the Aemilian gens; therefore he added to his other names AEMILIÁNUS.

    The women were called only by the name of their gens. The daughter of Scipio was called, for example, CORNELIA, and to distinguish her from others of the Cornelian gens she was called Cornelia daughter of Scipio. If there were more than one daughter, to the name of the eldest was added _prima_ (first), to that of the next, _secunda_ (second), etc.

    Intermarriage (_connubium_) between patricians and plebeians was forbidden previous to 445, and after that the offspring of such marriages took the rank of the father. After the parties had agreed, to marry, and the consent of the parents or persons in authority was given, the marriage contract was drawn up and signed by both parties. The wedding day was then fixed upon. This could not fall upon the Kalends, Nones, or Ides of any month, or upon any day in May or February. The bride was dressed in a long white robe, with a bridal veil, and shoes of a bright yellow color. She was conducted in the evening to her future husband's home by three boys, one of whom carried before her a torch, the other two supporting her by the arm. They were accompanied by friends of both parties. The groom received the bride at the door, which she entered with distaff and spindle in hand. The keys of the house were then delivered to her. The day ended with a feast given by the husband, after which the bride was conducted to the bridal couch, in the atrium, which was adorned with flowers. On the following day another feast was given by the husband, and the wife performed certain religious rites.

    The position of the Roman woman after marriage was very different from that of the Greek. She presided over the whole household, educated her children, watched over and preserved the honor of the house, and shared the honors and respect shown to her husband.

    When a Roman was at the point of death, his nearest relative present endeavored to catch the last breath with his mouth. The ring was removed from the dying person's hand, and as soon as he was dead his eyes and mouth were closed by the nearest relative, who called upon the deceased by name, exclaiming "Farewell!" The body was then washed, and anointed with oil and perfumes, by slaves or undertakers. A small coin was placed in the mouth of the body to pay the ferryman (Charon) in Hades, and the body was laid out on a couch in the vestibulum, with its feet toward the door. In early times all funerals were held at night; but in later times only the poor followed this custom, mainly because they could not afford display. The funeral, held the ninth day after the death, was headed by musicians playing mournful strains, and mourning women hired to lament and sing the funeral song. These were sometimes followed by players and buffoons, one of whom represented the character of the deceased, and imitated his words and actions. Then came the slaves whom the deceased had liberated, each wearing the cap of liberty. Before the body were carried the images of the dead and of his ancestors, and also the crown and military rewards which he had gained. The couch on which the body was carried was sometimes made of ivory, and covered with gold and purple. Following it were the relatives in mourning, often uttering loud lamentations, the women beating their breasts and tearing their hair.

    The procession of the most illustrious dead passed through the Forum, and stopped before the _Rostra_, where a funeral oration was delivered. From here the body was carried to its place of burial, which must be outside the city. Bodies were sometimes cremated, and in the later times of the Republic this became quite common.

    In early times the education of the Romans was confined to reading, writing, and arithmetic; but as they came in contact with the Greeks a taste for higher education was acquired. Greek slaves (_paedagogi_) were employed in the wealthy families to watch over the children, and to teach them to converse in Greek.

    A full course of instruction included the elementary branches mentioned above, and a careful study of the best _Greek_ and Latin writers, besides a course in philosophy and rhetoric, under some well known professor abroad, usually at Athens or Rhodes.

    Books and Letter writting:
    The most common material on which books were written was the thin rind of the Egyptian papyrus tree. Besides the papyrus, parchment was often used. The paper or parchment was joined together so as to form one sheet, and was rolled on a staff, whence the name volume (from _volvere_, to roll).

    Letter writing was very common among the educated. Letters were usually written with the _stylus_, an iron instrument like a pencil in size and shape, on thin slips of wood or ivory covered with wax, and folded together with the writing on the inside. The slips were tied together by a string, and the knot was sealed with wax and stamped with a signet ring. Letters were also written on parchment with ink. Special messengers were employed to carry letters, as there was no regular mail service. Roman letters differed from ours chiefly in the opening and close. The writer always began by sending "greeting" to the person addressed, and closed with a simple" farewell," without any signature. Thus "Cicero S. D. Pompeio" (S. D. = sends greeting) would be the usual opening of a letter from Cicero to Pompey.

    Most of these images are copyrighted. The copyright holder allows anyone to use them. Please feel free to use these pictures or descriptions for any type of historical research and all we ask is that you mention us and our web site.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|deegsy||item.||soliditem||index|||||||| » Delayed Egress Systems||||||||||||||Delayed Egress Systems||||||||0||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||dordelegsys detdelegexal alcocodeegst do71deegco||||

    Delayed Egress

    prevents a door from being opened from the egress side (going out), usually for a period of 15 seconds (sometimes 30 seconds). This type of device is often used to prevent theft while maintaining life safety. The system is most commonly comprised of an exit device incorporating delayed egress features or an electromagnetic lock and power supply, one of which would contain delayed egress circuitry. When the device is actuated, the door remains locked on the egress side for 15 seconds and then releases to allow egress.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|delayedegress||item.||soliditem||index||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/mantrap-systems-door-interlock-40.gif|||||| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock )||||||||||||||Mantrap Systems (Interlock Door Systems)||||||||0||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||dortronics4300seriesmantrapsystem mantrap2 domathandfod do48sminco bathroominterlock||||

    Mantrap Systems: also known as interlock or airlock are designed to allow controlled access to a vestibule area or room and creating a secured area. Only one of the two doors may be open at any time so it's a very effective way to control traffic. Many variations are possible. Mantraps are often used in jewelery and coin stores, banks, goverment buildings, embassies and airports. We sell a mantrap system that can be customized just for your needs.

    What things to consider when building a mantrap locking system?

    Mantraps are often manual swing doors forming a vestibule but they can also utilize automatic doors or gates. Two door mantraps are most common but systems can incorporate thirty or more doors when several controlled areas are interconnected. Clean rooms require clean air separation for a controlled environment. These air locks may also utilize air pressurization to maintain the sterile area. Some “air locks” use normally unlocked doors, however better systems will utilize doors that are normally locked with push button release stations on each. This insures that two or more doors cannot be opened simultaneously.

    Security interlocks typically incorporate doors that are normally locked. Traffic flow can be improved for less secure areas by allowing the interior doors to be unlocked while the perimeter doors are locked. If automatic door operators are installed, electric locks may not be required if the activation signal from the push button or motion detector can be interrupted by the interlock control to inhibit the door from opening.

    Automatic sliding doors and swing doors with electromechanical locks require special locking systems integrated with the automatic door operator.

    Life safety codes may be involved when mantraps are used to limit ingress and egress. These will require that door interlock system be interfaced to the fire alarm control to allow an emergency door release. A local emergency pull station may be required to allow doors to be unlocked in non-fire alarm emergencies or to interface the mantrap system with NFPA 101 delayed egress controls. The most reliable systems provide for an independent door interlock controller to be separate from the computerized card access system for ease of service.

    The local building code agency should always be consulted before installation of the locking system. There are situations where no locks restricting an exit are permitted. In these systems only traffic lights are used to indicate when entry or exit is permitted.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|aseq||item.||soliditem||index|||||||| » Miscellaneous Security Items||||||||||||||Miscellaneous Security Items||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||foxstylpollo heavdutkeysu coirprsesw hosebibblock watfaucloc schaldeadgre scdsegr1coqu heduhastcygu prkepadolo electricdeadbolt supkeykeycab knocknoctoac keycabinets 4chanrftranr1 trindigrem uslocsincylh heduduprstpl allocardoorc alcurtran inbolo multim 7dayhourtim allocexal wire doorcloser detdeadpanha panicbar adritlatloc detadpanbar mecpuscabloc strongboxes empulstat heaterkit morlocforori detkeyremmul digitalpadlock heavdutresco higsecpad cylfortrilma1 weathercovers elsurmoundea elcabloc elloclatguar1 hidproxcaran nicselwirduc wirgardooral massafloc glynjohpuspu visinbol locpropinkit casboxwitcom sirandspeak doorexitbutton domkeygardoo emexsoun locintoolhol hiddencameras maslocmotstr trinwirenexs kevcorinpaco ruicorincocy ariccorcyl comslidloc heavdutdead dorremmonand magglas domkeygardoo ca24ho7dayti doelemdoho recvoicanmod dolowenpoopd mantrap2 rimcylinder diellolosyin elkecalo higinledin hedustpl segaorsmdolo keyriflinpao olsthekitfor pisibu nacawikelo atmolorefse amelsaflocan dopubuonmico seelgalo domaco3wigap adrielforgla romanbolt1 sphekeyhiinl digkeycab keglshlo vondupotr smkeymityoui brkeytainloo doplcma sumoswbox sevedelo sandg8550 saandgrmesal swlo 2vosopost dackeychloal catipsadrbi cablelockalarm codelocklatches lockeythickdoor keyblanks keedexhighdefscope keedexwaferlockviewer doorviewer deadbolt2inbackset adamsriteslidingdoorlock sg4440safedepositlock sg4443safedepositlock sandg6100 securitylockingbar sgtitansafelock kwiksetroundprivacylock jackknifepickset doorsilencer networxethernet keyenvelope noasab71sesa allglassdoorlock roocmo||||Often other parts are needed to do an installation, but because there are so many variables in every job, we would need a giant catalogue to list every possible part or option. Intercoms are often used in an access set-up, and electric strikes, and magnetic locks, and power supplies, and on and on. That's why we encourage you to to ask questions when planning a system. We can save you a lot of money on all these parts.

    For instance: You may know that to unlock a door by remote control has been possible to do for years and we have installed many systems using remotes and electric strikes and latch locks for jewelry and fur stores and many doctors' offices. They have always been popular for disabled people who could press a button but have trouble turning a key. But with the wireless RF remote deadbolt it's now possible to do this without all the extra parts, and difficult installation. It's not exactly the same, though. These are deadbolts, so they must be locked and unlocked after each usage. This could be a drawback. If you need the lock to lock automatically, then you would need to get a little or a lot more complicated. Both accomplish about the same thing but much differently.

    Let's say you need the latching system and not the Bolt. The parts you'll need are: some type of lock (you may already have a lock that will work fine with the rest of the system); then you will need an electric strike. There are hundreds of different electric strikes. Here's where it begins to get complicated. A variation of the electric strike is a magnetic lock. There are many of these as well. Then you'll need to choose a transmitter and receiver. Some are more secure than others. Some work from longer distances. There's much more to consider with this type of installation. Call or email us and we can help you put it together. Below are a few products that we have used and we know offer great value.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|emlook||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/we-set-your-combination-23.gif||||||**We Set Your Combination**New!||||||||||||||****We can set your combination****||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hellookforem||**Employment Section**New!||You can have this with either a random factory combination or we can sent it to you with your number installed.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|telusabyouru||item.||page.||||||||||-Tell Us About Your Unusual Installation-||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||If you have been involved in a unusual or interesting installation using our products, we would love to know about it and we're sure so would others. Just email your story to us and if we use it on our future upcomming "wacky installations pages" we will send you a special 10 percent off coupon that you can use anytime for any future purchase. e-mail us!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|noname||link.||||||||||||.||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||
    ||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|12infilplatf||item.||soliditem||adritmsmag||||||||1/2 Inch Filler Plate For The Adams Rite MS Maglock||1703-B||escaperoomlock secmagloc adritmsmag||» Escape Room Locking > Securitron Magnetic Locks > Securitron MS Maglock > ||29.000||29.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avproxfobfor||item.||soliditem||avstipaccoti||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-proximity-fobs-for-access-control-reader-with-lcd-screen-23.gif||||||100 Avea Proximity Fobs For Access Control Reader With LCD Screen||1844-B||proxread avstipaccoti||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea Single Door IP Proximity Card Reader 10 Cards Free > ||800.000||800.000 ||||100 Avea Proximity Fobs For Access Control Reader With LCD Screen||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Proximity key fob for 125kHz •Long life no battery design allows for an infinite number of reads •With ID number printed on the back of the Fob

    Size: 40mm x 32mm x 4mm thickness Long life : No-battery design allows for an infinite number of reads.

    Each group of fobs comes with a special cd with information that links each card to the software that comes with the Avea Proximity Card Access Control / Master Unit / Time Recorder. This way the fobs are preprogrammed into the system by just loading the correct cd. If in the future you need more fobs then the new fobs will come with their own unique cd that also must be loaded in. Unlike conventional keys, proximity fobs can be re-used and re-issued.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avproxcarinp||item.||soliditem||avstipaccoti||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-proximity-cards-for-access-control-reader-with-lcd-screen-23.gif||||||100 Avea Proximity Cards For Access Control Reader With LCD Screen||1844||proxread avstipaccoti||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea Single Door IP Proximity Card Reader 10 Cards Free > ||629.000||629.000 ||||100 Avea Proximity Cards For Access Control Reader With LCD Screen||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Proximity cards for 125kHz RFID. Size : 54mm x 86mm x 1.9mm thickness. With ID number printed on the card.
    Convenient to use : Credit card size, can fit into a wallet. Pre slotted so can be used as a badge type card. Long life : No-battery design allows for an infinite number of reads.

    Each group of cards comes with a special cd with information that links each card to the software that comes with the Avea Proximity Card Access Control / Master Unit / Time Recorder. This way the cards are preprogrammed into the system by just loading the correct cd. If in the future you need more cards then the new cards will come with their own unique cd that also must be loaded. Unlike conventional keys, proximity cards can be re-used and re-issued.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|12vdc1amp||item.||soliditem||12volplugint||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/12-vdc-1-amp-24.gif||||||12 VDC 1 Amp||1208-F||powersupplies1 12volplugint||» Power Supplies & Plug- In Transformers > Plug-In 12 VAC 10 Or 20 Va Transformer > ||69.000||69.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Plugin type for easy installation||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|2vosopost||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/12-volt-solar-ups-power-station-42.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/12-volt-solar-ups-power-station-53.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/12-volt-solar-ups-power-station-44.gif||12 Volt Solar UPS Power Station ||Item: 3378||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||165.000||165.000 ||||12 Volt Solar UPS Power Station||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sorry but this item is not in stock.

    This Solar Power Station will keep your equipment running 24/7 in places where power is not available. It is ideal for wireless communication equipment, low voltage lighting, and remote gate control. The Nema4 enclosure has industries best marine grade solar pack and is ready for harsh environments. The complete mounting bracket kit supplied allows quick installation on a wall or pole and can be set to match the best Solar Tilt Angle of your site.

  • Cable ready for 12volt or 24volt
  • 14.4 Amp Hour Battery Backup
  • (2 Maintenance Free 12v 7.2AH)
  • 1.26W Solar Battery Charger
  • NEMA4 enclosure
  • 1/8" thick Steel HR Bracket||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|15carprogdec||item.||soliditem||stanaltoucca||||||||15 Card Programing Deck||||credcarread stanaltoucca||» Mag Stripe Card & Corby Chip Readers > Securakey Stand Alone Touch Card Reader > ||189.000||189.000 ||||||||||Contact us for availability||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Please note that this item is a special order.

    15 Card Programing Deck by itself||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|165vac40va||item.||soliditem||12volplugint||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/16-5-vac-40-va-24.gif||||||16.5 VAC 40 Va||1208-C||powersupplies1 12volplugint||» Power Supplies & Plug- In Transformers > Plug-In 12 VAC 10 Or 20 Va Transformer > ||45.000||45.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Plugin type of transformer for easy installation. Auto-reset and overload protection. UL listed.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|17anprofanro||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/1719-antique-print-of-ancient-roman-key-rings-bell-38.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/1719-antique-print-of-ancient-roman-key-rings-bell-39.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/1719-antique-print-of-ancient-roman-key-rings-bell-40.gif||1719 Antique Print Of Ancient Roman Key Rings & Bell||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||1719 Antique Print Of Ancient Roman Key Rings & Bell||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The print is a copperplate engraving printed on laid paper in 1719.

    The sheet measures 17 X 10 1/2 inches and is in good condition aside from light age toning, a very small stain in the lower right and two small repaired tears on the top edge.

    The image is titled "Clefs et Clochetes."

    It is inscribed under the image "Tome III. 55."

    It is inscribed with a plate number in the upper right corner "LVI Pl. a la 106 page. T.III."

    The print comes from Bernard de Montfaucon's "L' antiquité expliquée et représentée en figures " published in Paris in 1719.

    There is nothing printed on the reverse side.

    This is a rare antique print over 290 years old!

    "Laid paper is distinguished from wove paper by the presence of thin, parallel lines visible when the paper is held to light. The lines are usually a few millimeters apart. Laid paper is a type of paper having a ribbed texture imparted by the manufacturing process. It use was diminished by the 1790's by the introduction of wove paper (which eliminated the ribbed lines for a smoother printing surface.)

    A copperplate engraving is an intaglio process, i.e. it is the grooves, rather than the raised portions that are inked. The steps are: 1.) A drawing is cut into a copper plate using a burin, a metal tool with a sharp point, to remove the metal and create the lines of the drawing. 2.) Ink is applied to the plate with a dabber or roller, and forced into the grooves. 3.) The surface is cleaned with soft muslin. 4.) A sheet of paper is laid over the plate. 5.) The plate and paper are passed through a rolling press that applies pressure and forces the paper into the grooves to pick up the ink. Prints made with copperplate engraving process usually have a plate-mark left around the image, showing where the plate was pressed into the paper. Steel engraving replaced copperplate engraving in the early 1820's."||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|238inbaclato||item.||soliditem||digcomloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/2-3-8-inch-backset-latch-optional-or-to-replace-23.gif||||||2 3/8 Inch Backset Latch (Optional Extra Or To Replace)||1731||mecpusloc digcomloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > ||25.000||25.000 ||||2 3/8 Inch Backset Latch (Optional Extra Or To Replace)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|2inanbracfor||item.||soliditem||adritmsmag||||||||2 Inch Angle bracket For Adams Rite MS Maglock||1703-A||escaperoomlock secmagloc adritmsmag||» Escape Room Locking > Securitron Magnetic Locks > Securitron MS Maglock > ||29.000||29.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|2lamekey15ce||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/2-late-medieval-keys-15-16-century-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/2-late-medieval-keys-15-16-century-36.gif||2 Late Medieval Keys 15/16 Century ||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||2 Late Medieval Keys 15/16 Century||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||2 beautiful and interesting forms of very old keys.The small one,16th century,is decorated.The other is 15th century.Restored and preserved groundfound from Germany.

    Length 5,5 + 9,5cm||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|noname24||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/2-roman-latch-lifter-types-and-one-medieval-key-all-iron-27.gif||||||2 Roman Latch Lifter Types And One Medieval Key (All Iron)||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||2 Roman Latch Lifter Types And One Medieval Key (All Iron)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Two Roman iron latch lifter keys and another medieval iron key. The Roman keys dating 1st-2nd Century A.D.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|romanbolt||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/2000-year-old-roman-lock-bolt-29.gif||||||2000 Year Old Roman Lock Bolt||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||These are Beautiful original dirt encrusted lock bolts just recently dug up!||Circa 100 BC-100 AD
    The actual bolt that slid back and forth to lock and unlock. The small holes of slightly different shapes would accept the small wards on the correct key. If the shapes weren't correct it would not retract. We have a few really nice examples, each is around 2 to 3 inches long. See a similar bolt in the book - The Lure Of The Lock-page 22. See page 26 also for an interesting picture of how the bit of an ancient key actually fit into this type of bolt. This is a rare photograph and it will explain how the relationship of the ancient bolt and key. The bolts we have for sale are really beautiful. They have been recently dug up in eastern Europe and all of them are original and not cleaned, dirt encrusted with a light greenish patina. Really interesting!

    Great gift idea. We have only a few left!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|24vdc5amp||item.||soliditem||12volplugint||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/24-vdc-1-amp-25.gif||||||24 VDC 1 Amp||1208-G||powersupplies1 12volplugint||» Power Supplies & Plug- In Transformers > Plug-In 12 VAC 10 Or 20 Va Transformer > ||69.000||69.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Plugin type for easy installation||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|3romlocbol||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/3-roman-lock-bolts-26.gif||||||3 Roman Lock Bolts||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||3 different sized lock bolts||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|30wattspeaker||item.||soliditem||sirandspeak||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/30-watt-speaker-25.gif||||||30 Watt Speaker||Item: 1717||aseq sirandspeak|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Sirens And Speakers For Alarms And Access > ||32.000||32.000 ||||30 Watt Speaker||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The ELK-44 is a universal 30 Watt - 8 Ohm Speaker which may be connected to any siren driver or amplifier. It features a heavy duty voice coil and magnet, allowing it to withstand up to 50 Watts of peak power. The ELK-44's removable "U" shaped mounting bracket makes installation quick and simple. It's small and compact size allows it to be placed in vents, attic eaves and soffits, and other unique locations where large and bulky units will not fit.

    • Installer Friendly - Easy To Mount - Exterior / Interior use • Compact - Less Noticeable
    • Loud - Rivals Sound of Larger Speakers
    • Heavy Duty 1.8 lb Magnet
    • High Fidelity Voice Coil
    • Lifetime Limited Warranty

    • Impedance: 8 Ohms
    • Rating: 30 Watts Nominal / 50 Watts Peak
    • Frequency Response: 500 to 7000 Hz
    • Size: 4" H x 4" W x 3.5" D

    Please note: this is a speaker only and must be connected to siren driver or audio amplifier.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|4chanrftranr1||item.||soliditem||escaperoomlock||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/4-channel-rf-transmitter-receiver-set-great-for-access-control-27.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/4-channel-rf-transmitter-receiver-set-18.gif||4-Channel RF Transmitter & Receiver Set||1835||escaperoomlock||» Escape Room Locking > ||159.000||229.000 ||159.000 ||4-Channel RF Transmitter & Receiver Set (Great For Access Control)||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||extran extrla dipexranan||New! Control up to 4 devices with one remote. This set uses the most ultra secure CODEBUMP Code-Hopping technology with over 18 quintillion (1.8 x 1019) codes, the chances of ever repeating a code are virtually non-existent. Will work with any electric strike or magnetic lock or any locking device.||

    The Very Best High Security Long Range Remote For Access Control

    This set includes one each ultra secure CODEBUMP Code-Hopping technology receiver and transmitter. Patented CODEBUMP™ Technology - Be prepared for today's thieves and snoops with SECO-LARM's patented ultra secure CODEBUMP™ technology. With CODEBUMP, so-called code-grabbers and scanners are rendered obsolete because the RF code changes every time the transmitter button is pressed. In addition, with over 18 quintillion (1.8 x 1019) codes, the chances of ever repeating a code are virtually non-existent. SECO-LARM's CODEBUMP transmitters and receivers are perfect for controlling garage and gate openers, car and home alarms, plus much more.

    The Receiver:
    Controls home automation functions, garage doors, alarm panels, etc., from up to 500 ft. Compatible with all SECO-LARM transmitters. Mode switch for easy programming. 4 LEDs, one per channel, indicate RF reception, learn mode, transmitter cleared, output type. Add optional plug-in extended range antenna: SK-91ERSD or SK-91ERSW.

    Use to control home automation functions, electric locks and strikes and magnetic locks, garage door openers, house lights, alarm control panels, motorized gates, lifts or other devices by remote control. Patented CODEBUMP anti-codegrabbing technology. External extended range antenna optional. Plugs directly into receiver PC Board. If used, range will be up to 1200 feet. Mode switch for easy transmitter learning. Easily Code-learns up to 15 remotes per channel. Stores codes safely in EEPROM for up to one year in case of power loss.

    Four Form-C Dry Relay Contact (N.O./N.C./Common) Outputs. Each output rated 10 Amps at 24 VDC. 4 Separate Channels / 4 Output Modes Each: a. Timed Momentary (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 30, 60 sec.) b. Toggle (On/Off) c. Latch (Output stays on until manually reset) d. Continuous or Validity (Output for as long as signal is received)

    All outputs are independently controlled. (i.e. Channel 1 can be toggle, Channel 2 can be one second momentary, etc.) Note: If the timed momentary output is chosen for any channel, there will be only one time available for all channels. In other words, if a one-second output time is selected for one channel, then all other timed momentary outputs will be one second. Four LEDs (One LED for each channel) to indicate RF reception, learn mode entered, transmitted learned, memory cleared. Use to control the garage door, house lights, alarm control panel, or other functions that require momentary or shunt operation. In addition, these revolutionary receivers have: Hi-Q SELECTIVITY and a CODING IC for rejecting unwanted RF signals. HIGHER SENSITIVITY for greater operating distances. UNSURPASSED ANTENNA MATCHING CAPABILITIES so the receiver is less affected by how and where mounted. GREATER TUNING STABILITY so the receiver's frequency remains unaffected by shock and vibration.

  • 500 ft. Range
  • All outputs are independently controlled.
  • Four Form-C Dry Relay Contact (N.O./N.C./Common) Outputs.
  • Easily Code-learns up to 15 remotes per channel.
  • Stores codes safely in EEPROM for up to one year in case of power loss.

    Receiver size:
    5.31" x 4.33" x 1.1" (135 x 110 x 28 mm)
    Model secsk91094

    The Transmitters:
  • Extreme Durability - Rubber buttons eliminate damage caused by electrostatic discharge and helps make transmitter waterproof.
  • Gold-plated battery clips and contact points extend the life of the transmitter.
  • Magic LED Only appears when buttons are pressed.
  • Frequency: 315 MHz.
  • Over 68 billion (6.8 x 1010) possible codes.
  • Operates up to 500 feet (150 meters).
  • RF anti-scan protection.
  • Compatible with all SECO-LARM receivers (SK-910R, SK-910R2, SK-910R4).
  • Includes 3VDC lithium battery

    Transmitters size (may vary slightly): 2 inches x 1.25 inches x .5 inches or 51 x 32 x 11 mm
    Model secsk917t4j

    Please note: this set can be used on regular garage doors also. If you find programming the new "smart" remotes frustrating then you'll love this system. While it's uses ultra secure rolling code technology it programs simply by matching dip switches on the receiver and remote.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up

    1835||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|40wat8ohmexo||item.||soliditem||sirandspeak||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/40-watt-8-ohm-exterior-or-interior-speaker-horn-25.gif||||||40 Watt, 8 Ohm, Exterior Or Interior Speaker Horn||Item: 1719||aseq sirandspeak|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Sirens And Speakers For Alarms And Access > ||34.000||34.000 ||||40 Watt, 8 Ohm Exterior Or Interior Speaker Horn||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Features:
    • Tamper Loop
    • High Fidelity Voice Coil
    • Pre-Wired For Quick And Easy Installation
    • Ideal for Alarm Systems or Paging
    • Interior or Exterior use
    • Lifetime Limited Warranty

    • Impedance: 8 Ohms
    • Rating: 40 Watts Nominal
    • Frequency Response: 250 to 8000 Hz
    • Size: 11" x 6.5" x 8.5" deep (280mm x 170mm x 215mm deep)
    • Color: White

    Please note: this is a speaker only and must be connected to siren driver or audio amplifier.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|7dayhourtim||item.||soliditem||knocknoctoac||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/7-day-24-hour-timer-28.gif||||||7 Day 24 Hour Timer||1227||escaperoomlock knocknoctoac||» Escape Room Locking > Knock lock (Knocklock) - Knock To Unlock > ||229.000||229.000 ||||7 Day 24 Hour Timer||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Hot Great for access control. Time locks to lock and unlock.||Great for access control. Time locks to lock and unlock.

    This Altronix model is a fully programmable, seven day/24 hour, multiple event timer. It is extremely versatile and may be used for a wide variety of applications. The timer can perform up to 27 independent events. Each of these events may be programmed to occur at anytime, any day of the week. The block feature can be used to repeat the same event on Monday through Friday or Monday through Sunday.There are three (3) types of events to choose from: - RLY ON to energize the relay; - RLY OFF to de-energize the relay; - PULSE to pulse relay from one (1) to sixty four (64) seconds. All events programmed are stored in the timer’s permanent (EE-PROM) memory and will not be lost due to a power failure. Timer clock is crystal controlled (“real time”) with battery backup.This timer is equipped with a manual relay test switch. When depressed this switch will energize the unit’s relay. This enables the installer to test the equipment the timer is to operate. The “first man in” feature is designed to delay the automatic disarming of a security system until the first person with authorized access arrives at the protected premises. If nobody arrives, as is the case during a holiday, the security system (burglar alarms, access controls, video cameras, etc.) will remain armed.


    • 12 to 24 VOLT AC or DC operation.

    • Form “C” Relay is rated at 10AMP at 120VAC or 28VDC

    • Will auto correct for daylight savings time

    • 10 MA current draw (standby), 40 MA current draw (relay energized) Dimensions: 6.75”L x 3”W x 1” H

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|9voldcforrad||item.||soliditem||12volplugint||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/9-volt-dc-for-the-radiokey-single-door-system-25.gif||||||9 Volt DC For The RadioKey Single Door System||1208-M||powersupplies1 12volplugint||» Power Supplies & Plug- In Transformers > Plug-In 12 VAC 10 Or 20 Va Transformer > ||76.000||76.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Plugin type for easy installation||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|9tcbyzirkey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/9th-10th-c-byzantine-iron-key-28.gif||||||9th-10th C Byzantine Iron Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||2 and 1/2 inches long.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|br2||link.||||||||||||
    ||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|br1||link.||||||||||||
    ||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr79||link.||||recvoicanmod|||||||| Sirens And Speakers For Alarms And Access > Recordable Voice Annunciator Module > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr115||link.||||dormagmorloc||||||||
    ||||elstrikandma dormagmorloc||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > Dortronics Magnetic Mortise Lock With Or Without Pull > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr23||link.||||hessurmounst||||||||
    ||||elstrikandma hessurmounst||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > HES Surface Mount Electric Strike For For Panic Hardware > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr74||link.||||empulstat||||||||
    ||||exbutanddev empulstat||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > Dortronics Emergency Pull Stations > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr93||link.||||coadricoadri||||||||
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    ||||aseq trinwirenexs|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Trine Wireless Door Entry Exit Signal Kit > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr103||link.||||vondupotr||||||||
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    ||||diglocel kae52ello||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Kaba E-Plex Electronic Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr35||link.||||kabmasx08ser1||||||||
    ||||micylosy kabmasx08ser1||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) CDX-10 Series Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr70||link.||||||||||||
    ||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|noname14||link.||||unmorloc||||||||
    ||||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1 unmorloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > Kaba Ilco (Formerly Ilco Simplex Unican)Pushbutton Mortise Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr36||link.||||dordelegsys||||||||
    ||||deegsy dordelegsys|| » Delayed Egress Systems > Dortronics Delayed Egress Locking System > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr69||link.||||difstyl||||||||
    ||||mecpusloc digcomloc difstyl||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > Digital Surface Mount Mechanical Pushbutton Deadbolt Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr46||link.||||esdigkeyread||||||||
    ||||elkey esdigkeyread||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Essex Wiegand Digital Keypad/Proximity Reader > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr22||link.||||heavdutdigpu||||||||
    ||||heavdutdigpu||Heavy Duty MKM Electronic Digital Pushbutton Deadlock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr120||link.||||maiqelpulo||||||||
    ||||diglocel maiqelpulo||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Marks IQWik Electronic Pushbutton Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr122||link.||||heavdutkeysu||||||||
    ||||aseq prkepadolo heavdutkeysu|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Patio Door Lock ( Professional Model) > Revolving Surface Mounted Door Lock (Heavy Duty Professional Model) > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr2||link.||||adritmsmag||||||||
    ||||escaperoomlock secmagloc adritmsmag||» Escape Room Locking > Securitron Magnetic Locks > Securitron MS Maglock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr58||link.||||kabmasdigsaf||||||||
    ||||safes massafloc kabmasdigsaf||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > Kaba Mas Safe Locks > Kaba Mas Digital Safe Lock & Keypad - Battey Operated > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr10||link.||||rutheavdutel||||||||
    ||||elkey secelkeydk rutheavdutel||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Securitron 59 User Digital Keypad > Rutherford Heavy Duty Ultra Low Profile All In One Electric Strike W/ Latch Monitor > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr107||link.||||kamasfmashas||||||||
    ||||kamasfmashas||Kaba Mas Safe Lock Auditcon 2 Series 552 > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr47||link.||||corchipreadu||||||||
    ||||ibuttonlocks corchipreadu||» ibutton (Dallas Chip) Electronic Locks And Readers > Corby Chip (iButton) Heavy Duty Reader - 17 User Capability > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr17||link.||||secun||||||||
    ||||elstrikandma secun||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > Securitron Unlatch Motorized Electric Strike > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr67||link.||||||||||||
    ||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr124||link.||||eltopopsaf||||||||
    ||||eltopopsaf||Electronic Top Opening Gun/Jewelry Safe > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr72||link.||||avrstors||||||||
    ||||proxread avtaiprfprca flexcombasac flexcombasac1 avrstors||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea TA01A iProx RFID Proximity Card Reader With RS232 Connection > Avea RFID Proximity Reader - Audit Trail - RS232 Connection > Avea Proximity Reader - Audit Trail - RS485 Connection > Avea RS485 To RS232 Converter > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr99||link.||||tnrfstalre||||||||
    ||||elkey tnrfstalre||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ER-KP1 RFID/Keypad Stand Alone Proximity Card Reader > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr60||link.||||dolowenpoopd||||||||
    ||||doopanddocld dolowenpoopd||» Door Opening And Door Closing Devices > Dorma Low Energy Powered Operated Door Opener > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr80||link.||||recvoicanmod||||||||
    ||||aseq sirandspeak recvoicanmod|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Sirens And Speakers For Alarms And Access > Recordable Voice Annunciator Module > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr62||link.||||mantrap2||||||||
    ||||delayedegress mantrap2|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics PLC Man Trap Interlock 2 Door System > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr121||link.||||secelkeydk||||||||
    ||||elkey secelkeydk||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Securitron 59 User Digital Keypad > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr82||link.||||allinoneunit||||||||
    ||||credcarread allinoneunit||» Mag Stripe Card & Corby Chip Readers > Rutherford All In One Stand Alone Credit Card Swipe Reader > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr19||link.||||stanalindigk||||||||
    ||||elkey stanalindigk||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Linear Interior Digital Keypad - 480 Users > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr4||link.||||||||||||
    ||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr55||link.||||dor300pounmi||||||||
    ||||kecatylo dor300pounmi||» Keyless Cabinet Locks (Electronic And Mechanical) > Dortronics 300 Pound Mini Magnetic Lock For Cabinets & Drawers > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr123||link.||||vareouaccoke||||||||
    ||||elkey vareouaccoke||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Vandal Resistant Outdoor/Indoor Access Control Keypad with Built In Proximity Card Reader > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr28||link.||||kabilforilsi||||||||
    ||||mecpusloc kabilforilsi||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Pushbutton Deadbolt Or Latch Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr57||link.||||higinledin||||||||
    ||||delayedegress do48sminco higinledin|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics 4800 Smart Interlock Controller For Up To 5 Doors > Dortronics High Intensity LED Indicators > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr101||link.||||detadpanbar||||||||
    ||||exitdevices detadpanbar||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > Detex ADVANTEX Panic Exit Bar > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr104||link.||||adritelstrik||||||||
    ||||elstrikandma adritelstrik||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > Adams Rite Electric Strike For Panic Bars > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr50||link.||||codlocpusell||||||||
    ||||diglocel codlocpusell||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > CodeLocks Pushbutton Electronic Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr84||link.||||sceldelo||||||||
    ||||powerbolts sceldelo||» Keyless Electronic Deadbolt Door Locks > Schlage Electronic Pushbutton Deadbolt Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr49||link.||||kab50mecpusl||||||||
    ||||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1 kab50mecpusl||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > Kaba 5000 Heavy Duty Mechanical Pushbutton Lever Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr1||link.||||elsurmoundea||||||||
    ||||electriclocks elsurmoundea||» Miscellaneous Electric Locks > Electric Surface Mount Deadbolt > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr41||link.||||kabaelock||||||||
    ||||diglocel kabaelock||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Kaba E-Plex 5000 Electronic Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr117||link.||||galoboxforsc3||||||||
    ||||escaperoomlock schaldeadgre galoboxforsc3||» Escape Room Locking > Schlage Extra Heavy Duty Deadlatch Great For Access Control Systems > Gate Lock Box For Schlage Heavy Duty Latch Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr12||link.||||elk4ampthreo||||||||
    ||||proxread avrfstusbtic elk4ampthreo||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock > Elk 4 Amp Three Output 12 Volt DC Power Supply With Battery Backup > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr25||link.||||||||||||
    ||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr81||link.||||diellolosyin||||||||
    ||||aseq diellolosyin|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Digilock Electronic Locker Lock System Includes Keypad And Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr114||link.||||artoloellaty||||||||
    ||||diglocel artoloellaty||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Yale/Arrow NexTouchTouchscreen Electronic Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr75||link.||||pacof50expro||||||||
    ||||elkey prox6sys pacof50expro||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > RadioKey (Securakey) 6" Proximity RFID Tag Reader/Keypad 600 Users > Securakey Radio Key RKAT Module Option For PC Programming And Audit Trails > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr42||link.||||220atfinlocw||||||||
    ||||220atfinlocw||Arrowvision 220 AT Heavy Duty Biometric Fingerprint Door Lock With Audit Trail Capability > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr7||link.||||linacgarandg||||||||
    ||||elkey linacgarandg||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Linear 480 User AccessKey Garage Gate Or Door Digital Keypad > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr105||link.||||seelgalo||||||||
    ||||elstrikandma seelgalo||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > The Securitron Electro-Mechanical Gate Lock 2000 Pound Holding Force > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr83||link.||||dolowenpoopd||||||||
    ||||doopanddocld dolowenpoopd||» Door Opening And Door Closing Devices > Dorma Low Energy Powered Operated Door Opener > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr34||link.||||verbasbuteas||||||||
    ||||escaperoomlock verbasbuteas||» Escape Room Locking > Aiphone Very Easy To Install Intercom System > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr30||link.||||samunlocforp||||||||
    ||||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1 samunlocforp||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > Kaba Pushbutton Lock For Panic Devices W/ Key Bypass > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr54||link.||||electricstrike||||||||
    ||||elkey secelkeydk electricstrike||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Securitron 59 User Digital Keypad > Rutherford Heavy Duty Electric Strike > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr95||link.||||heaterkit||||||||
    ||||icodekeypad olsthekitfor heaterkit||Ritenergy iButton/Keypad Reader W/ Remote Code Generation And Audit Capable > Original Style Heater Kit For Keypads And Card Readers > Heater Kit For Keypads And Card Readers > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr85||link.||||mantrap2||||||||
    ||||delayedegress mantrap2|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics PLC Man Trap Interlock 2 Door System > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr116||link.||||||||||||
    ||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr11||link.||||kabmasx08ser1||||||||
    ||||micylosy kabmasx08ser1||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) CDX-10 Series Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr31||link.||||secmorunelsr||||||||
    ||||elstrikandma secmorunelsr||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > Securitron Mortise Unlatch (Electric Srtike) > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr56||link.||||aldooral||||||||
    ||||exbutanddev aldooral||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > AlarmLock Door Exit Alarm > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr97||item.||||elkecalo||||||||
    ||||kecatylo elkecalo||» Keyless Cabinet Locks (Electronic And Mechanical) > Electronic Keypad Cabinet Lock > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr52||link.||||trilellocwit||||||||
    ||||diglocel trilogy trilellocwit||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Alarm Lock Trilogy Lock DL 2700 > Trilogy Privacy Electronic Lock With Feature And LED Indicator > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr18||link.||||avcomsindoor||||||||
    ||||avcomsindoor||Avea Compact Single Door Proximity Reader System > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|br||link.||||glynjohpuspu||||||||
    ||||aseq glynjohpuspu|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Glynn Johnson Push Pull Latch > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr100||link.||||elcabloc||||||||
    ||||electriclocks elcabloc||» Miscellaneous Electric Locks > Heavy Duty Electronic Cabinet Lock For small Enclosures > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr||link.||||brutelock||||||||
    ||||cylocoincosy3 brutelock||Cypher Lock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic System Model With Battery Backup > The Sargent & Greenleaf Electronic Brute Lock Heavy Duty Deadlatch > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr86||link.||||screelpubula||||||||
    ||||diglocel screelpubula||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Schlage Residential Electronic Push button Latch Lock (Plymouth) > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hr21||link.||||kabaelock||||||||
    ||||diglocel kabaelock||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Kaba E-Plex 5000 Electronic Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ht||link.||||elkecalo||||||||||||kecatylo elkecalo||» Keyless Cabinet Locks (Electronic And Mechanical) > Electronic Keypad Cabinet Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|line||link.||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|nicgroupofro||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/a-nice-group-of-roman-bolts-27.gif||||||A nice group of Roman bolts||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|abinpaandha||item.||soliditem||padlocks||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/abus-integral-padlock-and-hasp-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/abus-integral-padlock-and-hasp-39.gif||Abus Integral Padlock And Hasp||3546||aseq securitylockingbar padlocks|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Very Heavy Duty Security Locking Bar For Verticle File Cabinets > » Padlocks - Keyless And Keyed High Security > ||89.000||89.000 ||||Abus Integral Padlock And Hasp||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||ABUS has introduced the Diskus Integral Hasp designed to provide protected padlock security for vehicle doors, double doors, gates and other means of entry where a padlock is practical for providing the locking mechanism. Please note that this is an ultra serious piece of well made hardware!||ABUS has introduced the Diskus Integral Hasp designed to provide protected padlock security for vehicle doors, double doors, gates and other means of entry where a padlock is practical for providing the locking mechanism. The Diskus Integral Hasp is a combination of the ABUS 26/70 Diskus Padlock and the Integral Hasp.

    The Integral Hasp is manufactured of 1/8” thick hardened steel with three square mounting holes in the case legs. The Integral Hasp has two parts, the lock case and the strike case. The lock case has a second piece of 1/8” thick hardened steel that is welded into the lock case body. The Integral Hasp is covered with a thick Zinc plating and then powder coated, in either black or white finish. This coating protects against the elements, rust and corrosion. Overall dimensions are approximately 8-¾” long by 2 ½” tall.

    The ABUS 26/70 Diskus Padlock’s case is 2.2 mm thick stainless steel with a hardened .392” diameter chromoly shackle providing more than 6000 pounds tensile strength. A hardened steel plate protects the padlock’s five pin tumbler lock mechanism from attack. The 26/70 is equipped with anti-pick mushroom pins to resist manipulation. Please note that this is an ultra serious piece of well made hardware!

  • Universal hasp with intergrated Abus Diskus ab26/70 padlock.
  • Great for installation on double hinge doors, vans, trucks, and some gates.
  • Easy to operate with only one hand due to easy to use frontal cylinder access.
  • Solid hardened metal locking case will prevent attacks on the hidden intergrated padlock.
  • Zink plated hasp for exteme corrosion resistance.
  • Heavy duty mounting hardware includedes: Hardened steel screws, drilling template and spacers up to 5 mm height leveling.
  • Uses Eterna plating for addes corrosion resistance.
  • May be mounted on either side of a van door.
  • Diskus locks offer added security with key retaining function.
  • 5 pin plug.
  • Uses 35RK/26 key blanks

    3 1/8 inches H X 8 7/8 inches W||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|acproxidcarf||item.||soliditem||harconrfprox2||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/active-proximity-id-card-for-long-range-proximity-reader-19.gif||||||Active Proximity ID Card For Long Range Proximity Reader||Item: 1868||harconrfprox2||Hartmann Controls RF70 Proximity Reader (Long Range 18 Inches) > ||44.000||44.000 ||||Active Proximity ID Card For Long Range 7 Feet Proximity Reader||||||Usually ships in 4-6 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Long range proximity card Up to 1.5M read range (IDA150)-RF70 Up to 2.1M read range (IDA200)-RF70 Compatible with existing 125KHz RF reader User format ID number encoding available Various format available Battery life time(3 years, 10 times reading/day) PSK Type||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|acstrikplatt||item.||soliditem||kabmasx08ser1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/active-strike-plate-type-9-for-mas-cdx09-26.gif||||||Active Strike Plate Type 9 For Mas CDX10||||micylosy kabmasx08ser1||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) CDX-10 Series Lock > ||||||||Active Strike Plate Type 9 For Mas CDX10||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|adrideeuha||item.||soliditem||adrielforgla||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/adams-rire-decorative-eurostyle-handle-34.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/adams-rire-decorative-eurostyle-handle-36.gif||Adams Rire Decorative Eurostyle Handle||Item: 2052||electriclocks adrielforgla||» Miscellaneous Electric Locks > Adams Rite Elatch Latch Lock For Glass And Aluminum Doors > ||79.000||79.000 ||||Adams Rire Decorative Eurostyle Handle||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|adrielforgla||item.||soliditem||electriclocks||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/adams-rite-elatch-latch-lock-for-glass-and-aluminum-doors-29.gif||||||Adams Rite Elatch Latch Lock For Glass And Aluminum Doors||3213||electriclocks||» Miscellaneous Electric Locks > ||398.000||398.000 ||||Adams Rite Elatch Latch Lock For Glass And Aluminum Doors||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||adritlevhan adripaha adrideeuha allocardoorc||New! The new eLatch offers flexible traffic control and an alternative to fail-safe (unlocked) magnetic locks or fail secure electric strikes that need to be installed into the door frame.||Adams Rite has reinvented the deadlatch ONCE AGAIN with the non-handed Steel Hawk 4300 – now by far the easiest way to electrify an aluminum entrance door. The amazing new design of the Steel Hawk allows it to adapt to any door swing right out of the box – thanks to its patented two-way winged technology. The Steel Hawk retrofits to 4900/4500/4700 Adams Rite deadlatches using the same strike, and is compatible with existing handles, paddles and levers. Just open the box. Install. Hook up power. That’s it. It’s so simple, you’ll get ‘hooked on the hawk’ immediately. In addition to ease of installation, your customers will benefit from the Steel Hawk’s adaptability, functionality, and security – hallmarks of Adams Rite products. Move to the top of the security food chain with the Steel Hawk 4300 by Adams Rite.

    Features :
  • Retrofits to MS® prep
  • Adapts to 12, 16, 24 volts DC
  • Direct replacement for 4900/4500/ 4700 deadlatches using the same strike
  • Optional locked/unlocked status monitor switch
  • All steel construction with stainless steel latchbolts
  • Works with existing handles, paddles and new 4600 Designer Series Handles
  • WHI Listed (UL 1034)
  • Exceeds ANSI/BHMA Grade 1 requirements

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    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Multi Door Proximity Access Control
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|adritelstrik||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/adams-rite-electric-strike-for-panic-bars-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/adams-rite-electric-strike-for-panic-bars-39.gif||Adams Rite Electric Strike For Panic Bars||1688||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||529.000||529.000 ||||Adams Rite Electric Strike For Panic Bars||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr104 formorinonth4||For use with exit hardware.||This Adams Rite Electric Strike is for use with panic bars made by Von Duprin, Precision, Monarch And American Device.

  • Field reversible for failsafe or failsecure.
  • Voltage: Single solenoid operates on 12, 16, or 24 volt AC/DC power. Strikes are equipped with a quick connect plug-in type connector.
  • Opens electrically under 35lbs. of preload!

    A semi-mortised strike for rim exit devices having 3/4" Pullman type bolts without auxiliary bolts. Provides electrical remote control allowing door to open without actuation of the exit device. This non-handed strike features an ultra-compact design and a stainless steel split-jaw with over 2400lbs. of holding force. The strike releases electrically with up to 35lbs. of door "preload" (pressure exerted on doors by air conditioning systems, warping or misaligned hardware which can disable common electric strikes). Single solenoid operates on 12, 16, or 24 volt AC/DC power. Strikes are equipped with a quick connect plug-in type connector.

    Approx. 1" x 3-3/8" x 1-1/16" deep.
    Zinc-aluminum alloy.
    Fail-Safe/Fail-Secure Field selectable at time of installation.
    Strike Opening - 5/8" x 1-7/16" x 9/16" deep. Bolt retainer jaw is stainless steel. Strike accepts Pullman bolt of exit devices without deadlocking bolts.
    Mounting Plate/Housing Measures 1-3/4" x 9" x 11/16" deep. Made of zinc/aluminum alloy.

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    Fingerprint readers
    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Multi Door Proximity Access Control
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|adripaha||item.||soliditem||adritlatloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/adams-rite-eurostyle-paddle-handle-25.gif||||||Adams Rite Eurostyle Paddle Handle||3034||mecpusloc coadricoadri adritlatloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Codelock Adams Rite Aluminum Door Mechanical Push Button Lock > Adams Rite Type Latch Lock For Glass And Aluminum Doors > ||102.000||102.000 ||||Adams Rite Eurostyle Paddle Handle||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Reversible for push, pull, left and right. Can be easily changed at installation time.||"Choose finish" "Aluminum" "Duronodic (brown)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|adamsriteslidingdoorlock||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/adams-rite-heavy-duty-deadlock-for-sliding-doors-25.gif||||||Adams Rite Heavy Duty Deadlock For Sliding Doors||3609||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||269.000||269.000 ||||Adams Rite Heavy Duty Deadlock For Sliding Doors||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The Adams Rite 2331 Heavy Duty Deadbolt is designed for use on heavy-duty metal or wood sliding doors. NOT FOR GLASS SLIDING PATION DOORS. The 2331 throws a large brass bolt into the strike then expands two stainless steel prongs to secure the door. A single turn of the key expands or retracts the bolt. Operates with a standard mortise cylinder with a standard cam (not an MS cam). Can be used with a thumbturn mortise cylinder. Cylinders are not included. Key can be removed only when bolt is positively locked or unlocked.

    1-3/4" backset only. Bolt is 1/2" x 1-1/2. 3/4" horizontal throw with an 11/32" expansion above and below the main bolt. The include brass strike is 1/8" x 1" x 4-11/16" with a 5/8" x 1-5/8" opening. Lock faceplate is 1" x 5-3/4" made of brass. The zinc alloy lock case is 7/8" x 3-5/8" x 2-5/8".

  • Operation: 360 degree turn of key or thumbturn extends and expands or retracts and withdraws the bolt.
  • Key cannot be removed unless bolt is positively locked or totally retracted
  • Case is 7/8" x 3-5/8" x 2-5/8" deep. Zinc alloy
  • Bolt is 1/2" x 1-1/2". 3/4" horizontal throw, with 1-1/32" expansion above and below main bolt.
  • Backset: 1-3/4" only
  • Brass with stainless steel dogs
  • Armor faceplate is 1" x 5-3/4". Flat, made of brass.
  • Handing: Non-Handed
  • Certifications: ANSI/BHMA Type E16121 Grade 1 hardware
  • 5 Year Warranty||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|adritlevhan||item.||soliditem||adrielforgla||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/adams-rite-lever-handle-34.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/adams-rite-lever-handle-36.gif||Adams Rite Lever Handle||1362||electriclocks adrielforgla||» Miscellaneous Electric Locks > Adams Rite Elatch Latch Lock For Glass And Aluminum Doors > ||39.000||39.000 ||||Adams Rite Lever Handle||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|adririmmoell||item.||soliditem||exitdevices||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/adams-rite-rim-mounted-electronic-locking-panic-bar-33.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/adams-rite-rim-mounted-electronic-locking-panic-bar-35.gif||Adams Rite Rim Mounted Electronic Locking Panic Bar||1988||exitdevices||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > ||598.000||714.000 ||598.000 ||Adams Rite Rim Mounted Electronic Locking Panic Bar||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The Adams Rite 8800 series exit lock is great for narrow style glass and aluminum doors door release.

    This locking bar needs a 12 vdc power supply. Bar is 36 inches long.

    Please note that this locking bar will not work on double doors without a center mullion.

    Features: Patented "Starwheel" Bolt interlocks door to frame. Pushbar is anodized or clad, notplated, in a variety of finishes. Unobtrusive design for cleansight lines. Easy to install. Strong, durable construction for a high level of security.

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    ||"Choose finish" "Aluminum" "Duronotic"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|adritlatloc||item.||soliditem||coadricoadri||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/adams-rite-type-latch-lock-for-glass-and-aluminum-doors-36.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/adams-rite-type-latch-lock-for-glass-and-aluminum-doors-38.gif||Adams Rite Type Latch Lock For Glass And Aluminum Doors||1361||mecpusloc coadricoadri||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Codelock Adams Rite Aluminum Door Mechanical Push Button Lock > ||89.000||89.000 ||||Adams Rite Type Latch Lock For Glass And Aluminum Doors||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||adritlevhan adrideeuha adripaha||||Use for aluminum doors when and an electric strike will be releasing the lock in an access system. This latch lock can usually replace the typical aluminum door deadbolt with no additional door modification. Usually it's simply taking out the old lock and replace with this lock. Try to match the size if possible. See below.

    Reversible and takes a standard 1 inch mortise cylinder.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|adamsriteultraline||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/adams-rite-ultraline-7400-electric-strike-26.gif||||||Adams Rite Ultraline 7400 Electric Strike||3580||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||219.000||219.000 ||||Adams Rite Ultraline 7400 Electric Strike||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinon74sest||||Adams Rite 7400 Electric Strike for Radius Jambs (meaning face plate has rounded corners) and aluminum finish.

    Control your doors with an electric strike that's designed to fit almost any application. The Adams Rite 7400 can operate in either Fail Secure or Fail Safe modes easily and can run on 12 or 24 volts in DC or AC mode. An added bonus of this strike is its ability to operate under preload conditions. This can be important if your door is warped or "sprung" especially with a wood door. This is much less a problem with metal or fiber glass doors. The pressure that this curvature of the door puts on the electric strike can prevent it from working properly. This is one of only a few electric strikes to offer those options.

  • Opens under 35lbs of pre-load
  • Installs easily on Aluminum jambs or stiles, wood or hollow metal jambs
  • 1" x 3-3/8" x 1-1/16" deep case
  • Stainless Steel bolt retainer jaw
  • Non handed
  • Accepts up to 5/8" latch bolt projections
  • Perfect solution for storefront doors with Adams Rite hardware
  • Fits into jambs as shallow as 1-1/16" deep Includes shims to allow you to adjust for door issues Available for square or radius installation

    Electric Strikes work great for remote release of a locked door as in a reception area. They allow the door to be opened without retracting the latchbolt. This occurs by the releasing of the electric strike lip. In the case of the new 7400, the latch keeper works a little differently than on most other electric strikes. Instead of one piece pivoting horizontally to pass the latch, 2 parts actually pivot together up and down to release the lock latch and then as most strikes when the door closes the beveled latchbolt rides over the lip and falls into the electric strike pocket.

  • Fail safe or fail secure - User selectable and easily done with the turn of a screw.
  • 12 24 volts ac or dc
  • Face plate has rounded corners so it will work in aluminum or wood door frames. Easy installation regardless on rounded or strait edge cutouts.||"Please choose face plate size" "1 and 1/4 inches wide x 4 and 7/8 inches high" "1 and 1/4 inches wide x 6 and 7/8 inches high"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|aipwitdoorre||item.||soliditem||intercoms||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/aiphone-intercom-with-lock-release-38.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/aiphone-intercom-with-lock-release-40.gif||Aiphone Intercom With Lock Release||1125||intercoms||» Audio & Video Intercoms > ||279.000||279.000 ||||Aiphone Intercom With Lock Release||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||ininforaile||Hot A great single door intercom system that's easy to install and will last for years because it's made by Aiphone.||This is an easy to use and simple to install system that we have sold and installed for over 20 years. They seem to hold up forever. The system includes one deluxe inside unit with volume control and door release button and an outside weatherproof door station. Also includes the power supply. The system uses 4 wires. The lock release feature usually works with an electric strike. This is not included with the intercom system. If you plan on using en electric strike for lock release and are not sure which to choose please email or call us. Please note that the strike open button on the intercom is only a switch unless you use an AC electric strike. Since the intercom is powered and comes with an AC transformer it can also power an AC electric strike. But...for various reasons AC strike are not popular and not used very often. You must also use an additional transformer or power supply - usually 12 vdc - if a DC electric strike will be used.

    What is included with this system?:
    A Master Inside Control Box - this is the unit that controls the system. It has 3 functions. It can be used to TALK with the slave unit, CALL the slave unit or SEND a signal to an opener to open a lock, or gate opener that will release a door or gate.

    An outdoor Slave/Door Release Box - this is the piece that is mounted close to the door or gate. It has one button that can buzz the Master Control Box. This is the unit that a visitor will use to communicate with you from the gate or door.

    A transformer, which supplies power to the Master Control Box only. Additional power is needed for the electric strike unless you use an AC electric strike.


    Power Source 12 ~ 16V AC, 4W.
    12 ~ 24V DC, 200mA (24V).
    Use PT-1210N AC Transformer.
    Communication When call tone is heard, press TALK to reply.   Press door release button for door strike, and OFF when finished.
    Wiring 2 wires, shielded, plus separate 2 wires for door strike. (Use two runs of Aiphone #822202, one for intercom and one for door strike.)
    Distance 650' with 22AWG, 1600' with 18AWG.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|aijosecostst||item-1||soliditem||intercoms||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/aiphone-jo-series-color-stainless-steel-surface-mount-video-intercom-30.gif||||||Aiphone JO Series Color Stainless Steel Surface Mount Video Intercom||3750||intercoms||» Audio & Video Intercoms > ||629.000||736.000 ||629.000 ||Aiphone JO Series Color Stainless Steel Surface Mount Video Intercom||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||josekitinopm1||||AIPHONE® TOUCH-BUTTON COLOR VIDEO INTERCOM SET WITH 7-INCH SCREEN AND STAINLESS STEEL VIDEO DOOR STATION

  • JO-1MD Video intercom master station with touch buttons- 5-1/8"H x 9-1/16" W x 13/16" D
  • JO-DVF stainless steel video door station, flush mount- 8-1/4" H x 5-5/16" x 1-7/8" D
  • PS-1820UL Power supply

    Power Source 18V DC - use PS-1820UL

    Communication Hands-free: Auto-voice actuation PTT: Push-to-talk, release-to-listen

    Video Monitor 7" color LCD screen

    Door Release

    Contact rating: 24V AC/DC, 500mA - use RY-18L for larger contact rating

    Min. Illumination 5 lux at 1'6"

    Wiring Door to master: 2 conductor, mid cap, solid, non-shielded

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|aihafrhiquco||item.||soliditem||intercoms||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/aiphone-jk-hands-free-hi-quality-color-video-intercom-system-with-pan-tilt-and-zoom-30.gif||||||Aiphone JO Series Color Surface Mount Video Intercom Set ||3350||intercoms||» Audio & Video Intercoms > ||547.000||547.000 ||||Aiphone JO Series Color Surface Mount Video Intercom Set||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||josekitinopm||On Sale! Master Monitor Features: Open voice, color video master monitor with Pan/Tilt/Zoom controls that allows the connection of one single video door station and an additional sub monitor. Surface mount for easy installation.||AIPHONE® TOUCH-BUTTON COLOR VIDEO INTERCOM SET WITH 7-INCH SCREEN AND PLASTIC VIDEO DOOR STATION

  • JO-1MD Video intercom master station with touch buttons- 5-1/8"H x 9-1/16" W x 13/16" D
  • JO-DA Plastic video door station, flush mount- 5-1/16" H x 3-13/16" x 1-3/8" D
  • PS-1820UL Power supply
  • 7" Screen
  • Touch buttons for system control
  • Elegant styling
  • Slim design video master: 13/16" depth
  • 2-conductor wiring

    Power Source 18V DC - use PS-1820UL

    Communication Hands-free: Auto-voice actuation PTT: Push-to-talk, release-to-listen

    Video Monitor 7" color LCD screen

    Door Release

    Contact rating: 24V AC/DC, 500mA - use RY-18L for larger contact rating

    Min. Illumination 5 lux at 1'6"

    Wiring Door to master: 2 conductor, mid cap, solid, non-shielded

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|aitestinsy||item.||soliditem||intercoms||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/aiphone-telephone-style-intercom-system-24.gif||||||Aiphone Telephone Style Intercom System||2004||intercoms||» Audio & Video Intercoms > ||279.000||279.000 ||||Aiphone Telephone Style Intercom System||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Single room station for one door with door release control
    (See electric strike option below)

    Single door door system.

    Maximum Distance between units: 500' (22AWG) or 1200' (18AWG)||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|verbasbuteas||item.||soliditem||escaperoomlock||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/aiphone-very-easy-to-install-intercom-system-31.gif||||||Aiphone Very Easy To Install Intercom System||1125-B||escaperoomlock||» Escape Room Locking > ||149.000||149.000 ||||Aiphone Very Easy To Install Intercom System||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr34 ccs1achimsys||Hot Uses your door bell wires!||Basic system (no lock open button) installs with the same wires you use for a bell. Features include:

    Seperate chime and communication volume controls

    Back-lit call button

    Uses the same 12-16 volt AC transformer now being used by door bell


    Power Source 12 ~ 16V AC transformer, 10VA (w/no-load voltage rating: 20V or less). Use PT-1210N plug -in tranformer (12V AC) or PT-1610 hardwired 16V AC transformer (16V AC)..
    Communication 2-tone chime. Press TALK to reply. Hands free at door. Times out in 15 seconds after TALK is pressed.
    Wiring 2 wires, parallel, shielded, non-polarized.)
    Distance 245' with 22AWG, 590' with 18AWG.
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|aipvidinwira||item.||soliditem||scematics||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/aiphone-video-intercom-wiring-and-layout-29.gif||||||Aiphone Video Intercom Wiring And Layout||||scematics||» Glossary - Resources - Diagrams > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|alloctrildig1||item.||soliditem||trilogy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-digital-lock-with-200-users-and-more-features-including-audit-trail-25.gif||||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Digital Lock With 200 Users And More Features Including Audit Trail||1748||diglocel trilogy||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Alarm Lock Trilogy Lock DL 2700 > ||829.000||829.000 ||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Digital Lock With 200 Users And More Features Including Audit Trail||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||winsofpac weathercover||New! Now Weatherproof!||

    This Trilogy model has all the features of the more basic model Trilogy locks and these additional features:

    •Audit trails (Who entered and when?).
    •Selective entry - you program who gets in and when.
    •4 levels of programming.
    •4 user groups.
    •real time clock.
    •1000 event log.
    Field or PC programming - can be programmed in the field using optional software and cable and your notebook computer or optional infra-red programmer.
    •This Trilogy model has the ability to, upon code entry, either valid or not valid to trigger a relay output to capture a cctv image.
    •This Trilogy model has a unique ambush feature so if someone is forced to enter their code by an unauthorized entrant, the user simply adds an addition 2 digit code when entering their code and either a cctv can be snapped or an external alarm can be sounded and help notified.
    Please see the Trilogy main page for more features and options

    Weatherproof features: Dual water-sealed keypad, with silicon outerseal and mylar innerseal for extra protection, waterproof battery holder, completely encapsulated circuit board hermetically sealed against the elements, tested to be rated for direct water exposure. Operational temperature range from -31 F to +151 F.

    Other keyways are also available
    See for other cylinders that will work with this lock

    FOR NOW THIS MODEL ONLY AVAILABLE IN DULL CHROME FINISH AND STANDARD SCHLAGE-C KEYWAY CYLINDER (non IC core)||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|samtrilbutwi||item.||soliditem||trilogy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-digital-lock-with-300-users-and-audit-trail-26.gif||||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Digital Lock With 300 Users And Audit Trail||1162||diglocel trilogy||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Alarm Lock Trilogy Lock DL 2700 > ||1178.000||1178.000 ||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Digital Lock With 300 Users And Audit Trail||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||winsofpac weathercover||On Sale! Now Weatherproof!||

    This Trilogy model has all the features of the more basic model Trilogy locks and these additional features:

    •Audit trails (Who entered and when?).
    •Selective entry - you program who gets in and when.
    •4 levels of programming.
    •4 user groups.
    •real time clock.
    •1600 event log.
    Field or PC programming - can be programmed in the field using optional software and cable and your notebook computer or optional infra-red programmer.
    •This Trilogy model has the ability to, upon code entry, either valid or not valid to trigger a relay output to capture a cctv image.
    •This Trilogy model has a unique ambush feature so if someone is forced to enter their code by an unauthorized entrant, the user simply adds an addition 2 digit code when entering their code and either a cctv can be snapped or an external alarm can be sounded and help notified.
    Please see the Trilogy main page for more features and options

    Weatherproof features: Dual water-sealed keypad, with silicon outerseal and mylar innerseal for extra protection, waterproof battery holder, completely encapsulated circuit board hermetically sealed against the elements, tested to be rated for direct water exposure. Operational temperature range from -31 F to +151 F.

    Other keyways are also available
    See for other cylinders that will work with this lock

    FOR NOW THIS MODEL ONLY AVAILABLE IN DULL CHROME FINISH AND STANDARD SCHLAGE-C KEYWAY CYLINDER (non IC core)||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|alcomdigloc||item.||soliditem||stanalcredca||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-2000-user-digital-weatherproof-electronic-proximity-card-lock-38.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-2000-user-digital-weatherproof-electronic-proximity-card-lock-40.gif||Alarm Lock 2000 User Digital Weatherproof Electronic Proximity Card Lock||1451||stanalcredca||» Keyless Electronic Card Door Locks > ||1745.000||1745.000 ||||Alarm Lock 2000 User Digital Weatherproof Electronic Proximity Card Lock||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||winsofpac trilinprin noname19 hidproxfobin proxcarinlot ieiexproxfob altrprstinlo weathercover||Hot This extremely heavy duty lock uses the keypad or high security proximity cards to unlock - it's your choice. All our Trilogy locks are factory fresh with full warranty and now every Trilogy lock we sell is weather and humidity proof! Click||

    This Trilogy lock has all the same features as the regular pushbutton Trilogy locks but with a Proximity card reader as an added feature! You can use a pin number alone or use a proximity card alone or use both for added security for any user.

  • 2000 User codes: Master; manager; supervisor; basic user
  • Users are individually programmed to use a card only, code only, or for highest security - both card and code
  • Card data can be added to software via the lock, card reader module or PC
  • Batch enroll allows many cards to be added quickly to the software via the lock with the use of PC
  • Weatherproof and operates from -20° F to 151° F (-29° C to 66° C)
  • This Trilogy model has the ability to, upon code entry, either valid or not valid to trigger a relay output to capture a cctv image.
  • This Trilogy model has a unique ambush feature so if someone is forced to enter their code by an unauthorized entrant, the user simply adds an addition 2 digit code when entering their code and either a cctv can be snapped or an external alarm can be sounded and help notified.
  • Fingertip (keypad) or Windows PC-programmable
  • 500 scheduled events/schedules and up to 40,000 event Audit Trail that can be printed to AL-IR1 Infrared Printer or AL-DTM (data transfer module) or AL-PCI (PC Interface)

    These locks are battery powered

    See handing diagram \\|\\ See backset diagram \\|\\ See door prep picture \\|\\
    See DC power and remote switch options \\|\\ See for gate mounting||"
    Cylinder type" "Standard Schlage c type included free - $1348" "Setup for Best/Arrow type IC core - you supply the cylinder Add $36 (+36)" "Setup for Best/Arrow and we supply an Arrow IC cylinder installed with keys Add $129 (+129)"|^| "Choose Backset \\|\\store1.turbifycdn.com/I/853111_1533_3533457\\|\\Click for backset diagram" "Heavy duty UL approved 2 3/4 inch Standard (70mm)" "Heavy duty UL approved 2 3/8 inch (60mm) Add $58 (+58)"|^| "
    Installing lock on gate? (For gate installation only - we will include a metal box so it's ready to be welded on your gate)" "No - don't need a gate box" "Yes - include the gate box Add $89 (+89) \\|\\nokey.com/welgatlocbox||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|allocardoorc||item.||soliditem||elvondu99hed||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-armored-door-cord-28.gif||||||Alarm Lock Armored Door Cord||1270||exitdevices allowinelotr vondupheavdu elvondu99hed||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > Alarm Lock Wireless Networx Lock Trim For Use With Von Duprin 99 Panic Lock > Von Duprin 99 Heavy Duty Exit Bar > Electrified Von Duprin 99 Heavy Duty Exit Panic Bar > ||62.000||62.000 ||||Alarm Lock Armored Door Cord||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Door cords are great when you need to bring current from the frame to the door.||Great for high security installations.

    •Brings electric current from hinge side of door frame to door
    •18 inch armoured flexible cable
    •End bracket anodized aluminum and conceal wire connections||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|allocexal||item.||soliditem||exitdevices||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-exit-lock-a-legal-way-to-deadlock-a-fire-door-in-most-areas-26.gif||||||Alarm Lock Exit Lock - A legal way to deadlock a fire door (in most areas)||1235||exitdevices||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > ||379.000||439.000 ||379.000 ||Alarm Lock Exit Lock - A legal way to deadlock a fire door (in most areas)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||doubdoorstri||||This lock is ideal for exit hardware. By pushing the exit bar it will unlock and sound an alarm. Can be used as a legal locking device for exit doors in most locations but always check with fire deptartment first.

    •Full 1 inch deadbolt

    •Will accept standard rim cylinder

    •Non Handed (easy to change)

    •Low battery alert

    •Very loud dual horns

    •Comes with special 9 volt battery||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|allocexal1||item.||soliditem||aldooral||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-exit-alarm-24.gif||||||Alarm Lock Exit Alarm||Item: 3679||exbutanddev aldooral||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > AlarmLock Door Exit Alarm > ||268.000||268.000 ||||Alarm Lock Exit Alarm||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Accepts 1 1/8 inch mortise cylinder 6 volt battery included Test button

    10 inches wide x 8 1/2 inches high x 3 1/4 inches deep
    Aluminum finish||"With or without inside mortise cylinder" "Without - you have your own cylinder" "We supply inside cylinder keyed And ready to install Add $36 (+36)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|allocnarstil||item.||soliditem||aldooral||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-narrow-stile-door-alarm-24.gif||||||Alarm Lock Narrow Stile Door Alarm||Item: 3678||exbutanddev aldooral||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > AlarmLock Door Exit Alarm > ||268.000||268.000 ||||Alarm Lock Narrow Stile Door Alarm||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The PG21MS Includes:

    •Four "Alarm Modes" for a variety of applications
    •Programmable Time Delays
    •"Key Lock Tamper" (Cover cannot be removed without key)
    •Two Operating Modes: "Always Armed" and "On/Off"
    •Status Indicator

    Accepts 1 1/8 inch mortise cylinder
    9 volt battery included
    Comes with two types of tamper switches
    Has progrmmable 15 sec entry or delay

    9 inches wide x 2 1/2 inches high x 2 3/8 inches deep
    Aluminum finish||"With or without inside mortise cylinder" "Without - you have your own cylinder" "We supply inside cylinder keyed And ready to install Add $36 (+36)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|allopubartya||item.||soliditem||exitdevices||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-push-bar-type-alarmed-panic-lock-24.gif||||||Alarm Lock Push Bar Type Alarmed Panic Lock||3359||exitdevices||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > ||439.000||500.000 ||439.000 ||Alarm Lock Push Bar Type Alarmed Panic Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||
  • Deadbolt does not relock automatically - must be re locked manually
  • Free retrofit cover plates conceal mounting holes from 11A and 230
  • Extra loud 95db dual tone siren
  • Selectable 2-minute alarm or constant alarm
  • 9V battery powered and audible low battery warning
  • Meets or exceeds UL, CFM, ADA, NYC housing
  • Changeable 2 minute alarm cutoff or manual reset.
  • Non-handed surface installations on single or double doors

    36 inches long. Inside and outside cylinders are not included.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|alarmlockrr||item.||soliditem||trilogy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-rr-for-trilogy-locks-remote-kit-25.gif||||||Alarm Lock RR For Trilogy Locks Remote Kit||3594||diglocel trilogy||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Alarm Lock Trilogy Lock DL 2700 > ||219.000||219.000 ||||Alarm Lock RR For Trilogy Locks Remote Kit||||||Usually ships in 3-4 business days||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Remote unlock (Buzz-In) any Trilgy Cylindrical lock - No Electric Strikes or Power needed! What a great new product||"Buzz-In" of Trilogy Cylindrical Locks - No Electric Strikes or Power needed! The RR-RECEIVER is included in your RR-TRILOGYKIT, along with a RR-1BUTTON desk mounted button. Place the button where you want, and that's it. It really is that simple.

    Please note: this has a 100FT range line-of-site range - (obstacles may reduce range)

    Retrofit Wireless Convenience to any Cylindrical Trilogy
  • Add Remote Release convenience to any cylindrical Trilogy installation with keyfob(s) or desk-mounted button
  • Easy & Cost Effective
  • Retrofits Trilogys dating all the way back to 1994
  • Buy components separately -or -the Keyfob & Receiver in the KIT “RR-TRILOGYKIT”
  • For Networx Locks, too! Solely purchase either the keyfob or desk-mount release button

    .||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|pcincar||item.||soliditem||trilogy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-data-transfer-module-and-connecting-cable-25.gif||||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Data Transfer Module And Connecting Cable||1116||diglocel trilogy||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Alarm Lock Trilogy Lock DL 2700 > ||469.000||469.000 ||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Data Transfer Module And Connecting Cable||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||This item can be used only with the higher end Trilogy models.||Used to transfer data easily to the 300 user Trilogy models from a PC in case you don't have a laptop to bring to the computer. Includes the data transfer module and connecting cable. This is an easy way to program many trilogy's easily. The Data Transfer Module is used to program multiple 300 user type locks. It can also be used to collect LOG information from up to 48 300 user locks before returning to PC. One of the best features of the Data transfer module is if you want program many locks through out a plant or building you can program one lock the clone the settings to other locks. With the DTM the settings can't be altered as they can with a laptop.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|allotrdilodo||item.||soliditem||diglocel||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-digital-lock-double-sided-dual-keypad-weatherproof-29.gif||||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Digital Lock Double Sided (Dual Keypad) Weatherproof||3261||diglocel||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > ||949.000||1549.000 ||949.000 ||Alarm Lock Trilogy Digital Lock Double Sided (Dual Keypad) Weatherproof 100 User Codes||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||
  • This new Trilogy lock incorporates all of the important features of DL2700 (T2) into a double-sided dual keypad lock
  • Easy to add, delete, change users at the keypad
  • Programming user codes on one side of the door works both sides, cutting your time and labor in half
  • No need to program each side independently, saves you time and money
  • Ideal for community pool gates, courtyard gates, airport jet bridge doors, communicating doors, interrogation rooms, psych and alzheimer areas, etc.
  • Comes with LED and audible entry indicators, 5AA batteries
  • 100 user codes (3-5 digits), battery life 80,000 cycles typical
  • Standard prep and IC models available
  • Weatherproof -31˚F to 151˚F (-35˚ to +66˚C)
  • Brushed Chrome finish

    3261||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|allotrdilodo1||item.||soliditem||trilogy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-digital-lock-double-sided-dual-keypad-2000-users-weatherproof-25.gif||||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Digital Lock Double Sided (Dual Keypad) 2000 Users Weatherproof||Item: 3263||diglocel trilogy||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Alarm Lock Trilogy Lock DL 2700 > ||1495.000||1495.000 ||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Digital Lock Double Sided (Dual Keypad) 2000 Users Weatherproof||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||winsofpac weathercover||||
  • 2000 user access using PIN-code with multilevel access hierarchy: Master, manager, supervisor and basic user. Access door lock users are individually programmed. (PIN codes: 3 to 6 digits)
  • Keypad and/or computer programmable - Easy keypad door lock programming with fingertip at keypad or via PC with Alarm Lock's DL-Windows or AL-DTMIII Data Transfer Module for PC
  • Direction-specific access assignable per user programmable access for each user for one or both sides of the door (ie., each user can be allowed access to go into an area, out of an area or both ways)
  • Up to 40,000 event directional audit trail with time/date stamp for a printable record of door access activity by user also indicates direction of keyless entry door usage.
  • 500 scheduled events, including 4 quick schedules for programming the 4 most common time schedules in one step
  • Real time clock allows logging of events to within 1 second of accuracy
  • Programmable relays energize when one or more selected events occur
  • 4 time-out functions allow a user to enable other users or unlock the lock for some time period without needing to return to the lock
  • Entry allowance from 5-15 seconds
  • Weatherproof performance, operational temperature range of -31°F to +151°F (-35°C to +66°C)
  • Temporary keypad door lockout after 3 unsuccessful attempts to enter code/ID
  • Primary Door Side has data port for programming lock and querying audit trail is on primary side of door, along with functioning mechanical key override
  • Easy retrofits of cylindrical locksets and other access locks
  • Rugged clutch mechanism and Grade 1 durability ensure long life
  • Smart, standalone keypad door lock is long-life battery operated; uses 5 AA batteries; 60,000 cycles, typical. (Key-controlled chamber on secondary side).
  • Key override availabe in standard key override and interchangeable core models||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|allotrdilowi||item.||soliditem||trilogy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-digital-lock-with-proximity-card-reader-double-sided-dual-keypad-weatherproof-25.gif||||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Digital Lock With Proximity Card Reader Double Sided (Dual Keypad) Weatherproof||3262||diglocel trilogy||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Alarm Lock Trilogy Lock DL 2700 > ||2475.000||2475.000 ||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Digital Lock With Proximity Card Reader Double Sided (Dual Keypad)Weatherproof||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||winsofpac trilinprin noname19 hidproxfobin proxcarinlot ieiexproxfob altrprstinlo weathercover||||

  • 2000 user access using PIN-code and/or HID Prox card/fob with multilevel access hierarchy: Master, manager, supervisor and basic user. Access door lock users are individually programmed to use a card only, code only, or for the highest security, both card and code. (PIN codes: 3 to 6 digits)
  • Keypad and/or computer programmable - Easy keypad door lock programming with fingertip at keypad or via PC with Alarm Lock's DL-Windows or AL-DTMIII Data Transfer Module for PC
  • Direction-specific access assignable per user programmable access for each user for one or both sides of the door (ie., each user can be allowed access to go into an area, out of an area or both ways)
  • Up to 40,000 event directional audit trail with time/date stamp for a printable record of door access activity by user also indicates direction of keyless entry door usage.
  • 500 scheduled events, including 4 quick schedules for programming the 4 most common time schedules in one step
  • Real time clock allows logging of events to within 1 second of accuracy
  • Programmable relays energize when one or more selected events occur
  • 4 time-out functions allow a user to enable other users or unlock the lock for some time period without needing to return to the lock
  • Entry allowance from 5-15 seconds
  • Weatherproof performance, operational temperature range of -31°F to +151°F (-35°C to +66°C)
  • Temporary keypad door lockout after 3 unsuccessful attempts to enter code/ID
  • Primary Door Side has data port for programming lock and querying audit trail is on primary side of door, along with functioning mechanical key override
  • Tap & Add batch ID card enrollment mode allows many cards to be quickly added without PC - also downloadable from PC or enroller tool
  • Easy retrofits of cylindrical locksets and other access locks
  • Rugged clutch mechanism and Grade 1 durability ensure long life
  • Smart, standalone keypad door lock is long-life battery operated; uses 5 AA batteries; 60,000 cycles, typical. (Key-controlled chamber on secondary side).
  • Key override availabe in standard key override and interchangeable core models||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|trilinprin||item.||soliditem||allotrdilowi||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-infrared-audit-trail-printer-27.gif||||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Infrared Audit Trail Printer||1117||diglocel trilogy allotrdilowi||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Alarm Lock Trilogy Lock DL 2700 > Alarm Lock Trilogy Digital Lock With Proximity Card Reader Double Sided (Dual Keypad) Weatherproof > ||459.000||503.000 ||459.000 ||Alarm Lock Trilogy Infrared Audit Trail Printer||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||This item can be used only with the higher end Trilogy models.||Hand held printer used for printing event log audit trails and user code list.

    Can only be used with the higher end Trilogy locks and the new keypads.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|trilogy||item.||soliditem||diglocel||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-digital-lock-weatherproof-40.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-digital-lock-weatherproof-43.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-digital-lock-weatherproof-41.gif||Alarm Lock Trilogy Lock DL 2700||1161||diglocel||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > ||529.000||891.000 ||529.000 ||Alarm Lock Trilogy Digital Lock DL 2700||||||Usually ships in 3-4 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||alcomdigloc trilellocwit samtrilbutse allotrdilowi allotrdilodo allotrdilodo1 trilnarstilk samtrilbutwi alloctrildig1 altrilmorloc trilinprin pcincar winsofpac alarmlockrr weathercover cylfortrilma1 elloclatguar1 inprtetofork||Hot Great features and heavy duty! All our Trilogy locks are factory fresh with full warranty and now almost every Trilogy lock we sell is weather and humidity proof We have been selling the Trilogy Lock online longer than any other company - since 1996! Click to see our full Alarm lock Trilogy line.|| The Alarm Lock Trilogy is a stand alone electronic pushbutton lock and very popular for installations at airports, commercial buildings or really anywhere an extremely heavy duty lock is required. We have sold them from the very beginning. We liked them then (about 16 years ago) and like them even more now. This series is the second generation Trilogy, much improved from the first. It's very popular because of its low cost and ruggedness, and great programming flexibility. You can change codes any time, right on the keypad of the lock. You can add temporary codes and delete them at any time. Installs easily in a standard 2 1/8 inch diameter hole with just minor door modification of three additional small holes.

    It comes with key bypass just in case the code is forgotten or the battery runs down. (A really great feature!) The cylinder is a Schlage c keyway. Other keyways including IC cores can also be used with this lock. If you'll need to use these type of cylinders rather than the one it comes with just let us know what type. If your using Best type you will need to supply your own cylinder. If your not sure about this please email or call.

    Another great feature of this lock is that it can also be hard wired. By running a low voltage wire ( 6 - 9 V DC) through the door to the lock you'll have a system that allows you to use the keypad on the outside and be able to buzz people in from the inside! Or an even better way to accomplish the same thing would be to run the wire up the frame on the lock side and use a current transfer switch (power flows only when the door is closed). They work great and you dont have to drill through the door. We stock these also and they are only $58 and can save you a lot of time. A very versatile lock.

    Another feature: A built in relay allows you to have a light turn on when any single button on the keypad is pressed. This same relay can also be configured to shunt an alarm when the correct keypad combination is entered.

    Trilogy locks are battery powered

    When the door closes the lock will lock. The inside knob or lever is always free to turn and open. The lock can easily be converted to a passage function at any time by just pressing a few numbers. This means that when in the passage mode the lock will not lock automatically.

  • Standard Prep. 2 1/8" lock hole. Retrofits most cylindrical locksets with minor door modification. Mounting holes required for through bolts.

  • All metal, heavy duty, 12 button keypad.
  • Audible low battery alert-visual and audible entry indicators.
  • Clutch mechanism offers long lasting performance and exceptional strength (pushing down on lever in locked position will not damage lock).
  • Heavy-duty trim design Non-handed for easy installation and versatility.
  • Flex-Drive™ motor operates latch mechanism.
  • 2-wire built in remote override release eliminates the need for an electric strike (similar to being able to buzz someone in).
  • Visual and audible entry indicators.
  • Multi-level user capability Up to 100 different group or individual codes (see below for different model with up to 2000 user codes and other features).
  • Master, manager, emergency, service codes.
  • Individual, group or total user lockout codes.
  • Available in lever or knob design w/ rekeyable cylinder or interchangeable core.
  • UL listed Grade one lockset w/ fire rated latch meets or exceeds BHMA specifications.
  • Non handed and easy to change.

    Must be installed on 1 3/4" Door - For doors that are 1 3/8" you'll need to order optional plates, item: 1161-P See below to order this option.

    Comes set up for 2 3/4 inch (70mm) backset. If you need a 2 3/8 inch (60mm) backset instead please click on the 2 3/8 when ordering. They are an additional $58 each See backset diagram

    Dimensions: Outside case: 3 1/4" W X 8" H X 1 7/8" D with lever projection: 2 9/16"
    Inside case: 3 1/4" W X 8 1/4" H X 1 3/4" D with lever projection: 2 9/16"
    Lever length: tip to center of lock: 4 3/4"

    Available in:
    Antique Brass
    Dull Chrome

    THE ITEM 1161 IS THE MOST COMMON AND THEY SHIP WITH A REGULAR CYLINDER FOR KEY BYPASS. ALL TRILOGY LOCKS COME WITH THE KEY BYPASS FEATURE. - Item 1161 can not be programmed with a computer, only with the lock keypad. See below for other models.

    Other keyways are also available
    See for other cylinders that will work with this lock

    The Trilogy is a big heavy duty grade one lock!

    Weatherproof features:
    Dual water-sealed keypad, with silicon outerseal and mylar innerseal for extra protection, waterproof battery holder, completely encapsulated circuit board hermetically sealed against the elements, tested to be rated for direct water exposure. Operational temperature range from -31 F to +151 F.

    Important - please note: We have noticed that old models of the Trilogy are being sold as new by some people. Although they are a less expensive they are older models that are different without the major improvments that AlarmLock has made to this lock over the years. In addition they will be out of warranty with parts no longer made. Buyer beware. Bottom line: If you see these locks being sold for a few hundreds off dollars off of the list price then there may be a problem with them so be careful. If the offer sounds to good to be true then there probably is a good reason. No company has to give away quality problem free hardware at firesale prices no matter what they say.

    Pdf Installation instructions

    See backset diagram \\|\\ See for gate mounting \\|\\ See door prep picture
    See DC power and remote switch options \\|\\ Need a mortise lock instead?
    See other cylinders that will work with this lock

    Type "Non weatherproof brushed chrome " "Weatherproof brushed chrome Add $200 (+200)"|^| "
    Choose Backset \\|\\store1.turbifycdn.com/I/853111_1533_3533457\\|\\Click for backset diagram" "Heavy duty UL approved 2 3/4 inch Standard (70mm)" " Heavy duty UL approved 2 3/8 inch (60mm) Add $58 (+58)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|altrilmorloc||item.||soliditem||trilogy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-mortise-lock-46.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-mortise-lock-52.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-mortise-lock-48.gif||Alarm Lock Trilogy Mortise Lock||1281||diglocel trilogy||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Alarm Lock Trilogy Lock DL 2700 > ||1530.000||1530.000 ||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Mortise Lock||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||winsofpac||New!Now you can replace many older mortise locks with a great keyless lock.||

    ADA compliant

    This is for the complete set including the electronic mortise lock.

    These locks are battery powered

    •This Trilogy model has the ability to, upon code entry, either valid or not valid to trigger a relay output to capture a cctv image.
    •This Trilogy model has a unique ambush feature so if someone is forced to enter their code by an unauthorized entrant, the user simply adds an addition 2 digit code when entering their code and either a cctv can be snapped or an external alarm can be sounded and help notified.
    •300 user codes
    •Real time clock enables up to 500 scheduled events
    •40,000 event audit trail
    •Clutch technology
    •Stainless steel latchbolt alone or latchbolt and deadbolt
    •Weatherproof and will work from -20 to 151 degrees F

    For now only available in Brushed Chrome finish. Available as Latch only and Latch and Deadbolt models - (same price). On the deadbolt models the bolt will retract with the latch when the correct combination is entered. When the door closes the latch will relock as any latch normally relocks but the deadbolt must be manually extented either with the key from the outside or a turnknob on the inside. See below for more features.

    Dimensions: Face plate: 8" long X 1 3/16" wide
    Lock body: 4 1/4" Deep X 6 3/4" High

    Inside and outside plates: 3 inches wide X 11 1/16 inches long

    DL3500 Series Mortise Locks
  • 300 User codes: Master, manager, supervisor & basic users for keyless gate locks
  • Fingertip or Windows PC-programmable
  • Real time clock enables up to 500 scheduled events and holiday schedules
  • 40,000 Event audit trail provides a printed time/date- stamped log of all electronic activity
  • Long-life battery pak for 80,000 cycles, typ. and low-battery alert
  • Choose either classroom or deadbolt versions and left or right handing (If reverse hand is required, lock is field reversible.)
  • 1 3/8” (3.5 cm) mortise cylinder supplied
  • Card enrollment mode allows many cards to be quickly added without PC –also– downloadable from PC or prox enroller tool
  • 500 scheduled events, e.g., lock or unlock
  • PC programming/reporting
  • Quick passage mode (without being in program mode)
  • Program data transferred to lock via AL-PCI2 or AL-DTMIII
  • 5AA battery-pak operated; 75,000 cycles, typ.
  • Weatherproof -31˚ to +151˚F (-35˚ to +66˚C) PDL3500 Series

    PDL3500 Series mortise lock with built in HID prox reader, similar to DL3500 Series, but with:
  • 2000 user codes (3-6 digits) and/or HID prox cards/fobs Multilevel security - Master; manager; supervisor; basic users
  • Easy Tap & Add batch prox ID card enrollment mode allows many cards to be quickly added without PC –also– downloadable from PC or prox enroller tool PC programming/reporting
  • Quick passage mode (without being in program mode) Program data transferred to lock via AL-PCI2 or AL-DTMIII
  • 5AA battery-pak operated; 75,000 cycles, typ. Weatherproof -31˚ to +151˚F (-35˚ to +66˚C)

    See handing diagram||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|samtrilbutse||item.||soliditem||trilogy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-set-up-for-best-or-falcon-or-arrow-interchangeable-core-type-cylinder-25.gif||||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Set Up For Best or Falcon Or Arrow Interchangeable Core Type Cylinder||1163||diglocel trilogy||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Alarm Lock Trilogy Lock DL 2700 > ||809.000||809.000 ||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Set Up For Best or Falcon Or Arrow Interchangeable Core Type Cylinder||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||weathercover||||Does not include cylinder

    Weatherproof||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|winsofpac||item.||soliditem||allotrdilodo1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-trilogy-cd-software-and-usb-connecting-cable-pack-for-laptops-for-200-300-2000-and-3000-user-models-20.gif||||||Alarm Lock Trilogy Software & Cable Pack ||1115||diglocel trilogy allotrdilodo1||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Alarm Lock Trilogy Lock DL 2700 > Alarm Lock Trilogy Digital Lock Double Sided (Dual Keypad) 2000 Users Weatherproof > ||249.000||249.000 ||||Alarm Lock Trilogy CD Software and USB Connecting Cable Pack For Laptops For 200, 300, 2000 and 3000 User Models||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||This item can be used only with the higher end Trilogy models.||Windows software and connecting cable for easy programming, scheduling and log viewing on a laptop. To program with a notebook or laptop computer, all you need is this software and the connecting cable. (For use only with the 200, 300, 2000 user and proximity model Trilogy locks and keypad system).

  • Any recently made PC is compatible - desktop or laptop computer.
  • At least 10 Mb available on hard drive
  • At least 64 MB of RAM memory
  • Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT4.0 or higher and Vista and one unused RS-232 Serial Communications port (Com 1– 4) or USB Port
  • USB cable included for easy connection||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|allowinelotr||item-1||soliditem||exitdevices||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-wireless-networx-lock-trim-for-use-with-von-duprin-99-panic-lock-46.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarm-lock-wireless-networx-lock-trim-for-use-with-von-duprin-99-panic-lock-48.gif||Alarm Lock Wireless Networx Lock Trim For Use With Von Duprin 99 Panic Lock||Item: 3810||exitdevices||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > ||1749.000||1749.000 ||||Alarm Lock Wireless Networx Lock Trim For Use With Von Duprin 99 Panic Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||networxethernet vondupheavdu||||Product Overview

  • Clutch mechanism insures long life and durability
  • Fingertip and/or Windows Programmable
  • 2000 User Codes: Master, manager, supervisor and users
  • Real Time Clock for up to 40,000 Event Time/Date-Stamped Audit Trail
  • Up to 500 Lock/Unlock Schedules (with Time Zone Support)
  • Rugged 12-Button Metal Keypad
  • Non-Handed; Fully Field Reversible
  • Adaptable to most major manufacturers of standard RIM and IC RIM Cylinders
  • Battery operated; uses 5 AA batteries
  • Software is downloaded and free

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|aldooral||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarmlock-door-exit-alarm-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarmlock-door-exit-alarm-37.gif||AlarmLock Door Exit Alarm||1212||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||279.000||329.000 ||279.000 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||outsidekeypad inininpdffor5 inguidinpdff hr56 allocnarstil allocexal1 aldoexalexba||Tired of people sneaking in and out the back door?||Pilfergard 95 Decibel Dual Piezo Keypad-Controlled Door Alarm

    This magnetic switch activated, easy-install, battery operated door alarm will ensure that unauthorized entry is met with an alarm and delayed access, if desired. This unit features convenient plug-in, "no-cut" jumpers and 9V battery power and keypad access. Purchasing the additional keypad (see option below) will provide all the functionality of this product from the outside of the door. The PG Series includes advanced narrow-stile microprocessor-controlled door alarms for surface mounting on a door or door frame. Typical applications include emergency fire escape doors, nursing home stairwell doors, rear restaurant and theater doors.

    Alarm Lock is committed to supplying advanced access and egress solutions for office, health care, education, transportation, and government applications. From property management or campues to courts and military applications, Alarm Lock offers high quality security and a variety of access options.

  • Digital codes for Master, Management and Passage (used for Auto-Arming 3 security levels for a) High Security b) Unattended applications c) Flexible control for delivery doors, etc.
  • Audible low battery warning
  • 3 Programmable and very loud 95db siren styles: sweep, pulsed, and steady
  • Heavy duty grade one hardware
  • 2 year manufacturer warranty

    Please note: PGKPD Accessory -
    For optional use with the PG30, this low-profile, brushed aluminum outside keypad accessory provides all functions of the PG30 from the outside of the door. See option below to order.

    9 volt battery included.

    Dimensions: 9 inches wide x 2 1/2 inches high x 2 3/8 inches deep

    Finish: Aluminum||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|aldoexalexba||item.||soliditem||aldooral||||||||AlarmLock Door Exit Alarm Extra Battery Pack||Item: 3361||exbutanddev aldooral||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > AlarmLock Door Exit Alarm > ||29.000||||29.000 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|irremote||item.||soliditem||almaglocwitr||||||||AlarmLock Magnetic lock IR Remote||item: 1411-A||elstrikandma almaglocwitr||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > AlarmLock Magnetic Lock With Remote Control > ||79.000||79.000 ||||AlarmLock Magnetic lock IR Remote||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Use as many as 100 remotes!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|almaglocwitr||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarmlock-magnetic-lock-with-remote-control-37.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/alarmlock-magnetic-lock-with-remote-control-43.gif||||AlarmLock Magnetic Lock With Remote Control||1410||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||559.000||559.000 ||||AlarmLock Magnetic Lock With Remote Control||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||irremote opfiplforall||Hot This is the only magnetic lock that comes with it's own remote key and you can add as many as you need.||A new kind of maglock - now simply use a small remote control key fob to unlock. Use up to 100 different remotes to control each lock. It works with long range IR and it's sensitive from up to 10 feet outside and up to 30 feet from inside. Can also be used the usual way with an exterior keypad or card reader and the IR remote for much more unlocking flexibility. The lock comes with one hand held remote control and if you need more than one remote then see the below option to order as many as you need.

    Great features!
  • Add up to 100 remotes
  • Lock comes with one remote
  • For glass and aluminum doors
  • 1200 pound holding force
  • Easy to install
  • Easy to program
  • Unique passage mode (the ability to be put in an unlocked state) from a remote
  • Unique quick lock mode (the ability to be instantly locked when in the passage mode) from a remote
  • Door ajar feature
  • Hard wire a request to exit switch or add a card reader!
  • Will work at distances up to 35 feet on the outside of protected area and 15 feet inside.
  • Comes with a power supply ready to plug in
    Size: 10.5" Long X 2.875" Wide X 1.5" Deep||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|allglassdoorlock||item-1||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/allglassdoorlock-38.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/all-glass-door-lock-30.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/allglassdoorlock-39.gif||All Glass Door Lock||3610-B||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||480.000||480.000 ||||All Glass Door Lock||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinonthlo||||Universal Applications
    The 3412 series drop-bolt can be used on single acting inswing or outswing doors or double acting doors. These units provide reliable locking without the difficulties encountered with “shear” locks.

    Suitable for some glass doors
    Electric drop-bolts can be installed on all glass frameless doors utilizing the U-bracket. A variety of door applications are possible with the wide selection of mounting brackets.

    Automatic Alignment Sensor
    Unique intelligent logic circuit keeps the drop-bolt retracted until the door has been closed and is properly aligned to assure engagement of the lock bolt. The door position sensor mounted on the strike plate will work with a door gap of up to 3/16” and is fully adjustable to ensure correct operation in spite of poor door and frame alignment. The mechanical alignment ball on the face plate of the lock is adjustable over a wide range to compensate for excessive door gap and to improve accuracy. The door position sensor is disabled after the bolt is engaged to increase security.

    Field Adjustable Timed Relock
    The time delayed relock (time between door being closed and the bolt engaging) is selectable for up to 9 seconds by Dip Switch settings. A normally closed contact controls the lock bolt activation. Low Current Draw The drop-bolt requires less than 1 amp to extend and engage and draws only 0.3 amps in the holding mode. This design conserves power and extends the life of the drop-bolt

    Requires 12 vdc power. Please note that this is a fail safe lock meaning that to remain locked it needs to be powered on. Always check with your local fire authority before installing.

    Related Products
    Fingerprint readers
    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Multi Door Proximity Access Control
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller
    Knocklock (Great for hidden doors)
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locking Devices

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    3610-B||"Please specify if your lock will be moritised into header or surface mounted" "Mortise or recess mounted" "Surface mounted - Add $185 (+185)" "For all glass door includes U bracket & receiver housing for up to 1/2 inch thick frameless glass door Add $185 (+185)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|amhocpad||item.||soliditem||padlocks||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/american-hockey-puck-padlock-24.gif||||||American "Hockey Puck" Padlock||1537||aseq securitylockingbar padlocks|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Very Heavy Duty Security Locking Bar For Verticle File Cabinets > » Padlocks - Keyless And Keyed High Security > ||169.000||169.000 ||||American "Hockey Puck" Padlock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sold only in lots of 5

    Usage: Commercial buildings, remote locations, high theft areas
    Application: outdoor and harsh environments,high security,high security

    Lock Body Size: 2-7/8” x 1-1/2”
    Weight: 2.2 lbs.

    Body Material: Die cast steel, chrome-plated||"Keyed alike or keyed different" "Keyed alike" "Keyed different"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|amhigsechasa||item.||soliditem||padlocks||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/american-high-security-hasp-and-padlock-set-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/american-high-security-hasp-and-padlock-set-37.gif||American High Security Hasp And Padlock Set||1826||aseq securitylockingbar padlocks|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Very Heavy Duty Security Locking Bar For Verticle File Cabinets > » Padlocks - Keyless And Keyed High Security > ||89.000||89.000 ||||American High Security Hasp And Padlock Set||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||When used together, this padlock and hasp combo makes for an extremely tough installation!

    Comes with 6 square holes Zinc plated AWhite powder coat finish Size: 8 1/2 inches long x 4 1/2 inches wide

    Round padlock:
    Hardened solid steel - triple plated body and internal mechanism resists attack Stainless steel lock springs and fasteners resists corrosion Rotating cover plate and stainless steel internal cylinder pins prevents drilling of the key cylinder Recessed domed head shackle pin resists attack Easy access front keyway for simple opening Size: 2 7/8 inch diameter - 1 1/2 inch thick||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|noname15||item.||soliditem||padlocks||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/american-shrouded-high-security-padlock-37.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/american-shrouded-high-security-padlock-45.gif||||American Shrouded High Security Padlock||1531||aseq securitylockingbar padlocks|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Very Heavy Duty Security Locking Bar For Verticle File Cabinets > » Padlocks - Keyless And Keyed High Security > ||128.000||128.000 ||||American Shrouded High Security Padlock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||For the money these are the toughest padlocks we have used.||With a shrouded shackle for extra security, these rekeyable solid steel padlocks offer the greatest protection against cutting and prying attacks. They have hardened, chrome plated solid steel bodies that resist cutting, sawing and corrosion; hardened boron alloy steel shackles for superior cut resistance; and the A748 has stainless steel cylinder pins for increased drill resistance.

    BumpStop® Advanced Cylinder Technology BumpStop® Advanced Cylinder Technology is the default cylinder in all American Lock Government security products to meet CID requirements and provide resistance to Bump attacks. These specifications are based on ASTM F883-09, ASTM International testing criteria for determining a pin tumbler padlock cylinder&rsquo's ability to effectively resist break–ins using lock bumping techniques. BumpStop® cylinders have a reverse rake tapered driver pin, high performance spring and precision tolerance chamber, available in our 4–, 5– and 6–pin products. American Lock padlocks with BumpStop® technology exceed Grade 6 lock bump test criteria.

    Lock Body Size: 2-1/2” x 1”
    Top to bottom 4"
    Shackle Diameter: 7/16”
    Shackle Height: 1”
    Shackle Width: 15/16”
    Weight: 2.33 lbs.

    Body Material: Case hardened, chrome-plated solid steel
    Application: High security||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ameldikesawi||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-electronic-digital-keypad-safe-with-large-lighted-lcd-screen-24.gif||||||Amsec Electronic Digital Keypad Safe With Large Lighted LCD Screen||3226||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||289.000||289.000 ||||Amsec Electronic Digital Keypad Safe With Large Lighted LCD Screen||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||ameldikesawi2||On Sale! Comes with backup key lock just in case the batteries fail and anchor bolt kit. New, sleek very easy to use extra large lighted LCD display.||Extra large easy to see LCD screen.

  • State-of-the-art DL5000 electronic lock with a large 3 ¾" touch screen LCD input display allows smooth and easy operation.
  • Mode altering display changes from orange in standby mode to bright blue in the open position.
  • Accepts (2) user codes and can show open door records for the past 14 entries.
  • LCD touch screen display shows low-battery indicator, time, date and keypad.
  • Emergency key-lock override system with two (2) keys, power override battery box, built-in spy-proof function and motion detector alert.
  • Heavy 14 gauge solid steel construction, plus dual live bolts made also of heavy gauge steel.
  • Can be bolted to the wall or floor.
  • Carpeted base.
  • Pry-resistant recessed door with internal hinges for anti-theft protection.
  • Mounting feet and anchor hardware standard. ◦Models EST1014 and EST2014 have one removable shelf.

    The lighted LCD screen is a great feature!

    1,765 cu. in. capacity
    Outside: 9 x 16.875 x 14.125 inches H - W - D
    Weight: 30 pounds

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ameldikesawi2||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-electronic-digital-keypad-safe-with-lighted-lcd-screen-smaller-26.gif||||||Amsec Electronic Digital Keypad Safe With Lighted LCD Screen (Smaller)||3226-B||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||259.000||259.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New! Comes with backup key lock just in case the batteries fail and one anchor bolt kit. Very easy to use extra large lighted LCD display.||Extra large easy to see LCD screen.

  • State-of-the-art DL5000 electronic lock with a large 3 ¾" touch screen LCD input display allows smooth and easy operation.
  • Mode altering display changes from orange in standby mode to bright blue in the open position.
  • Accepts (2) user codes and can show open door records for the past 14 entries.
  • LCD touch screen display shows low-battery indicator, time, date and keypad.
  • Emergency key-lock override system with two (2) keys, power override battery box, built-in spy-proof function and motion detector alert.
  • Heavy 14 gauge solid steel construction, plus dual live bolts made also of heavy gauge steel.
  • Can be bolted to the wall or floor.
  • Carpeted base.
  • Pry-resistant recessed door with internal hinges for anti-theft protection.
  • Mounting feet and anchor hardware standard. ◦Models EST1014 and EST2014 have one removable shelf.

    The lighted LCD screen is a great feature!

    1,032 cu. in. capacity
    Outside: 9.75 x 14.125 x 9.75 inches H - W - D
    Weight: 22 pounds

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|amelpissaf||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-electronic-pistol-safe-36.gif||||||Amsec Electronic Pistol Safe||1943||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||169.000||169.000 ||||Amsec Electronic Pistol Safe||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||•AMSEC "5BE" electronic push button lock is fast and easy to use.
    •Replaces high cost mechanical lock alternatives with higher reliability.
    •Easy change combination with programmable override code for lost combinations.
    •Power override battery box included
    •9 VDC battery provides over 5000 openings with low battery indicator.
    •External auxiliary battery connection.
    •Tamper proof penalty lockout protects against manipulation attempts.
    •LED status and beeper can be programmed on - off.
    •S&W deep blue finish with chrome hardware.
    •Interior cushioned with foam lining to protect gun from scratches.
    •Constructed of 16-ga. steel.
    •Strong, pry resistant custom brass locking bolt.
    •Bolt holes provided to anchor safe.

    These locks are battery powered

    Dimensions: 8H x 2W x 4D
    10 lbs.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|amelsaflocan||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-electronic-safe-lock-and-keypad-with-time-delay-38.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-electronic-safe-lock-and-keypad-with-time-delay-40.gif||Amsec Electronic Safe Lock And Keypad With Time Delay||1896||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||459.000||459.000 ||||Amsec Electronic Safe Lock And Keypad With Time Delay||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||These locks are battery powered

    •8 User code capability
    •Replaces most mechanical combination locks. Easy installation and operation.
    •Combination changes are fast and easy from the keypad.
    •Factory Reset Combination for solving lost combinations without requiring expensive service calls.
    •Two 9V-DC batteries in the keypad housing can be changed easily.
    •Electronics are encapsulated within the lock and are sealed to prevent possible moisture related failures.
    •Cable fits through a 1/2" spindle hole without cutting and re-crimping connector.
    •Audible beep and flash from every keystroke gives maximum feedback to the user.
    •New industrial “Soft Touch” membrane keypad is tough yet requires very low activation pressure.
    •15 minute Penalty Lockout after four incorrect entries protects against manipulation attempts.
    •New patented dead-latched lock design with an internal relock device for maximum security.
    •Lock “auto-locks” when boltwork is thrown to prevent safes from being left in a day lock position.
    •Time Delay Mode: Delays can be set from 1 to 99 minutes.
    •Open period can be set from 1 to 9 minutes.
    •Multiple User Mode: When enabled, one Master code and eight user codes are available with full supervisory control and code management.
    •Dual Control Mode: When enabled, the lock requires two combinations to open for added security.
    •Armored Car Override: When enabled, allows an armored car service to bypass Time Delay.
    •External A/C Power: Provides power for unlimited use with battery power as backup.
    •Control Port: Turn the ESL20 on/off with an Access Manager, Alarm System or other device.
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|amexlaelwasa||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-extra-large-fire-rated-electronic-wall-safe-with-lighted-keypad-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-extra-large-fire-rated-electronic-wall-safe-with-lighted-keypad-38.gif||Amsec Extra Large Fire Rated Electronic Wall Safe ||3232||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||580.000||580.000 ||||Amsec Extra Large Fire Rated Electronic Wall Safe||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||
    Designed to be installed between standard 16" wall studs. Pre-drilled anchor holes and built-in flange for easy installation. Extra deep interior with a convenient key-locking drawer. UL listed 350° 1-hour fire rating. The largest wall safe you can buy.|| This safe is battery powered

    Designed to be installed between standard 16" wall studs.
    Pre-drilled anchor holes and built-in flange for easy installation.
    Extra deep interior with a convenient key-locking drawer.


    ◾ U.L. listed 1hr fire rating ◾ Extra deep interior with one drawer shelf ◾ ESL5LP high security electronic lock with illuminated keypad, one 9 volt battery located on outside so no need for key override and 15-minute penalty lockout after four incorrect entries ◾ 1/2" thick door ◾ 19 1/8"H x 13 1/2"W x 15 3/4"D ◾ 106 lbs

    Manufacturer's Warranty: 1-year limited

    Not UPS shippable - this safe can only be delivered by special truck.

    Please note: Delivery includes trucking to your location only. If you will need help in unloading the safe off the truck an electric lift gate is available for an additional $89.00. (See below) The liftgate is attached to the truck and will allow the driver to lower the safe to the ground for you. Driver will only unload it off truck. Delivery charge only includes transportation from our location to yours. If you will need additional assistance in moving safe to and into your home or business then please have that arraigned previously. A local moving company in your area should be able to assist you. Large safes cannot be shipped to an APO address or to Alaska or Hawaii.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|amsmalelfirs||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-heavy-duty-electronic-fire-safe-with-digital-keypad-36.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-heavy-duty-electronic-fire-safe-with-digital-keypad-38.gif||Amsec Heavy Duty Electronic Fire Safe With Digital Keypad||1622||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||559.000||559.000 ||||Amsec Heavy Duty Electronic Fire Safe With Digital Keypad||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New!
    Superior unlock method. Enter combination and then use turn knob to bring bolt back. No key required like with cheap safes. If combination is lost there is a secret hidden key method for emergency opening.||

    NEW! EST Series Electronic Safes with DL5000 Lock EST1814 and EST914

    Features :
  • U.L. Listed 350°F, 1-Hour fire rating.
  • Impressive 5/8" thick door with attractive two-toned sage finish.
  • Handle operated side, top and bottom locking mechanism incorporating (4) 1” chrome plated locking bolts.
  • Two deadbolts prevent door removal if hinges are removed during a forced entry attempt.
  • New State-of-the-art DL5000 electronic lock with a large 3 ¾” touch screen LCD input display allows smooth and easy operation. Mode altering display changes from orange in standby mode to bright blue in the open position.
  • Accepts (2) user codes and can show open door records for the past 14 entries.
  • LCD touch screen display shows low-battery indicator, time, date and keypad.
  • Emergency key-lock override system with two (2) keys, power override battery box, built-in spy-proof function and motion detector alert. Combination changes are fast and easy.
  • EST1814 Features: One (1) internal anchor hole and hardware, (4) removable rolling casters, (1) adjustable shelf and (1) top mounted key lock drawer.
  • EST914 Features: One (1) internal anchor hole and hardware, (4) rubber feet and (1) drawer shelf.

    This safe is battery powered

    The lighted LCD screen is a great feature!

    1,107 cu. in. capacity
    13-1/2 x 19-1/8 x 15-3/4 - HWD inches
    100 pounds

    This safe is not UPS shippable and will be delivered by Motor Freight truck

    Please note: Delivery includes trucking to your location only. If you will need help in unloading the safe off the truck an electric lift gate is available for an additional $89.00. (See below) The liftgate is attached to the truck and will allow the driver to lower the safe to the ground for you. Driver will only unload it off truck. Delivery charge only includes transportation from our location to yours. If you will need additional assistance in moving safe to and into your home or business then please have that arraigned previously. A local moving company in your area should be able to assist you. Large safes cannot be shipped to an APO address or to Alaska or Hawaii.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|amsecpharmacysafe||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-heavy-duty-pharmacy-safe-with-esl20xl-lock-for-controlled-access-for-controled-substances-42.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-heavy-duty-pharmacy-safe-with-esl20xl-lock-for-controlled-access-for-controled-substances-52.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-heavy-duty-pharmacy-safe-with-esl20xl-lock-for-controlled-access-for-controled-substances-43.gif||Amsec Heavy Duty Pharmacy Safe ||3595||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||2465.000||2465.000 ||||Amsec Heavy Duty Pharmacy Safe with ESL20XL Lock for Controlled Access for Controled Substances||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New! Security, storage and administration of narcotic medications within a pharmacy, hospital or health care facility continues to be a key concern for both administrators and staff.||This new extra tough safe comes with two outer doors. Designed to fit under the counter or stacked and bolted together to create a 4 door taller unit. The doors are made of high stength steel with 4 heavy duty hinges and a two way locking system. Comes with 2 adjustable shelves. Also comes with 4 anchor holes and hardware to secure it to the floor.

    Security, storage and administration of narcotic medications within a pharmacy, hospital or health care facility continues to be a key concern for both administrators and staff. Dealing with the potential threat of robbery,burglary and internal theft have become a daily concern. Drugs with a street value of $100 per pill have accelerated narcotic related crimes to an all time high. AMSEC’s complete line of Narcotic safes offer a great solution for keeping your high-value, high-target medications and facility safe from the devastating occurrence of a robbery, burglary or internal theft. Choose from several models that are ideal for small to larger sized pharmacies, hospitals or health care facilities.

    ECL Lock Specification:
  • Replaces most mechanical combination locks. Easy installation and operation.
  • Factory Reset Combination for solving lost combinations without requiring expensive service calls.
  • Electronics are encapsulated within the lock and are sealed to prevent possible moisture related failures.
  • Cable fits through a-1/2" spindle hole without cutting and re-crimping connector.
  • Audible beep and flash from every keystroke gives maximum feedback to the user.
  • 15 minute Penalty Lockout after four incorrect entries protects against manipulation attempts.
  • New patented dead-latched lock design with an internal relock device for maximum security.
  • Lock "auto-locks" when boltwork is thrown to prevent safes from being left in a day lock position.
  • Slam Bolt version for locker applications.
  • Optional internal battery pack extends operation between battery changes.
  • Time Delay Mode: Delays can be set from 1 to 99 minutes.
  • Multiple User Mode: When enabled, one Master code and eight user codes are available with full supervisory control and code management.
  • Dual Control Mode: The lock can be programmed to require two combinations to open for added security.
  • Armored Car Override: When enabled, allows an armored car service to bypass Time Delay.
  • External A/C Power: Provides power for unlimited use with battery power as backup.
  • Control Port: Turn the ESL20XL on/off with an Alarm System, optional control switch or other device.

    Color: White

    Please note: these are special order items and can not be returned. Also, delivery includes trucking to your location only. If you will need help in unloading the safe off the truck an electric lift gate is available for an additional $89.00. (See below) The liftgate is attached to the truck and will allow the driver to lower the safe to the ground for you. Driver will only unload it off truck. Delivery charge only includes transportation from our location to yours. If you will need additional assistance in moving safe to and into your home or business then please have that arraigned previously. A local moving company in your area should be able to assist you. Large safes cannot be shipped to an APO address or to Alaska or Hawaii.||"Please choose size" "38.5 high x 36.25 w 12 deep - 250 pounds" "38.5 high x 36.25 wide x 18 deep - 286 pounds Add $195 (+195)" "38.5 high x 36.25 wide x 24 deep - 324 pounds Add $395 (+395)"|^| "Liftgate from truck to lower to curb?" "Yes Add $89 (+89)" "No - don't need"|^|"Residential delivery?""Yes Add $55 (+55)" "No"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|amlarheavdut||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-large-heavy-duty-tl-15-rated-composite-safe-31.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-large-heavy-duty-tl-15-rated-composite-safe-33.gif||Amsec Large Heavy Duty TL-15
    Rated Composite Safe||Item: 1619||||||1895.000||2180.000 ||1895.000 ||Amsec Large Heavy Duty TL-15
    Rated Composite Safe||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||

    •UL listed group 11 key changeable combination lock
    •High quality textured finish
    •2 hour 350 degree factory five rating
    •Tested at tempertures up to 1850 degress!
    •Tool resistant against attack by common mechanical and electrical hand tools

    Inside: 25 inches x 18 inches x 16 inches
    Outside: 32 inches x 25 inches x 25 1/2 inches
    Cubic capacity: 7,258 cubic inches
    Weight: 1236 lbs
    Comes with two interior shelf
    AC ce2518

    Not UPS shippable - this safe can only be delivered by special truck.

    Please note: Delivery includes trucking to your location only. If you will need help in unloading the safe off the truck an electric lift gate is available for an additional $79.00. (See below) The liftgate is attached to the truck and will allow the driver to lower the safe to the ground for you. Driver will only unload it off truck. Delivery charge only includes transportation from our location to yours. If you will need additional assistance in moving safe to and into your home or business then please have that arraigned previously. A local moving company in your area should be able to assist you. Large safes cannot be shipped to an APO address or to Alaska or Hawaii.||"Liftgate from truck to lower to curb?" "Yes(+79)" "No - don't need"|^|"Residential delivery?""Yes(+45)" "No"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|amsecnarcoticsafe||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-narcotic-safe-24.gif||||||Amsec Narcotic Safe||Item: 3596||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||1720.000||1720.000 ||||Amsec Narcotic Safe||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New! Security, storage and administration of narcotic medications within a pharmacy, hospital or health care facility continues to be a key concern for both administrators and staff.||Security, storage and administration of narcotic medications within a pharmacy, hospital or health care facility continues to be a key concern for both administrators and staff. Dealing with the potential threat of robbery, burglary and internal theft have become a daily concern. Drugs with a street value of $100 per pill have accelerated narcotic related crimes to an all time high. AMSEC’s complete line of Narcotic safes oer a great solution for keeping your high-value, high-target medications and facility safe from the devastating occurrence of a robbery, burglary or internal theft. Choose from several models that are ideal for small to larger sized pharmacies, hospitals or health care facilities.

    NS Series Narcotic Safes Feature:
  • ½" thick solid steel door, recessed for resistance to pry attacks.
  • Formed, high-tensile steel body and jamb construction to maximize protection against pry attacks.
  • UL listed group 11 mechanical combination lock with over one million possible combiations included. An electronic lock option will be avaiable in the future.
  • Roll-out narcotic drawers with removable dividers provide easy-to-organize access to (CII) controlled drugs. Made in the USA.
  • Auxiliary spring-loaded relock device.
  • Locks and relocks protected by a large carburized hardplate.
  • Attractive Black textured nish.
  • Four anchor bolt holes with hardware standard.
  • Reinforced internal jambs on all four sides to provide excellent protection against sledgehammer attack.
  • 3-way locking mechanism consisting of  massive 1" diameter chromed steel locking bolts.
  • Bolt detent system keeps bolts retracted when the door is open, then automatically engages when door is shut.
  • Convenient door mounted recessed coin rack.
  • Large capacity for storage of cash trays.
  • Adjustable shelves.
  • White textured finish.||"Please choose size" "In - 19 3/4 x 19 3/4 x 17 - out - 20 x 20 x 20 - 217 pounds - 6631 cubic inches - One shelf - One roll out drawer" "In - 29 3/4 x 19 3/4 x 17 Out - 30 x 30 x 30 - 344 pounds - 9988 cubic inches - 2 shelves - 2 rollot drawers Add $600 (+600)" "In - 39 3/4 x 19 3/4 x 17 Out - 40 x 40 x 40 - 461 pounds - 13346 cubic inches - 3 shelves - 3 roll out drawers Add $1795 (+1795)"|^|"Liftgate from truck to lower to curb?" "Yes Add $89 (+89)" "No - don't need"|^|"Residential delivery?""Yes Add $55 (+55)" "No"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|amulfieldike||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-ul-fire-rated-electronic-digital-keypad-safe-with-lcd-screen-36.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/amsec-ul-fire-rated-electronic-digital-keypad-safe-with-lcd-screen-38.gif||Amsec UL Fire Rated Electronic Digital Keypad Safe With LCD Screen||3286||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||759.000||759.000 ||||Amsec UL Fire Rated Electronic Digital Keypad Safe With LCD Screen||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New!
    Features :
  • U.L. Listed 350°F, 1-Hour fire rating.
  • Impressive 5/8" thick door with attractive two-toned sage finish.
  • Handle operated side, top and bottom locking mechanism incorporating (4) 1” chrome plated locking bolts.
  • Two deadbolts prevent door removal if hinges are removed during a forced entry attempt.
  • New State-of-the-art DL5000 electronic lock with a large 3 ¾” touch screen LCD input display allows smooth and easy operation.

    ||NEW! EST Series Electronic Safes with DL5000 Lock EST1814 and EST914

    Features :
  • U.L. Listed 350°F, 1-Hour fire rating.
  • Impressive 5/8" thick door with attractive two-toned sage finish.
  • Handle operated side, top and bottom locking mechanism incorporating (4) 1” chrome plated locking bolts.
  • Two deadbolts prevent door removal if hinges are removed during a forced entry attempt.
  • New State-of-the-art DL5000 electronic lock with a large 3 ¾” touch screen LCD input display allows smooth and easy operation. Mode altering display changes from orange in standby mode to bright blue in the open position.
  • Accepts (2) user codes and can show open door records for the past 14 entries.
  • LCD touch screen display shows low-battery indicator, time, date and keypad.
  • Emergency key-lock override system with two (2) keys, power override battery box, built-in spy-proof function and motion detector alert. Combination changes are fast and easy.
  • EST1814 Features: One (1) internal anchor hole and hardware, (4) removable rolling casters, (1) adjustable shelf and (1) top mounted key lock drawer.
  • EST914 Features: One (1) internal anchor hole and hardware, (4) rubber feet and (1) drawer shelf.

    This safe is battery powered

    The lighted LCD screen is a great feature!

    This safe is not UPS shippable and will be delivered by Motor Freight truck

    Please note: Delivery includes trucking to your location only. If you will need help in unloading the safe off the truck an electric lift gate is available for an additional $89.00. (See below) The liftgate is attached to the truck and will allow the driver to lower the safe to the ground for you. Driver will only unload it off truck. Delivery charge only includes transportation from our location to yours. If you will need additional assistance in moving safe to and into your home or business then please have that arraigned previously. A local moving company in your area should be able to assist you. Large safes cannot be shipped to an APO address or to Alaska or Hawaii.

    2,920 cu. in. capacity
    23 5/8 x 18 7/8 x 18 7/8 - HWD
    187 pounds

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|intoipregopa||link.||||isdo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/an-introduction-to-ip-readers-go-panel-free-with-isonas-ip-6.gif||||||An Introduction to IP Readers: Go Panel-Free with ISONAS IP||||elkey puipreke isdo||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > Isonas Documention And Help Files > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anrompad||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ancient-roman-padlock-27.gif||||||Ancient Roman padlock||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||It is made of bronze and is around 2/12 - 3 inches in height. The key hole is in the center of the lock.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ficaanrobrpa||item-1||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/a-finely-cast-ancient-roman-bronze-padlock-36.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ancient-roman-bronze-face-padlock-circa-100bc-200-a-d-26.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ancient-roman-bronze-face-padlock-circa-100bc-200-a-d-27.gif||Ancient Roman Bronze Face Padlock circa 100BC - 200 A.D||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||A finely cast Ancient Roman bronze padlock featuring a hinged lid in the shape of double headed male figure (Janus). Each side (face) appears engraved in a stylized manner with wide open eyes and typical hairstyle. Earth encrustation and some corrosion cover the surface preventing the padlock to open.

    Figural padlocks such as this beautiful example are interesting items of Roman everyday life, displaying the great skills in working bronze of Roman craftmanship. Padlocks of this type are believed to have originated from northeast Italy and then spread to other areas such as Britannia and Germania. The molded bronze male faces used to decorate figural padlocks were usually sterotyped, following the same features such as straight hair, usually combed straight down and worn in bangs.

    No repairs or restoration has been done to this lock, Only very few of these types of locks have survived. This type of lock may be the very first keyed type padlock ever made. Only about 150 have been found. Very rare. For more information on this type of lock see the wonderful book: Romano-Celtic Mask Puzzle Padlocks by Jerry Slocum and Dic Sonneveld.

    Condition: fine style with nice dark green patina.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anromfacloc||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ancient-roman-face-lock-32.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ancient-roman-face-lock-33.gif||Ancient Roman Face Lock||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||I believe it's a padlock type of lock. The larger picture is of the outside, front and back. The smaller picture is of the inside of the lock. This strange lock was profiled in the book "Schlussel und Schloss" (lock and key) by H. Pankoffer. Locks from this period are extremely rare items!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anrofalo1030||item-1||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ancient-roman-face-lock-10-300-a-d-66.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ancient-roman-face-lock-10-300-a-d-67.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ancient-roman-face-lock-10-300-a-d-68.gif||Ancient Roman Face Lock circa 100 - 300 A.D||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||DIMENSIONS: Size: 39 X 39 X 20MM

    No repairs or restoration has been done to this lock, Only very few of these types of locks have survived. This type of lock may be the very first keyed type padlock ever made. Only about 150 have been found. Very rare. For more information on this type of lock see the wonderful book: Romano-Celtic Mask Puzzle Padlocks by Jerry Slocum and Dic Sonneveld.||Ancient Roman Bronze Lock . circa 100 - 300 A.D||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anrommilpad||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ancient-roman-military-padlock-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ancient-roman-military-padlock-38.gif||Ancient Roman Military Padlock||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||From Germany. Size 3 inches high x 2 inches across - Very rare!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anromprispad||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ancient-roman-prisoners-padlock-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ancient-roman-prisoners-padlock-38.gif||Ancient Roman Prisoners Padlock||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||EXTREME RARITY, Circa 1st-3rd century A.D. Excavated among the ruins of an ancient Roman fortress. The specimen is totally intact. The iron key has been placed through the opening. Not found in any public sale in the last ten years. Length: 111mm. (4.37 inches). Height: 52mm. (2.04 inches). Weight: 173 gm. Extremely rare!

    This item was discovered in Moesia, which was a province of the Roman empire located in the Balkan peninsula. The antiquities in ancient times have been buried in the earth as this has been the safest place. For one reason or another (wars, natural disasters etc.) some of the antiquities have never been retrieved by their owners. These saved or lost items from ancient times are bringing us the pleasure of collecting them and making wise investments.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anlarinkey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/another-large-indian-key-26.gif||||||Another Large Indian Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Another large Indian key - this one 6 3/4 inches long and also with an unusual split shaft.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anoldpoloin||link.||||foxstylpollo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/another-old-police-lock-installation-10.gif||||||Another Old Police Lock Installation||||aseq foxstylpollo|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Fox Police Lock (Original Style) > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anrombol7||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/another-roman-bolt-200.gif||||||Another Roman Bolt||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anrombol||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/another-roman-bolt-195.gif||||||Another Roman Bolt||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||About 2 1/8 inches long and rounded which is not common.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anrombol8||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/another-roman-bolt-201.gif||||||Another Roman Bolt||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Notice the distinct shape of the tumler holes. Round, square and rectangle. The key that fit this must have had a very interesting end or maybe it's because more than one key was made to fit this lock.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anrombol3||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/another-roman-bolt-196.gif||||||Another Roman Bolt||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anrombol1||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/another-roman-bolt-197.gif||||||Another Roman Bolt||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This one is almost 3 inches long||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anrombol2||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/another-roman-bolt-202.gif||||||Another Roman Bolt||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This one is 3 1/4 inches long||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anrombol5||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/another-roman-bolt-198.gif||||||Another Roman Bolt||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anrombol4||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/another-roman-bolt-199.gif||||||Another Roman Bolt||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anromkey1||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/another-roman-key-26.gif||||||Another Roman Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anromlocbol||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/another-roman-lock-bolt-27.gif||||||Another Roman Lock Bolt||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Another old Roman lock bolt also with a nice green patina. Look how well defined the holes are.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|antaplbuco||item-1||soliditem||exswitwitils||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/anti-tamper-plexiglas-button-cover-30.gif||||||Anti Tamper Plexiglas Button Cover ||1500-B||exbutanddev exswitwitils||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > Dortronics Exit Switch With Illuminated Sqare Button > ||59.000||59.000 ||||Anti Tamper Plexiglas Button Cover||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Anti Tamper cover protects push button exit switch from being accidently actuated . Mounts over single gang switch.

    6 1/2 inches high x 4 inches wide||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anpadbyjacro||item.||soliditem||books1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/antique-padlocks-by-jack-roberts-24.gif||||||Antique Padlocks By Jack Roberts||Item: 1514||books1||» Books, Software About Locks - Safes - Security > ||69.000||69.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||You can buy this book direct from us.||Sorry but out of stock on this item.

    Finally there is a book to give you all the information you need about these interesting locks. Our manual shows you a photo of the lock the lock and gives you data on the manufacturer, age, construction materials, and even the value of the padlock! Plus, we tell you how to make an operating key, as well as information on which blanks to use, etc. A "Notes" section gives a history of the lock as well as any technical information needed to help you make a working key. Hundreds of types of locks are covered including iron, steel and brass padlocks.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|apmagstripca||item.||soliditem||stanalcredca1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/apollo-mag-stripe-cards-in-lots-of-25-20.gif||||||Apollo Mag Stripe Cards In Lots Of 50||Item: 1923||credcarread stanalcredca1||» Mag Stripe Card & Corby Chip Readers > Apollo Stand Alone Mag-Stripe Card /Keypad Access System > ||239.000||239.000 ||||Apollo Mag Stripe Cards In Lots Of 50||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|stanalcredca1||item.||soliditem||credcarread||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/apollo-stand-alone-mag-stripe-card-keypad-access-system-27.gif||||||Apollo Stand Alone Mag-Stripe Card /Keypad Access System||1404||credcarread||» Mag Stripe Card & Corby Chip Readers > ||729.000||729.000 ||||Apollo Stand Alone Mag-Stripe Card /Keypad Access System||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||readheadclea apmagstripca noname12||Hot The AP-530 is a bright new concept in low cost, single door, stand-alone access control. The AP-530 provides complete time zone control of access with its battery-backed real time clock, and provides a printer output for event logging and configuration output, via its RS-232 serial interface. No programming cards, as used on other low cost stand-alone readers, are required. All AP-530 programming is performed via its integral 12 position keypad. An inexpensive stand alone system with some amazing big system features!
    ||The AP-530 is a bright new concept in low cost, single door, stand-alone access control. The AP-530 provides complete time zone control of access with its battery-backed real time clock, and provides a printer output for event logging and configuration output, via its RS-232 serial interface. No programming cards, as used on other low cost stand-alone readers, are required. All AP-530 programming is performed via its integral 12 position keypad.


  • Wide input voltage range (+6 to +24 Vdc)
  • Low power/surface mount/1 million pass read head
  • Small, rugged, die cast aluminum (mullion mount)
  • Complete array of coordinated mounting hardware
  • Mounts with security screw/tamper switch
  • Attractive, weatherized finish
  • 3 LEDs for access and reader status
  • 12 position keypad with audible feedback
  • Real time clock with battery back-up
  • RS-232 printer interface
  • Bi-directional swipe
  • Supports credit cards or Apollo supplied high coercivity magnetic stripe cards - see below to order mag stripe cards
  • 1000 sequential/100 random or credit cards
  • 4 time zones/7 access levels/20 Holidays
  • Anti passback feature includedfor more security
  • Monitors and reports reader tamper/door alarm
  • Output for door strike/output for auxiliary use
  • Non-volatile memory for card/PIN storage
  • Installs with plug-in connectors

    Operation: The AP-530 has 4 inputs and 2 outputs. It monitors door contact, exit push-button, reader tamper and auxiliary alarm zone, and outputs control lines for the electric door strike and an auxiliary output. The aux output can be used for a local door alarm, to arm/disarm a separate alarm system, or for any other output functions. The AP-530 can limit access by time of day, day of week and provides up to 20 holidays that can override the day of week. Reader mode (card only, card/PIN, card and PIN, facility codes, locked, unlocked) can be controlled by time.

    Typical Apollo Reader System
    Apollo Single Door System
    M 1 format

    Dimensions: 5.6"L x 1.98"W x 1.5"H (14.2 x 5 x 3.8 cm)
    Weight: 0.4 lb. (0.18 kg)
    Operating Temperature Range: -40 to +85º C (-40 to +185º F)
    Humidity Range: 0 to 95%, non-condensing
    Finish: die-cast aluminum
    Power Requirements: +6 to +24Vdc @ 25mA

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section
    See our exit button section
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locksmithing for installation hints

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up||"Add strike" "Add Rutherford 12 vdc fail secure electric strike $159 (+159)\\|\\www.nokey.com/electricstrike.html\\|\\Click for more info"|^| "Add 12vdc" "Add 12vdc plugin transformer power supply $69 (+69) \\|\\nokey.com/12vdc1amp.html\\|\\Click for more info"|^|"Add 12 w backup" "Add 12vdc power supply with battery back-up $179 (+179) \\|\\nokey.com/elk12volonea.html \\|\\ Click for more info"|^|"Add maglock" "Add Securitron 1200 pound 12vdc magnetic lock with lifetime warranty $379 (+379) \\|\\nokey.com/secmagloc.html\\|\\Click for more info
    "||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|samsyswithea||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/apollo-system-with-heavy-duty-everswitch-keypads-28.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/apollo-system-with-heavy-duty-everswitch-keypads-30.gif||Apollo System With Heavy Duty Everswitch Keypads||Item: 1545||||||1995.000||1995.000 ||||Apollo System With Heavy Duty Everswitch Keypads||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Can be used under thew most extreme conditions. So tough that it's approved by the FAA on commercial flight decks!||Two door system
    Includes Software, enclosure, lock power supply, battery backup for cpmplete system and RS-485 interface. Just add your Wiegand device (card reader or keypad) and cable and your ready to go.

    These keypads use solid state Piezo Technology. Not the membrane type. When a digit is pressed the button does not depress. It only needs the lighteset touch to activate. It's the primary reason they are so extremely tough and well made. So tough that it's approved by the FAA on commercial flight decks!

    •Solid metal housing- Machined out of a solid block of aluminum (One-Piece Construction)
    •Vandal proof- (Glue, Lighter, Knives & Gum)
    •Tamper proof- (Unique, 1-Piece Installation)
    •Weather proof (-40° to +257°F)
    •Water proof(IP68 Rated) against Rain, Soft Drinks, Body Fluids, Chemical Agents
    •Anodized graphics - they never wear off
    •Meets US military standards for Shock, Vibration, Temperature & Impact and in addition, are not susceptible to RFI or EMI interference.
    •Power requirements: 12.28 VDC 30 mA
    •Cable requirements: 500 feet max 5-9 conductor 20 AWG shielded cable
    •Method of operation: Pressing one or more numbers followed by the # key sends the sequence of digits via 26 bit Wiegand protocol to a host control panel. Each keypress causes the Red LED to flash and the beeper to sound.
    •Output: Wiegand-Data 1 and Data 0 Open collector 1K ohm. Pull up to internal +5V.
    •CCTV interface capability: Activated by keypress Open collector 250 mA. 30 second duration.
    •Tamper: Photo-diode sensor Open collector 100 mA. Pulled "low" when light sensed.
    •Hold: Ground to Activate Causes data to be held in keypad buffer when pulled "low".
    ||"How many doors?" "2 door $1995" "4 door Add $1968 (+1968)" "8 door Add $3279 (+3279)"|^|"Choose square or thin type keypad" "Square 3inch X 4 inch" "2 inch X 6 inch"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|arexal||item.||soliditem||exitdevices||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/architectural-exit-alarm-24.gif||||||Architectural Exit Alarm||1565||exitdevices||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > ||596.000||596.000 ||||Architectural Exit Alarm||||||Usually ships in 4-6 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||narstilmounp||||An alternative for the larget type bar exit devices this model is sleek and can be used almost anywhere.

  • Alarm will sound for 2 minutes then shuts off and rearms and relatches automatically
  • Handing is reversible
  • Takes a standard 1 1/8 inch mortise cylinder
  • Alarm sounds for 2 minutes then rearms and relatches and red LED indicator flashes when violation occurs. Light continues to flash beyond alarm cycle and can only be turned off by the inside key.
  • Low battery chirp

    Can only be used on outswinging doors 1 3/4 inches thick and with a 4 inch stile.

    Takes a 9 volt battery
    Cover: 12 3/4 inches X 2 inches X 2 5/8 inches
    Paddle: 3 1/4 inch projection - 10 3/8 inch length Finish: sprayed aluminum||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|arspforsaloi||link.||||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/architectural-specifications-for-the-sabl-lock-in-the-pdf-format-3.gif||||||Architectural Specifications For The Sabl Lock In The PDF Format||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ariccorcyl||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/arrow-ic-or-interchangeable-core-cylinder-25.gif||||||Arrow IC Or Interchangeable Core Cylinder||Item: 1822||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||52.000||52.000 ||||Arrow IC Or Interchangeable Core Cylinder||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Comes with 2 regular keys and 1 change key. May be used with many type of heavy duty digital locks. Locks must have a hole in the lever or knob to accept this type of cylinder. Will work in place of most Best or Falcon type IC core cylinders. These are 6 pin and they are already combinated (keyed up and ready to be inserted into lock).||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|220atfinlocw||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/arrowvision-220-at-heavy-duty-biometric-fingerprint-door-lock-with-audit-trail-capability-28.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/arrowvision-220-at-heavy-duty-biometric-fingerprint-door-lock-with-audit-trail-capability-30.gif||Arrowvision 220 AT Heavy Duty Biometric Fingerprint Door Lock With Audit Trail Capability ||Item: 1817||||||799.000||799.000 ||||Arrowvision 220 AT Heavy Duty Biometric Fingerprint Door Lock With Audit Trail Capability||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||morinonthisl opguidforthi1 inguidinpdff13 hr42 noname12||||Sorry but this item is no longer availabile. Please click here to see current fingerprint locks

    We are an authorized dealer

    Great Features

    • Easy to set up and use fingerprint Identification
    • Passcode Override
    • Easy to Install
    • LED Display
    • Battery Operation with Low Battery Alert
    • Keypad
    •1 year repair or replacement manufacturer's warranty
    •Uses 6 AA batteries (not included)with up to 2 to 3 years of average usage battery life
    •Non-volatile memory - fingerprint memory will not be lost even if batteries run down
    •Built-in dust cover and attactive design
    •Emergency key override
    •Optional Audit trail module records last 250 events - see below to order
    •Two user levels management - Administrators and Users. Only the administrators can add/delete fingerprints

    These locks are battery powered

    Specifications :
    - Power: 6 AA-size alkaline batteries
    - Number of User: 50
    - Capture time: < 1s
    - Recognition time: < 0.2s/per fingerprint
    - False Accept Ratio: < 4/100000
    - False Reject Ratio: < 3/100
    - Translation tolerance: < 3mm
    - Rotation tolerance: < 15º

    Outside:10 3/4" x 3 1/16" x 1 3/4"
    Inside:10 3/4" x 3 1/16" x 1 3/8"
    Weight: 10 lbs Single point latch lock
    Will work on doors 1 1/2" to 1 7/8" thick

    Audit trail module consisting of RS 485/232 convertor cable and windows software (see below to order).

    Also available carat gold plated finish in quantities of 50 or more lock with a 4 weeks leed time. Please email or call for more info.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|atmolorefse||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/atrium-mortise-lock-replacement-full-set-25.gif||||||Atrium Mortise Lock Replacement (Full Set)||2093||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||149.000||171.000 ||149.000 ||Atrium Mortise Lock Replacement (Full Set)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||atmolorecy||||You can use this to replace the lock in an Atrium type door. This Is A exact Replacement!

  • 1 3/4" narrow stile backset
  • Fits doors 1 3/8 to 1 7/8 inches thick
  • Hand reversible 4 1/2 inch solid brass decorative levers
  • Face plates are 1 3/16 inches w x 8 1/4 inches high
  • Solid brass escution plates
  • Schlage c sci rekeyable cylinder
  • Key operated from the outside inside thumbturn for locking and unlocking||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|atmolorecy||item.||soliditem||atmolorefse||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/atrium-mortise-lock-replacement-cylinder-25.gif||||||Atrium Mortise Lock Replacement Cylinder||Item: 2094||aseq atmolorefse|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Atrium Mortise Lock Replacement (Full Set) > ||69.000||69.000 ||||Atrium Mortise Lock Replacement Cylinder||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Comes with 2 schlage type keys||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|audtrailsoff1||item.||soliditem||kabaelock||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/audit-trail-software-for-the-e-plex-lock-25.gif||||||Audit Trail Software For The E-Plex Lock||Item: 1763-B||diglocel kabaelock||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Kaba E-Plex 5000 Electronic Lock > ||298.000||350.000 ||298.000 ||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This audit trail software works with A PDA using infra red. Requires Palm Operating System 4.X or 5.X (not supplied).||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|125khzusbrfr||item-1||soliditem||proxread||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/125-khz-usb-rfid-reader-usb-keyboard-emulator-mode-27.gif||||||Avea 125 kHz USB RFID Reader USB Keyboard Emulator Mode||3820||proxread||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > ||179.000||179.000 ||||Avea 125 kHz USB RFID Reader USB Keyboard Emulator Mode||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||AVEA USB RFID Reader works just like an ordinary USB keyboard with RFID card as input.

    Emulates USB keyboard. No software driver needed. Connect to PC through standard USB interface. While RFID card is read, the card number is entered like typing through ordinary keyboard and it is terminated with ENTER key.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avbatyprcawi||item-1||soliditem||avrfstusbtic||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-badge-type-proximity-card-with-custom-printing-100-cards-34.gif||||||Avea Badge Type Proximity Card With Custom Printing (100 Cards)||3704||proxread avrfstusbtic||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock > ||895.000||895.000 ||||Avea Badge Type Proximity Card With Custom Printing (100 Cards)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Send any image you want on your RFID cards that displays your LOGO or the intended use of the card and we will print them for you! We sell these in minimum quantities of 100.

    Disclaimer: All cards will have a resin thermal dye-sublimation image print that is extremely scratch resistant. We use a Fargo printer that will do a high quality color match to your artwork. However, due to the possible variation in color,resolution, and size we insist that ALL CARDS SOLD AS-IS. Your artwork image will be a closer match if you send your file in the ".PDF" format, but we will also accept ".JPG" format files. Please make sure your artwork image fits inside a 2"x 3.5" window and has been checked and approved. Please note that printed cards can not be returned.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avbadtypprox3||item.||soliditem||avrfstusbtic||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-badge-type-proximity-cards-in-packs-of-100-28.gif||||||Avea Badge Type Proximity Cards In Packs Of 100||1966||proxread avrfstusbtic||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock > ||629.000||629.000 ||||Avea Badge Type Proximity Cards In Packs Of 100||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||In packs of 100 - credit card sized prox cards that are used only for some Avea readers.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avbadtypprox1||item.||soliditem||avrfstusbtic||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-badge-type-proximity-cards-in-packs-of-20-28.gif||||||Avea Badge Type Proximity Cards In Packs Of 20||1964||proxread avrfstusbtic||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock > ||190.000||190.000 ||||Avea Badge Type Proximity Cards In Packs Of 20||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||In packs of 20 - credit card sized prox cards that are used only for some Avea readers.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avbadtypprox2||item.||soliditem||avrfstusbtic||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-badge-type-proximity-cards-in-packs-of-50-28.gif||||||Avea Badge Type Proximity Cards In Packs Of 50||1965||proxread avrfstusbtic||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock > ||359.000||359.000 ||||Avea Badge Type Proximity Cards In Packs Of 50||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||In packs of 50 - credit card sized prox cards that are used only for some Avea readers.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avcomsindoor||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-compact-single-door-proximity-reader-system-36.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-compact-single-door-proximity-reader-system-38.gif||Avea Compact Single Door Proximity Reader System||Item: Item: 1902||||||98.000||149.000 ||98.000 ||Avea Compact Single Door Proximity Reader System||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr18 morinonthisp18||New! Inexpensive proximity access Control - can accept up to 338 cards or fobs!||Inexpensive proximity access Control! Easy and simple to use. Provided jumpers allow for setup. Two proximity badge type cards are included. Can accept up to 338 cards! The only drawback to this product as opposed to a more expensive system is that there is no way to erase individual fobs or cards. To erase a fob or card you need to reprogram all the fobs.

    Relay output of no or nc for electric strike or magnetic lock.
    Request to exit terminals are provided for interior release. Provides performance and reliability with a stylish appearance.
    Reading range is around 2 inches
    High reliability and consistent read range.
    Power supply 9 to 12V, 300mA.
    Mount directly on electrical box for easy installation.
    LED Indicator : Red and Green. In addition a buzzer will sound if an incorrect card is presented.
    Size : 3 1/2 inches W x 3 3/8 inches L x 1 inches D - 83mm x 83mm x 30mm Color : White

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section

    Dont forget the power supply!Click here

    Sorry - no longer in stock||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avdeprcobaac||item.||soliditem||proxread||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-decorative-rfid-proximity-card-reader-audit-trail-rs232-connection-38.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-decorative-rfid-proximity-card-reader-computer-based-access-system-with-audit-trail-rs232-connection-12.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-decorative-rfid-proximity-card-reader-audit-trail-rs232-connection-40.gif||Avea Decorative RFID Proximity Card Reader - Audit Trail - RS232 Connection||3248||proxread||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > ||329.000||329.000 ||||Avea Decorative RFID Proximity Card Reader - Computer Based Access System With Audit Trail - RS232 Connection||"Add 12 w backup" "Add 12vdc power supply with battery back-up $179 (+179) \\|\\nokey.com/elk12volonea.html \\|\\ Click for more info"

    "Add 12vdc" "Add 12vdc plugin transformer power supply $69 (+69) \\|\\nokey.com/12vdc1amp.html\\|\\Click for more info"

    "Add strike" "Add Rutherford 12 vdc fail secure electric strike $159 (+159)\\|\\www.nokey.com/electricstrike.html\\|\\Click for more info"

    "Add maglock" "Add Securitron 1200 pound 12vdc magnetic lock with lifetime warranty $339 (+339) \\|\\nokey.com/secmagloc.html\\|\\Click for more info
    "||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinonthprin9 seesoseinfor timrecsofdow avrsrstorsco avbadtypprox2 avbadtypprox3 avbatyprcawi avsmalfobtyp avsmfobtyprf aveaproximitystickers elk12volonea weatreskeyco||On Sale! New compact decorative design. There is no less expensive way to do access control and have audit trail information. Since it's PC based, only the size of your hard drive determines how many cards can be used. Now comes with either 10 free Cards or 5 free Fobs - your choice.||This low cost computer based indoor access controller now comes in a new decorative and compact size and directly connects to your computer serial com port (or optional USB). It's a time clock and access control system in one. You dont need a control panel. Unlike some other low cost systems you are not limited to just a few cards or fobs. You'll have an unlimited number of proximity cards or fobs and the database size depends on your computer's storage capacity. Grant or remove access allowed easily. Time Recorder or audit trail(for Windows) is included. Export the clock in / clock out time to Excel or text file format. Max distance between prox reader and PC about 15 feet. For longer distances see Item: 1903 - Avea RS422- RS232 to RS422 Converter (Sold In Pairs) below. The reader can also be connected to a PC using a simple USB to serial convertor.

    With a proximity card reader you'll have a keyless environment without card slot and associated maintenance costs. Power supply requirment: 9 to 12VDC 300mA - 1 amp.
    A Relay output is used with an electric strike or magnetic lock for low cost access control
    Reading range about 2 to 3 inches
    LED Indicator : Green and Red.

    Dimensions: 3 3/8 " W x 3 3/8 " H x 1 1/8 " D or : 86mm x 86mm x 30mm
    Color : White

  • Great performance and reliability with a stylish modern appearance.
  • Very inexpensive way to start an access control system.
  • Mounts directly on electrical box or any flat surface for easy installation.
  • A powerful low cost reader in a very attractive package.
  • Fast and reliable keyless environment without mechanical parts, card slot or magnetic head.
  • Reduces maintenance costs because a prox reader has no moving parts
  • High reliability and consistent read range (about 2 to 3 inches).
  • Relay output to control electric strike or magnetic lock - (an extra power supply is needed for the strike or mag).
  • Low power consumption- less than .5 amps.
  • Serial cable inclded and can also be connected to PC with simple USB convertor - (Not inculded).
  • No limit on the number of cards or fobs used in the system.
  • new feature Now comes with either 10 free Cards or 10 free Fobs - your choice

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locking Devices

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up

    Comes with proximity cards or fobs, serial cable and audit trail software. Most other brands charge extra for these items. See below to order more cards or fobs for this proximity system.

    Important! Please note: always use a separate power supply when using a proximity card reader and an electric strike or magnetic lock.||"
    Choose either 10 free proximity cards or 10 free proximity fobs" "10 proximity cards" "10 proximity fobs"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|etbahtwebclr||item-1||soliditem||proxread||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ethernet-based-http-web-client-rfid-reader-with-poe-power-injector-42.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ethernet-based-http-web-client-rfid-reader-with-poe-power-injector-43.gif||Avea Ethernet Based HTTP Web Client Mifare RFID Reader With POE Power Injector||3818||proxread||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > ||298.000||298.000 ||||Avea Ethernet Based HTTP Web Client Mifare RFID Reader With POE Power Injector||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||usersmanuel mi0prca mifarerfidfob mirfwrpof20||Proximity card reader with embedded Ethernet (no more adapter or controller needed).||Proximity card reader with embedded Ethernet (no more adapter or controller)
  • Plug directly into your network by CAT5 cable
  • HTTP web client with PHP/ASP/ASPX enabled
  • Perfect RFID solutions for HTTP server like Apache/IIS with PHP/ASP and mySQL database server
  • Send PHP/ASP URL requests to the HTTP server with the various parameters
  • Accepts responses from the HTTP server to perform various actions on the reader
  • Great for website designer to integrate RFID applications, like time attendance, access control, stock control, etc..
  • Open communication standard, designing application is just like designing web pages.
  • Built-in user controllable relay output for external controlling, i.e. electric door lock for access control, etc.
  • 20 Mifare cards are included

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avlaprfobsoi||item-1||soliditem||avflexstanac||||||||Avea Larger Proximity Fob Sold In Pack Of 5||Item 1736-H||escaperoomlock avflexstanac||» Escape Room Locking > Avea RFID Proximity Stand Alone Access Control System > ||49.000||49.000 ||||Avea Larger Proximity Fob Sold In Pack Of 5||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Proximity key fob for 125kHz •Long life no battery design allows for an infinite number of reads

    Size: 2 1/8 inches long x 1 1/4 inches wide x 1/8 inches thick Long life : No-battery design allows for an infinite number of reads.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|mifarerfidfob||item-1||soliditem||etbahtwebclr||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-mifare-rfid-fob-pack-of-20-31.gif||||||Avea Mifare RFID Fob (Pack Of 20)||3822||proxread etbahtwebclr||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea Ethernet Based HTTP Web Client Mifare RFID Reader With POE Power Injector > ||129.000||129.000 ||||Avea Mifare RFID Fob (Pack Of 20)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||1K proximity key fob
  • Size : 40mm x 32mm x 4mm thickness.
  • Long life : No-battery design allows for an infinite number of reads.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|mirfwrpof20||item-1||soliditem||etbahtwebclr||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-mifare-rfid-wristband-pack-of-20-31.gif||||||Avea Mifare RFID Wristband (Pack Of 20)||3823||proxread etbahtwebclr||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea Ethernet Based HTTP Web Client Mifare RFID Reader With POE Power Injector > ||159.000||159.000 ||||Avea Mifare RFID Wristband (Pack Of 20)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Wristband for 13.56MHz high frequency mifare readers
  • Mifare Classic 1K S50 standard
  • Size : Ö74mm
  • Long life : No-battery design allows for an infinite number of reads

    ***Sample order in red or blue only. We will ship randomly.

    This wristband uses Mifare 1k S50 Classic compatible chip. Available in the size of Ö65mm or Ö74mm. It can be overprinted with your company logo or engraved with the tag's ID number. Please contact us for customisation.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avprcaforacc||item-1||soliditem||avstipaccoti||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-proximity-cards-for-access-control-reader-with-lcd-screen-with-custom-printing-31.gif||||||Avea Proximity Cards For Access Control Reader With LCD Screen With Custom Printing||3709||proxread avstipaccoti||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea Single Door IP Proximity Card Reader 10 Cards Free > ||895.000||895.000 ||||Avea Proximity Cards For Access Control Reader With LCD Screen With Custom Printing (100 Cards)||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Send any image you want on your RFID cards that displays your LOGO or the intended use of the card and we will print them for you! We sell these in minimum quantities of 100.

    Disclaimer: All cards will have a resin thermal dye-sublimation image print that is extremely scratch resistant. We use a Fargo printer that will do a high quality color match to your artwork. However, due to the possible variation in color,resolution, and size we insist that ALL CARDS SOLD AS-IS. Your artwork image will be a closer match if you send your file in the ".PDF" format, but we will also accept ".JPG" format files. Please make sure your artwork image fits inside a 2"x 3.5" window and has been checked and approved. Please note that printed cards can not be returned.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|flexcombasac1||item.||soliditem||flexcombasac||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-proximity-computer-based-access-system-with-audit-trail-rs485-connection-22.gif||||||Avea Proximity Reader - Audit Trail - RS485 Connection||1785||proxread avtaiprfprca flexcombasac||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea TA01A iProx RFID Proximity Card Reader With RS232 Connection > Avea RFID Proximity Reader - Audit Trail - RS232 Connection > ||289.000||289.000 ||||Avea Proximity Computer Based Access System With Audit Trail - RS485 Connection||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||avrstors morinonthiss2 inonthisprod1 timrecsofdow1 avsmalfobtyp avsmfobtyprf avbadtypprox2 avbadtypprox3 avbatyprcawi aveaproximitystickers weatreskeyco flexcombasac||There is no less expensive way to do access control and have audit trails information. Since it's PC based only the size of your hard drive determines how many cards can be used. Low cost computer Based indoor Access Controller directly connects to your computer - no control panel. It's a time clock and access control system in one.||

    Single Door Access Control System

    Low cost computer Based indoor Access Controller directly connects to your computer - no control panel. It's a time clock and access control system in one.

  • Unlimited number of ID cards and database, depend on your computer's storage capacity.
  • Grant or remove access allowed easily.
  • Time Recorder (for Windows) is included in all KS232D/KS485D series products.
  • Export the clock in / clock out time to Excel or text file format for further use.
  • Supports long communication range (over 1km)
  • Performance and reliability with a stylish appearance.
  • Provides a keyless environment without card slot and associated maintenance costs.
  • Mount directly on electrical box for easy installation.
  • Power supply requirement : 9 to 12VDC 300mA - 1 amp.
  • Reading range is around 2 inches
  • High reliability and consistent read range.
  • LED Indicator : Green and Red.
  • new feature Now includes an RS485 to RS232 converter free - $59 value. If you don't have a serial jack on your PC a USB coverter may be used.

    Size: 4 1/2 " W x 4 1/2 " H x 7/8 " D or 117mm x 117mm x 21mm
    Color : Grey

    Time Recorder V2.00 - A powerful tool for your attendance needs. - Makes accurate time reporting. - Helps to record all the in out time for your employees. - Your first step towards maintaining employee time keeping. - With individual employee's attendance report. - Simplify the management of employee time and attendance data. - Reduces payroll preparation time - Quick and easy for clock in and clock out. - Provides a fast and reliable keyless environment without mechanical part, card slot or magnetic heads. - Reduces maintanace costs. - Provides high reliability and consistent read range. - Low power consumption.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locksmithing for installation hints

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up

    Two cards included. See below to order more cards for this reader

    typical two piece system
    An example of a typical installation using the 232 to 485 converter

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|aveaproximitystickers||item.||soliditem||avrfstusbtic||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/aveaproximitystickers-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-proximity-stickers-id-sticker-in-lots-of-20-31.gif||Avea Proximity Stickers (ID Sticker) In Lots Of 20||3625||proxread avrfstusbtic||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock > ||225.000||225.000 ||||Avea Proximity Stickers (ID Sticker) In Lots Of 20||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Proximity sticker for 125kHz RFID electronic kits, readers and time recorders. These can be used for many different purposes such as on a cell phone or an existing card to make a dual technology card. They are very sticky on one side so they should hold well. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions.

  • Sizes : 30mm (about 1 1/8 inches wide and 1 inch wide) x 0.8mm (paper thin) thickness
  • Long life : No-battery design allows for an infinite number of reads. The color is white.||"Please choose size" "Smaller 1 inch diameter - 2 week lead time" "Larger 1 1/8 inch diameter - 4 week lead time"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avrfstusbtic||item-1||soliditem||proxread||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-rfid-standalone-usb-time-clock-47.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-rfid-pc-based-usb-time-clock-20.gif||Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock ||3824||proxread||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > ||179.000||179.000 ||||Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||siseprfortic avtiusma usmaforavrfs avbadtypprox1 avbadtypprox2 avbadtypprox3 avbatyprcawi avsmalfobtyp avsmfobtyprf aveaproximitystickers elk12volonea elk4ampthreo weatreskeyco lowprofileweathercover||||*** to be used with PC and TIME CLOCK software "ON"

  • Browse CLOCK IN CLOCK OUT data anytime anywhere from your network (LAN or WAN)
  • NO monthly charges
  • PLUG & PLAY with USB cable
  • Easy to install
  • Fast, accurate and reliable
  • The simplest and fastest way for time recording
  • Support unlimited number of employees and records (depend on your PC)

    Please note that the laptop is not included.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|flexcombasac||item.||soliditem||avtaiprfprca||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-rfid-proximity-computer-based-access-system-with-audit-trail-rs232-connection-35.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-rfid-proximity-computer-based-access-system-with-audit-trail-rs232-connection-41.gif||||Avea RFID Proximity Reader - Audit Trail - RS232 Connection||1774||proxread avtaiprfprca||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea TA01A iProx RFID Proximity Card Reader With RS232 Connection > ||295.000||295.000 ||||Avea RFID Proximity Computer Based Access System With Audit Trail - RS232 Connection||"Add 12 w backup" "Add 12vdc power supply with battery back-up $179 (+179) \\|\\nokey.com/elk12volonea.html \\|\\ Click for more info"

    "Add 12vdc" "Add 12vdc plugin transformer power supply $69 (+69) \\|\\nokey.com/12vdc1amp.html\\|\\Click for more info"

    "Add strike" "Add Rutherford 12 vdc fail secure electric strike $159 (+159)\\|\\www.nokey.com/electricstrike.html\\|\\Click for more info"

    "Add maglock" "Add Securitron 1200 pound 12vdc magnetic lock with lifetime warranty $339 (+339) \\|\\nokey.com/secmagloc.html\\|\\Click for more info
    "||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||morinonthiss1 inonthisprod seesoseforth timrecsofdow avrsrstorsco avbadtypprox2 avbadtypprox3 avbatyprcawi avsmalfobtyp avsmfobtyprf aveaproximitystickers elk12volonea elk4ampthreo weatreskeyco flexcombasac1 avtaiprfprca||Hot There is no less expensive way to do access control and have audit trail information. Since it's PC based, only the size of your hard drive determines how many cards can be used. This system comes with 2 proximity cards, serial cable for PC connection and audit trail software.||Low cost computer based indoor Access Controller directly connects to your computer serial com port. It's a time clock and access control system in one. You dont need a control panel. Unlimited number of ID cards and database, depends on your computer's storage capacity. Grant or remove access allowed easily. Time Recorder or audit trail(for Windows) is included. Export the clock in / clock out time to Excel or text file format. Max distance between prox reader and PC about 15 feet. For longer distances see Item: 1903 - Avea RS422- RS232 to RS422 Converter (Sold In Pairs) below. If you don't have a serial jack on your PC a USB coverter may be used.

  • A powerful tool for your attendance needs.
  • Makes accurate time reporting.
  • With individual employee's attendance report.
  • Simplify the management of employee time and attendance data.
  • Reduces payroll preparation time.
  • Provides a fast and reliable keyless environment without mechanical part, card slot or magnetic heads.
  • Reduces maintenance costs.
  • Provides high reliability and consistent read range.
  • Low power consumption.
  • Great performance and reliability with a stylish appearance.
  • Provides a keyless environment without card slot and associated maintenance costs.
  • Mount directly on electrical box or any flat surface for easy installation.
  • Power supply requirment: 9 to 12VDC 300mA - 1 amp.
  • Connect an electric strike or magnetic lock for access control
  • High reliability and consistent read range.
  • Card reading range about 2 inches
  • LED Indicator : Green and Red.

    Size: 4 1/2 " W x 4 1/2 " H x 7/8 " D or 117mm x 117mm x 21mm
    Color : Grey

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locking Devices

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up

    Two proximity cards, serial cable and audit trail software included. See below to order more cards for this reader

    Important! Please note: always use a separate power supply when using a proximity card reader and an electric strike or magnetic lock.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avflexstanac||item.||soliditem||escaperoomlock||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-rfid-proximity-stand-alone-access-control-system-47.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-rfid-proximity-stand-alone-access-control-system-with-10-cards-or-5-fobs-with-2730-card-capacity-no-pc-required-14.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-rfid-proximity-stand-alone-access-control-system-49.gif||Avea RFID Proximity Stand Alone Access Control System||1773||escaperoomlock||» Escape Room Locking > ||298.000||298.000 ||||Avea RFID Proximity Stand Alone Access Control System With 10 Cards Or Fobs With 2730 Card Capacity (No PC Required)||"Add strike" "Add Rutherford 12 vdc fail secure electric strike $159 (+159)\\|\\www.nokey.com/electricstrike.html\\|\\Click for more info"

    "Add 12vdc" "Add 12vdc plugin transformer power supply $69 (+69) \\|\\nokey.com/12vdc1amp.html\\|\\Click for more info"

    "Add 12 w backup" "Add 12vdc power supply with battery back-up $179 (+179) \\|\\nokey.com/elk12volonea.html \\|\\ Click for more info"

    "Add maglock" "Add Securitron 1200 pound 12vdc magnetic lock with lifetime warranty $339 (+339) \\|\\nokey.com/secmagloc.html\\|\\Click for more info
    "||||Usually ships in 3-4 business days||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||usmaninpdffo avbadtypprox1 avbadtypprox2 avbadtypprox3 avbatyprcawi avsmalfobtyp avsmfobtyprf avlaprfobsoi aveaproximitystickers elk12volonea elk4ampthreo weatreskeyco lowprofileweathercover||Hot Self contained and no PC required. Features include variable open time for locking and request to exit. Can accept up to 2730 cards or fobs. Now comes with either 10 free Cards or Fobs - your choice. Amazing value!||THIS IS A TOP-RATED CARD READER

    The Avea indoor proximity reader is self contained and no PC is required. It as proven to be very reliable. Programming is very easy. Just use the add and delete cards it comes with. Unlike some other inexpensive systems, you don't have to delete all cards when you only want to delete one. As you can guess, this feature is a big big time saver. Also unlike some competitors systems, the Avea will accept up to 2730 cards or fobs! Most inexpensive readers have no where near as many. As good or even better than other systems selling at $400. Just add an electric strike or magnetic lock and a power supply for the reader and a power supply for the electric strike or magnetic lock and you're done! Call us if you need help choosing an electric strike or magnetic lock. We sell more of them than anyone. Comes with a 2 year easy exchange warranty - if reader goes bad within 2 years for any reason it will be swapped for a new one.

  • Low Priced, Single-Door Proximity Entry System - connect an electric strike and power supply and you're done
  • Great for escape rooms since it an easy setup with no PC required
  • Relay output to control any elctric strike or magnetic lock
  • Delete as few or as many cards or fobs as you like at any time. No need to delete all ever!
  • No Control Panels - Standalone Access Controller
  • Easy and simple to use
  • Has a flat back so it's easy to install on any flat surface
  • Low profile modern look
  • Accommodates up to 2730 users - either cards or fobs or mix them, your choice!
  • Reading range is around 2 to 3 inches
  • Enter/remove individual ID cards easily anytime
  • No PCs or External Programmer Needed
  • Request to exit terminals allow for interior release button
  • Adjustable door open time from 1 second to 100 seconds and also has the ability to be set to toggle on and off
  • Now comes with either 10 free Cards or 10 free Fobs or 5 of each- your choice
  • 2 year easy exchange warranty - if reader goes bad within 2 years for any reason it will be swapped for a new one.

    -Great performance and reliability with a stylish appearance.
    -Mount directly on electrical box or surface mount to wall for easy installation.
    -Power supply requirement : 9 to 12VDC 300mA - 1 amp.
    -High proven reliability and consistent 2 to 3 inch read range.
    -LED Indicator : Green and Red.
    -Size: 4 1/2 " W x 4 1/2 " H x 7/8 " D or 117mm x 117mm x 21mm
    -Color: Grey

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    See our heater kit for cold weather
    See our popular electronic cabinet lock See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locking Devices

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up

    Important! Please note: always use a separate power supply when using a proximity card reader and an electric strike or magnetic lock.||"
    Choose either 10 free proximity cards or 10 free proximity fobs or 5 each" "10 proximity cards" "10 proximity fobs" "5 Proximity cards and 5 proximity fobs"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|rfstusbticl||item-1||soliditem||rfstusbticl1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/rfid-standalone-usb-time-clock-32.gif||||||Avea RFID Standalone USB Time Clock ||3819||rfstusbticl1||» RFID PC Based USB Time Clock > ||349.000||349.000 ||||Avea RFID Standalone USB Time Clock||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||avtiusma usmaforavrfs avbadtypprox1 avbadtypprox2 avbadtypprox3 avbatyprcawi avsmalfobtyp avsmfobtyprf aveaproximitystickers elk12volonea elk4ampthreo weatreskeyco lowprofileweathercover||Simple plug and play setup with USB cable. It will store up to 50,000 transaction records!||
  • store up to 50,000 transaction records
  • built-in FLASH memory for data protection and setup data WILL NOT be affected by power failure.
  • When using with PC and TIME CLOCK software "ON":
  • Browse CLOCK IN CLOCK OUT data anytime anywhere from your network (LAN or WAN)
  • NO monthly charges
  • PLUG & PLAY with USB cable
  • Easy to install
  • Fast, accurate and reliable
  • The simplest and fastest way for time recording
  • Supports unlimited number of employees and records (depend on your PC)

    Important - Please note that this reader is a Timeclock only and is not used to control access so there is no built in relay that would be used to control an electric strike.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avalsostacco||item.||soliditem||proxread||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-rfid-al2730cs-soloface-standalone-proximity-reader-26.gif||||||Avea RFID WEB08S-POE SoloFace Ethernet Web Client Proximity Card Reader & POE Power Injector||2067||proxread||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > ||279.000||279.000 ||||Avea RFID WEB08S-POE SoloFace Ethernet Web Client Proximity Card Reader & POE Power Injector||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||avwein avbadtypprox2 avbadtypprox3 avsmalfobtyp weatreskeyco weathercover noname12||Easy and simple to use. Relay output terminals for controlling an electric strike or magnetic lock.||
  • Embedded Ethernet (no more adapter or controller)
  • Comes with POE power injector
  • Plug directly into your network by CAT5 cable
  • Open door from remote PC
  • HTTP web client with PHP/ASP enabled
  • Perfect RFID solutions for HTTP server like Apache/IIS with PHP/ASP and mySQL database server
  • Send PHP/ASP URL requests to the HTTP server with the various parameters
  • Accepts responses from the HTTP server to perform various actions on the reader
  • Great for website designer to integrate RFID applications, like time attendance, access control, stock control, etc..
  • Open communication standard, designing application is just like designing web pages.
  • Built-in user controllable relay output for external controlling, i.e. electric door lock for access control, etc.
  • Uses standard EM cards and fobs - see options below

  • Easy and simple to use.
  • Relay output terminals for controlling electric strike

  • Dimensions : Very compact 97mm x 57mm x 23.5mm
  • Color : Dark Gray
  • LED Indicator : Blue and Red
  • Great performance and reliability with a stylish appearance.
  • High reliability and consistent read range - about 3 inches.
  • Power requirment: 9 to 12V, 300mA to 1 amp. or POE
  • Mounts directly on electrical box or flat surface for easy installation.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locksmithing for installation hints

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avrsrstorsco||item.||soliditem||avdeprcobaac||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-rs422-rs232-to-rs422-converter-sold-in-pairs-24.gif||||||Avea RS422- RS232 to RS422 Converter (Sold In Pairs)||1903||proxread avdeprcobaac||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea Decorative RFID Proximity Card Reader - Audit Trail - RS232 Connection > ||139.000||139.000 ||||RS422- RS232 to RS422 Converter (Sold In Pairs)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinonthprin2||||Low cost non-isolated RS232 to RS422 converter for the Avea prox card readers. Used and sold in pairs, one connects to the PC's RS232 port and the other one connect to RFID reader. Extends the communication range to 1KM with speed of 115K bit/s. Powered by RS232 signals or optional external +5V power supply.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avrstors||item.||soliditem||flexcombasac1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-rs485-to-rs232-converter-25.gif||||||Avea RS485 To RS232 Converter||Item: 1845||proxread avtaiprfprca flexcombasac flexcombasac1||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea TA01A iProx RFID Proximity Card Reader With RS232 Connection > Avea RFID Proximity Reader - Audit Trail - RS232 Connection > Avea Proximity Reader - Audit Trail - RS485 Connection > ||59.000||59.000 ||||Avea RS232 To RS485 Converter||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr72 diinpdffo||New!|| •Low cost non-isolated RS485 to RS232 converter.
    •Plug into PC's serial port (DB-9) directly.
    •Extends the communication range to 1KM with speed of 115K bit/s.
    •Small power consumption (9V/100mA).

    typical two piece system
    An example of a typical installation using the 232 to 485 converter||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|siseprfortic||link.||||avrfstusbtic||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-simple-setup-procedure-for-time-clock-10.gif||||||Avea simple Setup Procedure For Time Clock||||proxread avrfstusbtic||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avstipaccoti||item.||soliditem||proxread||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-single-door-ip-proximity-card-reader-32.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-single-door-ip-proximity-card-reader-33.gif||Avea Single Door IP Proximity Card Reader 10 Cards Free||3342||proxread||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > ||329.000||329.000 ||||Avea Single Door IP Proximity Card Reader With 10 Free Proximity Card Included||

    ||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||tiandatsofor seequstgufor moininpdffo1 avproxcarinp avproxfobfor avprcaforacc aveaproximitystickers elk12volonea lowprofileweathercover noname12||On Sale! An inexpensive reader/keypad that can be accessed and updated and maintained by an authorized user from anywhere at anytime via the free net attendance software. The iProx TCP54A Ethernet Embedded proximity access controller and software is a powerful offline solution for access control and time recording/attendance. It can accept up to 5000 ID proximity cards or fobs (users) and store 50,000 transaction records!||

    An inexpensive reader/keypad that can be accessed and updated and maintained by an authorized user from anywhere at anytime via the free net attendance software."

    The iProx TCP54A Ethernet Embedded proximity access controller and software is a powerful offline solution for access control and time recording/attendance. It can accept up to 5000 ID cards or fobs (users) and store 50,000 transaction records. Transaction records in offline readers can be downloaded to net attendance software easily. Hence, reports can be gerearted accordingly. An electric strike can be connected. The strike will release the door lock by authorized cards. The state of the controller and card information can be uploaded by the net attendance software through the network. Access can be updated and maintained by an authorized user from anywhere at anytime via the net attendance software. Comes with 10 proximity cards.

  • Relay output to control any elctric strike or magnetic lock
  • Use pin number or card or pin + card for entry
  • Embedded Ethernet (no more adapter or controller) plug directly into your network by CAT5 cable
  • Upload access table from any authorised PC in your network with Net Attendance software. Change and maintain by an authorized user from anywhere at anytime with the software.
  • Built-in FLASH memory for data protection (data will not be affected with power failure)
  • Standalone while computer is offline
  • Accept 5,000 ID cards
  • Store up to 50,000 transaction records
  • Single ACCESS PIN for entrance at any time
  • Eight Time zones for using with "ID card only" or "ID card + PIN"
  • Real Time Clock
  • new feature Now comes with 10 free Proximity Cards

    Please note that this reader is for indoor installations only.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locking Devices

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up

    Important! Please note: always use a separate power supply when using a proximity card reader and an electric strike or magnetic lock.

    3342||"Add strike" "Add Rutherford 12-24 vdc fail secure/fail secure electric strike $229 (+229)\\|\\www.nokey.com/rutheavdutel.html\\|\\Click for more info"|^| "Add 12vdc" "Add 12vdc plugin transformer power supply $69 (+69) \\|\\nokey.com/12vdc1amp.html\\|\\Click for more info"|^|"Add 12 w backup" "Add 12vdc power supply with battery back-up $179 (+179) \\|\\nokey.com/elk12volonea.html \\|\\ Click for more info"|^|"Add maglock" "Add Securitron 1200 pound 12vdc magnetic lock with lifetime warranty $429 (+429) \\|\\nokey.com/secmagloc.html\\|\\Click for more info
    "||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avsmfobtyprf||item.||soliditem||avrfstusbtic||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-smaller-fob-type-proximity-fobs-sold-in-packs-of-25-28.gif||||||Avea Smaller Fob Type Proximity Fobs Sold in packs of 25||3016||proxread avrfstusbtic||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock > ||219.000||219.000 ||||Avea Smaller Fob Type Proximity Fobs Sold in packs of 25||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Proximity key fob for 125kHz
    •Long life no battery design allows for an infinite number of reads
    •Each fob is imprinted with it own unique ID number

    40mm x 32mm x 4mm thickness or 1 1/2 inches long x 1 1/4 inches wide 1/8 inch thick
    Long life : No-battery design allows for an infinite number of reads.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avsmalfobtyp||item.||soliditem||avrfstusbtic||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-smaller-fob-type-proximity-fobs-sold-in-packs-of-5-28.gif||||||Avea Smaller Fob Type Proximity Fobs Sold in packs of 5||1736-D||proxread avrfstusbtic||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock > ||79.000||79.000 ||||Avea Smaller Fob Type Proximity Fobs Sold in packs of 5||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Proximity key fob for 125kHz
    •Long life no battery design allows for an infinite number of reads
    •Each fob is imprinted with it own unique ID number

    40mm x 32mm x 4mm thickness or 1 1/2 inches long x 1 1/4 inches wide 1/8 inch thick
    Long life : No-battery design allows for an infinite number of reads.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avtaiprfprca||item.||soliditem||flexcombasac||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-ta01a-iprox-rfid-proximity-card-reader-with-rs232-connection-28.gif||||||Avea TA01A iProx RFID Proximity Card Reader With RS232 Connection||2076||proxread flexcombasac1 flexcombasac||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea Proximity Reader - Audit Trail - RS485 Connection > Avea RFID Proximity Reader - Audit Trail - RS232 Connection > ||329.000||329.000 ||||Avea TA01A iProx RFID Proximity Card Reader With RS232 Connection||"Add 12vdc w backup" "Add 12vdc power supply with battery back-up $179 (+179) \\|\\nokey.com/elk12volonea.html \\|\\ Click for more info"

    "Add 12vdc" "Add 12vdc plugin transformer power supply $69 (+69) \\|\\nokey.com/12vdc1amp.html\\|\\Click for more info"

    "Add strike" "Add Rutherford 12 vdc fail secure electric strike $159 (+159)\\|\\www.nokey.com/electricstrike.html\\|\\Click for more info"

    "Add maglock" "Add Securitron 1200 pound 12vdc magnetic lock with lifetime warranty $339 (+339) \\|\\nokey.com/secmagloc.html\\|\\Click for more info
    "||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||avproxcarinp avproxfobfor noname12 flexcombasac||
  • Standalone while computer is offline
  • Accept 5,000 ID cards
  • Store up to 50,000 transaction records
  • Master PIN for entrance at any time
  • Eight Time zones for using with "ID card only" or "ID card + PIN"
  • Real Time Clock
  • Request to exist terminals for inside release
  • Comes with easy to use PC software for audit trails and card enrollment
  • Serial cable inclded and can also be connected to PC with simple USB convertor - (Not inculded).||
  • Standalone while computer is offline
  • Accept 5,000 ID cards
  • Store up to 50,000 transaction records
  • Master PIN for entrance at any time
  • Eight Time zones for using with "ID card only" or "ID card + PIN"
  • Real Time Clock
  • Request to exist terminals for inside release
  • Comes with easy to use PC software for audit trails and card enrollment
  • Serial cable inclded and can also be connected to PC with simple USB convertor - (Not inculded).

    Take photo while clocking if computer "ON" with PC camera PLUS Powerful TIME ATTENDANCE Software

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locksmithing for installation hints

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up

    Important! Please note: always use a separate power supply when using a proximity card reader and an electric strike or magnetic lock.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avticlusma||link.||||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-time-clock-users-manual-5.gif||||||Avea Time Clock Users Manual||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avtiusma||link.||||avrfstusbtic||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-timeclock-information-9.gif||||||Avea Timeclock Information||||proxread avrfstusbtic||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|avwein||link.||||avalsostacco||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/avea-web08s-instructions-12.gif||||||Avea web08s Instructions||||proxread avalsostacco||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea RFID WEB08S-POE SoloFace Ethernet Web Client Proximity Card Reader & POE Power Injector > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|bacdiagfor23||item.||soliditem||scematics||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/backset-diagrams-for-2-3-8-and-2-3-4-29.gif||||||Backset Diagrams For 2 3/8" and 2 3/4"||||scematics||» Glossary - Resources - Diagrams > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|splenlarirro||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-large-iron-roman-key-1st-2nd-century-ad-29.gif||||||Beautiful Large Iron Roman Key 1st - 2nd Century AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Total legth = 22.5cm or 7 inches for the key alone and another 2 inches for the attached rings! This type of key is sometimes called a latch lifter.

    This large beautiful key is made of Iron and complete with a line and cross decoration. Because it's made of iron and so large and so well preserved it is very rare. It has two prongs on the bit end and also a ring is attached to the end of the handle. Notice also it is connected to two chain type links. Very unusual!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|berokey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-and-impressive-very-large-roman-key-with-lion-head-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-and-impressive-very-large-roman-key-with-lion-head-36.gif||Beautiful And Impressive Very Large Roman Key With Lion Head||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Beautiful And Impressive Very Large Roman Key With Lion Head||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Roman Empire, 1st - 3rd c. AD. Key made of iron and bronze. The key bit and shank are made of iron and the handle is bronze. The handle depicts a lion. Repaired - part of the head on one side has been lost. Measures 15.5cm! long Found in the Balkans. Extremely rare!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|beandramekey1||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-and-rare-medieval-key-72.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-and-rare-medieval-key-73.gif||Beautiful And Rare Medieval Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Beautiful Medieval bronze key dating from the 14th-15th Century. It measures 105mm in length. Old collection piece. Restored. From the Sygun Museum of Wales.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|beandramekey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-and-rare-medieval-key-70.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-and-rare-medieval-key-71.gif||Beautiful And Rare Medieval Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles|||||| This key has been treated by a professional restoration expert so it wont rust in the future. A beautiful key fit for a museum! Found in Bavaria Germany.

    Dimensions: 72 MM LONG / 33 MM WIDTH

    1 INCH = 25,4 MM||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|beandrarobrf||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-and-rare-roman-bronze-face-padlock-1st-3rd-century-ad-29.gif||||||Beautiful And Rare Roman Bronze Face Padlock - 1st - 3rd century AD ||Item: 3362||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Beautiful And Rare Roman Bronze Face Padlock - 1st - 3rd century AD||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Beautifully preserved roman face padlock. Oval form bronze lock box with hinged plate in the form of a face. The innerplate that holds the keyhole is very well intact. Most museum specimens do not normally retain this plate. The "hoop" or shackle section on the back of the lock is missing but you can see where it was originally.

    There is also a secret catch underneath the face plate. A lever on the side of the lock releases the catch giving access to the keyhole. The lever not operable but it can be opened with slight pressure.

    Size: 30 -23mm

    For more information on this type of lock see the wonderful book: Romano-Celtic Mask Puzzle Padlocks by Jerry Slocum and Dic Sonneveld

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|bebrrokeywip||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-bronze-roman-key-with-puma-head-circa-1st-century-ad-29.gif||||||Beautiful Bronze Roman Key With Puma Head Circa 1st Century AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Beautiful Bronze Roman Key With Puma Head Circa 1st Century AD||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Roman bronze key with puma head decoration. Dated around 1st century AD. Length 5cm.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|bebrrokeci1s||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-bronze-roman-keys-circa-1st-to-4th-century-ad-27.gif||||||Beautiful Bronze Roman Keys Circa 1st To 4th Century AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Beautiful Bronze Roman Keys Circa 1st To 4th Century AD||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Beautiful Bronze Roman Keys Circa 1st To 4th Century AD

    this set of three keys look to be made at the same time with very similar pattern. They were recently found together in eastern Europe. All are almost new with light green patina. About 2 inches long.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|beautenmedbr||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-large-english-medieval-bronze-key-29.gif||||||Beautiful Large English Medieval Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||English Medieval bronze key measuring 87mm in length||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|beautlarromk||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-large-iron-roman-key-27.gif||||||Beautiful Large Iron Roman Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|beautlarromb||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-large-roman-bronze-key-29.gif||||||Beautiful Large Roman Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Roman bronze key, 2nd - 3rd c. AD. Hollow shank with a simple key bit. Nice green patina. Measures 92 mm long. Found in the Balkans.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|beyme16cekey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-medieval-16th-century-key-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-medieval-16th-century-key-38.gif||Beautiful Medieval 16th Century Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The origin of this Key is from the southern part of Franconia, in Bavaria Germany.

    Preserved ground finding . The length is 2,88 inch.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|beautmedkey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-medieval-key-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-medieval-key-36.gif||Beautiful Medieval Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Found in Baveria Germany. 80 mm long.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|beautormedke||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-ornate-medieval-iron-key-about-13th-century-29.gif||||||Beautiful Ornate Medieval Iron Key - About 13th Century||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Beautiful Ornate Medieval Iron Key About 13th Century||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Beautiful Ornate Medieval Key Key About 13th Century. 65 mm long. Found in Norfolk GB||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|berobrkey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-roman-bronze-key-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-roman-bronze-key-36.gif||Beautiful Roman Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Ca.1-2 century AD.Originates from the Balkans.Pristine condition. About 2 3/4 inches long.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|beatromrinke||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-roman-ring-key-32.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/beautiful-roman-ring-key-33.gif||Beautiful Roman Ring Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This is a beautiful museum quality example of a Roman iron ring key circa 1st century BC - 1 1/2 inches in length. Its in wonderful condition for a key this old. Very nicely defined end bitting. Nice Dark patina.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|comlocboxbig||item.||soliditem||escaperoomlock||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bigger-combination-keyless-lock-box-42.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bigger-combination-keyless-lock-box-44.gif||Bigger Combination Keyless Lock Box||1189||escaperoomlock||» Escape Room Locking > ||89.000||89.000 ||||Bigger Combination Keyless Lock Box||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||howtochcoont||Hot This key keeper box stores multiple keys or cards - 10 to 15 or so depending on the head size of the key or access cards. This is a very heavy duty little box. This model can be screwed on to any flat surface. By far the biggest and strongest little lock box you can buy. Everybody loves the big box!||

    This key keeper box stores multiple keys or cards - 10 to 15 or so depending on the head size of the key or access cards. This is a very heavy duty little box. This model can be screwed on to any flat surface.

    Easy Operation:
    Slide the 'Clear' switch down to reset the buttons. Push the appropriate combination code. Press down the 'Open' switch and remove the lid. After use of the key, enter the code again, press down the 'Open' button and place the lid back. Release the 'Open' button and the lid will be locked.

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for this box!

    External Size: H 4.75" x W 3.55" x D 2.5"
    External Size: H 121mm x W 92mm x D 57mm
    Internal Size: H 3.75" x W 2.25" x D 1.75"
    Internal Size: H 96mm x W 57mm x D 45mm

  • Operating Temp: -32 to +68 C
  • Snow / Ice: (-) 26 C
  • Dust Bombardment: 6 Hours at 23 C
  • UV Exposure: Long-term sunlight exposure
  • Resistance against chemicals / cleaners: Standard household chemicals
  • Water Resistance: 10.16 cm/hr exposure
  • Warranty period - 2 years

    Weight: 4 pounds

    ||Color "Only available in black"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|bifidelo||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bioaxxis-bd1-hs-high-security-fingerprint-deadbolt-35.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bioaxxis-bd1-hs-high-security-fingerprint-deadbolt-39.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bioaxxis-bd1-hs-high-security-fingerprint-deadbolt-37.gif||BioAxxis BD1- HS (High Security) Fingerprint Deadbolt||Item: 1975||||||329.000||598.000 ||329.000 ||BioAxxis BD1- HS (High Security) Fingerprint Deadbolt||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Price Break! Good Housekeeping has rated the BioAxxis® BD1 - XL the best biometric lock for doors.||Price Break!

    Good Housekeeping has rated the BioAxxis® BD1 - XL the best biometric lock for doors. HS stands for High Security. And that’s exactly what sets the BioAxxis BD1-HS apart. While the BioAxxis® BD1-HS is similar in design and user-friendly features to the BioAxxis® BD1- XL lock, the HS version boasts ultra-impenetrable security. It’s impossible to pick, bump or drill the BioAxxis® BD1-HS because of its UL-listed deadbolt and horizontal keyway. But should anyone try, a shrill impact alarm will sound.

    Like the BioAxxis® BD1 - XL, the BioAxxis® BD1-HS lock is mounted internally through the door as opposed to being located on the door’s exterior. And the lock’s emergency back-up keys are so secure that only a professional locksmith can re-cut them. The BioAxxis® BD1-HS is simply more secure than any other commercial or residential biometric lock on the market today.

  • 8-pin (4 telescopic pins) horizontal High-security enclosed cylinder is torque-resistant, pick-resistant, b ump resitant and drill resistant (Unique feature)!
  • Includes three nickel plated brass keys (with card for reproduction) (Unique feature)
  • Certified ANSI Grade 1, UL-listed (3 hour fire-rated) deadbolt (Unique feature
  • Two (2) Year Warranty - as compared to most locks with a One (1) Year Warranty (Unique feature)

    -Operating Temperature -30 F to 150 F
    -Dimensions (L x W x D) 6" x 3" x 1.4"
    -Weight 5 lbs
    -Door Requirement Wood or Metal
    -Door Thickness Requirement 1 3/8" to 2"||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|blprappandca1||item-1||soliditem||proxread||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bluetooth-proximity-app-and-card-reader-60.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bluetooth-proximity-app-and-card-reader-63.gif||||Bluetooth Proximity App And Card Reader||3831||proxread||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > ||389.000||389.000 ||||Bluetooth Proximity App And Card Reader||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Coming Soon!||Rethinking Access Control – Streamlined, fully app-based setup using integrated Bluetooth® wireless technology, providing convenience and security to both user and administrator. All data is secured on the device without the risks inherent with an internet connection.

  • Secure, Integrated Bluetooth – Passcode protected, AES128 encryption,no internet exposure, all data on device
  • Solid State Relay – Improved reliability and greater security
  • Two Ways to Open a Door – Proximity card or app
  • System Management via App – 1,000 users, device options, etc., no codes to remember
  • Unlimited Devices – Access/manage unlimited devices with one app
  • Easy Backup / Restore – For off-device storage / restoration / replication
  • Easy Visitor Management – Set duration or number or times
  • Output Modes – Timed relock (1~1,800s), continually unlocked, continually locked, toggle
  • Wrong-Code Lockout – Customizable (3~8 codes) and time (1~5 min)
  • Tamper Alarm Output – Customizable timing (1~255 min) and sensitivity
  • Multilingual App Interface – App currently supports English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Traditional or Simplified Chinese

  • Access modes SL Access App / proximity card
  • Bluetooth radio Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 4.2
  • Users 1,000 users / 1 administrator
  • Operating voltage 9~25 VDC
  • Current draw (max.) 80mA@12VDC
  • Proximity reader EM 125kHz
  • Inputs Power, door status sensor, RTE
  • Outputs - Relay Solid state, form C, 2.5A@30VDC
  • Output - Tamper 50mA@30VDC
  • IP Rating IP65 Weather resistant
  • Operating temperature -4°~122° F (-20°~50° C)
  • Dimensions 3-1/8"x4-1/2"x11/16" (80x114x18 mm)
  • Weight 6.3-oz (180g)||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|boxof250keyb||item.||soliditem||keyblanks||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/box-of-250-key-blanks-24.gif||||||Box Of 250 Key Blanks||1611||loseprto keyblanks||» Locksmith & Security Professional Tools > Key Blanks > ||139.000||139.000 ||||Box Of 250 Key Blanks||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||lahesekeyblt||||These are the most common keys in the US. These are the best quality solid brass keys.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|boxof50ormed||item.||soliditem||keyblanks||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/box-of-50-original-medeco-blanks-26.gif||||||Box Of 50 Original Medeco Blanks||1592||loseprto keyblanks||» Locksmith & Security Professional Tools > Key Blanks > ||349.000||349.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Siver colored genuine Medeco key blanks||" 5 or 6 pin" "5 pin" "6 pin"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|bracforsecga||item.||soliditem||sam12pounloc||||||||Bracket For Securitron Gate Lock||1567||escaperoomlock secmagloc sam12pounloc||» Escape Room Locking > Securitron Magnetic Locks > Securitron 1200 Pound Lock With Conduit Fitting For Gates > ||44.000||44.000 ||||Bracket For Securitron Gate Lock||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Use this bracket when using the gate face mounted model lock on a non flat surface. If both sides are not flat then use one on each.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|brkeytainloo||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/brass-key-tags-in-lots-of-approximately-140-pieces-25.gif||||||Brass Key Tags In Lots Of Approximately 140 Pieces||3306||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||49.000||49.000 ||||Brass Key Tags In Lots Of Approximately 140 Pieces||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||

    Brass tags are used for identifying keys as well as valves, pipes, equipment, machines, animals and virtually any use you can think of. All of our Solid Brass Key Tags are Made in the USA. Solid brass will not rust. One inch in diamter and .025 thick with hole on top.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|brocofthispr||link.||||kabmasdigsaf||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/brochure-of-this-product-in-the-pdf-format-10.gif||||||Brochure Of This Product In The PDF Format||||safes massafloc kabmasdigsaf||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > Kaba Mas Safe Locks > Kaba Mas Digital Safe Lock & Keypad - Battey Operated > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|bronkeyromem2||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bronze-key-roman-empire-1st-3rd-c-ad-92.gif||||||Bronze Key Roman Empire, 1st - 3rd c. AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Roman Empire, 1st - 3rd c. AD. Bronze key. Measures 80mm long. Found in the Balkans.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|bronkeyromem||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bronze-key-roman-empire-1st-3rd-c-ad-93.gif||||||Bronze key Roman Empire, 1st - 3rd c. AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Roman Empire, 1st - 3rd c. AD. Bronze key. A museum quality example. This key has beautiful color and decorative lines cut into the center body from top to bottom. Measures 58mm long. Found in the Balkans.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|bronkeyromem1||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bronze-key-roman-empire-1st-3rd-c-ad-90.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bronze-key-roman-empire-1st-3rd-c-ad-91.gif||Bronze key Roman Empire, 1st - 3rd c. AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||From an ancient settlement of the Roman Empire we present an ancient Roman Key. Gorgeous intricate design on key bit with notched designs along the long handle. 55 mm||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|bronzeromankey1||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bronze-roman-key-51.gif||||||Bronze Roman Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||1st to 3 rd century AD. 60mm in length. A nice solid key with lovely lite green patina. Almost as nice as the day is was made!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|bronzeromankey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bronze-roman-key-52.gif||||||Bronze Roman Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Measures a very large 86 mm in length and in beautiful condition. The tip is hollow and fully round. It was never squashed! This key was found in eastern europe.Museum quality.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|brrokeyci1st||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/bronze-roman-key-circa-1st-5th-century-ad-27.gif||||||Bronze Roman Key Circa 1st -5th Century AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Bronze Roman Key Circa 1st -5th Century AD||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Bronze Roman Key Circa 1st -5th Century AD - chunky dirt encrusted. Around 3 inches long by 1 inch wide.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|byznatinekey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/byzantine-key-25.gif||||||Byzantine Key||Item: Key103||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Iron, with fine even corrision, very stiff and firm. Not brittle at all. Found in Black Sea area about 200 km from Constantinople. 2 1/2 inches long||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|cablelockalarm||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cable-lock-alarm-25.gif||||||Cable Lock Alarm||Item: 3417||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||49.000||49.000 ||||Cable Lock Alarm||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sorry but we are out of stock on this item

    This new Cable lock alarm is an innovative, portable device suitable for securing virtually any items from theft. The Lock Alarm has an ear piercing siren that will scare away potential thieves. When an attempt is made to cut through its ultra hard steel cable, or attack the main lock unit, the alarm starts screaming!

    This lock alarm comes with a 2 foot retractable cable alarm lock and with 4 digital combination numbers.

    This Lock Alarm is equipped with 2-level motion alarm feature. Batteries included. To prevent potential thief from silencing the alarm, the battery cover is designed to lock when the Lock Alarm is locked. Ideal for notebook computer safety, luggage, etc

    Product Description:
  • 1. Versatile, pocket-sized combination lock and security cable
  • 2. Simple to use, difficult for thieves to disarm
  • 3. Easily attaches to your carrying case or most notebook computers with a security lock slot
  • 4. Self-retracting, cut resistant stainless steel cable (24 in)
  • 5. Siren activated when cable is severed or when the motion sensor is armed and triggered
  • 6. LED indicator light displays alarm status
  • 7. Resettable 4 digit lock (up to 10,000 combinations)
  • 8. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use
  • 9. Secure battery cover which can only be opened when unit is unlocked
  • 10. Combination can be set to users own personal code
  • 11. 24 Hour Protection for - Bicycles, BBQ's, Boats & Outboards, Camping & RV Gear, Construction Equipment, Firearms, Garden/Farm Machinery, Golf Clubs, Motorcycles & Scooters, Outdoor Furniture, Power Tools, Pick up Truck Loads, Skis & Snowboards, Spare Tyres, Trailers, Watersports Equipment In fact, you name it, this lock will secure it!

    Using the Cable Alarm Lock
    The alarm sounds when:
    - The cable is severed
    - The Alarm Lock is tilted, shaken or moved while the optional alarm feature is set

    How to reset the combination
    - While on the current opening combination, press in the small red button on left side of dials - While keeping the button pushed in, set the combination to your desired combination - Release the button and your combination is set

    Using the Cable Alarm Lock
    - The Cable Alarm features a 2 level motion alarm that you can activate when you lock the unit. - The chirping sound warns that the motion alarm is active. If the movement continues, or the cable is severed, the alarm: 1. Beeps four times, then 2. Sirens for 45 seconds and then 3. Rearms itself to the current sensitivity level

    The available Sensitivity Levels
    - Level 1 - Low sensitivity- motion alarm sirens after 8 seconds of continuous movement - Level 2 - HIgh Sensitivity- The motion alarm sirens after 4 seconds of continuous movement

    Activating Level 1 Alarm
    - Press the alarm button (red button) until you hear 2 beeps and then release the button - The status light flashes twice every second indicating that the motion alarm is armed at low sensitivity - If you need to turn off the alarm, just turn the dials to the opening combination and push the cable release button

    Activating Level 2 Alarm
    - Press the alarm button (red button) until you hear 2 beeps and press the alarm button again. - The status light flashes three times every second indicating that the motion alarm is armed at high sensitivity - If you need to turn off the alarm, just turn the dials to the opening combination and push the cable release button

    Installing the Batteries
    - To prevent a potential thief from silencing the alarm, the battery cover is designed to lock when the cable is locked - If you need to add or change the batteries, turn the dials to the opening combination and press the cable trigger button to open the battery cover. Additional Information||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|cathexsw||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/camden-thin-exit-switch-24.gif||||||Camden Thin Exit Switch||3015||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||129.000||129.000 ||||Camden Thin Exit Switch||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This low profile, jamb mount, handicap switch uses our proprietary patented technology and needs no internal or external power source to function. This means that there are no batteries to replace and no extra wiring to install. This new switch will replace a mechanical, normally open, momentary switch. There are no switch contacts to wear out because it is electronic.

    As with all of our products, this switch has been designed for ease of installation. The attractive stainless steel push plate is rugged and requires minimum movement to activate. This switch is surface mount with the electronics mounted inside the switch on the back plate. Two screws and a hole for the wires are all that’s needed for installation. The switch will also fit on a standard electrical box with a cover plate.

    •Actuation force: 2 lbs
    •Maximum resistance when ON: 1 Ohm
    •Maximum current through the switch: 1A
    •Maximum operating voltage: 55VDC or 40VAC
    •Operating condition: dry or wet
    •Operating temperature range: -40 to 140F (-40 to +60C)
    •Contact type: momentary
    •Minimum travel path for actuation: 1/16 inch

    Dimensions: 4 X 1 5/8 X 3/8 inches||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|camvanresexs||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/camden-vandal-resistant-exit-switch-24.gif||||||Camden Vandal Resistant Exit Switch||1882||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||229.000||229.000 ||||Camden Vandal Resistant Exit Switch||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||•All metal construction
    •Heavy duty 1/4 inch thick aluminum plate
    •DPDT switche - momentary or maintained
    •Indoor or outdoor usage
    •Very low profile
    •Able to withstand attacks of all types even direct hammer blows

    Single Gang 4 3/8" by 2 3/4"||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|sambutmounto||item.||soliditem||comlocbox||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/car-combination-keyless-lock-box-25.gif||||||Car Combination Keyless Lock Box||1363||comlocbox||» Keyless Lock Box (Hide A Key) > ||75.000||75.000 ||||Car Combination Keyless Lock Box||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||noname29||For permanent auto mounting.||

    This box is for permanent auto mount. It bolts to the car body, in wheel well, frame or tow hitch. Uses a rigid corrosian resistant hinged cover. This key keeper box will hold two keys.

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for this box!

    Exterior: 2 1/2 inches w x 4 1/4 inches h x 2 inches d
    Interior: 1 1/2 inches w x 2 3/8 inches h x 1 1/4 inches d||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|catipsadrbi||item.||soliditem||loseprto||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/carbide-tip-safe-drill-bits-26.gif||||||Carbide Tip Safe Drill Bits||3409||loseprto||» Locksmith & Security Professional Tools > ||16.000||16.000 ||||Carbide Tip Safe Drill Bits||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Ideal for penetrating hard plate and other demanding metal work. Specially sharpened on a diamond wheel. Extra high quality.

    ||"Please choose size" "1/4 inch x 4 inches" "1/4 inch x 6 inches" "5/16 inches x 6 inches" "3/8 inches x 4 inches" "1/2 inches x 4 inches"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|casboxwitcom||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cash-box-with-combination-lock-25.gif||||||Cash Box With Combination Lock||Item: 1724||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||49.000||49.000 ||||Cash Box With Combination Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||•Opens flat for "cash drawer" convenience
    •Patented spring clips in cover hold bills in place
    •Six compartment tray with rounded scoop tills, removes for storage underneath
    •Heavy-gauge steel
    11-1/4" W x 7-1/2" D x 3-1/8" H
    Weight 4-1/2 lbs.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|cat5wir4pair||item.||soliditem||wire||||||||Cat 5 Wire 4 Pair Twisted Solid With Drain Wire - White Jacket||Item: 1254-B||aseq wire|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Wire For Access Control > ||25.000||25.000 ||||||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sorry but out of stock!

    Sold in 100 foot lengths
    You can use this unshielded 24 gauge wire for shorter runs for most access control.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ccs1achimsys||link.||||verbasbuteas||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ccs-1a-chime-com2-installation-instructions-10.gif||||||CCS-1A Chime-Com2 Installation Instructions||||escaperoomlock verbasbuteas||» Escape Room Locking > Aiphone Very Easy To Install Intercom System > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ace7pinrokey||item.||soliditem||swlo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/chicago-ace-7-pin-round-key-screw-in-type-vending-lock-25.gif||||||Chicago Ace 7 Pin Round key Screw In Type Vending Lock||Item: 3375||aseq swlo|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Switch/Vending Locks > ||44.000||44.000 ||||Chicago Ace 7 Pin Round key Screw In Type Vending Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||ACE II Screw type seven pin tumbler barrel key lock designed for vending machines.

    Patented ACE II lock assembly in 3/4" diameter - Barrel with two flats - 5/8" across 360° rotation with key pull every 180° (12 & 6 o'clock) - 2 keys included with each lock Includes body nut.

    Length: 7 1/32 inches and can be cut down.||"Please choose" "Keyed alike" "Keyed different"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|chace7pinswl||item.||soliditem||swlo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/chicago-ace-7-pin-switch-lock-24.gif||||||Chicago Ace 7 Pin Switch lock||Item: 3374||aseq swlo|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Switch/Vending Locks > ||44.000||44.000 ||||Chicago Ace 7 Pin Switch lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Maintaing contact switch operated by manually rotating inserted key 90 degrees - clockwise from open to closed position. Momentary contact switch locks feature a spring return from closed position. Contact configuration: spst. 7 amps restive @125 volts ac, 7 amps @28 volts dc. Standard finish: 26D satin chrome. @ keys provided per lock. Switches are UL recognized. We have them available in keyed alike or keyed different.

    Length: 1 13/16 inches||"Please choose" "Momentary keyed alike" "Momentary keyed different" "Maintained on/off keyed alike" "Maintained on/off keyed different"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lahotiptyrok||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/chunky-and-beautiful-hollow-tip-type-roman-key-38.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/chunky-and-beautiful-hollow-tip-type-roman-key-39.gif||Chunky And Beautiful Hollow Tip Type Roman Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Chunky And Beautiful Hollow Tip Type Roman Key||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This large hollow tip type Roman key is impressive and weighty and of museum quality. 102 mm long. 1-4th century AD. Found in Asia minor.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|chunrombronk||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/chunky-roman-bronze-key-27.gif||||||Chunky Roman Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Chunky Roman bronze key,black patina, 46mm/28mm(4.6cm/2.8cm)||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hosmcllobox||item.||soliditem||weathercovers||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/clear-thermostat-lock-box-24.gif||||||Clear Thermostat Lock Box ||1991||weathercovers||» Weather Lock & Keypad & Card Reader Covers > ||56.000||56.000 ||||Clear Thermostat Lock Box||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Clear plastic lock box model #661266 for thermostat protection. Includes 2 keys and mounting plate.

    Ideal for schools, industrial plants, institutions, public facilities to avoid unauthorized tampering
  • Tamper Resistant Lock
  • Mounts Vertically or Horizontally
  • Vents in base allow airflow for optimal performance
  • Fits all popular wall thermostats including the latest energy savings digital thermostats

    Approximate inside size: 4 7/16 inch high x 4 7/16 wide x 2 1/4 inch deep.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|clickforvideo||link.||||heavdutdigpu||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/click-for-installation-video-30.gif||||||Click For Installation Video||||heavdutdigpu||Heavy Duty MKM Electronic Digital Pushbutton Deadlock > ||||||||||http://www.mkmlock.com/s4/img/3.asf||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|clforinvi||link.||||kae52ello||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/click-for-installation-video-28.gif||||||Click For Installation Video||||diglocel kae52ello||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Kaba E-Plex Electronic Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|clicforinvid||link.||||hessurmounst||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/click-for-installation-video-29.gif||||||Click For Installation Video||||elstrikandma hessurmounst||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > HES Surface Mount Electric Strike For For Panic Hardware > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|clforsopr||link.||||kae52ello||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/click-for-software-preview-9.gif||||||Click For Software Preview||||diglocel kae52ello||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Kaba E-Plex Electronic Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|coadricoadri||item.||soliditem||mecpusloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelock-adams-rite-aluminum-door-mechanical-push-button-lock-25.gif||||||Codelock Adams Rite Aluminum Door Mechanical Push Button Lock||2066||mecpusloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > ||379.000||379.000 ||||Codelock Adams Rite Aluminum Door Mechanical Push Button Lock||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||inininpdffo1 adritlatloc hr93||New!||The New Codelocks narrow stile lock is a medium duty mechanical codelock suitable for on narrow stile aluminum doors such as store fronts. The lock is ideal for new or retrofit applications.

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for these locks!

    Designed to be installed with Adams Rite latchbolts (deadbolt version pending) or similar style mortise locks.

    The new narrow stile mechanical Codelock provides access control in the following ways:
    By Code via the keypad
    By key which can override the code and retract the latch

    The key can also be used to lock out code users

    Other features:
    •Can be put in a no coded needed mode (passage mode) at anytime by personal who already know the code number.
    •Non Handed - suitable for left or right hand hung doors, makes ordering/fitting very simple
    •Full size lever handles standard •Easy installation
    •PVD stainless steel finish
    •Includes 1 1/4 inch mortise cylinder for standard key backup and can also be used with other brand s of cylinders such as high security Medeco. Call or email if you need more info.
    •Heavy duty and made with tough stainless steel finish

    * Please note - Codelocks does not provide the Adams Rite lock.

    Click here to see how easy it is to change the combination||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|coellelalo||item.||soliditem||diglocel||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelock-electronic-lever-latch-lock-41.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelock-electronic-lever-latch-lock-47.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelock-electronic-lever-latch-lock-43.gif||Codelock Electronic Lever Latch Lock||Item: 2074||diglocel||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > ||298.000||349.000 ||298.000 ||Codelock Electronic Lever Latch Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||codelocklatches doininpdffo||Hot The Codelocks medium duty keyless electronic locks represent a major step forward in entry control. Based on Piezo technology, these products offer an exceptional battery life of 500,000 operations from the 4 x 1.5v AA cells@2900mAh.||The Codelocks medium duty keyless electronic locks represent a major step forward in entry control. Based on Piezo technology, these products offer an exceptional battery life of 500,000 operations from the 4x1.5v AA cells@2900mAh.

  • New reliable Piezo Technology
  • For both left or right hand doors
  • Comes with heavy duty grade one latch
  • Over 500,000 operations from 4xAA cells
  • PVD, weather resistant, low maintenance finish
  • Connections for remote release by reception desk button
  • Connections for release by alarm system
  • Code free entry mechanically by key or electronically from keypad
  • Allows up to 90 user codes 4, 5 or 6 digits long
  • Tamper alarm and low battery warning
  • Easy to change handing
  • Passage mode (entry with no code feature)
  • Comes with mechanical key bypass included

    Outside lever turns freely without operating the latchbolt. When valid code is entered and blue light turns on and turning the knob will retract the latchbolt. When the door closes the spring latch will automatically lock the door. The key will open the door for management functions. The key may be used to set the lock into Code Free mode so that anyone can open the door without using a code. Code Free mode can also be programmed at the keypad using the Master Code.

    These locks are battery powered
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|corelaorbofo||item.||soliditem||mormounlatlo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelock-replacement-latch-or-bolt-for-the-200-series-locks-31.gif||||||Codelock Replacement Latch Or Bolt For The 200 Series Locks||1935-D||mecpusloc digcomloc mormounlatlo||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > Codelocks Mortise Mount Latch Lock With Key ByPass > ||25.000||25.000 ||||Codelock Replacement Latch Or Bolt For The 200 Series Locks||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Adjustable backset for 2 3/8 and 2 3/4 inches.||"Please choose latch or bolt" "Latch" "Bolt"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|codelocklatches||item.||soliditem||codmeddutlev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelock-replacement-latches-for-400-500-series-locks-28.gif||||||Codelock Replacement Latches For 400/500 Series Locks||3535||mecpusloc digcomloc codmeddutlev||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > Codelocks Medium Duty Lever Mechanical Pushbbutton Lock With Passage Function > ||35.000||69.000 ||35.000 ||Codelock Replacement Latches For 400/500 Series Locks||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This latch is made by Codelocks will replace the heavy duty latch on all the 400, 500 mechanical and electronic series lever latch type locks. Please call us before ordering if your not sure which lock you have.||"Please choose backset \\|\\store1.turbifycdn.com/I/853111_1533_3533457\\|\\Click for backset diagram" " 2 3/4 inch heavy duty - 70 mm" "2 3/8 inch heavy duty - 60 mm"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|coexhedumepu||item.||soliditem||mecpusloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelocks-extra-heavy-duty-mechanical-pushbutton-latch-lock-with-passage-function-38.gif||||||Codelocks Extra Heavy Duty Mechanical Pushbutton Latch Lock With Passage Function||3370||mecpusloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > ||249.000||249.000 ||||Codelocks Extra Heavy Duty Mechanical Pushbutton Latch Lock With Passage Function||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||codelocklatches||New! Extra heavy duty and with key bypass included.||

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for these Codelocks!

    Heavy duty tubular mortise latch. The outside lever handle will retract the latch after a correct code is entered.

    The spring loaded latchbolt will lock automatically when the door is closed. ◾Internal doors and external doors ◾Mechanical Codelock ◾Heavy duty tubular mortise latch ◾Lever handle lock for doors hung on the left or right ◾Use in offices / schools / warehouses / hospitals / care homes / nurseries / hotels / leisure facilities / the home

    Supplied with a random code commencing with the ‘C’ clear button. To change the code after fitting, the lock must first be removed from the door. The code is non sequential, that is the code can be entered in any order e.g. 1234 can be 4321 or 1342 or whatever is the most convenient sequence. With the 11 buttons a total of 2,047 different codes are available, any of which may be entered in any order. .
  • 2 3/4 inch backset
  • Brand: Codelocks
  • Body Material: Zinc Alloy
  • Codes: 8,191 non sequential codes available
  • Code free option: CL515
  • Code change method: Requires removal of lock from door
  • Code in / code out: No
  • Code storage: Single code
  • Door thickness: 35mm - 60mm (1 3/8" - 2 3/8")
  • Non handed: Lock will fit doors hung on the left or right
  • Spindle type: 2 part 8mm (5/16") spring loaded spindle Suitable for: Internal and external use
  • Type: Tubular mortise latch||"Please choose finish" "Brushed steel only"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|comedulemepu||item.||soliditem||codmeddutlev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelocks-medium-duty-lever-mechanical-pushbbutton-lock-with-passage-function-and-double-sided-26.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelocks-medium-duty-lever-mechanical-pushbbutton-lock-with-passage-function-and-double-sided-27.gif||Codelocks Mechanical Pushbbutton Lock W/Passage Double Sided||Item: 1908-B||mecpusloc digcomloc codmeddutlev||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > Codelocks Medium Duty Lever Mechanical Pushbbutton Lock With Passage Function > ||289.000||289.000 ||||Codelocks Medium Duty Lever Mechanical Pushbbutton Lock With Passage Function And Double Sided||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New!||This is a double sided so it has a keypad on both sides and set to the same combination which you can change anytime. Please note that this lock comes with regular screws and these screws are not hidden so they can be unscrewed from one side. This may not be secure. You can buy special one way screws at the hardware store for more security.

    The Codelock 400 series is a medium duty mechanical combination lock with full size lever handles. The lever handles allow it to be used where the knob operated push button lock is unsuitable.

    The functions available allow for control of the door in various ways for office, educational, local authority or other medium duty commercial and residential applications.

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for these locks!

    The Codelock 400 has the following available features:
    •Medium duty
    •2 3/8 inch or 2 3/4 inch backsets
    •Easy to hand so will work for either left or right hand doors
    •PVD, weather resistant, low maintenance finish
    •Full size lever handles
    •Outside lever has a slipping clutch to avoid damage to the mechanism if forced
    •Easy code change as often as required
    •Code free passage feature
    Comes free with extra wide heavy steel plates (a $39 value) for both sides to fully cover a 2 1/8 inch hole - makes for a much safer installation - other brands either dont offer this or charge extra

    See how easy it is to change the combination
    See our other digital models in this series
    ||"Latch" "Include one extra heavy duty 2 3/4 inch backset latch to have as a spare - $39 (+39)"|^| "latch" "Include one extra heavy duty 2 3/8 inch backset latch to have as a spare - $39 (+39)"|^| "gate" "Include weldable steel metal box for gate installation, this option available with only 2 3/8 backset - Add $89 (+89)"|^|"gate2" "Include aluminum metal box for gate installation, this option available with only 2 3/8 backset. Please note 2 week lead time - Add $159 (+159)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|codmeddutlev||item.||soliditem||digcomloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelocks-medium-duty-lever-mechanical-pushbbutton-lock-with-passage-function-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelocks-medium-duty-lever-mechanical-pushbbutton-lock-with-passage-function-39.gif||Codelocks Medium Duty Lever Mechanical Pushbbutton Lock With Passage Function||1908||mecpusloc digcomloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > ||209.000||209.000 ||||Codelocks Medium Duty Lever Mechanical Pushbbutton Lock With Passage Function||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||comedulemepu gateboxfor codelocklatches||On Sale! The Codelock 400 series is a medium duty mechanical combination lock with full size lever handles. The lever handles allow it to be used where the knob operated push button lock is unsuitable.||

    The Codelock 400 series is a medium duty mechanical combination lock with full size lever handles. The lever handles allow it to be used where the knob operated push button lock is unsuitable.

    The functions available allow for control of the door in various ways for office, educational, local authority or other medium duty commercial and residential applications.

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for these locks!

    The Codelock 400 has the following available features:

  • Medium duty
  • Easy to hand so will work for either left or right hand doors
  • PVD, weather resistant, low maintenance finish
  • Full size lever handles
  • Outside lever has a slipping clutch to avoid damage to the mechanism if forced
  • Easy code change as often as required
  • Code free passage feature
  • Comes free with extra wide heavy steel plates (a $39 value) for both sides to fully cover a 2 1/8 inch hole - makes for a much safer installation - other brands either dont offer this or charge extra

    6 inches long x 1 5/8 inches wide x 2 1/4 inches deep (including handle).

    See how easy it is to change the combination
    See our other digital models in this series
    ||"Please choose finish
    " "Stainless steel" "Polished brass"|^|"Please choose backset" " 2 3/4 inch heavy heavy duty - 70 mm" "2 3/8 inch heavy heavy duty - 60 mm"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|210mortisedeadboltnokey||item.||soliditem||mormounlatlo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelocks-mortise-deadbolt-lock-24.gif||||||Codelocks Mortise Deadbolt Lock ||||mecpusloc digcomloc mormounlatlo||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > Codelocks Mortise Mount Latch Lock With Key ByPass > ||135.000||135.000 ||||Codelocks Mortise Deadbolt Lock||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The CL210 is a light duty mortise deadbolt with no key bypass.

    The bolt is moved manually by means of the outside knob after the code has been entered, and freely by the inside knob at all times. •Internal doors •Mechanical Codelock •Light duty mortise deadbolt •Hexagonal bevelled handle and lock case •Available in Stainless Steel and Polished brass •Use in offices / schools / warehouses / hospitals / care homes / nurseries / hotels / leisure facilities / the home

    Available in two PVD finishes Stainless Steel, Polished Brass

    The CL210 locks are supplied with a random code commencing with the ‘C’ clear button. To change the code after fitting, the lock must first be removed from the door. The code is non sequential, that is the code can be entered in any order e.g. 1234 can be 4321 or 1342 or whatever is the most convenient sequence. With the 13 buttons a total of 8,191 different codes are available, any of which may be entered in any order.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|comomodelowi||item.||soliditem||mormounlatlo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelocks-mortise-mount-deadbolt-lock-with-key-bypass-33.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelocks-mortise-mount-deadbolt-lock-with-key-bypass-35.gif||Codelocks Mortise Mount Deadbolt Lock With Key ByPass||Item: 2080||mecpusloc digcomloc mormounlatlo||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > Codelocks Mortise Mount Latch Lock With Key ByPass > ||239.000||239.000 ||||Codelocks Mortise Mount Deadbolt Lock With Key ByPass||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||gaboxforco||||Replace your regular deadbolt lock with this easy to install pushbutton lock with key back-up.

    The smaller picture on the left is an inside view

    A deadbolt with a small thumb turn on the inside and knob with key bypass on the outside. A good choice for replacing a common deadbolt lock . The hand can be changed on this lock. The smaller picture on the right is what the inside lever handle looks like. Comes with a regular mechanical key backup at no extra cost.

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for these locks!


  • New bolt feature will work on both 2 3/8 and 2 3/4 inch backsets.
  • Very easy installation - will fit into a standard 2 1/8 hole with very small door modification
  • Can be handed left or right
  • Larger easy to turn outside knob and inside lever
  • 13 button keypad provides a total of 8,191 different codes
  • Very well constructed
  • No batteries needed - completely mechanical
  • Full one year warranty

    Note: if you'll be installing this lock on a gate dont, forget to take the special gate box we offer as an option. See below.

    See all the parts that come with this lock
    See how easy it is to change the combination
    See our other digital models in this series

    Please note: for gate mounting a deadlock is not a popular way to go. See the latch lock above for gate mounting.

    Please note: you may see other locks similar to this one but this lock is supperior for at least two reasons: the two plates it comes with to cover the 2 1/8 inch hole are made of heavy metal and not plastic and included in the price and also the knob on this model is a real sized door knob that can be pulled on to open the door.

    Without the surround: 5½" L X 1 5/8" W
    With surround that comes with this lock add about ½" inch.

    Please note: This lock can not be rekeyed.||"Choose color" "Stainless steel" "Polished brass"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|codelocks250nokey||item.||soliditem||mormounlatlo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelocks-mortise-mount-latch-lock-24.gif||||||Codelocks Mortise Mount Latch Lock ||Item: 3600||mecpusloc digcomloc mormounlatlo||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > Codelocks Mortise Mount Latch Lock With Key ByPass > ||179.000||179.000 ||||Codelocks Mortise Mount Latch Lock||"Please choose finish" "Polished Brass" "Stainless steel"

    Installing lock on gate?(For gate installation only - we will send the lock to you already installed in a metal box so it's ready to be welded on your gate)" "No - don't need a gate box" "Yes - include the gate box Add $79 (+79) \\|\\nokey.com/gaboxforco10.html \\|\\ Click for more info"||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The CL250 is a light duty mortise latch with no key back up.

    The latch is spring loaded and will lock automatically when the door is closed. The latch bolt has a deadlocking plunger feature to prevent unlawful shimming of the latch. •Internal doors •Mechanical Codelock •Light duty mortise latch •Hexagonal bevelled handle and lock case •Available in Stainless Steel and Polished Brass •Key override option available – Stainless steel finish only •Use in offices / schools / warehouses / hospitals / care homes / nurseries / hotels / leisure facilities / the home

    Available in two PVD Finishes Stainless Steel, Polished Brass

    The CL250 locks are supplied with a random code commencing with the ‘C’ clear button. To change the code after fitting, the lock must first be removed from the door. The code is non sequential, that is the code can be entered in any order e.g. 1234 can be 4321 or 1342 or whatever is the most convenient sequence. With the 13 buttons a total of 8,191 different codes are available, any of which may be entered in any order.||"Please choose finish" "Polished Brass" "Stainless steel"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|mormounlatlo||item.||soliditem||digcomloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelocks-mortise-mount-latch-lock-with-key-bypass-36.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelocks-mortise-mount-latch-lock-with-key-bypass-38.gif||Codelocks Mortise Mount Latch Lock With Key ByPass||1935||mecpusloc digcomloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > ||198.000||198.000 ||||Codelocks Mortise Mount Latch Lock With Key ByPass||"Please choose finish" "Stainless steel" "Polished brass"

    Installing lock on gate?(For gate installation only - we will send the lock to you already installed in a metal box so it's ready to be welded on your gate)" "No - don't need a gate box" "Yes - include the gate box Add $79 (+79) \\|\\nokey.com/gaboxforco10.html \\|\\ Click for more info"||||Usually ships in 2-3 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||comomodelowi codelocks250nokey 210mortisedeadboltnokey noname12 gaboxforco10 corelaorbofo||On Sale! A moderately priced reliable latch type lock with a small lever on the inside and knob with key bypass on the outside. A good choice for replacing a common key-in-knob lock. Among the best values in mechanical pushbutton locks because it's heavy duty and includes key backup and now available in both Chrome and Brass finish.||

    Replace your regular bottom doorknob lock with this easy to install pushbutton lock with key back-up. Also great for gate installations!

    A latchlock with a small lever on the inside and knob with key bypass on the outside. A good choice for replacing a common key-in-knob lock. The hand can be changed on this lock. The smaller picture on the right is what the inside lever handle looks like. Comes with a regular mechanical key backup at no extra cost.

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for these locks!

    General Features:
  • Very easy installation - will fit into a standard 2 1/8 hole with very small door modification
  • Comes free with extra wide heavy steel plates (a $39 value) for both sides to fully cover a 2 1/8 inch hole - makes for a much safer installation - other brands either dont offer this or charge extra
  • Can be handed left or right
  • Larger easy to turn outside knob and inside lever
  • 13 button keypad provides a total of 8,191 different codes
  • Very well constructed
  • No batteries needed - completely mechanical
  • Full one year warranty

    Note: if you'll be installing this lock on a gate dont, forget to take the special gate box we offer as an option. See the options box above.

    See all the parts that come with this lock
    See how easy it is to change the combination
    See our other digital models in this series

    Please note: you may see other locks similar to this one but this lock is supperior for at least two reasons: the two plates it comes with to cover the 2 1/8 inch hole are made of heavy metal and not plastic and included in the price and also the knob on this model is a real sized door knob that can be pulled on to open the door.

    Without the surround: 5½" L X 1 5/8" W
    With surround that comes with this lock add about ½" inch.

    Please note: This lock can not be rekeyed.||"Please choose finish" "Stainless steel" "Polished brass"|^|"Choose Backset \\|\\store1.turbifycdn.com/I/853111_1533_3533457\\|\\Click for backset diagram" "Heavy duty UL approved 2 3/4 inch Standard (70mm)" "Heavy duty UL approved 2 3/8 inch (60mm) Add $58 (+58)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|codlocpusell||item.||soliditem||diglocel||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelocks-pushbutton-electronic-lock-33.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/codelocks-pushbutton-electronic-lock-35.gif||CodeLocks Pushbutton Electronic Lock||Item: 1839||diglocel||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > ||449.000||540.000 ||449.000 ||CodeLocks Pushbutton Electronic Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||codelocklatches hr50 teminpdffor1 progguidinpd2||Hot The CodeLocks lock is a heavy duty electronic pushbutton lock with lever handles for use in high traffic situations. This new lock has some great features such as 90 user codes and passage fuction and surprisingly heavy duty for a moderately priced electronic lock. Very Durable - Tested to over 1,000,000 cycles and weather resistant with a special Vapour Deposition finish.||The CodeLocks lock is a heavy duty electronic pushbutton lock with lever handles for use in high traffic situations. The lever handles allow it to be used as the primary lock on most doors, while various functions provide for control of the door in a variety of ways. The levers are in compliance with safety and public access requirements.

    These locks are battery powered

    Tough enough to control heavily accessed doors in a variety of ways for industrial plants, access gates, hospitals, colleges and universities, commercial offices, local or federal government organizations, or other heavy duty commercial and multi tenant residential facilities.

    The Piezo actuator, used for the first time in a stand alone electronic lock, provides a battery life of over 500,000 operations (approximately ten times more than a typical electronic push button lock that uses a solenoid or motor drive actuator).

    The Code Lock has the following available features:

  • A simple and cost effective access solution
  • 500,000 Operations from 4 x AA cells, batteries included
  • Easy installation and programming
  • 90 different user codes of 4, 5, or 6 digits long
  • Reliable - Solid state Piezo technology
  • Durable - Tested to over 1,000,000 cycles
  • Weather resistant Physical Vapour Deposition finish
  • Remote push button and Emergency Alarm release connections
  • Two types of passage function (code free opening)mechanical and electronic. Electronic passage can be maintained for months!
  • Easy to change handing
  • Comes with heavy duty grade one latch
  • Comes with free back up key and cylinder for key bypass (Schlage 6 pin C keyway)
  • 2 3/4 inch backset

  • Special Remote release Feature
    The lock has 2 sets of terminals for remote release, labelled REM 1 and REM 2 on the printed circuit board in the front housing. Cables are provided with the lock for these connections.

    REM 1 is intended for use where there is a need to allow a visitor to open the door after having been identified by intercom or by sight from within. REM 1 would be connected to a push button on a reception desk, or to the appropriate button on an intercom. Pushing the button would cause the Blue LED to light and would release the lock for the normal set time.

    REM 2 is intended for use where there is a need for the door to be released by an alarm system, such as a fire alarm. This enables emergency personnel to rapidly check that no one is trapped/overlooked in classrooms, wards, guest rooms, etc during an emergency evacuation, or during a fire drill. When activated by an alarm REM 2 will maintain the unlocked condition for 30 minutes. During this time the red LED will flash once every second and sound an audible alarm to indicate the unlocked condition. The lock will automatically revert to normal after 30 minutes. If required Program 11 can be used to revert the lock to normal before the 30 minute period has finished.

    Please note that the above features requires that a wire be pulled from the lock through the door to the hinge side. This may not always be an easy thing to do depending on the door and your drilling ability.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|colwircamhid||item.||soliditem||hiddencameras||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/color-wired-camera-hidden-inside-fake-smoke-detector-24.gif||||||Color Wired Camera Hidden Inside Fake Smoke Detector||Item: 1893||aseq hiddencameras|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Hidden Cameras (Nanny Cams) > ||98.000||179.000 ||98.000 ||Color Wired Camera Hidden Inside Fake Smoke Detector||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles|||||| Sorry but we are sold out of this item.

    •Baby/Child Monitoring
    •Spy On Your Babysitter
    •Door Entrance Monitoring
    •Record Home Videos/Parties
    •Keep An Eye On Your Pets
    •Monitor Your Guests/Visitors
    •Store/Business Monitoring
    •Monitor Your Driveway/Car
    •Catch Vandals Destroying Your Property

    What's Included:
    •Wired smoke detector camera
    •2x power adapters
    •60' of cable
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|cohisa||item.||soliditem||comlocbox||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/combination-hitch-safe-for-cars-and-trucks-34.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/combination-hitch-safe-for-cars-and-trucks-36.gif||Combination Hitch Safe For Cars And Trucks||3296||comlocbox||» Keyless Lock Box (Hide A Key) > ||79.000||79.000 ||||Combination Hitch Safe For Cars And Trucks||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New!||The HitchSafe slides into your current standard 2" Hitch Receiver on your Truck, SUV or Van and is secured inside the Receiver Hitch via two bolt retaining bars inside the HitchSafe. The Hitch Receiver itself is a solid steel vault that combined with the HitchSafe provides the most secure location on your vehicle to store spare keys, credit cards, cash and driver's license!!

    To access your keys you simply release the Rubber dust cover (made to look like any normal Hitch Cover), enter in your personal 4 number dial combination, which then releases the drawer and allows access to your keys, cards or more...

    The HitchSafe easily installs/uninstalls in seconds with no tools required! Great for outdoor activities where taking keys along is a hassle or they can become lost.

    This solution is far superior to the magnetic key holders that fall off at the first bump. If your magnetic Hide-A-Key has not joined the millions of them laying on the side of the road, you then have an open invitation for someone to steal your car because everyone knows where they are hidden! The HitchSafe is contained within the solid steel structure of the Hitch Receiver via a combination where only YOU can access your keys when needed.

    Note: The 2005-2009 Toyota Tacoma's and the 07-09 Tundra OEM Hitch Receivers require optional longer pins (contact us for the pins). The HitchSafe fits all other makes & models to include RVs, all OEM and all aftermarket hitch receivers.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|comknobhanbo||item.||soliditem||comlocbox||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/combination-keyless-knob-hanger-box-pack-of-four-20.gif||||||Combination Keyless Knob Hanger Box ||1364||comlocbox||» Keyless Lock Box (Hide A Key) > ||55.000||55.000 ||||Combination Keyless Knob Hanger Box||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||noname28||Hot A favorite with real estate brokers.||

    •This key keeper box will hold two keys. Chrome plated
    •Proven in real estate use for many years
    •Easy access for friends and family
    •Gives access for cleaning personnel, pool service and household maintenance etc.
    •Comes with rubber Door Guard

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for this box!

    Size: body 3 3/4 inch long X 2 1/2 inch wide X 1 1 1/2 inch deep||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|comkeystortw||item.||soliditem||comlocbox||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/combination-keyless-lock-box-stores-two-keys-pack-of-four-21.gif||||||Combination Keyless Lock Box - Stores Two Keys ||1188||comlocbox||» Keyless Lock Box (Hide A Key) > ||55.000||55.000 ||||Combination Keyless Lock Box Stores Two Keys||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||noname27||Hot||"

    This key keeper box will hold 2 keys.

    This model can be screwed on to any flat surface.

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for this box!

    4 1/8 inches long X 2 1/2 inches wide X 1 5/8 inches high||Color "Only available in gray" "No longer available in brass"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|coirprsesw||item-1||soliditem||mantrap2||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/compact-ir-proximity-sensor-switch-53.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/compact-ir-proximity-sensor-switch-54.gif||Compact IR Proximity Sensor Switch (Great for museums and art galleries)||3798||delayedegress mantrap2|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics PLC Man Trap Interlock 2 Door System > ||24.000||24.000 ||||Compact IR Proximity Sensor Switch (Great for museums and art galleries)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||enirprsein||This amazing little sensor can be used as a request to exit switch for a maglock or a theft prevention sensor to protect valuables. Great for museums and art galleries!||This amazing little IR Proximity Sensor is a compact sensor that can be programmed to trigger an alarm when an object (such as a valuable possession - great for museums and art galleries and access control) is removed from the sensing area or unlock an electronic door lock when an object (such as a hand) is passed in front of the sensor. This flexibility makes the sensor ideal for both anti-theft and access control applications.

  • Triggers a warning or locking device when the sensor is triggered
  • Form C relay output (1A@30VDC)
  • Adjustable output time (1~20 s) or toggle mode
  • Adjustable sensing range 2"~6" (5~15 cm)
  • 12~24 VDC Operation
  • Front panel IP65 weatherproof for indoor or outdoor use

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|conchtoonoff||item-1||soliditem||wirfelbaprca||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/con-chip-toggle-on-off-programming-cards-32.gif||||||Con Chip Toggle On Off Programming Cards||3465-L||wirfelbaprca||Wireless RFID Electronic Battery Proximity Card Cabinet Lock With Door Open Alarm Function By ConChip > ||75.000||75.000 ||||Con Chip Toggle On Off Programming Cards||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Comes as a set of two programming cards. One swipe toggles locking on and the other card toggles lock off. (3590 SFT-TO)||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|electricdeadbolt||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/concealed-electric-deadbolt-fail-safe-29.gif||||||Concealed Electric Deadbolt - Fail Safe||3551||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||279.000||279.000 ||||Concealed Electric Deadbolt - Fail Safe||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Adds concealed deadbolt security to most wood or hollow metal doors, with the added convenience of electrical operation.||Adds concealed deadbolt security to most wood or hollow metal doors, with the added convenience of electrical operation.

  • Fail-safe operation (unlocks if power is lost).
  • Door open/close monitor (NO/COM/NC).
  • Adjustable door lock delay timer (0, 2.5, 5, or 9 sec).
  • Control wire allows release without cutting unit's power.
  • Magnetic switch determines door position for positive locking.
  • Solenoid attempts to lock several times and then shuts off if door not closed properly to prevent burning out.
  • Use with an optional digital keypad for high security without a key.
  • Suitable for office-type applications.
  • Shallow design for use with most metal door jambs.
  • Powered by a solenoid.
  • Stainless steel for strength and long life. Operatiing
  • lifetime: 1,000,000 operations.
  • Plastic material Tefulon Polymonochlorotrifluoethylene.
  • Power 12VDC, 880mA on activation, 330mA on standby.
  • Over-current protection 1.5A.
  • Stainless steel bolt, 5/8" diameter, 5/8" throw.

    Lock body (faceplate) dimensions - 7-7/8"x1-5/16" (200x32 mm). Lock body (cavity) dimensions - 5-3/4"x1-1/8"x1-1/2" (145x28x38 mm). Strike plate dimensions - 3-9/16"x1"x1-1/8" (90x25x3 mm). Plug: Special conic cavity stainless steel (thickness 1.5mm~1.8mm).

    Related Products

    Fingerprint readers
    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Multi Door Proximity Access Control
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|coexre||item.||soliditem||wirfelbaprca||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/conchip-external-3590er-rloc-reader-option-24.gif||||||Conchip External 3590ER-RLOC Reader Option||3465-B||wirfelbaprca||Wireless RFID Electronic Battery Proximity Card Cabinet Lock With Door Open Alarm Function By ConChip > ||69.000||69.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||3590ER-RLOC

    External Reader - Recess Mounted (with 1.5m cable length) for use when lock is not within read range specifications. Reader Diameter is 12mm, and length is 40mm.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|coex35reop||item.||soliditem||wirfelbaprca||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/conchip-external-3590er-sloc-reader-option-24.gif||||||Conchip External 3590ER-SLOC Reader Option||3465-C||wirfelbaprca||Wireless RFID Electronic Battery Proximity Card Cabinet Lock With Door Open Alarm Function By ConChip > ||69.000||69.000 ||||Conchip External 3590ER-SLOC Reader Option||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||conchip external 3590er-sloc reader option||||Surface Mounted (with 1.5m cable length) for use when lock is not within read range specifications. Reader size is approximately 2 inches X 2 inches||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|conchipprogramcard||item.||soliditem||wirfelbaprca||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/con-chip-extra-programming-card-25.gif||||||ConChip Extra Programming Card||3623||wirfelbaprca||Wireless RFID Electronic Battery Proximity Card Cabinet Lock With Door Open Alarm Function By ConChip > ||75.000||75.000 ||||ConChip Extra Programming Card||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|glassmountkit||item.||soliditem||wirfelbaprca||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/conchip-glass-mount-kit-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/conchip-glass-mount-kit-37.gif||ConChip Glass Mount Kit||3466||wirfelbaprca||Wireless RFID Electronic Battery Proximity Card Cabinet Lock With Door Open Alarm Function By ConChip > ||54.000||54.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|corfprfo||item.||soliditem||wirfelbaprca||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/conchip-rf-proximity-fobs-10-pack-18.gif||||||ConChip RF Individual User Proximity Fobs (10 Pack)||3467-B||wirfelbaprca||Wireless RFID Electronic Battery Proximity Card Cabinet Lock With Door Open Alarm Function By ConChip > ||194.000||194.000 ||||ConChip RF Individual User Proximity Fobs(10 Pack)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|coinusprcawi||item-1||soliditem||elbaprcacalo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/conchip-invidual-user-proximity-card-with-custom-printing-100-cards-27.gif||||||ConChip RF Individual User Proximity Card With Custom Printing (100 Cards)||3706||electriclocks elcabloc elbaprcacalo||» Miscellaneous Electric Locks > Heavy Duty Electronic Cabinet Lock For small Enclosures > RFID Wireless Battery Proximity Card Cabinet Lock > ||1295.000||1295.000 ||||ConChip RF Individual User Proximity Card With Custom Printing (100 Cards)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Send any image you want on your RFID cards that displays your LOGO or the intended use of the card and we will print them for you! We sell these in minimum quantities of 100.

    Disclaimer: All cards will have a resin thermal dye-sublimation image print that is extremely scratch resistant. We use a Fargo printer that will do a high quality color match to your artwork. However, due to the possible variation in color,resolution, and size we insist that ALL CARDS SOLD AS-IS. Your artwork image will be a closer match if you send your file in the ".PDF" format, but we will also accept ".JPG" format files. Please make sure your artwork image fits inside a 2"x 3.5" window and has been checked and approved. Please note that printed cards can not be returned.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|corfprca||item.||soliditem||wirfelbaprca||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/conchip-rf-proximity-cards-10-pack-18.gif||||||ConChip RF Individual User Proximity Cards (10 Pack)||3467||wirfelbaprca||Wireless RFID Electronic Battery Proximity Card Cabinet Lock With Door Open Alarm Function By ConChip > ||194.000||194.000 ||||ConChip RF Individual User Proximity Cards (10 Pack)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|codetronic||item-1||soliditem||cylocoincosy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/continental-instruments-codetronic-a17-mil-spec-heavy-duty-stainless-steel-weatherized-keypad-33.gif||||||Continental Instruments CodeTronic A17 Mil. Spec. Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Weatherized Keypad||1684-A17A||micylosy cylocoincosy||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > Cypher Lock Continental Instruments CodeTronic System With Mil. Spec. A17 Option > ||1700.000||1700.000 ||||Continental Instruments CodeTronic A17 Mil. Spec. Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Weatherized Keypad - Keypad Only||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The keypad portion is a Stainless Steel type weather resistant escutcheon plate mil. spec. type . It should hold up very well. A ruggedly constructed steel utility panel which resists rain and snow. Pushbuttons are protected by individual silicone rubber boots and housed in a UL approved outdoor case. For surface mounting. Please note that this is not spy proof. This is for the keypad only.

    Keypad dimensions: 6 inches high x 3 1/2 inches wide x 1 inche deep (without the back box)||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|corchipreadu||item.||soliditem||ibuttonlocks||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/corby-chip-ibutton-heavy-duty-reader-17-user-capability-54.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/corby-chip-ibutton-heavy-duty-reader-17-user-capability-56.gif||Corby Chip (iButton) Heavy Duty Reader - 17 User Capability||1138||ibuttonlocks||» ibutton (Dallas Chip) Electronic Locks And Readers > ||289.000||289.000 ||||Corby Chip (iButton) Heavy Duty Reader - 17 User Capability||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinoncochre samcorreadbu cochrewisumo cochrebutwib corbychipkeys hr47||Hot Unlike some other touch button systems we have seen, you do not need a separate module to make this work. This system works as follows: A small reader is mounted outside the door, usually on the frame, and the user touches the reader with a small button-type key to activate it.||

    Unlike some other touch button systems we have seen you do not need a seperate module to make this work. The picture on the left is the standard size reader. The reader head is mounted on a standard size plate. The picture on the right is of just the reader head with the two wire leads. (The Head is available by itself. Please call for price). The head can be mounted almost anywhere for an almost invisible installation! It looks a bit like a bell button. This system works as follows: A small reader is mounted outside the door, usually on the frame, and the user touches the reader with a small button-type key to activate it. When the correct key is presented to the reader, an LED flashes and the lock is activated. The opening time is easily adjustable. All it takes is a very light touch, and position isn't critical--so these systems are great for people with weak hands or those who find it difficult to insert and turn a key.

    Circuit board that is installed inside the protected area.

  • A chip reader system is extremely difficult to bypass. The only way to activate the chip in the little key, is to have it contact the correct reader.
  • The little chip keys are very inexpensive and they can be reused many times.
  • Programing a small system is very easy and takes just a few minutes. No special programmer or tool is needed and it programs right at the reader.

    More on Data Chips or ibuttons: Corby Data Chips contain sophisticated electronics to store a personal identification number in a coin shaped, sealed, stainless steel canister. This superior design allows the Data Chip to be easily attached to any smooth surface including existing photo ID cards, badges, or keychains. Innovative packaging protects the electronic circuits inside the canister from dirt, moisture, corrosion and static discharge.

    Touching a Data Chip to the reader instantly transfers a 46 bit data stream of digital data which allows the user access to a secure area. Unlike keys or other security cards, the Data Chip is user-forgiving... it doesn't need to be precisely aligned to transfer its digital data.

    Don't forget that this is only part of a system. Along with the chip reader, you'll also need a lock of some type. Usually it's an electric strike or magnetic lock Often an intercom will be part of the system too. If you will need an intercom, we recommend and sell the Aiphone brand. This company manufactures excellent intercoms at reasonable prices. See the associated equipment page.

    This is a very small reader. This system comes with two chip keys. See below to order more.

    This is a basic and easy to use and easy to program system and very easy to install. Unlike some other chip key reader systems on the market, this one includes the outside reader and the inside module. Great if you need a system for just 17 or less seperate users (such as a small apartment building or dorm) and each user can be added or deleted in seconds

    By leaving out some features that may not be needed (see below for more advanced systems) this system offers advanced technology at a great price.

  • 2 part system - Sensitive electronics are installed inside protected area for a more secure installation
  • 10-14 VDC Operation
  • Weatherproof Reader
  • Up to 17 Different Users
  • Can Interface with a serial Printer
  • Heavy-Duty 5 amp Relay
  • Momentary or Latching Relay - can be used for high security garage door installations
  • Stainless Steel Reader
  • Unlimited Users Mode
  • Request-To-Exit Input
  • LED Driver Circuit
  • Chip keys can be re-programmed unlike regular keys
  • Very small Reader - can be installed just about anywhere and on any type of surface

    Ultra slim design can be mounted almost anywhere - only 3.125" High X 1.375" Wide
    Power requirements:10-14 VDC

    This basic systen can be ordered with either the regular plate or the thin plate or no plate (just the reader head). Call if your not sure which one you need.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    Please note: The reader comes without keys. The little Corby Chip keys can be ordered below.

    1138||"Power supply w battery backup" "No thanks - don't need" "Yes add 12vdc power supply with battery back-up $179 (+179)"|^|"Electric strike" "No thanks - don't need" "Yes add Rutherford 12 vdc fail secure electric strike $159 (+159)"|^|"Magnetic lock" "No thanks don't need" "Yes add Securitron 1200 pound 12vdc magnetic lock with lifetime warranty $339 (+339)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|corbychipkeys||item.||soliditem||cochrewisumo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/corby-chip-keys-25.gif||||||Corby Chip Keys||1202||ibuttonlocks corchipreadu cochrewisumo||» ibutton (Dallas Chip) Electronic Locks And Readers > Corby Chip (iButton) Heavy Duty Reader - 17 User Capability > Corby Chip Reader With Surface Mounted With Angled Reader - 17 Users > ||17.000||17.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||These are the little keys. Notice that here the button is fastened to a little fob so it can be carried on a key-ring, but it can really stick to anything. They can be reused and are easy to program.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|samcorreadbu||item.||soliditem||corchipreadu||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/corby-chip-reader-but-with-wide-plate-36.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/corby-chip-reader-but-with-wide-plate-38.gif||Corby Chip Reader But With Wide Plate||1138-B||ibuttonlocks corchipreadu||» ibutton (Dallas Chip) Electronic Locks And Readers > Corby Chip (iButton) Heavy Duty Reader - 17 User Capability > ||349.000||349.000 ||||Corby Chip Reader But With Wide Plate||"Add 12 w backup" "Add 12vdc power supply with battery back-up $179 (+179) \\|\\nokey.com/elk12volonea.html \\|\\ Click for more info"

    "Add 12vdc" "Add 12vdc plugin transformer power supply $69 (+69) \\|\\nokey.com/12vdc1amp.html\\|\\Click for more info"

    "Add strike" "Add Rutherford 12 vdc fail secure electric strike $149 (+149)\\|\\www.nokey.com/electricstrike.html\\|\\Click for more info"

    "Add maglock" "Add Securitron 1200 pound 12vdc magnetic lock with lifetime warranty $339 (+339) \\|\\nokey.com/secmagloc.html\\|\\Click for more info
    "||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||corbychipkeys||||Single-gang, flush mount plate - Up to 17 Users.

    Please note: The reader comes without keys. The little Corby Chip keys can be ordered below.||"Battery backup" "No thanks - don't need" "Yes add 12vdc power supply with battery back-up $179 (+179)"|^|"Electric strike" "No thanks - don't need" "Yes add Rutherford 12 vdc fail secure electric strike $159(+159"|^|"Magnetic lock" "No thanks don't need" "Yes add Securitron 1200 pound 12vdc magnetic lock with lifetime warranty $339 (+339)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|cochrebutwib||item.||soliditem||corchipreadu||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/corby-chip-reader-but-without-back-plate-17-users-36.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/corby-chip-reader-but-without-back-plate-17-users-38.gif||Corby Chip Reader But Without Back Plate (17 Users)||1138-C||ibuttonlocks corchipreadu||» ibutton (Dallas Chip) Electronic Locks And Readers > Corby Chip (iButton) Heavy Duty Reader - 17 User Capability > ||279.000||279.000 ||||Corby Chip Reader But Without Back Plate (17 Users)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||corbychipkeys||||The reader head without a plate. It's installed by press fit and glue.

    Please note: The reader comes without keys. The little Corby Chip keys can be ordered below.||"Battery backup" "No thanks - don't need" "Yes add 12vdc power supply with battery back-up $179 (+179)"|^|"Electric strike" "No thanks - don't need" "Yes add Rutherford 12 vdc fail secure electric strike $159(+159"|^|"Magnetic lock" "No thanks don't need" "Yes add Securitron 1200 pound 12vdc magnetic lock with lifetime warranty $339 (+339)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|cochrewisumo||item.||soliditem||corchipreadu||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/corby-chip-reader-with-surface-mounted-with-angled-reader-17-users-36.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/corby-chip-reader-with-surface-mounted-with-angled-reader-17-users-38.gif||Corby Chip Reader With Surface Mounted With Angled Reader - 17 Users||1138-D||ibuttonlocks corchipreadu||» ibutton (Dallas Chip) Electronic Locks And Readers > Corby Chip (iButton) Heavy Duty Reader - 17 User Capability > ||279.000||279.000 ||||Corby Chip Reader With Surface Mounted With Angled Reader - 17 Users||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||corbychipkeys||||Black with one bi-color LED||"Battery backup" "No thanks - don't need" "Yes add 12vdc power supply with battery back-up $179 (+179)"|^|"Electric strike" "No thanks - don't need" "Yes add Rutherford 12 vdc fail secure electric strike $159(+159"|^|"Magnetic lock" "No thanks don't need" "Yes add Securitron 1200 pound 12vdc magnetic lock with lifetime warranty $339 (+339)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|corkeywitcov||item.||soliditem||elkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/corby-keypad-with-cover-and-light-32.gif||||||Corby Keypad With Cover And Light||1860||elkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ||||||||Corby Keypad With Cover And Light||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||cotaandbabox||Hot Corby Programmable Keypads can use up to 165 different user operating codes. These codes can be 3-6 digits in length, and must be entered in exact order. Codes and operating parameters are stored in non-volatile EEPROM memory.||Corby has gone out of business. We have no Corby parts except the keypad box below.

    Corby Programmable Keypads can use up to 165 different user operating codes. These codes can be 3-6 digits in length, and must be entered in exact order. Codes and operating parameters are stored in non-volatile EEPROM memory. After a valid code is entered, the microprocessor will operate specific outputs.

    For Access Control applications, a Request-To-Exit button can be added and programmed to activate any output(s). Add a magnetic door switch and the Door Ajar and Time Cancel features become usable. For alarm control applications, enter a valid user code to arm or disarm the security system, or use a different code to shunt or bypass an alarm zone. If enabled, you can press the and simultaneously to trigger a panic condition which can be programmed to any output(s). A security lockout feature can be programmed to disable the keypad after three invalid code attempts.

    Any combination of the four outputs may be activated by a valid code or input condition. The two input conditions are Request-To-Exit and Door Ajar/Forced Entry. Select which output(s) to associate with every code or input condition. Different user codes and input conditions can have their own distinct output(s). Individual codes and inputs can be used to accomplish multiple tasks, and can function independently of each other.

    The Main Relay, output #1, can control almost any kind of device including door locks, office machines, industrial equipment, or security systems. Use the Auxiliary Relay, output #2, to trigger a dialer, buzzer, shunt an alarm zone, or illuminate an LED, depending on your application. Use Voltage Outputs #3 and #4 to indicate Duress, Panic, Door Ajar, and Forced Entry.

    Any one of 165 operating codes can be programmed to activate any or all of the four available outputs. Caused by entering a special code that opens the door or disarms an alarm, as well as activating additional silent alarm outputs. This code can activate any or all of the four available outputs. Triggered when the and are pressed simultaneously. This special code can be programmed to activate any or all of the four available outputs. This is a user-selectable six digit code. It must be entered before any programming may be accomplished. This prevents the tampering of codes by unauthorized personnel.

    Program the following inputs to activate any or all of the four outputs. If the door is open 30 seconds longer than the programmed time of relay #1, any or all of the other outputs can be programmed to activate. If the door is opened and it is preceded by a valid code or Request-To-Exit, any or all of the outputs can be programmed to activate. When a door is opened and then closed, any remaining programmed door strike activation time will be canceled preventing unauthorized "follow throughs". A simple "normally open" (N.O.) Request-To-Exit button can be used to allow a timed exit from a protected area.

    Operating Codes:165
    Duress: yes
    Panic: yes
    Door Ajar: yes
    Forced Entry: yes
    Time Cancel: yes
    Request-To-Exit: yes

    Additional features:
  • Codes and operating parameters are stored in a non-volatile EEPROM
  • All programming is performed using the keypad.
  • Program an audible "key beep" during code entry.
  • LED's are installed for visual feedback.
  • 12 or 24VDC input Operation.
  • Invalid Code Attempt Lockout
  • Program the outputs for either a momentary (1-99 seconds) or latching time.
  • Quick-connect wire harnesses for easy installation.
  • Two programmable voltage outputs.
  • Automatic keypad timeout from program mode.
  • Duress and auxiliary codes.
  • Silent panic code is active 24 hrs. a day if used as burglar alarm keypad

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|cotaandbabox||item.||soliditem||corkeywitcov||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/corby-tamper-and-back-box-25.gif||||||Corby Tamper And Back Box||3585||elkey corkeywitcov||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Corby Keypad With Cover And Light > ||89.000||89.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Custom made in the US by Corby. Corby laser cuts a thick .045inch thick steel plate and hand fits it together welding all the seams. Powder coating ensures it will last a loifetime in exteme conditions. Normally supplied with frond and rear gasket material, mounting harware and one model #15 closed circuit(form-A normally open, white adjustable sealed magnetic plunger switchwhich can be inserted in either the front or back holes. A maximum of 2 switches can be installed. The device has holes to mount it directly to an electrical handy box or old/new work box blus screws with plastic anchors.

    Size: 3.31 inches Wide x 5.06 inches Long x 1.1 inches deep Color is slate||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|bookcamblaca||item.||soliditem||hiddencameras||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/covert-spy-color-book-camera-33.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/covert-spy-color-book-camera-35.gif||Covert Spy Color Book Camera ||Item: 1890||aseq hiddencameras|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Hidden Cameras (Nanny Cams) > ||119.000||138.000 ||119.000 ||Covert Spy Color Book Camera||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Hot||Only a few left.


    This amazing camera is the perfect low cost solution for do-it-yourself observation. Hidden in a realistic dictionary the pinhole camera is virtually undetectable.

    The Spy Eye is easy to install and use, featuring a pinhole lens, you can monitor anything that is going on when you are not home through a tiny hole. All you need to do is plug The Spy Eye into a TV, VCR or LCD Screen with AV input. Now you can investigate your suspicions with ease!

    What's Included:
    Imitation Book with Color Camera
    60 feet of Video/Power Cable
    AC/DC Power Adapter
    User Manual

    Image Device 1/3" CMOS TV System NTSC Resolution 330 TV Lines S/N Ratio More then 48dB Min Illumination 1.5 lux Video Output 1Vp-p 75ohm Audio Not Supported Electronic Shutter 1/60-1/15,000sec Lens 3.6mm View Angle 72 degrees Working Temperature -10 to 45 C Power Source 9V DC 100mA||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|crazmedirkey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/crazy-medieval-iron-key-27.gif||||||Crazy Medieval iron key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Medieval iron key. The key has very interesting and complicated construction. The lock for which the key was used must have been important or it just may have been one of the first can openers! Measures 21 mm wide and 64 mm long. Found in the Balkans.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|cylocoincosy2||item-1||soliditem||micylosy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cypher-lock-continental-instruments-codetronic-system-with-flush-mounted-keypad-43.gif||||||Cypher Lock Continental Instruments CodeTronic Flush Mounted Interior A8 Option Keypad||3783||micylosy||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > ||||||||Cypher Lock Continental Instruments CodeTronic Flush Mounted Interior A8 Option Keypad Replacement Only||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Please note that this item has been discontinued.

    Flush mount indoor decorator A8 panel keypad.

    Is the Cypherlock really a lock?

    The Cypherlock is actually a heavy duty 2 part keypad system. It is not a lock. The Cypherlock name is the registered name for this product. An electric strike or a similar type of electronic lock such as the Brute lock must be added to the Cypherlock system to create a complete locking system. From our experience, the Brute lock is the most commonly used locking device used with the Cypherlock.

    Deco keypad: 6 inches high x 3 inches wide x 2 inches deep

    On the job around the world CYPHER® LOCK has a proven track record as the most reliable tool for maintaining round-the-clock entrance control without inconveniencing the traffic flow of authorized personnel. It's in use today around the world in tens of thousands of locations where control of access is essential:

    Computer Rooms • R & D Laboratories • Embassies • FAA control towers • Storage areas for controlled substances, weapons, etc. • Corporate Offices • Financial Institutions • Control for exterior doors, interior doors, parking areas, etc.

    Easy to use and hard to fool even where traffic flow is heavy, CYPHER® LOCK is so simple to use that authorized personnel are not inconvenienced. To gain access, you just enter the memorized 4-digit code in CYPHER® LOCK ís push-button panel. The panel is wall mounted outside the secured area near the door, and wired to the controller, which is conveniently located within the secured area. Only when the correct 4-digit sequence is entered will the controller release the door strike. To admit a visitor, Code Bypass capability enables personnel to unlock the door from a location inside the secured area without entering a code in the push button panel.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|cylocoincosy||item-1||soliditem||micylosy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cypher-lock-continental-instruments-codetronic-system-with-a3-option-50.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cypher-lock-continental-instruments-codetronic-system-with-a3-option-51.gif||Cypher Lock Continental Instruments CodeTronic System With Mil. Spec. A17 Option||1684-A17||micylosy||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > ||2950.000||2950.000 ||||Continental Instruments CodeTronic System With A17 Mil. Spec. Option Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Weatherized Keypad||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||codetronic||||

    The keypad portion is a Stainless Steel type weather resistant escutcheon plate mil. spec. type . It should hold up very well. A ruggedly constructed steel utility panel which resists rain and snow. Pushbuttons are protected by individual silicone rubber boots and housed in a UL approved outdoor case. For surface mounting. Please note that this is not spy proof.

    CYPHER LOCK is an Extra heavy duty electronic push-button Access Control system that permits entry only to those who know its correct 4-digit code. This is the same system that has been very popular with goverment agencies and the military for many years. Often it was sold under the Sargent & Greenleaf brand. There are no keys to issue; no cards to buy and replace. You program the entry code in just seconds and inform only authorized personnel of the combination. And you can change the code as often as you wish.

    Model S - standard unit Every CYPHER® LOCK system includes a push-button panel and a logic controller that will activate electric door strikes, electrified dead bolt locks, automatic door openers, parking gates; in fact, nearly any electronic door lock. Plus it offers electronic safety and back-up features that make it far more intelligent than a conventional lock and key. Comes with it's own 12vdc power supply that is also used to power the electric strike. No additional power supply is needed to power the electric strike. Can be used with electric strikes from 6, 12 or 24 volts either ac or dc. Note that the electric strike is sold separately .

  • Adjustable "door open" time.
  • Adjustable "wrong code penalty time out.
  • Error alarm to expose guessers.
  • Request to exit terminals to unlock from inside (receptionist).
  • Can power directly electric strikes from 6, 12 or 24 volts either ac or dc.

    Is the Cypherlock really a lock?

    The Cypherlock is actually a heavy duty 2 part keypad system. It is not a lock. The Cypherlock name is the registered name for this product. An electric strike or a similar type of electronic lock such as the Brute lock must be added to the Cypherlock system to create a complete locking system. From our experience, the Brute lock is the most commonly used locking device used with the Cypherlock.

    Outside keypad: 6 inches high x 3 1/2 inches wide x 1 inche deep (without the back box)
    Inside control box: 10 1 1/16 inches high x 5 3/16 inches wide x 6 inches deep

    On the job around the world CYPHER® LOCK has a proven track record as the most reliable tool for maintaining round-the-clock entrance control without inconveniencing the traffic flow of authorized personnel. It's in use today around the world in tens of thousands of locations where control of access is essential:

    Computer Rooms • R & D Laboratories • Embassies • FAA control towers • Storage areas for controlled substances, weapons, etc. • Corporate Offices • Financial Institutions • Control for exterior doors, interior doors, parking areas, etc.

    Easy to use and hard to fool even where traffic flow is heavy, CYPHER® LOCK is so simple to use that authorized personnel are not inconvenienced. To gain access, you just enter the memorized 4-digit code in CYPHER® LOCK ís push-button panel. The panel is wall mounted outside the secured area near the door, and wired to the controller, which is conveniently located within the secured area. Only when the correct 4-digit sequence is entered will the controller release the door strike. To admit a visitor, Code Bypass capability enables personnel to unlock the door from a location inside the secured area without entering a code in the push button panel.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section

    Please note: this model is to be used only with electric strikes. 1684-A17

    Keypad dimensions: 6 inches high x 3 1/2 inches wide x 1 inche deep (without the back box)||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|cylocoinmity2||item-1||soliditem||sargreencypc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cypher-lock-continental-instruments-military-type-codetronic-replacement-keypad-only-no-control-box-is-included-with-63.gif||||||Cypher Lock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic Replacement Keypad Only. No Control Box Is Included. With ||1684-F||micylosy sargreencypc||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > CypherLock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic System > ||929.000||929.000 ||||Cypher Lock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic Replacement Keypad Only.||||||Contact us for availability||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This item is just for the keypad and no control box is included. Less expensive than buying the whole system. Includes integrated annunciator (door bell)-A call button for visitor’s mounted on the push-button panel sounds a signal in the protected area. Authorized personnel within the secured area may allow entry remotely by using the code bypass button.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|sargreencypc||item.||soliditem||micylosy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cypherlock-continental-instruments-military-type-codetronic-system-56.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cypherlock-continental-instruments-military-type-codetronic-system-68.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cypherlock-continental-instruments-military-type-codetronic-system-58.gif||CypherLock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic System||1684||micylosy||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > ||1889.000||1889.000 ||||Cypher Lock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic System||"Annunciator and shield?" "No - Don't need" "Yes - add intergrated annunciator (door bell)-A call button for visitor’s mounted on the push-button panel sounds a signal in the protected area. Authorized personnel within the secured area may allow entry remotely by using the code bypass button and Keypad SPY Shield - Add $289 (+289)" "Yes - add keypad Spy Shield only - Add $98 (+98)"||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||ininforcy cycoinmityco cylocoinmity2 cyjcp||Hot The Keypad system most popular with the military and goverment installations for more than 30 years. Extra heavy duty and in stock!||

    CYPHER LOCK is an Extra heavy duty electronic push-button Access Control system that permits entry only to those who know its correct 4-digit code. This is the same system that has been very popular with government agencies and the military for many years. Often it was sold under the Sargent & Greenleaf brand. There are no keys to issue; no cards to buy and replace. You program the entry code in just seconds and inform only authorized personnel of the combination. And you can change the code as often as you wish. Please note that we usually have these in stock and ready to go.

    Model S - standard unit Every CYPHER® LOCK system includes a push-button panel and a logic controller that will activate electric door strikes, electrified dead bolt locks, automatic door openers, parking gates; in fact, nearly any electronic door lock. Plus it offers electronic safety and back-up features that make it far more intelligent than a conventional lock and key. Comes with it's own 12vdc power supply that is also used to power the electric strike. No additional power supply is needed to power the electric strike. Can be used with electric strikes from 6, 12 or 24 volts either ac or dc. Note that the electric strike is sold separately.

  • Adjustable "door open" time.
  • Adjustable "wrong code penalty time out.
  • Error alarm to expose guessers.
  • Request to exit terminals to unlock from inside (receptionist).
  • Can power directly electric strikes from 6, 12 or 24 volts either ac or dc.

    Is the Cypherlock really a lock?

    The Cypherlock is actually a heavy duty 2 part keypad system. It is not a lock. The Cypherlock name is the registered name for this product. An electric strike or a similar type of electronic lock such as the Brute lock must be added to the Cypherlock system to create a complete locking system. From our experience, the Brute lock is the most commonly used locking device used with the Cypherlock. Please note that the Cypherlock models we advertise and usually keep in stock are the most popular models but there are many configurations that we can special order for you. Usually there is a several week lead time for some options.

    Outside keypad: 3 1/2 inches high x 5 1/8 inches wide x 2 9/16 inches deep
    Inside control box: 6 1/8 inches high x 6 7/8 inches wide x 6 inches deep
    About 5 1/2 pounds

    On the job around the world CYPHER® LOCK has a proven track record as the most reliable tool for maintaining round-the-clock entrance control without inconveniencing the traffic flow of authorized personnel. It's in use today around the world in tens of thousands of locations where control of access is essential:

    Computer Rooms • R & D Laboratories • Embassies • FAA control towers • Storage areas for controlled substances, weapons, etc. • Corporate Offices • Financial Institutions • Control for exterior doors, interior doors, parking areas, etc.

    The Cypher Lock system exceeds the Dept. Of Defense (DOD) Industrial security manual par 36B federal stock number (Model S) FSN 5640-957-4190 Federal supply code for manufacturers (model S) FSCM 51677 national stock number NSN 6350-00957-4190

    Easy to use and hard to fool even where traffic flow is heavy, CYPHER® LOCK is so simple to use that authorized personnel are not inconvenienced. To gain access, you just enter the memorized 4-digit code in CYPHER® LOCK ís push-button panel. The panel is wall mounted outside the secured area near the door, and wired to the controller, which is conveniently located within the secured area. Only when the correct 4-digit sequence is entered will the controller release the door strike. To admit a visitor, Code Bypass capability enables personnel to unlock the door from a location inside the secured area without entering a code in the push button panel.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    ||"Annunciator?" "No - Don't need" "Yes - add intergrated annunciator (door bell)-A call button for visitor’s mounted on the push-button panel sounds a signal in the protected area. Authorized personnel within the secured area may allow entry remotely by using the code bypass button - please add an extra week lead time with this option - Add $429 (+429)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|cycoinmityco||item-1||soliditem||sargreencypc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cypherlock-continental-instruments-military-type-codetronic-system-model-s100-a6-47.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cypherlock-continental-instruments-military-type-codetronic-system-model-s100-a6-49.gif||CypherLock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic System Model S100/A6 ||3900||micylosy sargreencypc||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > CypherLock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic System > ||3990.000||3990.000 ||||CypherLock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic System Model S100/A6||||||Contact us for availability||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||All the features of the Model S Cypher Lock plus Hostage Alarm, Error Alarm, Door Alarm Bypass Shunt and Emergency Battery Standby (24VDC). Input panel with Visitors Announce (annunciator) feature included.

    CYPHER LOCK is an Extra heavy duty electronic push-button Access Control system that permits entry only to those who know its correct 4-digit code. This is the same system that has been very popular with goverment agencies and the military for many years. Often it was sold under the Sargent & Greenleaf brand. There are no keys to issue; no cards to buy and replace. You program the entry code in just seconds and inform only authorized personnel of the combination. And you can change the code as often as you wish.

    Model S100/A6
    Every CYPHER® LOCK system includes a push-button panel and a logic controller that will activate electric door strikes, electrified dead bolt locks, automatic door openers, parking gates; in fact, nearly any electronic door lock. Plus it offers electronic safety and back-up features that make it far more intelligent than a conventional lock and key. Comes with it's own 12vdc power supply that is also used to power the electric strike. No additional power supply is needed to power the electric strike. Can be used with electric strikes that are 24 volts either dc. Note that the electric strike is sold separately .

  • Adjustable "door open" time.
  • Adjustable "wrong code penalty time out.
  • Error alarm to expose guessers.
  • Request to exit terminals to unlock from inside (receptionist).
  • Can power directly electric strikes

    Is the Cypherlock really a lock?

    The Cypherlock is actually a heavy duty 2 part keypad system. It is not a lock. The Cypherlock name is the registered name for this product. An electric strike or a similar type of electronic lock such as the Brute lock must be added to the Cypherlock system to create a complete locking system. From our experience, the Brute lock is the most commonly used locking device used with the Cypherlock. Please note that the Cypherlock models we advertise and usually keep in stock are the most popular models but there are many configurations that we can special order for you. Usually there is a several week lead time for some options.

    Outside keypad: 3 1/2 inches high x 5 1/8 inches wide x 2 9/16 inches deep
    Inside control box: 10 1 1/16 inches high x 5 3/16 inches wide x 6 inches deep

    On the job around the world CYPHER® LOCK has a proven track record as the most reliable tool for maintaining round-the-clock entrance control without inconveniencing the traffic flow of authorized personnel. It's in use today around the world in tens of thousands of locations where control of access is essential:

    Computer Rooms • R & D Laboratories • Embassies • FAA control towers • Storage areas for controlled substances, weapons, etc. • Corporate Offices • Financial Institutions • Control for exterior doors, interior doors, parking areas, etc.

    The Cypher Lock system exceeds the Dept. Of Defense (DOD) Industrial security manual par 36B federal stock number (Model S) FSN 5640-957-4190 Federal supply code for manufacturers (model S) FSCM 51677 national stock number NSN 6350-00957-4190

    Easy to use and hard to fool even where traffic flow is heavy, CYPHER® LOCK is so simple to use that authorized personnel are not inconvenienced. To gain access, you just enter the memorized 4-digit code in CYPHER® LOCK ís push-button panel. The panel is wall mounted outside the secured area near the door, and wired to the controller, which is conveniently located within the secured area. Only when the correct 4-digit sequence is entered will the controller release the door strike. To admit a visitor, Code Bypass capability enables personnel to unlock the door from a location inside the secured area without entering a code in the push button panel.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section

    Please note: this model is to be used only with electric strikes.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|cycoinmityco1||item-1||soliditem||micylosy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cypherlock-continental-instruments-military-type-codetronic-system-with-a3-29.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cypherlock-continental-instruments-military-type-codetronic-system-with-a3-31.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cypherlock-continental-instruments-military-type-codetronic-system-with-a3-30.gif||CypherLock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic System With A3 Weather Resistant Keypad||101424||micylosy||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > ||2290.000||2290.000 ||||CypherLock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic System With A3 Weather Resistant Keypad||||||Contact us for availability||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||CYPHER LOCK is an Extra heavy duty electronic push-button Access Control system that permits entry only to those who know its correct 4-digit code. This is the same system that has been very popular with government agencies and the military for many years. Often it was sold under the Sargent & Greenleaf brand. There are no keys to issue; no cards to buy and replace. You program the entry code in just seconds and inform only authorized personnel of the combination. And you can change the code as often as you wish. Please note that this is for specifically the A3 weatherized keypad has been discontinued but we can sometimes still find them. Please call us for availability. The description for this keypad: Ruggedly constructed steel utility keypad resists rain and snow. The pushbuttons are protected by individual silicon rubber boots and housed in a UL approved outdoor case. For surface mounting.

    Model S - standard unit Every CYPHER® LOCK system includes a push-button panel and a logic controller that will activate electric door strikes, electrified dead bolt locks, automatic door openers, parking gates; in fact, nearly any electronic door lock. Plus it offers electronic safety and back-up features that make it far more intelligent than a conventional lock and key. Comes with it's own 12vdc power supply that is also used to power the electric strike. No additional power supply is needed to power the electric strike. Can be used with electric strikes from 6, 12 or 24 volts either ac or dc. Note that the electric strike is sold separately.

  • Adjustable "door open" time.
  • Adjustable "wrong code penalty time out.
  • Error alarm to expose guessers.
  • Can power directly electric strikes from 6, 12 or 24 volts either ac or dc.

    Is the Cypherlock really a lock?

    The Cypherlock is actually a heavy duty 2 part keypad system. It is not a lock. The Cypherlock name is the registered name for this product. An electric strike or a similar type of electronic lock such as the Brute lock must be added to the Cypherlock system to create a complete locking system. From our experience, the Brute lock is the most commonly used locking device used with the Cypherlock. Please note that the Cypherlock models we advertise and usually keep in stock are the most popular models but there are many configurations that we can special order for you. Usually there is a several week lead time for some options.

    Inside control box: 6 1/8 inches high x 6 7/8 inches wide x 6 inches deep. About 5 1/2 pounds

    Outside A3 Keypad: 6 inches high x 4 1/4 inches wide x 4 inches deep including the buttons. About 3 pounds

    On the job around the world CYPHER® LOCK has a proven track record as the most reliable tool for maintaining round-the-clock entrance control without inconveniencing the traffic flow of authorized personnel. It's in use today around the world in tens of thousands of locations where control of access is essential:

    Computer Rooms • R & D Laboratories • Embassies • FAA control towers • Storage areas for controlled substances, weapons, etc. • Corporate Offices • Financial Institutions • Control for exterior doors, interior doors, parking areas, etc.

    The Cypher Lock system exceeds the Dept. Of Defense (DOD) Industrial security manual par 36B federal stock number (Model S) FSN 5640-957-4190 Federal supply code for manufacturers (model S) FSCM 51677 national stock number NSN 6350-00957-4190

    Easy to use and hard to fool even where traffic flow is heavy, CYPHER® LOCK is so simple to use that authorized personnel are not inconvenienced. To gain access, you just enter the memorized 4-digit code in CYPHER® LOCK ís push-button panel. The panel is wall mounted outside the secured area near the door, and wired to the controller, which is conveniently located within the secured area. Only when the correct 4-digit sequence is entered will the controller release the door strike. To admit a visitor, Code Bypass capability enables personnel to unlock the door from a location inside the secured area without entering a code in the push button panel.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|cyjcp||item-1||soliditem||sargreencypc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/cypherlock-just-the-cpu-26.gif||||||Cypherlock Continental Instruments Replacement (Just The CPU Box)||3901||micylosy sargreencypc||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > CypherLock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic System > ||989.000||989.000 ||||Cypherlock Continental Instruments Replacement (Just The CPU Box)||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This is only the CPU or the interior box. It's sold without the keypad. Variable voltage - 6, 12 or 24 VDC||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dackeychloal||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dac-key-chain-loud-alert-with-flashlight-25.gif||||||DAC Key Chain Loud Alert With Flashlight||Item: 3397||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||15.000||15.000 ||||DAC Keychain Loud Alert With Flashlight||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Key chain Personal Security Alarm With flashlight.

  • Alarm is 120 decibels. Very Loud!
  • Built-in flashlight
  • NEW- In sealed packaging

    This alarm is small enough to easily fit in the palm of your hand and can conveniently attach to your key chain so it will be readily available in case of an emergency. The alarm button allows for two levels of protection. Pressing the button slightly will sound a brief alarm blast. Pushing the button down completely will sound the alarm continually until the situation is safe and you deactivate the alarm. The alarm button is recessed to prevent accidental activation. For your added safety, this unit also features a built-in flashlight which emits a bright beam of light when needed.

    Measures 2.5 inches by 1.25 inches. Twelve volt alkaline battery included. The alarm is 120 decibels.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dayouttrimle||item.||soliditem||detadpanbar||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/daytona-outside-trim-lever-set-25.gif||||||Daytona Outside Trim Lever Set||Item: 1359||exitdevices detadpanbar||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > Detex ADVANTEX Panic Exit Bar > ||298.000||339.000 ||298.000 ||||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Less cylinder

    •Classroom function
    •Covers standard 161 door prep
    •Cluth Lever for no damage when forced
    •Will accept any 1 1/8 to 1 1/4 inch mortise cylinder with a Yale cam
    •Dull Chrome finish||"Type of installation" "New installation" "Replacing Von Duprin 98 or 99 series" "Replacing Sargent 8600 -8800 series"|^|Function "Classroom - must be relocked each time" "Storeroom - Always locked on outside Add $29 (+29)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|deadbolt2inbackset||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/deadbolt-lock-with-2-inch-backset-49.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/deadbolt-lock-with-2-inch-backset-60.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/deadbolt-lock-with-2-inch-backset-51.gif||Deadbolt Lock With 2 Inch Backset||Item: 3599||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||139.000||139.000 ||||Deadbolt Lock With 2 Inch Backset||||||||0||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Out of stock

    This is the only heavy duty deadbolt with a 2 inch backset we have seen. These deadbolts are made with quality materials so they'll be reliable. Features include attractive contemporary design, unique mortise type cylinder, highly wrench proof and pull proof and no exposed screws.

    Comes with 1 inch SC1 cylinder. Double side comes with 2 cylinders. Door thickness: 1 3/8 inch to 1 3/4 inch Takes 1 inch mortise cylinders with an Adams Rite cam||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dehaindewikn||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/decorative-hardware-interior-designing-with-knobs-handles-latches-locks-hinges-and-other-hardware-30.gif||||||Decorative Hardware: Interior Designing With Knobs, Handles, Latches, Locks, Hinges And Other Hardware ||||||||||||||Decorative Hardware: Interior Designing With Knobs, Handles, Latches, Locks, Hinges, And Other Hardware||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Decorative Hardware: Interior Designing With Knobs, Handles, Latches, Locks, Hinges, and Other Hardware (Hardcover) by Liz Gordon (Author), Terri Hartman (Author)

    A beautifully photographed look at the creative possibilities of decorating with antique and contemporary American hardware: doorknobs, drawer pulls, locks, hinges, and more.

    Suddenly, hardware seems to be featured everywhere: glossy magazines showcase glimmering arrays of cabinet handles and famous designers are creating door pulls. With the current focus on building and renovating houses, there's a great demand for hardware that is both beautiful and functional and that matches the particular design of the house, whether it is Victorian, Arts and Crafts, Art Deco, Contemporary, or another style. Hardware can change the entire look of a room; the fine details on doorknobs and cabinet handles can become the decorative springboard for every room in the home. Compared with the expense of demolition and reconstruction, changing the surface details--replacing the hardware--is a small investment. And if the original hardware is intact, it can serve as a guide to the age and history of a house. It's a part of our heritage.In the first-ever comprehensive book written about decorative hardware, Liz Gordon and Terri Hartman, the owner and the manager of Liz's Antique Hardware, the nation's foremost antique hardware store, delve into this rarely considered aspect of interior design. They reveal the history behind the most loved styles of hardware during the last few hundred years and show you how to fit these decorative, historical pieces of art into your own home. You'll see exquisite homes that incorporate antique and contemporary hinges, handles, knobs, and locks--and find an incredible variety of ways to express your personal style through American decorative hardware.

    About the Author
    Liz Gordon has been an antiques dealer specializing in hardware for twenty years. Her store, Liz's Antique Hardware in Los Angeles

    Product Details
    Hardcover: 224 pages
    Publisher: Regan Books; 1st ed edition (November 1, 2000)
    Language: English
    Product Dimensions: 10.1 x 8 x 0.8 inches
    Shipping Weight: 2.2 pounds

    Order today! ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|detsysrexpir||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/detection-systems-bosch-motion-detector-passive-infra-red-exit-switch-24.gif||||||Detection Systems/Bosch Motion Detector Passive Infra-Red Exit Switch||1171||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||159.000||179.000 ||159.000 ||Detection Systems/Bosch Motion Detector Passive Infra-Red Exit Switch||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This small and attractive switch detects motion and a rapid change in temperture from body heat. As a person moves closer to it, it switches on or off, unlocking the door from the inside. This is done quickly and automatically and a person walking out of a door may not even notice what is happening! It's wall or ceiling mountable. Often the PIR (passive infrared) switch is the only type that local fire laws will allow.

    Another great way to use this detector is to protect a secure area such a museum exhibition or painting. A relay output can be connected to an audible signal to warn the museum guards, when triggered, of a possible vandal or thief.

    •Small, only 1.5" H X 6.25" W X 1.5" D

    •12 to 24 ac or dc operation

    •Onboard variable timer

    •Has an easy to use variable directional system

    Available in black or white


    Don't forget the power supply!Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||Color "White" "Black-out of stock"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|detadpanbar||item.||soliditem||exitdevices||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/detex-advantex-panic-exit-bar-26.gif||||||Detex ADVANTEX Panic Exit Bar||Item: 1357||exitdevices||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > ||698.000||829.000 ||698.000 ||Detex ADVANTEX Panic Exit Bar||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||dayouttrimle hr101 inininpdffo3||The last panic bar you'll ever have to buy!||The new ADVANTEX panic hardware device by Detex® features cutting-edge design and technology. It is the first panic hardware device designed by and for locksmiths for applications in schools, universities and hospitals.

    ADVANTEX's tough stainless steel construction stands up to hi-impact use, abuse and vandalism and is backed by a five-year limited warranty. The pushpad and the outer housing are made of finished stainless steel wrap over a heavy ribbed aluminum extrusion. The alignment of the pushpad, the steel pushpad base and housing, and the durable angled endcap, give an incredibly strong resistance to force when struck or kicked open.

    ADVANTEX features high-performance installation and simple retrofit without templates. The backplate accepts a provided strike locator for perfect backset and precise alignment with the strike, allowing quicker and more efficient installation. ADVANTEX's retrofit capability allows the unit to replace other manufacturer's equipment.

    The ADVANTEX outside trims feature a through-bolted modular design concept that allows you to change the function and the trim without actually modifying the rim device. This makes conversion functions easier and, because there are no extra parts, inventory is less of a problem. Streamlined packaging enables fast, easy mix-and-match stock conversions. And to resist vandalism, lever trims include a disengaging clutch mechanism.

    The convenient 1/8 turn dogging feature on ADVANTEX is accomplished with either a hex key or with a standard mortise cylinder - a great time-saving feature for facilities with many doors.

    ADVANTEX exceeds Life Safety, ADA, California Title 19, and BHMA Grade 1 requirements. A UL listed, three-hour fire rated version is available and an optional 9VDC/12VAC/DC selectable alarm kit with LED operational display can also be ordered.

    For front door, side door, rear door, the advantage in panic hardware for today's health and education facilities is now clearly your advantage - with ADVANTEX.

    •For new or retrofit
    •Very heavy duty
    •Easy to install
    •Stainless Steel finish
    •Exceeds life safety, ADA, Ca. Title 19 and BMHA Grade 1 requirements
    •U.L. listed
    •Convenient dogging (Latch hold back)

    Size: 36 inches

    Related Products
    See the surface mount electric strike
    Detex removable mullion||"Type of installation" "New installation" "Replacing Von Duprin 98 or 99 series" "Replacing Sargent 8600 -8800 series"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|detdelegexal||item.||soliditem||deegsy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/detex-delayed-egress-exit-alarm-lock-completely-self-contained-32.gif||||||Detex 36 Inch Delayed Egress Exit Alarm Lock (Completely Self Contained)||1790||deegsy|| » Delayed Egress Systems > ||1496.000||1679.000 ||1496.000 ||Detex Delayed Egress Exit Alarm Lock (Completely Self Contained)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||allocardoorc ouletr devaouexpuwi dedowasi moinondedt||Hot||Description:
    The Detex Value Series® 36 inch V40xEE option is designed for applications that require a delayed egress, alarmed panic device. The alarm, with approximately 100dB will sound when someone attempts to exit, alerting management that an unauthorized exit has been attempted. The alarm will continue to sound, but the door will remain locked for 15 seconds, which deters the unauthorized exit and provides the responsible party time to respond to the alarm. The V40xEE is perfect for retail and grocery stores, schools, assisted living communities, hospitals and other establishments that require security door control with life safety. The V40xEE is UL listed as panic and fire exit hardware as well as UBC standard 7-2 (positive pressure).

    Features and Benefits:
    Secure locking with 15 sec. delayed egress
    Provides reliable loss prevention protection 24 hours a day
    Controls foot traffic, deters unauthorized exits and reduces employee and customer theft
    Internal pushpad substructure upgraded to stainless steel
    Fast, easy, secure installation, providing perfect alignment with the door and frame, thus preventing costly installation delays and insuring a secure installation
    Rugged, durable corrosion resistant anodized aluminum and ABS surfaces resist damage
    Angled end cap deflects damage to the device when the door is open
    Tamper resistant housing protects the electronics, battery back up and other components from manipulation
    Auxiliary inputs and outputs allow remote monitoring, alarming and remote authorized bypass

    Technical Specifications:
  • 36" Door Width (Std.)
  • Stainless steel, 3/4" throw deadlocking latchbolt
  • Approximate 100dB Piezo alarm
  • On-board logic control
  • Mortise cylinder key switch arming
  • 24vdc Power included
  • Battery back up 9 VDC (internal) included
  • Low Battery Alert (field selectable)
  • Detachable plug-in terminal strip
  • Surface armored cable loop
  • Compatible for use with through-wire hinge or power transfer
  • LED visual arming indicators
  • Audible arming indicators
  • Fire alarm Input
  • Remote bypass Input and Output
  • Remote alarm Output
  • NS - Narrow stile door option. For use on full 36" and 48" wide doors with 2" stile. Specify 628 (AL, aluminum) or 711 (BK, black anodized). 98 semi-mortise strike included.
  • Alarm accepts 5, 6 and 7-pin standard and interchangeable core mortise cylinders with a Yale standard cam (cylinder collar required only with 7 pin IC)
  • ANSI/BHMA A156.3-2001 Grade 1 exit device - cycle
    tested to 500,000+ cycles
  • UL Listed Panic Hardware

    Includes delayed egress panic bar, 24VDC filtered and regulated power supply, and door sign.

    Related Products
    See the surface mount electric strike
    Detex removable mullion

    Detex Limited Warranty:
    Detex Value Series® Panic Hardware, when properly installed, used and maintained is warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship. We will, for a period of three (3) years from the date of purchase, repair or replace any part which, upon our examination, proves to be defective under normal use. Electrical companents, when properly installed, used and maintained, are warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year. This warranty will be honored upon presentation of proof that the product covered thereby was purchased directly from an authorized Detex distributor. We shall not be liable for any direct, incidental or consequential loss or damage arising out of the failure of this panic hardware to operate.

    UL Listed Panic Hardware, UL Listed Fire Exit Hardware for 3 hours, maximum, 4'x10' single doors and pairs of 4'x8' with F90KR keyed removable Mullion, UL Listed Controlled Exit Device (FULA), UL Listed Special Locking Arrangements (FWAX), Meets ADA requirements, UBC 97, Standard 7-2 and UL10C for positive pressure, ANSI/BHMA certified (ANSI A156.3 and ANSI A156.24 Grade 1), Meets NFPA 80 & 101 for Life Safety, Miami-Dade County, Florida, NOA 04-0810.04 EXP. 04/07/10, California State Fire Marshall - 4140-0127:105, 3774-0127:106 and 3725-0127 :108

    See Armored Door Cord below for power connection.||"With or without inside cylinder" "Without - you have your own mortise type cylinder" "We supply inside mortise type cylinder keyed and ready to install Add $36 (+36)"|^| "With or without outside pull with key cylinder" "Without" "We supply outside key cylinder Add $89 (+89)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|detdeadpanha||item.||soliditem||exitdevices||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/detex-deadbolt-panic-hardware-exit-control-lock-26.gif||||||Detex Deadbolt Panic Hardware Exit Control Lock||1358||exitdevices||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > ||279.000||344.000 ||279.000 ||Detex Deadbolt Panic Hardware Exit Control Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinondeec dedowasi||||The latest improvement of the unit that has set the industry standard for more than 30 years.. The ECL-230D is a single point locking device that prevents unauthorized entrance from the outside while allowing emergency egress. It provides inside and outside key control bypass of the alarm. In the event of unauthorized egress, a high decibel alarm sounds that can only be deactivated by a special control key. If you are looking for the most rugged, reliable, and economical control lock, the ECL-230 is the obvious choice.

  • U. L. listed panic hardware
  • Attack-resistant housing of non-corrosive cast aluminum
  • Corrosion-resistant, non-ferrous alloy lock body
  • Designed for installation on either side of the door
  • Outside key control available
  • Rugged, saw-resistant, one inch deadbolt
  • Non-Handed
  • Accepts either 5 or 6 pin rim cylinder
  • Five year limited warranty

    5 3/4 inches wide x 3 3/4 inches Deep x 10 3/8 inches high||"
    With or without inside cylinder" "Without - you have your own cylinder" "We supply inside cylinder keyed And ready to install Add $36 (+36)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dedowasi||item-1||soliditem||detdeadpanha||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/detex-door-warning-sign-34.gif||||||DETEX DOOR WARNING SIGN||1790-B||exitdevices detdeadpanha||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > Detex Deadbolt Panic Hardware Exit Control Lock > ||10.000||10.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|detex3pointpanic||item-1||soliditem||exitdevices||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/detex3pointpanic-24.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/detex-ecl-230x-tdb-3-point-exit-control-alarmed-lock-20.gif||Detex ECL-230X-TDB 3 Point Exit Control Alarmed Panic Lock ||3647||exitdevices||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > ||1096.000||1096.000 ||||Detex ECL-230X-TDB 3 Point Exit Control Alarmed Panic Lock||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Hot Extra heavy duty grade one hardware||The ECL-230X-TDB is a code compliant, battery alarmed, rugged 3-point dead bolt, panic device with photo-luminescent sign providing maximum security and a 100 decibel alarm for secondary exits.

  • Extra heavy duty grade one hardware
  • Attack resistant design
  • Reduces employee theft
  • one size fits 36-48 inch doors
  • 3-point locking
  • Saw resistant deadbolt
  • 100 decibel alarm, powered by 9-volt battery
  • Accepts 5-7 pin standard and IC core cylinders.
  • Non handed
  • Low profile design

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|detexalloc||item.||soliditem||exitdevices||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/detex-exit-alarm-lock-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/detex-exit-alarm-lock-37.gif||Detex Exit Alarm Lock||1509||exitdevices||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > ||649.000||649.000 ||||Detex Exit Alarm Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||ouletr devaouexpuwi dedowasi||This new model can be ordered as weatherproof or non weatherproof.||
  • Accommodates 5, 6 and 7 pin standard and interchangeable core cylinders with a standard Yale cam. Call factory for other non-standard mortise cylinder applications.
  • Controls foot traffic, deters unauthorized exits, prevents loss and meets building code requirements for panic & exit hardware.
  • Reduces employee and customer theft by deterring unauthorized exits through emergency exit doors.
  • Integrates with other loss prevention equipment.
  • Options and trims for use on 3' and 4' doors.
  • Available in two strike options, surface and semi-mortise.
  • Available in several configurations, with different strikes, outside trims, alarms, security options, signage and finishes.
  • Outside key control available. (Call for details).

    Now also a available Weatherized version - see options below!

    TO ARM: Rotate arming key counterclockwise 1/8 turn: LED will be GREEN for 15-20 seconds. GREEN LED turns off followed by 3 short sounder chirps at the end of delay, indicating unit is armed.

    DIS-ARM: Rotate the arming key clockwise 1/8 turn. RED LED flashes twice every 30-45 seconds, alerting management that device is unarmed.

    Physical Characteristics:
  • Exterior of anodized aluminum and damage and corrosion resistant ABS for years of heavy use.
  • Stainless-steel, dead-latching bolt with a 3/4" throw.
  • Dimensions:
    * 36" - fits 34" to 36" doors
  • Length - 33" (see drawing above)
  • Height of cover - 8 1/2"
  • Profile from face of door - Un-dogged 3 1/4", dogged 2 3/8"
  • Fits 2" stile doors with semi- mortise strike
  • Powered by a standard 9 volt battery

  • Under normal conditions, only periodic testing and general inspection recommended.
  • Under normal conditions and operations, battery life of 12 months. Time varies depending on use, climate, battery performance and other non- controllable factors.

    Code Compliance
  • Grade 1, UL Listed Panic and Fire Exit Hardware Device.
  • UBC 97, Standard 7-2 (Positive Pressure)
  • Exceeds Life Safety, ADA, CA Title 19, ANSI/BHMA requirements and all building codes.

    (Requires Mortise Cylinder; Standard Cam, sold separately)

    Related Products
    See the surface mount electric strike
    Detex removable mullion||"
    For inside or outside use?" "Regular" "Weatherized Add $205 (+205)"|^|"With or without inside cylinder" "Without - you have your own mortise type cylinder" "We supply inside mortise type cylinder keyed and ready to install Add $36 (+36)"|^|"With or without outside pull with key cylinder" "Without" "We supply outside pull with key cylinder Add $89 (+89)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|detkeyremmul||item.||soliditem||securitronpowerjump||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/detex-keyed-removable-mullion-26.gif||||||Detex Keyed Removable Mullion||Item: 1524||securitronpowerjump||Securitron Powerjump ICPT Inductive Coupling Power Transfer > ||589.000||695.000 ||589.000 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||inininpdffor1||||A keyed removable mullion for use on standard and fire rated pairs of doors, this is the lates Detex product designed for heavy duty use. Operated by any standard rim cylinder, the mullion is removed and replaced in seconds. There is no need to remove screws to move equipment through the doorway. To replace the unit, simply snap the mullion back into its upright position. The mullion engages the positive latching mechanism only one way - the right way - without the use of a key.

    8 ft in length

  • Easy to field cut to length if needed.
  • Shims provided for accurate fit
  • Easy installation - no drilling of the mullion tube
  • Base anchors included
  • U.L. and Warnock Hersey listed for 3 hour fire rated pairs of doors up to 8' x 8'
  • WHI labeled for use with other manufacturers' fire exit hardware
    (call for non-Detex product applications)
  • 11 guage 2" x 3" steel mullion for strength and durablility
  • Operated by standard rim cylinder - available anywhere
  • Self-latching - no need to reinsert the key to engage the mullion tube
  • Removes in seconds, reinstalls in seconds
  • 3 year limited warranty||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|desumoexal||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/detex-surface-mounted-exit-alarm-24.gif||||||Detex Surface Mounted Exit Alarm||2012||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||329.000||329.000 ||||Detex Surface Mounted Exit Alarm||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New! Extended bypass, now a standard feature, allows alarm to remain bypassed when door is open and automatically rearm upon door closing!||The Detex EAX-2500 is designed for applications that require a 9VDC battery. The alarm, with approximately 100dB, will sound when someone attempts an unauthorized exit. The EAX-2500, with it's smaller size and designed to fit in a standard 4"x4" outlet box makes it the choice for quick and easy installations on emergency exit and restricted doors.

    Features and Benefits:
    Low-cost, door alarm with piezo horn that sounds to warn of unauthorized use of a door
    Surface mount. Easy to install using ordinary tools.
    Fits into a standard 4"x4" double switch/outlet box
    Now available with field selectable options
    Patented cam assembly automatically adjusts for different sizes of cylinders without the use of spacers
    Mortise cylinder required with standard Yale cam for Inside Key Control
    Alarm can only be silenced by proper control key
    Modern graphics on cover to demonstrate key rotation and operation
    Improved electronic circuits for longer battery life, LED functions
    9VDC battery powered
    Tamper switch monitors cover manipulation
    Tamper resistant housing and cover protects electronics and battery from manipulation
    Extended bypass, now a standard feature, allows alarm to remain bypassed when door is open and automatically rearm upon door closing
    Upgraded features are now included and field selectable

    Packaging Information:
    The EAX-2500 package includes: EAX-2500 Exit Alarm, Peel & stick door sign, and Key Stop (formerly 90 degree detent)

    Technical Specifications :
    Approximate 100dB piezo alarm
    Mortise cylinder key switch arming
    9 VDC battery powered Low Battery Alert Manual arming, disarming & rearming
    LED visual arming indicators
    Audible arming indicator
    Remote bypass compatible
    Alarm relay output
    Alarm accepts 5, 6 and 7 pin standard and interchangeable core mortise cylinders with a standard Yale cam
    Field selectable 2-minute auto rearm
    Field selectable status indicators

    TO ARM: Insert and rotate the key counterclockwise. Red LED will flash twice followed by solid Green LED. Remove key, Green LED will continue to illuminate for 15 seconds during the arming sequence followed by 3 chirps indicating the alarm is armed and ready.
    TO DISARM: Insert and rotate the key clockwise. Green LED flashes twice. Key may be removed. Alarm is now disarmed and will not sound.

    4.65" Wide x 4.60" Long x 3.00" Deep||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|devaouexpuwi||item.||soliditem||detdelegexal||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/detex-value-series-outside-exit-pull-with-cylinder-25.gif||||||Detex Value Series Outside Exit Pull With Cylinder ||3385||deegsy detdelegexal|| » Delayed Egress Systems > Detex 36 Inch Delayed Egress Exit Alarm Lock (Completely Self Contained) > ||89.000||89.000 ||||Detex Value Outside Exit Pull With Cylinder||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ouletr||item.||soliditem||detdelegexal||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/detex-value-series-outside-lever-trim-with-cylinder-25.gif||||||Detex Value Series Outside Lever Trim With Cylinder||3384||deegsy detdelegexal|| » Delayed Egress Systems > Detex 36 Inch Delayed Egress Exit Alarm Lock (Completely Self Contained) > ||269.000||269.000 ||||Detex Value Series Outside Lever Trim With Cylinder||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Satin chrome finish||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dewebaposumo||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/detex-weatherized-battery-powered-surface-mount-exit-alarm-24.gif||||||Detex Weatherized Battery Powered Surface Mount Exit Alarm||3321||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||298.000||339.000 ||298.000 ||Detex Weatherized Battery Powered Surface Mount Exit Alarm||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinondeeaxe||New!||Weatherized Battery Powered Door or Wall Mount Exit Alarm

    he Detex EAX-500W Weatherized Exit Alarm is designed for applications that require an alarmed exit device on secured doors, particularly emergency exits that open to the outdoors or wet environment. The alarm, with approximately 100dB, will sound when someone attempts an unauthorized exit. The EAX-500W, with its redesigned shape and smaller size, make it the choice for quick and easy installations on emergency exit and restricted doors.

  • Patented plastic template allows for foolproof alignment of internal magnetic door contact and accurate installation
  • Tapered cover allows for installation on narrow stile doors, 2" minimum
  • Intelligent circuit senses the external magnet location automatically and sets the correct door handing
  • Patented cam assembly automatically adjusts for different sizes of cylinders without use of spacers

  • Alarm can only be silenced by proper control key
  • Extended bypass (now a standard feature) allows alarm to remain bypassed when door is open and automatically rearm upon door closing
  • Modern graphics on cover to demonstrate key rotation and operation
  • 100 dB piezo alarm

  • 9VDC battery operated with Low Battery Alert
  • LED visual and audible arming indicators
  • Field selectable 2-minute auto rearm, if desired
  • Field selectable status indicators, if desired
  • Weatherized electronics certified to Driving Rain and Salt Fog Test
    (see Listings and Approvals)

    Accepts 5 or 6 7 pin standard and interchangeabe core mortise cylinders with a standard Yale cam.

    This safe is battery powered
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|diinpdffo||link.||||avrstors||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/diagram-in-the-pdf-format-10.gif||||||Diagram In The PDF Format||||proxread avtaiprfprca flexcombasac flexcombasac1 avrstors||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea TA01A iProx RFID Proximity Card Reader With RS232 Connection > Avea RFID Proximity Reader - Audit Trail - RS232 Connection > Avea Proximity Reader - Audit Trail - RS485 Connection > Avea RS485 To RS232 Converter > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|diaryofsafeman||item.||soliditem||books1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/diary-of-a-safeman-24.gif||||||Diary Of A Safeman||Item: 1907||books1||» Books, Software About Locks - Safes - Security > ||59.000||59.000 ||||Diary Of A Safeman||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This book is a real gem. It's the private safe diary of an old time safecracker!

    Back in the days of Al Capone the crooks were blowing safes with nitroglycerin and C.L. Corey was out servicing and repairing those old safes. The book features an introduction by Dave McOmie.

    Mr. Corey not only kept notes on all of his jobs, he also carefully photographed every safe he worked on! Here in striking detail we have reproduced this diary from the most exciting era in safe work, the early 1930's. You'll see all the great old safes from the past and you'll get a few ideas on how to open and repair them. Many of these old time beauties are still in use today! This little 141 page book is a gem.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|diadauskey||item.||soliditem||diellolosyin||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digilock-ada-user-key-25.gif||||||Digilock ADA User Key||2016-B||aseq diellolosyin|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Digilock Electronic Locker Lock System Includes Keypad And Lock > ||69.000||69.000 ||||Digilock ADA User Key||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Digilock meets the US Access Board's requirements for ADA compliance with the use of the ADA User Key. Club members with disabilities are issued an ADA User Key that will allow access to any available locker without tight grasping, tight pinching or twisting of the wrist to operate.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|diellolosyin||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digilock-electronic-locker-lock-system-includes-keypad-and-lock-36.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digilock-electronic-locker-lock-system-includes-keypad-and-lock-38.gif||Digilock Electronic Locker Lock System Includes Keypad And Lock||Item: 2016||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||229.000||229.000 ||||Digilock Electronic Locker Lock System Includes Keypad And Lock||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||dishuseopand hr81 dimabykey diadauskey diprkey||||We are closing these out and have a few left in stock. Please give us a call for pricing.

    Digilock STS, standard model, is designed for day usage locker and cabinet applications where the locks are shared by multiple users throughout the day.

    Users lock and unlock any available locker with a user selected four-digit code while management has access with a manager bypass key. When unlocked Digilock shared use locks will remain unlocked until locked by another user. Digilock shared use locks are available with a standard locking or high security platform. The high security platform also provides the option of audit trail and card activation.

    Product Features Include:
  • Four-digit user selected code
  • Electronic bypass key - up to 25 per lock (see below to order keys)
  • Tamper guard
  • Usage indicator
  • Low battery indicator
  • Programmable automatic un-lock
  • Programmable LED

    Common Uses:
    - Health and fitness centers -
    - Day spas and wellness centers -
    - Patient changing rooms -
    - Hotel and resort lockers -
    - Athletic lockers -
    - Swimming facility lockers -
    - OEM equipment -

    Please see below for the electronic keys that are necessary for the operation of these locks. Also, these locks are not returnable since they are special, made to order. ||"Choose either shared use or assigned use" "Shared use - bolt" "Assigned use - latch"|^| "Cabinet door type-wood or metal?" "Metal" "Wood" "Plastic"|^| "Mounting type" "Surface mount with pull handle" "Surface mount without pull handle" "Recessed mount with pull handle" "Recessed mount without pull handle"|^| "Please choose cabinet door thickness" "1/2 inch" "3/4 inch" "7/8 inch" "other - if choosing other, then please give us a call before you order because this is an uncommon size"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|digdimdiag||item.||soliditem||scematics||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digilock-locker-lock-dimensions-diagram-29.gif||||||Digilock Locker Lock Dimensions Diagram||||scematics||» Glossary - Resources - Diagrams > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|digloclocini||item.||soliditem||scematics||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digilock-locker-lock-installation-instructions-29.gif||||||Digilock Locker Lock Installation Instructions||||scematics||» Glossary - Resources - Diagrams > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dimabykey||item.||soliditem||diellolosyin||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digilock-manager-bypass-key-25.gif||||||Digilock Manager Bypass Key||2016-A||aseq diellolosyin|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Digilock Electronic Locker Lock System Includes Keypad And Lock > ||69.000||69.000 ||||Digilock Manager Bypass Key||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The manager bypass key is the all-in-one tool for managment. A simple touch of this key to the key slot provides lock access and will also provide external power to the lock in case of battery failure. (Anticipated battery life is 3-5 years depending on model and usage). A programming key registers up to 25 unique Manager Bypass Keys to each lock.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|diprkey||item.||soliditem||diellolosyin||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digilock-programming-key-25.gif||||||Digilock Programming Key||2016-C||aseq diellolosyin|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Digilock Electronic Locker Lock System Includes Keypad And Lock > ||179.000||179.000 ||||Digilock Programming Key||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||A programming key registers all manager bypass keys. Up to 25 unique manager bypass keys can be programmed to each lock. Only one Programming key can be used per system.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dishuseopand||link.||||diellolosyin||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digilock-shared-use-operations-and-programming-9.gif||||||Digilock Shared Use Operations And Programming ||||aseq diellolosyin|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Digilock Electronic Locker Lock System Includes Keypad And Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|digcomloc||item.||soliditem||mecpusloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digital-mechanical-combination-pushbutton-lock-non-electronic-34.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digital-mechanical-combination-pushbutton-lock-non-electronic-35.gif||Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic)||||mecpusloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > ||||||||Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||0||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||anotherstyle anotherstyle1 andanstyl difstyl mormounlatlo codmeddutlev 238inbaclato 234inchlatch inrepfordiga1 inrepfordiga largegasket noname12 seeallparinw temfor234inb temfor238bac inguidinpdff4||Hot Great for doors or gates. We have them in deadbolts and latches. Now available with key bypass and also as double sided with numbers on both sides. If you have been searching for the best value in Keyless Locks you have found it! These are great ultra high quality mechanical combination pushbutton locks that are manufactured in China and if they were made in the US the cost would be more than double. These locks are very weather resistant - We also have special weather covers for even better weather resistance.||

    Click here to see how easy it is to change the combination

    Double sided locks now also available - Great for gate control! - see below.

    If you have been searching for the best value in Keyless Locks you have found it! These are great ultra high quality mechanical combination pushbutton locks that are manufactured in China and if they were made in the US the cost would be more than double. Weather resistant - see below for special weather cover for even better weather resistance.
    They are not grade one heavy duty commercial grade type such as some of the Kaba locks but still great value for the money. They come several different ways including lever handle latch sets and deadbolts. As you can see, there are a lot of buttons; 10 number buttons and 4 letter buttons. You can choose a two digit combination or as many as a six digit combination. Since it's a mechanical lock the same digits can not be repeated. The order the digits are entered in dosen't matter. For instance, 1234 looks the same to this lock as 2143. To change the combination, the lock has to be unscrewed from the door, but it's easy to do. I usually find it easier to change the combination on this lock than on some other brands that don't require removal from the door!
    Please note:Beware of inferior copies of these locks elsewhere on web. We are an authorized distributor of this great keyless lock and have been selling and installing them for almost 30 years so we know just how good and reliable they are.

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for these locks!

    The picture above on the left is how the lock looks seated flush to the door without a gasket. The picture on the right shows the lock used with the optional heavy gasket.

    Please note: The round knob on the bottom under the buttons is not a door knob. It's smaller than a typical door knob but has a similar function. When the correct combination is entered this knurled knob is turned to retract the latch or bolt.

    To Clarify: The latch models come in two ways. The first is as a replacement for the bottom lock if that lock is a key-in-knob type with a round hole of between 1 1/2" or 2 1/8". If your current lock is a mortise type lock, then you'll have to replace it with the same type, and this combo lock won't work. The latch lock also comes as a top lock that will go a few inches above your primary lock. The main difference in the two latch locks is that when used as a bottom primary lock, the inside lever is much longer. When used as a top lock the inside lever is really just a small handle. In either case, there is never a lever or handle on the outside, only a knurled knob. On the lever version there is a small switch on the inside that enables you to keep the latch back so it won't lock automatically if that's what you want (sort of like the old-style night latch locks).

    Important: these locks come with two smaller rubber gaskets that fit around the lock on both sides. These are fine if the hole is 1 1/2". However, many modern doors are drilled with a 2 1/8" hole, and the rubber gaskets that come with each lock in our opinion, won't always work properly. Instead, order the optional larger gaskets. They are $15 per pair and will make your installation much easier and more secure. To order see below.

  • Fits doors 1 3/8" to 2"
  • Heavy duty construction (weight is 3 pounds)
  • Available as standard 2 3/8" or optional 2 3/4" backset for an extra $15 - see options below
  • No batteries needed - completely mechanical
  • Great for gate installations!

    Without either of the surrounds: 5½" L X 1 5/8" W

    With small surround that comes with these locks add 1/8" - With the larger optional surround or gasket (highly recommended} add ½"

    The various models this lock comes in can be a little confusing. See the diagrams below or email or call us if your not sure which model you need.

    Note: Antique Brass is sometimes available. Please call or e-mail

    See backset diagram
    Click here to see how easy it is to change the combination||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anotherstyle||item.||soliditem||digcomloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digital-mortise-mount-mechanical-pushbutton-deadbolt-lock-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digital-mortise-mount-mechanical-pushbutton-deadbolt-lock-37.gif||Digital Mortise Mount Mechanical Pushbutton Deadbolt Lock||11436||mecpusloc digcomloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > ||98.000||98.000 ||||Digital Mortise Mount Mechanical Pushbutton Deadbolt Lock||"Extra 2 3/8 inch bolt - keep as a spare just in case?" "No thanks" "Yes - please add one - $15 (+15)"

    ||||Usually ships in 2-3 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||gaboxforco10 234inchlatch||Hot Mortise Type This is the deadbolt version and is usually installed as the top lock.||Mortise Type This is the deadbolt version and is usually installed as the top lock. This model comes in 2 3/8 backset only. Please note that the look of this model may be slightly different then lock we send.|| "Finish" "Bright Brass" " Polished Chrome"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|andanstyl||item.||soliditem||digcomloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digital-mortise-mount-mechanical-pushbutton-latch-as-a-bottom-type-lock-with-interior-lever-48.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digital-mortise-mount-mechanical-pushbutton-latch-as-a-bottom-type-lock-with-interior-lever-53.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digital-mortise-mount-mechanical-pushbutton-latch-as-a-bottom-type-lock-with-interior-lever-50.gif||Digital Mortise Mount Mechanical Pushbutton Latch - As A Bottom Type Lock With Interior Lever||11438||mecpusloc digcomloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > ||149.000||149.000 ||||Digital Mortise Mount Mechanical Pushbutton Latch - As A Bottom Type Lock With Interior Lever||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||gaboxforco10 238inbaclato||Hot A mortise latchlock with a lever handle (lever on inside only)-A good choice for replacing a common key-in-knob lock . The hand can be changed on this lock.||A mortise latchlock with a lever handle (lever on inside only)-A good choice for replacing a common key-in-knob lock . The hand can be changed on this lock. Please note that the look of this model may be slightly different then lock we send.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|anotherstyle1||item.||soliditem||digcomloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digital-mortise-mount-mechanical-pushbutton-latch-lock-49.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digital-mortise-mount-mechanical-pushbutton-latch-lock-60.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digital-mortise-mount-mechanical-pushbutton-latch-lock-51.gif||Digital Mortise Mount Mechanical Pushbutton Latch Lock||11437||mecpusloc digcomloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > ||98.000||98.000 ||||Digital Mortise Mount Mechanical Pushbutton Latch Lock||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||gaboxforco10 238inbaclato||Hot Mortise Type - The same as the above lock but this is the deadlatch version and is usually installed as the top lock. Use this lock instead of the deadlock if you want the lock to automatically lock when the door closes.||Mortise Type - The same as the above lock but this is the deadlatch version and is usually installed as the top lock. Use this lock instead of the deadlock if you want the lock to automatically lock when the door closes. Please note that the look of this model may be slightly different then lock we send.||Finish ""Bright Brass only "|^|"Extra 2 3/8 inch latch - keep as a spare just in case?" "No thanks" "Yes - please add one - $15 (+15)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|difstyl||item.||soliditem||digcomloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digital-surface-mount-mechanical-pushbutton-deadbolt-lock-41.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/digital-surface-mount-mechanical-pushbutton-deadbolt-lock-43.gif||Digital Surface Mount Mechanical Pushbutton Deadbolt Lock||11143||mecpusloc digcomloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > ||189.000||189.000 ||||Digital Surface Mount Mechanical Pushbutton Deadbolt Lock||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr69 inguidinpdff5 temforsurmou||On Sale! Surface mount-a good choice for the typical metal apt door with a flush frame where the entire lock is mounted on the inside surface of the door (like a Segal type lock ) rather than a mortise type lock. This lock also can be used in cabinet installations.||

    The surface mount 220 series is a good choice for the typical metal apt door with a flush frame where the entire lock is mounted on the inside surface of the door (like a Segal type lock ), very common in New York city, rather than a mortise type lock where the bolt is built into the center of the door (this model can only be a deadbolt).This model is a good choice for a "Shabbos" type lock. Click the picture to enlarge. This is the least common of this type because this type of deadbolt isn't installed very often these days. Backset on this lock is not like on the other models since the bolt on this lock is built into the lock itself - see the picture. The locking function is not done by a seperate latch or bolt as with other models. To change the backset you can just move the lock. Please note that the look of this model may be slightly different then lock we send.

    4 7/8" H x 1 7/16" W x 1 3/4" D

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for these locks!

    Caution: this lock will not work on most house doors-only on some apt type metal doors and gates.

    If your door can't accommodate a more common type (not surface-mounted deadbolt), this surface-mounted keyless lock with horizontal slide bar may be just what you need. Secure your cabinet doors, commercial refrigerators, gun cases, gun cabinets, liquor cabinets, pantry doors, safes, barn doors, shed doors and patio doors.

    ||"Please choose finish" "Satin chrome" "Bright brass" "Antique brass" "Satin nickel" "Jet black" "White" "Red"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dipexranan||item.||soliditem||4chanrftranr1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dipole-extended-range-antenna-25.gif||||||Dipole Extended Range Antenna||1837||escaperoomlock 4chanrftranr1||» Escape Room Locking > 4-Channel RF Transmitter & Receiver Set > ||56.000||56.000 ||||Dipole Extended Range Antenna||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||
  • SK-91ERSD extends range up to 1200 feet (open air) with existing remote.
  • Easily plugs into a connector on the receiver's motherboard - no extra wiring needed.
  • Includes 9-foot cable.
  • Power supply: +5VDC, +/- 0.1VDC (supplied by receiver's motherboard).

    Current consumption: 4.0mA. Sensitivity: 0.89mV @ -108dBm. Frequency: 315MHz. Bandwidth: 3.0MHz (-3dB). Double-stick mounting tape included.

    Enclosure: 2 inches x 1 1/2 inches x 5/5 inches or 51 x 38 x 16 mm||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|domkeygardoo||item.||soliditem||gardoorstuf||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/domino-keyless-garage-door-system-38.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/domino-keyless-garage-door-system-40.gif||Domino Keyless Garage Door System||1380||gardoorstuf||Garage Door Stuff > ||89.000||89.000 ||||Domino Keyless Garage Door System||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Hot||The DOMINO KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM is a simple and secure way to open and close garage doors. Consisting of an outside permanently mounted keypad and inside control box, the DOMINO KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM features a 1 to 6 digit user code, making the system as easy to program as it is to install.

    <||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|domaco3wigap||item.||soliditem||knocknoctoac||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/door-magnet-contact-3-8-wide-gap-press-fit-pack-of-5-46.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/door-magnet-contact-3-8-wide-gap-press-fit-pack-of-5-48.gif||Door Magnet Contact 3/8" Wide Gap Press Fit ||3294||escaperoomlock knocknoctoac||» Escape Room Locking > Knock lock (Knocklock) - Knock To Unlock > ||8.000||8.000 ||||Door Magnet Contact 3/8" Wide Gap Press Fit||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||These contacts can be used for access control or burglar alarms.||Lifetime Warranty
    3/8" Diameter press to fit Switch with standard 12" wire leads for easy installation UL Approved
    3/4 to one inch wide gap type (great for most doors)
    Normally open type - (NO)
    White finish
    GRI 5065

    3294||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doorphonchim||item.||soliditem||kklklk||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/door-phone-chime-option-49.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/door-phone-chime-option-60.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/door-phone-chime-option-51.gif||Door Phone Chime Option||Item: 1517||intercoms kklklk||» Audio & Video Intercoms > DoorBell Fon Intercom System > ||49.000||89.000 ||49.000 ||||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinondpinpd||Door Phone Chime Option inbound Relay Trigger Controller. Activates a chime, camera, or light when the door box button is pressed.||DESCRIPTION The DP29-CI DoorBell Fon Inbound Relay Trigger Controller module will give you 800ms (8/10ths of a second) dry-closure when the Door Station button is pushed. This add-on module will allow your doorbell or any other external trigger devices to be activated along side your phone.This module does NOT provide power to external devices. It connects an external power source through the dry-closure on the module, which can connect to the external device

  • The new design footprint allows the DP29-CI to be mounted in any structured wiring cabinet or even on the wall
  • The DP29-CI activates any external trigger device (e.g. doorbells/chimes, cameras, or lights) while the DP28-C activates your telephones
  • Can be powered by internal AA batteries or by optional external power source (DP29PS12V)
  • May also be powered by an external 3.5v to 5.0v DC power supply other than batteries
  • Simple installation

  • Doorbells and melodic chimes
  • Cameras and camera switchers
  • Exterior lights
  • Strobe lights (for the hearing impaired)

    This inbound relay trigger contoller provides 800 ms of dry contact closure. This unit is simply bridged to the door box leads. It's activated by the push button on the door box. Use it to sound a door chime so a seperate chime is heard the same time the phone rings or activate a camera. You can use your existing door chime with this also. This item can also be used for activating door bells, strobe lights or other indicators, selecting a camera on a switcher to show the particular door that someone is at or other types of automation.

    Specifications The relay will handle the following current:
    1.0 amp at 30 vdc 0.5 amp at 125 vac 0.3 amp at 60 vdc

    Installation procedures
    1) Connect door phone (+) and (-) on the dp 29-c1 to (+) and (-) wires from door phone station to main controller (black box)> 2) Connect door chime (dry connect) two connections on the dp29-c1 to the device needed to be triggered. 3) Either put battery in housing (included) or use external power supply (optional) to the dp29-c1.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doorphoninop||item.||soliditem||kklklk||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/door-phone-intercom-add-on-option-25.gif||||||Door Phone Intercom Add On Option||Item: 1877||intercoms kklklk||» Audio & Video Intercoms > DoorBell Fon Intercom System > ||79.000||79.000 ||||Door Phone Intercom Add On Option||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New!||The new Intercom add on module works in together with the Doorbell Phone Intercom Controller to allow users to ring the telephones in the home from any other telephone within the house to serve as a local intercom.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kklklk||item.||soliditem||intercoms||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/doorbell-fon-intercom-system-50.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/doorbell-fon-intercom-system-52.gif||DoorBell Fon Intercom System||1220||intercoms||» Audio & Video Intercoms > ||189.000||189.000 ||||Door Phone Intercom System||Hot Use your phones to answer your door. Even cordless!||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinondofoni doorphonchim doorrealrelm doorphoninop||Hot Use your phones to answer your door. Doorbell Fon will work with your regular home telephone, single or 2 line, PBX or key system. Even cordless!||

    Answer The Door From Any Phone - even cordless!

    When a visitor pushes the door button, all the phones in the home ring. The resident knows it's an intercom call because of the built in distictive ring. The unit has call waiting to prevent missed calls. This system can also be connected so that doors or gates open when the resident pushes the telephone Star ( * ) button. The basic system comes in two parts. The outside door box and the interior unit that installs where the phone line enters your home. You can add another door box to another door (see below). Look at the new brass outdoor unit. It's really beautful. To enable your telephone to also open an electric strike you'll need to add an additional module (see below). (This does not include the electric strike).

    Its easy to install. The Door Fon plugs directly into an outlet, The two wire design allows easy retrofits using existing doorchime wire. For new construction, it make more sense to install than a simple chime.

    There have been a lot of questions about this product so the following FAQ should help:

  • Can a second exterior door be added to the system?
    Yes - Just add an optional door speaker.

  • How do I answer the door or gate?
    Simply pick up your phone. You will be automatically connected with the door station. Even if you have 2 door stations connected, just pick up the phone, the controller will deignate which door the ring is coming from.

  • What if I pick up the phone after the phone stops ringing and hear a dial tone?
    The doorbell fon will ring your phone 3 times if you are unable to get to the phone in time and when you pick up and hear a dial tone, just press the flash button on your phone, this will connect you to the door station that was pressed.

  • How can I switch between 2 different door stations?
    If you have 2 door stations connected to the Doorbell fon controller you can switch between them simply by pressing the flash button on your phone. Both stations will give a different ring tone to let you know which door the visitor is at.

  • Will the Doorbell fon work for me with my phone?
    Doorbell Fon will work with your regular home telephone, single or 2 line, PBX or key system.

  • What if I'm on a phone call and someone then comes to my door?
    The Doorbell fon will operate the same way as call waiting does on your phone. If you are on a call you will hear a call waiting tone to let you know a visitor is at your door. To answer the door simply press the flash button on your phone. To go back tou your call after you answer the door, once again press the flash button and you will return to the outside line.

  • How will this affect my answering machine?
    The Doorbell fon can be connected to an answering machine to answer or greet visitors at your door. You will need to set the machine to answer on 2 rings to let visitors leave a message from the door station. If you do not want your answering machine to greet your door visitors then set your machine to 4 rings.

  • Can the Doorbell fon unlock the door as well?
    Yes, with the purchase of the optional door strike controller you can unlock any door or gate with the simple press of the star "*" key. Up to two doors can be unlocked with an optional additional door speaker.

  • How does the unit wire into the phone system?
    Locate where you telephone line (from Telephone Co.) enters the premises. This is where you will connect the (black box). This device needs to be installed in series on you line as the first device, *(if you have an alarm system, then the alarm needs to remain first with the controller following in series). You will need to cut the line that you are putting the controller on. Once cut connect the end coming from outside of the premises to the LINE-IN position. (You may use either the modular jack or screw terminals. Both operate in parallel) Connect the other end of the line to the LINE-OUT position. Now you may mount the controller in a desired location. The controller will need to be installed between where the telephone lines enter the premises and the point of distribution of your telephones.

  • Will VOIP or Cable company provided phone services work with the system?
    Yes - VOIP or cable company provided phone services will work the this system and should be treated like a regular landline (POTS Line) which goes through the systems control box and then to all the phones on the premises.

  • Will my DSL work with this system? Yes but a filter will need to be installed before the system and the voice output of the filter needs to go through the control box and then to all the phones on the premises. The data output from the DSL filter should go to the computer or router directly WITHOUT going through the system control box.

    Wire runs: 350 feet using 18 gauge wire - for longer distance up to 4000 either above ground or below you can use cat5 or cat6 with shield.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section

    Outside speaker size:
    5 inches high X 3 3/4 inches wide X 1 1/8 inches deep

    Please note: this model with the plastic white outside speaker box has a flat back so it's easy to mount on any flat surface. The two other models in brass and aluminum have an open back and therefore need to be mounted into either an electrical box or dryway.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dormareceiver||item.||soliditem||dolowenpoopd||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dorma-rf-12-24-ac-dc-receiver-25.gif||||||Dorma RF 12/24 AC/DC Receiver||2011||doopanddocld dolowenpoopd||» Door Opening And Door Closing Devices > Dorma Low Energy Powered Operated Door Opener > ||326.000||326.000 ||||Dorma RF 12/24 AC/DC Receiver||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Required for use with RFT transmitter switch
  • Powered from 12VDC accessory output of ED900 operator||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doelemdoho||item.||soliditem||doopanddocld||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dorma-electromag-em-door-holder-28.gif||||||Dorma ElectroMag EM Door Holder||1996||doopanddocld||» Door Opening And Door Closing Devices > ||259.000||259.000 ||||Dorma ElectroMag EM Door Holder||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The picture is for a surface mount model

    Economical solution when controlled release and closing of doors is needed.UL/ULC listed. Conforms to ANSI 156.15 grade requirements. M.E.A. (NYC), factory mutual and California state Marshall approved. Dual voltage capability reduces inventory. 24 vac or dc. Silent operation. 35lb nominal holding force. Can be manually released from hold open position.Attractive dull chrome finish.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dohawiexwasw||item.||soliditem||dolowenpoopd||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dorma-hard-wired-exit-wall-switch-with-wheelchair-logo-24.gif||||||Dorma Hard Wired Exit Wall Switch With Wheelchair Logo||2009-A||doopanddocld dolowenpoopd||» Door Opening And Door Closing Devices > Dorma Low Energy Powered Operated Door Opener > ||209.000||239.000 ||209.000 ||Dorma Hard Wired Exit Wall Switch With Wheelchair Logo||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||6" X 6" stainless steel wall plate with normally open switch
  • Blue engraved wheelchair logo
  • Fits A A standard 4" X 4" electrical box
  • Color / Finish: STAINLESS STEEL
  • Grade: 1||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dolowenpoopd||item.||soliditem||doopanddocld||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dorma-low-energy-powered-operated-door-opener-41.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dorma-low-energy-powered-operated-door-opener-43.gif||Dorma Low Energy Powered Operated Door Opener||2009||doopanddocld||» Door Opening And Door Closing Devices > ||3659.000||3659.000 ||||Dorma Low Energy Powered Operated Door Opener||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr60 dohawiexwasw dowhswwibuin dormareceiver hr83 moinonthprin4||New! The DORMA ED900 is a surface closer based low energy power operator that precisely senses the door environment and responds appropriately. The ED900 is designed for manual openings that occasionally require automatic opening.||The ANSI A156.19 DORMA ED900 is a surface closer based low energy power operator that precisely senses the door environment and responds appropriately. The ED900 is designed for manual openings that occasionally require automatic opening.

    Technical Details:
    Sofit mounted so goes on push side of the door
    TS83 Series door closer with adjustable spring power, sweep speed, latch speed and backcheck cushioning.
  • Non-handed
  • Accommodates doors 36"/100 lb to 48"/200 lb
  • Push/Pull switch allows one unit for track and top jamb applications
  • Low Energy/Power Assist selector switch
  • Strike delay on/off switch
  • Push & Go on/off switch
  • Delay time, opening time/opening force, opening angle and door width selector adjustments for powered operation
  • Heavy-duty, aesthetically pleasing and easy to adjust steel arm assembly
  • Status light for diagnostic purposes
  • 120VAC, 50/60Hz
  • 2 Amp Current draw
  • Finish: Aluminum||"Please choose finish" "Aluminum" "Bronze"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dowhswwibuin||item.||soliditem||dolowenpoopd||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dorma-wheelchair-switch-with-built-in-rf-transmitter-and-disabled-logo-24.gif||||||Dorma Wheelchair Switch With Built In RF Transmitter And Disabled Logo||2010||doopanddocld dolowenpoopd||» Door Opening And Door Closing Devices > Dorma Low Energy Powered Operated Door Opener > ||389.000||439.000 ||389.000 ||Dorma Wheelchair Switch With Built In RF Transmitter And Disabled Logo||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||DORMA WALL SWITCH RF WITH WHEELCHAIR LOGO

    6" x 6" wall plate with normally open switch
  • Mounting box, radio frequency transmitter and 9VDC battery included
  • Maximum range 50 feet
  • Must be used with DCRFR receiver
  • Blue engraved wheel chair logo
  • Ideal where conditions prohibit hard wiring

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dortimexswit||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-timed-exit-switch-67.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-timed-exit-switch-69.gif||Dortronics Timed Exit Switch||1462||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||249.000||249.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Very heavy duty.||Extremely heavy duty

    Single gang push plate switch. 1 1/2 inch wide push plate on a 3 inch wide back plate. No/Nc & SPDT dry contact output. 1 - 30 second timer. 12-24 vdc. Aluminum on aluminum.

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|do11xedrdeeg||item-1||soliditem||do71deegco||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-1107-x-edr-delayed-egress-actuating-lock-36.gif||||||Dortronics 1107 X EDR Delayed Egress Actuating Lock||3804||deegsy do71deegco|| » Delayed Egress Systems > Dortronics 7101 Delayed Egress Controller > ||698.000||698.000 ||||Dortronics 1107 X EDR Delayed Egress Actuating Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||do71deegco dor12vdc4amp||||Delayed Egress Activation: Designed for use with the 7101-P Delayed Egress Panel and a mechanical exit lock (panic lock) the 1107xEDR employs a Microswitch actuator which senses door movement via the spring loaded Armature. The Microswitch sensitivity is field adjustable to accomodate various applications. A concealed Door Position Switch is also included and utilized to report door status for Re-lock and Forced door conditions to the Egress Panel

    Reliable & Versatile: This state of the art electromagnetic locking device provides positive, instantaneous door control. Models available for single outswing, inswing, and sliding doors or gates. Filler plates, angle brackets, and other mounting adapters are available to accomodate a wide range of door and frame types and conditions. NFPA Life Safety Compatible: As electromagnetic locking devices function independently of mechanical locks. Magnetic locks are ideal for use with fire and hazard detection systems to provide unobstructed egress and are highly recommended for use on Exit Door Control Systems requiring delayed releasing, per NFPA 101 or BOCA Codes.

    Safe Operation: All 1107xEDR electromagnetic locking devices are inherently fail-safe, releasing instantly upon command or loss of power. Both locking and unlocking are accomplished with ease and efficiency.

    The well confined magnetic field of these locks allow them to be used in computer rooms and other electronically sensitive areas. The built-in Transient Surge suppresson protects the electro- magnet from noise and voltage spikes.

    System Compatibility: Although the1107xEDR Maglocks were designed to work with the Dortronics 7101-P they will work reliably with most Delayed Egress controllers as well as other security alarm and access control systems. Extended Service: The rugged all metal design and durable construction ensures unlimited lock and unlock cycles without electrical fatigue or mechanical breakdown. Our locks are manufactured to the most stringent quality control standards. This allows Dortronics to offer a Lifetime limited warranty on all 1107 Series electromagnetic locks.

    Specifications: -1107xEDR - Single Door standard Outswing (600 lbs.) -TJ1107xEDR - Single Inswing Door With Z-Bracket (600 lbs.) -1195-07xEDR Inswing Conversion Kit Physical Size
    1107xEDR Housing - 8-1/4” long x 2- 1/4” high x 1-1/4” deep TJ1107xEDR Housing & Angle bracket- 8-1/4” long x 2-1/16” high x 1-1/2” deep

    Electrical: -Operating voltage (field selectable) 1107xEDR - 245ma @ 24 VDC 480ma @12 VDC
    -Egress Actuator Switch Normally Open rated @ 3 amps @ 30 volts DC Concealed Door Position Switch SPDT rated @ 100 Millamps @ 30 volts DC
    Finish: 1107 series locks are encased in a brushed Clear Anodized Aluminum housing Electro-magnet face and armature are Zinc plated for high resistance to rust and corrosion.

    Installation: Typically these locks are mounted on outswinging doors using the Header mounting plate accompanying the unit. This mounting plate has elongated slots for ease of alignment and threaded holes for secure attachment of the lock to the plate. An access hole is also provided in the mounting plate to accommodate the power and control wiring to the Delayed Egress control panel. The armature mounting plate attaches to the door surface with hardware included. No through bolting is required.
    Gate/Inswing applications: The TJ1107xEDR units are supplied with an angle bracket prepared for attaching to the face of the door frame. Z-bracket and mounting hardware are also furnished for the mounting of the armature plate to the door or gate post. Field convert the 1107 to a TJ1107 with the 1195-07xEDR conversion kit

    ||"Please choose mounting type" "Outswing" "Inswing which includes different casing and Z bracket Add $39 (+39)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dor12vdc4amp||item.||soliditem||do71deegco||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-12-24-vdc-4-amp-power-supply-33.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-12-24-vdc-4-amp-power-supply-34.gif||Dortronics 12-24 VDC 4 Amp Heavy Duty Power Supply||1539||elstrikandma do11xedrdeeg do71deegco||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > Dortronics 1107 X EDR Delayed Egress Actuating Lock > Dortronics 7101 Delayed Egress Controller > ||679.000||679.000 ||||Dortronics 12-24 VDC 4 Amp Power Supply One Or Eight Output||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||HotChoose either single or 8 output. Field selectable 12 or 24 volt DC output.
    Heavy Duty||Now available in either single or 8 outputs!

  • 12 or 24 VDC Selectable Output
  • Maximum Output with Full Voltage
  • Total Circuitry Protection
  • System Staus LED Indication
  • Built-in Automatic Battery Charging
  • Remote Reset & Visual Indicators

    Reliable 12 or 24 VDC Output
    This Power Supply provides a field selectable 12 or 24 volt DC output. The required output voltage is accurately regulated to fraction of a volt, even when operating under maximum load conditions. Output current is safely sustained, in both the 2 and 4 amp power supplies, while continuously operating under heavy loads. The extra-large capacity heat sink assures a long operating life in the most strenuous environments.

    Totally Protected Circuitry
    Both,110 VAC input and DC output is fused to protect the system against over loads and shorts and the switching regulator prevents excessive current draw. The battery charging circuit and the fire alarm input are thermally protected.

    Automatic Battery Charger
    The power back-up batteries (optional - see below ) are automatically charged according to the selected DC output voltage to provide immediate 12 or 24 VDC output upon loss of AC power. The adjustable trickle-charge output will maintain the number of batteries required for emergency back-up.

    Fail-Safe Fire Alarm Input
    Innovative design assures DC output cutoff by detecting ground fault is wiring to the fire panel; unlike other power supplies that may fail to release the FAR if any wiring insulation is scraped in the connection to the fire panel. LED Status Indicators ON-board LEDs provide visual indication of power supply operating conditions. A green LED is illuminated when AC power is present. The red LED is lit to indicate DC power at the output providing a quick determination of fire alarm input status. When the amber LED is lighted a low battery condition exits

    Auxiliary Alarm Outputs
    Alarm relay outputs are available to indicate loss of AC power and a low battery condition. The slave output from the fire alarm relay can be used to monitor the fire alarm input or to connect an endless number of power supplies to a single output on the building fire panel. For more relays see the optional 4 DPDT relay board below. This board can be used for turning on lights or alarms.

    Remote Reset & Power Supply Status An enclosure mounted fire alarm reset button and auxiliary status LEDs are also available.

    Quick Easy Installation
    Installation is fast, from mounting the enclosure to the connection of wiring.. No need to add additional relays for alarm monitoring or the fire alarm interface.

    The 110 VAC tie-in is quickly connected to the UL listed terminal strip with built in fuse. Separate termination points are provided for connection of battery backup and the main DC fused output.

    Plug -on terminals speed wiring for alarm connections and to batteries used for back-up power. Large tri-barrier terminal blocks shield board components near the low voltage input and output connections.

    Physical size Board only - 3" wide x 6" long x 2-3/8" high (including heat sink). Mounting- Standard 3" Snap-Track or attachment with stand-offs. Enclosure: - 12" wide x16" high x 4 " deep with lockable hinged cover.

    AC Input - Fused 110 VAC to step-down transformer. #4202 - 2 amp Output @ 12 or 24 VDC (28 volt - 2.8 amp transformer #4202 - 4 map Output @ 12 or 24 VDC (28 volt - 2.8 amp transformer) DC Voltage Range - Field Adjustable from .7 volts below to 5.0 volts above jumper selected DC output. DC Regulation - Accurately regulated to within 0.2% of voltage setting. DC Filter - Ripple almost nil, measuring only .002 @ 24 volts DC. Battery Charging - Adjustable trickle charge (factory set @ 300 mA for 12 volt battery back-up).

    For the 8 output: .5 amps x 8 @ 24vdc - or .5 amps x 6 @ 12vdc - both values are usually adequate for most magnetic locks or electric strikes.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dor12poungat1||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-1200-pound-gate-magnetic-lock-39.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-1200-pound-gate-magnetic-lock-41.gif||Dortronics 1200 Pound Gate Magnetic Lock||1739||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||690.000||690.000 ||||Dortronics 1200 Pound Gate Magnetic Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This magnetic gate lock is supplied with a 4-conductor, 20 gauge power cable (equal to Belden #M-8444) 18" long. By the order in which these leads are connected to the DC power source, the operating voltage of the unit is determined. This allows any of these locks to be used with a 12 or 24 volt DC power supply.

    Gate mounting: 1000xCF Specifies Conduit Fitting. When installing these locks on exterior swing and slide gates, # 1000xCF locks should be specified to receive units with the conduit fitting. This will afford protection to the power wiring for the lock. This lock comes with a Z bracket that can come in handy for some installations.

    Dual Voltage: will work with 12 - 24 dc

    Physical Size:
    #1000 Lock - 8-1/4" long x 2-9/16" high x 1-1/2" deep
    #1000 Armature-6-1/2" long x 2-1/4" high x 5/8" thick
    #1000 Mounting Plate - 8-1/4" long x 1-1/2" wide x 1/4" thick
    170ma@24 VDC 340ma@12 VDC

    Related Products
    Fingerprint readers
    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Multi Door Proximity Access Control
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller

    Dont forget the power supply!Click here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Click here

    All Dortronic Magnetic locks come with a Full Lifetime warranty

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dor300pounmi||item.||soliditem||kecatylo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-300-pound-mini-magnetic-lock-for-cabinets-drawers-60.gif||||||Dortronics 300 Pound Mini Magnetic Lock For Cabinets & Drawers||1459||kecatylo||» Keyless Cabinet Locks (Electronic And Mechanical) > ||289.000||289.000 ||||Dortronics 300 Pound Mini Magnetic Lock For Cabinets & Drawers||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr55 mounin inforininwit||Hot Install this tiny mag lock where other locks wont go. All Dortronic Magnetic locks come with a Full Lifetime warranty! ||This lock has is made for through the face mounting with 4 holes pre-drilled through the lock.

    These small locks are capable of being controlled individually, sequentially or simultaneously from one or several locations. They can be used to secure drug lockers, file cabinets, collectibles cabinets, ATM drawers and safety deposit boxes. The well confined magnetic field of these locks allow them to be used in computer rooms and other electronically sensitive areas. The built in spike and surge suppressor system protects it from connected electronics interference. These locks can be reliably interfaced with any access control and monitoring equipment. The MM-300 is shipped with a half-inch rigid conduit fitting on one end for power wiring. Connection is typically by wire nuts or in-line crimp connectors.

    Housing: 3 1/8 inch long X 1 15/16 inch high excluding mounting bracket and conduit nipple
    Armature: 3 inch long X 2 inch wide X 5/16 inch thick
    4 5/8 inch long X 2 inch W X 1 5/8 inch deep overall

    Voltages: 170 ma@ 12 or 24VDC

    All Dortronic Magnetic locks come with a Full Lifetime warranty

    Related Products
    Fingerprint readers
    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Multi Door Proximity Access Control
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    ||"Outswing or Inswing" "Outswing standard $289" "Inswing which includes Z bracket Add $100 (+100)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dor300pounmi1||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-300-pound-mini-magnetic-lock-for-cabinets-drawers-64.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-300-pound-mini-magnetic-lock-for-cabinets-drawers-66.gif||Dortronics 300 Pound Mini Magnetic Lock For Cabinets & Drawers||1494||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||289.000||289.000 ||||Dortronics 300 Pound Mini Magnetic Lock For Cabinets & Drawers||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||narrowangle||Hot Choose top or mortise mounting. Mortise mounting allows the lock to be mounted in a door pocket so its flush with the door. Install this tiny mag lock where other locks wont go. All Dortronic Magnetic locks come with a Full Lifetime warranty!||The MM-300N miniature magnetic lock can be supplied with face mount or top side attachment holes. When locks are top mounted, security head screws must be used. On face mounted locks, the screw heads are not accessible when the lock is secured to the armature and typically do not require tamper resistant screws.

    Flying leads extend from the MM-300N housing at one top corner. Wires must be concealed and protected by the installing contractor as required.

    Housing 6" long x 1 1/4" high x 7/8" deep overall
    Armature 5" long x 1" wide x 1/4" thick

    160 ma @ 12 VDC

    All Dortronic Magnetic locks come with a Full Lifetime warranty

    Related Products
    Fingerprint readers
    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Multi Door Proximity Access Control
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller

    Dont forget the power supply! Heavy duty power supplies with backup batteries are highly recommended for magnetic locks Power Supplies

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !

    ||"Mounting method" "Regular top holes for outswing installation" "Includes Z bracket for inswing installation(+100)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dorremmonand||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-4-zone-remote-monitoring-and-control-annunciator-34.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-4-zone-remote-monitoring-and-control-annunciator-36.gif||Dortronics 4 Zone Remote Monitoring and Control Annunciator||Item: 3312||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||789.000||789.000 ||||Dortronics 4 Zone Remote Monitoring And Control Annunciator||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Remote Monitoring and Control
    The 7600 Series Annunciator/Control System can handle over 100 zones. Standard panels are offered in four and eight zone configurations. Consoles are expandable in four zone increments. Custom panels are available for console or rack mounting and may be multiplexed or hardwired. Multiplexed units require a field interface module for each remote zone.

    The complete state of each zone is indicated by individual tri-state LEDs. Each zone LED will reflect the following conditions:
    SECURE-Door closed and locked
    SHUNTED-Door closed and unlocked
    ACCESS-Door open authorized access
    ALARM-Door forced or held open
    TAMPER-Door unsecured
    ACKNOWLEDGED-Acknowledged alarm

    Remote Door Release
    Individual doors may be remotely unlocked to allow momentary access or an extended free access condition. Door position(open/closed) is indicated in this by-pass mode. Delayed Egress Compatible: This annunciator/controller is compatible with most NFPA compliant delayed egress systems. When used with the Dortronics Systems EDR System: 101, the condition of all exit doors is displayed on the console panel. Any remote door can e released for free passage from the control panel. Unauthorized exit attempts are reported on the annunciator as alarms.

    Authorized Remote Access Monitored
    Valid ingress or egress may be authorized through an independent access control system or by manual station control hardware such as a key switch or keypad. These activities are reported as authorized access on the console.

    Selectable Override Authority
    Door release and zone alarm shunt capability may be limited to only authorized supervisors through the optional key switch. Alarms can be monitored and individually acknowledged from the panel by any operator without the supervisor key.

    These are custome made items. Please give us a call to discuss your needs and pricing.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dortronics4300seriesmantrapsystem||item.||soliditem||escaperoomlock||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-4300-series-economical-mantrap-control-system-58.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-4300-series-economical-mantrap-control-system-70.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-4300-series-economical-mantrap-control-system-60.gif||Dortronics 4300 Series Economical Mantrap Control System||3555||escaperoomlock||» Escape Room Locking > ||1249.000||1249.000 ||||Dortronics 4300 Series Economical Mantrap Control System||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||domaco3wigap higinledin coirprsesw||The #4300 series door interlock controller provides a high level of access control and an economical solution for 2-door systems. It can be configured on site to control two normally locked doors, two normally unlocked doors or a locked, unlocked pair. Only one door may be accessed at a time making it great for prisons, military, jewelers, airports, banks, casinos and government offices.||

    Created for prisons, military, jewelers, airports, banks, casinos and government offices.

    Please note that magnetic locks and electric strikes and doors and door closers are not included. Please call or email if you need help choosing which will work best for your installation


    Mantraps are often manual swing doors forming a vestibule but they can also utilize automatic doors or gates. Two door mantraps are most common but systems can incorporate thirty or more doors when several controlled areas are interconnected. Clean rooms require clean air separation for a controlled environment. These air locks may also utilize air pressurization to maintain the sterile area. Some “air locks” use normally unlocked doors, however better systems will utilize doors that are normally locked with push button release stations on each. This insures that two or more doors cannot be opened simultaneously.

    Security interlocks typically incorporate doors that are normally locked. Traffic flow can be improved for less secure areas by allowing the interior doors to be unlocked while the perimeter doors are locked. If automatic door operators are installed, electric locks may not be required if the activation signal from the push button or motion detector can be interrupted by the interlock control to inhibit the door from opening.

    Automatic sliding doors and swing doors with electromechanical locks require special locking systems integrated with the automatic door operator.

    Life safety codes may be involved when mantraps are used to limit ingress and egress. These will require that door interlock system be interfaced to the fire alarm control to allow an emergency door release. A local emergency pull station may be required to allow doors to be unlocked in non-fire alarm emergencies or to interface the mantrap system with NFPA 101 delayed egress controls.

    The most reliable systems provide for an independent door interlock controller to be separate from the computerized card access system for ease of service. The local building code agency should always be consulted before installation of the locking system. There are situations where no locks restricting an exit are permitted. In these systems only traffic lights are used to indicate when entry or exit is permitted.

    Three Way Interlock Door Control
    The #4300 series door interlock controller provides a high level of access control and an economical solution for 2-door systems. It can be configured on site to control two normally locked doors, two normally unlocked doors or a locked, unlocked pair. Only one door may be accessed at a time. A request for access or an open door inhibits the other door which remains secure until the first door is closed and no request is pending.

    Environmental or Security Control
    Suitable for 2-door air locks or security mantraps, Both wet and dry output contacts are available for direct lock control and/or signaling requirements.

    Access Control Compatible
    Any access control system can be used with the 4300 series controllers. The request for access input recognizes any normally open dry contact. The door unlock sequence will follow the status of the request for access input unless the optional AT-timer is specified.

    Integral 12/24 VDC Power Supply
    Comes mounted in an enclosure with a 4 amp power supply. The 4300 is powered from the built-in 4 amp power supply which also provides 12 or 24 VDC to operate maglocks and/or strikes for each of the doors. The heavy-duty power supply is ready for hook-up to the fire alarm system. An alarm output is also provided for monitoring the control system.

    Panic or Remote Override Feature
    The 4300 includes a provision for remote or panic override to force one or both doors open regardless of door status

    Typical Configurations:
    #43211-U – 2-Door / 1-Room / 2-Normally Unlocked Doors

    #43211-L – 2-Door / 1-Room / 2-Normally Locked Doors

    #43211-L/U – 2-Door / 1-Room 1 Normally locked Door 1 Normally Unlocked Door

    Physical Data
    Enclosure- 12” x 16” x 4” deep NEMA enclosure will accommodate one or two relay modules with the built-in power supply. Additional modules may require larger enclosures. 4300 Module - 5” x 3” overal controls two doors. Electrical – AC Input - Fused 110 VAC DC Output - 4 amp field selectable 12 or 24 VDC Inputs – Two Dry Contact Inputs for Door Status (Contact closed when is door secure) Two Dry Contact Inputs for Request to Access (Contact normally open) Two Dry Contact Inputs for Remote Overrride Outputs – Two Relay Outputs - SPDT powered outputs for direct connection to locks. 3 Amps Max. Two Relay Outputs – SPDT dry contact rated for 3 Amps@ 28 VDC mirror lock status for traffic lights or signalling a remote console.

    Only one door may be unlocked or open at any time. Unlocking or opening one door automatically secures the other door of the designated area. A request for access at any normally locked door will inhibit the REX inputs for the other locked door or secure the other door if unlocked. Lock relay outputs are powered (12 or 24 VDC depending on supply) to switch low voltage power to maglocks and/or strikes. They may also power low voltage indicators such as LEDs to signal lock status for traffic control. Typically a green light indicates that access is permitted, and red signals that another door is open and access is denied until it has been secured. If special requirements such as indication of alarm conditions or custom timed operations are required, contact the factory for use of a 4700 series or 4900 series PLC based interlock controller.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locking Devices

    3555||"Please choose configuration" "#43211-U – 2-Door / 1-Room / 2-Normally Unlocked Doors" " #43211-L – 2-Door / 1-Room / 2-Normally Locked Doors" " #43211-L/U – 2-Door / 1-Room 1 Normally locked Door 1 Normally Unlocked Door"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|domathandfod||item.||soliditem||delayedegress||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-4700-series-plc-man-trap-interlock-door-interlock-3-and-4-door-system-24.gif||||||Dortronics 4700 Series PLC Man Trap Interlock (Door Interlock) 3 And 4 Door System||1885-B||delayedegress|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > ||1498.000||1498.000 ||||Dortronics 4700 Series PLC Man Trap Interlock (Door Interlock) 3 And 4 Door System||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinon47masy||||

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    See our electric lock section

    Please note: this item is a highly customizable product. Because of the nature of this product we encourage you to all us to go over your need before you place your order. This way we will have an idea of what your installation will be and try to set it up accordingly. The great benefit of doing this is that when your system arrives it will work for your installation perfectly.

    ||"Please choose configuration:" "Model 47311-U - three doors - one room - all doors normally unlocked" "Model 47311-L2U - three doors - one room - one door locked and two doors unlocked" "Model 47311-2LU - three doors - one room - two doors locked - one door unlocked _ no lights" "Model 47311-L - three doors - one room - three doors locked - no lights" "Model 47411-U - four doors - one room - all doors normally unlocked(+100)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|do48sminco||item-1||soliditem||delayedegress||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-4800-smart-interlock-controller-31.gif||||||Dortronics 4800 Smart Interlock Controller For Up To 5 Doors||3766||delayedegress|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > ||2290.000||2290.000 ||||Dortronics 4800 Smart Interlock Controller For Up To 5 Doors||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||domaco3wigap higinledin||The fully integrated controller is a one board solution that allows the installer complete control of all operating and configuration options without complex software. Standard Configuration includes PLC Controller mounted in a 12 x 16 x 4” Enclosure with 4 amp 12/24VDC power supply. Controls 2 – 5 Doors in Any Combination Locked or Unlocked.||User Programmable PLC Interlock

    Field Selectable Door Sequence And Functions:
    The 4800 PLC interlock controller is a cost effective method for operating door interlock and mantrap systems of up to five doors. The fully integrated controller is a one board solution that allows the installer complete control of all operating and configuration options without complex software. Standard Configuration includes PLC Controller mounted in a 12 x 16 x 4” Enclosure with 4 amp 12/24VDC power supply. Controls 2 – 5 Doors in Any Combination Locked or Unlocked.

    Environmental or Security Applications

    Suitable for air locks or security mantraps, with up to five normally locked or unlocked doors. This controller may be customized to control automatic door openers and provide custom timing and logic sequences for biological wash-down controls. Other configurations provide outputs for traffic lights, forced door alarms and an emergency panic release input.

    Access Control Compatible

    Any access control system can be used with the 4800 series controllers. The request for access input recognizes any normally open dry contact. Each door has a normally open dry contact output to mirror door status back to an access control panel or remote console

    Available with 12/24 VDC Power Supply

    The 48501 series PLC controller is paired with a heavy duty 4-amp power supply that includes a Fire Alarm connection for emergency egress and can provide power to operate maglocks, electric strikes and traffic lights. The controller is also available without the power supply & enclosure for connection to an existing 12-24VDC power source.

    Operation –: Only designated doors may be unlocked or open at any time. Unlocking or opening one door automatically secures other designated doors within the Interlock. A request for access at any normally locked door will inhibit the REX inputs for all other locked doors and secure all designated unlocked doors in the area. Lock relay contacts will switch low voltage power to maglocks and/or strikes. Lock outputs can be set for either wet or dry contacts and fail-safe or fail-secure operation. For user feedback designated red/green LED outputs may be selected for either lock status or door availability status, typically a green light indicates that access is permitted, while a red light signals that another door is open and access is denied at this door. There are two designated alarm outputs one for an interlock door violation alarm and one to indicate emergency unlock for a panic release. Other customized operations may be selected to allow adjustable timed sequences for inflating door seals, purging air or timing washdowns.

    Standard Configurations: #48501 PLC Controller Powered: Mounted in a 12 x 16 x 4” Enclosure with 4 amp 12/24VDC power supply. Controls 2 – 5 Doors in Any Combination Locked or Unlocked

    Physical Data: #48501 Enclosure- 12” x 16” x 4” deep NEMA enclosure will accommodate PLC controller & 4 Amp power supply.

    PLC Module - #48500 6” H x 10” L Din Mount

    Electrical: #48501 AC Input - Fused 110 VAC

    4204 Output - 4 amp field selectable @ 12/24 VDC

    Inputs: Five Inputs for Door Status, Five Request for Access One for Panic release, One for Interlock Shunt/Override

    Outputs: Five Lock Relay Outputs rated 2 Amps @ 28 VDC Five Door Status Outputs

    Ten LED traffic indicators (2) for each door. One Door Alarm Output, One panic Release output

    Timers: Three Onboard Adjustable Timers for: Propped Door, System pause (for air purge,door seals) and a Panic Release Unlock timer

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locking Devices

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doplcma||item.||soliditem||mantrap2||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-4900-series-plc-mantrap-interlock-5-and-6-door-systems-34.gif||||||Dortronics 4900 series PLC Mantrap/Interlock 5 And 6 Door Systems||||delayedegress mantrap2|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics PLC Man Trap Interlock 2 Door System > ||||||||Dortronics PLC Mantrap/Interlock 5 And 6 Door Systems||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||doplcma49se doplcma49se1 doplcma49se2 doplcma49se3 doplcma49se4 doplcma49se5 doplcma49se6 doplcma49se7||Similar to the two door systems but this system will go to 5 or 6 doors.||Secure Interlock - man trap Door Control The #4900 series door interlock controller can provide power and control for up to 128 doors. The PLC logic allows only one door, in any defined area, to be unsecured at a time. Simultaneous requests for access or requests for access while another door is unsecured are denied to maintain the highest level of control. Environmental or Security Control Suitable for air locks or security mantraps, this door interlock system will effectively control normally unlocked doors, normally locked doors or any combination of both. The controller may also be customized to control automatic door openers and provide timing and logic sequences for biological wash-down and air purging controls. Fail-safe or Fail-secure Locks Lock control relays with DPDT outputs allow use of 12 or 24 volt DC fail-safe maglocks and fail-secure electric strikes. Both types can be used simultaneously on the same doors.

    Access Control Compatible Any access control system can be used with the 4900 series controllers. The request for access input recognizes any normally open dry contact. Optional 12/24 VDC Lock Power While the PLC controller requires regulated 12 or 24 VDC input, the intergral 4204 power supply also provides ample 12 or 24 VDC output to operate maglocks and/or strikes for each of the doors. The heavyduty power supply is ready for hook-up to the fire alarm system. An alarm output is also provided for monitoring the control system.

    Traffic Control Indicators The DPDT relay outputs can also be used to control lighted door status indicators; which provide users with visual feedback as to when a door may be accessed. For user convenience, a green light is typically used to signify that a door is ready for access and a red light to indicate that a door is un-accessible. Dortronics #7201xL2-H hi-intensity LEDs are ideal for use with this system.

    #4900-PLC - Programmable controller capable of interfacing with up to sixteen I/O modules for a total capacity of 128-Inputs and 128-Outputs #4900-I/O Module - Eight digital Optically isolated inputs accept dry contact signals from door status switches and requestfor- access devices such as push buttons or card access systems. Four DPDT relay outputs provide control for maglocks, strikes, traffic lights or other low voltage devices. The #4900-I/O module has Additional capability providing Digital outputs which may be utilized for up to four more relays controlled by the PLC

    Only one door may be unlocked or open at one time. Unlocking or opening one door automatically secures all other doors within the designated area. A request for access at any normally locked door will inhibit the REX inputs for all other doors in the area. Lock relay contacts will allow low voltage red and green LEDs to be utilized for user feedback. Typically a green light indicates that access is permitted, while a red light signals that another door is open and access is denied at this door. Other customized operations may be factory programmed to allow timed sequences, etc. Program changes can be emailed for field uploading onsite. Call for additional information and pricing.

    Enclosure- 12” x 16” x 4” deep
    NEMA enclosure will accommodate PLC controller & one I/O module with power supply. Additional modules require larger enclosures.
    PLC Module - 6-1/8” x 3-3/8” overall
    I/O Module - 10’ x 3” overall
    Electrical - AC Input - Fused 110 VAC
    DC Output - 4 amp field selectable 12 or 24 VDC
    Inputs - Door Status (Dry contact closed when is door secure)
    Request for Access (Dry contact normally open)
    Relay Outputs - DPDT Contacts rated 3 Amps @ 28 VDC for each door (Magnetic lock or strike & LED traffic indicators for each door. One common on each relay is fused.

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !

    Please note: this item is a highly customizable product. Because of the nature of this product we encourage you to all us to go over your need before you place your order. This way we will have an idea of what your installation will be and try to set it up accordingly. The great benefit of doing this is that when your system arrives it will work for your installation perfectly.||"Please choose"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|650pounmaglo||item.||soliditem||dorheavdutma1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-650-pound-mag-lock-24.gif||||||Dortronics 650 Pound Mag Lock||1549||elstrikandma dorheavdutma1||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > Dortronics Heavy Duty Magnetic Locks > ||488.000||488.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Physical Size: 8-1/2"long x 2" high x 1-13/16" deep overall Projection-2-5/8" total depth including armature

    Electrical: Operating voltage field selectable 1106-245ma @ 24 VDC 480ma @ 12VDC 1115-290ma @ 24 VDC 580ma @ 12 VDC
    model 1110||"In-swing or out-swing" "In-swing" "Out-swing"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|do71deegco||item-1||soliditem||do11xedrdeeg||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-7101-delayed-egress-controller-56.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-7101-delayed-egress-controller-58.gif||Dortronics 7101 Delayed Egress Controller ||3803||elstrikandma do11xedrdeeg||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > Dortronics 1107 X EDR Delayed Egress Actuating Lock > ||1429.000||1429.000 ||||Dortronics 7101 Delayed Egress Controller||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||outweatreske do11xedrdeeg dor12vdc4amp||When used with the Dortronics 1107 X EDR Delayed Egress Actuating Lock and an existing mechanical panic bar a legal way to use delayed egress with both a mag lock and panic lock.||If used with an existing mechanical panic bar and the Dortronics 1107 X EDR Delayed Egress Actuating magnetic lock (see below or above) a safe and legal way to add delayed egress.

    Conforms to All Life Safety Codes

    The 7101 Delayed Egress System performs functions required by NFPA-101 life safety codes. A complete system requires the EDR System: 101 controller, power supply, lock door position switch and an attempted egress detection device.

    Door armed and door unlocked intervals can be scheduled by time of day and by the day of the week. Programmable arm and disarm intervals allow unique week day and weekend schedules or total lock down 24 hours per day, seven days a week.

    Programmable Clock/Calendar

    Built-In Nuisance Delay An audible warning is activated on the EDR System: 101 controller after a three second delay of an exit attempt. If the attempt to exit sensor continues to be active after this nuisance delay period, the irreversible unlocking sequence is started.

    Selectable Release Delay The delay, before the doors are unlocked, is programmable for 15 or 30 seconds. Keypad or Key Switch Reset The EDR System: 101 controller can be reset by code from the keypad or optionally from a security key switch. Authorized Access/Escort Egress The escort delay feature allows the disarming and unlocking of the door to allow a single authorized passage. A remote keypad can be used by authorized personnel for after-hours access into the building.

    Outstanding Features: •Completely self contained

    •Conforms to NFPA 101 code

    •Programmable clock/calendar

    •System status indicator LEDs

    •Anti Tailgate re-locking

    •Built in access keypad

    •3 second nuisance delay

    •15 or 30 second egress delay

    Automatic Anti-Tailgate Re-Locking The door status switch monitors door position in both the armed and disarmed states. This allows the immediate re-lock and rearming of the door after an authorized passage during an armed time schedule.

    Remote Monitoring and Control Door release and alarm shunt capability from a remote guard station is possible when used with the 7600 Series Annunciator/Controller. Relay outputs are provided for electric locks. auxiliary alarms, and to allow integration with any card access control, CCTV monitoring system, or other security control devices.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ardoorcor18i||item.||soliditem||dorexbar||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/armored-door-cord-18-inches-20.gif||||||Dortronics Armored Door Cord 18 Inches||1607-B||exitdevices dorexbar||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > Dortronics Electronic Exit Bar > ||89.000||89.000 ||||Dortronics Armored Door Cord 18 Inches||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||18 inch armored door cord with 1 5/8 inch x 3 x 1 1/8 inch surface mount J-box (includes 4 conductor 22 awg cable). Aluminum finish||Finish "Aluminum" "Dark bronze"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|bathroominterlock||item-1||soliditem||micylosy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-bathroom-interlock-system-52.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-bathroom-interlock-system-53.gif||Dortronics Bathroom Interlock System (Complete System)||3691||micylosy||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > ||2229.000||2229.000 ||||Bathroom Interlock System (Complete System)||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||The 43211-CB controller unlocks both doors if either door is opened, ending the privacy function and turning off the “occupied” lights. Activating the “emergency release” push button will also unlock both doors immediately. In case of a fire alarm or loss of power, both doors will automatically unlock to allow immediate egress.||

    Complete Communicating Bathroom System - Nothing Else To Buy

    Dual Voltage / Built-in Power Supply The system provides 4 amps of 12 or 24 volts DC to power low-voltage locking mechanisms.

    Versatile Control The communicating bathroom system is designed to operate virtually any low-voltage fail-safe electric lock. Maglocks can be used as well with push buttons at each door to allow the user to exit.

    Mechanical Egress Electric strikes offer a simple mechanical means of exiting the bathroom when used with standard manual locksets having the “storeroom” function. Unimpeded egress is possible at any time. Emergency access to the bathroom by key is also possible when using manual locksets. A latch bolt monitor switch can be used to signal the controller to unlock both doors when either lockset handle is operated.

    Visual Status Indicators Hi-Intensity LEDs indicate when the bathroom is occupied. The interior “privacy” push buttons are also illuminated to show that the privacy function has been activated and that the doors are locked.

    Fire Alarm Interface The power supply includes a fire alarm interface that cuts power to the locks for immediate egress during an emergency. This redundancy provides an extra level of safety to assure free egress in all conditions.

    Please note: this a complete system. Each system includes the following: one 2 door controller including power supply to power complete system, 2 1200 pound mad locks, 1 heavy duty bi color LED push for privacy button, 1 hi intensity red LED and 1 emergency inside release button.

    Component list:
    2 1110XD magnetic locks
    1 43211-CB 2 door controller and power supply
    1 WR5276-HD29XLRG XCB push for privacy button
    1 7201XL1R-HXCB high intensity occupied when lit LED
    1 5276-MP9/RXE3 emergency release button

    Electric strikes sometimes are used instead of mag locks and of course we sell those. Please give us a call before you order if you want to modify the system using other components.

    3691||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dode12popuma||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-decorative-1200-pound-pull-magnetic-locks-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-decorative-1200-pound-pull-magnetic-locks-39.gif||Dortronics Decorative 1200 Pound Pull Magnetic Locks||1984||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||589.000||589.000 ||||Dortronics Decorative 1200 Pound Pull Magnetic Locks||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||doheglbr||New!||All Dortronic Magnetic locks come with a Full Lifetime warranty

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    ||"Choose finish" "Dark bronze $589" "Polished brass Add $209 (+209)" "Polished chrome Add $209 (+209)" "Satin chrome Add $209 (+209)" "Satin brass Add $209 (+209)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dordelegsys||item.||soliditem||deegsy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-delayed-egress-locking-system-43.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-delayed-egress-locking-system-45.gif||Dortronics Delayed Egress Locking System||1457||deegsy|| » Delayed Egress Systems > ||1929.000||1929.000 ||||Dortronics Delayed Egress Locking System||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||morinonthisp11 outweatreske hr36 dor12vdc4amp||Hot The 7101 Delayed Egress System performs functions required by NFPA-101 life safety codes. A complete system requires the EDR System: 101 controller, power supply, lock door position switch and an attempted egress detection device.||This system includes all the items in this picture plus a 12 vdc 1 amp power supply

    Conforms to All Life Safety Codes

    The 7101 Delayed Egress System performs functions required by NFPA-101 life safety codes. A complete system requires the EDR System: 101 controller, power supply, lock door position switch and an attempted egress detection device.

    Door armed and door unlocked intervals can be scheduled by time of day and by the day of the week. Programmable arm and disarm intervals allow unique week day and weekend schedules or total lock down 24 hours per day, seven days a week.

    Programmable Clock/Calendar

    Built-In Nuisance Delay An audible warning is activated on the EDR System: 101 controller after a three second delay of an exit attempt. If the attempt to exit sensor continues to be active after this nuisance delay period, the irreversible unlocking sequence is started.

    Selectable Release Delay The delay, before the doors are unlocked, is programmable for 15 or 30 seconds. Keypad or Key Switch Reset The EDR System: 101 controller can be reset by code from the keypad or optionally from a security key switch. Authorized Access/Escort Egress The escort delay feature allows the disarming and unlocking of the door to allow a single authorized passage. A remote keypad can be used by authorized personnel for after-hours access into the building.

    Outstanding Features:
  • Completely self contained
  • Conforms to NFPA 101 code
  • Programmable clock/calendar
  • System status indicator LEDs
  • Anti Tailgate re-locking
  • Built in access keypad
  • 3 second nuisance delay
  • 15 or 30 second egress delay

    Automatic Anti-Tailgate Re-Locking The door status switch monitors door position in both the armed and disarmed states. This allows the immediate re-lock and rearming of the door after an authorized passage during an armed time schedule.

    Remote Monitoring and Control Door release and alarm shunt capability from a remote guard station is possible when used with the 7600 Series Annunciator/Controller. Relay outputs are provided for electric locks. auxiliary alarms, and to allow integration with any card access control, CCTV monitoring system, or other security control devices.

    All Dortronic Magnetic locks come with a Full Lifetime warranty

    A 12/24 vdc 1200 pound magnetic lock included. This lock comes standard with a door posistion switch.

    A close up of the inside keypad unit

    Typical system

    Dont forget the power supply! Heavy duty power supplies with backup batteries are highly recommended for magnetic locks Power Supplies

    ||"Please specify length of bar needed - note that bar can be cut in field" "36 inches" "48 inches"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dordoorpropa2||item.||soliditem||dordoorpropa||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-door-prop-alarm-26.gif||||||Dortronics Door Prop Alarm||1467||exbutanddev dordoorpropa||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > Dortronics Door Prop Alarms > ||389.000||389.000 ||||Dortronics Door Prop Alarm||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||morinonthisp10||||Door prop alarm with adjustable 0-90 minutes door open delay, alarm output (DPDT) relay, tri-state LED and local alarm piezo (reset on door re-secure) on a standard single gang plate and box.

    Power requirement:
    12 or 24 VDC Current draw: 75 ma

    Dont forget the power supply!Click here

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dordoorpropa1||item.||soliditem||dordoorpropa||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-door-prop-alarm-with-key-cylinder-26.gif||||||Dortronics Door Prop Alarm With Key Cylinder||1466||exbutanddev dordoorpropa||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > Dortronics Door Prop Alarms > ||565.000||565.000 ||||Dortronics Door Prop Alarm With Key Cylinder||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Door prob alarm with key switch

    Door prop alarm with adjustable 0-90 minutes door open delay, tri-state LED, alarm output (DPDT) relay with local alarm piezo (automatic alarm reset by 15 minute timer or door re-secure and mortise alternate action key switch (DPDT) for shunt/override on double gang plate.

    Power requirement:
    12 or 24 VDC Current draw: 75 ma

    Dont forget the power supply!Click here

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dordoorpropa||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-door-prop-alarms-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-door-prop-alarms-39.gif||Dortronics Door Prop Alarms||1465||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||539.000||539.000 ||||Dortronics Door Prop Alarms||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||dordoorpropa1 dordoorpropa2 moinondodopr||Hot Tired of people sneaking in and out the back door? One of these 3 models should do the trick.||This lock is ADA compliant

    Door prop alarm with pushbutton exit

    Features: Adjustable 0-90 minutes door open delay, tri-state led, alarm output, DPDT relay with local alarm piezo (automatic alarm reset by timer or door re-secure), and momentary action push button switch (NO/NC) on double gang plate.

    How door props work:
    Upon power up a short beep will sound. This arms it. With the door contact in the closed (N.C) state the door contact the exit timer begins counting dowm.
    Upon completion of the exit time count down the LED turns red and a steady audible waring tone begins. This period of time is determined by the built in prop timer.
    Upon completion of the prop waring period the LED flashes, the piezo emits a pulsing audible and simultaneously activates the alarm relay output.
    Reset is automatic by closing door (without reset switch across terminals #9 and #10).
    Or Reset by N.C. reset switch across terminals #9 and #10 then closing door will not reset.

    Power requirement:
    12 or 24 VDC Current draw: 75 ma

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    ||||DSI, Detex, Designed Security Inc.||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dorexbar||item.||soliditem||exitdevices||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-electronic-exit-bar-36.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-electronic-exit-bar-38.gif||Dortronics Electronic Exit Bar||1607||exitdevices||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > ||539.000||539.000 ||||Dortronics Electronic Exit Bar||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||ardoorcor18i||||Bar is 36 inches long.

    Egress exit bar with one spdt switch. This bar must be wired in a normally closed configuration to release a maglock. This series of egress bars have no latching mechanism. They work by breaking the current flow to a magnetic lock. The bar itself does not do the actual locking. This model is now manufactured with a dual switch that offers redundant reliability or can be wired so the second switch activates an alarm or sends a signal to an access control system. See armored cable below for bringing power to the bar.

    Smooth consistant operation:
    These egress bars are made of extruded anodized aluminum with black abs end caps. Normal actuation requires only 8 lbs pressure anywhere along the bar. Bar travels only one inch.

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !

    Finish" "Aluminum $539" "Dark brown Anodized Add $22 (+22)" "Polished brass finish Add $329 (+329)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doempustplco||item.||soliditem||empulstat||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-emergency-pull-station-plexi-covers-not-including-pull-station-25.gif||||||Dortronics Emergency Pull Station Plexi Covers (Not Including Pull Station)||1473-C||exbutanddev empulstat||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > Dortronics Emergency Pull Stations > ||119.000||119.000 ||||Dortronics Emergency Pull Station Plexi Covers (Not Including Pull Station)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Piezo Deters Unauthorized Door Release This unique device will deter unauthorized door opennings without restricting emergency egress when used with the 6510/xx-S35 Emergency Pull Station. The 6510/COV/S cover with Piezo sounder can also stop false alarms through its pre-alarm local sounder action. When the clear plastic cover is lifted to gain access to the pull handle for door release, it sounds a piercing 95 dB or 105 dB warning horn. Immediate attention is drawn to the area and a prankster will either run or be caught. Ideal for installation in schools, hospitals, nursing homes, stores, hotels and public buildings of almost every kind. Heavy Duty Construction The 6510/COV/S or /SR Anti-tamper Alarm Cover consists of a clear, tamperproof, super tough polycarbonate shield and frame that fits over the 6510/-S35 Emergency Pull Station. The cover is connected to the frame by a cable. When the cover is lifted, it hangs off of the frame and the horn will sound until the cover is snapped back onto the frame. Battery or On-line Low Voltage Power The 6510/COV/S or /SR can operate independently from a standard 9-volt battery or a 9to24 VDC power supply

    Emergency Pull Station Operation When the 6510/-S35 pull station handle is activated, lock power is cut from the door lock through a SPDT switch. A second independent set of SPDT contacts is also simultaneously switched to allow communication with an alarm moinitoring system such as a card access system. (6510/-S35 Pull stations are not included with 6510/COV series covers; order separately)

    Alarm Interface
    The 6510/COV/SR includes a relay with SPDT contacts which is energized whenever the cover sounder is activated. This output can be used to alert other remote systems. When used with the 6510/xx-S35xCS, the on-board SPDT relay in the 6510/COV/SR can be used to activate the optional built-in sounder of the pull station. This will cause both sounders to activate while the cover is lifted. If the pull handle is operated, the optional pull station sounder will continue to sound, even if the plastic cover is closed.

    Electrical (6510/COV/S or /SR)
    Standard power source is 9 VDC alkaline battery. Unit can also be powered from a remote 9 through 24 VDC power source (such as maglock power). /S & /SR Sounder
    Field selectable 90 db or 105 db horn at one foot
    /SR Alarm Relay Option Includes alarm relay output with contacts rated 1 amp @ 30 VAC/VDC Plexiglass Cover Polycarbonate tested for -40 F to 120 F Clear cover UV-stablized

    UL/cUL Listed No. S2466
    Factory Mutual No. OG6A2.AY
    State of California
    New York City Board of Standards
    No. 947-81-SA
    ADA Compliant (UL Certified No. S2466||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|empulstat||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-emergency-pull-stations-38.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-emergency-pull-stations-40.gif||Dortronics Emergency Pull Stations||1473||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||209.000||209.000 ||||Dortronics Emergency Pull Stations||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||doempustplco paof12exbrro hr74 moinonthprin||Hot These are very heavy duty.||The 6510 Series of Emergency Pull Stations provide conspicuous signaling or release in case of an emergency. These easy to operate, stations require a single pull action to actuate.

    Dual relay outputs are available to redundantly cut power to the electro-magnetic lock while simultaneously signaling an access control system to unlock the door. The relay outputs will open upon sensing motion or in the event of loss of power to the detector, providing failsafe operation.

    The 6510 series is available in yellow, blue, and black, and is provided with customized logo's and messages for special applications.

    Ideal for use in Hospitals, Industrial complexes, Office buildings, Schools, and Institutions. The wide variety of colors and text make these units suitable for any Natural Disaster, Hazmat incident, or Medical Emergencies. Deters unauthorized access, (i.e.) smoking in stairwells, nuisance access to fire escapes. Easy mounting & wiring Two mounting screws included are all that's needed to surface mount the 6510. Mounts to a standard single gang electrical box. Factory back boxes are also available for interior surface mounting (sheet metal) or die-cast metal back box with gasket for weather proof applications. Wiring is connected to two screw terminals on the back of the unit.

    Key Reset Following actuation the pull station is reset with the key (1 supplied per unit). A new scored acrylic break rod is installed (1 supplied per Unit) and the 6510 is restored and ready for the next emergency.

    Mounting Mounting is with 2 screws provided Mounts to Standard Single Gang Box

    Reset Operation: Once station is pulled reset by inserting and turning key which opens cover. Insert Replacement Break Rod Flip "PULL" handle back into position Close cover & lock with key

    UL and CUL (Canada) pending Certified by UL for Compliance with A.D.A

    Model # 6510-S15 Single Switch SPDT Model # 6510-S35 Dual Switch SPDT Switch Rating: 1 AMP, @ 30VDC Supplied with " 1 Breakrod, 1 Key, 2 Mounting Screws


    Optional Piezo sounders and weatherproof surface mounting back boxes are also available. To order see the options at the right in the box and also below. Other options are also possible such as custom labeling. Please call for pricing.

    ||"Please choose color" Yellow Black Blue|^|"Do you need extra keys?" "No" "One Extra key add $10 (+10)" "Two extra keys add $20 (+20)" "Three extra keys add $30 (+30)" "Four extra keys add $40 (+40)" "Five extra keys add $50 (+50)" "Six extra keys add $60 (+60)" "Seven extra keys add $70 (+70)" "Eight extra keys add $80 (+80)" "Nine extra keys add $90 (+90)" "Ten extra keys add $100 (+100)"|^|"Piezo sounder" "No don't need it" "Add Piezo sounder $39 (+39)"|^|"Weather cover" "No don't need it" "Yes add 5 x 1 1/2 inches - lift to access pull plexi cover $95 (+95)"|^|"Back box color" "No don't need it" "Yes add color matching surface mounting back box $59 (+59)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|samexbutbutw||item.||||||||||||Dortronics Exit Button But With Push To Exit And No LED||Item: 1502||||||105.000||105.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exswitwitils||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-exit-switch-with-illuminated-sqare-button-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-exit-switch-with-illuminated-sqare-button-37.gif||Dortronics Exit Switch With Illuminated Sqare Button||1500||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||115.000||115.000 ||||Dortronics Exit Switch With Illuminated Sqare Button||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||exswitwitils1 samexbutbutw1 antaplbuco||Hot||High Visibility Push Button The 5215-SPB series push button assemblies provide a clearly visible means of actuating electric locking release. These easy to operate, request-to-exit controls are ideal for use in any facility with access controlled entry/exit. Standard Single Gang Mounting These push button switches are supplied with a brushed stainless steel plate for mounting on a standard single gang 2" x 4" electrical box. The switch contact block requires only 2-1/4" depth within the mounting cavity.

    Illuminated Square Actuator Button The 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" illuminated button can be easily recognized when powered. The lamp is rated at 28 VDC for long life.

    LED Status Indicator A red LED is available ,as an option to be mounted above the square actuator button. This can be utilized to provide indication of door lock status

    Heavy Duty Contacts The SPDT contacts on the momentary action switch are rated for 10 amps at 125/250 VAC. Color coded, 7" leads are easily connected to field wiring. Optional Text Graphic The illuminated actuator button is also available with "EXIT" text. The block lettering in black is clearly visible against the green background when the back-light is on or off.

    NFPA/BOCA Code Compliance An optional FT-Timer is available for use with R-E-X motion detector applications requiring compliance with NFPA and BPCA codes. The bottom unit provides a variable 30 second unlock time whenever the push button actuator is depressed and then released.

    No timer on this model

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dorexlarexbu||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-extra-large-exit-button-with-pneumatic-time-delay-24.gif||||||Dortronics Extra Large Exit Button With Pneumatic Time Delay||1458-A||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||389.000||389.000 ||||Dortronics Extra Large Exit Button With Pneumatic Time Delay||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Extremely heavy duty

    Pneumatic time delay-no power needed. Single gang. Extra large 2 1/2 inch exit button on a 3 inch wide aluminum plate with time delay - 2 second to 60 minutes.

    Operating Force:
    Max. 8 oz
    Total Travel .12"

    Timer Body:
  • Lexan Plastic Molded Body
  • High Impact Strength
  • Heat Resistance
  • High Strength at Low Temperature
  • Non-corrosive
  • Oil and Stain Resistance
  • Good Electrical Properties

    Time Range:
    2 seconds to 0 seconds +/- 15%

    Switch Rating:
    10 amp (Resistive)
    240 VAC

    Solder Type

    Temperature Range
    +15 to 120 degrees Farenhight
    -9 to +49 degrees Centigrade

    Repeat Accuracy
    +/- 10%

    Timer Life
    1,000,000 Operations

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exlarexbutwi||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-extra-large-exit-button-with-time-delay-56.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-extra-large-exit-button-with-time-delay-58.gif||Dortronics Extra Large Exit Button With Time Delay||1458||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||249.000||249.000 ||||Dortronics Extra Large Exit Button With Time Delay||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Extremely heavy duty

    Single gang. Extra large 2 1/2 inch exit button on a 3 inch wide aluminum plate with time delay - 1 second to 30 seconds. 12/24 vdc no or nc spdt dry contact.

    Don't forget the power supply!Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dortimexswit2||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-extra-large-exit-button-with-time-delay-62.gif||||||Dortronics Extra Large Exit Button With Time Delay||1468||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||249.000||249.000 ||||Dortronics Extra Large Exit Button With Time Delay||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Extremely heavy duty

    Single gang. Extra large 2 1/2 inch exit button on a 3 inch wide aluminum plate with time delay - 1 to 30 seconds. 12/24 vdc no or nc spdt dry contact.

    Dont forget the power supply!Click here

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doheglbr||item.||soliditem||dode12popuma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-herculite-glass-brackets-29.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-herculite-glass-brackets-30.gif||Dortronics Glass Brackets||3414||elstrikandma dode12popuma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > Dortronics Decorative 1200 Pound Pull Magnetic Locks > ||209.000||209.000 ||||Dortronics Glass Brackets||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||ininfordohed||||Some glass doors are unusual because unlike normal doors that have some type of material to drill a hole in and mount a lock, with nothing but glass. Since it's not practical to drill into an all glass door then the next best thing is to use a pressure fitting on the top of the door.

    Standard finish is Satin stainless steel. For outswing doors only.||"Glass thickness" "For 1/2 thick glass" "For 3/4 inch thick glass"|^| "Choose finish" "Standard satin stainless steel" "Polished brass Add $60(+60)""Polished chrome Add $60 (+60)"" Satin brass Add $60 (+60)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dorheavdutma1||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-heavy-duty-magnetic-locks-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-heavy-duty-magnetic-locks-36.gif||Dortronics Heavy Duty Magnetic Locks||||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||||||||Dortronics Heavy Duty Magnetic Locks||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||650pounmaglo dorsplitarma dor12poungat1 doheglbr||All Dortronic Magnetic locks come with a Full Lifetime warranty! ||Click the small picture for more information.

    The lock in the picture on the left is for regular mounting for out-swing doors. The lock on the right is for an in-swing door. All Dortronic heavy duty mag locks come with the the correct harware for the type of installation your doing. The out-swing door models will come with the lock, armature and thin adjustable mounting plate. The in-swing models come with the lock, armature, top angle mounting and plate and Z bracket.

    Interior or Exterior Applications
    The 1000 Series electromagnetic locks can be used in harsh environments to secure doors and gates . All electronics are sealed in epoxy and are protected by the steel housing cover. The housing armature and exposed face of the electric lock are nickel plated to resist rust and corrosion. A rigid conduit fitting can be provided on one end of the lock to protect power wiring in gate control installations.

    Fail-Safe Operation:
    All Dortronics electromagnetic locks are fail-safe, releasing instantly upon command or loss of power. There are no moving parts to wear, stick or bind. Without any bolt travel time or possibility of misalignment to raise concern, both locking and unlocking are accomplished with ease and efficiency.

    Extended Service Life:
    The rugged design and durable construction of this lock assures virtually unlimited actuations without fear of electrical fatigue or mechanical breakdown. Proudly made in the USA, a lifetime warranty is provided by Dortronics Systems on all electromagnetic locks.

    Universal Mounting:
    The standard #1000 model is supplied with an adjustable mounting plate for use on outswing doors. The #TJ-1000 unit is furnished with an angle lock mounting plate and an armature "Z" bracket for inswinging door installations. Any 1000 series lock may be converted in the field for inswing door applications by adding the angle mounting plate and "Z" bracket. An optional conduit fitted lock is available for exterior gate control applications.

    Low Current Draw:
    All 1000 series locks can be operate on either 12 or 24 VDC. The efficient design of these locks requires only 170ma. at 24 volts DC to maintain the rated 1200 pound holding force.

    The well confined magnetic field combined with the built-in spike and surge suppression system of these locks, allow integration with any access control system. Able to be controlled individually or simultaneously from one or several locations make the use of these locks ideal for securing manual or automatically operated doors and gates.

    Related Products
    Fingerprint readers
    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Multi Door Proximity Access Control
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller

    Dont forget the power supply! Heavy duty power supplies with backup batteries are highly recommended for magnetic locks Power Supplies

    All Dortronic Magnetic locks come with a Full Lifetime warranty

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doheduwasw||item-1||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-heavy-duty-waterproof-switches-44.gif||||||Dortronics Heavy Duty Waterproof Switches||3815||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||192.000||192.000 ||||Dortronics Heavy Duty Waterproof Switches||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Ideal for Exterior Entry Button or Door Bell Heavy duty, water proof, push button switch constructed of brushed stainless steel is ideal in exterior applications and for use in harsh operating conditions. A neoprene gasket is included for mounting the switch plate. A direct replacement for the Edwards 852 series Suitable for Wash down Applications The WR5276-HD22 series actuating button is rated to a sealing degree of IP66. (Protected against water projected from a nozzle from any direction). Access Control Compatible Suitable for use with card access systems and/or automatic door openers, the Double Pole Normally Open dry contact outputs can be wired to signal a door to unlock and to the door opener to activate. Optional Engraving Along with standard switch plate sizes, and standard engraved legends, custom plates and text can be provided to specification with quick turn-around. Convenient Wiring Hook-up Switches are supplied standard with 6" color coded 22 AWG leads for easy installation.

    Typical Configurations: #WR5276-HD22 - Double Pole Normally Open Switch Mounted on a Single Gang Stainless Steel Plate #NWR5276-HD22 - Double Pole Normally Open Switch Mounted on a Narrow 1-3/4” wide Stainless Steel Plate

    Model Descriptions – WR5276-HD22 Momentary Double Pole Normally Open contacts 1-Gang Stainless Steel Switch Plate 4-1/2” x 2-3/4”

    Plate Sizes:
    Standard as supplied is 1 Gang above
    Narrow Plate prefix “N” 1-3/4” x 4-1/2”
    2 Gang Plate prefix “D” 4-1/2” x 4-1/2”

    Optional Engraving - Suffix
    xE7 – “PUSH TO ENTER”
    xE8 – “DOOR BELL”
    xE6 – Custom Engraving

    Electrical – Load rating – 12 Amps @ 250 VAC Specifications – Unless noted otherwise, switch assemblies shall be flush wall mounted to standard, recess mounted, electrical boxes. Mounting screws will be phillips head or flat head Pin-in-Hex tamper resistant type stainless steel as required. Buttons are constructed of Stainless Steel with bezel. The mounting plate shall be constructed of 302 stainless steel with smooth edges on all four sides. Plate finish shall be satin stainless steel Optional text, if required, will be engraved and paint filled.

    ||"Please choose plate size" "Narrow Plate 1-3/4 inches x 4-1/2 inches" "2 Gang Plate 4-1/2 inches x 4-1/2 inches"|^| "Please choose engraving option" "No engraving" "Push to exit Add $18 (+18)" "Panic Add $18 (+18)" "Emergency release Add $18 (+18)" "Push to release Add $18 (+18)" "Emergency door release Add $18 (+18)" "Handicap blur logo Add $40 (+40)"|^| "Please choose timer type" "With 1-60 second Timer DPDT relay output Add $120 (+120)" "Fixed 30 second timer DPDT relay output Add $120 (+120)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|higinledin||item.||soliditem||do48sminco||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-high-intensity-led-indicators-30.gif||||||Dortronics High Intensity LED Indicators||1883||delayedegress do48sminco|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics 4800 Smart Interlock Controller For Up To 5 Doors > ||60.000||60.000 ||||Dortronics High Intensity LED Indicators||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr57 dor||||Super Bright LEDs for access control applications. These hi-intensity LEDs are highly visible in virtually any lighting condition, including bright sunlight. Door security status can be immediately conveyed to system users and security personnel. Wide Angle Viewing. The large diameter lens on the standard hi-intensity LEDs are easily viewed even from off-center. The weather-resistant hi-intensity LEDs are furnished with an even larger sealed LED lens for maximum outdoor visibility. Interior or Exterior Use The weather-resistant units are ideal perimeter access control gates exposed to the weather. If mounted near card readers, the LEDs can be used to clearly indicate when individual doors and/or gates can be accessed. Perfect for industrial applications, these LEDs are easily seen when viewed from a truck cab or forklift. Compact Size Two LEDs, typically one red and one green will easily fit on a standard single gang wall plate. When mullion mounting is required a narrow 1-3/4’ wide plate can be supplied.

    • Highly Visible Daylight Viewing
    • Exterior / Interior applications
    • Maintenance-free Long Lasting
    • Compact Standard or Custom Plates
    • Quick & Easy Mounting
    • Optional Piezo Sounder

    Easy Universal Installation Standard mounting hardware allows easy installation onto standard single gang junction boxes. All Dortronics LED indicators are field selectable for 12 or 24 volts DC operation. Long Lasting Dortronics hi-intensity indicators are solid-state LEDs manufactured from high quality semiconductor materials. LEDs are noted for their extremely long life and these may never need replacement. In addition, LEDs typically draw only about 5% of the power of a comparable incandescent component, allowing smaller, less costly power supplies. Customized Configurations The 7200 series hi-intensity LEDs can be used in lieu of standard bi-color T-1-3/4 LEDs and factory applied onto double or triple gang switch plates with any of the Dortronics standard push buttons or key switches. Other configurations are also possible using customsized plates. Contact the factory for assistance in determining the exact size of custom plates. Optional Piezo sounder Available with either indoor or Weather proof outdoor Piezo mounted on the plate.

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|samexbutbutw1||item.||soliditem||exswitwitils||||||||Dortronics Illuminated Exit Button With LED And Timer||Item: 1503||exbutanddev exswitwitils||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > Dortronics Exit Switch With Illuminated Sqare Button > ||162.000||162.000 ||||Dortronics Illuminated Exit Button With LED And Timer||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||LED Status Indicator. With LED to provide indication of door lock status. Includes a variable 30 second unlock time whenever the push button actuator is depressed and then released.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exswitwitils1||item.||soliditem||exswitwitils||||||||Dortronics Illuminated Exit Button With Timer||Item: 1501||exbutanddev exswitwitils||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > Dortronics Exit Switch With Illuminated Sqare Button > ||139.000||139.000 ||||Dortronics Illuminated Exit Button With Timer||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This model comes with the variable timer||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dormagmorloc||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-magnetic-mortise-lock-with-or-without-pull-57.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-magnetic-mortise-lock-with-or-without-pull-69.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-magnetic-mortise-lock-with-or-without-pull-59.gif||Dortronics Magnetic Mortise Lock With Or Without Pull||1686||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||489.000||489.000 ||||Dortronics Magnetic Mortise Lock With Or Without Pull||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr115 moinonthloin6||New!||

    Versatile and Functional The ML-1100 mortised electromagnetic locks are ideal for many different applications. These mortise locks can be utilized with the Dortronics DPA door pulls for an attractive architectural appearance, while providing unsurpassed security functionality. Using the DPA series pull with a ML series mortise lock allows the force of the magnet to be directly opposite the direction of pull; therefore no mechanical advantage is gained when force is applied to the pull handle. There is no chance of racking the door. Steel or aluminum framed doors are susceptible to permanent damage when the lock is header mounted and the door handle is pulled repeatedly (while the door is locked). Rugged Construction These locks and door pulls were first utilized in New York City’s Public Housing projects. The high level of use combined with the need to conform Architecturally and Functionally led to a truly tough yet appealing design. All fasteners are Stainless Steel and Tamper-proof. The design allows the ML Series lock fasteners to be totally concealed when the door is closed and locked.

    Applications In areas where aesthetics are a concern, the DPA series pull handle with the ML-1100 series lock allows concealment of the locking hardware. This pull handle is an attractive option for lobby and vestibule entrances. These pulls may be custom engraved and supplied in plated or anodized finishes. Safe Operation All Dortronics electromagnetic locking devices are fail-safe, releasing instantly upon command or loss of power. With no moving parts to wear, stick or bind, and no mechanical linkages to bend or break, locking and unlocking is accomplished with ease and efficiency. Universal Control ML series locks can be controlled individually or simultaneously from one or many locations. The status of the lock may be monitored by any card access system via the optional MBS (magnetic bond sensor) which signals that the lock is properly energized and is holding. The well confined magnetic field allows these locks to be used in computer rooms and other electronically sensitive areas.

    Installation: The ML series mortised electromagnetic locks are mounted by cutting a hole into the door frame per the template provided. All wiring connections are made to the flying leads from the magnet. Two lock mounting blocks are then attached to the frame utilizing two of the four tapped holes. The ML series magnet is then attached to the mounting blocks via the remaining tapped holes.

    DPA Door Pull Mounting: Utilizing the template provided, drill thru the door edge in 4 places. Mount the pull handle with the tamper-proof hardware. A specially designed shoulder screw is provided to insure proper floating action of the door mounted armature. This mounting screw can be fully tightened without affecting floating action.

    Mortise lock Models
    ML-1100 - Single Door (1000 lbs. total)

    Physical Size:
    ML-1100- 10-7/8” Long x 1-1/2” Wide x 1-3/8” deep overall

    Operating voltage
    ML-1106 - 245ma @ 24 VDC

    Door Pull Physical size
    DPA1106- 12” Long x 6” Wide x 1-3/8” Thick DPA1100- Same as above

    Related Products
    Don't forget the power supply with battery backup! Go here

    ||"With or without door pull" "Only Mortise Maglock without door pull" "Mortise maglock with aluminum door pull add $349 (+349)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|esnapiexsw||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-narrow-piezoelectric-exit-switch-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-narrow-piezoelectric-exit-switch-37.gif||Dortronics Narrow Piezoelectric Exit Switch ||2100||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||296.000||296.000 ||||Dortronics Narrow Piezoelectric Exit Switch||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New! Piezo technology and weatherproof!||New & Improved

    Completeley sealed for weather resistance!

    Designed for use in abusive applications: The new 5277-PZL Series Piezo Switch is extra rugged and Weather resistant so it can withstand the rigors and abuse of everyday use. It comes with a limited Lifetime Warranty. The 5277-PZL Series Piezo Switch is an industrial strength switch designed for heavy usage applications. In addition to its stainless steel mounting plate and sealed solid state, stainless steel exit button, the 5277-PZL Series features a bi-colored LED illumination status ring; it's jumper selectable to show Relay On or Relay Off status with options for red, green or no illumination. The device mounts directly to a standard UL. single gang switch box. Weather resistant gasket is supplied with WR version. The 5277-PZL Series Piezoelectric Switch can be used to control automatic doors, electric strike/lock or magnetic locks. The unit has an adjustable output time of 1 - 40 seconds and an input voltage of 12 to 24V DC. 1 Gang “W” series dimensions are below. H-4 ½" x W-2 ¾" x D-1 ½" Narrow “N” series jamb mount version also available. H-4 ½" x W-1 ¾" xD-1 ½"

    Rugged Construction: The W5277-PZL is mounted on a standard single gang Stainless Steel back plate. The W5277-PZL series feature beveled edges on all exposed surfaces. All units are furnished with standard slotted head screws, as well as Pin in Hex tamper resistant screws. (hex key included) Both screw sets are stainless steel for corrosion protection. Access Control Applications: When used in conjunction with access control software/hardware, the adjustable time delay is the perfect choice of contacts. DC power to the maglock is routed through the set of normally closed contacts to assure unlocking of the maglock when the W5277 Push button is activated. Simultaneously, a separate set of normally open contacts signal the access control system of a request to exit (R-E-X).

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|outweatreske||item.||soliditem||do71deegco||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-outside-weather-resistant-keypad-for-egress-system-25.gif||||||Dortronics Outside Weather Resistant Keypad For Egress System||1460||elstrikandma do11xedrdeeg do71deegco||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > Dortronics 1107 X EDR Delayed Egress Actuating Lock > Dortronics 7101 Delayed Egress Controller > ||459.000||459.000 ||||Dortronics Outside Weather Resistant Keypad For Egress System||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This optional outside keypad comes with a 15 foot connecting cable.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|espiexsw||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-piezoelectric-exit-switch-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-piezoelectric-exit-switch-37.gif||Dortronics Piezoelectric Exit Switch ||2099||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||336.000||336.000 ||||Dortronics Piezoelectric Exit Switch||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New! Piezo technology and weatherproof!||New & Improved

    Completeley sealed for weather resistance!

    Designed for use in abusive applications: The new 5277-PZL Series Piezo Switch is extra rugged and Weather resistant so it can withstand the rigors and abuse of everyday use. It comes with a limited Lifetime Warranty. The 5277-PZL Series Piezo Switch is an industrial strength switch designed for heavy usage applications. In addition to its stainless steel mounting plate and sealed solid state, stainless steel exit button, the 5277-PZL Series features a bi-colored LED illumination status ring; it's jumper selectable to show Relay On or Relay Off status with options for red, green or no illumination. The device mounts directly to a standard UL. single gang switch box. Weather resistant gasket is supplied with WR version.

    The 5277-PZL Series Piezoelectric Switch can be used to control automatic doors, electric strike/lock or magnetic locks. The unit has an adjustable output time of 1 - 40 seconds and an input voltage of 12 to 24V DC. 1 Gang “W” series dimensions are below. H-4 ½" x W-2 ¾" x D-1 ½" Narrow “N” series jamb mount version also available. H-4 ½" x W-1 ¾" xD-1 ½"

    Rugged Construction: The W5277-PZL is mounted on a standard single gang Stainless Steel back plate. The W5277-PZL series feature beveled edges on all exposed surfaces. All units are furnished with standard slotted head screws, as well as Pin in Hex tamper resistant screws. (hex key included) Both screw sets are stainless steel for corrosion protection. Access Control Applications: When used in conjunction with access control software/hardware, the adjustable time delay is the perfect choice of contacts. DC power to the maglock is routed through the set of normally closed contacts to assure unlocking of the maglock when the W5277 Push button is activated. Simultaneously, a separate set of normally open contacts signal the access control system of a request to exit (R-E-X).

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|mantrap2||item.||soliditem||delayedegress||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-plc-man-trap-interlock-door-interlock-2-door-system-37.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-plc-man-trap-interlock-door-interlock-2-door-system-43.gif||||Dortronics PLC Man Trap Interlock 2 Door System||1885||delayedegress|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > ||1329.000||1329.000 ||||Dortronics 4700 Series PLC Man Trap Interlock (Door Interlock) 2 Door System||
    "Three door system - One room all doors normally locked $1129 (+300)" "Three door system - Two rooms - all doors normally unlocked - one door shared between rooms $1129 (+300)"

    "Four door system - One room - all doors normally unlocked $1529 (+700)" "Four door system - dual Two door - all doors normally unlocked $1529 (+700)" "Four door system - Three rooms all doors normally unlocked - Two shared unlocked doors between Two rooms $1529 (+700)"||||Contact us for availability||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||domathandfod hr62 dortronics4300seriesmantrapsystem doplcma hr85 domaco3wigap higinledin coirprsesw||Great for prisons, military, jewelers, airports, banks, casinos and government offices.We can customize this mantrap/interlock to fit your needs.||Please note that magnetic locks and electric strikes and doors and door closers are not included. Please call or email if you need help choosing which will work best for your installation.

    Secure 2, 3 or 4 Door For 5 and 6 door systems see below. Commonly know as bank or airport interlocks or interlocking systems, interlocking Mantrap or door interlock or air lock. This product is very customizable and can be configurd to do just about anything you need so call us to discuss your system.

    The Interlocking 4700 series 2-Door Controller provides power and control for two doors with electric locks. Up to four (4) doors may be interlocked with the Door Controller. Air-Locks or Security Portals Suitable for environmental or security control, the door interlock logic allows only one door to be unsecured at a time. The controller may be configured to have both doors locked or only one door normally unlocked to allow faster egress. Universal R-E-X Inputs Request-for-Access devices may be normally open or normally closed dry contact devices. Both types may also be used simultaneously. Traffic Indicator Lights Relay outputs are provided to control traffic lights. For user convenience, a green light is typically used to signify a door is ready for access. A red light is usually lit to indicate that a door is un-accessible. Alarm relay outputs are also available for special requirements.

    Integral 12/24 VDC Power Supply is included. The built-in low voltage power supply provides sufficient current to operate 12 or 24 VDC electromagnetic locks or strikes, including redundant maglocks and strikes on each door for high security projects. The heavy-duty power supply assures reliability for extended usage in the most strenuous environments. Fire Alarm Input/Output Ready for hook-up to the fire system, no additional relay interface devices are required. An alarm output is also provided for monitoring the control system. Total Protection & Back-up Power The 110 VAC input and DC output are fused to protect the system against overloads and shorts. The switching regulator prevents excessive current draw. The optional back-up batteries are automatically charged to provide immediate 12 or 24 VDC output upon loss of AC power. Remote Control & Monitoring The #7600 Annunciator/Controller is also available for integration with this system.

  • 2, 3 or 4 Door Security Interlock
  • 12 or 24 VDC Lock Power
  • Normally Closed Door Secure Input
  • Open or Closed R-E-X Inputs
  • Maglock & Strike Relay Outputs
  • Indicator Light Control Relays (See below for optional High Intensity LED Indicators)

    Secure Door Interlocking
    Only one door may be unlocked at a time. Unlocking one door automatically secures all other doors. A request for access will inhibit the REX inputs for all other doors unless another door is already unsecured. For faster traffic flow, a single door of a 2-door mantrap may be left unlocked. A request for access at the secured door will cause the unlocked door to be secured. Once both doors are secured, the request for access will be granted. Traffic Indicator Lights Outputs (from lock power) allow red and green lights to be utilized for user feedback. A green light indicates that access is permitted, while a red light signals that the other door is open and access is denied at this door. Multi-Door Interlocks See the Dortronics programmable door controller for mantraps requiring more than two, three or four interlocked doors.

    Quick Easy Installation
    Installation is fast, from mounting the enclosure to the connection of wiring. No need to add additional relays for alarm monitoring or the fire alarm interface. Large barrier terminal blocks are provided for all field device connections. Reliable Operation The unique design of the power supplies insures a reliable source of lock power in all situations. Components that exceed normal specifications are used to extend the operating lifetime. Optional Features: xBAT - Dual 7-AH rechargeable batteries for 12 or 24 volt back-up power xCAM - Hinged cover cam lock with key


    Secure Interlock Door Control

    The 4700 series Programmable Logic Controller is an economic way to control up to 4 interlocked doors. The controller logic sequences simultaneous requests for access and monitors unsecured doors to maintain the highest level of security at all times.

    Environmental or Security Control
    Suitable for air locks or security mantraps, with up to four normally unlocked doors or three normally locked doors.

    The controller may also be customized to control automatic door openers and provide timing and logic sequences for biological wash-down controls. Typical configurations also provide outputs for traffic lights, forced doors and an emergency panic release input.

    Access Control Compatible
    Any access control system can be used with the 4700 series controllers. The request for access input recognizes any normally open dry contact.

    12/24 VDC Power Supply
    The 4700 series PLC controller is paired with a heavy duty 4-amp power supply that includes a Fire Alarm connection for emergency egress and provides power to operate the maglocks and electric strikes and traffic lights. An alarm output is also provided.

    Typical Configurations:
    #47211-U – Standard 2-Door / 1-Room Normally Unlocked

    #47211-L – 2-Door / 1-Room Normally Locked

    #47321-LU/S – 3-Door / 2-Room 1-Normally Locked & 2-Normally Unlocked with 1-Shared Door

    #47431-U/2S – 4-Door / 3-Room Normally Unlocked with 2-Shared Doors

    Operation :
    Only one door may be unlocked or open at any time. Unlocking or opening one door automatically secures all other doors within the designated area. A request for access at any normally locked door will inhibit the REX inputs for all other locked doors and secure all unlocked doors in the area.

    Lock relay contacts will switch low voltage power to maglocks and/or strikes. The lock relay contacts also allow low voltage red and green LEDs to be utilized for indication of lock status. For user feedback, typically a green light indicates that access is permitted, while a red light signals that another door is open and access is denied at this door.

    Some outputs may also be programmed to indicate alarm conditions. Other customized operations may be factory programmed to allow timed sequences, etc.

    Physical Data:
    Enclosure - 12” x 16” x 4” deep NEMA enclosure will accommodate PLC controller & one I/O module with power supply. Additional modules may require larger enclosures. PLC Module - 4-1/4” x 2-3/4” overall

    AC Input - Fused 110 VAC DC Output - 4 amp field selectable 12 VDC

    Six Digital Inputs for Door Status (Dry contact closed when is door secure) and Request for Access (Dry contact normally open)

    Two Relay Outputs - DPDT Contacts rated 3 Amps @ 28 VDC for each door (Magnetic lock or strike & LED traffic indicators for each door. Two Relay Outputs - SPDT Contacts rated 3 Amps @ 28 VDC for each door (Magnetic lock or strike & LED traffic indicators for each door.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    See our electric lock section

    Please note: this item is a highly customizable product. Because of the nature of this product we encourage you to all us to go over your need before you place your order. This way we will have an idea of what your installation will be and try to set it up accordingly. The great benefit of doing this is that when your system arrives it will work for your installation perfectly.

    ||"Please choose configuration" "Model 47211-U - Two door - one room - both doors normally unlocked" "Model 47211-LU - Two doors - one room - one door locked and one door unlocked" "Model 47211-L - Two doors - one room - both doors normally locked"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doplcma49se2||item.||||doplcma||||||||Dortronics PLC Mantrap/Interlock 4900 Series||3315||delayedegress mantrap2 doplcma|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics PLC Man Trap Interlock 2 Door System > Dortronics 4900 series PLC Mantrap/Interlock 5 And 6 Door Systems > ||2400.000||2400.000 ||||||||||Contact us for availability||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||5 doors - 2 room all doors normally unlocked - 1 shared unlocked||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doplcma49se5||item.||||doplcma||||||||Dortronics PLC Mantrap/Interlock 4900 Series||3318||delayedegress mantrap2 doplcma|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics PLC Man Trap Interlock 2 Door System > Dortronics 4900 series PLC Mantrap/Interlock 5 And 6 Door Systems > ||2750.000||2750.000 ||||||||||Contact us for availability||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||6 doors - 1 room - all doors normally locked||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doplcma49se3||item.||||doplcma||||||||Dortronics PLC Mantrap/Interlock 4900 Series||3316||delayedegress mantrap2 doplcma|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics PLC Man Trap Interlock 2 Door System > Dortronics 4900 series PLC Mantrap/Interlock 5 And 6 Door Systems > ||2500.000||2500.000 ||||||||||Contact us for availability||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||5 doors - 3 rooms all doors normally unlocked - 2 shared unlocked doors between 2 rooms||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doplcma49se6||item.||||doplcma||||||||Dortronics PLC Mantrap/Interlock 4900 Series||3319||delayedegress mantrap2 doplcma|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics PLC Man Trap Interlock 2 Door System > Dortronics 4900 series PLC Mantrap/Interlock 5 And 6 Door Systems > ||2400.000||2400.000 ||||||||||Contact us for availability||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||6 doors - 2 rooms all doors normally unlocked 1 shared unlocked||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doplcma49se||item.||||doplcma||||||||Dortronics PLC Mantrap/Interlock 4900 Series||3313||delayedegress mantrap2 doplcma|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics PLC Man Trap Interlock 2 Door System > Dortronics 4900 series PLC Mantrap/Interlock 5 And 6 Door Systems > ||2300.000||2300.000 ||||||||||Contact us for availability||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||5 Door - 1 room - all doors normally unlocked||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doplcma49se4||item.||||doplcma||||||||Dortronics PLC Mantrap/Interlock 4900 Series||3317||delayedegress mantrap2 doplcma|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics PLC Man Trap Interlock 2 Door System > Dortronics 4900 series PLC Mantrap/Interlock 5 And 6 Door Systems > ||2300.000||2300.000 ||||||||||Contact us for availability||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||6 doors - 1 room - all doors normally unlocked||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doplcma49se7||item.||||doplcma||||||||Dortronics PLC Mantrap/Interlock 4900 Series||3320||delayedegress mantrap2 doplcma|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics PLC Man Trap Interlock 2 Door System > Dortronics 4900 series PLC Mantrap/Interlock 5 And 6 Door Systems > ||2500.000||2500.000 ||||||||||Contact us for availability||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||6 doors - 3 rooms all doors normally unlocked 2 shared unlocked doors between 2 rooms||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doplcma49se1||item.||||doplcma||||||||Dortronics PLC Mantrap/Interlock 4900 Series||3314||delayedegress mantrap2 doplcma|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics PLC Man Trap Interlock 2 Door System > Dortronics 4900 series PLC Mantrap/Interlock 5 And 6 Door Systems > ||2750.000||2750.000 ||||||||||Contact us for availability||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||5 doors - 1 room - all doors normally locked||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dopubuonmico||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-push-button-on-mini-box-console-29.gif||||||Dortronics Push Button On Mini-Box Console||||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||||||||Dortronics Push Button On Mini-Box Console||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||
    We now Ship Worldwide

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dorslimtimex||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-slim-timed-exit-switch-24.gif||||||Dortronics Slim Timed Exit Switch||1463||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||298.000||298.000 ||||Dortronics Slim Timed Exit Switch||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinondemo||Hot||Extremely heavy duty

    Single gang push plate switch. 1 1/2 inch wide push plate on a 1 3/4 inch wide back plate. No/Nc & SPDT dry contact output. 1 - 30 second timer. 12-24 vdc. Aluminum on aluminum.

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dorsplitarma||item.||soliditem||dorheavdutma1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-split-armature-maglock-for-double-doors-24.gif||||||Dortronics Split Armature Maglock For Double Doors||1550||elstrikandma dorheavdutma1||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > Dortronics Heavy Duty Magnetic Locks > ||679.000||679.000 ||||Dortronics Split Armature Maglock For Double Doors||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||For double doors||For double doors.

    Size for 600 pound double: 12-1/2"long x 2" high x 1-13/16" deep overall Projection-2-5/8" total depth including armature

    Size for 1200 pound double: Housing-23"long x 2" high x 1-13/16" deep overall Projection-2-5/8" total depth including armature

    Size for 1500 pound double:- 24" long x 2-5/8"high x 1-7/8" deep overall Projecton-3-1/8" total depth including armature

    Electrical for 600: Operating voltage field selectable 1106-245ma @ 24 VDC 480ma @ 12VDC 1115-290ma @ 24 VDC 580ma @ 12 VDC

    Electrical for 1200 pound: Operating voltage field selectable 1110-290ma @ 24 VDC 580ma @ 12VDC 1120-580ma @ 24 VDC 1.16 @ 12 VDC In-Swinging Doors

    Electrical for 1500 pound: Operating voltage field selectable 1150-300ma@24 VDC 600ma@12 VDC 1152-600ma@24 VDC 1.20 amp@12 VDC
    Model 1120||"In-swing or out-swing" "In-swing" "Out-swing"|^|"Pounds of pulling power" "600 pounds $679" "1200 pounds Add $450 (+450)""1500 pounds Add $560 (+560)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dortimexswit1||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-timed-exit-switch-73.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-timed-exit-switch-75.gif||Dortronics Timed Exit Switch||1464||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||259.000||259.000 ||||Dortronics Timed Exit Switch||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Very heavy duty.||Extremely heavy duty

    Double gang push plate switch. 4 inch wide push plate on a 4 5/8 inch wide back plate. No/Nc & SPDT dry contact output. 2- 60 second timer. 12-24 vdc

    Aluminum on aluminum

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dorwheeltime||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-wheelchair-timed-exit-switch-with-time-delay-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-wheelchair-timed-exit-switch-with-time-delay-37.gif||Dortronics Wheelchair Timed Exit Switch With Time Delay||1461||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||308.000||308.000 ||||Dortronics Wheelchair Timed Exit Switch With Time Delay||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Very heavy duty.||Extremely heavy duty

    Double gang push plate switch. 4 inch wide push plate on a 4 5/8 inch wide back plate. No/Nc & SPDT dry contact output. 1 - 30 second timer. 12-24 vdc

    White diagran on blue backround.

    Don't forget the power supply!Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|everswitch||item.||soliditem||elkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-everswitch-ultra-heavy-duty-200-user-keypad-24.gif||||||Dortronics/Everswitch Ultra Heavy Duty 200 User Keypad||1241||elkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ||498.000||498.000 ||||Dortronics/Everswitch Ultra Heavy Duty 200 User Keypads||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||evulheavdutk||On Sale! Use only under the most extreme conditions! This keypad is FAA appproved on commercial flight decks! Now also available in Wiegand format.||Weatherproof

    Can be used under the most extreme conditions!

    So tough that this is one of the few keypads that were recently awarded FAA Certification for use for the new Cockpit Door Access Control Keypad system,and one of the few certified for flight deck doors in the security industry.

    These keypads use solid state Piezo Technology. Not the membrane type. When a digit is pressed the button does not depress. It only needs the lighteset touch to activate. It's the primary reason they are so extremely tough and well made. The dark colored keypad on the right is the new lighted version.

  • SOLID METAL HOUSING - Machined out of a solid block of aluminum (One-Piece Construction)
  • VANDAL PROOF - (Glue, Lighter, Knives & Gum)
  • TAMPER-PROOF - (Unique, 1-Piece Installation)
  • WEATHER PROOF (-40° to +257°F)
  • WATER PROOF (IP68 Rated) against Rain, Soft Drinks, Body Fluids, Chemical Agents
  • Anodized graphics - they never wear off
  • Meets US military standards for Shock, Vibration, Temperature & Impact and in addition, are not susceptible to RFI or EMI interference.

  • Works on 12VAC or 12-24VDC Power
  • Up to 200 User Codes-100 Million Combinations
  • EEPROM - Non Volatile Memory
  • Microcontroller "Watchdog" Circuit
  • Visual & Audible Feedback
  • Tamper-Proof Mounting
  • Heavy-Duty Form C Relay

    A 2 Part system also available for added security with the following features:
  • Door ajar and Forced entry relays
  • Door ajar and Forced entry alarm
  • Request to exit (Rex) switch
  • Call attendant bell
  • Terminals for back up batteries

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locking Devices

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    typical one piece system
    An example of a typical installation using the one piece system

    typical two piece system
    An example of a typical installation using the more secure two piece system||"
    Choose square or thin type" "Square 3 inch X 4 inch" "2 inch X 6 inch"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|evulheavdutk||item.||soliditem||everswitch||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-everswitch-ultra-heavy-duty-keypads-wiegand-type-34.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dortronics-everswitch-ultra-heavy-duty-keypads-wiegand-type-36.gif||Dortronics/Everswitch Ultra Heavy Duty Keypads - Wiegand Type||1542||elkey everswitch||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Dortronics/Everswitch Ultra Heavy Duty 200 User Keypad > ||398.000||798.000 ||398.000 ||Dortronics/Everswitch Ultra Heavy Duty Keypads Wiegand Type||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New!Use the Wiegand type when you already have an access control panel and want to add a digital keypad.||The same single part keypad but with a Wiegand output instead of relay so it can be connected to a multi-door access system.

  • Tough - Just about indestructible!
  • 26 bit output
  • Power requirements: 12.28 VDC 30 mA
  • Cable requirements: 500 feet max 5-9 conductor 20 AWG shielded cable
  • Operating temperture range: -40° to +257°F (-40° to +125°C ) 100 percent Humidity
  • Method of operation: Pressing one or more numbers followed by the # key sends the sequence of digits via 26 bit Wiegand protocol to a host control panel. Each keypress causes the Red LED to flash and the beeper to sound.
  • Output: Wiegand-Data 1 and Data 0 Open collector 1K ohm. Pull up to internal +5V.
  • CCTV interface capability: Activated by keypress Open collector 250 mA. 30 second duration.
  • Tamper: Photo-diode sensor Open collector 100 mA. Pulled "low" when light sensed.
  • Hold: Ground to Activate Causes data to be held in keypad buffer when pulled "low".
    ||"Choose square or thin type" "Only 2 inch X 6 inch"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doubdoorstri||item.||soliditem||allocexal||||||||Double Door Strike Keeper||1235-B||exitdevices allocexal||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > Alarm Lock Exit Lock - A legal way to deadlock a fire door (in most areas) > ||66.000||66.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Only used when installing on double door.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doininpdffo||link.||||coellelalo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/download-the-installation-template-in-the-pdf-format-9.gif||||||Download The Installation Template In The PDF Format||||diglocel coellelalo||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Codelock Electronic Lever Latch Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|rkarauxreado||link.||||exreadop||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/download-the-rkar-auxiliary-reader-operating-installation-guide-in-the-pdf-format-10.gif||||||Download the RKAR Auxiliary Reader Operating & Installation Guide in the PDf format||||elkey prox6sys exreadop||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > RadioKey (Securakey) 6" Proximity RFID Tag Reader/Keypad 600 Users > Radio Key RKAR Extra Reader Option > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dozkatmasove||link.||||zkif302faand||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/download-the-zk-attendance-management-software-version-3-7-1-build-73-4.gif||||||Download The ZK Attendance Management Software version 3.7.1 build 73||||zkif302faand|| Biometric Face Reader/Scanner > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|todowthispro||link.||||pacof50expro||||||||Download this software Rklnk220.exe File size 2.388 MB||||elkey prox6sys pacof50expro||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > RadioKey (Securakey) 6" Proximity RFID Tag Reader/Keypad 600 Users > Securakey Radio Key RKAT Module Option For PC Programming And Audit Trails > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Single File Download Instructions:
    1. Download the file to your local hard drive
    2. Exit all open applications (recommended)
    3. Browse to and double-click the downloaded file (RkLnk220.exe) to start the installation process.
    The installer will launch. Follow the on-screen instructions to completion.
    ||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|drilresexmou||item.||soliditem||kabmasx08ser1||||||||Drill Resistant Exterior mounting Plate For Mas CDX10||Item: 1656-D||micylosy kabmasx08ser1||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) CDX-10 Series Lock > ||663.000||663.000 ||||Drill Resistant Exterior mounting Plate For Mas CDX10||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|drkeycobox||item-1||soliditem||comlocbox||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/drop-in-key-control-box-49.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/drop-in-key-control-box-51.gif||Drop-In Key Control Box||3785||comlocbox||» Keyless Lock Box (Hide A Key) > ||79.000||79.000 ||||Drop-In Key Control Box||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The Drop-In Key Control Box is perfect for securing keys after hours at rental facilities, fleet trucking depots, storage facilities, and warehouses. The tamper-resistant key box allows employees, contractors, or customers to drop keys into the slot any time—day or night. Constructed of heavy-gauge steel and coated with a chip and scratch-resistant finish, the Drop-In Key Control Box can be mounted to walls, carts, or doors with the pre-drilled holes.

  • Constructed of heavy-gauge steel and coated with a chip and scratch-resistant finish
  • Door features a disc tumbler lock with two keys—keyed differently or keyed alike
  • Equipped with pre-drilled holes

    Color Gray

    Depth 3-1/4"

    Height 7-1/4"

    Width 4-3/8"||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|medicalsecuritycab||item-1||soliditem||nacawikelo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/medicalsecuritycab-27.gif||||||Dual Key Medical Security Cabinet||3733||comlocbox supkeykeycab nacawikelo||» Keyless Lock Box (Hide A Key) > Supra Keyless Digital Key Cabinet > Narcotics Medicine Cabinet With Keyless Lock > ||125.000||125.000 ||||Dual Key Medical Security Cabinet||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||nacawikelo||||The Medical Security Cabinet provides peace of mind in storing drugs and medical supplies in doctors’ offices, hospitals, clinics, schools, or rehab centers. The double-lock cabinet requires two keys to open; two keys come standard with each of the two locks. Constructed of heavy gauge steel and coated with a chip and scratch-resistant finish, the Medical Security Cabinet can be mounted to walls, carts, or doors with the pre-drilled holes.

    Constructed of heavy gauge steel and coated with a chip and scratch-resistant finish

    Full piano-length hinge

    Equipped with pre-drilled holes

    Available in Small 3.1L x 8.4W x 12.7H and Large 15.9L x 18.1W x 4.5H Models

    Double door lock with two keys per lock

    Color(s): Sand||"Please choose size" "Small 3.1L x 8.4W x 12.7H" "Large 15.9L x 18.1W x 4.5H Add $60 (+60)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|dutagkeyca||item.||soliditem||keycabinets2||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dual-tag-key-cabinet-60-key-capacity-24.gif||||||Dual Tag Key Cabinet - 60 Key Capacity||3260||keycabinets2||» Key And Narcotics Cabinets > ||269.000||269.000 ||||Dual Tag Key Cabinet||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||HPC's Two-Tag security key control system is designed to control and provide security for 30 to 500 keys. The Two-Tag System enables you to loan a key, while keeping a copy in the cabinet for emergency use. The Two-Tag KeKab® is designed to be mounted on a wall, near a desk or a work station.

    Each HPC KeKab® II security control system includes:

    Red Plastic Octagonal Permanent Key Tags with a self-locking key holder. This key tag is designed to hold the original key and remain in the KeKab®. The tags are numbered for easy identification.

    White Plastic Cloverleaf Loaner Key Tags that are used to hold duplicates of the permanent key. The tags are numbered for easy identification.

    Key Organization Sleeves that are for the collection of keys. These sleeves are pre-printed with room for pertinent information.

    Key Receipt Slips that are designed to keep a record of keys loaned out. Personnel must fill out slips in order to obtain a key. The slip is then hung on the appropriate hook in the KeKab® in place of the loaned key.

    Brass Receipt Holder for optional use of holding key receipt slip on hook. (Complies with governmental regulations.)

    Cross Reference Binder that contains three referencing methods for a detailed record of all keys. Includes complete key loan record, cross reference sheets and detailed instruction sheet.

    It comes with a 3/8 inch key retaining 5 wafer cam lock or a high security 7 pin tubular lock with popout T-Handle. Unique powder coat textured painting process that provides an attractive and very durable finish on all KeKab® units. The neutral sand color allows them to be hung anywhere.

    Heavy Gauge Steel Construction with piano hinged doors and key panels provide a sturdy location to secure your keys.

    17" x 13" x 3.25"
    (432 x 330 x 83mm)
    Weight: 16 lb 7.3 kg

    Please note that this is a special order and can not be returned ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|duextrforvon||item.||soliditem||vondupheavdu||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/dummy-exit-trim-for-von-duprin-99-exit-panic-lock-24.gif||||||Dummy Exit Trim For Von Duprin 99 Exit Panic Lock||3681||exitdevices allowinelotr vondupheavdu||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > Alarm Lock Wireless Networx Lock Trim For Use With Von Duprin 99 Panic Lock > Von Duprin 99 Heavy Duty Exit Bar > ||392.000||392.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||3 x 14 3/16 inches
    26D Finish||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|earrombronke1||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/early-roman-bronze-key-57.gif||||||Early Roman Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Beautiful Roman bronze key found in norfolk england with a metal detector. About 1 1/2 inches long with really nice color. The small hollow tip is perfectly preserved.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|earrombronke||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/early-roman-bronze-key-58.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/early-roman-bronze-key-59.gif||Early Roman Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Early roman bronze key. Large and heavy and found in northern greece. 2 1/2 inches in length and large impressive bit end.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ecamspeak||item.||soliditem||sirandspeak||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/echo-amplified-speaker-34.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/echo-amplified-speaker-36.gif||Echo™ Amplified Speaker||Item: 1718||aseq sirandspeak|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Sirens And Speakers For Alarms And Access > ||89.000||89.000 ||||Echo™ Amplified Speaker||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The ELK-870 is a self amplified interior speaker mounted in an attractive surface mount plastic enclosure. It may be connected to virtually any audio source, ie: microphone, radio, computer sound card, telephone system paging output, etc., even an ordinary single line phone set. The audio source is amplified up to 10 watts, adjustable from an on-board volume control. This Echo™ Series speaker is designed to be heard but not seen!. Sound "echoes" off mounting surface from back plate edge. This unique contemporary speaker has a smooth, paintable, "no grill" surface that easily blends with any decor. This speaker mounts to any flat surface or single gang electrical box. For additional coverage, up to three (3) external 8 Ohm speakers may be wired in parallel with the internal speaker. The ELK-870 operates on 12 to 24 Volts AC or DC and requires only 22-24 gauge telco or alarm type wire.

    • Self-Contained 10 Watt Amplified Speaker
    • Amplifies Virtually Any Audio Source
    • Expanded Telephone System Paging
    • Does Not Require 25 or 70V Line Transformers
    • Attractive "No-Grill" Surface Mount Enclosure
    • May be Painted or Wallpapered
    • Drives Up to Three (3) Additional 8 Ohm Speakers
    • Built-in Volume Control & Gain Select
    • Electrical "J" Box Mounting Holes
    • Mounting Hardware Included
    • Lifetime Limited Warranty

    • Operating Voltage: 12 to 24 Volts AC or DC
    • Current Draw: 38 - 800 mA, Depending on Load and Volume Setting
    • Rated Output: 10 Watts
    • Output Speaker Load: 2 to 16 Ohms
    • Input Impedance: 1000 Ohms Nominal
    • Audio Input Level: 15 dBm to +10 dBm
    • Size: 4.375" H x 6.375" W x 1.875" D||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|economystrike||item-1||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/economy-strike-25.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/economy-strike-odd-size-27.gif||Economy Strike (Odd Size)||3637||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||89.000||89.000 ||||Economy Strike (Odd Size)||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Faceplate: 1-3/8" x 3-1/2"
  • Durability: 500,000 life cycles
  • Holding force: 1000 lbs.
  • Scratch & corrosion resistant faceplates
  • Solid Cast Latch: Chrome plated
  • Brass finish
  • Cavity Depth: 1/2"; width: 9/16"; height: 1-5/8"
  • Non-handed
  • Heavy-duty latch spring
  • Mortise type backset: 2-3/4" deep
  • Voltage: 8-16VAC, 3-6VDC
  • Fail Secure: (standard action) unlocks when energized
  • One-piece release mechanism (U.S. Patent #4,984,835)||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|noname22||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/eff-eff-heavy-duty-electric-strike-27.gif||||||Eff Eff Heavy Duty Electric Strike||||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Coming soon!

    The world strike is a completely new product, that will change the face of the electric strike market. No cut out any more! Very fast on the installation, save money. Simple by replace the standard mechanical plate with the world strike. No Cutting or drilling of frame required. Designed for heavy-duty and standard applications. Deep latch cavity accomodates cylindrical locksets with a 5/8˝ to 3/4˝ throw (3/4˝ requires 1/8˝ door gap) in metal, wood or aluminium frames.

    Features • Fail safe / Fail secure
    • Monitoring (optional)
    • Various voltages
    • Field selectable
    • Fire rated factory tested
    • UL-factory tested
    • Easy of installation
    • No cutting of frame
    • Patented design
    • 5 years limited warranty
    • Up to 1,500.000 cycles factory tested
    • Keeper Adjustable (optional)
    • Stainless steel face plate

    • Works with all cylindrical locks||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ekey||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ekey-17.gif||||||Ekey||||||||||||||Ekey Fingerprint Reader||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ekstainsteel||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ekey-stainless-steel-decorative-cover-optional-19.gif||||||Ekey Stainless Steel Decorative Cover (Optional)||Item: 1918||||||179.000||179.000 ||||Ekey Stainless Steel Decorative Cover (Optional)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|elromirkey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/elaborate-and-strange-roman-iron-key-29.gif||||||Elaborate And Strange Roman Iron Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Scarce type Roman iron key with intricate design. It measures 60mm in length. Extremely rare!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|elsurmoundea||item.||soliditem||electriclocks||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electric-surface-mount-deadbolt-29.gif||||||Electric Surface Mount Deadbolt||1352||electriclocks||» Miscellaneous Electric Locks > ||289.000||349.000 ||289.000 ||Electric Surface Mount Deadbolt||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr1 inininpdffor6||On Sale! This unusual lock is often used for hidden door installations.||On standard failsafe models the bolt projects and locks door only when powered. This is by far the most common installation. Non handed.

    Voltage required: 24 vdc
    Size: 1 3/4" W X 6 3/4" L
    Bolt size: 5/8" diameter and 5/8" throw
    Finish: Brushed chrome

    Related Products
    Fingerprint readers
    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||"Fail safe or fail Secure" "Fail Safe only||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|elvondu99hed||item.||soliditem||vondupheavdu||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electrified-von-duprin-99-heavy-duty-exit-panic-bar-27.gif||||||Electrified Von Duprin 99 Heavy Duty Exit Panic Bar||3337||exitdevices allowinelotr vondupheavdu||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > Alarm Lock Wireless Networx Lock Trim For Use With Von Duprin 99 Panic Lock > Von Duprin 99 Heavy Duty Exit Bar > ||3600.000||3600.000 ||||Electrified Von Duprin 99 Heavy Duty Exit Panic Bar||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||allocardoorc vondupotr||||The Quiet One® The Quite One, (featured on series 99 and exit devices), a fluid damper that decelerates the push pad on its return stroke. This eliminates the noise associated with exit device operation. The 99 Series is the most popular choice for standard flush or panel doors, whether single or double and with or without a mullion. They are also UL Listed for accident hazard installations with some models UL Listed forA, B, C, D & E fire labeled installations. 99 Series devices meet ANSI A156.3 - Grade 1 - 1984 standards and are available in a variety of architectural finishes. They are also equipped with a fluid dampener whichdecelerates the push pad on its return stroke. Now this model can be ordered with electronic latch.

    Heavy-duty, Grade 1 devices can be unlocked remotely by a control station operator, or linked to a control pad. Retracted latchbolt changes an exit door to push-pull operation. Continuous-duty solenoid retracts the bolt for either momentary unlocking or for extended periods of time. Because the latch is electrically controlled no electric strike is needed.

    This model includes a hefty 2 zone power supply made just for this panic bar and electric conversion kit. The 2 zones are perect to use with a double door installation.

    Please call us if you also need outside trim such as pull handels or levers. We have all of them in stock.||"Please specify size" "36 inch" "48 inch(+39)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|elrimlo||item-1||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electro-mechanical-rim-lock-46.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electro-mechanical-rim-lock-48.gif||Electro-mechanical Rim Lock||3816||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||79.000||79.000 ||||Electro-mechanical Rim Lock||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sorry we are out of stock on this item.

    The SD-211-BD1Q Electro-Mechanical RIM Lock is designed for pedestrian gates or doors and can be triggered by an access control system, by key from outside, or by manually pushing the button from inside. It can be mounted on both in-swing and out-swing doors, and is non-handed.

    The SECO-LARM Electro-mechanical RIM lock offers both door and gate security and user convenience in a heavy-duty package. The devices securely lock doors, side gates, pool gates, and other entrances.
  • 12VDC, fail-secure operation with manual override
  • Fully mechanical so it can be unlocked if power is lost
  • •Unlocks from inside via built-in electric switch
  • Unlocks from outside with included keys
  • Easy to install on existing gates and doors
  • Compatible with nearly all SECO-LARM or competing access control devices
  • Use for in-swinging or out-swinging doors
  • 2,250-lb (1,020-kg) static strength

    Parts list: 1x Lock body 1x Strike body 1x Key plate 1x Key guard 1x Cylinder lock 3x Keys 11x M5 Self-tapping screws 4x M3 Self-tapping screws 2x Long screws 2x Lock body cover screws 1x Mounting template 1x Manual

    Lock body: 5 1/8" x 3 15/16" x1 11/16" (130x100x43 mm)
    Strike Body: 17/16" x 3 15/16" x 1 5/8" (36x100x41 mm)

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    Related Products
    Fingerprint readers
    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Multi Door Proximity Access Control
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller
    Knocklock (Great for hidden doors)
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locking Devices||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|elsaf48capke||item.||soliditem||keycabinets2||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-48-capacity-key-safe-cabinet-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-48-capacity-key-safe-cabinet-37.gif||Electronic 48 Capacity Key Safe/Cabinet||1931||keycabinets2||» Key And Narcotics Cabinets > ||184.000||329.000 ||184.000 ||Electronic 48 Capacity Key Safe/Cabinet||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Hot They started with a safe and then made it into a heavy duty key cabinet! The Electronic Key Safe is a new and unique heavy duty battery operated security system that can be mounted to the wall.||

    They started with a safe and then made it into a heavy duty key cabinet! The Electronic Key Safe is a new and unique heavy duty battery operated security system that can be mounted to the wall. Programmable electronic keypad allows for limited access. Key tags included. Faceplate removes to reveal a back-up key lock in case of battery failure, two keys included. The door is heavy-duty 11 gauge steel construction and the body is heavy-duty 14 gauge steel construction. Mounting hardware included. Four AA batteries included.

    These locks are battery powered

  • Very heavy duty steel construction
  • Wrong code lockout feature - safe turns off first for 20 seconds then again for 5 minutes if wrong code is entered three times
  • Two heavy duty and hardened lock bolts just like a safe
  • Metal key tags and number labels included
  • Can be mounted to a wall - back is pre-drilledd and hardware is included
  • Back up keys in case of keypad failure or depleted battery
  • Four AA batteries included

    11-3/4" Wide x 4" Deep x 17-3/4" High
    23 lbs
    Gray||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|elloclatguar1||item.||soliditem||unheavdutkno1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-and-pushbutton-lock-latch-guard-32.gif||||||Electronic And Pushbutton Lock Latch Guard||1614||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > ||49.000||49.000 ||||Electronic And Pushbutton Lock Latch Guard||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||This latch guard is great for protecting the vulnerable latch from a screw driver type attack.|| See handing diagram

    Works with most Kaba-Ilco, Trilogy, Mas-Hamilton and other heavy duty digital and electronic locks. Helps to guard the latch from a prying attack. 1 1/2 inches Wide X 10 inches Long||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|digkeycab||item.||soliditem||keycabinets1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-digital-key-cabinet-65-key-capacity-72.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-digital-key-cabinet-65-key-capacity-77.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-digital-key-cabinet-65-key-capacity-74.gif||Electronic Digital Key Cabinet 65 Key Capacity||1263||keycabinets1||Key Cabinets > ||459.000||459.000 ||||Electronic Digital Key Cabinet 65 Key Capacity||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||samcabbutwit samkeycabbut keyboxof100n noname8||On Sale! This digital electronic key cabinet is definitely not your ordinary key cabinet! Key cabinets are made to store, organize, and protect your keys. But how do you protect the key that opens your key cabinet?||This digital electronic key cabinet is definitely not your ordinary key cabinet! Key cabinets are made to store, organize, and protect your keys. But how do you protect the key that opens your key cabinet?

    HPC's Digital KeKabs® are the best solution for storing all your keys, because they are opened by a user friendly keypad, not a key.

    This cabinet is battery powered

    KeKab's® intelligent features include 2 levels of access, instant re-programming, usage indicator, and automatic lock-out. These units are battery operated and require no wiring or central processors. These locks will typically operate 3 to 4 years on 2 alkaline batteries, depending on usage. A low battery indicator warns when batteries are low, and special jumper ports allow access of external power in the event of battery failure. With its all metal construction, KeKab® is built to last.

    Each KeKab® security control system includes:

    White Key Tags with bright nickel plated snap-hooks which can hold multiple keys on each snap-hook. The tags are numbered for easy identification.

    Durable Steel Key Racks that are slotted to store key tags uniformly for immediate identification.

    "Out Key" Control Tags that are made of yellow paper. They are used for accountability (to record information on loaned keys).

    A Numbered Key Control Booklet for lock location data.

    Unique Two-Step Textured Epoxy Painting Process which provides an attractive and very durable finish. The neutral sand color allows them to be hung anywhere.

    Heavy Gauge Steel Construction with piano hinged doors and key panels provides a sturdy location to secure your keys. Door is thick 18 gauge and body is 22 gauge steel.

    Keypad has 4-Digit User Code, 5-Digit Manager Code, and Special Security 6-Digit Owner Code Override Feature.

    Capacity: 65 keys
    Size: 17" x 13" x 3.25" - 432 x 330 x 83mm
    Weight:10 lbs 4.5 kg||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|samkeycabbut||item.||soliditem||digkeycab||||||||Electronic Digital Key Cabinet But With 265 Key Capacity||1263-C||keycabinets1 digkeycab||Key Cabinets > Electronic Digital Key Cabinet 65 Key Capacity > ||699.000||699.000 ||||Electronic Digital Key Cabinet But With 265 Key Capacity||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Capacity:265 keys
    Size: 20" x 16.5" x 5" - 508 x 419 x 127mm
    Weight:22 lbs 10 kg||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|keyguardkeycabinet||item-1||soliditem||keycabinets2||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/keyguardkeycabinet-26.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-keyguard-key-cabinet-36.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-keyguard-key-cabinet-31.gif||Electronic Keyguard Key Cabinet (Optional RFID Available)||3642||keycabinets2||» Key And Narcotics Cabinets > ||179.000||179.000 ||||Electronic Keyguard Key Cabinet (Optional RFID Available)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||rfcaformik10 rffoformik10 rfbrformik10||The Combi-Cam E combination locker locks are eco-friendly electronic locks offering compact design and flexible features at a very attractive price. Although some may not care as much for the eco-friendly aspect, it does also translate into far less frequent battery changes by the users of the lock which, of course, means less time spent changing batteries on all the locks installed in a particular job (i.e. some poor soul having to frequently change out hundreds of batteries at a time!)||The cabinet comes with a new electronic lock. The Combi-Cam E combination locker locks are eco-friendly electronic locks offering compact design and flexible features at a very attractive price. Although some may not care as much for the eco-friendly aspect, it does also translate into far less frequent battery changes by the users of the lock which, of course, means less time spent changing batteries on all the locks installed in a particular job (i.e. some poor soul having to frequently change out hundreds of batteries at a time!)

    When purchased with the RFID optional built in reader 2 user cards are included and an addition 10 cards can be purchased and used.

  • Up to 10 year battery life!
  • Manager, service and user codes
  • Manager code can access and change user and service codes at any time.
  • Flexibility in programming optional functions such as warning beeps if key cabinet is left open. Change code easily in seconds
  • Mounting hardware included
  • Color coded key tags included
  • Each hook can accommodate multiple key rings
  • Keys may be hung by the included key tags or by a key ring

    Up to 10 year battery life!

    Note: The Combi-Cam lock accounts for 5/8” of the total depth listed below.

    48 Hook Capacity (SL-8548) Height: 9-7/8” Width: 7-3/8” Depth: 2-7/8”

    122 Hook Capacity (SL-9122) Height: 14-1/8” Width: 10-1/2” Depth: 4-1/8”||"Please choose" "48 key capacity $179" "122 key capacity Add $39 (+39)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|elkecalo||item.||soliditem||kecatylo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-keypad-cabinet-lock-72.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-keypad-cabinet-lock-82.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-keypad-cabinet-lock-74.gif||Electronic Keypad Cabinet Lock||2021||kecatylo||» Keyless Cabinet Locks (Electronic And Mechanical) > ||139.000||139.000 ||||Electronic Keypad Cabinet Lock||"Please choose cabinet door thickness" "Model 104 - Fits up to 1/4 inch thick door, 3/8 inch threaded barrel - extra 2 week lead time for this size" "Model 105 - Fits up to 1/2 inch thick door, 5/8 inch threaded barrel" "Model 106 - Fits up to 3/4 inch thick door, 7/8 inch threaded barrel" "Model 107 - Fits up to 1 inch thick door, 1 1/8 inch threaded barrel - extra 2 week lead time for this size"||||Usually ships in 3-4 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||inte1 moinoncocalo hr97 ht||Hot This new cabinet lock opens up the possibilities for many more uses of electronic access control. No reason to use a cheap and easy to pick open cam lock anymore. It's the easy but secure way to lock your cabinets.||

    New model!

    Electronic cam lock ideal for retrofit in cabinets and lockers.

  • Applications for 1/4" thick to 1 1/8 inches thick
  • 8 digit master and submaster codes
  • 4-digit user codes
  • 6-digit technical codes
  • User code can be set to repeat (default) or single use mode
  • Concealed programming key (lock must be open to program)
  • Includes 2 cam styles
  • Fits standard cam lock prep
  • 2 AAA cells; 15,000 cycles; 9V external battery jump start
  • Finish: Powder Coated Silver, die cast Zinc body

    This new Codelocks cabinet lock opens up the possibilities for many more uses of electronic access control. This simple electronic battery operated lock is a very easy and quick retrofit (unlike some other much more complicated and expensive locks) for cheap cam locks supplied as standard on a wide range of lockers, cabinets and cupboards. Since there is no keyway it can't be picked or bumped open making it a much more secure installation. It can easily be fitted to lockers or cabinets, which don’t have a locking device already installed, giving the user immediate and simple keypad access without the need for keys. This cabinet lock can be installed on:
    Cupboards, cabinets and lockers etc as a direct replacement for existing cam locks. It can also be easily installed on cupboards and cabinets that do not have an existing locking device. Can be set so same code is needed each time or different code is used each time such as a shared locker type situation.

    These locks are battery powered

    Note: The Cabinet Lock has a 5 button keypad and a # button. The # button is hidden beneath the handle when in the locked position. The lock has the following code levels:

    New featureSpecial Locker Mode now included
    : How does Locker Mode work?:
    With the lock in single-use locker mode, the locker would be left in the unlocked condition. A new user would locate an empty locker, place their articles inside the locker, close it and enter their own personal 4 digit code. The lock would then buzz and lock. The user would return to the locker, enter the same 4 digit personal code and open the locker to retrieve their personal articles and leave. The locker would now be unlocked and ready for the next user.

    Master Code can:
    Open the lock
    Change the Master Code
    Set / Change / Delete the Sub-Master and User Code
    Select between repeated use and single use codes

    Sub-Master Code can:
    Open the Lock
    Change the Sub-Master
    Set / Change / Delete the User Code

    User Code can:
    Open the lock
    Change the User Code

    Easy to install!

    1 Cabinet lock
    2 Upper fixing bolt x 2
    3 Packer pieces x 2
    4 Locking nut
    5 Cams x 2
    6 Cam fixing bolt

  • Will work with cabinet door thickness of 1/2 or 7/8 or 1 1/8 inch. - see options to choose
  • Power: 2 x 1.5 volt AAA cells . Will provide in excess of 15,000 openings. Batteries included with lock
  • Attractive Silver Grey finish
  • 10 second penalty lockout after 4 incorrect attepts
  • All codes are 4 digits long
  • Made from tough Zamac
  • Low Battery: The lock will signal low battery to the user via the LED flashing. The lock will open 100 more times after this signal is initiated
  • Battery failure override: Should the batteries fail the lock can be opened by placing the + and - terminals of a 9 volt rectangular battery (available everywhere batteries are sold) on contact points surrounding the LED's and entering the master code. The internal AAA batteries can then be replaced

    Dimensions: 5 1/4 long x 1 1/4 wide x 7/8 inches deep.

    See below for heavy duty model.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|elloclatguar||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-lock-latch-guard-19.gif||||||Electronic Lock Latch Guard||None||||||39.000||39.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||For Kaba Mas-Hamilton and Trilogy digital locks.

    1 1/2 inches Wide X 10 inches long||"Specify hand" "Left" "right"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ellode||item.||soliditem||books1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-locking-devices-24.gif||||||Electronic Locking Devices ||Item: 3554||books1||» Books, Software About Locks - Safes - Security > ||49.000||49.000 ||||Electronic Locking Devices By John Schum||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||In non-technical terms, this book covers the appropriate selection and installation of every system component currently available, along with trouble-shooting techniques. It is a handbook for installers, and a product reference and system design guide for manufacturers' reps and end user's. 259 pages.||This is the newest edition 2006 version - full of up to date valuable info.

    In non-technical terms, this book covers the appropriate selection and installation of every system component currently available, along with trouble-shooting techniques. It is a handbook for installers, and a product reference and system design guide for manufacturers' reps and end user's. It's a special book that was created just for the security industry. 187 pages.

    Electronic Locking Devices is an excellent presentation of the devices available today. Schum presents the basic components of electronic locking systems in easy-to-understand concepts and does not dwell excessively on advanced technical ideas.

    The text is easy to read, the writing is interesting, and the presentation effective. This book provides a comprehensive look at electronic locks and should appeal to a wide range of readers.

    Electronic Locking Devices is devoted to the design of electronic locks and locking systems. The progression of information is logical and thorough, and figures and diagrams are clear and concise.

    Schum opens with background on locks in general, furnishing an excellent lead-in for the remainder of the book. His explanations of electric circuits provide detailed information on electrical systems and will help most security personnel understand basic circuitry.

    The book details numerous electromagnetic and mechanical locks and electric strikes and explains their operating characteristics. Other topics covered include the operation of transformers, relays, and door-monitoring devices as they relate to electronic locks.

    The steps in building complete electronic door-locking systems are also included, along with diagrams that show the function and operation of system components. The diagrams are particularly useful to the novice working with electronic locks. They also do a good job of summing up the information provided earlier in the book.

    The chapter on troubleshooting Troubleshooting is a form of problem solving. It is the systematic search for the source of a problem so that it can be solved. Troubleshooting is often a process of elimination - eliminating potential causes of a problem. is devoted mostly to using a volt/ohm multimeterAn instrument for measuring electricity (volts, amps, ohms) that is widely used and available in numerous shapes and sizes. An analog multimeter displays results by moving a pointer across a printed scale.

    Schum's goal was to provide a reference to help security professionals solve problems, and he has achieved it. The information in Electronic Locking Devices is presented in a clear, concise, and easy-to-understand format. The appendixes are useful and practical guides to electronic locks. They also include further information on the subject and related topics such as building and electrical codes An electrical code is a set of regulations for electrical wiring. The intention of an electrical code is to provide standards to ensure electrical wiring systems that are safe and unlikely to produce either electrocution or fires. .

    Security professionals responsible for locking and securing doors will find this book both informative and helpful. Electronic Locking Devices is a valuable reference, and no security professional's library is complete without it.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|elshsa||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-shelf-safe-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-shelf-safe-37.gif||Electronic Shelf Safe||2048||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||249.000||249.000 ||||Electronic Shelf Safe||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New! This new Electronic Floor / Shelf Safe is a unique battery operated security system that can be mounted to the floor, a shelf, or a desk. Faceplate removes to reveal a backup key lock in case of battery failure, two keys included. The door is heavy-duty 8 gauge steel construction and the body is heavy-duty 14 gauge steel construction.||This new Electronic Floor / Shelf Safe is a unique battery operated security system that can be mounted to the floor, a shelf, or a desk. Faceplate removes to reveal a backup key lock in case of battery failure, two keys included. The door is heavy-duty 8 gauge steel construction and the body is heavy-duty 14 gauge steel construction. Soft grey carpet with pressure sensitive adhesive lines the inside of the safe. Mounting hardware included. Four AA batteries included. Product 3215

    This safe is battery powered

    13-3/4" x 8-7/8" x 9-3/4" (WxDxH)
    Weight: 35 lbs||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|digwalsaf||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/electronic-wall-safe-with-digital-lock-ultra-thin-26.gif||||||Electronic Wall Safe With Digital Lock (Ultra thin)||1528||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||579.000||579.000 ||||Electronic Wall Safe With Digital Lock & Large LCD Touch Screen||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||On Sale! Large but very thin electronic wall safe. Has ultra large easy to read LCD screen. Easy to change combination feature. Can install in walls where other safes may not fit. Just about the thinnest wall safe you can buy.||Extra large easy to see LCD screen.

  • Heavy duty steel body, 3/16” solid steel door and flange.
  • Extra spacious interior, while still offering the convenience of fitting between studs.
  • State-of-the-art DL5000 electronic lock with a large 3 ¾" touch screen LCD input display allows smooth and easy operation.
  • Mode altering display changes from orange in standby mode to bright blue in the open position.
  • Accepts (2) user codes and can show open door records for the past 14 entries.
  • LCD touch screen display shows low-battery indicator, time, date and keypad.
  • Emergency key-lock override system with two (2) keys, power override battery box, built-in spy-proof function and motion detector alert.
  • Heavy 14 gauge solid steel construction, plus dual live bolts made also of heavy gauge steel.
  • Can be bolted to the wall or floor.
  • Carpeted base.
  • Pry-resistant recessed door with internal hinges for anti-theft protection.
  • Mounting feet and anchor hardware standard.
  • Models EST1014 and EST2014 have one removable shelf.

    The lighted LCD screen is a great feature!

    1,032 cu. in. capacity
    Outside: 22.125 x 15.125 x 4 H - W - D
    Weight: 31 pounds

    • Packaged for UPS shipment.

    This safe is battery powered

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|elk12volonea||item.||soliditem||avrfstusbtic||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/elk-12-24-volts-one-amp-power-supply-with-battery-backup-34.gif||||||ELK 12 & 24 Volts One Amp Power Supply With Battery Backup||1713||proxread avrfstusbtic||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock > ||289.000||289.000 ||||ELK 12 Volts One Amp Power Supply With Battery Backup||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinonthprin19||Hot Comes with a limited lifetime warranty. Great to use to power a small one door access system with battery backup - includes metal case.||

    The ELK-P112k or ELK-P124k is a very high quality Power Supply with a plug-in transformer and metal can enclosure. The P112 produces 12VDC @ 1 Amp and the P124 produces 24VDC @ .8 Amps. Both feature automatic resetting “fuseless” overload protection and diagnostic LED indicators. They are ideal for alarm, access control, and CCTV applications. Each comes with rechargeable battery. Most other power supplies at this price don't include the back up battery. A 12V 5Ah battery is included.

  • Built-In Battery Charging Circuit.
  • Auto Reset “fuseless” Overload Protection (PTC).
  • Visual AC and DC Power Indicators.
  • AC and DC Surge Suppression.
  • Lifetime Limited Warranty.

    • Regulated Output Voltage: 13.8 Volts D.C.
    • Continuous Current Rating: 1 Amp (ELK-P112(K), 800 Milliamps (ELK-P124(K).
    • Included Transformer: 16.5 V 40 VA for ELK-P112(K), 24 V 40 VA for ELK-P124(K).
    • Dimensions: 7.5”H x 12.5”W x 3.75”D.
    • Battery Recharging Capacity: 1.2Ah to 8 Ah.
    ** Higher output current (up to 2.5 Amps) may be drawn for a short time provided a fully charged battery is connected||"Output voltage" "12 volts"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|elk4ampthreo||item.||soliditem||avrfstusbtic||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/elk-4-amp-three-output-12-volt-dc-power-supply-with-battery-backup-34.gif||||||Elk 4 Amp Three Output 12 Volt DC Power Supply With Battery Backup||1714||proxread avrfstusbtic||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock > ||369.000||369.000 ||||Elk 4 Amp Three Output 12 Volt DC Power Supply With Battery Backup||||||Usually ships in 3-4 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr12 morininpdffo3||Hot Comes with a limited lifetime warranty.||

    The ELK-P412-K is a very high quality general purpose high current power supply and battery charger with a 1280 back up battey. It is ideal for alarm, access control, and CCTV applications requiring up to 4 Amps. The ELK-P412-K distributes 12VDC power to three (3) sets of DC power terminals, each having a voltage present indicator LED and automatic resetting overload protection. It also features a master On/Off switch and built-in low battery cut-off to protect the backup battery from deep discharging if AC power is off for an extended time. A 12 Volt, 8 Ah rechargeable backup battery is included with the system. This battery is always being charged in the panel. Most other power supplies at this price don't include the back up battery.

  • Switching Power Supply, no transformer needed.
  • Auto Reset “fuseless” Overload Protection (PTC).
  • Three (3) Individual PTC Protected Power Outputs.
  • Master Power On/Off Switch.
  • Built-in Low Battery Cutoff Circuit.
  • Visual Power Indicators.
  • AC and DC Surge Suppression.
  • Includes Six foot AC Power Cord.
  • Lifetime Limited Warranty.

  • Regulated Output Voltage: 13.8 Volts D.C.
  • Continuous Current Rating: 4 Amps.
  • AC Input Voltage Range: 85~264 VAC @ 47-63Hz.
  • Low Battery Cutoff: ~/= 10 Volts.
  • Ripple and Noise: 100mV p-p.
    • Dimensions: 7.5”W x 12.5”H x 3.75”D.

    More info on the back up battery:
  • Nominal Voltage: 12 Volts
  • Rated Capacity: 8 AH (20 hour rate)
  • Length: 5.94" (151mm)
  • Width: 2.56" (65mm)
  • Height: 3.74 (95mm)
  • Total Height: 3.98" (101mm)
  • Terminals: F1-Faston Tab No. 187

    Capacity 77˚F(25˚C) 20 hour rate (0.375A) 10 hour rate (0.71A) 5 hour rate (1.27A) 1 hour rate (4.5A) 8AH 7.1AH 6.37AH 4.5AH Capacity affected by Temperature (20 hour rate) 104˚F (40˚C) 77˚F (25˚C) 32˚F (0˚C) 5˚F (-15˚C) 102% 100% 85% 65%

    Charge Constant Voltage Cycle: Initial Charging Current less than 2.25A Voltage 14.4V - 15.0V at 77˚F(25˚C) Standby: Voltage 13.5V - 13.8V at 77˚F(25˚C||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|emexsoun||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/emergency-exit-sounder-exit-stopper-41.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/emergency-exit-sounder-exit-stopper-43.gif||Emergency Exit Sounder/Exit Stopper||1617||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||98.000||98.000 ||||Emergency Exit Sounder/Exit Stopper||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||muprso||An easy an inexpensive way to keep things from leaving through the backdoor. Highly effective, alarm alerts you to any unauthorized exits/entries through emergency exit doors and rear doors. Serves as an inexpensive security device and helps stop theft as well.||Highly effective, alarm alerts you to any unauthorized exits/entries through emergency exit doors and rear doors. Serves as an inexpensive security device and helps stop theft as well.

    If the protected door is opened, the electronic Exit Stopper emits an ear piercing alarm for 30 seconds, three minutes or continuously (as preset by the user). A key operated override will silence the alarm and allow authorized exits. Exit Stopper is fitted with a long life alkaline battery and features a low battery warning facility. It is available in red or green for almost any type of door, mounting or installation.

  • Highly visible "stop sign" design acts as a deterrent itself.
  • Sounds a powerful 120dB warning horn when activated, drawing attention in a hurry (85 dB low volume setting can be set if desired).
  • Virtually indestructible polycarbonate housing.
  • Upon installation, user can select whether to use as an alarm or annunciator.
  • In exit alarm mode, can be set to sound for 30 seconds, 3 minutes or indefinitely (unless disarmed with key supplied). May be programmed for 15-second entry delay or immediate alarm.
  • In annunciation mode, alarm announces door entry with a set of 5 beeps.
  • Exit delay allow unit to arm following authorized exits.
  • Unit is completely self-contained.
  • May be mounted on top, right, left or next to almost any door.
  • Detects both unauthorized exits and entries.
  • Easy to install.
  • Practical for all emergency doors.
  • Compact patented design (5"/127mm in diameter and 2"/51mm deep).
  • Also available in green housing to comply with newer standards
  • 9-VDC alkaline battery is provided.
  • Lifetime guarantee against breakage of polycarbonate housing (one year on electronic components).

    These locks are battery powered

    Note: The double door option comes complete with double reed switch assembly that allows the alarm to monitor double doors.
    The remote horn option includes an additional horn assembly that can be mounted up to 200 feet from door by wire. (Not Wireless).||"
    For Single or Double door and with or without remote sounder" "For single door $98" "For double door Add $26 (+26)" "Single door with remote horn option Add $42 (+42)" "Double door with remote horn option Add $62 (+62)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|emkeybox||item.||soliditem||comlocbox||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/emergency-key-boxes-25.gif||||||Emergency Key Boxes||1725||comlocbox||» Keyless Lock Box (Hide A Key) > ||69.000||69.000 ||||Emergency Key Boxes||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||repglas||||These boxes are designed to secure a restricted key where it is needed. The bright red steel box has a key-locking hinged door with a plexiglass window. When an emergency arises and access to the key is necessary, break the plexiglass with the attached hammer. The Fire Department Box comes with dark plexiglass to hide the contents. These Emergency Key Boxes come with a 5-wafer cam lock.

    6.625"H x 5.75"W x 2"D||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|emkeyforvisi||item.||soliditem||visinbol||||||||Emergency Key For Visual Indicator Bolt||1679-B||aseq visinbol|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Visual Indicator Deadbolt > ||2.000||2.000 ||||||||||Contact us for availability||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sorry but we are out of stock and not sure if we will be getting more.

    This simple key is used to unlock the indicator lock from the outside.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|endhonispo||link.||||isdo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/enabling-dhcp-on-isonas-powernet-6.gif||||||Enabling DHCP On Isonas Powernet||||elkey puipreke isdo||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > Isonas Documention And Help Files > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|enfireandke||item-1||soliditem||bifire||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/enforcer-fingerprint-reader-and-keypad-62.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/enforcer-fingerprint-reader-and-keypad-71.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/enforcer-fingerprint-reader-and-keypad-63.gif||Enforcer Biometric Weatherproof Fingerprint Reader And Keypad||3797||bifire||» Biometric Fingerprint Reader > ||379.000||379.000 ||||Enforcer Biometric Weatherproof Fingerprint Reader And Keypad||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||noname12 inforthre||This ultra compact high quality reader is very easy to set up and use with up to 500 fingerprint or keypad users capacity (1000 total). All features programmed directly from the fingerprint reader/keypad. No need for an external programmer. Great for government offices, schools or day care centers.||Weatherproof – IP66
  • Illuminated fingerprint reader window
  • Up to 3000 users
  • Up to 1000 fingerprints or 2000 pins (user codes)
  • Output: Form C relay, 2A@12VDC max.
  • Output can be programmed to activate for up to 99 seconds or toggle
  • User code length 4~6 digits
  • Tamper alarm output: Transistor ground, 2.5A@12VDC max.
  • Fingerprint reader window illuminates when finger is present
  • Tri-color LED provides status information
  • EEPROM Memory protects programmed information in case of power loss All features programmed directly from the fingerprint reader/keypad: No need for an external programmer
  • Egress input (REX) lets users exit the premises without presenting a fingerprint or keying in a code
  • 500DPI Optical fingerprint reader
  • Less than 1 second fingerprint identification time
  • Less than 0.0001% fingerprint false acceptance rate
  • Less than 0.01% fingerprint false rejection rate
  • Wiegand capability: 26~44 bit output
  • 2 Devices can interlock
  • Can set authorized users

  • Operating Voltage - 12VDC
  • Output - Form C 2A@12VDC
  • Output- Tamper 2.5A@12VDC
  • Enclosure material Zinc alloy
  • Operating Temperature -22°F~140°F
  • Operating Humidity 20~90%
  • Dimensions - very compact only 2-5/8" wide x 5-7/8" high" x 1-5/16" deep (66x150x24 mm)

    Please note: that the optional weather cover below fits perfectly over the reader and is highly recommended.

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    Exit devices
    See our reader weather covers and heaters
    Receptionist unlock button
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section

    3797||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|enirprsein||link.||||coirprsesw||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/enforcer-ir-proximity-sensor-instructions-12.gif||||||ENFORCER IR Proximity Sensor Instructions||||delayedegress mantrap2 coirprsesw|| » Mantrap Systems ( Door Interlock ) > Dortronics PLC Man Trap Interlock 2 Door System > Compact IR Proximity Sensor Switch (Great for museums and art galleries) > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|tnprca||item.||soliditem||tnrfstalre||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/er-kp1-proximity-card-in-packs-of-20-24.gif||||||ER-KP1 Proximity Card In Packs Of 20||3031-A||elkey tnrfstalre||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ER-KP1 RFID/Keypad Stand Alone Proximity Card Reader > ||196.000||196.000 ||||ER-KP1 Proximity Card In Packs Of 20||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sorry but we are currently out of stock on this item.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|tnprfob||item.||soliditem||tnrfstalre||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/er-kp1-proximity-fob-in-packs-of-20-24.gif||||||ER-KP1 Proximity Fob In Packs Of 20||3031-B||elkey tnrfstalre||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ER-KP1 RFID/Keypad Stand Alone Proximity Card Reader > ||196.000||196.000 ||||ER-KP1 Proximity Fob In Packs Of 20||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|tnrfstalre||item.||soliditem||elkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/er-kp1-rfid-keypad-stand-alone-proximity-card-reader-52.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/er-kp1-rfid-keypad-stand-alone-proximity-card-reader-57.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/er-kp1-rfid-keypad-stand-alone-proximity-card-reader-54.gif||ER-KP1 RFID/Keypad Stand Alone Proximity Card Reader||3031||elkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ||279.000||279.000 ||||ER-KP1 RFID/Keypad Stand Alone Proximity Card Reader||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||erexthprcawi erexthprca tnprca tnprfob hr99 qustguinpdff wiringdiagram erinma||Hot This new Stand Alone Proximity Card Reader does not require a PC and is simple to program. It wires directly to an automatic garage door, door strike, magnetic lock, or gate opening mechanism. Use a code or card or fob or all three. Comes with 4 RFID Proximity Cards, 4 RFID thin (credit card size) type cards and 4 RFID Proximity Keyfobs. Large 10,000 user capacity.||This new Stand Alone Proximity Card Reader does not require a PC and is simple to program. It wires directly to an automatic garage door, door strike, magnetic lock, or gate opening mechanism. Individual entrance codes can be Prox Card, Keypad Pin or both for up to 10,000 users. The Reader has an All Metal Shroud that protects the unit from Harsh Environment and Vandals. -- Absolutely no plastic is used as support and will provide a much more permanent installation -- Some applications include; Gated Entrance, Garage Door, Lobby Entrance, IT Room Protection. No matter what application you choose you will not find a more simple or better value product. Comes with 4 RFID badge type Cards, 4 RFID thin (credit card size) type cards and 4 RFID Keyfobs.

  • User capacity : 10,000. You can register and deregister Cards and or passwords ( i.e. if you need to deactivate someone's access)
  • Operating Temperature : -4°F - 140°F
  • Operating Humidity: 10%-90%
  • Card reading distance: 5 to 15cm in most instances

    Please note that this reader will not work with another comapanies cards or fobs such as HID. It will only work with the cards or fobs offered on this page.

    Voltage required: DC 12V
    Dimensions: 4.7"L x 4.8"W x 1.7"H

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locking Devices

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up

    new feature --Custom Printed RFID Cards Open Up Many New Applications-- The ER-KP1 is perfect for controlling access to Resort and HOA bonus areas.(Pool Gate Lock, etc.) If a member is behind on paying dues simply disallow their card access until paid in full. A simple spread sheet may be used to track the card number issued to each individual. In the program mode card numbers can be added or removed instantly by the administrator

    Important! Please note: always use a separate power supply when using a proximity card reader and an electric strike or magnetic lock.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|erexthprca||item.||soliditem||tnrfstalre||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/er-kp1-extra-thin-proximity-card-in-packs-of-20-24.gif||||||ER-KP1 Extra Thin Proximity Card In Packs Of 20||3031-C||elkey tnrfstalre||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ER-KP1 RFID/Keypad Stand Alone Proximity Card Reader > ||196.000||196.000 ||||ER-KP1 Extra Thin Proximity Card In Packs Of 20||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|erexthprcawi||item.||soliditem||tnrfstalre||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/er-kp1-extra-thin-proximity-card-with-custom-printing-20-cards-18.gif||||||ER-KP1 Extra Thin Proximity Card With Custom Printing (100 Cards)||3291||elkey tnrfstalre||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ER-KP1 RFID/Keypad Stand Alone Proximity Card Reader > ||895.000||895.000 ||||ER-KP1 Extra Thin Proximity Card With Custom Printing (100 Cards)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Send any image you want on your RFID cards that displays your LOGO or the intended use of the card and we will print them for you! We sell these in minimum quantities of 100.

    Disclaimer: All cards will have a resin thermal dye-sublimation image print that is extremely scratch resistant. We use a Fargo printer that will do a high quality color match to your artwork. However, due to the possible variation in color,resolution, and size we insist that ALL CARDS SOLD AS-IS. Your artwork image will be a closer match if you send your file in the ".PDF" format, but we will also accept ".JPG" format files. Please make sure your artwork image fits inside a 2"x 3.5" window and has been checked and approved. Please note that printed cards can not be returned.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|erinma||link.||||tnrfstalre||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/er-kp1-instruction-manual-13.gif||||||ER-KP1 Instruction Manual||||elkey tnrfstalre||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ER-KP1 RFID/Keypad Stand Alone Proximity Card Reader > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|qustguinpdff||link.||||tnrfstalre||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/quick-start-up-guide-in-the-pdf-format-8.gif||||||ER-KP1 Quick Start-Up Guide ||||elkey tnrfstalre||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ER-KP1 RFID/Keypad Stand Alone Proximity Card Reader > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|wiringdiagram||link.||||tnrfstalre||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/wiring-diagram-8.gif||||||ER-KP1 Wiring Diagram||||elkey tnrfstalre||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ER-KP1 RFID/Keypad Stand Alone Proximity Card Reader > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|essindoorkey||item.||soliditem||elkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/essex-5-user-code-digital-keypad-33.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/essex-5-user-code-digital-keypad-34.gif||Essex 500 User Code Digital Keypad||1650||elkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ||289.000||289.000 ||||Essex 500 User Code Digital Keypad||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Illuminated and almost indestructible with 500 user Proprietary Piezoelectric Billion Cycle Switch Technology ensures superior performance in any environment capability.||

    Choose either stainless steel or black illuminated. Same price.

    The SKE-26 is a multiple user, self-contained Access Control Keypad with features suitable for most residential, small commercial and industrial access control applications. With a 2A relay on board, simply add power (5VDC or 12 to 24VDC) and the SKE-26 is ready to provide dependable access control. Proprietary Piezoelectric Billion Cycle Switch Technology ensures superior performance in any environment (heat, rain, snow, ice -up to ¨ü¡±). The SKE-26 is backed by a limited lifetime warranty.
  • Self Contained Access Control
  • Professional Grade Piezo Keypad
  • Easy to install and operate
  • Up to 500 User Codes
  • 3 Programmable Outputs
  • Lower Cost Self Contained Design
  • Weatherproof -40¡ÆC to +70¡ÆC
  • Waterproof 100% Relative Humidity
  • Mullion or Surface Mount

    Easily programmable through the Keypad, the SKE-26 features up to 502 Codes (1 Master, 500 User and 1 Temporary) and 3 Programmable Outputs (1 SPDT Relay rated at 2A at 24V max and 2 Open Collector ¨ù A max to ground). The SKE-26 can be used to control a fail-safe or fail secure electric locking device. It can also be used to control a garage door or electric gate. Two ¨ù A grounding outputs are available which can drive a relay (separate relays required) to open a second door, trigger a CCTV or doorbell or control an auxiliary device.

    7 1/8" H x 1 3/4" W x 3/4" D

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
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    ||"Choose" "Stainless Steel Overlay" "Illuminated Black Overlay"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|esdigkeyread||item.||soliditem||elkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/essex-wiegand-digital-keypad-proximity-reader-24.gif||||||Essex Wiegand Digital Keypad/Proximity Reader||1821||elkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ||739.000||739.000 ||||Essex Wiegand Digital Keypad/Proximity Reader||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr45 morinonthisp22 hr46 hidproxfobin noname19 ieiexproxfob proxcarinlot||New!Can be used with most manufacturers access panels and it's very heavy duty. Essex keypads have been installed at the Pentagon, the White House, the Chunnel, the Hong Kong International Airport and on commercial aircraft fleets around the world.||

    Dual Technology Keypad/Proximity ReaderThe PiezoProx™ is the next generation Keypad reader which incorporates two superior technologies into one unique reader: an Essex Stainless Steel, piezoelectric Keypad and an HID industry standard proximity reader. Completely weatherproof and vandal resistant, the PiezoProx is fully encapsulated and contains no moving parts. With a proximity read range of up to 5", the PiezoProx provides superior reader performance in virtually any environment.

    The Keypad Whether installed in extreme climate conditions or inside a building, Essex Keypads are unsurpassed in their ability to tolerate virtually any environment. Utilizing state of the art Billion Cycle Switch Technology™, Essex stainless steel Keypads outperform all other keypads (membrane, conductive rubber, mechanical and other piezoelectric keypads) in indoor, outdoor, harsh and high use applications. Specified by Security Professionals worldwide, Essex keypads have been installed at the Pentagon, the White House, the Chunnel, the Hong Kong International Airport and on commercial aircraft fleets around the world.

    Industry Standard Outputs:
    Specifically designed to interface with most access control systems (or custom control applications), the PiezoProx is available with the following Industry Standard Outputs:
    Keypad Proximity
    26 Bit Wiegand HID 26 Bit Open
    8 Bit Word
    Serial ASCII

    Reader Stats:
    Keypad Switch Life Cycle: > 1 Billion Cycles
    Proximity Transmit Frequency: 125 kHz
    Proximity Maximum Read Range: HID ProxCard® II - Up to 5" (12.7 cm)
    Input Voltage: 5 or 12 VDC Field Selectable
    Current Draw:
    5 Volt < 50 Milliamps (with Blue LED Illumination)
    5 Volt < 30 Milliamps (without Blue LED Illumination)
    12 Volt < 80 Milliamps (without Blue LED Illumination)
    12 Volt < 35 Milliamps (without Blue LED Illumination)

    Weight: 25 oz. (709 gm)
    Dimensions: 7 1/4" H x 3 5/8" W x 1 3/16" D (18.4 x 9.2 x 3cm)

    Operating Environment:
    Temperature: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +160°F)
    Relative Humidity: 100%

    High Use

    Mounting Methods:
    U.S. Single gang switch box
    Surface mount

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    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    Please note: that this is not a stand alone reader. There is no relay output so this reader must be used with an access system. please call us if you need more help with this item.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|es100uskey||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/essex-100-user-keypad-19.gif||||||Essex 100 User Keypad||Item: 1652||||||465.000||465.000 ||||Essex 100 User Keypad||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New!
    With audit trail feature.||This is a two part system.
    The KE-325 is a secured, multiple user, stand-alone Keyless Entry Access Control System. Because the KE-325 features an Essex Billion Cycle piezoelectric Keypad, it is designed to provide reliable access control for practically any indoor, outdoor, high use or extreme environment. The KE-325 can accommodate up to 100 individual user codes. In addition to the main relay, the KE-325 features a second relay which can be used to control a CCTV or light, internal alarm system, auxiliary output (garage door, automatic gate, etc.) or even a second door. Easy to program, simple to use, the KE-325 is an ideal access control solution for a variety of multiple user residential and commercial applications.

    Keypad Operating Environment:
    100% Relative Humidity
    -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +160°F)
    Indoor, Outdoor, High Use, Harsh

    Power Requirements: 12 to 24V AC/DC 150mA min
    Standby Current Draw: 12 Volts - 25mA 24 Volts - 35mA

    Relays: 2 SPDT relay contacts rated at 6 amps at 120VAC
    Control Module Dimensions: 6 3/4"H x 7 1/2"W x 1 5/8"D

    Keypad Dimensions:
    See options below

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    We have found this manufacturer to be very supportive to the end user. They represent the very best and if you have a problem with one of their products they will do whatever it takes to correct the problem
    We have found this manufacturer to be extremely user friendly !||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|esinststke||item-1||soliditem||elkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/essex-infrared-barcode-stainless-steel-keypad-31.gif||||||Essex KTP-193 SN Infrared/Barcode Stainless Steel Weatherproof Keypad. Extremely Heavy Duty||3795||elkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ||279.000||380.000 ||279.000 ||Essex KTP-193 SN Infrared/Barcode Stainless Steel 5 Or 12 Volt Weatherproof Keypad||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moin||A stainless steel Keypad reader designed to tolerate even the most extreme environments. As far as we know the only Barcode keypad made to function in almost any environment.||These keypads are no longer in production and we only have a few left. Very heavy duty and well made.

    A stainless steel Keypad reader designed to tolerate even the most extreme environments.

  • Mounting: Single gang, surface or flush mount
  • Power Requirements Field Selectable 5VDC or 12 to 24VDC
  • Current Draw < 25mA
  • Keypad Switch Life > 1 Billion Cycles
  • Keypad Operating Environment - 40°C to + 70°C (- 40°F to + 160°F) 100% Relative Humidity
  • Dimensions H: 5⅛” x W: 3⅜” x D: 7/16” (13 x 8.6 x 1.1 cm)
  • Weight 16 oz. (454 gm)
  • Material 316L Stainless Steel

    5 or 12 volt DC

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|esallinonedi||item.||soliditem||elkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/essex-multi-format-digital-keypad-system-500-users-and-more-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/essex-multi-format-digital-keypad-system-500-users-and-more-37.gif||Essex Multi Format Digital Keypad System 500 Users And More||1846||elkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ||590.000||590.000 ||||Essex Multi Format Digital Keypad System 500 Users And More||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New!The most versatile keypad in the world. Use as a stand alone with relay output or instantly change it to almost any format. It's all built in!||

    Introducing the most versatile Essex Keypad ever built. The K1 Series is the next generation multi format Keypad designed to provide a migration path from a 500 user stand alone access control system to a Keypad reader which provides one of several industry standard outputs.

    The unique design of the K1 Series allows the output to be easily configured in the field as any one of the following:
    •26 Bit Wiegand Reader
    •8 Bit Word Reader
    •BCD Reader
    •ABA Track II Reader
    •Serial ASCII Reader
    •500 Code Self Contained Access Controller

    Professional Grade Weather installed in extreme climate conditions or inside a building, this Essex 12 digit 3x4 is unsurpassed in its' ability to tolerate virtually any environment. Utilizing Essex state of the art, Billion Cycle Switch Technology™, the K1 Series 12 Pad 3x4 outperforms other keypads (membrane, conductive rubber, mechanical and other piezoelectric keypads) in indoor, outdoor, harsh and high use applications. Not all Keypads are the same. Traditional mechanical, membrane or conductive rubber Keypads fail after 5 to 10 million cycles at best. Keypads built with Essex piezoelectric technology have been tested more than 1 Billion cycles without failure. In addition, Essex Keypads are unaffected by extreme environments (rain, snow, ice or heat)

    Security Professionals Choice Over the past decade, the Essex Keypads have become the choice of security professionals worldwide. From banks to airports to government facilities, Essex has been specified for a variety of access control (and equipment control) applications. Installation sites include the Pentagon, the White House, the Chunnel, the Hong Kong International Airport and on commercial aircraft fleets around the world.

    •Vandal Resistant Design Fully encapsulated Keypad with no moving parts
    •Mounting Methods Directly to a U.S. single gang switchbox or surface mount
    •Programmable Site Code (26 Bit Wiegand Reader) Program a site code (000 to 255) during installation
    •Selectable Baud Rate/Parity (Serial ASCII Reader) Baud: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 or 38400 Parity: None, Odd or Even

    Self Contained Features:
    •500 Codes
    1 Master Code, 1 temp code, 499 User Codes (3 to 8 digits in length)
    •Easily Programmable at the Keypad Add, Modify or Delete Codes from the Keypad
    •3 Programmable Open Collector Outputs 1 Main Output – External Relay Unlock or Encoded Relay Unlock (requires Encoded Relay Module: Part No. ERM-3) 2 Auxiliary Outputs – CCTV, Internal Alarm, 2nd/3rd Door (External Relays may be required)
    •Tamper Alarm Multiple incorrect entries trigger Tamper Alarm and lock out system for 30 seconds
    •Remote Bypass (REX) Activates Relay for Programmed Output Time
    •Anti-Tailgating Helps prevent unauthorized access
    •Programmable Output Time 1 to 99 seconds
    •Manual or Timed Latching Manually or automatically latch any output
    •Time Zone/Restricted Access Input An external time clock or manual key switch can lock out selected User Codes
    •Non – Volatile Memory Retains codes during power interruption
    •EZkey PC programmable software included for programming and printing codes.

    •Power Requirements Field Selectable 5VDC or 12 to 24VDC
    •Current Draw < 25mA
    •Outputs 3 Open Collector, ¼A Max to ground
    •Keypad Switch Life > 1 Billion Cycles
    •Keypad Operating Environment - 40°C to + 70°C (- 40°F to + 160°F) 100% Relative Humidity
    •Dimensions H: 5⅛” x W: 3⅜” x D: 7/16” (13 x 8.6 x 1.1 cm)
    •Weight 16 oz. (454 gm)
    •Material 316L Stainless Steel

    Please note that this keypad has open collector type outputs so if your using this keypad directly with an electric strike you'll need to connect a relay board. This is included with this keypad.

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section
    See our heater kit for cold weather
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locksmithing for installation hints||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|esserorasout||item.||soliditem||elkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/essex-serial-or-ascii-output-keypad-24.gif||||||Essex Serial Or ASCII Output Keypad||Item: 1669||elkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ||349.000||398.000 ||349.000 ||Essex Serial Or ASCII Output Keypad||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||morininpdffo1||This unusual digital keypad will generate a standard serial ASCII format output.||This item is no longer available. Please see item: 1846

    These Keypads are selectable for 5 or 12 Volts. There are two pins directly above the connector on the back of the keypad, A jumper plug is installed on one of the pins. This is the default setting for 12 Volt operation. If you require 5 Volt operation, install the jumper plug on both pins. Normal Serial and Inverted Serial signals are open collector outputs with 2.2K pull-ups to the internal +5v. An annunciator beeps with each key press. When the LED control input is pulled low, the GREEN LED will be on and the RED LED will be off. When the input goes high the RED LED is on and the GREEN LED is off. The RED LED will blink with every key press. The LED control input is pulled to the internal +5v with a 2.2K resistor. An output is generated with each key press which can be used to drive a CCTV or Security Light. Available through the Blue wire (see Connector Wiring), this is an open collector output capable of sinking 1/4 A with a 30 second on time. 12 Pad 3x4

    Output: Standard Serial ASCII Format
    Voltage(s): 5 VDC, +/- 0.1V 20mA 12 VDC, +/- 3.0V 20mA
    Temperature: -40 C to +70 C (-40 F to +160 F)
    Default Baud/Parity: 9600 Baud, No Parity

    The Essex Generic Serial Keypad outputs Standard ASCII Single Digit Hex Data as follows:
    0 - 0x30 6 - 0x36
    1 - 0x31 7 - 0x37
    2 - 0x32 8 - 0x38
    3 - 0x33 9 - 0x39
    4 - 0x34 * - 0x2A
    5 - 0x35 # - 0x23

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exprstexbu||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/explosion-proof-push-to-exit-button-27.gif||||||Explosion Proof Push To Exit Button||3346||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||||||||Explosion Proof Push To Exit Button||||||Contact us for availability||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||DESIGNED FOR HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS

  • TYPE 7
  • SIZE 4" x 6.5" x 4.5"
  • PIPE THREAD 1/2-14 NPT

    Available as momentary contact or latching contact

    Please call for pricing||"Please choose" "Momentary" "Latching"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exacregcar||item.||soliditem||twopiecesystem||||||||Extra Access (Regular) Cards For The Rutherford Reader||Item: 1290||twopiecesystem||Rutherford Two Piece Credit Card Swipe Reader > ||289.000||289.000 ||||Extra Access (Regular) Cards For The Rutherford Reader||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sorry but out of stock on this item and most likely not made any longer.

    Sold in packs of 100

    These are the access cards that are used for access.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exhautorscof||item.||soliditem||harcon2doorp||||||||Extra Hartmann (USB to RS422 converter) For Communication From a PC To The Controllers With USB Cable (USB Powered)||2081||harcon2doorp||Hartmann Protector (256 Doors Max) RFID 2 Or 4 Or 8 Door Proximity Access Control System > ||217.000||217.000 ||||Extra Hartmann (USB to RS422 converter) For Communication From a PC To The Controllers and USB Cable (USB powered)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exharrstorsc||item.||soliditem||harcon2doorp||||||||Extra Hartmann (RS232 to RS485 converter) For Communication From A PC To The Controllers||1894||harcon2doorp||Hartmann Protector (256 Doors Max) RFID 2 Or 4 Or 8 Door Proximity Access Control System > ||179.000||179.000 ||||Extra Hartmann (RS232 to RS485 converter) For Communication From A PC To The Controllers||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|rstotcpipcon||item.||soliditem||harcon2doorp||||||||Extra Hartmann (RS485 to TCP/IP Converter) For Communicating To The Controllers Over The LAN/WAN||Item: 1895||harcon2doorp||Hartmann Protector (256 Doors Max) RFID 2 Or 4 Or 8 Door Proximity Access Control System > ||498.000||498.000 ||||Extra Hartmann Converter (RS485 to TCP/IP) For Communicating To The Controllers Over The LAN/WAN||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exheducocaca||item.||soliditem||kecatylo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/extra-heavy-duty-combination-cabinet-cam-lock-sold-in-packs-of-4-30.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/extra-heavy-duty-combination-cabinet-cam-lock-sold-in-packs-of-4-31.gif||Extra Heavy Duty Combination Cabinet Cam Lock||3292||kecatylo||» Keyless Cabinet Locks (Electronic And Mechanical) > ||15.000||15.000 ||||Heavy Duty Combination Cabinet Cam Lock||||||Usually ships in 3-4 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New! Secure, Durable & Easy to Use. All solid metal construction. Much better made than the other brands of similar locks. Comes with an extra heavy duty and highly wrench resistant faceplate.||These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for these locks!

    Secure, Durable & Easy to Use. All solid metal construction.

    Comes with an extra heavy duty and highly wrench resistant faceplate.

    Three of the most common size cams included with each lock:
    1-1/2" Straight Cam
    1-1/2" offset cam
    3/4" Straight Cam can be placed in 90 degree increments

    90 degree stop cam allows cam to rotate 90 degrees clockwise from any of the above positions. Pronged washer for wood applications

    Secure with 1,000 Possible Combinations. Pick a combination that is easy for you to remember. You can be assured that your number is secure with over 1,000 combinations possible.

    Durable All-metal Construction. The Combi-Cam is the best quality cam lock with all solid Die-cast zinc components.

    Easy to Use. The Combi-Cam is very easy to use. Simply give another person the 3 digit number to open the cam. The 3 dial access is a big improvement over the "gym locker" Dial System because it is more secure and does not require confusing sequential steps. With the Combi-Cam, if you are off one number, simply correct that number... NO NEED TO START OVER AGAIN (which is VERY frustrating!

    The Old Gym Locker Dial System- 12 right, 8 left, 17 right. If your finger slips or you don't dial it just right START OVER.

    The Combi-Cam system - OPENS UP THE FIRST TIME, EVERY TIME.

    Easy to Recombinate The Combi-Cam is the easiest Cam Lock to recombinate and only takes seconds. You do not need any special tools or a mechanical degree to open the Combi-Cam. Simply follow the below easy, quick instructions:

    Have the Combi-Cam set on the combination that opens the Cam Using a paper clip, push the set screw in while setting to the new combination Release change button after desired number is dialed in And that is all!||"Please choose finish" "Chrome" "Black"|^| "Please choose cylinder size" "5/8 inch for material thickness up to 3/8 inch" "7/8 inch for material thickness up to 5/8 inch" "1 1/8 inches for material thickness up to 7/8 inch"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|isexserproxr||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/extra-isonas-clearnet-standard-serial-reader-controller-19.gif||||||Extra Isonas Clearnet Standard Serial Reader Controller||Item: 1328||||||279.000||279.000 ||||ISONAS Extra Serial Proximity Readers||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sorry but the Isonas Serial readers are no longer available.

    ISONAS Extra Proximity Readers - To add more doors to your system you'll need a proximity reader at each door

    Extra Isonas Clearnet Standard Serial Reader Controller||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exkax09stpl||item.||soliditem||kabmasx08ser1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/extra-kaba-x09-strike-plates-27.gif||||||Extra Kaba X09 And X10 Strike Plates||||micylosy kabmasx08ser1||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) CDX-10 Series Lock > ||||||||Extra Kaba X09 And X10 Strike Plates||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||kax09stpl1 kax09stpl2 kax09stpl3 kax09stpl9||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|extralargeseethroughenclosures||item-1||soliditem||weathercovers||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/extralargeseethroughenclosures-24.gif||||||Extra Large See Through Enclosure Box||Item: 3665||weathercovers||» Weather Lock & Keypad & Card Reader Covers > ||698.000||698.000 ||||Extra Large See Through Enclosure Box||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||inin2||||STI's extra-large, see-through polycarbonate enclosure offers excellent protection, as well as the choice of immediate access or authorized key access, for remote annunciators, fire alarm control panels or other electronic products. The STI Protective Cabinet offers high impact resistance which helps guard against vandalism, either accidental or intentional, as well as dirt, dust and grime.

    For convenience, two models are available; the STI-7550 is secured with a key lock and the STI-7551 is secured with a thumb lock. Unlike metal cabinets, this tough polycarbonate version offers safe, rounded corners. It does not dent and there is no worry of paint chips.

    The protector's dimensions are impressive. It measures: 24.8 H x 19.8 W x 7.3 in. (630 x 504 x 186mm). The size allows the enclosure to house significantly sized electronic devices with space to spare.

    Type 4X and UL Listed, this enclosure mounts on the wall enabling units to be protected in their designated location. Mounting hardware is included and tamperproof mounting screws are available. Offers a three year guarantee against breakage of polycarbonate in normal use.

    Polycarbonate Cabinet with Backplate and Key Lock - Clear Type 4X and UL LISTED

    Multipurpose lockable extra large cabinet for remote annunciators, fire alarm control panels, or other electronic products which require physical or environmental protection. Helps guard against vandalism (accidental or intentional), as well as dirt, dust and grime. UL Listed Type 4X cover mounts on the wall enabling the unit to be stored in a central location. The cabinet is available with a key lock, which helps deter wrongful users away from the unit and has an additional eyelet for a secondary lock or safety seal.

    Cabinet consists of a clear polycarbonate that allows the unit within to be highly visible from any angle. The external mounting tabs enables the unit to be easily installed on any wall. Operator has to unlock the unit and lift the lid for access.

  • Clear polycarbonate cover.
  • Approximate internal dimensions: 24.8 H x 19.8 W x 7.3" D.
  • Typical working properties of polycarbonate are -40° to 250°F (-40° to 121°C).
  • Additional eyelet can be used for secondary pad lock or safety seal.
  • Type 4X and UL Listed to U.S. Safety Standards.
  • Three year guarantee against breakage of polycarbonate in normal use.
  • Cover includes a white steel internal mounting plate with a baked on enamel finish.
  • Cover is UV-stabilized.
  • External mounting tabs.
  • Two rotary action latches with additional eyelets for secondary lock.
  • Includes key lock with 2 keys.
  • Complete with mounting hardware and gasket.
  • Tamperproof mounting screws available.
  • Lid fully gasketed.

    Please note: this item can not be returned.||"Please choose with key lock or thumb lock" "With key lock" "With thumb lock"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exlaforlo22m||item-1||soliditem||lo22melatykn||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/extra-latch-for-lockey-2230-mechanical-latch-type-lock-26.gif||||||Extra Latch For Lockey 2830 Mechanical Latch Type Lock||3801-B||lo22melatykn||Lockey 2230 Mechanical Latch Type Knob Lock With Key Bypass > ||35.000||35.000 ||||Extra Latch For Lockey 2830 Mechanical Latch Type Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Deadlocking Spring Latch with burglar proof plunger for added security. Use as replacement for broken Lockey 2830 latch only.

    - 1/2" Throw||"Please specify backset" "2 3/8 inch" "2 3/4 inch"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exmedkey13||item.||soliditem||medrimcylfor1||||||||Extra Medeco Keys||Item: 1242-KB||medecolocks1 medcyl medrimcylfor1||» Medeco High Security Door Locks & Cylinders > Medeco High Security Cylinders > Medeco Rim Cylinder For Segal Concept And Yale Type Locks > ||10.000||10.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exmedkey7||item.||soliditem||policelock||||||||Extra Medeco Keys||Item: 1242-JB||policelock||Norden Police Lock > ||15.000||15.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exmedkey8||item.||soliditem||medmorloccyl||||||||Extra Medeco Keys||Item: 1242-B||medecolocks1 medcyl medmorloccyl||» Medeco High Security Door Locks & Cylinders > Medeco High Security Cylinders > Medeco Mortise Lock Cylinder 1 1/8 inch > ||10.000||10.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exmedkey4||item.||soliditem||medmorloccyl2||||||||Extra Medeco Keys||Item: 1242-DB||medecolocks1 medcyl medmorloccyl2||» Medeco High Security Door Locks & Cylinders > Medeco High Security Cylinders > Medeco Mortise Lock Cylinder - Bright Brass 1 1/2 inch > ||15.000||15.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exmedkey3||item.||soliditem||medmorcyl114||||||||Extra Medeco Keys||Item: 1242-BB||medecolocks1 medcyl medmorcyl114||» Medeco High Security Door Locks & Cylinders > Medeco High Security Cylinders > Medeco Mortise Lock Cylinder 1 1/4 inch > ||15.000||15.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exmedkey9||item.||soliditem||medmorloccyl1||||||||Extra Medeco Keys||Item: 1242-CB||medecolocks1 medcyl medmorloccyl1||» Medeco High Security Door Locks & Cylinders > Medeco High Security Cylinders > Medeco Mortise Lock Cylinder - Bright Brass 1 3/8 inch > ||10.000||10.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exmedkey11||item.||soliditem||medmorloccyl5||||||||Extra Medeco Keys||Item: 1242-GB||medecolocks1 medcyl medmorloccyl5||» Medeco High Security Door Locks & Cylinders > Medeco High Security Cylinders > Medeco Mortise Lock Cylinder - Bright Brass 2 inch > ||10.000||10.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exmedkey5||item.||soliditem||medmorloccyl4||||||||Extra Medeco Keys||Item: 1242-FB||medecolocks1 medcyl medmorloccyl4||» Medeco High Security Door Locks & Cylinders > Medeco High Security Cylinders > Medeco Mortise Lock Cylinder - Bright Brass 1 3/4 inch > ||10.000||10.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exmedkey6||item.||soliditem||medmorloccyl6||||||||Extra Medeco keys||Item: 1242-HB||medecolocks1 medcyl medmorloccyl6||» Medeco High Security Door Locks & Cylinders > Medeco High Security Cylinders > Medeco Mortise Lock Cylinder - Bright Brass 2 1/4 inch > ||15.000||15.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exmintran||item.||soliditem||trindigrem||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/extra-mini-transmitter-35.gif||||||Extra Mini Transmitter||1284-A||rfreandtr trindigrem||» RF Receivers And Transmitters > Remote Control 1 Channel Transmitter & Receiver Set (Great For Access Control) > ||42.000||42.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exphancar||item.||soliditem||twopiecesystem||||||||Extra Phantom Cards For The Rutherford Reader||Item: 1825||twopiecesystem||Rutherford Two Piece Credit Card Swipe Reader > ||95.000||95.000 ||||Extra Phantom Cards For The Rutherford Reader||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles|||||| Sorry but out of stock on this item and most likely not made any longer.

    Sold in packs of 250

    These are the cards that you retain that contain the information in the access cards. One phantom card is used for every access card.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|exmedkey10||item.||soliditem||medmorloccyl3||||||||Extras Medeco Keys||Item: 1242-EB||medecolocks1 medcyl medmorloccyl3||» Medeco High Security Door Locks & Cylinders > Medeco High Security Cylinders > Medeco Mortise Lock Cylinder Bright Brass 1 5/8 inch > ||10.000||10.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|finishchart||item.||soliditem||scematics||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/finish-chart-26.gif||||||Finish Chart||||scematics||» Glossary - Resources - Diagrams > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Click to make larger||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|firratexpanl||item.||soliditem||exitdevices||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/fire-rated-exit-panic-lock-24.gif||||||Fire Rated Exit Panic Lock||1710||exitdevices||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > ||479.000||479.000 ||||Fire Rated Exit Panic Lock||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||knob lever1 pull1 puwicyho||||This fire rated panic bar lock will work with doors that are 32 - 36 inches wide and 1 3/4 inches thick.

    Type one grade hardware

    Grade one hardware Needs 4 - 1/2 inch minimum stile width
    Dog key
    UL listed

    Related Products
    See the surface mount electric strike
    Detex removable mullion||"With or without outside trim" "No outside hardware needed" "With simple blank plate to close hole from outside Add $68 (+68)""With simple pull Add $68 (+68)" "With simple pull with hole for rim cylinder Add $75 (+75)" "With passage door knob-no lock Add $171 (+171)" "With storeroom function door knob Add $191 (+191)" "With passage lever-no lock Add $171 (+171)" "With storeroom function lever Add $191 (+191)"|^| "Do you need a double door strike?" "No" "Yes Add $49 (+49)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|flmopolo||item.||soliditem||scematics||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/floor-mounted-police-lock-27.gif||||||Floor Mounted Police Lock||||scematics||» Glossary - Resources - Diagrams > ||||||||Floor Mounted Police Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The floor mounted police lock is no longer made.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|fobkeycabinet||item-1||soliditem||keycabinets2||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/fobkeycabinet-26.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/fob-friendly-key-cabinet-130-keyfob-capacity-45.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/fob-friendly-key-cabinet-130-keyfob-capacity-38.gif||FOB Friendly Key Cabinet - 130 Keyfob Capacity||3732||keycabinets2||» Key And Narcotics Cabinets > ||468.000||468.000 ||||FOB Friendly Key Cabinet||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||0||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Big head keys are no problem for this key cabinet.|| We are currently not able to sell this item

  • FOB Friendly Key Cabinet accepts larger key FOBs

  • Full piano-length hinge

  • Wider spacing between hook rows

  • Added space in bottom of cabinet

  • Key Cabinets available for 130 and 220 keyfobs

  • Color is Sand

  • Key cam lock included

    Dimensions 16 1/2 inches wide x 30 1/8 inches high x 8 inches deep

    Please note that this is a special order and can not be returned

    3732||"Please choose key capacity" "130 key" "220 key Add $150 (+150)" "310 key Add $300 (+300)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|formorinonth7||link.||||voicsirdrivm||||||||For More Info On This Product||||aseq sirandspeak voicsirdrivm|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Sirens And Speakers For Alarms And Access > Voice Siren Driver Module > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|formorinonth9||link.||||recvoicanmod||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/for-more-info-on-this-product-in-the-pdf-format-38.gif||||||For More Info On This Product In The PDF Format||||aseq sirandspeak recvoicanmod|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Sirens And Speakers For Alarms And Access > Recordable Voice Annunciator Module > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|formorinonth4||link.||||adritelstrik||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/for-more-info-on-this-product-in-the-pdf-format-37.gif||||||For More Info On This Product In The PDF Format||||elstrikandma adritelstrik||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > Adams Rite Electric Strike For Panic Bars > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|formorininpd4||link.||||linacgarandg||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/for-more-information-in-the-pdf-format-9.gif||||||For More Information In The PDF Format||||elkey linacgarandg||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Linear 480 User AccessKey Garage Gate Or Door Digital Keypad > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|forincus||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/for-our-international-customers-26.gif||||||For Our International Customers||||||||||||||For Our International Customers||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||

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    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|foxstylpollo||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/fox-police-lock-original-style-38.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/fox-police-lock-original-style-40.gif||Fox Police Lock (Original Style)||1792||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||189.000||225.000 ||189.000 ||Fox Police Lock (Original Style)||||||Usually ships in 3-4 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinonsivaof orfoxstpoloi policelockcylinder foxstpoloreb foxstpolorei inpiofoldpol anoldpoloin orfoxstflmop||Hot Just like the original. Great as a prop if your making a movie about New York or you just want a lock with heavy locking bars!||

    The ulimate prop if you are making a movie about New York City"

    This lock has to be the ulimate prop if you are making a movie about NY city. It has appeared in countless movies over the years. But it's much more than just a prop. It really is a heavy duty cross bar police lock! Comes with outside cylinder, outside cylinder cover plate and strike plates. Can be used for inswing (inswing brackets are an option. See options below) or outswing doors. These are identical to the long ago discontinued famous Fox Police Locks. They were commonly used in manhattan apartments, lofts and businesses, especially in Greenwich Village and the lower east side, especially when high security was important. Now they are popular as movie props when it's important to get the NY experience (see first few seconds of the movie 16 blocks). Includes the 2 heavy duty cross bars, the outside key cylinder (Russwin RUI keyway) and the heavy duty cylinder guard plate to protect the outside cylinder from attack.

    Originally the Fox company made two very different types of police locks. This cross bar type and another where there is a single heavy duty round bar wedged the door to a small hole that was drilled into the floor. If you need this type please see below. We Can still sometimes get them. The cross bar type was found more commonly in commercial installations and the floor mount was found more commonly in apt residential installations although there was some cross over. If a residential customer wanted the ultimate in lock security the cross bar lock was usually highly recommeded. We did several installations of both types of locks and I remember when Medeco first came out with their high security highly pick resistant cylinders. We we would use them with the cross bar Police locks for ultra high security installations. Unfortunately I think Medeco no longer makes the special "tail piece" that will allow their high security cylinder to work with this police lock. I also can recall several times when I had to unlock them and it wasn't fun! As far as we know, only the cross bar lock is still made. The other hasn't been made for many many years.

    Please note that usually only one turn of the key or turn knob is enough to extend the 2 bolts fully.||"Please choose for what size door" "36 inches locking bars for doors from 34 to 38 inches - the most common size" "32 inches locking bars for door from 30 to 34 inches - extra week lead time for this - Add $59 (+59)" "42 inches locking bars for door from - 40 to 44 inches - extra week lead time for this add $59 (+59)" "48 inches locking bars for door from 46 to 50 inches - extra week lead time for this add $59 (+59)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|foxpoloinbr||item.||soliditem||||||||||Fox Police Lock Inswing Bracket (A Pair)||Item: 1792-A||||||49.000||49.000 ||||Fox Police Lock Inswing Bracket (A Pair)||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Used on inswing doors only||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|foxstpoloreb||item-1||soliditem||foxstylpollo||||||||Fox Style Police Lock Replacement Bars (Only For Our Police Lock)||1792-E||aseq foxstylpollo|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Fox Police Lock (Original Style) > ||79.000||79.000 ||||Fox Style Police Lock Replacement Bars (Only For Our Police Lock)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Only the bars - 36 inches locking bars for doors from 34 to 38 inches - the most common size||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|policelockcylinder||item.||soliditem||foxstylpollo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/fox-style-police-lock-replacement-cylinder-only-for-our-police-lock-25.gif||||||Fox Style Police Lock Replacement Cylinder (Only For Our Police Lock)||1792-D||aseq foxstylpollo|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Fox Police Lock (Original Style) > ||59.000||59.000 ||||Fox Style Police Lock Replacement Cylinder (Only For Our Police Lock)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||0||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sorry out of stock on this item.

    This is an RU1 5 pin keyway. Please note that this cylinder is not meant to replace any of the older Fox Police Lock cylinders. It will only work with the Fox type Police lock that we sell.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|foxstpolorei||item-1||soliditem||foxstylpollo||||||||Fox Style Police Lock Replacement Inside/outside plates & Thumbturn (Only For Our Police Lock)||1792-F||aseq foxstylpollo|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Fox Police Lock (Original Style) > ||79.000||79.000 ||||Fox Style Police Lock Replacement Inside/outside plates & Thumbturn (Only For Our Police Lock)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|frasquabndse||link.||||schlageengage||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/frequently-asked-questions-about-the-nde80-series-lock-12.gif||||||Frequently Asked Questions About The NDE80 Series Lock||||diglocel schlageengage||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Schlage RFID Engage Card Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|fucobrofivin||link.||||optexivisionintercom||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/full-color-brochure-of-the-ivision-intercom-in-the-pdf-format-10.gif||||||Full color brochure of the Ivision Intercom in the PDF format||||intercoms optexivisionintercom||» Audio & Video Intercoms > Optex Ivision 2 Way Wireless Color Intercom System > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|fuinguofarin||link.||||saandgrarpal||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/full-installation-guide-of-the-arm-a-door-in-the-pdf-format-10.gif||||||Full Installation Guide Of The Arm-A-Door In The PDF Format||||exitdevices saandgrarpal||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > Sargent And Greenleaf Arm-A-Dor Panic Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|gardallwallsafe||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gardall-concealed-keyed-wall-safe-24.gif||||||Gardall Concealed Keyed Wall Safe||3539||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||329.000||329.000 ||||Gardall Concealed Keyed Wall Safe||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Designed to be recessed into a wall and be concealed by a picture or mirror. One inches perimter flange for easier installation

    Outside dimentions:
    13 3/4 inches high x 14 1/2 inches wide x 5 1/2 inches deep Indide dimensions:
    12 inches high x 14 inches wide x 3 1/2 inches deep
    30 pounds

    Grey finish||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|gaelhagunsa||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gardall-electronic-hand-gun-safe-25.gif||||||Gardall Electronic Hand Gun Safe ||Item: 3255||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||269.000||269.000 ||||Gardall Electronic Hand Gun Safe||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New! This sleek new hand gun safe is small enough to tuck away in a home or office and built amazingly well. The PS915E steel safe is black and comes with an electronic push button lock and in addition manual (key) override just in case the batteries fail. There are anchor holes for mounting the safe and the hardware is included.||This sleek new hand gun safe is small enough to tuck away in a home or office and built amazingly well. The PS915E steel safe is black and comes with an electronic push button lock and in addition manual (key) override just in case the batteries fail. There are anchor holes for mounting the safe and the hardware is included.

    These locks are battery powered

  • Electronic push button keypad lock
  • Manual (key) override in case the batteries fail
  • Programmable 3-6 digit entry code
  • Mounting plate, cable, and hardware are included

    Weight 15.00 lbs
    Exterior Dimensions (HxWxD) 4-1/4 inches x 9-1/2 inches x 14 inches
    Interior Dimensions (HxWxD) 3 inches x 8 inches x9 inches
    Type of Lock: Electronic Lock
    Anchor Holes: 4
    Warranty: 1 year limited warranty from date of purchase

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|gaelstboxfor5||item.||soliditem||rutheavdutel||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gate-electric-strike-box-for-adams-rite-7000-7001-7040-eff-eff-rutherford-3314-4114-4314-5114-5314-7114-rofu-1402-1702-3402-18.gif||||||Gate Electric Strike Box For Adams Rite 7000 And Many Rutherford ||3472||elkey secelkeydk rutheavdutel||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Securitron 59 User Digital Keypad > Rutherford Heavy Duty Ultra Low Profile All In One Electric Strike W/ Latch Monitor > ||98.000||98.000 ||||Gate Electric Strike Box For Adams Rite 7000, 7001, 7040. EFF EFF (Rutherford) 3314, 4114, 4314, 5114, 5314, 7114. Rofu 1402, 1702, 3402||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||"Please choose material" "Steel" "Aluminum - 2 week lead time add $62 (+62)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|gaelstboxfor4||item.||soliditem||trenulinandf||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gate-electric-strike-box-for-trine-en400-36.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gate-electric-strike-box-for-trine-en400-38.gif||Gate Electric Strike Box For Trine EN400||3438||elstrikandma trenulinandf||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > Trine EN400 UL Indoor/Outdoor And Fire Rated Strike > ||98.000||98.000 ||||Gate Electric Strike Box For Trine EN400||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|gaboxforco10||item.||soliditem||andanstyl||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gate-lock-box-for-codelocks-100-200-300-ultra-44760-44765-44770-all-2-3-8-inch-backset-18.gif||||||Gate Lock Box For Codelocks 100, 200, 300. ||3419||mecpusloc digcomloc andanstyl||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > Digital Mortise Mount Mechanical Pushbutton Latch - As A Bottom Type Lock With Interior Lever > ||109.000||109.000 ||||Gate Lock Box For Codelocks 100, 200, 300. Ultra 44760, 44765, 44770. All 2 3/8 Inch Backset||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|gateboxfor||item.||soliditem||doubsiddiglo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gate-lock-box-for-codelocks-410-415-and-digital-systems-2210-2230-3230-3235-18.gif||||||Gate Lock Box For Codelocks 410/415 ||3418||doubsiddiglo||Double Sided Mechical Digital Lock Great For Gates! > ||109.000||109.000 ||||Gate Lock Box For Codelocks 410/415 And Digital Systems 2210, 2230, 3230, 3235||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||"Please choose material" "Steel" "Aluminum - 2 week lead time for this add $85 (+85)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|gaboxforka10||item.||soliditem||unheavdutkno1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gate-lock-box-for-kaba-1000-5000-trilogy-t2-t3-codelock-cl5000-27.gif||||||Gate Lock Box For Kaba 1000, 5000. Trilogy T2, T3. Codelock CL5000||3420||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > ||109.000||109.000 ||||Gate Lock Box For Kaba 1000, 5000. Trilogy T2, T3. Codelock CL5000||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Can be used with Kaba 1000, 5000. Trilogy T2, T3. Codelock CL5000. Arrow Revolution series one lever.||"please choose material type" "Steel" "Aluminum - 2 week lead time add $52 (+52)" "Stainless steel - 2 week lead time add $98 (+98)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|gaboxforkama||item.||soliditem||mashamilton2000||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gate-lock-box-for-kaba-mas-mas-hamilton-powerlever-20.gif||||||Gate Lock Box For Kaba Mas (Mas-Hamilton) Powerlever ||3425||mashamilton2000||Mas Hamilton 2000 Power Lever Lock With PowerStar™ > ||159.000||159.000 ||||Gate Lock Box For Kaba Mas (Mas-Hamilton) Powerlever||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|galoboxforsc1||item.||soliditem||schlagelmorl||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gate-lock-box-for-mortise-schlage-l-series-sargent-7700-8100-yale-46-86-8700-19.gif||||||Gate Lock Box For Mortise Schlage L Series. ||3430||schlagelmorl||Schlage Electric Mortise Lock > ||139.000||139.000 ||||Gate Lock Box For Mortise Schlage L Series. Sargent 7700/8100. Yale 46, 86, 8700||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||"Please choose material" "Steel" "Aluminum add $46 (+46)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|galoboxformo||item.||soliditem||sambutdoubcy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gate-lock-box-for-most-2-1-8-inch-deadbolts-25.gif||||||Gate Lock Box For Most 2 1/8 Inch Deadbolts ||3449||medecolocks1 sambutdoubcy||» Medeco High Security Door Locks & Cylinders > Medeco Maxum Deadbolt - High Security Double Cylinder model > ||98.000||98.000 ||||Gate Lock Box For Most 2 1/8 Inch Deadbolts||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Please note backset: We have this in 2 3/4 inch only!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|galoboxforpr||item.||soliditem||prmekelo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gate-lock-box-for-preso-matic-locks-39.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gate-lock-box-for-preso-matic-locks-41.gif||Gate Lock Box For Preso-Matic Locks||3432||mecpusloc prmekelo||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Preso-Matic Mechanical Keyless Lock > ||98.000||98.000 ||||Gate Lock Box For Preso-Matic Locks||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Works only with 3 inch backset||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|galoboxforsc4||item.||soliditem||ritenergydeadboltr300||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gate-lock-box-for-schlage-electronic-knob-locks-and-deadbolts-and-morning-20.gif||||||Gate Lock Box For Schlage Electronic Knob & Deadbolts & MiLocks||3532||relok ritenergydeadboltr300||» Keyless Resort Vacation Or Rental Type Timed Locks > Ritenergy Pro R-300 Deadbolt Lock Remote Code Generation > ||139.000||139.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Gate Lock Box For Schlage Electronic Knob Locks And Deadbolts And MiLocks and also can be used for many different locks both latch and deadbolts because it only has a 2 1/8 inch cut out.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|galoboxforsc3||item.||soliditem||schaldeadgre||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gate-lock-box-for-schlage-heavy-duty-latch-lock-25.gif||||||Gate Lock Box For Schlage Heavy Duty Latch Lock||3448||escaperoomlock schaldeadgre||» Escape Room Locking > Schlage Extra Heavy Duty Deadlatch Great For Access Control Systems > ||98.000||98.000 ||||Gate Lock Box For Schlage Heavy Duty Latch Lock||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr117 schaldeadgre||||2 3/4 inch backset only - 1 1/2 inch hole.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|gaboxforsesa||item.||soliditem||sediellovhed||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gate-lock-box-for-securitron-sabl-20.gif||||||Gate Lock Box For Securitron Sabl||3424||sediellovhed||Securitron Digital Electronic Lock (Very Heavy Duty) > ||159.000||159.000 ||||Gate Lock Box For Securitron Sabl||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|glasmounad||item.||soliditem||prox6sys||||||||Glass Mount Adaptor||1526||elkey prox6sys||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > RadioKey (Securakey) 6" Proximity RFID Tag Reader/Keypad 600 Users > ||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Currently not available. Please call for price and availability. Used to attach this reader to a glass door||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|glynjohpuspu||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/glynn-johnson-push-pull-latch-34.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/glynn-johnson-push-pull-latch-36.gif||Glynn Johnson Push Pull Latch||Item: 1677||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||249.000||249.000 ||||Glynn Johnson Push Pull Latch (Hospital Latch)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||br morinonthisp8||Hospital Latch||Sleek design has short throw angle allowing the door to be opened with an easy push or pull action even when hands are not free.

    •For doors up to 1 3/4 inch doors including fire doors
    •Non handed
    •UL listed
    •No fusible link to fail
    •Six mounting positions: handles down, handles up, one handele up, one handle down - either push or pull - handels point away from latch and handels pointing toward latch!

    Includes 4 7/8 inch strike plate

    Finish: Satin chrome only

    Passage function only.||"Choose Backset" "2 3/4 inch" "5 inch"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|goandbaddein||item.||soliditem||scematics||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/good-and-bad-deadlatch-installation-27.gif||||||Good And Bad Deadlatch Installation||||scematics||» Glossary - Resources - Diagrams > ||||||||Good And Bad Deadlatch Installation||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The latch on the left is correctly installed. See how only the main portion, the larger part goes through the strike plate. Now you can see on the right side that both pieces are going into and through the strike plate. This is the wrong way. Why is this? When the smaller metal piece is prevented from going through the strike plate and instead presses on the strike plate, it prevents the larger latch from being pushed back. That pushing back of the latch is exactly how a bugler can get through a lock. So if the smaller piece is installed properly then the larger piece can not be forced back. It's an amazing thing. it's such a small difference but it can make all the difference.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|robrkeywihuh||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gorgeous-roman-bronze-key-with-human-head-1st-to-2nd-century-ad-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/gorgeous-roman-bronze-key-with-human-head-1st-to-2nd-century-ad-38.gif||Gorgeous Roman Bronze Key With Human Head 1st to 2nd Century AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Gorgeous Roman Bronze Key With Human Head 1st to 2nd Century AD||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This key was found in macedonia. Was found in Macedonia. Size - 87mm Exellent condition with a dark green/brown patina. Highly decorated type with human head. Very intersting and rare.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|greatbritirc||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/great-britain-medieval-iron-casket-key-27.gif||||||Great Britain Medieval Iron Casket Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Circa 1450-1490 AD almost 2 inches long with a hollow shaft. Similar to a key found in London Museum catalog No 7, Medieval plate xxx1 numbers 41-50||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|whatsnew||item.||soliditem||||||||||Great New Products||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||slimtwopieco simbutwitlig noname12 noname1||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|grecrombronk||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/greco-roman-bronze-key-depicting-naked-mercury-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/greco-roman-bronze-key-depicting-naked-mercury-36.gif||Greco Roman Bronze Key Depicting Naked Mercury||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Greco Roman Bronze Key Depicting Naked Mercury||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Circa 1 st BC-2nd AD.Found in asia - possibly Turkey. Condition is near perfect.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lat5thcenbc||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/greece-latch-lifter-type-key-5th-century-bc-27.gif||||||Greece Latch-lifter Type Key 5th Century BC||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||
    This isn't really a key, its a latch lifter! circa 5th century BC. Most likely from Greece. The holes in the handle were probably made so it could be worn on a belt or around the neck. 5 inches in length. I believe this is very rare.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|groupofinkey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/group-of-old-indian-keys-26.gif||||||Group Of Old Indian Keys||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||A nice group, big and hefty all in beautiful condition. Various lengths between 5 to 7 inches. Circa 17th to 19th century India.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|gukeyforsg441||item-1||soliditem||sg4440safedepositlock||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/guard-key-for-s-g-4440-safe-deposit-lock-30.gif||||||Guard Key For S&G 4440 Safe Deposit Lock||Item: 3649-B||aseq sg4443safedepositlock safedepositboxpuller sg4440safedepositlock|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > SARGENT & GREENLEAF 4443 SAFE DEPOSIT LOCK > Safe Deposit Box Nose Puller > SARGENT & GREENLEAF 4440 SAFE DEPOSIT LOCKS > ||30.000||30.000 ||||Guard Key For S&G 4440 Safe Deposit Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Please note that these are pre cut keys specifically for the locks we sell and are not blank.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|gukeyforsg44||item-1||soliditem||sg4443safedepositlock||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/guard-key-for-s-g-4443-safe-deposit-lock-30.gif||||||Guard Key For S&G 4443 Safe Deposit Lock||3651-B||aseq sg4440safedepositlock safedepositboxpuller sg4443safedepositlock|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > SARGENT & GREENLEAF 4440 SAFE DEPOSIT LOCKS > Safe Deposit Box Nose Puller > SARGENT & GREENLEAF 4443 SAFE DEPOSIT LOCK > ||30.000||30.000 ||||Guard Key For S&G 4443 Safe Deposit Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Please note that these are pre cut keys specifically for the locks we sell and are not blank.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|guidtoelloc||item.||soliditem||books1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/guide-to-electronic-locksmithing-and-access-control-24.gif||||||Guide To Electronic Locksmithing And Access Control||Item: 1516||books1||» Books, Software About Locks - Safes - Security > ||79.000||79.000 ||||Guide To Electronic Locksmithing And Access Control||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||You can buy this book direct from us.||This is easily the best book we have seen to explain the basics of locking access control. It explains in detail the differences in all the card technologies used today for access control. The book starts with the all the basics that you need to know about electricity, and teaches you every step of the way. You'll learn everything you need to know to handle everything from closed circuit TV, simple access control, wireless security, and electronic locks. Many of the products we sell are covered in this great book.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|gun||link.||||||||||||gun||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hanforirlocm||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hand-forged-iron-lock-medieval-circa-a-d-1000-found-in-afghanistan-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hand-forged-iron-lock-medieval-circa-a-d-1000-found-in-afghanistan-38.gif||Hand Forged Iron Lock - Medieval
    circa A.D. 1000. Found in Afghanistan||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||3 inches wide x 4 inches high x 1 1/2 wide.
    With bird design on the front and back-very scarce!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|schlagsof||item.||soliditem||locschlagswi||||||||Hand Key/Schlage/Locknetics CM Software||Item: 1609-A||locschlagswi||Locknetics Schlage Card/Pushbutton Lock > ||695.000||695.000 ||||Hand Key/Schlage/Locknetics CM Software||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Use this software and laptop connecting cable to connect the Schlage/Locknetics electronic locks to a laptop for programming and audit trails.

    LockLink Express access control management software is a powerful, yet easy-to-learn, and easy-to-use software to serve the needs of the smaller access control system. While providing features commonly found on much larger systems, LockLink Express is recommended for systems of under 500 users and/or 100 access points. Managing your facility and users’ access is fast and easy with LockLink Express. New users or access points can be entered into the system in seconds. On products equipped with SmarTime™, real-time based functions, the system operator can easily control both users and access points based on time of day, day of week, credential needed, and/or period of time. Reporting capability is available to show audit trails retrieved, access privileges granted, and time functions established by either user or door. As a member of the LockLink family of access control management software, LockLink Express is easily upgradeable. So, if a facility’s needs change, the LockLink family can accommodate those changing needs.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hanofdoordia||item.||soliditem||scematics||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/handing-of-door-diagram-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/handing-of-door-diagram-36.gif||Handing Of Door Diagram||||scematics||» Glossary - Resources - Diagrams > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||

    Please click to enlarge

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hardwarepdf||link.||||||||||||hardware.pdf||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|awproxcar||item.||soliditem||harcon2doorp||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hartmann-badge-type-proximity-card-in-lots-of-25-20.gif||||||Hartmann Badge Type Proximity Card In Lots Of 25||1746||harcon2doorp||Hartmann Protector (256 Doors Max) RFID 2 Or 4 Or 8 Door Proximity Access Control System > ||298.000||298.000 ||||Hartmann Badge Type Proximity Card In Lots Of 25||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sold in lots of 25

    Prox-Linc CS Standard "Clamshell" style Prox Badge Credit card size with beveled edges Pre-punched in portrait orientation Accepts "Photo-flap" and self adhesive Badge overlays

    Technology: Passive proximity @ 125 KHz Security: The Prox-Linc cards/tags can be programmed with up to 72,058 trillion unique codes Long life: No direct contact, no battery, capable of an infinite number of reads to assure years of trouble free operation Custom formats: Custom programmable Wiegand format up to 56 user definable bits insures security, compatibility, and minimal lead times Warranty: Prox-Linc cards and tags are warranted for life against defects in material and workmanship (see detailed warranty policy)

    Dimensions: Regular prox: 2.13" x 3.38" x .07" or 54mm x 86mm x 1.7mm

    Graghics printable prox: 2.13" x 3.38" x .03" 54mm x 86mm x .8mm||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hacoapipacco||item-1||soliditem||haectwodoacc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hartmann-controls-aperio-ip-access-controller-47.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hartmann-controls-aperio-ip-access-controller-48.gif||Hartmann Controls Aperio IP Access Controller||||haectwodoacc||Hartmann-Controls Protector And PROTECTOR.Net IP(Multiple Door System) RFID - 2, 4 And 8 Door Access Control System > ||||||||Hartmann Controls Aperio IP Access Controller||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Please call for pricing on this product.

    Aperio IP Access Controller

    Aperio Controllers Top Features:
  • On-board REX motion and Auto Opener sequencer via credential or button
  • No relays or moving parts
  • On-board LCD aids in configuration, troubleshooting, and testing
  • Controls up to 8 ASSA Abloy Aperio locking devices

    This model will control from 2 to 8 ASSA Abloy Aperio locking devices via 1 to 8 Aperio hubs. The panel utilizes Power over Ethernet, and will power itself as well as 1 ASSA Abloy Aperio hub. The controller is housed in a stylish compact enclosure optionally combined with built in Request to Exit motion detector. It can therefore be mounted directly above the door on the secure side or in cases where mounting at the door is not feasible, it can be mounted in the ceiling space or back in an electrical room and still maintain all devices at the door. This flexibility is unmatched in the industry. The HCAperio utilizes fully distributed processing with all decisions being made at panel level to ensure that doors continue to operate as expected even without network connectivity.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|harconproxst||item.||soliditem||harcon2doorp||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hartmann-controls-proximity-sticker-in-lots-of-25-20.gif||||||Hartmann Controls Proximity Sticker In Lots Of 25||1869||harcon2doorp||Hartmann Protector (256 Doors Max) RFID 2 Or 4 Or 8 Door Proximity Access Control System > ||295.000||295.000 ||||Hartmann Controls Proximity Sticker In Lots Of 25||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New! The proximity sticker can be affixed to existing cards such as existing mag-stripe or bar code so migration to proximity technology is easy and cost effective or any type of objects such as cell phones or laptops||For new Hartmann systems only.

    The proximity sticker can be affixed to existing cards such as existing mag-stripe or bar code so migration to proximity technology is easy and cost effective or any type of objects such as cell phones or laptops. Extra sticky 3M tape on the back to stick to almost any flat surface.

    Up to 2" read range

    About the size of a US quarter||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|awproxfob||item.||soliditem||harcon2doorp||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hartmann-proximity-fob-in-lots-of-25-20.gif||||||Hartmann Proximity Fob In Lots Of 25||1744||harcon2doorp||Hartmann Protector (256 Doors Max) RFID 2 Or 4 Or 8 Door Proximity Access Control System > ||289.000||289.000 ||||Hartmann Proximity Fob In Lots Of 25||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sold in lots of 25

    KeyTag designed to fit on Keyring/chain
    Stylish, tear drop design
    Achieves 75% read range of cards
    ABS construction for high-endurance

    Passive proximity @ 125 KHz Security: The Prox-Linc cards/tags can be programmed with up to 72,058 trillion unique codes Long life: No direct contact, no battery, capable of an infinite number of reads to assure years of trouble free operation Custom formats: Custom programmable Wiegand format up to 56 user definable bits insures security, compatibility, and minimal lead times Warranty: Prox-Linc cards and tags are warranted for life against defects in material and workmanship (see detailed warranty policy)

    Dimensions: 1.81" x 1.1" x .23" or 46mm x 28mm x 6mm||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|herknocbeinp||link.||||knocknoctoac||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hear-the-knocklock-being-programmed-11.gif||||||Hear the knocklock being programmed||||escaperoomlock knocknoctoac||» Escape Room Locking > Knock lock (Knocklock) - Knock To Unlock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hearwhatknoc1||link.||||knocknoctoac||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hear-what-the-knocklock-sounds-like-when-an-incorrect-code-is-used-11.gif||||||Hear what the knocklock sounds like when an incorrect code is used||||escaperoomlock knocknoctoac||» Escape Room Locking > Knock lock (Knocklock) - Knock To Unlock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hearwhatknoc||link.||||knocknoctoac||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hear-what-the-knocklock-sounds-like-when-the-correct-code-is-used-11.gif||||||Hear what the knocklock sounds like when the correct code is used||||escaperoomlock knocknoctoac||» Escape Room Locking > Knock lock (Knocklock) - Knock To Unlock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hety4xpoenwi||item-1||soliditem||weathercovers||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heated-type-4x-polycarbonate-enclosure-with-key-lock-35.gif||||||Heated Type 4X Polycarbonate Enclosure With Key Lock||||weathercovers||» Weather Lock & Keypad & Card Reader Covers > ||||||||Heated Type 4X Polycarbonate Enclosure With Key Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Please call for pricing and availability

    Product Overview:
    These covers are ideal for protecting a wide range of devices, components and sensitive units from vandalism and accidental damage as well as weather, dirt, dust and grime. Covers are designed to keep the enclosure at a temperature above freezing which allows the protected unit to be installed outdoors, in freezers, unheated warehouses or storage units. The radiant heat plate prevents LCD displays from becoming sluggish or freezing and operates on 12, 16.5 or 24 VAC/VDC. The STI-7510-HTR/STI-7511-HTR enclosures include an external thumb or key lock and have a choice of two enclosed back boxes. STI-7520-HTR has a key lock and STI-7521-HTR has a thumb lock. HOW THEY WORK The radiant heat plate cycles as required when activated by one of the thermostats. It has three thermostats; a control thermostat, over temperature safety thermostat and a low temperature warning that can connect to a supervisory panel. This allows electronics to be protected from extreme temperatures.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|heaterkit||item.||soliditem||olsthekitfor||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heater-kit-for-keypads-and-card-readers-43.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heater-kit-for-keypads-and-card-readers-45.gif||Heater Kit For Keypads And Card Readers||1533||icodekeypad olsthekitfor||Ritenergy iButton/Keypad Reader W/ Remote Code Generation And Audit Capable > Original Style Heater Kit For Keypads And Card Readers > ||249.000||249.000 ||||Heater Kit For Keypads And Card Readers||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinonthkehe hr95 olsthekitfor||New! This new heater and cover is designed to maintain a temperature above freezing which allows a wide range of devices, components and sensitive units to be installed outdoors, in freezers, unheated warehouses or storage units.||The STI 7510F-HTR enclosure is designed to maintain a temperature above freezing which allows a wide range of devices, components and sensitive units to be installed outdoors, in freezers, unheated warehouses or storage units. The radiant heat plate will prevent LCD displays from becoming sluggish or freezing. Designed to operate on 12, 16.5 or 24 volts and has three thermostats; a control thermostat, over temperature safety thermostat and a low temperature warning which can connect to a supervisory panel.

    The enclosure comes with a thumb turn lock and an enclosed backbox. The cover is backed by a lifetime guarantee against breakage in normal use (one year on electronics). Mounting hardware and gaskets are included.

  • For use in areas where temperature or environmental conditions exceed the operating range of important devices.
  • Heater has three thermostats; a control thermostat, over temperature safety thermostat and a low temperature warning which can connect to a supervisory panel.
  • Includes 16.5VAC, 40VA Class 2 auto resetting transformer.
  • LED indicators for "POWER" to unit and heat cycle "ON".
  • Multi-voltage heater.
  • Includes exterior key lock and an enclosed backbox.
  • Mounting hardware and gaskets are included.
  • Each protected unit can be clearly seen and quickly identified.
  • Cover is UV-stabilized.
  • Lifetime guarantee against breakage in normal use (one year on electronics).
  • 94V-2 flammability rating.

    Inside cover is 1.85 in. (47mm) deep.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|heavdutresco||item.||soliditem||padlocks||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-brass-resettable-combination-padlock-pack-of-5-27.gif||||||Heavy Duty Brass Resettable Combination Padlock (Pack Of 5)||1525||aseq securitylockingbar padlocks|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Very Heavy Duty Security Locking Bar For Verticle File Cabinets > » Padlocks - Keyless And Keyed High Security > ||129.000||129.000 ||||Heavy Duty Brass Resettable Combination Padlock (Pack Of 5)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Great for school or gym lockers!||This is a heavy duty Padlock.

    Features include:

    •2 inch body
    •Solid Brass
    •Satin Brass finish
    •4 digit resettable combination
    •Double locking hardened steel shackle
    •Special key included to change combination
    •10,000 possible combinations||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hedubrrecopa||item.||soliditem||padlocks||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-brass-resettable-combination-padlock-with-long-shackle-pack-of-5-24.gif||||||Heavy Duty Brass Resettable Combination Padlock With Long shackle (Pack Of 5)||1525-B||aseq securitylockingbar padlocks|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Very Heavy Duty Security Locking Bar For Verticle File Cabinets > » Padlocks - Keyless And Keyed High Security > ||129.000||129.000 ||||Brass Resettable Combination Padlock With Long shackle (Pack Of 5)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Rugged all-brass padlock. Case hardened, chrome plated, steel shackle.
  • 10,000 instantly resettable combinations.

    Body width 1-7/8", shackle diam 5/16", vertical shackle clearance 2-1/4", horizontal shackle clearance 1". One combination reset tool included with each padlock.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|comslidloc||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-combination-digital-slide-bolt-43.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-combination-digital-slide-bolt-45.gif||Heavy Duty Combination Digital Slide Bolt||1872||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||19.000||40.000 ||19.000 ||Heavy Duty Combination Digital Slide Bolt||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||heduduprstpl||Hot The new heavy duty mechanical (non electronic) combination slide bolt is a high quality product, based around the innovation of the worlds oldest known lock. Great for many types of installations. No key required. Simply set the four digit combination & bolt away for all your medium level security needs. 10,000 different combinations possible. Now available in brass, chrome and black.||

    The new heavy duty mechanical (non electronic) combination slide bolt is a high quality product, based around the innovation of the worlds oldest known lock. Great for many types of installations. No key required. Simply set the four digit combination & bolt away for all your medium level security needs. 10,000 different combinations possible.
    The Combi-Bolt dials are factory set to 0000, this is recodeable to your own secret number in less than a minute. Once set to your desired numbers the lock is easy to use. Just draw the bolt & turn the dial. The chances of somebody breaking the code of your secret number and gaining access to your locked area is 10,000 to 1.


    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for these locks!

  • Very Heavy duty Brass construction
  • Incorporates a unique anti pick mechanism.
  • Installs with 6 security screws
  • Easy combination change in seconds.
  • Much more secure than an ordinary bolt.
  • Ideal for outdoor use, totally rust proof.
  • Comes with security one way screws
  • Reduce the risk from opportunist theft.

    Can be used on:
    Internal doors
    Dustbin cupboards
    Storage cupboards
    Garage doors
    Van doors
    Shed doors
    Nursery gates
    Stable doors
    Garden gates
    Shared storage
    Field gates

    4 inches long x 2 inches wide (for the bolt)
    .8 inches long x 2 inches long (for the keeper)

    Combination changing is easy::
    Setting the Combi-Bolt takes only few seconds. Just follow the instructions below! We recommend reading all the steps once before starting.

    Step 1. Determine your new code before starting to change the combination. Writing down the code and storing it someplace safe is always a good idea with combinated devices.

    Step 2. Hold the Combi-Bolt in your hand with the handle on the right side and the bolt on the left. Step 2. Set the dials to the current combination. Note: All Combi-Bolts are manufactured with their combination set to 0-0-0-0.

    Step 3. To initiate the change, first lift the handle up and then slide it back completely. The finger grip will slide down into a notch when it is all the way back. The Combi-Bolt is now in change mode.

    Step 4. Turn the dials to your new combination.

    Step 5. Lift the handle up and then slide the bolt forward completely. Note: The Combi-Bolt is now out of change mode. The combination on the dials is now the current code.

    ||"Choose finish" "Bright chrome" "***Jet Black***New color!"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|heavdutdead||item.||soliditem||kab50mecpusl||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-deadlatch-25.gif||||||Heavy Duty Deadlatch 2 3/4 Inch For Many Heavy Duty Type Locks||1829||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1 kab50mecpusl||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > Kaba 5000 Heavy Duty Mechanical Pushbutton Lever Lock > ||39.000||89.000 ||39.000 ||Heavy Duty Deadlatch 2 3/4 Inch For Many Heavy Duty Type Locks||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||These can be used as a replacement for many heavy duty type digital locks such as the Trilogy series and Kaba 1000 and 5000 series locks, heavy duty Schlage and many Marks locks.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|heduduprstpl||item-1||soliditem||comslidloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-dust-proof-strike-plate-34.gif||||||Heavy Duty Dust Proof Strike Plate||3817||aseq comslidloc|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Heavy Duty Combination Digital Slide Bolt > ||22.000||22.000 ||||Heavy Duty Dust Proof Strike Plate||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Used primarily with drop bolts or slide bolts when the lock is at the bottom of the door. It will keep most of the dirt out of the bolt hole. Comes with to screws and 2 anchors.

    2 1/4 inches deep from the faceplate to the back
    1 3/8 wide on the faceplate
    2 7/8 long on the faceplate

    Stainless steel||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|elcabloc||item.||soliditem||electriclocks||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-electronic-cabinet-lock-42.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-electronic-cabinet-lock-43.gif||Heavy Duty Electronic Cabinet Lock For small Enclosures||1367||electriclocks||» Miscellaneous Electric Locks > ||209.000||209.000 ||||Heavy Duty Electronic Cabinet Lock For small Enclosures||buzzer "Low voltage buzzer for DC strikes and locks. DC strikes and locks don't make a buzzing sound so if you need that sound then order this auxiliary buzzer. Note that for buzzer to work it needs power so it will operate only if lock is used in fail secure mode - Add $29 (+29)"||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moinonthprin3 hr100 liduelcalo elbaprcacalo||Hot With this unique electronic lock you can be Creative!||This compact and superior electric lock allows controlled access to very small enclosures and light weight doors. The once optional monitoring switch is now included to indicate whether the mechanism is locked or unlocked. Positioning of the locking pin determines lock mode. A simple twist of the pin (by hand) changes the lock from fail unlocked to fail locked during installation. Four countersunk mounting holes are provided to securely mount the lock and pin. This lock is designed with a special mechanism to gently hold the door or drawer in the closed position even when unlocked. Therefore, additional mechanisms used to keep the drawer or door closed such as magnetic latches are not required. In other words, it has the ability to latch closed without locking. This lock can be used in single or multi cabinet installations. By using one of our multi door proximity systems you'll be able to tie many cabinets together and do your programming and download audit trails into a PC. Can be used for installations where nothing else would work so be creative! Now includes latch monitoring if needed. The monitoring switch is used to indicate whether the mechanism is locked or unlocked. The monitor switch (MS), indicates whether the Cabinet Lock is locked or unlocked. It has 3 outputs. a.) 5 - normally open b.) 6 - normally closed c.) 7 - common 2. Monitor switch contacts are rated 1Amp @ 24V maximum.

    Where can you use this lock?: Surface mounted for maximum versatility, this electro-mechanical lock can secure a multitude of applications, from drawers and sliding doors to cases, lockers, cabinets, and more. With internal placement, this lock virtually disappears, making it ideal for any fixture where aesthetics are important and it can be used with just about any keypad, card reader or fingerprint reader.

    Great features!
  • Surface-mounted compact electric lock
  • Field selectable 12 or 24 Volt, DC - Continuous duty operation. Current draw .25 amps.
  • Zinc-plated (rust-resistant) steel locking mechanism
  • 250 lbs. holding force
  • Low energy consumption
  • Black finish
  • Change from fail unlocked to fail locked in one second!
  • Lock monitor. Detects the position of the locking bolt
  • 3 year limited warranty.

  • Use with Proximity readers for audit trail output.
  • Filing cabinets
  • Bi fold doors
  • Cash drawers
  • Drug cabinets
  • Showcases
  • Jewelry cases
  • Key cabinets
  • Vending machines
  • Machine access covers
  • Desk drawers

  • Retail
  • Government
  • Health Care
  • Institutional
  • Commercial
  • Residential
  • Be creative!

    Cabinets Cases Gates


    1-7/8” High X 1-5/8” Wide X 13/16” Deep - (48mm x 42mm x 20mm)
    Comes with a 3 year limited warranty.

    Related Products
    Fingerprint readers
    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Multi Door Proximity Access Control
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller
    Knocklock (Great for hidden book cases)

    Don't forget the power supply with back up battery system Go here


    Minimum wire gauge requirements:
    200 feet or less 12v ac/dc or 24v ac/dc - 18 gage
    200 - 300 feet 12v ac/dc 18 gage or 24v ac/dc - 16 gage
    300 - 400 feet 12v ac/dc - 18 gage - 24v ac/dc - 14 gage
    ||"Low voltage buzzer" "no don't need it" "Yes include low voltage buzzer for DC strikes and locks. - Add $29 (+29)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|uslocsincylh||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-deadbolt-lock-19.gif||||||Heavy Duty Grade One Deadbolt Lock||Item: 1488||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||55.000||55.000 ||||Heavy Duty Grade One Deadbolt Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||cylkeyal||||Deadbolts are your first line of defense when securing your home or business. When choosing a deadbolt don't buy the cheapest one you can find at the typical hardware store because although it may technically be a deadbolt it will only give a false sense of security. Look further for a higher grade deadbolt like this one. The biggest difference is that it's a grade one lock so it will take a lot of abuse before it breaks under attack. The difference in price isn't really that great.

    See backset diagram||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|heduhastcygu||item.||soliditem||heavdutkeysu||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-hardened-steel-cylinder-guard-ring-pack-of-six-25.gif||||||Heavy Duty Hardened Steel Cylinder Guard Ring ||2096||aseq prkepadolo heavdutkeysu|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Patio Door Lock ( Professional Model) > Revolving Surface Mounted Door Lock (Heavy Duty Professional Model) > ||22.000||22.000 ||||Heavy Duty Hardened Steel Cylinder Guard Ring||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||If you have a lock that uses a mortise or rim cylinder there is no easier and cheaper way to really improve the effectiveness of that lock.||If you have a lock that uses a mortise or rim cylinder there is no easier and cheaper way to really improve the effectiveness of that lock. Please give us a call if your not sure of the type of lock you have. Hardened steel free spinning and tapered to better protect the cylinder. Works on most 5 and six pin cylinders (the most common type).||"Please choose finish" " Aluminum" "Duronodic (brown)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|heavdutmkmel||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-mkm-electronic-digital-pushbutton-deadlock-with-wireless-remote-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-mkm-electronic-digital-pushbutton-deadlock-with-wireless-remote-39.gif||Heavy Duty MKM Electronic Digital Pushbutton Deadlock With Wireless Remote||Item: 1634-B||||||198.000||329.000 ||198.000 ||Heavy Duty MKM Electronic Digital Pushbutton Deadlock With Small Remote And Auto Relock Feature||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days.||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||mkmextraremote hr22 clickforvideo||New! This newer MKM deadbolt comes with a tiny wireless remote and in either brass or chrome finish!||This item has sold out

    This is the same MKM with a handy relock feature and a small hand held remote with code hopping security! Choose either brass or chrome finish. This deadlock is unique because it has the abilty to be used with either the digital keypad or the tiny remote. Range for the remote is about 3 feet. The relock feature can be set anytime and will automatically relock this deadbolt a few seconds after the door fully closes. Up to four extra remotes may be used for each lock.

    Very few left In Stock - Order soon -- product may sell out!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hedurelaforh||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-replacement-latch-for-heavy-duty-morning-and-some-codelocks-locks-19.gif||||||Heavy Duty Replacement Latch For Heavy Duty Morning And Some Codelocks Locks||Item: 1983||||||45.000||45.000 ||||Heavy Duty Replacement Latch For Heavy Duty Morning And Some Codelocks Locks||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hedurelafor||item.||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-replacement-latches-for-the-heavy-duty-codelocks-19.gif||||||Heavy Duty Replacement Latches For The Heavy Duty Codelocks||2092||||||45.000||45.000 ||||Heavy Duty Replacement Latches For The Heavy Duty Codelocks||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||"Please choose backset - 2 3/8 or 2 3/4 inches" "2 3/8" "2 3/4"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hedustpl||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-strike-plate-25.gif||||||Heavy Duty Strike Plate||Item: 2036||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||29.000||29.000 ||||Heavy Duty Strike Plate||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Heavy duty door strike. Great item for door reinforcement, repair or renovation. It will work for almost any lock - latch or deadbolt. Comes with screws.

    1 3/4 inches wide x 18 long.||"Specify finish" "Chrome" "Brass"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|seco-larmsk3523||item.||soliditem||proxread||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-outdoor-keypad-with-backlite-30.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/heavy-duty-outdoor-access-control-keypad-with-proximity-reader-23.gif||Heavy-Duty Outdoor Access Control Keypad With Proximity Reader||3616||proxread||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > ||349.000||349.000 ||||Heavy-Duty Outdoor Access Control Keypad With Proximity Reader||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||prcaforinker prfoforinker domaco3wigap||New! This keypad features a backlit keypad and rugged construction with a heavy-duty stainless-steel faceplate and a coated steel backing to withstand the elements.||This keypad features rugged construction with a heavy-duty stainless-steel faceplate and a coated steel backing to withstand the elements.

    This 3-in-1 (card, code, or both) keypad features rugged vandal-resistant construction with a heavy-duty stainless-steel faceplate and a coated steel backing to withstand the elements.

  • Built-in proximity reader. 125kHz(EM125)
  • 4 Available programmable access modes for all 3 outputs: card only, code only, card and common user code, card and unique user code
  • 1,200 Users over 3 Outputs. Codes may be 4~8 digits: - Output #1 ¡V Form C relay, 5A@24VDC, 1,000 users - Output #2 ¡V Form C relay, 1A@24VDC, 100 users - Output #3 ¡V Form C relay, 1A@24VDC, 100 users
  • Outputs can be programmed to activate for up to 99,999 seconds (nearly 28 hours) or toggle
  • Super user code gives admin access to keypad Up to 50 possible temporary visitor codes, programmable for one-time or limited-time use (1~99 hours)
  • Programmable egress input with optional warning alarm and delayed egress
  • Real-time clock to auto-disable access at specific times
  • 50 duress codes for output #1, 10 for outputs #2 and #3 Duress code signals a silent alarm if an authorized user is forced to open the door under duress
  • All features are programmed directly from the keypad: No need for an external programmer
  • Vandal resistant ¡V for wall, post, or gooseneck mounting
  • Tamper output: N.C. Dry contact, 50mA@24VDC max.
  • Keypad illuminates when a button is pressed; backlight can be programmed for FULL (Dim in standby) or AUTO (OFF in standby) mode
  • Mantrap: for a protected area with two doors, this feature allows only one door to be open at a time
  • Door sensor input for anti-tailgating operation
  • Door-propped-open and Door-forced-open warnings
  • EEPROM Memory preserves data in case of power loss

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locking Devices

    Don't forget the power supply!Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|knocklockhelp||item-1||soliditem||scematics||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/knock-lock-help-31.gif||||||Helpful Knocklock resources||||scematics||» Glossary - Resources - Diagrams > ||||||||Helpful Knocklock resources||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Does your knocklock not retain the pattern you programmed? Does it have this problem with the lock mechanism un-wired/disconnected from the knocklock? A couple of the symptoms may be solvable by installing a wire jumper from the AUX terminal to the (-)/GND terminal as per the "Addendum" sheet, especially if switching an inductive load such as a solenoid or coil-based device.

    The power source should also be looked at. Is it the right voltage? Is it a DC voltage? If the unit is being powered externally (i.e. not batteries), you should ALSO consider installing a set of AA batteries as well to ensure the code is retained in the even external power is lost.

    Does it give a beep back before your sequence is finished? The "beeps back mid way through the knock sequence" may revolve around the pickup element not picking up knocks correctly either due to the sensitivity being set too low, the sensor too far away from the knock source, or too much "ringing / reverberation" in the knocking surface / material in combination with the sensitivity set TOO HIGH. (i.e. a large metal screen security door)... Try putting your ear up to the surface of the structure where the sensor is mounted or listening, and listen as you knock. If the knocks "drag out" then that may be confusing the knocklock. In cases like that, it is better to lower the sensitivity and move the sensor closer to the knocking surface. The good mechanical mount between the sensor and surface is important as well, as the sound has to travel through the housing of the pick-up element or knocklock housing depending on pick-up method. If it is mounted "near by" the surface, or held on by foam sticky tape, it may have problems.

    And of course, there could be an internal part failure or loose solder joint on the PCB or general defect... etc....which may be covered by the warranty.

    Please note Addendum:
    the AUX terminal should be jumpered to the negative (-) terminal with a small gauge 2 inch length of wire when not being used in an automotive kill switch application. Not doing so may cause erratic operation when switching inductive loads.


    Simply speaking, if you can count and knock on a door, you can operate a knocklock. The KnockLock is a device that is SIMPLE TO USE and capable of "sensing" a special and unique pattern of knocks. The knocklock easily interfaces to "unlocking" devices such as Car Power door locks, Door-Strikes, Door actuators or Electric Garage Door openers allowing you to unlock or open the door simply by knocking a "special" way.

    This is done by using a vibration sensor that senses "knocking" on or near the item or area and sends the "knocking" information to a processor that is capable of recognizing a SPECIFIC and UNIQUE pattern. Once the "unique knocking" is sensed (for example: KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK (pause) KNOCK-KNOCK (pause) KNOCK) the KnockLock then activates an internal relay that can switch power to a lock mechanism (such as an electric door strike, electric car door lock or electric garage door opener for example). The "knocking" pattern that is required to activate the KnockLock can be as simple as one knock or as complicated as six different groups of knocks, where each group can be from one knock to 63 knocks (resulting in over 1 billion possible combinations). The combination must match EXACTLY before access is granted and is completely programmable by the user. The internal relay is rated at 2 Amperes at 30 volts DC Max.


    The KnockLock can hold TWO different combinations with each being from one knock to six groups of knocks. The KnockLock has a built-in PICK-UP element so the unit can be attached directly to a door or wall. For installations requiring the KnockLock to be mounted away from the "knock area" an external pick-up element is provided which simply plugs into the "external input" jack on the KnockLock.

    Dual power Input

    The KnockLock can run from four AA batteries or an external power source from 9 - 15 volts DC or BOTH (i.e. Batteries could be used in conjunction with external power for "combination" retention in the event that power was disrupted to the external power source) Note: Many "wall adapters" deliver a higher output voltage than the stated voltage when under a "light load". This "higher voltage" may exceed the ratings of the KnockLock and cause damage. It is always best to use a "regulated" power supply.


    The KnockLock combinations can be set before OR after mounting. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the operation of the unit before putting it into service.

    To program COMBINATION #1:

    STEP #1 Insert paper clip or toothpick into CODE hole (Fig. 3), pressing and holding the internal push-button through the entire programming process. You will hear three tones indicating that you are in "CHANGE-CODE" mode.

    STEP #2 While continuing to hold in the toothpick/paper clip, tap the KnockLock the number of times you want the FIRST digit to be. After the last tap, the KnockLock will then verify what you tapped in by responding with a short "BEEP" for EACH tap. For example, if you want the first digit to be FIVE, tap the KnockLock five times. When you stop tapping, the knock-lock would then "BEEP" five times. The first number is now entered.

    STEP #3 Repeat STEP #2 by tapping in the SECOND digit for the code. Once again, the KnockLock will verify what you tapped in by "BEEPING" back the number of taps. This process can be repeated for UP TO SIX digits.

    STEP #4 When the LAST digit is "tapped" in, release the toothpick/paper clip from the program-hole, and the KnockLock will signal with two quick beeps that it is ready for normal operation. The code setting is complete.

    To program COMBINATION #2:

    NOTE: The first digit of COMBINATION #2 MUST BE DIFFERENT than the first digit of COMBINATION #1. Other wise, COMBINATION #2 will be disabled.

    Step #1 Just as in setting the first combination, you must insert a toothpick/paper clip into the programming hole. You will then hear 3 tones indicating the KnockLock is in "CHANGE-CODE" mode. BRIEFLY remove toothpick/paper clip, and then RE-INSERT toothpick/paper clip and you will hear six quick tones indicating that it is ready to set COMBINATION #2. Continue to hold in the toothpick/paper clip through the entire programming of COMBINATION #2.

    Step #2 Follow steps 2 through steps 4 in "CHANGE-CODE" example above. When finished, remove toothpick/paper clip from CODE hole.


    The KnockLock should be installed in a dry location with temperatures between 40 and 100 degrees F. It should be securely mounted on a surface capable of conducting sound (such as wood, metal or plastic for example). Poor mounting will result in poor sensitivity to the knocking. If the external sensor is being used, plug the 1/8" connector into the "REMOTE" hole (Fig. 1) and make sure it is mounted securely to the knock surface as well. The sensitivity control (Fig. 3) can be adjusted to fit the mounting environment. This is done by turning the sensitivity control left or right with your thumb. On surfaces that are more "resonating" or surfaces that lend themselves to reverberation, the sensitivity may have to be decreased to reduce false "additional" sound pulses. Experiment to find the ideal sensitivity setting.


    When batteries are installed, the KnockLock will emit five short beeps. Pay close attention to the speed of these "beeps" as they occur at the recommended "knock" rate for operation. During normal operation, the KnockLock is always listening for knocks. The rate at which the knocks should occur is approximately 5 to 6 knocks per second. The knocks can be as fast as 12 times per second, or as slow as 4 times per second. For our example, we will assume the code to be: 5 - 3 - 1 - 4 Knock five times and wait for the response BEEP. Immediately after the BEEP, knock three times and wait for response BEEP. Immediately after that BEEP, knock one time and wait for response BEEP. Immediately after that beep, knock four times and STOP.

    Note: If too much time goes by after a response BEEP, the KnockLock assumes you are done knocking. You have up to one second MAX to knock the next number after a response beep.

    If the procedure was done correctly , the KnockLock will play 9 tones very quickly, and engage the internal relay, activating the lock mechanism it is connected to. If the KnockLock did not recognize the code, it will respond with four tones, reset and wait for another attempt.

    Hint: Additional digits can be added in FRONT of the combination, and so long as the sequence ENDS with the correct combination, the KnockLock will still activate. For example, if the combination is 5 - 3 - 1 - 4, the user can "knock in" 3-1-2-4-2-4-10-1-2 - 5-3-1-4 and the lock would still engage. This is useful if someone is standing nearby, and you do not want them to easily figure out what you are doing, or to make the code seem much more complex than it really is.

    When the correct combination is entered, the KnockLock’s normally-open relay contacts engage for a period of 2 seconds by default.


    Fresh AA alkaline batteries will last from two to five years under normal use (3 to 4 times per day). Actual time varies from manufacture to manufacture. The internal current draw is 13 micro amps. External power draws approx. 5 mA.


    The KnockLock has five screw-wire terminals. Terminals 1 and 2 are the normally-open switch contacts that close when the correct combination is entered. Terminal 3 is an auxiliary input for "special" applications and should be tied to the negative ( - ) terminal if not being used. Terminal 4 is the NEGATIVE connection for an external power source and terminal 5 is the POSITIVE connection for an external power source (from 9 to 15 VDC). Note: Many "wall adapters" deliver a higher output voltage than the stated voltage when under a "light load". This "higher voltage" may exceed the ratings of the KnockLock and cause damage. It is always best to use a "regulated" power supply.

    To attach a wire to these terminals, simply loosen the screw with a small screwdriver, insert the wire in the terminal hole and then tighten the screw down on the wire. For the application of connecting to a garage door opener, simply parallel the two switch contacts of the wall mounted garage door opener switch with the switch terminals on the KnockLock. The KnockLock would then simulate the garage door switch being pressed when the correct combination is entered into the KnockLock.

    The KnockLock’s relay switch contacts are rated at 2 Amps/ 30 VDC maximum. If higher current requirements are needed, the KnockLock’s relay can be used to drive the coil of a heavy-duty relay, which would switch a much heavier current load.


    The "contact period" can be extended by pressing and holding the "CODE" button when FIRST installing the batteries or applying power. After the five short start up beeps, you will hear a lower pitch beep, approximately once per second. Each beep represents an extra SECOND of "contact" time. Release the "CODE" button when the desired "contact period" has elapsed.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hes85coelstm||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hes-8500-concealed-electric-strikefor-mortise-locks-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hes-8500-concealed-electric-strikefor-mortise-locks-37.gif||HES 8500 Concealed Electric StrikeFor Mortise Locks||3544||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||569.000||569.000 ||||HES 8500 Concealed Electric Strike For Mortise Locks||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New!||

    The concealed electric strike solution for mortise locksets

    Introducing the HES 8500 series, the first concealed electric strike solution for mortise locksets. Designed for fast, convenient installation, the 8500 fits into low profile openings with no modification to the face of the frame. Best of all, the creative design of the HES 8500 helps manage some of the unique challenges of a mortise lock installation. We invite you to take a moment to get to know the newest member of the HES concealed strike family.

    The time-saving HES 8500 is the first concealed electric strike for mortise locksets. Designed for fast, convenient installation, the 8500 fits into low-profile openings without cutting into the face of the frame. You get a flawless finish and the fastest installation time of any electric strike anywhere. Fast installation means less work and more time for fun.

    Specifications UL 10C-fire-rated, 3 hour (fail secure) CAN4-S104(ULC-S104) fire door conformant NFPA 80-07 Compliant UL 1034 burglary-resistant listed ANSI/BHMA A156.31, Grade 1 NFPA -252 fire door conformant ASTM-E152 fire door conformant UBC-7-2-94, Uniform Building Code Patents Pending

    Frame application Metal Wood

    Electrical .24 Amps @ 12VDC .12 Amps @ 24VDC DC continuous duty/AC intermittent duty only

    Standard Features No cutting of the face of the frame Stainless steel construction Tamper resistant Static strength 1,500 lbs Dynamic strength 70 ft-lbs Endurance 500,000 cycles Field selectable fail safe / fail secure Dual voltage 12 or 24 VDC/VAC Non-handed Metal or Wood Frame Internally mounted solenoid Accommodates 3/4” mortise latchbolts Strike body depth 1-5/16” Plug-in connector Full pocket shims for horizontal adjustment Five year limited warranty

    Important - Please note: this strike will only work with a latch and not a deadbolt. So if your mortise lock has both a latch and bolt it still can usually be used but the deadbolt part will no longer fuction.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hesheduelst||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hes-heavy-duty-electric-strike-53.gif||||||HES Heavy Duty Electric Strike ||3032||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||289.000||289.000 ||||HES Heavy Duty Electric Strike||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||
  • Accepts 1/2" latch bolt
  • Compact design 1-1/16" backset
  • U.L. Listed for burglary resistance
  • Tamper resistant - heavy-duty construction
  • Forcing strength - 2,500 lbs.
  • Durability minimum - 1,000,000 cycles capability
  • Field changeable fail safe / fail secure
  • Internally mounted solenoid
  • Continuous duty operation
  • Plug-in connectors
  • 12/24 VDC
  • 3 year warranty
  • Choice of faceplates (see options list)||"Choose faceplate" "4 7/8 x 1 1/4 inches stainless steel finish with radius corners" "4 7/8 x 1 1/4 inches duronotic finish" "7 15/16 x 1 7/16 inches stainless steel finish" "6 7/8 x 1 1/4 inches stainless steel finish" "6 7/8 x 1 1/4 inches durontic finish"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hesheduelst1||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hes-heavy-duty-electric-strike-49.gif||||||HES Heavy Duty Electric Strike ||3273||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||279.000||279.000 ||||HES Heavy Duty Electric Strike||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New! The 5900 series is a compact, high performance electric strike featuring a unique concealed design for increased security. There is no cutting on the frame and vertical adjustability accomodates door sag and misalignment. Based the on the 5000 series, the 5900 is unmatched for ease of installation and performance.||Twisted and sagging door frames can cause real installation headaches. This problem could not be solved easily or at all in the past. Now the problem has been solved. The simple solution was to allow the reverse ramp to be field adjustable in the vertical position. This allowed the installer to compensate for door sag or simple misalignment. The solving of this very old problem allowed the latest addition to the HES lineup. The 5900 series.

    The 8000 series (formerly the 5900 series) is a compact, high performance electric strike featuring a unique concealed design for increased security. There is no cutting on the frame and vertical adjustability accomodates door sag and misalignment. Based the on the 5000 series, the 5900 is unmatched for ease of installation and performance.

    The concealed electric strike solution::
    The 8000 series (formerly the 5900 series) is a compact, high performance electric strike featuring a unique concealed design for increased security. There is no cutting on the frame and vertical adjustability accomodates door sag and misalignment. Based the on the 5000 series, the 5900 is unmatched for ease of installation and performance.

  • Facesplate size: (4-7/8" x 1-1/4")
  • ANSI/BHMA A156.31, Grade 1
  • UL 1034, burglary-resistant listed
  • Patented and patent pending

    Works well for - Steel Aluminum - Wood--

    .24 Amp @ 12VDC/VAC
    .12 Amp @ 24VDC/VAC
    DC continuous duty/AC intermittent duty only

    Standard Features:
  • No cutting on frame required
  • Vertical adjustability to accommodate door sag and misalignment
  • Tamper resistant
  • Static strength 1,500 lbs.
  • Dynamic strength 70 ft-lbs.
  • Endurance 500,000 cycles
  • Field selectable fail safe/fail secure
  • Dual voltage 12 or 24 VDC/VAC
  • Non-handed
  • Internally mounted solenoid
  • Accommodates 1/2"-5/8" latchbolt (5/8" with 1/8" door gap)
  • Strike body depth 1-1/16"
  • Plug-in connector
  • Five year limited warranty

    Related Products
    Fingerprint readers
    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Multi Door Proximity Access Control
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||"Low voltage buzzer" "no don't need it" "Yes include low voltage buzzer for DC strikes and locks. - Add $29 (+29)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|electricstrikewithcardreader||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hes-integrated-prox-electric-strike-internally-or-externally-mounted-reader-38.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hes-integrated-prox-electric-strike-internally-or-externally-mounted-reader-40.gif||HES Integrated Prox Electric Strike (Internally Or Externally Mounted Reader)||3534||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||468.000||468.000 ||||HES Integrated Prox Electric Strike (Internally Or Externally Mounted Reader)||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hidprcainloo1 hidprcainloo hidprfoinloo2 moinonhesels||New! HES Integrated Prox Products conceal components in the frame for easier installation and a cleaner look. Engineered to work with any Wiegand compatible controller, these versatile units offer either internal or external antennas (your choice when ordering).||Experience the convenience of an HES electric strike with an integrated proximity card reader. This one box solution combines the access control of an HID® 125KHz Prox reader with the physical security of an electric strike, latchbolt monitor and door position switch. HES Integrated Prox Products conceal components in the frame for easier installation and a cleaner look. Engineered to work with any Wiegand compatible controller, these versatile units offer either internal or external antennas (your choice when ordering) to accommodate a variety of applications such as either inswing or outswing applications, and accommodates 5/8" latchbolts from cylindrical locksets.

    Reader Specifications:
    HID 125KHx Prox reader
    Interfaces with Wiegand compatible access control systems
    Recognizes HID 26 to 39 bit formats
    Reader dimensions: 1.25"w x 1.8"h x 2"d
    500 ft. maximum distance from controller
    10 to 14 VDC (124 mA Max @ 12 VDC)
    FCC Part 15 & Industry Canada compliant

    Door Position Switch
    3/8" diameter Magnetic switch Connects in series with electric strike LBM for door and latchbolt positive detection

    The RF5010 series is a compact, high performance electric strike designed for low profile openings where there is limited space behind the jamb. The field selectable fail secure/fail safe unit is easy to install and accommodates 1/2" to 5/8" latchbolts.

    Strike Specifications:
    UL 1034, burglary-resistant listed ANSI/BHMA A156.31, Grade 1 MEA New York City accepted Patent #5,934,720

    Frame application
    Metal or Wood

    .24 Amps @ 12VDC/VAC .12 Amps @ 24VDC/VAC DC continuous duty/AC intermittent duty only

    Standard Features
  • Tamper resistant
  • Static strength 1,500 lbs.
  • Dynamic strength 70 ft-lbs.
  • Endurance 500,000 cycles
  • Field selectable fail secure/ fail safe
  • Dual voltage 12 or 24 VDC/VAC
  • Non-handed
  • Internally mounted solenoid
  • Accommodates 1/2" - 5/8" latchbolt (5/8" with 1/8" door gap)
  • Strike body depth 1-1/16"
  • Plug-in connector
  • Trim enhancer included
  • Five year limited warranty

    Related Products:
    See See the IEI Hub mini max controller

    What other items do you need to make this electric strike strike work?

    Since this strike has no relay it must be connected to an access panel (most any Wiegand compatible controller). Since HES does not make a controller it must be used with another manufacturers controller. Some companies that make panels that accept Wiegand compatible readers are: IEI, Keyscan, Keri and Securitron. See below. If there are incompatibility problems you may not be able to get help from the manufacturers or from us. On a positive note: at least HID and IEI have worked together on some products so it's likely that these products will work together without a problem.||"Please choose type" "With internally mounted prox reader" "With externally mounted prox reader"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hesserverlock||item-1||soliditem||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hes-server-cabinet-lock-26.gif||||||HES Server Cabinet Lock ||Item: 3656||||||900.000||900.000 ||||HES Server Cabinet Lock||||||Usually ships in 2-3 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Wireless Possibilities for Server Cabinet Protection Protect servers from malicous or accidental tampering without adding another credential.

    The HES KS100-640H server cabinet lock and pre-paired Aperio hub tie to an existing electronic access control system via Wiegand wiring. Using the wireless communication, this convenient system brings real-time access control in a single-card system to individual server cabinet doors, greatly improving the monitoring and security level of each server cabinet. It uses existing ID badges so there are no keys to control or replace and no codes to secure or remember.

    Specifications Operating temperature +32 to +122F [0 to +50C] FCC Part 15 and Industry Canada compliant

    Standard Features

  • Uses existing ID badges o Two models are available to support low frequency or high frequency cards
  • Low frequency model supports PROX and EM PROX
  • High frequency model supports iCLASS, SEOS™, iCLASS SE, ISO14443B UID, Mifare, Mifare Plus, Desfire SE, Desfire EV1, NFC
  • High security asset protection with audit control
  • Online transaction audit control capability
  • Hardwired power via standard, IEEE 802.3af, 48VDC Power over Ethernet (PoE) o Does not require batteries or battery changes, lowering maintenance costs o PoE Injector not included
  • SFIC (small format interchangeable core) key override allows secure manual unlock capability o SFIC not included
  • Ideal for collocation data centers with multiple companies requiring access
  • For use on left or right hand doors
  • Designed for standard 25mm x 150mm server lock openings o Retrofit onto most cabinets without cutting or pulling wire
  • Fully encrypted AES 128 wireless communication between server cabinet lock and Aperio hub ensures data security
  • Real-time communication to the access control system ensures easy management of access rights

    Aperio™ Wireless Lock Technology

    Aperio offers the same real-time communication as traditional access control without the inconvenience of wiring the door.

    Aperio technology is a global wireless platform that reduces the cost and inconvenience of traditional access control – without the hassle of complex site surveys. It utilizes local wireless communication between the lock and a communications hub to connect to an online electronic access control system. This offers facilities an easy, affordable way to expand the reach of existing access control systems and secure additional openings.

    Features Utilizes IEEE 802.15.4 wireless communication between the lock and an Aperio hub that is connected to the electronic access control system Real-time communication to the access control system for greater security and control Real-time door status monitoring Advanced data security with standard encryption techniques AES 128-bit encryption Global wireless platform that addresses a wide range of applications and security requirements Supports HID® 125 kHz proximity or 13.56 MHz iCLASS® (full authentication, all formats) credentials||"Please choose type" "KS100, iCLASS Kit SE, with 1:1 Hub" "KS100, PROX Kit with 1:1 Hub"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hessurmounst||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hes-surface-mount-electric-strike-for-for-panic-hardware-42.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hes-surface-mount-electric-strike-for-for-panic-hardware-44.gif||HES Surface Mount Electric Strike For For Panic Hardware||1371||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||519.000||519.000 ||||HES Surface Mount Electric Strike For For Panic Hardware||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr23 clicforinvid||Hot Totally surface mounted and just for use with exit hardware.||Totally surface mounted, the new 9600/9400 Genesis requires absolutely no cutting of the door frame. The unit’s contemporary, 9” x 1-3/4” x 3/4“ face plate encases all electro-mechanical components making it undeniably easy to install. A patent pending, dual locking mechanism provides the holding force of two electric strikes in one - offering twice the security, twice the resistance, and twice the reliability of any strike on the market. HES Genesis accommodates rim mounted panic exit devices and can be installed on metal, wood, or aluminum jambs. Heavy-duty stainless steel construction makes it ideal for high usage applications.

  • Dual locking - Two heavy-duty, stainless steel locking mechanisms operate independently to provide a truly tamper resistant electric strike.

  • Dual operation – Simple, fail safe/fail secure operational design allows field.

  • Dual voltage – Low current, field selectable, 12V or 24VDC.

  • Dual monitoring – Optional latch bolt monitor and latchbolt strike monitor that indicates the position of the latchbolt and the locked or unlocked condition of the electric strike.

  • Durability minimum 500,000 cycles.

  • Horizontal adjustment.

  • Continuous duty operation.

  • Tamper resistant, stainless steel construction.

  • Non-handed.

  • •Low current draw.

  • Plug-in connectors.

  • Internally mounted solenoid

  • Horizontal lock down screws.


    Specifications: Intended for U.L. 10C listing as a Fire Door Accessory Device. Intended for U.L. Burglary Resistance 1034. BHMA Standards 501, Grade 1. ANSI/BHMA A156 – 1992 Specification A115.6.1 Semi Rim Mounted E09311, E09312, E09313.

    Optional Features: LBM - Latchbolt Monitor. LBSM - Latchbolt Strike Monitor. 7000-108 Spacer Plate.

    Standard Finish 630 - Satin Stainless Steel. Available in all HES special finishes.

    Related Products
    Fingerprint readers
    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Multi Door Proximity Access Control
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or heavy duty power supply with back up battery system Go here||"Regular or special fire rated" "Normal $519" "Special fire rated model with UL 10C 90 minute rating(+129)"|^| "Thickness" "1/2 inch" "3/4 inch"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hidprcaloof5||item.||soliditem||rutherfordcontrolslppl||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hid-proximity-cards-lots-of-25-52.gif||||||HID Proximity Cards 25||2053||rutherfordcontrolslppl||Rutherford Controls Battery Proximity Access System > ||259.000||259.000 ||||HID Proximity Cards Lots Of 25||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Order in lots of 25 These are flat white badge type cards and 26 bit format.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hidproxcaran||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hid-proximity-cards-and-fobs-26.gif||||||HID Proximity Cards And Fobs||||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||noname19 hidproxfobin proxcarinlot ieiexproxfob||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|proxcarinlot||item.||soliditem||schlageengage||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hid-proximity-cards-in-lots-of-100-54.gif||||||HID Proximity Cards In Lots Of 100||1485-B||diglocel schlageengage||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Schlage RFID Engage Card Lock > ||529.000||529.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The RF-programmable 1326 ProxCard II proximity access card is the industry choice for a cost-effective solution to proximity access control. Features
    • Offers universal compatibility with all HID proximity readers.
    • Provides durable packaging and consistent read range.
    • Provides an external number for easy identification and control.
    • Supports formats up to 85 bits, with over 137 billion codes.
    • A PVC overlay allows for on-site photo ID using most direct image printers.
    Proximity cards in lots of 100

    3.375" x 2.125" x 0.070" max.

    Please note: if your not sure which format you need please give us a call or email us before ordering.||"
    Card format" "Generic HID 26 bit format-choose this if you're not sure" "Napco 36 bit - use this only for AlarmLock products"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hidprcainloo||item.||soliditem||electricstrikewithcardreader||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hid-proximity-cards-in-lots-of-100-49.gif||||||HID Proximity Cards In Lots Of 100||Item: 3278||elstrikandma electricstrikewithcardreader||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > HES Integrated Prox Electric Strike (Internally Or Externally Mounted Reader) > ||429.000||429.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The RF-programmable 1326 ProxCard II proximity access card is the industry choice for a cost-effective solution to proximity access control. Features
    • Offers universal compatibility with all HID proximity readers.
    • Provides durable packaging and consistent read range.
    • Provides an external number for easy identification and control.
    • 26 bit format, with over 137 billion codes.
    • A PVC overlay allows for on-site photo ID using most direct image printers.
    Proximity cards in lots of 100

    3.375" x 2.125" x 0.070" max.

    Please note: if your not sure which format you need please give us a call or email us before ordering.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hidprcainloo1||item.||soliditem||electricstrikewithcardreader||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hid-proximity-cards-in-lots-of-25-25.gif||||||HID Proximity Cards In Lots Of 25||Item: 3308||elstrikandma electricstrikewithcardreader||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > HES Integrated Prox Electric Strike (Internally Or Externally Mounted Reader) > ||219.000||219.000 ||||HID Proximity Cards In Lots Of 25||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The RF-programmable 1326 ProxCard II proximity access card is the industry choice for a cost-effective solution to proximity access control. Features • Offers universal compatibility with all HID proximity readers. • Provides durable packaging and consistent read range. • Provides an external number for easy identification and control. • 26 bit format with over 137 billion codes. • A PVC overlay allows for on-site photo ID using most direct image printers. Proximity cards in lots of 100

    Dimensions 3.375" x 2.125" x 0.070" max.

    Please note: if your not sure which format you need please give us a call or email us before ordering.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ieiexproxfob||item.||soliditem||schlageengage||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hid-proximity-cards-lots-of-25-55.gif||||||HID Proximity Cards Lots Of 25||1433||diglocel schlageengage||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Schlage RFID Engage Card Lock > ||219.000||219.000 ||||HID Proximity Cards Lots Of 25||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Order in lots of 25||Order in lots of 25 These are flat white badge type cards.||"
    Card format" "Generic HID 26 bit format-choose this if you're not sure" "Napco 36 bit - use this only for AlarmLock products"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hidprfo||item.||soliditem||rutherfordcontrolslppl||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hid-proximity-fobs-in-lots-of-10-43.gif||||||HID Proximity Fobs 10||Item: 3355||rutherfordcontrolslppl||Rutherford Controls Battery Proximity Access System > ||169.000||169.000 ||||HID Proximity Fobs In Lots Of 10||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The RF-programmable 1346 ProxKey® 111 proximity keyfob incorporates proximity technology into a convenient device approximately the size of an automotive key. Features • Offers universal compatibility with all HID proximity readers. • Provides an external number for easy identification and control. • Can be placed on a key ring for convenient entry. • Supports formats up to 85 bits, with over 137 billion codes. Proximity Fobs In Lots Of 10||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hidproxfobin||item.||soliditem||schlageengage||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hid-proximity-fobs-in-lots-of-10-46.gif||||||HID Proximity Fobs in Lots Of 10||1616||diglocel schlageengage||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Schlage RFID Engage Card Lock > ||119.000||119.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Same as above but in lots of 10 The 10 pack is only available in the Napco 36 bit format.||"Please choose format" "Generic HID 26 bit format-use with Kaba, IEI, Marks and Schlage - choose this if you're not sure" "Napco 36 bit - us this only for AlarmLock products"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|noname19||item.||soliditem||schlageengage||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hid-proximity-fobs-in-lots-of-50-54.gif||||||HID Proximity Fobs in Lots Of 50||1485||diglocel schlageengage||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Schlage RFID Engage Card Lock > ||566.000||566.000 ||||HID Proximity Fobs in Lots Of 50||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The RF-programmable 1346 ProxKey® 111 proximity keyfob incorporates proximity technology into a convenient device approximately the size of an automotive key. Features • Offers universal compatibility with all HID proximity readers. • Provides an external number for easy identification and control. • Can be placed on a key ring for convenient entry. • Supports formats up to 85 bits, with over 137 billion codes. Proximity Fobs In Lots Of 50

    Proximity fobs in lots of 50||"
    Card format" "Generic HID 26 bit format-choose this if you're not sure" "Napco 36 bit - use this only for AlarmLock products" "Apollo 31 bit - only for Apollo readers"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hidprfoinloo||item.||soliditem||kabmasproxlo1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hid-proximity-fobs-in-lots-of-10-for-the-kaba-and-kaba-mas-prox-lock-25.gif||||||HID Proximity Fobs in Lots Of 10 For The Kaba And Kaba Mas Prox Lock||Item: 1849-B||kabmasproxlo1||Kaba Mas PowerStar™ Electronic Proximity Card Lock > ||129.000||129.000 ||||HID Proximity Fobs in Lots Of 10 For The Kaba And Kaba Mas Prox Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The RF-programmable 1346 ProxKey® II proximity keyfob incorporates proximity technology into a convenient device approximately the size of an automotive key. Features:
    • Offers universal compatibility with all HID proximity readers.
    • Provides an external number for easy identification and control.
    • Can be placed on a key ring for convenient entry.
    • Supports formats up to 85 bits, with over 137 billion codes.

    Dimensions 1.9" x 0.9" x 0.345" max.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hidprfoinloo2||item.||soliditem||electricstrikewithcardreader||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hid-proximity-fobs-in-lots-of-50-49.gif||||||HID Proximity Fobs in Lots Of 50||Item: 3279||elstrikandma electricstrikewithcardreader||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > HES Integrated Prox Electric Strike (Internally Or Externally Mounted Reader) > ||566.000||566.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The RF-programmable 1346 ProxKey® III proximity keyfob incorporates proximity technology into a convenient device approximately the size of an automotive key. Features • Offers universal compatibility with all HID proximity readers. • Provides an external number for easy identification and control. • Can be placed on a key ring for convenient entry. • 26 bit format with over 137 billion codes. Proximity Fobs In Lots Of 50

    Proximity fobs in lots of 50||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|altrprstinlo||item.||soliditem||allotrdilowi||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hid-proximity-stickers-for-trilogy-proximity-locks-and-readers-in-lots-of-10-25.gif||||||HID Proximity Stickers For Trilogy Proximity Locks And Readers (In Lots Of 10)||2061||diglocel trilogy allotrdilowi||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Alarm Lock Trilogy Lock DL 2700 > Alarm Lock Trilogy Digital Lock With Proximity Card Reader Double Sided (Dual Keypad) Weatherproof > ||219.000||219.000 ||||HID Proximity Stickers For Trilogy Proximity Locks And Readers (In Lots Of 10)||||||Usually ships in 4-6 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Adhesive Proximity Tag, Made of Lexan Plastic, Finish Black, Height 1 2/8 In, Width 1 2/8 In, Depth 6/8 In, Operating Temp Range -50 F to +160 F, For Use With Trilogy Proximity Locks and Readers. These stickers can stick to any card or flat surface.

    The 125 kHz, 26 Bit MicroProx Tag provides the convenience of HID’s proximity technology in a small disk-shaped transponder. Simply attach the adhesive-backed tag to any nonmetallic card .

    The size of a coin, the tag easily attaches to all nonmetallic materials, including PVC cards.

    Seamlessly upgrade from Wiegand, magnetic stripe or barium ferrite technologies by simply adhering the Tag to your existing access card.

    Easily and cost-effectively turn a plastic ID badge or contact smart chip card into a proximity credential! Add proximity access control capability to users' cell phones, PDAs and other similar nonmetallic devices.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hiddencameras||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hidden-cameras-nanny-cams-29.gif||||||Hidden Cameras (Nanny Cams)||||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||||||||Hidden Cameras (Nanny Cams)||||||||0||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||motsenimwirc wircolhidcam bookcamblaca hidcloccambl colwircamhid||||Because of their small size, the Spy Eye cameras can be used for a variety of different applications including monitoring callers at your door, keeping an eye on your car, they can also be mounted inside hidden areas such as clocks, radios, and smoke detectors.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hidcloccambl||item.||soliditem||hiddencameras||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hidden-clock-camera-black-and-white-24.gif||||||Hidden Clock Camera - Black And White||Item: 1891||aseq hiddencameras|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Hidden Cameras (Nanny Cams) > ||79.000||98.000 ||79.000 ||Hidden Clock Camera Black And White||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles|||||| Sorry but we are out of stock on this product.


    This amazing camera is the perfect low cost solution for do-it-yourself observation. Hidden in a fully functional clock the pinhole camera is virtually undetectable.

    The Spy Eye is easy to install and use, featuring a pinhole lens, you can monitor anything that is going on when you are not home through a tiny hole. All you need to do is plug The Spy Eye into a TV, VCR or LCD Screen with AV input. Now you can investigate your suspicions with ease!

    Can Be Placed Anywhere
    Baby/Child Monitoring
    Spy On Your Babysitter
    Door Entrance Monitoring
    Record Home Videos/Parties
    Keep An Eye On Your Pets
    Monitor Your Guests/Visitors
    Store/Business Monitoring
    Monitor Your Driveway/Car
    Catch Vandals Destroying Your Property

    What's Included:
    Clock with B/W Camera
    60 feet of Video/Power Cable
    AC/DC Power Adapter
    User Manual
    2x AA Batteries for the clock
    Camera is powered through the Video/Power Cable

    Camera Specifications:
    Image Device 1/3" CMOS
    TV System NTSC
    Resolution 330 TV Lines
    S/N Ratio More then 48dB
    Min Illumination 1.5 lux
    Video Output 1Vp-p 75ohm
    Audio Not Supported
    Electronic Shutter 1/60-1/15,000sec
    Lens 3.6mm
    View Angle 72 degrees
    Working Temperature -10 to 45 C
    Power Source 9V DC 100mA
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|extrla||item.||soliditem||4chanrftranr1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/high-security-four-button-transmitter-larger-25.gif||||||High Security Four Button Transmitter - Larger||1836-B||escaperoomlock 4chanrftranr1||» Escape Room Locking > 4-Channel RF Transmitter & Receiver Set > ||79.000||79.000 ||||High Security Four Button Transmitter - Larger||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Larger Size (sk-919tp4h-nu) 3 1/2 x 2 3/16 x 1/2 inch -89 x 56 x 12mm. clip on belt holder larger type||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|extran||item.||soliditem||4chanrftranr1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/high-security-four-button-transmitters-smaller-25.gif||||||High Security Four Button Transmitters - Smaller||1836||escaperoomlock 4chanrftranr1||» Escape Room Locking > 4-Channel RF Transmitter & Receiver Set > ||59.000||59.000 ||||High Security Four Button Transmitters - Smaller||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Smaller Size 2 3/8 x 1 3/8 x 9/16 inch -60 x 35 x 15mm.

    Smaller key chain (sk-919tp4j-nu)
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|safwithigsec||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/high-security-medeco-safe-lock-box-33.gif||||||High Security Medeco Safe/Lock Box||1314||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||279.000||279.000 ||||High Security Medeco Safe/Lock Box||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||same||Hot These are great for a home or store and can be screwed or bolted in almost anywhere. Choose with or without the anti-fish slot. Both come with a high security Medeco lock!||Two models are available - slotted and no slot. The slotted model makes it easy to drop small jewelry, checks or cash without having to unlock. At the same time it has an anti-fishing provision to stop someone from fishing items out! Both have a high security Medeco cylinder for extra secure locking.

    Extra heavy duty. Use it for either commercial or residential. Most secure when bolted into a wooden floor. Holes are pre-drilled.

    Size: 6 inches X 6 inches X 11 1/2 inches
    Weight: 11 lbs

    This model has no slot-see below for slotted model||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|same||item.||soliditem||safwithigsec||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/high-security-medeco-safe-lock-box-with-slot-25.gif||||||High Security Medeco Safe/Lock Box With Slot||1314-A||safes safwithigsec||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > High Security Medeco Safe/Lock Box > ||298.000||298.000 ||||High Security Medeco Safe/Lock Box With Slot||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Same as the model above but with slot on top to insert cash or papers. Click the picture to enlarge.

    Size: 6 inches X 6 inches X 11 1/2 inches Weight: 11 lbs||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|higsecpad||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/higher-security-military-and-goverment-padlocks-29.gif||||||Higher Security Military And Goverment Padlocks||||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||||||||Higher Security Military And Goverment Padlocks||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||noname15 amhocpad amhigsechasa saandgrcopa heavdutresco digitalpadlock mepusmpa5pa1 abinpaandha||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hosebibblock||item-1||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/hose-bibb-lock-32.gif||||||Hose Bibb Lock||3825||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||10.000||10.000 ||||Hose Bibb Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||

    Stop water theft immediately! With this new lock it's easy.

    Not a 10 minute installation, or 5 or even 3. Installation usually takes under one minute!

    This two piece keyless water faucet locking system includes the mechanical digital padlock and the screw on locking device. It's an amazingingly simple but highly effective way to lock down a faucet without having to spend a lot of money or alter the faucet in any way. Unlike other devices, there is no need to drill into the wall or faucet so anyone can install it quickly.

    You can not remove this lock by turning it. The thread is 3/4" Garden Hose thread. It's the North American standard. It's very simple to install in a few seconds and very effective.

    Installs and removes in seconds, fits standard garden hose faucets. This product is brass and hard chrome plated.

    Please note that the padlock is not included. You must supply a padlock to work with this hose bibb lock,.

    just insert the padlock through the hole and your done!

    Very well made using tough materials!

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|howtocalvold||item.||soliditem||scematics||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/how-to-calculate-voltage-drop-for-long-paired-wire-runs-27.gif||||||How to Calculate Voltage Drop For Long Paired Wire Runs||||scematics||» Glossary - Resources - Diagrams > ||||||||How to Calculate Voltage Drop For Long Paired Wire Runs||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Caution: This may be more than you want to know!

    A primary concern when installing lengths of wire is voltage drop. The amount of voltage lost between the originating power supply and the device being powered can be significant.Improper selection of wire gauge can lead to an unacceptable voltage drop at load end. The following chart is designed to help calculate voltage drop per 100 feet of paired wire as a function of wire gauge and load current.

    By matching load current (in AMPs) across the top of the chart with wire gauge (AWG) down the left side of the chart, one can determine voltage drop per 100 feet of paired wire run.

    NOTE: A paired wire run represents the feed and return line to the load. Therefore, a 500 foot wire pair is equivalent to 1000 feet of total wire.


    Given a load current of 1 AMP, and using 18 AWG wire, how much voltage drop can we expect at the load end for a 350 foot run of paired wire?

    Using the chart, we match the row for 18 AWG and the column for 1 AMP and determine that voltage drop per 100 feet is 1.27 Volts. By dividing the paired wire length by 100, we get the factor by which we need to multiply voltage drop per 100 feet to determine total voltage drop. Therefore, 350 feet divided by 100 equals 3.5. Multiply 3.5 by 1.27 volts drop per 100 feet to get your total voltage drop. Thus the total voltage drop is 3.5 times 1.27, or 4.445 voltage drop for 350 feet.


    Given a camera load of 2 AMPs, that is 400 feet from the power source, which wire gauge should be selected to keep voltage drop at the camera to less than 3 volts?

    To use the chart, we need to determine what the maximum voltage drop per 100 feet is. We calculate that 100 feet is 1/4 of 400 feet, thus the voltage drop allowed for 100 feet is 1/4 times 3 volts (which is the equivalent of 0.75 volts per 100 feet):

    voltage drop per 100 feet = 3/4 = .75 volts per 100 feet.

    So, knowing that we can not allow anything greater than a voltage drop of .75 volts per 100 feet, we can now look at the chart and select the wire gauges that will give us lower voltage drops per 100 feet at a 2 AMP load current. In this case, wire gauges of 10 (.40 V), 11 (.50 V), and 12 AWG (.64) will all suffice, with 13 AWG (.80) being a possibility.

    Thus, in order to keep voltage drop at the camera to less than 3 volts given a camera load of 2 AMPs and a 400 foot paired wire run, we need to use a wire gauge in the range of 10-13 AWG.


    These handy equations can be used to determine voltage drop per 100 feet or wire gauge as an alternative to the chart, even for values that are not on the chart. To arrive at total voltage drop, always divide paired wire run length by 100, and then multiply that number by voltage drop per 100 Feet:

    1. To determine voltage drop per 100 feet given load current and wire gauge:

    VD = Voltage drop per 100 feet (Volts)
    IL = Current load (AMPs)
    AWG = Wire gauge

    2. To determine wire gauge necessary given paired wire length, load current, and desired voltage drop per 100 feet:

    With these useful tools, voltage drop problems can be avoided before installation, saving time, money and ensuring a correctly working system.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|howtochcoinp1||link.||||lo38mekecopa||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/how-to-change-the-code-in-the-pdf-format-23.gif||||||How To Change The Code In The PDF Format||||lo38mekecopa||Lockey 3830 Mechanical Keyless Combination Passage Knob Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|howtochancom||link.||||unheavdutkno1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/how-to-change-the-combination-on-many-kaba-locks-when-the-combination-has-been-lost-10.gif||||||How To Change The Combination On Many Kaba Locks When The Combination Has Been Lost||||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|howtochancom2||link.||||samunlocforp||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/how-to-change-the-combination-on-this-lock-10.gif||||||How To Change The Combination On This Lock||||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1 samunlocforp||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > Kaba Pushbutton Lock For Panic Devices W/ Key Bypass > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|howtochcoont||link.||||comlocboxbig||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/how-to-change-the-combination-on-this-product-in-the-pdf-format-9.gif||||||How To Change The Combination On This Product In The PDF Format||||escaperoomlock comlocboxbig||» Escape Room Locking > Bigger Combination Keyless Lock Box > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|noname28||link.||||comknobhanbo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/how-to-change-the-pushbutton-lock-combination-46.gif||||||How To Change The Pushbutton Lock Combination||||comlocbox comknobhanbo||» Keyless Lock Box (Hide A Key) > Combination Keyless Knob Hanger Box > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|noname29||link.||||sambutmounto||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/how-to-change-the-pushbutton-lock-combination-43.gif||||||How To Change The Pushbutton Lock Combination||||comlocbox sambutmounto||» Keyless Lock Box (Hide A Key) > Car Combination Keyless Lock Box > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|noname27||link.||||comkeystortw||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/how-to-change-the-pushbutton-lock-combination-47.gif||||||How To Change The Pushbutton Lock Combination||||comlocbox comkeystortw||» Keyless Lock Box (Hide A Key) > Combination Keyless Lock Box - Stores Two Keys > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|noname32||link.||||supkeykeycab||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/how-to-change-the-pushbutton-lock-combination-45.gif||||||How To Change The Pushbutton Lock Combination||||comlocbox supkeykeycab||» Keyless Lock Box (Hide A Key) > Supra Keyless Digital Key Cabinet > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|howtojumstar||item.||soliditem||books1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/how-to-jump-start-your-locksmith-business-24.gif||||||How To Jump Start Your Locksmith Business||Item: 1906||books1||» Books, Software About Locks - Safes - Security > ||40.000||40.000 ||||How To Jump Start Your Locksmith Business||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||thinking about starting a lock shop or locksmith business?||Anyone who's ever read anything that Jake Jakubuwski has written is familiar with his style...

    A little bit of humor, a little bit of "down home" wisdom and a whole lot of chutzpah. This book is just as witty, wry and pointed as everything else he had written. There's something on this CD for the newbie, the seasoned 'smith and the person that's dreaming of the day when they can go out on their own. Jake's advice on money making, building your business and customer relations is timeless.

    Available on CD only||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|laankeywiron||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/huge-ancient-key-with-roman-numerals-plate-29.gif||||||Huge Ancient Key with Roman Numerals Plate||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Large Ancient Key With Roman Numerals Plate||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Vintage/Antique Large very impressive Ornate Worked Metal Key (approx 19cm long - 7 1/2 inches!, 7cm deep at handle and 2.5cm at thickest). It comes with a metal plate ( about 3 1/2 inches wide x 4 1/2 inches high) showing the roman numerals XII and a seperate I (did not want to seperate as they came together). Probably from an important building (church or castle etc). The key in good condition for age with a little minor surface rust in a place or two as is the numerals but with more surface rust. The handle is not verticle to the lock part although it is hard to imagine it being forced round.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|hugeromankey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/huge-roman-key-27.gif||||||Huge Roman Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Circa 1st to 4th century AD with perfectly preserved hole at the tip. Still perfectly round after all these years!

    Weight: 66.30g (heavy)
    Size: 4 ½ inches long||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ibkeyforschl||item.||soliditem||schlagcobfor||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ibutton-keys-for-schlage-cobra-24.gif||||||iButton Keys For Schlage Cobra||Item: 1818-b||diglocel schlagcobfor||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Schlage Cobra For Adams Rite Type Lock > ||12.000||12.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|riexibuskefo||item.||soliditem||icodekeypad||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/icode-extra-ibutton-user-keys-for-key-chain-mounting-24.gif||||||iCode Extra Ibutton User Keys For Key-Chain Mounting||Item: 3395||icodekeypad||Ritenergy iButton/Keypad Reader W/ Remote Code Generation And Audit Capable > ||8.000||8.000 ||||iCode Extra Ibutton User Keys For Key-Chain Mounting||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||

    Data Chips contain sophisticated electronics to store a personal identification number in a coin shaped, sealed, stainless steel canister. This superior design allows the Data Chip to be easily attached to any smooth surface including existing photo ID cards, badges, or keychains depending on how they are ordered. Innovative packaging protects the electronic circuits inside the canister from dirt, moisture, corrosion and static discharge.

    Touching a Data Chip to the reader instantly transfers a 46 bit data stream of digital data which allows the user access to a secure area. Unlike keys or other security cards, the Data Chip is user-forgiving... it doesn't need to be precisely aligned to transfer its digital data.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|icexibprke||item-1||soliditem||rigronehedud||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/icode-extra-ibutton-program-keys-23.gif||||||iCode Extra Ibutton Program Keys (Extra For Spare)||Item: 3689||rigronehedud||RiteEnergy Grade One Resort/Remote Heavy Duty Lock > ||50.000||50.000 ||||iCode Extra Ibutton Program Keys (Extra For Spare)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|riexibuskewi||item.||soliditem||icodekeypad||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/icode-extra-ibutton-user-keys-with-sticky-tape-on-one-side-25.gif||||||iCode Extra Ibutton User Keys With Sticky Tape On One Side||Item 3345-B||icodekeypad||Ritenergy iButton/Keypad Reader W/ Remote Code Generation And Audit Capable > ||8.000||8.000 ||||iCode Extra Ibutton User Keys With Sticky Tape On One Side||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The sticky side ibutton is great to use with existing proximity cards or mag-stripe cards and with UCA locks. It will give you the ability to creat a dual technology card. Call us if you need more help with this.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|rikeal||item.||soliditem||ritenergydeadboltr300||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/icode-locks-keyed-alike-26.gif||||||iCode Locks Keyed Alike||Item: 3411||relok ritenergydeadboltr300||» Keyless Resort Vacation Or Rental Type Timed Locks > Ritenergy Pro R-300 Deadbolt Lock Remote Code Generation > ||15.000||15.000 ||||Ritelocks Keyed Alike||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Keyed alike (KA) - We can key your UCA locks alike (To the same key) if you like. Here's how it works: If you are ordering only one lock then this won't apply. Your lock already comes keyed with it's own keys. But let's say you are ordering 2 locks. Then we will take one lock and key up a second lock to the first lock. In this case you would pay for only one lock rekeyed.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|rima||item.||soliditem||rigronehedud2||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/icode-locks-master-keyed-25.gif||||||iCode Locks Master-Keyed||Item: 3411-B||relok rigronehedud2||» Keyless Resort Vacation Or Rental Type Timed Locks > RiteEnergy Pro Series iCode Digital Mortise Lock (Keypad Or ibutton) > ||37.500||37.500 ||||Ritelocks Master-Keyed||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Master-Keyed (MK) A set of locks (2 or more) master-keyed means that each lock can be opened by its own individual key, but there is one master key that opens all the locks. A master-keyed system is ideal for office settings where each person is responsible to lock and unlock their own locks, but an administrator or employer needs to have the ability to access all locks, whether for supervisory or maintenance purposes.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|risokitforpr||item.||soliditem||ritenergypror500latchlock||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/icode-software-kit-for-programming-and-audit-trail-27.gif||||||iCode Software Kit For Programming And Audit Trail ||3394-E||ritenergypror500latchlock||Ritenergy Pro R-500 iCode Grade 2 Keypad Latch Type Lock Remote Code Generation > ||209.000||298.000 ||209.000 ||iCode Software Kit For Programming And Audit Trail||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||soguinpdffo||||All new extremely intuitive easy to use Windows (including windows 7) software. Each kit includes the software, connecting USB cable and programming ibuttons.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ieidigkey||item.||soliditem||elkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-120-user-code-digital-keypad-24.gif||||||IEI 120 User Code Digital Keypad||1219||elkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ||169.000||169.000 ||||IEI 120 User Code Digital Keypad||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||simbutwitlig sambutalindo simbutweatre simweatresbu iei500us20se silbutsealan slimtwopieco ieiopteckey simbutsowatt lowprofileweathercover||On Sale! Build a very sophisticated access control system with this keypad. Or click on this picture for more IEI keypads.||Almost all IEI Keypads have the following features:

  • All in one unit - electronics and keypad on same board
  • Accepts most low voltage power supplies 12 - 24 V AC or DC
  • 4 independent outputs -one relay and three voltage outputs - See other IEI keypads with more relays
  • 4 independent timers
  • On board 8 amp form C relay
  • 120 programmable user codes
  • Remote Triggering input can pulse any combination of outputs (request to exit)
  • Power an electric strike or magnetic lock from the same 12 or 24 Vdc power supply that powers the keypad

    A lot of keypad for the money!

    See below for other models

    Note: most IEI keypads are also available with a Wiegand output at a cost of about 20 percent more. Please call to order.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather
    Weather covers

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    Note: This keypad does not have a flat back. It has an open back so you'll need to mount into drywall or into an electrical box.

    The weather cover below works well with this keypad||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|slimtwopieco||item.||soliditem||whatsnew||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-120-user-slim-mullion-mount-keypad-39.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-120-user-slim-mullion-mount-keypad-41.gif||IEI 120 User Slim Mullion Mount Keypad||1219-M||whatsnew||Great New Products > ||419.000||419.000 ||||IEI 120 User Slim Mullion Mount Keypad||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Hot Easy to see back-lit buttons.||Illuminated buttons

    For Indoor or Outdoor use.
    These keypads are elegantly designed, with backlit keys suitable for indoor and outdoor applications. Each keypad demonstrates superior durability in any environment. Featuring an easy to install one-piece design, 212iLM keypads mount directly to mullion doorframes or any flat surface. No backbox required. In addition, for convenient installation the 212iLM keypads feature a separate doorbell key and relay. Durability, ease of installation, and attractive design make the 212iLM a solid addition to IEI's unmatched array of keypads and front ends.

    • Encapsulated Electronics
    • Backlit Illuminated Hardened Keys
    • Doorbell Key
    • 120 Users
    • Forced alarm relay
    • Propped door alarm relay

    • Durable in any environment
    • Keys easy to see in poorly lit environment
    • Doorbell key included for easy installation
    • Easy to add to an existing strike or Mag-lock
    • Programmable 00-99 second relay activation
    • Durable finish

    • Users: 120
    • Inputs: One request-to-exit
    • Operating voltage: 12 to 24 Volts AC or DC
    • Size: 1.71” x 6.48" x 1.125"
    • Relays: 1R SPDT 5 Amp
    • Duty Cycle: Medium

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||"Finish" "Only Aluminum"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|iei500us20se||item.||soliditem||ieidigkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-500-user-2000-series-keypad-36.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-500-user-2000-series-keypad-38.gif||IEI 500 User 2000 Series Keypad||2054||elkey ieidigkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > IEI 120 User Code Digital Keypad > ||389.000||389.000 ||||IEI 500 User 2000 Series Keypad||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New! Use as a Wiegand access system controller or as stand alone relay control device with up to 500 user capacity.||The 2000 Series is our newest offering that combines all of our functionality groups into one powerful platform. The 2000 Series access control keypads manage up to 500 users and provide complete access control functionality including monitoring door position; controlling locking hardware; triggering a propped or forced door alert or alarm shunt output. The 2000 Series outputs can be expanded using the expansion relay module [p/n 2000-8EX] that provides 8 additional Form C outputs for a system total of 10 Form C outputs. The keypad comes with 2 relays. Some applications for the 2000 Series keypads include; operating as keypad front ends for access system, controlling many other electronic devices such as handicapped doors, gate controls, alarm systems, ATM vestibules, and other types of machinery requiring momentary or latched outputs. You can select between two modes of functionality with the 2000 Series keypads. They can operate as keypad front ends to IEI access systems and most Wiegand access system controllers, or as stand alone access control devices.

    The e style keypad from IEI uses plastic hardened backlit keys to insure long-term durability and high-quality performance (the optional heavy duty metal buttons are not backlit). e style keypads are designed for both indoor and outdoor flush mount applications. The electronics for each e keypad are conformal coated in the manufacturing process in order to provide this level of application flexibility.

  • Use as a Wiegand access system controller or as stand alone relay control device
  • Single gang flush mount design
  • 2 form c relays outputs
  • Backlit hardened keys (only the plastic buttons)
  • Polycarbonate trim <
  • Key press feedback via sounder and yellow LED
  • Built-in assignable sounder
  • Bi-color Red/Green LED indicates relay status
  • Indoor/Outdoor Use
  • Keypad Programmable
  • 12-24 VDC/VAC - Auto voltage sensing (AVS)
  • Dimensions: 4.50” x 2.75” x 0.60”
  • Temperature tolerance: -20F to 130F
  • Five year warranty

    Dont forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ieieastoucre||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-easy-touch-exit-switch-weatherproof-33.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-easy-touch-exit-switch-weatherproof-35.gif||IEI Easy Touch Exit Switch - Weatherproof||Item: 1532||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||219.000||219.000 ||||IEI Easy Touch Exit Switch -Weatherproof||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles|||||| Sorry but this item is out of stock. We don't know if we will have them again.

    Solid state and pressure sensitive weatherproof surface mount switch. Comes with the labels shown to the left.

    •Operating temperature -20 Degree F to 180 Degree F
    •Size: 2.75 inches Wide X 4.50 inches High
    •Power required - none! - just a light touch is enough to make it break the circuit
    •Does not need a back box-can be mounted on any flat surface or in an electrical box
    •Voltage rating: up to 40 volts
    •Use with any locking system with a momentary closure for egress||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|simbutwitlig||item.||soliditem||whatsnew||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-decorative-keypad-26.gif||||||IEI Indoor/Outdoor Decorative Keypad||1219-L||whatsnew||Great New Products > ||349.000||349.000 ||||IEI Indoor/Outdoor Decorative Keypad||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||setupin||Very Decorative With Lighted Buttons And Chrome Trim. 120 Users capacity. Can even be used outside!||For inside or outside usage.

    Illuminated buttons
    Elegant looking, this is probably the best looking keypad we have seen. Its flush mount design fits anywhere. The polished metal frame is heavy, durable and vandal resistant and gives a nice finished look. Great if you don't want an industial look.

  • For inside or outside usage.
  • Backlighted hardened keys for easy use
  • 120 Users
  • 1 LED's
  • One relay output (4 relay optional)
  • Power requirement: 12 or 24 vdc

    Note: This keypad does not have a flat back. It has an open back so you'll need to mount into drywall or into an electrical box.

    212 IL or 212 ILW

    •Dimensions: 3.47″ W x 5.14″ H x .71″ D
    •Temperature tolerance: -20F to 130F

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||"Choose number of relays" "One relay" "Four independent relays and timers. Please add 2 week lead time for this option. Add $69 (+69)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|sambutalindo||item.||soliditem||ieidigkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-keypad-also-includes-door-prop-and-forced-door-relay-27.gif||||||IEI Keypad - Also Includes Door Prop And Forced Door Relay||1219-A||elkey ieidigkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > IEI 120 User Code Digital Keypad > ||229.000||229.000 ||||IEI Keypad - Also Includes Door Prop And Forced Door Relay||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||plexkeycov||Hot|| Note: This keypad does not have a flat back. It has an open back so you'll need to mount into drywall or into an electrical box. This keypad comes with an auxiliary relay board that converts the voltage outputs from the main board to 3 separate 1 amp form c relays that can be used for alarm shunt to bypass an alarm system and allow door to be opened, forced door alarm to trigger a siren, camera or other device if a door is opened without a valid code and propped door alarm to trigger an alarm if a door is propped or held open beyond a specified time.

    •120 user codes

    Power requirement: 12 or 24 volt ac or dc||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|magstripcari||item.||soliditem||samsysbutwit4||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-mag-stripe-cards-in-lots-of-25-19.gif||||||IEI Mag Stripe Cards In Lots Of 25||Item: 1417||ap2doorsys samsysbutwit4||Apollo 2, 4, 6 Or 8 Door Proximity Card Or Mag-stripe Card System Or Keypads > Same Apollo System With Mag-Stripe Reader Keypads > ||105.000||105.000 ||||IEI Mag Stripe Cards In Lots Of 25||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ieiopteckey||item.||soliditem||ieidigkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-open-technology-keypad-wiegand-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-open-technology-keypad-wiegand-37.gif||IEI Open Technology Keypad (Wiegand)||Item: 1823||elkey ieidigkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > IEI 120 User Code Digital Keypad > ||289.000||289.000 ||||IEI Open Technology Keypad (Wiegand)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||This new keypad has beautiful backlit keys and can be used in or outdoors.||Sorry but this item is no longer made. See Item: 2054

    •Flush mount design
    •Beautiful Illuminated easy to see back lit hard keys
    •Keypress feedback with a built in sounder
    •Bi color red and green led indicators
    •Site code is programmable
    •Can be powered with 10 to 30 vdc or 12 to 24 vac
    •Use indoors or outdoors
    •Five year warranty

    4.5 inches high x 2.75 inches wide x 0.6 inches deep or
    114 mm x 70 mm x 15 mm

    Operating Temperature:
    -20 F to 120 F
    -28 C to 54 C

    Please note: this keypad has only a Wiegand output and not a relay output. This means that it can not work as stand alone and must be used with a panel or CPU box such as made by Hartmann or many other manufacturers. It may be used with most 26 bit formats such as HID.

    Related Products
    Hartmann Multi-door Panels

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|simbutsowatt||item.||soliditem||ieidigkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-ultra-waterproof-keypad-with-4-relays-27.gif||||||IEI Ultra Waterproof Keypad With 4 Relays||1219-X||elkey ieidigkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > IEI 120 User Code Digital Keypad > ||589.000||589.000 ||||IEI Ultra Waterproof Keypad With 4 Relays||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The 212 Series keypads are designed for basic access control or code control for up to four individual devices (model dependent). These keypads are the perfect choice for controlling electric or magnetic locks, security systems, elevator control, gate controls, or other types of equipment requiring on/off or momentary control inputs.

  • 120 users
  • Input trigger for Request to Exit or other open circuit contact
  • Up to 4 independent outputs
  • All outputs programmable for latched or timed operation.
  • Keypad programmable

    This keypad is so water tight that it will still work under water!
    Metal housing with 4 on-board relays.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|simbutweatre||item.||soliditem||ieidigkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-weather-resistant-keypad-25.gif||||||IEI Weather Resistant Keypad||1219-W||elkey ieidigkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > IEI 120 User Code Digital Keypad > ||219.000||219.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||plexkeycov||||Flushmount design with gasket to resist weather. Installs flush in drywall or in a single gang electric box. 120 user.

    Note: This keypad does not have a flat back. It has an open back so you'll need to mount into drywall or into an electrical box.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather

    Dont forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|simweatresbu||item.||soliditem||ieidigkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-weather-resistant-keypad-with-door-prop-and-forced-relay-26.gif||||||IEI Weather Resistant Keypad With Door Prop And Forced Relay||1219-WF||elkey ieidigkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > IEI 120 User Code Digital Keypad > ||288.000||288.000 ||||IEI Weather Resistant Keypad With Door Prop And Forced Relay||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||plexkeycov|||| Note: This keypad does not have a flat back. It has an open back so you'll need to mount into drywall or into an electrical box. This keypad comes with an auxiliary relay board that converts the voltage outputs from the main board to 3 separate 1 amp form c relays that can be used for alarm shunt to bypass an alarm system and allow door to be opened, forced door alarm to trigger a siren, camera or other device if a door is opened without a valid code and propped door alarm to trigger an alarm if a door is propped or held open beyond a specified time.

    •120 user codes

    Power requirement: 12 or 24 volt ac or dc

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|silbutsealan||item.||soliditem||ieidigkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-weatherproof-keypad-with-4-relays-27.gif||||||IEI Weatherproof Keypad With 4 Relays||1219-SE||elkey ieidigkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > IEI 120 User Code Digital Keypad > ||479.000||479.000 ||||IEI Weatherproof Keypad With 4 Relays||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||
  • Very heavy duty
  • All in one unit - electronics and keypad on same board
  • Accepts most low voltage power supplies 12 - 24 V AC or DC
  • 4 independent relay outputs
  • 4 independent timers
  • On board 8 amp form C relay
  • Relays can be set for momentary or flip flop. In flip flop code is entered triggering device and stays in this position until same code is re-entered. Can be any length of time.
  • Brail keys
  • 120 programmable user codes
  • Remote Triggering input can pulse any combination of outputs (request to exit)
  • Power an electric strike or magnetic lock from the same 12 or 24 Vdc power supply that powers the keypad

    A lot of keypad for the money!

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather

    Dont forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ieiproxreada||item.||soliditem||elkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/iei-hid-6-inch-rfid-proximity-card-reader-keypad-25.gif||||||IEI/HID 6 Inch RFID Proximity Card Reader/Keypad||1258||elkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ||629.000||||629.000 ||IEI/HID RFID 6 Inch Proximity Card Reader/Keypad||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||noname12 hidprcaloof5 hidprfo elk12volonea lowprofileweathercover||Hot Can be standard relay operated with an electric strike or mag lock or used in a system with Wiegand output! You can use this reader with your existing HID cards. One of the great features of this keypad/prox is that you can actually separate the proximity from the keypad part and relocate it up to 10 feet away!||Americam made!

    IEI prox.pad is a stand-alone proximity reader providing single-door proximity access control. It is ideal for small installations requiring proximity card access, or for remote locations when used in an online system. The proxpad is compatible with all HID proximity cards up to 37-bit.

    Note: If you already are using HID cards and want to add a combination Proximity Reader/Keypad this is the one to use.

  • Has the unique ability to separate the proximity reader from the digital keypad and be installed 10 feet apart.
  • Relay or Wiegand voltage output
  • When used with Wiegand output this reader can be used with most multi door systems!
  • 2 relay outputs
  • Keypad digits can be back lit
  • Use cards or numbers or both - your choice
  • Request to exit input
  • Reader able to be remotely mounted from controller
  • Weather resistant
  • 2000 users

    Takes a 12 VDC power supply
    30 - 100 ma current draw

    2.75 Wide X 5.26 Long X 1.373 Deep

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locking Devices

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Click here

    Important! Please note: always use a separate power supply when using a proximity card reader and an electric strike or magnetic lock.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ingrounsaffl||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/in-ground-safes-floor-safes-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/in-ground-safes-floor-safes-36.gif||In Ground Safes (Floor Safes)||||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||smaliksaf tubbodfoorsa supbrutheavd stamrobolido||New!||Although it takes some work installing a safe in concrete, it may be very worthwhile to do. By surrounding the safe in concrete you are accomplishing two things. It's hidden from view and also the volume of the concrete makes it a very tough safe to break into. Also, if a safe has a fire proof rating to begin with the concrete will only make the safe even more fire resistant!

    General concrete floor Installation:
    Break through the concrete floor with a either a sledge hammer or a electric hammer drill to approximate size. Dig to about 3 inches below position of safe. The more reinforced concrete that can be placed around safe, the greater the security. Partially fill hole with concrete mixture and reinforcement, place the safe in the hole, and push the safe down until the top is level with the finished floor. Finish adding the new concrete around the safe. Make sure the top of the safe is kept level with finished floor.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inrohosa||item-1||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/in-room-hotel-safe-26.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/in-room-hotel-safe-takes-codes-or-credit-cards-20.gif||In Room Hotel SAFE Takes Codes or Credit Cards||Item: 3786||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||399.000||399.000 ||||In Room Hotel SAFE Takes Codes or Credit Cards||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr124||This is the same safe you have probably seen when staying in a hotel. Same features.||
  • Reliable ADA approved keypad
  • 4 to 6 digit combination with standard hotel room configuration (customer sets new combination every time safe is used)or use your credit card. Same card must be used to lock and unlock
  • 5 min lock out penalty
  • Emergency key-lock override
  • Two anchor holes with carpeted floor
  • Mounting bolts included

  • Outside dimensions 9H x 16W x 14D
  • 29 lbs.
  • Black finish

    Heavy duty steel construction offers excellent burglary protection. Convenient motorized locking system, incorporating the latest technology. Easy to read, large LED display lets you know the status of the safe. Reliable ADA approved keypad. 4 to 6 digit combination, standard hotel room configuration (customer sets new combination every time safe is used, quickly and easily), or electronic credit card. Lock-out penalty if the combination is entered wrong, the safe will lock up for 5 minutes, frustrating the would-be burglar. Emergency key-lock override system with 2 keys. Spacious interior fits tablets and most lap top computers. Two anchor holes with mounting hardware included. Attractive carpeted bottom hides anchor bolts. Electrostatic powder-coated finish in textured black. Guest instruction label included. Packaged for UPS shipment.

    3786||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inwalpussaf||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/in-wall-pushbutton-safe-34.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/in-wall-pushbutton-safe-36.gif||In Wall Pushbutton Safe||1306||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||449.000||449.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||On Sale!||
  • Very heavy gauge steel construction
  • No assembly required
  • Easy between the wall studs installation (16" on center)
  • Uniquely designed door has a hidden hinge for extra security
  • Easy to change 5 button mechanical combination
    Unican push button lock allows quick and easy access, as well as an easy to change code with up to 2200 combinations possible. No more searching for lost keys, you set the code that is easy to remember and work. The Unican lock is mechanical and needs no batteries.

    Size: 15 3/4" H X 15 3/4" W X 3 1/2" D
    Weight: 23 lbs||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inbolo||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/indicator-bolt-lock-25.gif||||||Indicator Bolt Lock||Item: 3347||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||49.000||62.000 ||49.000 ||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Hot Great for custom doors such as used on planes and trains or public restrooms.||The Schlage Indicator deadbolt features a message display panel on exterior trim (shows either "VACANT" in green or "IN USE" in red) and a thumb turn on interior trim, no keyed cylinder. For use in commercial restrooms or dressing rooms. Feature a 1in.(25mm) projection deadbolt and also heavy duty strike plates with 3in.(76mm) mounting screws to resist impact blows and two heavy-duty 1/4in.(6mm) mounting screws to secure the deadbolt to the door. Comes with one emergency key. Additional emergency keys can be ordered, part 61-509.

    This product is ADA Compliant

  • 2 emergency keys included
  • Extra heavy duty bolt will work with both 2 3/8 and 2 3/4 inch backsets
  • Extra heavy duty box strike and very long screws are included||"Please choose finish" "Brushed chrome" "Bright Brass"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|sk1131spq||item-1||soliditem||proxread||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/sk1131spq-29.gif||||||Indoor Keypad/Proximity Card Reader||3737||proxread||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > ||269.000||269.000 ||||Indoor Keypad/Proximity Card Reader||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||prcaforinker prfoforinker domaco3wigap||4 Available programmable access modes for all 3 outputs: card only, code only, card and common user code, card and unique user code.||The new SK1131SPQ packs a tremendous number of features in a small package including 4 Available programmable access modes for all 3 outputs: card only, code only, card and common user code, card and unique user code.

    Pdf Installation instructions For The SK1131SPQ

  • Built-in proximity reader. 125hHz (EM125)
  • 4 Available programmable access modes for all 3 outputs: card only, code only, card and common user code, card and unique user code.
  • 1,200 Users over 3 Outputs. Codes may be 4~8 digits: - Output #1 – Form C relay, 1A@30VDC, 1,000 users - Output #2 – Form C relay, 1A@30VDC, 100 users - Output #3 – Transistor ground, 100mA@24VDC, 100 users
  • Super user code gives admin access to keypad.
  • Durable and attractive stainless steel faceplate.
  • Programmable lock out or duress output after 5~10 unsuccessful attempts to key in a code.
  • Relay output inhibit control.
  • Programmable egress input with optional warning alarm and delayed egress.
  • Built-in tamper (N.C.) circuit.
  • EEPROM memory prevents data loss.
  • Power: 12~24 VAC / VDC.
  • Illuminated keypad with programmable status LEDs.
  • Door-propped-open warning.
  • Alarm output triggers an optional alarm control panel if a protected door is forced open.
  • Optional door open alarm.
  • Mantrap: for a protected area with two doors, this feature allows only one door to be open at a time.
  • Duress output signals a silent alarm if an authorized user is forced to open the door under duress.
  • Keypad active output activates for 10 seconds when any key on the keypad is pressed.
  • Visitor codes can be programmed for one time use or for a specific amount of time.
  • Real-time clock to auto-disable access at specific times.

  • Operating voltage 12~24 VDC / VAC
  • Current draw (at 12VDC) Standby 66mA
  • Total max current draw 160mA
  • Outputs #1 – Form C 1A@30VDC #2 – Form C 1A@30VDC #3 – Transistor ground 100mA@24VDC K or A 100mA@24VDC
  • Duress 100mA@24VDC
  • Interlock 100mA@24VDC
  • Tamper 50mA@24VDC
  • Inputs Egress N.O. Ground
  • Door sense N.C. Ground
  • Door inhibit N.O. Ground
  • Proximity reader frequency 125kHz (EM125)
  • Proximity reader sensing distance 1-1/2” (38mm)
  • Operating temperature -4°~158° F (-20°~70° C)
  • Operating humidity 5~95% Non-condensing

    Dimensions (including back box) 4-5/8"x2-7/8"x1-1/2" (117x73x38 mm)

    Weight 6-oz (170 grams)

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    See our heater kit for cold weather
    See our popular electronic cabinet lock
    See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locking Devices

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up

    Important! Please note: always use a separate power supply when using a proximity card reader and an electric strike or magnetic lock.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inkecare2pas||item-1||soliditem||proxread||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/indoor-keypad-proximity-card-reader-2-part-system-31.gif||||||Indoor Keypad/Proximity Card Reader (2 Part System) More Secure||3788||proxread||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > ||279.000||279.000 ||||Indoor Keypad/Proximity Card Reader (2 Part System) More Secure||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||prcaforinker prfoforinker domaco3wigap usermanual||Split series installation for added security – keypad and controller are separate thereby preventing access via keypad tampering. 3 relays and up to 1000 users!||Split series installation for added security – keypad and controller are separate thereby preventing access via keypad tampering

  • Built-in door chime
  • Built-in current limited (750mA) power source for keypad for added security
  • Simple three wire connection between keypad and controller
  • 12~24 VDC Auto-adjusting operation
  • Possible user codes and/or proximity cards: - Output #1: 1,000 (000~999) - Output #2: 100 (001~100) - Output #3: 100 (001~100)
  • Up to 50 (01~50) possible temporary visitor codes, which can be programmed for one-time or limited-time use (1~99 hours)
  • Up to 50 (01~50) duress codes for output #1, 10 (01~09) for output #2, 10 (01~09) for output #3
  • EEPROM Memory protects programmed information in case of power loss
  • Keypad illuminates when a button is pressed; backlight can be programmable for FULL or AUTO in standby mode
  • Keypad mounts to a standard single-gang back box (surface-mount back box included)
  • All features are programmed directly from the keypad: No need for an external programmer
  • Programmable egress input with optional warning alarm and delayed egress
  • Door sensor input for anti-tailgating operation
  • Interlocking input for connecting to a second keypad for mantrap applications

    Related Products
    See our electric strike and magnetic lock section
    See our heater kit for cold weather
    See our popular electronic cabinet lock See the book: The Guide to Electronic Locking Devices

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up

    Important! Please note: always use a separate power supply when using a proximity card reader and an electric strike or magnetic lock.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inrepfordiga||item.||soliditem||digcomloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/inside-replacement-for-digital-and-ultra-latch-and-deadbolt-locks-25.gif||||||Inside Replacement For Digital And Ultra Latch And Deadbolt Locks||1730||mecpusloc digcomloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > ||19.000||19.000 ||||Inside Replacement For Digital And Ultra Latch And Deadbolt Locks||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This is only the inside plate with the attached thumbturn to be used to replace the same on these locks. Only in the chrome finish.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inrepfordiga1||item.||soliditem||digcomloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/inside-replacement-for-digital-and-ultra-lever-type-latch-locks-25.gif||||||Inside Replacement For Digital And Ultra lever Type Latch Locks||Item: 1730-B||mecpusloc digcomloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > ||19.000||19.000 ||||Inside Replacement For Digital And Ultra Lever Handle latch type Locks||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This is only the inside plate with the attached lever handle (lever handle only used for bottom latch type lock replacement)to be used to replace the same on these locks. Only in the chrome finish.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ininonthispr||link.||||kabmasdigsaf||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-info-on-this-product-in-the-pdf-format-10.gif||||||Installation Info On This Product In The PDF Format||||safes massafloc kabmasdigsaf||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > Kaba Mas Safe Locks > Kaba Mas Digital Safe Lock & Keypad - Battey Operated > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inguidinpdff8||link.||||unmorloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-and-combination-change-guide-in-the-pdf-format-10.gif||||||Installation And Combination Change Guide In The PDF Format||||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1 unmorloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > Kaba Ilco (Formerly Ilco Simplex Unican)Pushbutton Mortise Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|indiag||link.||||electricstrike||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-diagram-10.gif||||||Installation Diagram||||elkey secelkeydk electricstrike||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Securitron 59 User Digital Keypad > Rutherford Heavy Duty Electric Strike > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|indi||link.||||multim||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-diagrams-10.gif||||||Installation Diagrams||||escaperoomlock knocknoctoac multim||» Escape Room Locking > Knock lock (Knocklock) - Knock To Unlock > Multi-Purpose Timer > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inguidinpdff4||link.||||digcomloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-guide-in-the-pdf-format-46.gif||||||Installation Guide In The PDF format||||mecpusloc digcomloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inguidinpdff7||link.||||kabilforilsi||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-guide-in-the-pdf-format-42.gif||||||Installation Guide In The PDF Format||||mecpusloc kabilforilsi||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Pushbutton Deadbolt Or Latch Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inininpdffor5||link.||||aldooral||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-guide-in-the-pdf-format-45.gif||||||Installation Guide in the PDF format||||exbutanddev aldooral||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > AlarmLock Door Exit Alarm > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inguidinpdff5||link.||||difstyl||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-guide-in-the-pdf-format-44.gif||||||Installation Guide In The PDF format||||mecpusloc digcomloc difstyl||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > Digital Surface Mount Mechanical Pushbutton Deadbolt Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inguidinpdff9||link.||||samunlocforp||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-guide-in-the-pdf-format-43.gif||||||Installation Guide In The PDF Format||||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1 samunlocforp||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > Kaba Pushbutton Lock For Panic Devices W/ Key Bypass > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inguidinpdff13||link.||||220atfinlocw||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-guide-in-the-pdf-format-large-file-9.gif||||||Installation Guide In The PDF Format (Large File)||||220atfinlocw||Arrowvision 220 AT Heavy Duty Biometric Fingerprint Door Lock With Audit Trail Capability > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inguidinpdff||link.||||aldooral||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-guide-in-the-pdf-format-for-outside-keypad-10.gif||||||Installation Guide in the PDF format for outside keypad||||exbutanddev aldooral||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > AlarmLock Door Exit Alarm > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inininpdffor1||link.||||detkeyremmul||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-info-in-the-pdf-format-10.gif||||||Installation info in the PDF format||||securitronpowerjump detkeyremmul||Securitron Powerjump ICPT Inductive Coupling Power Transfer > Detex Keyed Removable Mullion > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inin4||link.||||seweweexbar||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-62.gif||||||Installation Instructions||||exitdevices seweweexbar||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > Securitron Weatherproof WEMB Exit Bar > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inininpdffo6||link.||||ritenergydeadboltr300||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-61.gif||||||Installation Instructions||||relok ritenergydeadboltr300||» Keyless Resort Vacation Or Rental Type Timed Locks > Ritenergy Pro R-300 Deadbolt Lock Remote Code Generation > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inin5||link.||||vareouaccoke||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-63.gif||||||Installation Instructions||||elkey vareouaccoke||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Vandal Resistant Outdoor/Indoor Access Control Keypad with Built In Proximity Card Reader > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inin2||link.||||extralargeseethroughenclosures||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-64.gif||||||Installation Instructions||||weathercovers extralargeseethroughenclosures||» Weather Lock & Keypad & Card Reader Covers > Extra Large See Through Enclosure Box > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inin6||link.||||liduelcalo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-65.gif||||||Installation Instructions||||exheduelcalo liduelcalo||Extra Heavy Duty Electronic Cabinet Lock > Light Duty Electronic Cabinet Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ininforaile||link.||||aipwitdoorre||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-for-the-aiphone-lem-1dl-10.gif||||||Installation Instructions For The Aiphone LEM-1DL||||intercoms aipwitdoorre||» Audio & Video Intercoms > Aiphone Intercom With Lock Release > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ininforbrlo||link.||||brutelock||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-for-the-brute-lock-18.gif||||||Installation Instructions For The Brute Lock||||cylocoincosy3 brutelock||Cypher Lock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic System Model With Battery Backup > The Sargent & Greenleaf Electronic Brute Lock Heavy Duty Deadlatch > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ininforcy||link.||||sargreencypc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-for-the-cypherlock-13.gif||||||Installation Instructions For The Cypherlock||||micylosy sargreencypc||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > CypherLock Continental Instruments Military Type CodeTronic System > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ininford||link.||||secelkeydk||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-for-the-d-8.gif||||||Installation Instructions For The DK-26 Keypad||||elkey secelkeydk||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Securitron 59 User Digital Keypad > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ininfordohed||link.||||doheglbr||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-for-the-dortronics-herculite-door-bracket-in-the-pdf-format-6.gif||||||Installation Instructions For The Dortronics Glass Door Bracket In The PDF Format||||elstrikandma dode12popuma doheglbr||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > Dortronics Decorative 1200 Pound Pull Magnetic Locks > Dortronics Glass Brackets > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ininforprloi||link.||||prmekelo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-for-the-preso-maric-lock-in-the-pdf-format-5.gif||||||Installation Instructions For The Preso-Maric Lock In The PDF Format||||mecpusloc prmekelo||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Preso-Matic Mechanical Keyless Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ininforprde||link.||||prmedecolo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-for-the-presomatic-deadbolt-12.gif||||||Installation instructions for the Presomatic Deadbolt||||mecpusloc prmekelo prmedecolo||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Preso-Matic Mechanical Keyless Lock > Preso-Matic Mechanical Deadbolt Combination Locks > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ininforsg61s||link.||||sandg6100||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-for-the-s-g-6100-safe-lock-12.gif||||||Installation Instructions for the S&G 6100 Safe Lock||||saandgrsalo sandg6100||Sargent And Greenleaf Safe Locks (Electronic And Mechanical) > Sargent And Greenleaf 6100 Series Electronic Lock And Keypad > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ininforx||link.||||kabmasx08ser1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installations-instructions-for-x-10-10.gif||||||Installation Instructions For X-10 Locks||||micylosy kabmasx08ser1||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) CDX-10 Series Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inininpdffo1||link.||||coadricoadri||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-in-the-pdf-format-49.gif||||||Installation Instructions In The PDF Format||||mecpusloc coadricoadri||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Codelock Adams Rite Aluminum Door Mechanical Push Button Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inininpdffor6||link.||||elsurmoundea||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-in-the-pdf-format-53.gif||||||Installation Instructions in the PDF format||||electriclocks elsurmoundea||» Miscellaneous Electric Locks > Electric Surface Mount Deadbolt > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inininpdffor||link.||||allinoneunit||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-in-the-pdf-format-52.gif||||||Installation instructions in the PDF format||||credcarread allinoneunit||» Mag Stripe Card & Corby Chip Readers > Rutherford All In One Stand Alone Credit Card Swipe Reader > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inininpdffo4||link.||||icodekeypad||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-in-the-pdf-format-51.gif||||||Installation Instructions In The PDF Format||||icodekeypad||Ritenergy iButton/Keypad Reader W/ Remote Code Generation And Audit Capable > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inininpdffo5||link.||||plexkeycov||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-in-the-pdf-format-54.gif||||||Installation Instructions In The PDF Format||||elkey ieidigkey simbutweatre plexkeycov||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > IEI 120 User Code Digital Keypad > IEI Weather Resistant Keypad > Weather Resistant Plastic Cover For Locks And Keypads > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inininpdffo3||link.||||detadpanbar||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-in-the-pdf-format-50.gif||||||Installation Instructions in the PDF Format||||exitdevices detadpanbar||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > Detex ADVANTEX Panic Exit Bar > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ininofprlalo||link.||||prmelacolo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-of-the-presomatic-latch-lock-12.gif||||||Installation instructions of the Presomatic Latch Lock||||mecpusloc prmekelo prmelacolo||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Preso-Matic Mechanical Keyless Lock > Preso-Matic Mechanical Latch Combination Locks > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ininonsk||link.||||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-instructions-on-the-sk-1131-spq-6.gif||||||Installation Instructions On The SK-1131-SPQ||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inprtetofork||item.||soliditem||trilogy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-prep-template-tool-for-kaba-1000-and-trilogy-locks-27.gif||||||Installation Prep Template Tool For Kaba 1000 And Trilogy Locks||3463||diglocel trilogy||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Alarm Lock Trilogy Lock DL 2700 > ||149.000||149.000 ||||Installation Prep Template Tool For Kaba 1000 And Trilogy Locks||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inshandte1||link.||||marelloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-sheet-and-template-24.gif||||||Installation Sheet And Template||||diglocel maiqelpulo marelloc||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Marks IQWik Electronic Pushbutton Lock > Marks Electronic i-Qwik Data Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inshandte||link.||||maiqelpulo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-sheet-and-template-25.gif||||||installation Sheet And Template||||diglocel maiqelpulo||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Marks IQWik Electronic Pushbutton Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inte1||link.||||elkecalo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-template-10.gif||||||Installation Template||||kecatylo elkecalo||» Keyless Cabinet Locks (Electronic And Mechanical) > Electronic Keypad Cabinet Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inte||link.||||arrowrevolution||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/installation-template-for-the-arrow-revolution-deadbolt-7.gif||||||Installation Template For The Yale Deadbolt||||powerbolts arrowrevolution||» Keyless Electronic Deadbolt Door Locks > Yale (Assa-Abloy) Assure (Real Living) Electronic Deadbolt Lock > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inforrepr2||link.||||ritenergydeadboltr300||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/instructions-for-remote-programming-20.gif||||||Instructions For Remote Programming||||relok ritenergydeadboltr300||» Keyless Resort Vacation Or Rental Type Timed Locks > Ritenergy Pro R-300 Deadbolt Lock Remote Code Generation > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inforthre||link.||||enfireandke||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/instructions-for-this-reader-12.gif||||||Instructions For This Reader||||bifire enfireandke||» Biometric Fingerprint Reader > Enforcer Biometric Weatherproof Fingerprint Reader And Keypad > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inonthisprod||link.||||flexcombasac||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/instructions-on-this-product-in-the-pdf-format-15.gif||||||Instructions On This Product ||||proxread avtaiprfprca flexcombasac||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea TA01A iProx RFID Proximity Card Reader With RS232 Connection > Avea RFID Proximity Reader - Audit Trail - RS232 Connection > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inonthisprod1||link.||||flexcombasac1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/instructions-on-this-product-in-the-pdf-format-16.gif||||||Instructions On This Product In The PDF Format||||proxread avtaiprfprca flexcombasac flexcombasac1||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea TA01A iProx RFID Proximity Card Reader With RS232 Connection > Avea RFID Proximity Reader - Audit Trail - RS232 Connection > Avea Proximity Reader - Audit Trail - RS485 Connection > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inliofromelo||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/interesting-lithograph-of-roman-medieval-locks-1930-29.gif||||||Interesting Lithograph Of Roman & Medieval Locks 1930 ||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Interesting Lithograph Of Roman & Medieval Locks 1930||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Keys for Roman & Medieval Locks 1930 Lithograph

    A very nice 1930 lithograph print depicting various keys and their designs for Roman, Italian, German and other medieval locks.

    From a Series Produced for Encyclopedias during 1910s-1930s

    Such images produced for encyclopedic use are usually not available from any other sources and offer unique and often rare images.

    Print is approx 6.5" x 9.5" (text and/or other images on reverse).||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|inpiofoldpol||link.||||foxstylpollo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/interesting-picture-of-an-old-police-lock-10.gif||||||Interesting Picture Of An Old Police Lock||||aseq foxstylpollo|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > Fox Police Lock (Original Style) > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|iskeyfobprox||item.||soliditem||puipreke||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-proximity-fob-in-packs-of-20-25.gif||||||ISONAS Proximity Fob In Packs Of 20||1324||elkey puipreke||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > ||229.000||229.000 ||||ISONAS Proximity Fob In Packs Of 20||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||ISONAS Key Fob Proximity tag can be conveniently attached to a keyring.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|isexdoki||item.||soliditem||puipreke||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-door-kit-for-exterior-doors-26.gif||||||ISONAS Door Kit™ For Exterior Doors||3401||elkey puipreke||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > ||96.000||96.000 ||||ISONAS Door Kit™ For Exterior Doors||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||moonthprinpd1||||Used to secure lock wires on exterior doors

    Presenting the ISONAS External Door Kit™ Newest product in the award-winning line of PowerNet IP Readers™ Protects the lock wires on the unsecured side of the door.

    Planned usage:
  • Used on external doors
  • Placed on secure side of door
  • Does not require any external power
  • Supports Fail Secure and Fail Safe locks

    When an ISONAS PowerNet reader is attached to an external door, there are sometimes concerns that the reader can be removed from the wall granting access to the electric lock wires. Worry no more! When the EDK is installed correctly the lock wires are never in contact with the unsecured side of any door. The relay wires connecting the ISONAS reader to the EDK use a proprietary encrypted signal modulation technique which must be correctly sent to the EDK before the EDK relay will operate. The EDK is very easy to install on the secure side of the door by simply putting the device in-line between the reader and electronic lock. The reader is then configured via the Crystal Matrix Software™ to use the EDK and that is the end of the installation.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|isprprcapdi||item.||soliditem||puipreke||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-3m-adhesive-proximity-tag-in-packs-of-20-21.gif||||||ISONAS (3M) Adhesive Proximity Tag Pack Of 100||3298||elkey puipreke||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > ||1150.000||1150.000 ||||ISONAS (3M) Adhesive Proximity Tag Pack Of 100||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Made by 3M, these are amazingly small! Since they have an adhesive backing, allows you to turn normal items into a proximity credential. Some examples include: Student ID cards, books, computers, and cell phones.

    Color: White
    Material: PVC
    Size: 0.04 inch thick x 0.975 inch diameter
    Sticky on one side using 3M tape

    Please note: this disc will only work with the Isonas version of the Isonas readers. Will not work with the Isonas HID readers.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|is3x4clreipp||item.||soliditem||puipreke||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-3x4-clearnet-reader-ip-proximity-card-reader-27.gif||||||Isonas 3x4 ClearNet Reader IP Proximity Card Reader||Item: 3249-B||elkey puipreke||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > ||495.000||495.000 ||||Isonas 3x4 ClearNet Reader IP Proximity Card Reader (PRC 001B IP I SP)||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sorry we are all out of this product.

    This reader works with the Isonas format cards and fobs. This is an older Clearnet reader. Only order if you ned to replace an older Isonas clearnet reader.We only have a few left. Please call for availability.

    3249-B||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|isandbi||link.||||isdo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-and-biometrics-6.gif||||||Isonas And Biometrics||||elkey puipreke isdo||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > Isonas Documention And Help Files > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|isandelco||link.||||isdo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-and-elevator-control-6.gif||||||Isonas And Elevator Control||||elkey puipreke isdo||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > Isonas Documention And Help Files > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|isandhidcaan||link.||||isdo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-and-hid-cards-and-fobs-6.gif||||||Isonas And HID Cards And Fobs||||elkey puipreke isdo||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > Isonas Documention And Help Files > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|isclamproxca||item.||soliditem||puipreke||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-clamshell-proximity-cards-in-packs-of-20-20.gif||||||ISONAS Clamshell Proximity Cards In Packs Of 25||1326||elkey puipreke||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > ||286.000||286.000 ||||ISONAS Clamshell Proximity Cards In Packs Of 25||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||ISONAS clamshell style proximity cards can have a replaceable peel off label enabling reuse of the card for a different person.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|iscrmasomula||link.||||isdo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-crystal-matrix-software-multi-language-support-6.gif||||||Isonas Crystal Matrix Software Multi Language Support||||elkey puipreke isdo||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > Isonas Documention And Help Files > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|isdo||item.||soliditem||puipreke||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-documention-and-help-files-29.gif||||||Isonas Documention And Help Files||||elkey puipreke||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > ||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||isandhidcaan moinonusisre isandbi isandelco isinandwi iseawebsoin isqustsogu unisda endhonispo scdotoauunwi onreforis istiandatsu ruiscrmasoon intoipregopa iscrmasomula||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|iseawebsoin||link.||||isdo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-easy-web-software-installation-6.gif||||||Isonas Easy Web Software Installation||||elkey puipreke isdo||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > Isonas Documention And Help Files > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|isinsu||item.||soliditem||puipreke||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-in-rush-suppressor-26.gif||||||Isonas In-Rush Suppressor||Item: 3407||elkey puipreke||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > ||46.000||46.000 ||||Isonas In-Rush Suppressor||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Protects your reader from in rush voltages seen with some magnetic door locks.

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|isinandwi||link.||||isdo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-installation-and-wiring-6.gif||||||Isonas Installation And Wiring||||elkey puipreke isdo||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > Isonas Documention And Help Files > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ispuipremu||item-1||soliditem||netaccon||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-pure-ip-reader-controller-mullion-31.gif||||||Isonas Pure IP Reader Controller Mullion Single Or Multiple Doors||Item: 3777||netaccon||» RFID Proximity Readers & Cards For Multiple Doors > ||924.000||924.000 ||||Isonas Pure IP Reader Controller Mullion Single Or Multiple Doors||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||isclamproxca isthintyppro iskeyfobprox isprprcapdi isexdoki isinsu is3x4clreipp isdo||The new Pure IP™ hardware family from ISONAS offers a suite of products that allow you to customize your access control solution. Our Reader -Controller continues to take advantage of our patented technology and remains an all in one intelligent device; eliminating the need for a panel and allowing you to take advantage of your existing network. Check out some of the latest features of the RC-04||Please call for price and availability for this item.

    The new Pure IP™ hardware family from ISONAS offers a suite of products that allow you to customize your access control solution. Our Reader -Controller continues to take advantage of our patented technology and remains an all in one intelligent device; eliminating the need for a panel and allowing you to take advantage of your existing network. Check out some of the latest features of the RC-04:

  • No panel connection. All connections are made from the reader/controller
  • Mullion, wall mount and wall mount keypad form factors allow for US and EU compatible mounting options; creating a simpler install process at each door.
  • Reader-Controllers are available in two models: Multi-card technology (125kHZ and 13.56 MHZ) or a proximity-only version (125kHz).
  • Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) allows customers to utilize our Pure Mobile application and use their smart phone as their credential.
  • Local mode feature allows readers to function without a connection to the network. This results in faster user response times, less network traffic and reduced host system loading.
  • Tamper detection via accelerometer senses any type of altering and prevents a security breach with the reader.
  • Secure data transmissions with AES 256 bit encryption
  • Metal back plate provides additional security, a simple two piece installation and consistent read range

    SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL • Multiple Form Factors - Mullion (5.1” x 1.7” x 0.71”) - Wall mount (5.1” x 3.25” x 0.17”) - Wall mount keypad (5.1”x 3.25” x 0.17”)
  • Low Frequency, High Frequency and Bluetooth® Low Energy
  • Local Decision making with host programming
  • Made in the USA
  • Compatible with Pure Access Software Platform
  • Extension cable: 7.5in Adapter: 19mm diameter

  • Power Over Ethernet (PoE), (IEEE 802.3af, Class 0)
  • DC Power: 12VDC In (9 to 16V) PLEASE NOTE: 24V DC is not approved for this device

  • 10Mb, Half or Full Duplex
  • Ethernet, TCP/IP, standard RJ45 Cable
  • Network host or client modes supported
  • DHCP Addressing Supported
  • Field fl ashable microcode

  • UL-294 Compliant
  • FCC Certifi ed
  • Operating Temperatures -40ºF to 135º F (-40ºC to 57ºC)
  • Conformal Coated for Weather Resistance
  • Exposure Ratings: IP56

  • 8 wire pigtail
  • 600mA provided to power the lock
  • Conditioned Lock Power
  • Fail Safe and Fail Secure Supported
  • Two Exterior Door Kit Outputs

    INPUTS • Two configurable inputs: – Door Sense – General Purpose Request to Exit(REX) or Auxiliary(AUX) VISUAL INDICATOR
  • LED signal for reader status
  • Backlit Keypad

  • Tamper Detection via an accelerameter
  • AES-256 bit encryption

  • 3” typical on RFID cards
  • Proximity read speed: <250msec

  • 125 kHz (FSK modulation)
  • 13.56MHz
  • Bluetooth® Low Energy Supported (4.1 and later)
  • Mifare® Classic, Ultralight, and Mifare Plus
  • MiFare DesFire EV2 (CSN) ISONAS Only
  • iClass (CSN)
  • ISO14443A & B

  • 64,000 Credentials
  • 5,000 Events
  • 32 Time Schedules

    Pure Mobile Credentials:
    Our new credentials, Pure Mobile, allow consumers to take the convenience of their mobile phone to the next level and turn access control into a simple, hassle free part of their day. The new Bluetooth® Low Energy feature of our Pure IP hardware family (RC-04) eliminates the need for a physical card and allows your mobile device to act as an access card. Available on iOS and Android. NFC credentials are purchased just like a card is purchased. Please give us a call if interested.

    Pure mobile cell phone NFC questions and answers:

    How does the mobile credential send a signal to the reader?
    The reader and mobile phone communicate via Bluetooth Low Energy ® The power-efficiency of Bluetooth® with low energy functionality makes it perfect for devices that run for long periods on power sources, such as a mobile device.

    What happens when a user loses their phone?
    The mobile credential is just like a physical credential. If a badge is lost the user’s credential should be disabled from the head end software and then a new enrollment and assignment to the new mobile device should be established.

    Why isn’t my phone being read at a reader?
    Always make sure your Bluetooth is enabled on your mobile device, without this the reader and device cannot communicate. Also make sure the Pure Mobile app is running in the background.

    Why does the app on my phone say Idle?
    When the mobile device is not near a reader and therefore not sensing a signal it will read Idle. If there is a reader in range and your app says Idle double check that your BLE is enabled on your mobile device.

    Why does my device read at multiple ranges?
    The read range and BLE strength varies between hardware devices. The mobile app has a learned read range capability and it will learn over a period of reads what the correct read range should be for your specific device.

    How do I order Pure Mobile credentials?
    You can order from us. Once you receive the email confirmation, your users can download the app from the app store by searching ISONAS Pure Mobile.

    3777||"Please choose cloud software license agreement for one year" "1 to 5 door license Add $400 (+400)" "6 to 20 door license Add $1000 (+1000)" "51 to 100 doors license Add $2000 (+2000)" "101 to 250 doors license Add $2500 (+2500)" "251 or more door license Add $5000 (+5000)"|^| "Please choose Power I/O Pigtail Ethernet connect cable" "4 feet Add $32 (+32)" "10 feet Add $44 (+44)" "25 feet Add $63 (+63)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|puipreke||item-1||soliditem||elkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/pure-ip-reader-controller-keypad-43.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/pure-ip-reader-controller-keypad-44.gif||Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad ||3800||elkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ||1399.000||1399.000 ||||Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||isclamproxca isthintyppro iskeyfobprox isprprcapdi isexdoki isinsu is3x4clreipp isdo||||Please call for price and availability for this item.

    The new Pure IP™ hardware family from ISONAS offers a suite of products that allow you to customize your access control solution. Our Reader - Controller continues to take advantage of our patented technology and remains an all in one intelligent device; eliminating the need for a panel and allowing you to take advantage of your existing network.

    The new Pure IP™ hardware family from ISONAS offers a suite of products that allow you to customize your access control solution. Our Reader -Controller continues to take advantage of our patented technology and remains an all in one intelligent device; eliminating the need for a panel and allowing you to take advantage of your existing network. Check out some of the latest features of the RC-04:

  • No panel connection. All connections are made from the reader/controller
  • Mullion, wall mount and wall mount keypad form factors allow for US and EU compatible mounting options; creating a simpler install process at each door.
  • Reader-Controllers are available in two models: Multi-card technology (125kHZ and 13.56 MHZ) or a proximity-only version (125kHz).
  • Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) allows customers to utilize our Pure Mobile application and use their smart phone as their credential.
  • Local mode feature allows readers to function without a connection to the network. This results in faster user response times, less network traffic and reduced host system loading.
  • Tamper detection via accelerometer senses any type of altering and prevents a security breach with the reader.
  • Secure data transmissions with AES 256 bit encryption
  • Metal back plate provides additional security, a simple two piece installation and consistent read range

    SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL • Multiple Form Factors - Mullion (5.1” x 1.7” x 0.71”) - Wall mount (5.1” x 3.25” x 0.17”) - Wall mount keypad (5.1”x 3.25” x 0.17”)
  • Low Frequency, High Frequency and Bluetooth® Low Energy
  • Local Decision making with host programming
  • Made in the USA
  • Compatible with Pure Access Software Platform
  • Extension cable: 7.5in Adapter: 19mm diameter

  • Power Over Ethernet (PoE), (IEEE 802.3af, Class 0)
  • DC Power: 12VDC In (9 to 16V) PLEASE NOTE: 24V DC is not approved for this device

  • 10Mb, Half or Full Duplex
  • Ethernet, TCP/IP, standard RJ45 Cable
  • Network host or client modes supported
  • DHCP Addressing Supported
  • Field flashable microcode

  • UL-294 Compliant
  • FCC Certified
  • Operating Temperatures -40ºF to 135º F (-40ºC to 57ºC)
  • Conformal Coated for Weather Resistance
  • Exposure Ratings: IP56

  • 8 wire pigtail
  • 600mA provided to power the lock
  • Conditioned Lock Power
  • Fail Safe and Fail Secure Supported
  • Two Exterior Door Kit Outputs

    INPUTS • Two configurable inputs: – Door Sense – General Purpose Request to Exit(REX) or Auxiliary(AUX) VISUAL INDICATOR
  • LED signal for reader status
  • Backlit Keypad

  • Tamper Detection via an accelerameter
  • AES-256 bit encryption

  • 3” typical on RFID cards
  • Proximity read speed: <250msec

  • 125 kHz (FSK modulation)
  • 13.56MHz
  • Bluetooth® Low Energy Supported (4.1 and later)
  • Mifare® Classic, Ultralight, and Mifare Plus
  • MiFare DesFire EV2 (CSN) ISONAS Only
  • iClass (CSN)
  • ISO14443A & B

  • 64,000 Credentials
  • 5,000 Events
  • 32 Time Schedules

    Pure Mobile Credentials:
    Our new credentials, Pure Mobile, allow consumers to take the convenience of their mobile phone to the next level and turn access control into a simple, hassle free part of their day. The new Bluetooth® Low Energy feature of our Pure IP hardware family (RC-04) eliminates the need for a physical card and allows your mobile device to act as an access card. Available on iOS and Android. NFC credentials are purchased just like a card is purchased. Please give us a call if interested.

    Pure mobile cell phone NFC questions and answers:

    How does the mobile credential send a signal to the reader?
    The reader and mobile phone communicate via Bluetooth Low Energy ® The power-efficiency of Bluetooth® with low energy functionality makes it perfect for devices that run for long periods on power sources, such as a mobile device.

    What happens when a user loses their phone?
    The mobile credential is just like a physical credential. If a badge is lost the user’s credential should be disabled from the head end software and then a new enrollment and assignment to the new mobile device should be established.

    Why isn’t my phone being read at a reader?
    Always make sure your Bluetooth is enabled on your mobile device, without this the reader and device cannot communicate. Also make sure the Pure Mobile app is running in the background.

    Why does the app on my phone say Idle?
    When the mobile device is not near a reader and therefore not sensing a signal it will read Idle. If there is a reader in range and your app says Idle double check that your BLE is enabled on your mobile device.

    Why does my device read at multiple ranges?
    The read range and BLE strength varies between hardware devices. The mobile app has a learned read range capability and it will learn over a period of reads what the correct read range should be for your specific device.

    How do I order Pure Mobile credentials?
    You can order from us. Once you receive the email confirmation, your users can download the app from the app store by searching ISONAS Pure Mobile.||"Please choose cloud software license agreement for one year" "1 to 5 door license Add $400 (+400)" "6 to 20 door license Add $1000 (+1000)" "51 to 100 doors license Add $2000 (+2000)" "101 to 250 doors license Add $2500 (+2500)" "251 or more door license Add $5000 (+5000)"|^| "Please choose Power I/O Pigtail Ethernet connect cable" "4 feet Add $32 (+32)" "10 feet Add $44 (+44)" "25 feet Add $63 (+63)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ispurecowamo||item-1||soliditem||netaccon||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-pure-reader-controller-wall-mount-29.gif||||||Isonas Pure Reader Controller Wall Mount Single Or Multiple Doors||Item: 3776||netaccon||» RFID Proximity Readers & Cards For Multiple Doors > ||924.000||924.000 ||||Isonas Pure Reader Controller Wall Mount Single Or Multiple Doors||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||isclamproxca isthintyppro iskeyfobprox isprprcapdi isexdoki isinsu is3x4clreipp isdo issoliag||||

    The new Pure IP™ hardware family from ISONAS offers a suite of products that allow you to customize your access control solution. Our Reader - Controller continues to take advantage of our patented technology and remains an all in one intelligent device; eliminating the need for a panel and allowing you to take advantage of your existing network. Check out some of the latest features of the RC-04:

  • No panel connection. All connections are made from the reader/controller
  • Mullion, wall mount and wall mount keypad form factors allow for US and EU compatible mounting options; creating a simpler install process at each door.
  • Reader-Controllers are available in two models: Multi-card technology (125kHZ and 13.56 MHZ) or a proximity-only version (125kHz).
  • Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) allows customers to utilize our Pure Mobile application and use their smart phone as their credential.
  • Local mode feature allows readers to function without a connection to the network. This results in faster user response times, less network traffic and reduced host system loading.
  • Tamper detection via accelerometer senses any type of altering and prevents a security breach with the reader.
  • Secure data transmissions with AES 256 bit encryption
  • Metal back plate provides additional security, a simple two piece installation and consistent read range

    SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL • Multiple Form Factors - Mullion (5.1” x 1.7” x 0.71”) - Wall mount (5.1” x 3.25” x 0.17”) - Wall mount keypad (5.1”x 3.25” x 0.17”)
  • Low Frequency, High Frequency and Bluetooth® Low Energy
  • Local Decision making with host programming
  • Made in the USA
  • Compatible with Pure Access Software Platform
  • Extension cable: 7.5in Adapter: 19mm diameter

  • Power Over Ethernet (PoE), (IEEE 802.3af, Class 0)
  • DC Power: 12VDC In (9 to 16V) PLEASE NOTE: 24V DC is not approved for this device

  • 10Mb, Half or Full Duplex
  • Ethernet, TCP/IP, standard RJ45 Cable
  • Network host or client modes supported
  • DHCP Addressing Supported
  • Field flashable microcode

  • UL-294 Compliant
  • FCC Certifi ed
  • Operating Temperatures -40ºF to 135º F (-40ºC to 57ºC)
  • Conformal Coated for Weather Resistance
  • Exposure Ratings: IP56

  • 8 wire pigtail
  • 600mA provided to power the lock
  • Conditioned Lock Power
  • Fail Safe and Fail Secure Supported
  • Two Exterior Door Kit Outputs

    INPUTS • Two configurable inputs: – Door Sense – General Purpose Request to Exit(REX) or Auxiliary(AUX) VISUAL INDICATOR
  • LED signal for reader status
  • Backlit Keypad

  • Tamper Detection via an accelerameter
  • AES-256 bit encryption

  • 3” typical on RFID cards
  • Proximity read speed: <250msec

  • 125 kHz (FSK modulation)
  • 13.56MHz
  • Bluetooth® Low Energy Supported (4.1 and later)
  • Mifare® Classic, Ultralight, and Mifare Plus
  • MiFare DesFire EV2 (CSN) ISONAS Only
  • iClass (CSN)
  • ISO14443A & B

  • 64,000 Credentials
  • 5,000 Events
  • 32 Time Schedules

    Pure Mobile Credentials:
    Our new credentials, Pure Mobile, allow consumers to take the convenience of their mobile phone to the next level and turn access control into a simple, hassle free part of their day. The new Bluetooth® Low Energy feature of our Pure IP hardware family (RC-04) eliminates the need for a physical card and allows your mobile device to act as an access card. Available on iOS and Android. NFC credentials are purchased just like a card is purchased. Please give us a call if interested.

    Pure mobile cell phone NFC questions and answers:

    How does the mobile credential send a signal to the reader?
    The reader and mobile phone communicate via Bluetooth Low Energy ® The power-efficiency of Bluetooth® with low energy functionality makes it perfect for devices that run for long periods on power sources, such as a mobile device.

    What happens when a user loses their phone?
    The mobile credential is just like a physical credential. If a badge is lost the user’s credential should be disabled from the head end software and then a new enrollment and assignment to the new mobile device should be established.

    Why isn’t my phone being read at a reader?
    Always make sure your Bluetooth is enabled on your mobile device, without this the reader and device cannot communicate. Also make sure the Pure Mobile app is running in the background.

    Why does the app on my phone say Idle?
    When the mobile device is not near a reader and therefore not sensing a signal it will read Idle. If there is a reader in range and your app says Idle double check that your BLE is enabled on your mobile device.

    Why does my device read at multiple ranges?
    The read range and BLE strength varies between hardware devices. The mobile app has a learned read range capability and it will learn over a period of reads what the correct read range should be for your specific device.

    How do I order Pure Mobile credentials?
    You can order from us. Once you receive the email confirmation, your users can download the app from the app store by searching ISONAS Pure Mobile.

    3776||"Please choose cloud software license agreement for one year" "1 to 5 door license Add $400 (+400)" "6 to 20 door license Add $1000 (+1000)" "51 to 100 doors license Add $2000 (+2000)" "101 to 250 doors license Add $2500 (+2500)" "251 or more door license Add $5000 (+5000)"|^| "Please choose Power I/O Pigtail Ethernet connect cable" "4 feet Add $32 (+32)" "10 feet Add $44 (+44)" "25 feet Add $63 (+63)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|isqustsogu||link.||||isdo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-quick-start-software-guide-6.gif||||||Isonas Quick Start Software Guide||||elkey puipreke isdo||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > Isonas Documention And Help Files > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|issoliag||item-1||soliditem||ispurecowamo||||||||Isonas Software License Agreement ||||netaccon ispurecowamo||» RFID Proximity Readers & Cards For Multiple Doors > Isonas Pure Reader Controller Wall Mount Single Or Multiple Doors > ||856.990||856.990 ||||Isonas Software License Agreement||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||2 year Isonas Software License Agreement||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|isthintyppro||item.||soliditem||puipreke||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-thin-type-proximity-cards-in-packs-of-20-20.gif||||||ISONAS Thin Type Proximity Cards In Packs Of 25||1325||elkey puipreke||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > ||286.000||286.000 ||||ISONAS Thin Type Proximity Cards In Packs Of 25||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||ISONAS thin cards can be printed edge to edge on two sides. These cards are individually numbered.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|istiandatsu||link.||||isdo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/isonas-time-and-attendance-support-6.gif||||||Isonas Time And Attendance Support||||elkey puipreke isdo||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > Isonas Pure IP Reader-Controller Keypad > Isonas Documention And Help Files > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ivmainfrinpd||link.||||optexivisionintercom||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ivision-intercom-manual-in-french-in-the-pdf-format-10.gif||||||iVision Intercom Manual in French in the PDF format||||intercoms optexivisionintercom||» Audio & Video Intercoms > Optex Ivision 2 Way Wireless Color Intercom System > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ivinmainpdff||link.||||optexivisionintercom||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/ivision-intercom-manual-in-the-pdf-format-10.gif||||||Ivision Intercom manual in the PDF format||||intercoms optexivisionintercom||» Audio & Video Intercoms > Optex Ivision 2 Way Wireless Color Intercom System > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|jackknifepickset||item-1||soliditem||loseprto||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/jackknifepickset-26.gif||||||Jackknife Hobbiest Lock Pick Set||3654||loseprto||» Locksmith & Security Professional Tools > ||34.950||34.950 ||||Jackknife Hobbiest Lock Pick Set||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||

    A complete compact pick set to use on pin & disc tumbler locks
  • Has 2 rakes, 1 diamond, 1 hook and tension wrench
  • Folds up & fits in pocket||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|jacexlocfora||item.||soliditem||exitdevices||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/jackson-exit-rim-lock-for-aluminum-doors-24.gif||||||Jackson Exit Rim Lock For Aluminum Doors||1886||exitdevices||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > ||289.000||349.000 ||289.000 ||Jackson Exit Rim Lock For Aluminum Doors||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Great for exit hardware on the typical commercial glass and aluminum type door where there usually isn't enough metal to mount a thicker exit lock. The Jackson 1095 Series exit rim device is universally recognized as the standard for aluminum storefront hardware. The Jackson crossbar device was designed with simplicity in mind, yet will provide many years of smooth, reliable operation.

    Uses standard rim cylinder for keyed entry. Adjustable strike options. Surface mounted roller strike (Type c) or surface surface mounted strike with nlad stop (Type s).||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|josekitinopm||link.||||aihafrhiquco||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/jo-series-kit-installation-operation-manual-4-mb-23.gif||||||JO Series Kit Installation & Operation Manual(4 MB)||||intercoms aihafrhiquco||» Audio & Video Intercoms > Aiphone JO Series Color Surface Mount Video Intercom Set > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|josekitinopm1||link.||||aijosecostst||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/jo-series-kit-installation-operation-manual-4-mb-24.gif||||||JO Series Kit Installation & Operation Manual(4 MB)||||intercoms aijosecostst||» Audio & Video Intercoms > Aiphone JO Series Color Stainless Steel Surface Mount Video Intercom > ||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kabilforilsi||item.||soliditem||mecpusloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-pushbutton-deadbolt-or-latch-lock-38.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-pushbutton-deadbolt-or-latch-lock-40.gif||Kaba Pushbutton Deadbolt Or Latch Lock||1589||mecpusloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > ||179.000||179.000 ||||Kaba Pushbutton Deadbolt Or Latch Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||tochancomon7 inguidinpdff7 hr28 ka70seboorla||HotVery easy to install and changing the combination on this lock is easier than on most mechanical type locks.||The 7000 Series lockset provides fully mechanical primary or auxiliary pushbutton access control with no electrical wiring, electronics, or batteries. Exterior access is by combination. Egress is by interior thumbturn and is free at all times.

    Deadbolt models are manually relocking. Deadlocking latch models automatically relock each time the door closes. 7000 Series locksets are suitable for residential or light commercial applications. The streamlined housing with integrated pull makes the lock ideal for front and rear doors, garages, conference rooms, offices, garden cabanas, utility rooms and workshops. Mounts above existing lockset, or can be used alone.

    Choose either deadbolt or latch pushbutton lock. Fits doors 1-3/8" to 2-1/4" thick. Covers existing holes in door. For interior or exterior use. All mechanical-no batteries or wiring. Thousands of possible combinations and combinations can be changed by the owner very easily and quickly. Latch and hand are field reversible.

    •Light Commercial & Residential Lock
    •All Metal Cast Front
    •Forceproof Clutch Thumbturn
    •Manual Deadbolt or Auto Deadlocking Latch
    •Backset 60 or 70mm (2 3/8" or 2 ¾") 35 to 57mm (1 3/8" to 2 ¼") Door Thickness
    •Non Handed
    •Satin Chrome and Bright Brass
    •Simple On Door Code Change

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for these locks!

    See backset diagram
    ||Finish "Bright Brass" "Dull Chrome"|^|"Choose Backset \\|\\store1.turbifycdn.com/I/853111_1533_3533457\\|\\Click for backset diagram" "2 3/4 inch standard heavy duty (70mm)" " 2 3/8 inch (60mm)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|samheavdutun1||item.||soliditem||unheavdutkno1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-pushbutton-lock-with-levers-and-key-bypass-51.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-pushbutton-lock-with-levers-and-key-bypass-53.gif||Kaba Pushbutton Lock
    With Levers and Key Bypass||1146||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > ||496.000||577.000 ||496.000 ||Kaba Pushbutton Lock With Levers and Key Bypass||"Choose handing\\|\\store1.turbifycdn.com/I/853111_1823_18187368\\|\\Click for handing diagram" "Left" "Right"

    Finish "Brushed chrome only"

    Function "Without passage option - ready to accept your Best IC core type cylinder - Chrome finish $496" "Without passage option and we include Arrow IC core cylinder and keys - Chrome finish Add $75 (+75)" "With passage option and ready to accept Best/Falcon/ Arrow IC core cylinder - Chrome finish Add $40 (+40)" "With passage option and we include Arrow cylinder IC core cylinder and keys - Chrome finish Add $115 (+115)" "Without passage option - ready to accept your Best or Arrow IC core type cylinder - Bright Brass finish Add $49 (+49)" "Without passage option and we include Arrow IC core cylinder and keys - Bright Brass finish Add $125 (+125)"

    "Choose Backset" "2 3/4 inch Standard heavy duty UL approved (70mm)" " 2 3/8 inch heavy duty UL approved (60mm) Add $58 (+58)"||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles|||||| This lock takes only an IC core cylinder for key back-up. If you need key back-up we can supply you with these cylinders. If the type of cylinder brand is not important to you then we suggest you have it shipped with a Schlage type IC core cylinder since these can be easily rekeyed if you ever need to. They cost an additional $75 which includes keying. We can also supply other keyways. Give us a call for price and availability. If you prefer, we can install the cylinder in the lock, at no charge, before it's sent to you. Just let us know when you order. If you need the passage function be sure to click on the passage function in the pull down bar when ordering.

    Please note:Passage feature option allows access without using the entry code (keeps the door unlocked, even while closed). This function is on the inside of the door, and can be thumbturn or key activated

    See handing diagram
    See backset diagram
    See the Weather cover
    See for gate mounting

    Lock Body: 7-7/8 inches H X 3 inches W X 3-13/16 inches D - Surface of lock outwards is 3 7/8 inch||"Choose handing" "Left" "Right"|^|Finish "Brushed chrome only"|^|Function "Without passage option - ready to accept your Best IC core type cylinder - Chrome finish $496" "Without passage option and we include Arrow IC core cylinder and keys - Chrome finish Add $75 (+75)" "With passage option and ready to accept Best/Falcon/ Arrow IC core cylinder - Chrome finish Add $40 (+40)" "With passage option and we include Arrow cylinder IC core cylinder and keys - Chrome finish Add $115 (+115)" "Without passage option - ready to accept your Best or Arrow IC core type cylinder - Bright Brass finish Add $49 (+49)" "Without passage option and we include Arrow IC core cylinder and keys - Bright Brass finish Add $125 (+125)"|^|"Choose Backset" "2 3/4 inch Standard heavy duty UL approved (70mm)" " 2 3/8 inch heavy duty UL approved (60mm) Add $58 (+58)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kab50mecpusl||item.||soliditem||unheavdutkno1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-5000-heavy-duty-mechanical-pushbutton-lever-lock-59.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-5000-heavy-duty-mechanical-pushbutton-lever-lock-70.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-5000-heavy-duty-mechanical-pushbutton-lever-lock-61.gif||Kaba 5000 Heavy Duty Mechanical Pushbutton Lever Lock||1664||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > ||679.000||679.000 ||||Kaba 5000 Heavy Duty Mechanical Pushbutton Lever Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||General Merchandise||kab50mecpusl1 kab50mecpusl2 elloclatguar1 cylfortrilma1 gaboxforka10 noname12 heavdutdead hr49 lib2||Hot Now Kaba's newest American made heavy duty lock comes with a 2 year warranty. Order with regular key backup or new best type IC Core type key backup. Now also available in bright brass finish. No batteries needed - completely mechanical!||This lock is ADA compliant

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for these locks!

    The new American made Kaba Simplex 5000 has been designed for the simplest installation possible. The lock is shipped preassembled as two fully contained front and rear housings. It’s non-handed, and the lever hand can be changed in seconds. It installs easily on wood or metal doors from 1 3/8" to 2 1/4" in thickness, or 35mm to 57mm. In addition, it fits standard 161 Cylindrical Lock door prep with only minor modifications; retrofits cylindrical locksets with 2 3/4" (70mm) backset; and covers existing Kaba Ilco 1000, L1000 and PowerLever installations.

    Since it features a direct - drive design, there is no need for a clutch mechanism. This decreases the possibility of internal breakage and the subsequent linkage repairs. And with a fully independent lever, there’s less chance of damage from abuse. Using the Simplex 5000 couldn’t be easier. You just punch in the correct code and press "ENTER." The ADA-compliant lever requires only a 45-degree turn in either direction. The code that opens the door can be easily changed to one of thousands of possible combinations, without removing the lock—eliminating the cost of cutting new keys. And since it is mechanical, there are no batteries to maintain or replace.

  • Handing is reversible
  • Comes standard with a regular key cylinder for key backup at no extra charge. Special high security restricted keyway.
  • Very heavy duty grade one
  • No batteries needed - completely mechanical
  • 3 year warranty!
  • A combination card is also included to help users keep track of their codes, and a surround card lets you place operating instructions on the door itself. You can also reach our Support Team via telephone.
  • Installation: Easily installs on wood or metal doors. ASA 161 door prep with two additional through bore holes. Retrofits cylindrical and tubular locksets with a 2-3/4" backset.
  • Door Handing: Non-handed, preassembled for left-hand door installations - can be easily changed in the field

    From its packaging to its warranty, the Simplex 5000 takes customer support to a new level. The lock is packaged with fewer parts to assemble. That means less time, and less confusion at installation. The owner’s manual is also built for speed, with more illustrations and diagrams than manuals for other a quick read, as thorough and helpful as possible, covering both the installation and operation of your Simplex 5000, in three languages. Kaba seems to be really serious about helping the end user. So far we have heard customer service has been great!

    This lock comes free with a special restricted type cylinder - A Lori 90 1614 (for added security) but these keys can be cut on a regular key machine) and the keys for key back-up. It also comes with the tail pieces to use with the following type of cylinders if you need to key your new lock into an existing system:

    Abloy 5277 - 5477
    Assa 65691
    Kaba Ilco 15395
    Assa Australian 65611
    Corbin Russwin 2000-03
    Kaba Ilco 1599
    Schlage C
    Schlage 23-001
    Schlage Primus 20-760
    Medeco 20w200h1
    Arrow c100
    Sargent 10 line

    See some of the cylinders, in the options area below, that we can supply with this lock.

    Please note: If your installing this lock on a gate you can order a special gate box made just for this lock. See for gate mounting or order by checking box in options

    Strike: ASA strike plate
    Backset: 2-3/4" (70mm)
    Will work with door thickness: 1-3/8" (35mm) to 2-1/4" (57mm)
    Preassembled to accommodate doors 1-5/8" to 2" (41 to 51mm)

    Outside: 8 3/4 inches long X 3 1/4 inches wide x 1 3/4 inches deep
    Inside: 8 1/2 inches long x 3 1/8 inches wide x 1/2 deep (plate only)

    1664||Finish "Brushed chrome" "Bright brass Add $179 (+179)"|^|Function "Standard keyway included for free - choose this option if your not sure or call us" "Ready to accept your Best/Falcon/ArrowAdd Add $69(+69)" "We include an Arrow IC core cylinder Add $229(+229)"|^| "Choose Backset \\|\\store1.turbifycdn.com/I/853111_1533_3533457\\|\\Click for backset diagram" "2 3/4 inch standard heavy duty UL Approved (70mm)" " 2 3/8 inch heavy duty UL Approved (60mm) Add $105 (+)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kab50mecpusl2||item.||soliditem||exitdevices||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-5000-mechanical-pushbutton-lock-for-exit-devices-26.gif||||||Kaba 5000 Mechanical Pushbutton Lock For Exit Devices||1967||exitdevices||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > ||589.000||680.000 ||589.000 ||Kaba 5000 Mechanical Pushbutton Lock For Exit Devices||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||vondup22pane vondupheavdu||||With key back up. Can be used with the following exit bars:
    Arrow S1250
    Sargent 8888
    Von Duprin 22/22F
    Von Duprin 99/99F

    Only brushed chrome finish||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kab50mecpusl1||item.||soliditem||kab50mecpusl||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-5000-mechanical-pushbutton-lock-with-passage-function-leave-unlocked-temporarily-24.gif||||||Kaba 5000 Mechanical Pushbutton Lock With Passage Function (Leave unlocked temporarily)||1786||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1 kab50mecpusl||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > Kaba 5000 Heavy Duty Mechanical Pushbutton Lever Lock > ||589.000||698.000 ||589.000 ||Kaba 5000 Mechanical Pushbutton Lock With Passage Function||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Comes standard with a Lori 90 keyway.||"
    Choose Backset \\|\\store1.turbifycdn.com/I/853111_1533_3533457\\|\\Click for backset diagram" "2 3/4 inch standard heavy duty UL Approved (70mm)" " 2 3/8 inch heavy duty UL Approved (60mm) Add $105 (+105)"|^|Finish "Brushed chrome" "Bright brass (beautiful rich color)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ka52adprso||item.||soliditem||kae52ello||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-5200-5700-advanced-programming-software-25.gif||||||Kaba 5200/5700 Advanced Programming Software||Item: 2063||diglocel kae52ello||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Kaba E-Plex Electronic Lock > ||598.000||675.000 ||598.000 ||Kaba 5200/5700 Advanced Programming Software||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Easy-to-Use: Point-and-click Windows™ based software requires no special knowledge to operate
    Software provides simple on-screen instructions
    Instructions guide you through set-up, managing users, access schedules, doors and establishing authority levels
    Capabilities: Easily manages up to 3,000 users per lock; unlimited users in the software database
    Manages up to 16 access schedules per lock; unlimited schedules in the software database
    Manages up to 32 holidays/vacations blocks per lock; unlimited holidays/ vacations in the software database
    Guest/visitor management with programmable expiry
    Service users can be programmed for one shot or “come-and-go” access for 1 to 24 hours – for rental spaces, meeting rooms, etc.
    Lock settings and related parameters are easily cloned, permitting quick multi-lock installations
    Data Import: User information can be imported from existing databases and spreadsheets
    Data Protection: Passwords ensure integrity of system and data
    Card Enrollment: (5700 series only) Cards may be quickly entered into software using an optional PROX Enroller
    Batch Enrollment also available for standard 26 bit HID cards.
    PROX Credential: HID Prox Cards/Tokens, 125khz, 26-84 bit range
    Lock Communication:
    Information Transfer: Locks programmed and audits downloaded with handheld PDA (personal digital assistant) running PALM OS 4.0 or higher (please see www.e-plexlock.com for approved list)
    Communicates through infrared data transfer – requires no dedicated cables or equipment – just point your PDA at the lockʼs transfer window
    LED Indicators: Provide visual confirmation during data transfer
    Battery Life: PDA quickly reads and displays lockʼs battery status without having to access door or remove lock
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ka70seboorla||item-1||soliditem||kabilforilsi||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-7000-series-bolt-or-latch-only-bolt-the-bolt-or-latch-45.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-7000-series-bolt-or-latch-only-bolt-the-bolt-or-latch-47.gif||Kaba 7000 Series Bolt Or Latch (Only Bolt The Bolt or Latch)||1589-B||mecpusloc kabilforilsi||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Pushbutton Deadbolt Or Latch Lock > ||62.000||62.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|ka900semepul||item.||soliditem||mecpusloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-900-series-mechanical-pushbutton-deadbolt-or-latch-lock-27.gif||||||Kaba 900 Series Mechanical Pushbutton Deadbolt Or Latch Lock||2095||mecpusloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > ||189.000||189.000 ||||Kaba 900 Series Mechanical Deadbolt Or Latch Pushbutton Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The 900 Series Simplex® auxiliary lockset provides fully mechanical pushbutton access control with no electrical wiring, electronics, or batteries. Exterior access is by combination. Egress is by interior thumbturn and is free at all times. Deadbolt models are manually relocking. Dead-locking spring latch models automatically relock each time the door closes, with standard latch holdback. 900 Series locksets are suitable for light commercial or residential applications. Please note that this surface mounted lock can be difficult to install.

  • Light Commercial & Residential Lock
  • All Metal Cast Front
  • Forceproof Clutch Thumbturn
  • 35 to 54mm (1 3/8" to 2 1/8") Door Thickness
  • Backset 65mm (2 9/16") Out-swing Doors
  • Backset 64mm (2 ½") In-swing Doors
  • Field Reversible Handing, Invert Lock for RH Doors
  • Satin Brass or Satin Chrome Finish
  • Simple On Door Code Change||"Finish only" "Dull chrome"|^| "Door thickness" "For doors that are 1 3/8 to 1 1/2 inches thick" "For doors that are 1 3/4 to 2 1/8 inches thick"|^|"Deadbolt or Auto locking latch" "Deadbolt" "Auto locking latch(+30)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kae52ello||item.||soliditem||diglocel||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-e-plex-electronic-lock-34.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-e-plex-electronic-lock-36.gif||Kaba E-Plex Electronic Lock||Item: 2062||diglocel||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > ||785.000||785.000 ||||Kaba E-Plex Electronic Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||ka52adprso proxcarforka hidprfoinloo noname12 hr92 clforinvi clforsopr||New! With this new lock you can pre enter codes that are effective for only specific time periods or dates. This is a very handy feature for rentals. The ultimate renters lock and no recurring monthly fees. No also available with built in Proximity card reader.||ADA compliant

    Kaba E-Plex 5000 Electronic Lock is a very special lock. It combines the best characteristics of both a a heavy duty mechanical lock and a modern, easy to use electronic lock.

    These locks are battery powered

    Built on over 40 years of experience, the new E-Plex by Kaba combines the strength, simplicity and reliability of our industry leading Simplex locks with the enhanced security and convenience of electronic access control. The E-Plex 5000 is ideal for securing sensitive access points in multiple settings, especially locations with high user turnover. You’ll appreciate fully audited access control without the costs and problems of issuing, managing and collecting keys or magnetic cards. It’s never been easier to power up your access control.

    Each site is assigned one Master level – the remaining 99 codes can be set to Manager, User, or Service levels. Service level codes can be programmed for access once, or unlimted entrance for a period of one to 24 hours – ideal for service personnel, meeting rooms, and rental space.

    Easy to manage Users and locks can be controlled at the door or with optional, easy-to-use Microsoft Excel based software. The software provides manageable control as your facility’s number of users and access points grow. User additions and deletions are completed quickly Each access code is assigned one of five authority levels that specify who has access to various lock functions.

    •Simple to install, use and maintain
    •3000 access codes
    •Extensive audit trail
    •Programmable passage mode
    •Takes 4 regular AAA batteries
    •Installation requires no wiring through the door (Models with batteries located in exterior housing)
    •Optional easy-to-use Excel based software
    •Three-year warranty from lock activation date
    •ANSI/BHMA grade 1 compliant
    Easy to rehand so you don't need to choose left or right
    •Will install on door thickness from 1 3/8 to 2 1/4 inches
    •Comes with free back up mechanical key and cylinder

    Multiple Access Codes Easy to Manage Easy to Install Audit Capability

    Flexible Three easy to set operation modes – combination (PIN) entry, passage, and lockout – give you the flexibility to control your facility’s entry requirements according to your security needs during the business day and beyond. Variety of key override formats fit existing master key systems – key-inlever, interchangeable and removable core options. Passage can be set on or off, or programmed to relock after a specified period.

    User-friendly Audio and visual indicators can be set to notify users when access is granted or denied. Unique, yet convenient pushbutton design deters code stealing over traditional telephone style keypads. Lock features ADA-compliant levers.

    Customizable user parameters User access codes can be set from four to eight digits. The time interval between combination entry and relock is variable from two to 20 seconds. The antitamper feature disables the lock after multiple invalid combination entries – set for between three to nine attempts and up to 90 seconds.

    Easy to maintain Durable heavy-duty construction requires minimal maintenance. Weatherized housings are tested to operate in hot or cold climates. Battery options give you the choice of location in exterior or interior housing. Exterior housing location requires no additional wiring through the door, and the interior design makes multiple door battery replacement simple. Visual indicators alert you when battery is low.

    Three-year warranty. Built-in warranty counter begins on date of lock activation.


    Easy to install The lock ships ready for installation on the door. It can be easily setup and programmed off the door, prior to installation – especially useful when installing multiple locks. The fully contained housings install easily on wood or metal doors and provide a quick and simple retrofit to any standard 161 cylindrical door prep. A non-handed design easily accommodates both left - and righthand doors. No gaskets required for outdoor use.

    Optional E-Plex advanced software. Easy-to-use point & click Microsoft Excel based software requires no specialized knowledge to operate. Software manages up to 300 enrolled access codes per door and up to 10,000 doors per site. Manage multiple sites with one software package.

    Please note: this new lock comes with a free Kaba 90 keyway for key backup. If you need more than the 2 keys it comes with you may have difficulty having more keys cut in the future because the Kaba 90 keyway in is not a common type. For more common type keyways that you can order with this lock for an additional fee, please see the options below. If you think this may be an issue please give us a call before ordering.

    Access Control: Electronic pushbutton lock – eliminates problems and costs associated with issuing, controlling and collecting keys and cards
    Locking Device: Cylindrical latch with 3 hour UL/ULC fire rating
    Number of Codes: 3,000 access codes per door; over 100 million possible code combinations
    Audit Trail: The most recent 30,000 lock events are recorded in memory including use of the mechanical key override
    Programming: Locks are programmed via E-Plex Advanced Access Control Software (not included - see options below) - provides easy management of doors and users
    Handing: Non-handed, pre-assembled for left hand door installations - easily changed in the field
    Key Override: Key-in-lever cylinders, small format interchangeable cores, large format removable cores
    Scheduling: Access schedules Up to 16 different access schedules may be programmed into lock
    Holiday / Vacation Up to 32 different holiday / vacation blocks may be programmed into lock
    Passage Options: First manager in (or privileged user) Automatically according to access schedules
    Manually toggled on / off at lock
    Authority Levels: Six different levels allow you to control who has access to specific lock functions, includes: Service codes – programmed for one time access or “come and go” access for 1 to 24 hours
    Guest management – access for temporary users expiring from 1 to 365 days. The codes will evaporate at a pre determined date. A very useful feature!
    User Parameters: Code length Adjustable to accept 4 to 8 digits
    Anti-tamper lockout Adjustable from 3 to 9 invalid attempts with an adjustable period of 0 to 90 seconds
    Re-lock time Adjustable from 2 to 20 seconds
    Battery Operation: Batteries located in interior housing cover; offers quick and easy battery replacements for institutions (Four AA Alkaline batteries provide up to 140,000 cycles) Lock data is maintained if batteries fail
    Ease of Installation: LectroBolt™ (patent pending) eliminates wiring to or through the door - no risk of pinched wires

    Mechanical Features:
    Construction: Extra heavy-duty, cylindrical lockset, solid cast housings, solid cast levers, cylindrical drive wear tested for extensive use in indoor and outdoor applications
    Numeric Keypad: Vandal resistant, solid metal pushbuttons Door Handing: Non-handed, pre-assembled for left-hand door installations – easily changed in the field
    Backsets: 2 3⁄4" (70 mm), 2 3⁄8" (60 mm)
    Latch: 1⁄2" (13 mm) latch, 3⁄4" (19 mm) latch (optional)
    Minimum Stile 5" (127 mm)
    Weight: 8 lbs. (3.63 kg)
    Key Override:
    Universal Key-In- Includes Kaba 1599 6-pin cylinder (prepped to Kaba 90 or Schlage C keyway, keyed different) and tail pieces
    Lever Cylinders: for compatibility with:
    Abloy 5277
    Abloy 5477
    Arrow C 100
    ASSA 65611
    ASSA 65691
    Corbin Russwin 2000-03
    Kaba 1539
    Kaba 1599
    Kaba Gemini 4730
    Kaba Peaks 1099
    Medeco 20W200H1
    Sargent 10 Line
    Schlage 23-001
    Schlage Primus 20-760
    Australian: Kaba experT 107K5 & Boyd KC286
    European: Quattro S/Expert & AP2 (5 and 6-pin)
    KAA1058 0307
    Interchangeable Cores: Small format Best and equivalents (6 or 7-pin length)
    Removable Cores: Large format ASSA, Medeco, Yale (5 or 6-pin), Corbin Russwin, Schlage and Sargent

    Ease of Installation: LectroBolt™ (patent pending) eliminates wiring to or through the door - no risk of pinched wires
    Door Preparation: Easily installs on wood or metal doors.
    ASA 161 door preparation with additional through bore holes
    Door Thickness: 13⁄8" (35 mm) to 2 1⁄4" (57 mm).
    Pre-assembled to accommodate doors 1 5⁄8" (41 mm) to 2" (50 mm)
    Items Supplied Include: Lock assembly, installation manual, template, quick reference guide and required hardware
    Additional items - Universal Kaba 1599 6-pin cylinder with tailpiece, two nickel silver keys supplied With key-in-Lever Cylinder model Only
    Certification and Testing:
    Accessibility Standard:Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
    Durability: ANSI/BHMA A156.25, Grade 1 Certification
    Fire Rating: Three-hour UL/ULC fire door rating for “A” labeled doors
    Environmental: Indoor/Outdoor Approved
    Front Housing: -31º F (-35º C) to + 151º F (66º C)
    Rear Housing: -31º F (-35º C) to + 130º F (55º C)

    Warranty: Three-year warranty from date of installation; built-in warranty counter in lock memory

    Special - for a short time only: order 20 locks and get an extra lock free!

    Do you need CoreStreet compatible high security E-plex locks? Please give us a call at 561 479-0498

    2062||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kabaeplex2000||item.||soliditem||diglocel||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-e-plex-2000-electronic-digital-lock-with-key-bypass-included-48.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-e-plex-2000-electronic-digital-lock-with-key-bypass-included-54.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-e-plex-2000-electronic-digital-lock-with-key-bypass-included-50.gif||Kaba E-Plex 2000 Electronic Digital Lock With Key Bypass Included||1941||diglocel||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > ||379.000||489.000 ||379.000 ||Kaba E-Plex 2000 Electronic Digital Lock||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||noname12.html auimpaforand noname12||Hot Low price, weatherproof, 100 access codes, over 100 million possible code combinations, key backup included, in chrome or brass finishes and American made!||These locks are battery powered

    The relatively inexpensive E-Plex 2000 is great for residential or commercial installations. E-Plex 2000 combines the strength, simplicity and reliability of our industry leading Simplex® pushbutton locks with the enhanced features and convenience of electronic access control. PIN access eliminates the cost and problems of issuing and managing keys or magnetic cards. You will no longer need to collect or change credentials each time there is a user change or a credential is lost or stolen.

    Easy to install:
    The E-Plex 2000 easily installs on wood or metal doors with ASA 161 door prep. Three through bolts secure the lock to the door.
  • Requires no wiring to or through the door Eliminates risk of damage from pinched wires than can result in costly callbacks.
  • Non-handed and field reversible design accommodates both left- and right-hand doors.
  • Rugged and weather-resistant external housing can be mounted outdoors and includes installation gasket.

    Easy to manage:
    With the E-Plex 2000, users and locks are easily managed at the door with simple keypad programming.
  • Multiple operation modes include PIN entry, passage and lockout Provides flexibility to control facility’s access requirements according to security needs during the business day.
  • Timed Passage mode can be activated by authorized user with assigned PIN and pre-programmed to re-lock after a certain number of hours.
  • Four authority levels give you control over who has access to various lock functions.
    Master level – performs all set-up and programming functions
    Manager level – administers common programming functions
    Access user level – entry granted with valid PIN
    Service level – codes for single event or single day access, programmable in advance

    Easy to use:
    The E-Plex 2000's user friendly design is equipped with ADA compliant levers. Programmable user parameters customize the lock to the needs of different access points.
  • Audio and visual indicators notify users when access is granted or denied.
  • User access code length can be set from 4 to 8 digits.
  • Time interval between combination entry and relocks is variable from 2 to 20 seconds.
  • Anti-tamper feature disables the lock after multiple invalid combination entries – set for between 3 to 9 attempts and up to 90 seconds.

    Easy to maintain:
    The efficient design of the E-Plex 2000 provides at least 100,000 cycles of battery life with 3 AA batteries.
    Metal, vandal-resistant keys ensure the integrity of the lock.
  • Two-year warranty begins on date of lock activation – built in warranty counter.
  • Outstanding customer support team

    Access Control: Electronic pushbutton lock – eliminates problems and costs associated with issuing, controlling and collecting keys and cards. Locking Device: Cylindrical latch with UL 10C fire rating
    Number of Codes: 100 access codes per door; over 100 million possible code combinations
    Programming: Locks are easily programmed via keypad
    Handing: Non-handed, pre-assembled for left-hand door installations - easily changed in the field
    Key Override: Optional key-in-lever cylinder in Schlage C Keyway with black Kaba cap (as shown above in picture)
    Operation Modes: 3 operation modes PIN access Lockout - Passage – can be toggled on / off or can be pre-programmed to re-lock after a certain number of hours
    Authority Levels: Four different levels allow you to control who has access to specific lock functions, including:
    Service codes - programmed for one time access or “come and go” access for 1 to 24 hours
    User Parameters: Code length Adjustable to accept 4 to 8 digits
    Anti-tamper lockout Adjustable from 3 to 9 invalid attempts with an adjustable period of 0 to 90 seconds
    Re-lock time Adjustable from 2 to 20 seconds
    Battery Operation: Batteries located in exterior housing; offers quick and easy battery replacements for institutions (Three AA Alkaline batteries provide more than 100,000 cycles)
    Lock data is maintained if batteries fail
    Ease of Installation: No wiring to or through the door - no risk of pinched wires

    Mechanical Features:
    Construction: Light-duty commercial cylindrical lockset, solid cast exterior housing, solid cast levers, cylindrical drive wear tested for extensive use in indoor and outdoor applications
    Numeric Keypad: Vandal resistant, 12-button, metal keys
    Door Handing: Non-handed, pre-assembled for left-hand door
    Satin Chrome 26D (626) housings & levers Satin Brass 04 (606) housings & levers (optional)
    Backsets: 23⁄4" (70 mm), 23⁄8" (60 mm) Latch: 1⁄2" (13 mm) latch, 3⁄4" (19 mm) latch (optional)
    Minimum Stile 5" (127 mm)
    Weight: 8 lbs. (3.63 kg)
    Key Override: included free - 6 pin Schlage c keyway
    Ease of Installation: No wiring to or through the door - no risk of pinched wires
    Door Preparation:
    Easily installs on wood or metal doors. ASA 161 door preparation with 3 additional through bore holes
    Door Thickness: 13⁄8" (35 mm) to 21⁄2" (64 mm). Pre-assembled to accommodate doors 15⁄8" (41 mm) to 2" (50 mm)
    Items Supplied Include: Lock assembly, installation manual, template and required hardware
    Certification and Testing:
    Accessibility Standard: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
    Fire Rating: UL 10C Fire rated
    Environmental: Indoor/Outdoor Approved -31º F (-35º C) to + 151º F (66º C)
    Two-year warranty from date of installation; built-in warranty counter in lock memory
    Power source: Three AA batteries

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kabaelock||item.||soliditem||diglocel||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-e-plex-5000-electronic-lock-33.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-e-plex-5000-electronic-lock-35.gif||Kaba E-Plex 5000 Electronic Lock||Item: 1763||diglocel||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > ||529.000||635.000 ||529.000 ||Kaba E-Plex 5000 Electronic Lock||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||kabep50elloc kabep50elloc1 audtrailsoff1 hr21 sofininpdffo morinonthisp4 hr41 noname12 elloclatguar1 cylfortrilma1||New! Kaba's newest extra heavy duty electronic lock comes with a 3 year warranty! Great features include audit trails, 100 user codes and electronic passage function.||ADA compliant

    Kaba E-Plex 5000 Electronic Lock is a very special lock. It combines the best characteristics of both a a heavy duty mechanical lock and a modern, easy to use electronic lock.

    These locks are battery powered

    Built on over 40 years of experience, the new E-Plex by Kaba combines the strength, simplicity and reliability of our industry leading Simplex locks with the enhanced security and convenience of electronic access control. The E-Plex 5000 is ideal for securing sensitive access points in multiple settings, especially locations with high user turnover. You’ll appreciate fully audited access control without the costs and problems of issuing, managing and collecting keys or magnetic cards. It’s never been easier to power up your access control.

    Each site is assigned one Master level – the remaining 99 codes can be set to Manager, User, or Service levels. Service level codes can be programmed for access once, or unlimted entrance for a period of one to 24 hours – ideal for service personnel, meeting rooms, and rental space.

    Easy to manage Users and locks can be controlled at the door or with optional, easy-to-use Microsoft Excel based software. The software provides manageable control as your facility’s number of users and access points grow. User additions and deletions are completed quickly Each access code is assigned one of five authority levels that specify who has access to various lock functions.

    •Simple to install, use and maintain
    •100 access codes
    •Extensive audit trail
    •Programmable passage mode
    •Takes 4 regular AAA batteries
    •Installation requires no wiring through the door (Models with batteries located in exterior housing)
    •Optional easy-to-use Excel based software
    •Three-year warranty from lock activation date
    •ANSI/BHMA grade 1 compliant
    Easy to rehand so you don't need to choose left or right
    •Will install on door thickness from 1 3/8 to 2 1/4 inches
    •Comes with free back up mechanical key and cylinder

    Multiple Access Codes Easy to Manage Easy to Install Audit Capability (Audit kit in stock soon)

    Flexible Three easy to set operation modes – combination (PIN) entry, passage, and lockout – give you the flexibility to control your facility’s entry requirements according to your security needs during the business day and beyond. Variety of key override formats fit existing master key systems – key-inlever, interchangeable and removable core options. Passage can be set on or off, or programmed to relock after a specified period.

    User-friendly Audio and visual indicators can be set to notify users when access is granted or denied. Unique, yet convenient pushbutton design deters code stealing over traditional telephone style keypads. Lock features ADA-compliant levers.

    Customizable user parameters User access codes can be set from four to eight digits. The time interval between combination entry and relock is variable from two to 20 seconds. The antitamper feature disables the lock after multiple invalid combination entries – set for between three to nine attempts and up to 90 seconds.

    Easy to maintain Durable heavy-duty construction requires minimal maintenance. Weatherized housings are tested to operate in hot or cold climates. Battery options give you the choice of location in exterior or interior housing. Exterior housing location requires no additional wiring through the door, and the interior design makes multiple door battery replacement simple. Visual indicators alert you when battery is low.

    Three-year warranty. Built-in warranty counter begins on date of lock activation.


    Easy to install The lock ships ready for installation on the door. It can be easily setup and programmed off the door, prior to installation – especially useful when installing multiple locks. The fully contained housings install easily on wood or metal doors and provide a quick and simple retrofit to any standard 161 cylindrical door prep. A non-handed design easily accommodates both left - and righthand doors. No gaskets required for outdoor use.

    Optional E-Plex software Easy-to-use point & click Microsoft Excel based software requires no specialized knowledge to operate. Software manages up to 100 enrolled access codes per door and up to 10,000 doors per site. Manage multiple sites with one software package.

    Please note: this new lock comes with a free Kaba 90 keyway for key backup. If you need more than the 2 keys it comes with you may have difficulty having more keys cut in the future because the Kaba 90 keyway in is not a common type. For more common type keyways that you can order with this lock for an additional fee, please see the options below. If you think this may be an issue please give us a call before ordering.

    Special - for a short time only: order 20 locks and get an extra lock free! ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kabep50elloc1||item.||soliditem||kabaelock||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-e-plex-5000-electronic-lock-for-exit-devices-25.gif||||||Kaba E-Plex 5000 Electronic Lock For Exit Devices||Item: 1968||diglocel kabaelock||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Kaba E-Plex 5000 Electronic Lock > ||670.000||670.000 ||||Kaba E-Plex 5000 Electronic Lock For Exit Devices||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||With key back up. Can be used with the following exit bars:
    Arrow S1250
    Sargent 8888
    Von Duprin 22/22F
    Von Duprin 99/99F||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kabep50elloc||item.||soliditem||kabaelock||||||||Kaba E-Plex 5000 Electronic Lock With Knobs||Item: 1958||diglocel kabaelock||» Keyless Electronic Pushbutton Door Locks (Levers) > Kaba E-Plex 5000 Electronic Lock > ||635.000||635.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||this is the same Kaba E-Plex Lock but with round knobs instead of levers.

    Satin chrome finish only.
    •Comes free with a Lori 90 cylinder for key bypass.
    Easy to rehand so you don't need to choose left or right
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kabaeps2000powerstar||item.||soliditem||micylosy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-eps2000-powerstar-self-powered-green-electronic-lock-57.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-eps2000-powerstar-self-powered-green-electronic-lock-59.gif||Kaba EPS2000 PowerStar™ Self-Powered GREEN Electronic Lock||1941||micylosy||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > ||745.000||745.000 ||||Kaba EPS2000 PowerStar™ Self-Powered GREEN Electronic Lock||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||auimpaforand noname12 spshforpolo||New! Self-Powering with PowerStar Technology: No wires and no batteries to end up in a landfill! Kaba's E-Plex 2000 Series with PowerStar technology is the new generation of stand-alone self-powered electronic access control that offers users the latest in technology and convenience.||

    This lock is ADA compliant

    Kaba's E-Plex 2000 Series with PowerStar technology is the new generation of stand-alone self-powered electronic access control that offers users the latest in technology and convenience. The patented PowerStar technology charges the lock with each turn of the lever, eliminating the need replace batteries. In addition, the lock is fully RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) compliant—meaning it's free of toxic metals such as mercury, lead, and cadmium, thus making the E-Plex 2000 Series with PowerStar technology a "greener" choice.

    How It Works: Turn of lever to power-on electronics, then you enter your 4-8 digit PIN sequence, and turn lever to open door. Thats it!

  • Self-Powering with PowerStar Technology: No wires and no batteries to end up in a landfill!
  • Key back up included - schlage 6 pin C keyway
  • 100 Users Supported: Millions of possible code choices
  • RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) Compliant: Manufactured free of toxic metals
  • Bump and Pick resistant: Key overide included
  • Satin Chrome Finish
  • 3 Operation Modes: PIN access, lockout, & passage
  • Lockout Mode: De-activates all regular user and manager codes, excluding Master code
  • Passage Mode: Toggle on/off, or pre-programm to re-lock after a certain number of hours
  • Full-size ADA Lever: Field reversible for left and right swing doors
  • Perfect for Wood and Metal Doors: Installation screws for both included
  • Program at the Lock's Keypad
  • Rugged Clutch Mechanism: Ensures long life & durability
  • Four Authority Levels: Master, Manager, User and Service (Service users allowed only 'one-time' access, or access for 1-24 hours)
  • Auto-Locking: Program into passage mode at any time by following command-sequence
  • Free Exiting at All Times with Inside Lever
  • Patented LectroBolt:Makes installation easier Retrofits Cylindrical Latch Locksets
  • BHMA Grade 1 Certified

    2 Year Manufacturer Warranty; Built-in warranty counter in lock memory

    Specifications :
    Indoor/Outdoor Approved; -31° F (-35° C) to + 151° F (66° C)

    Durability: ANSI/BHMA Grade 1 certified

    Door Thicknesses: 1 3/8" to 2 1/2".

    Lock dimensions: 8 15/16" H x 3 5/16" W x 3 3/16" D

    Operational Temperature Range: +151°F to -31°F

    3527||"Please choose finish" "Satin chrome only"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|unheavdutkno1||item.||soliditem||mecpusloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-heavy-duty-non-electronic-pushbutton-knob-lock-70.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-heavy-duty-non-electronic-pushbutton-knob-lock-84.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-heavy-duty-non-electronic-pushbutton-knob-lock-72.gif||Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock||Item: 1145||mecpusloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > ||349.000||349.000 ||||Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Knob Pushbutton Lock||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||kab50mecpusl ka900semepul unmorloc samunlocforp kailfilsiunp sambutwitkey samheavdutun1 samheavdutun2 noname12 elloclatguar1 gaboxforka10 inprtetofork howtochancom tochanmoskab heavdutdead||We stock all of the most popular models. This is an extremely heavy duty pushbutton combination lock that has been used for many years in mostly commercial installations where high security and long life are important. Can usually be installed in an existing 2 1/8 inch hole with a small amount of door modification- just 2 small 1/4 inch holes and another 1 inch hole.||

    This lock is ADA compliant

    These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for these locks!

    Series 1000 - This is an extremely heavy duty pushbutton combination lock that has been used for many years in mostly commercial installations where high security and long life are important. Can usually be installed in an existing 2 1/8 inch hole with a small amount of door modification- just 2 small 1/4 inch holes and another 1 inch hole. It comes in dull chrome or bright brass finishes (now also available in bright chrome with a mirror like finish) and can be ordered with a lever handle and also key bypass at a slightly higher cost. We ship the standard dull chrome finish unless you specify brass. Please keep in mind that all finishes in all functions are not always available. Sometimes a special order can take weeks to get. Please note: if ordering with key bypass feature, this lock will work only with removable core cylinders. They are not available with regular cylinders. These cylinders do not come with the lock. We usually can supply these also and they are usually available in different keyways such as Best,Corbin,Schlage or Medeco. Call or email for price and availability.

    On lever models of the Unican lock the hand needs to be specified when ordering. Handing dosent apply to the knob version of this lock. Please call or e-mail if your not sure of handing

  • Knob models are easily reversible. Use on left or right hand doors
  • Always locked on the outside-always free to turn and open from the inside-When door closes, lock will automatically lock (except on the models with the passage option-see below)
  • Heavy duty grade 1 hardware
  • Will install on most doors: 1 3/8" to 2 1/4" thickness
  • No batteries needed - completely mechanical
  • Backset: 2-3/4" (Call if you need 2 3/8" backset)

    Lock Body: 7-7/8 inches H X 3 inches W X 3-13/16 inches D

    Please note:The Passage feature option allows access without using the entry code (keeps the door unlocked, even while closed as opposed to the regular storeroom function where it's always locked on the outside but always unlocked and free to turn from the inside). This function can be thumbturn or key activated
    Passage function
    This is an example of the model
    that has key bypass and passage function.

    Customer Review
    Performing flawlessly in the three months since purchase. Easy for children to unlock with the proper code. Very robust against unauthorized codes. Very pleased with brushed chrome finish. Personally installed (2 hours) into new door prepared by local lumber yard who used template supplied this internet supplier, The Keyless Lock Store. (Tip, use 1.5 + length screws on heavy duty strike plate. These should go into frame, put a few long ones in the door hinges too.) Pleased with Passage feature. Instructions are clear if each step is followed carefully. C. H

    Special - for a short time only: order 10 locks and get an extra lock free! (Item 1145 only)||"Function and Finish" "Brushed Chrome" "Bright Brass Add $149 (+149)" "Brushed Chrome with passage function (Leave unlocked temporarily) Add $89 (+89)"|^| "Choose Backset \\|\\store1.turbifycdn.com/I/853111_1533_3533457\\|\\Click for backset diagram" "Heavy duty UL approved 2 3/4 inch Standard (70mm)" "Heavy duty UL approved 2 3/8 inch (60mm) Add $105 (+105)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kailfilsiunp||item.||soliditem||unheavdutkno1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-ilco-formerly-ilco-simplex-unican-pushbutton-lock-for-panic-devices-with-key-bypass-without-levers-24.gif||||||Kaba Ilco (Formerly Ilco Simplex Unican) Pushbutton Lock For Panic Devices With Key Bypass Without Levers||2075||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > ||429.000||429.000 ||||Kaba Ilco (Formerly Ilco Simplex Unican) Pushbutton Lock For Panic Devices With Key Bypass Without Levers||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr96 moinonthkalo||||This Kaba lock is a fully mechanical pushbutton access control with no electrical wiring, electronics, or batteries. This lock is designed to operate surface mounted exit devices (not supplied) from the outside using a tailpiece, replacing the key cylinder on new or existing devices. Any standard pull can be mounted with the 2015 Series. Exterior access is by combination. Egress is by interior exit device and is free at all times. The lock can be used with many leading brands of surface-mounted (rim-mounted) exit devices; however, the 2015 Series cannot be used with surface-mounted exit devices with counterclockwise rotating hubs or with thumb-operated, mortise design, or most vertical rod exit devices. The exit device can be “dogged” open without affecting the operation of the lock. Designed for high-frequency use and indoor or outdoor applications.

    * Highly Weather Resistant
    * All Metal Cast Front Housing
    * Non Handed
    * Clockwise (to 90°) tailpiece rotation
    * 76mm (3") Minimum stile required
    * 35 to 64mm (1 3/8" to 2 1/4") Door Thickness
    * Satin Chrome finish
    * Simple On Door Code Change

    8 5/8 inches high x 3 1/8 inches wide
    Finish: satin chrome

    Exit device compatibility check:
    Adams Rite 3700 Rim, 8800 Rim, 8700 Rim; American Device 6300 Series, 6303 Series; Corbin 21, 22, 25, 26NT, 27K, 29, 29-1/4, 29M2,291/2M2, 29NTM2, 29D20, LA29, 39, 39EL, 39LLD, 39O, LA39; Detex Advantex Series 10, 20,21, 40, 50,51; Magno Krom LHR only: 500-4, 550-4, 650-4, 1500-4, 1550-4, 1650-4; RHR only: 600-3; Monarch 18RBA, 18RP, 18VP, F18RBA, F18RP, F18VP, FXXRBA, FXXRP, FXXVP, XXRBA, XXRP, XXVP; Precision Hardware FL-D103; RHRB only 810-H; RH or LH: 103, R103, D203, H-203, 1103, D1203, H1203; Russwin 365, 3651/4, LT365, 370, 372, LA372, 375, LT375, 377, 382, 384, 385, 388, 572, 572EL, 572ELD, U572, LA572; Sargent 2813, 2804, 6804, 12-6804, 9804RHRB, 12-9804LHRB, 9898E, 9898K; Von Duprin 22 Rim, 22 Rim-F, 88 Rim, 88 Rim-F, 98 Rim, 98 Rim-F, 99 Rim, 99 Rim-F; 2227, 2227-F, 9827, 9827-F, 9847, 9847-F, 9927-F, 9947-F; Yale 1500 Series, 7000 Series||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|sambutwitkey||item.||soliditem||unheavdutkno1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-ilco-formerly-ilco-simplex-unican-with-knob-and-key-bypass-49.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-ilco-formerly-ilco-simplex-unican-with-knob-and-key-bypass-61.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-ilco-formerly-ilco-simplex-unican-with-knob-and-key-bypass-51.gif||Kaba Ilco (Formerly Ilco Simplex Unican) With Knob And Key Bypass||Item: 1148||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > ||520.000||520.000 ||||Kaba Ilco (Formerly Ilco Simplex Unican) With Knob And Key Bypass||
    Finish "Brushed Chrome" "Bright Brass - out of stock"

    Function "Without passage option and ready to accept Best/Falcon/Arrow $436" "Without passage option and we include Arrow cylinder and keys Add $75 (+75)" "With passage option and ready to accept Best/Falcon/ Arrow keyway Add $89 (+89)" "With passage option and we include Arrow cylinder and keys Add $149 (+149)"

    "Choose Backset \\|\\store1.turbifycdn.com/I/853111_1533_3533457\\|\\Click for backset diagram" "2 3/4 inch Standard heavy duty UL approved (70mm)" " 2 3/8 inch heavy duty UL approved (60mm) Add $58 (+58)"||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||On Sale!||This lock takes only an IC core cylinder for key back-up. If you need key back-up we can supply you with these cylinders. If the type of cylinder brand is not important to you then we suggest you have it shipped with a Schlage type IC core cylinder since these can be easily rekeyed if you ever need to. See below options for prices. We can also supply and install an Arrow cylinder which is just like the Best . This includes the cylinder keyed to 2 keys and one control key. See options below for pricing.Keep the following in mind: The Schlage type key can easily be duplicated. The Arrow /Best type can be difficult to have duplicated. This may or may not be a good thing. We can also supply other keyways. Give us a call for price and availability. If you prefer, we can install the cylinder in the lock, at no charge, before it's sent to you. Just let us know when you order. If you need the passage function be sure to click on the passage function in the pull down bar when ordering.

    Lock Body: 7-7/8 inches H X 3 inches W X 3-13/16 inches D

    Please note: The Passage feature option allows access without using the entry code (keeps the door unlocked, even while closed). This function is on the inside of the door, and can be thumbturn or key activated
    Passage function

    See backset diagram
    See the Weather cover
    See for gate mounting||Finish "Brushed Chrome" "Bright Brass - out of stock"|^|Function "Without passage option and ready to accept Best/Falcon/Arrow $520" "Without passage option and we include Arrow cylinder and keys Add $75 (+75)" "With passage option and ready to accept Best/Falcon/ Arrow keyway Add $89 (+89)" "With passage option and we include Arrow cylinder and keys Add $149 (+149)"|^|"Choose Backset" "2 3/4 inch Standard heavy duty UL approved (70mm)" " 2 3/8 inch heavy duty UL approved (60mm) Add $58 (+58)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|samheavdutun2||item.||soliditem||unheavdutkno1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-ilco-formerly-ilco-simplex-unican-with-knobs-but-double-sided-36.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-ilco-formerly-ilco-simplex-unican-with-knobs-but-double-sided-38.gif||Kaba Ilco (Formerly Ilco Simplex Unican) With Knobs But DOUBLE SIDED||1118||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > ||749.000||880.000 ||749.000 ||Kaba Ilco (Formerly Ilco Simplex Unican) With Knobs But DOUBLE SIDED||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Only available in Brushed Chrome. No key bypass, Use when there is glass in the door or spaces in a gate for a hand to get through.

    Regular keyed locks can be installed with a cylinder (the keyed part) also on the inside of the door. It's an option that is sometimes used when a door has smaller glass panels. This way a burglar can't break the glass and open the lock by putting his hand in because he would still need the key. This type of installation is not always appropriate because of the fire safety issue. As a matter of fact, it's even illegal to use a double side lock in many parts of the U.S.

    Most keyless technology is not set up for double sided useage. If in your intallation you think it's important to use double sided options first check with your local fire authorities. A couple ways to do a double sided installation would be: Placing a keypad such as the Nel-Tech or Securitron on either side of the door (inside and out). Or by using two proximity readers, one on the inside and the other outside. Another alternative: this lock from Unican.Its a modified version of their popular heavy duty lock for double sided function. .Please call or email if you think this is the way you want to go.

    Note this model only comes in 2 3/4 inch backset

    See backset diagram
    See the Weather cover||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|unmorloc||item.||soliditem||unheavdutkno1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-ilco-formerly-ilco-simplex-unican-pushbutton-mortise-lock-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-ilco-formerly-ilco-simplex-unican-pushbutton-mortise-lock-37.gif||Kaba Ilco (Formerly Ilco Simplex Unican)Pushbutton Mortise Lock||1278||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > ||619.000||619.000 ||||Kaba Ilco (Formerly Ilco Simplex Unican) Pushbutton Mortise Lock||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||noname14 inguidinpdff8||||(The picture shows a left handed lock)

    This is a set which includes the front pushbutton lever set and a heavy duty mortise lock. This locks handing can not be changed. Specify hand. This lock is sold without a key cylinder but will always come with a hole in the lever for a cylinder. It will accept an Arrow or Best type IC core cylinder. Let us know when ordering if you need a cylinder. We can supply and install an Arrow cylinder with regular and change keys for $40.

    Only available in brushed chrome finish

    Will work on a 1 1/2 inch - 2 1/4 inch door - faceplate 1 1/4 inch X 8 inches - Door stile must be at least 5 inches

    Lock Body: 7-7/8 inches H X 3 inches W X 3-13/16 inches D - Surface of lock outwards is 3 7/8 inch

    2 3/4 inch backset

    UL 3 hour fire rated

    See handing diagram
    See the Weather cover||Handing "Left for inswing door" "Right for inswing door" "Left hand reverse for outswing door" "Right hand reverse for outswing door"|^|"Cylinder" "No Cylinder $619" "With IC core Cylinder and Keys Add $89 (+89)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kabmasx08ser1||item.||soliditem||micylosy||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-mas-formerly-mas-hamilton-cd-x09-series-lock-58.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-mas-formerly-mas-hamilton-cd-x09-series-lock-67.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-mas-formerly-mas-hamilton-cd-x09-series-lock-59.gif||Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) CDX-10 Series Lock ||1656||micylosy||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > ||1898.000||1898.000 ||||Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) CDX-10 Series Lock||||||Usually ships in 3-4 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||strikplat2fo strikplattyp strikplattyp1 acstrikplatt drilresexmou nonresexmoun exkax09stpl hr35 mashamx09for hr11 moinonxselo ininforx||On Sale! These are the very special military grade series of locks. They are unique and there is nothing else like them made anywhere else.||

    Made with Green self powered technology

    CDX-10 High Security Lock - Pedestrian Door Deadbolts The Kaba Mas CDX-10 consists of an X-10 high security lock, Federal Specification FF-L-2740B , mounted on a deadbolt base plate. The base plate is surface-mounted to the inside face of the door. The deadbolt base plate has two essential features.

    First, it provides a means of latching the bolt in the retracted position. This prevents the bolt from being inadvertently extended.

    Second, turning the knob on the base plate will retract the bolt to allow egress.

    The CDX-10 meets the requirements of Federal Specification FF-L-2890A.

    The X-10 is Impervious to External Attack Kaba Mas is proud to announce the newly designed X-10 - the secure tradition continues. With nearly one million sold, the Kaba Mas X-0 series is the choice for securing the Government's most sensitive material. The X-10 was designed and developed as a direct result of the latest revision to federal specification FF-L-2740 (now Revision "B"). This is the US Government's highest security standard for container locks and doors. The X-10 is the approved lock for “Style 1” applications.

    The X-10 is approved by the GSA for use on approved Class 5 and Class 6 Filing Cabinets and Class 5 Security Vault Doors. The X-10 is self-powered using “green” PowerStar™ technology. Simply rotate the dial to power up the lock and enter the combination. Intuitive, visual controls guide the operator through programming and audit features. The X-10 provides all the benefits of high-security electronic locking while maintaining the reliability of a mechanical lock, independent of batteries or outside power sources.

    New - Backlit Display A unique, standard feature of each X-10 manufactured after March 25th, 2014 is the new backlit LCD. With a simple turn of the dial, the screen illuminates, eliminating the need for external light sources when locks are installed in poorly lit storage areas. The backlit display X-10 is GSA approved and utilizes all of the existing part numbers.

    The X-10 offers three modes of operation, and features Automatic Lock Reset, High-Security combination scramble. The X-10 resists all forms of external manipulation and environmental attack.

    Please note: that X-10 locks can not be returned except for replacement under warranty.

    Please note: In accordance with Federal Specification FF-L-2890B, paragraph 1.1.1, sales of this lock are restricted to the U.S. Federal Government, Government contractors specifically authorized to purchase these locks, or other organizations or persons specifically authorized or required by the Government to use these locks. If we cannot determine a purchaser meets the required criteria, we are obligated to refuse the sale of this lock.||"X-10 for doors With strike plate" "Comes with #1 strike plate for inswing door - see below for more info $1698" "Comes with strike plate #2 for outswing doors - see below for more info Add $82 (+82)" "Comes with strike plate #3 for inswing doors - see below for more info (This is the most common option) Add $74 (+74)" "Comes with active door strike plate #9 - see below for more info Add $126 (+126)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|massaflocaud||item.||soliditem||massafloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-mas-formerly-mas-hamilton-safe-lock-auditcon-series-50-52-25.gif||||||Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) Safe Lock Auditcon Series 50/52||1659||safes massafloc||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > Kaba Mas Safe Locks > ||369.000||369.000 ||||Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) Safe Lock Auditcon Series 50/52||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||PowerStar TechnologyTM PowerStar TM acts as a power plant, generating all the electricity it needs internally, thus requiring no batteries* or wiring.

    Dual Custody Requires the entry of two separate combinations to gain access, holding two people accountable.

    Choice of Keypad Housing Design Round - for safes opened at eye level. Vertical - for floor standing safes or installations below eye level.

    Have you ever left a safe door open because dialing the mechanical combination lock was too hard or took too long?

    Have you ever had to change the combination after an employee leaves?

    The Kaba Mas Auditcon Model 52 can solve these problems, and more!

    The Auditcon Model 52 is for small businesses and individuals alike; anyone with a requirement to protect what's inside a safe, secure cabinet or container.

    Easy Retrofit Same footprint as most mechanical locks making it less expensive to install.

    Quick Access Touch Pad Mechanical locks take about 35 to 40 seconds to open - if you get it right the first time. The Auditcon 52 can be opened with a 6-digit combination in about 7 seconds. Safes will not be left open because it's convenient to dial the combination

    Choice of Bolt Designs Dead Bolt (standard) - a manually retracted bolt with 1/2" of throw travel. Slide Bolt - automatically locks the cabinet or safe when bolt-work is extended or locked. (Bolt-work is required for the slide bolt operation)||"Please choose type" "Round with manual bolt" "Vertical with manual bolt" "Vertical with slide bolt"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|mashamx09for||item.||soliditem||kabmasx08ser1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-mas-mas-hamilton-mhx09-lock-for-safes-18.gif||||||Kaba Mas (Mas Hamilton)X-10 Lock For Safes||Item: 1656-B||micylosy kabmasx08ser1||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) CDX-10 Series Lock > ||2041.000||2041.000 ||||Kaba Mas (Mas Hamilton)X-10 Lock For Safes||||||Usually ships in 2-3 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Hot||Kaba Mas (Mas Hamilton)X-10 Lock For Safes

    The X-10 is Impervious to External Attack Kaba Mas is proud to announce the newly designed X-10 - the secure tradition continues. With nearly one million sold, the Kaba Mas X-0 series is the choice for securing the Government's most sensitive material. The X-10 was designed and developed as a direct result of the latest revision to federal specification FF-L-2740 (now Revision "B"). This is the US Government's highest security standard for container locks and doors. The X-10 is the approved lock for “Style 1” applications.

    The X-10 is approved by the GSA for use on approved Class 5 and Class 6 Filing Cabinets and Class 5 Security Vault Doors. The X-10 is self-powered using “Green” PowerStar™ technology. Simply rotate the dial to power up the lock and enter the combination. Intuitive, visual controls guide the operator through programming and audit features. The X-10 provides all the benefits of high-security electronic locking while maintaining the reliability of a mechanical lock, independent of batteries or outside power sources.

    The X-10 offers three modes of operation, and features Automatic Lock Reset, High-Security combination scramble. The X-10 resists all forms of external manipulation and environmental attack.

    Kaba Mas Limited Use Clause for X-10 Series Link

    The X-10 has been designed to enhance user friendly features, while improving security. For example, the lock case incorporates a through case mounting feature to improve to improve ease of installation while protecting the lock's internal electronics and mechanisms. The lock case has a security seal which provides a visible indication the lock has been accessed.

    National Stock Numbers (NSN): 5340-01-613-2078

    X-10 Combination Lock for GSA approved security containers and GSA approved vault doors.

    What's New?
    The following chart lists the enhanced features of the X-10 versus its predecessor the X-09:

    Feature X-09 X-10 Comments
    Backlit Display N/A Standard Ease of Use
    Lock Case Field Assembly Through Case Mounting Ease of Installation, Sealed Case
    Serial Number Six-Digit Eight-Digit X-0 Series, 1 Million Sold
    Lock Motor Stepper Motor DC Motor New Lock Design
    Lock Cable Orientation 3 Hrs. Behind Bolt Opposite of Bolt New Lock Design
    Lock Bolt Options Flush & Extended - 4 Options One Bolt Flush - Tapped Enhanced Design, Fewer Parts
    Product Identification "Dial Ring" Factory Location, Month & Year Made Product ID, Location, Month & Year Made Product Differentiation
    ID Stamp Location 9:00 8:00 Product Differentiation
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kabmasdigsaf||item.||soliditem||massafloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-mas-digital-safe-lock-keypad-battey-operated-25.gif||||||Kaba Mas Digital Safe Lock & Keypad - Battey Operated||Item: 1651||safes massafloc||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > Kaba Mas Safe Locks > ||149.000||149.000 ||||Kaba Mas Digital Safe Lock & Keypad Battey Operated||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr58 ininonthispr brocofthispr||||This item has been discountinued.

    The Kaba LC Series PowerSaver™ managed locks takes a battery for all it’s worth... and then some. These locks come with our exclusive spindleless slide bolt and features multiple user capability.

    They are a breeze to install, program and operate, and offered at a very affordable price.

    Field Programmable Functions Single Mode One combination is required to open lock, Manager (User 1) or User 2. Manager must add and enable User 2. Dual Custody Mode Both User 1 & User 2 combinations are required to open lock. Super Master Control A 6-digit code is used to reset lock to Factory Defaults [optional]. All functions are field programmable. A Wrong Try Lockout Penalty of 3 minutes will start after 5 wrong combinations are entered.

    Mechanical Specifications Lock Mechanism Case: 2-piece lock case & coverwith yellow chromate conversions coating for corrosion resistance. Electro-mechanical solenoid operation tested to 25,000 cycles. All mounting hardware included.

    Keypad: 12 button tactile membrane keypad with 1 LED and audible tones for communications.

    Slide Bolt: Bolt Work is required for Slide Bolt Retraction. Does not require a spindle for operation.

    Door Preparation Lock designed to meet industry standard mounting patterns. Slide Bolts can be mounted in all 8 positions.

    Electronic Specifications Power Unit: Solenoid operation securely controlled by a state of the art Flash Micro Processor. Power: PowerSaver™ circuit utilizes a 9-volt alkaline battery where power lasts virtually forthe shelf life of the battery. Memory: Programmable nonvolatile Flash Memory for 1 or 2 users. Environmental Specifications Temperature: 32F (0C) to 120F (49C). Exposure time of at least 4 hours (UL #2058 section #22.1). Humidity: 86F (30C) and 85% relative humidity for 24 hours (UL #2058 section #23). Cycle Testing: 25,000 cycles at a rate of not more than 15 cycles per minute. Exceeds UL requirement of 10,000 cycles (UL #2058 section #25). Applications The UL type 1 rating allows many different application types. The Key Pad Housing can be mounted away from lock body for added security. For retrofit applications, the Slide Bolt Lock body can be mounted over the spindle hole. Bolt works must be present to drive slide bolt. Technical Support Available 24 hours a day 7 days a week from Mas-Kaba

    For now available only with black face||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|massafloc||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-mas-formerly-mas-hamilton-safe-locks-39.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-mas-formerly-mas-hamilton-safe-locks-40.gif||Kaba Mas Safe Locks||||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||||||||Kaba Mas Safe Locks||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||massaflocaud kabmasx08ser1 kabmasdigsaf morinonthesp||Including the X-10 series|| Note that this series electronic safe locks do not use a battery. Instead they have the ability to generate electricity by turning a dial.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|samunlocforp||item.||soliditem||unheavdutkno1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kaba-ilco-formerly-ilco-simplex-unican-pushbutton-lock-for-panic-devices-with-key-bypass-20.gif||||||Kaba Pushbutton Lock For Panic Devices W/ Key Bypass||1260||mecpusloc unheavdutkno1||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Kaba Heavy Duty Non Electronic Pushbutton Knob Lock > ||569.000||629.000 ||569.000 ||Kaba Ilco (Formerly Ilco Simplex Unican) Pushbutton Lock For Panic Devices With Key Bypass||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr30 howtochancom2 inguidinpdff9||||(The picture shows a right handed lock)

    This lock can be used with many different surface mounted panic exit devices including: most Vonduprin, American Devices, Monarch and others - see below.
    Exit device must be purchased separately.

    Von Duprin: 22, 88, 98, 99, 900, 2227, 9827, 9847 WDC, 9848, 9857, 9947 WDC, 9927, 9948, 90027, 90047 WDC, 90057.

    American Device: 6324, F6324, 6424, F6424

    Monarch: some Monarch

    Only available in chrome finish

    See handing diagram
    See the Weather cover||"Choose handing\\|\\store1.turbifycdn.com/I/853111_1823_18187368\\|\\Click for handing diagram" "Left" "Right"|^| "Cylinder type and we supply cylinder or not" "We supply and key Arrow IC core Cylinder Add $75 (+75)" "You have your own Best/Arrow cylinder"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kax09stpl1||item.||||exkax09stpl||||||||Kaba X09/X10 Strike plate #1||Item: 3332||micylosy kabmasx08ser1 exkax09stpl||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) CDX-10 Series Lock > Extra Kaba X09 And X10 Strike Plates > ||48.000||48.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kax09stpl2||item.||||exkax09stpl||||||||Kaba X09/X10 Strike plate #2||Item: 3334||micylosy kabmasx08ser1 exkax09stpl||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) CDX-10 Series Lock > Extra Kaba X09 And X10 Strike Plates > ||82.000||82.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kax09stpl3||item.||||exkax09stpl||||||||Kaba X09/X10 Strike plate #3||Item: 3333||micylosy kabmasx08ser1 exkax09stpl||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) CDX-10 Series Lock > Extra Kaba X09 And X10 Strike Plates > ||74.000||74.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kax09stpl9||item.||||exkax09stpl||||||||Kaba X09/X10 Strike plate #9||Item: 3335||micylosy kabmasx08ser1 exkax09stpl||» Military & Goverment Special Locks & Locking Systems > Kaba Mas (Formerly Mas Hamilton) CDX-10 Series Lock > Extra Kaba X09 And X10 Strike Plates > ||126.000||126.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|keedexhighdefscope||item-1||soliditem||loseprto||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/keedex-high-definition-scope-viewer-37.gif||||||Keedex High Definition Scope Viewer||Item: 3661||loseprto||» Locksmith & Security Professional Tools > ||454.000||454.000 ||||Keedex High Definition Scope Viewer||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Introducing the new USB High Def Safe Scope Viewer.

    Keedex has done it again. Our last Scope Viewer took the industry by surprise by using a combination of a boroscope along with an attachable digital camera to bring safe opening and service to the 21st century. Now we have taken it one step further by introducing a high definition version with it's own adjustable light source.

  • High Definition 720P
  • Easy plug in to USB
  • 4 ounces (less cord) - even lighter than a traditional light source
  • Easy focus ring with a "focus lock"
  • NEW added - Light Source Intensity Adjustment Wheel
  • 20,000 candelas LED light

    * You must have a fast enough processor, I3 or better and a software package to allow HD viewing.

    No software is provided with the USB-SV. In order to use this product you first must install compatible software onto your computer. The free software we suggest you download is called “WinAVI Video Capture“ You can Goggle it or go to: http://www.winavi.com/download.htm This free software will allows full screen viewing and you can create videos. For a more robust program that will allow you to zoom the program we suggest is actually an astronomical software called AstroCapture. Its’ System Requirements are minimal and will work with Win2000. XP, Vista, W7: http://arnholm.org/astro/software/wxAstroCapture/#WINDOWS_INSTALL

    The user manual requires a Yahoo Login wxAstroCapture setup 1.8-1exe If you are looking for mirror imaging as well as the zoom function a program available for about $34.95 YouCam-5 (Standard Version) http://www.cyberlink.com/downloads/trials/index_en_US.html A free trial of YouCam-5 is available Be sure to check the requirements of your computer, this is a memory intensive program: System Requirements Operating System * Windows 7, Vista and XP (with DirectX 9 or above) Internet Connection

    * An internet connection is required for live chatting and upload/download feature CPU * Intel Pentium D 3.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3200+ or above Note: YouCam 5 is also optimized for 2nd generation Intel® Core™ processors. Capture Device * Web camera (built-in or external USB) Memory * 512 MB (1 GB recommended) Hard Disk Space * 1 GB VGA Card * Intel 945 (Independent graphics card recommended) Supported Instant Messaging Software * Windows Live Messenger * Skype * Yahoo Messenger * AOL Instant Messenger Formats supported * Video: WMV and AVI * Photo: JPEG, BMP, PNG Language Support * English, French, German, Italian, Spanish (European), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, Korean If you are going to use this Scope Viewer with a Mac please e-mail or call us for a Mac software suggestions. In order to correct mirror images using YouCam 5 you must first turn the Scope Viewer upside down (So set screw on the bottom) and then using the software, flip image horizontally. SCOPE INSTALLATION The Scope Viewer attaches to many common bore scopes, the eyepiece of the scope needs to be no smaller than 1” and no larger than 1 1/4”.The USB-SV fits Super Scope, Power Views, Hawkeys’s and Olympus Scopes purchased after January 1998. The nylon set screw turn piece not only tightens to the scope but also is an indicator as to the top of your photo capture. The USB-SV Scope Viewer is adjusted for non-focusable bore scopes but if you need to adjust the focus… simply by turning left to right depending on what is required. Typically only one rotation Refer to the video posted on our website: www.keedex.com or it is also posted on YouTube (search Keedex Scope Viewer) Come to Keedex.com for additional periodic updates and sign up for our Newsletter which will keep you informed on all Keedex products

    Please note that this product can not be returned. Of course defective items will be replaced.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|keedexwaferlockviewer||item.||soliditem||loseprto||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/keedex-usb-wafer-lock-viewer-26.gif||||||Keedex USB Wafer Lock Viewer||3548||loseprto||» Locksmith & Security Professional Tools > ||369.000||417.000 ||369.000 ||Keedex USB Wafer Lock Viewer||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The Keedex USB-WR Wafer Reader is a specialty digital camera with two interchangeable probes and an adjustable LED light built right in, it connects to a computer with four foot USB cable. The camera provides a large digital image of the lock face, keyway and the ledge position of the wafers inside a lock. The enlarged image makes reading the wafer tumblers much easier. In addition, still and video images can be saved for comparison and future reference. Two different probes are included with the USB-WR to cover different focal points. The probe allows you to push down on the wafers in front so you can view the wafer behind. As you pull the probe forward you can click the camera for still shots and then go back and study the photos to determine the cuts. You also have video capabilities. Use this fantastic tool on motorcycles, desk locks and some autos like Ford and GM’s. You will probably find other uses for this versatile tool around your shop.

    Important - please note: This item can not be returned.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|keycabinets||item.||soliditem||keycabinets1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kekab-key-cabinets-25.gif||||||KeKab Key Cabinets||1727||keycabinets1||Key Cabinets > ||51.000||51.000 ||||Kekab Key Cabinets||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||keyboxof100n noname8||New! These come in 8 key to 500 key models!||Single-Tag KeKabs® - HPC's single-tag key security control system is designed to control and provide security for 8 to 500 keys. KeKabs® are ideal for home, store, or office use, where centralized or departmental key control is desired. They are designed to be mounted on a wall, near a desk or a work station.

    Each HPC KeKab® Security Control System Includes:

    White Plastic Key Tags with bright nickel plated snap-hooks which can hold multiple keys on each snap-hook. The tags are numbered for easy identification.

    Durable Steel Key Racks that are slotted to store key tags uniformly for immediate identification.

    "Out Key" Control Tags that are made of yellow paper. They are used for accountability (to record information on loaned keys).

    Lock Location Data which consists of an erasable lock location chart as part of the KEKAB-8 and numbered key control booklets with all other KeKabs®.

    These key cabinets come with a key retaining 5-wafer cam lock, a high security 7-pin tubular lock with popout T-Handle, or electronic digital lock. Unique powder coat textured painting process which provides an attractive and very durable finish. The neutral sand color allows them to be hung anywhere.

    Heavy Gauge Steel Construction with piano hinged doors and key panels provides a sturdy location to secure your keys.

    •Heavy gauge metal construction
    •Out key tags
    •Neutral sand finish
    •Key control chart included
    •Numbered snap-on tags included
    •Slotted steel racks
    •Standard 5 wafer keylock included and higher security round key included on the 500 key model
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kevcorinpaco||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kevlar-cord-card-or-key-holder-in-packs-of-3-25.gif||||||Kevlar Cord Card Or Key Holder In Packs Of 3||Item: 1841||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||69.000||69.000 ||||Kevlar Cord Card Or Key Holder In Packs Of 3||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Extremely high quality key holder reel with 48 inch retractable pull. The Kevlarcord provides strength and smooth pull. Includes lifetime warranty.

    A unique ball-and-socket locking mechanism holds multiple keys in place without releasing. The belt clips special locking design keeps the Key Bak securely on the belt and the heavy-duty polycarbonate case will not rust. These are strong!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|keyblanks||item.||soliditem||loseprto||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/key-blanks-26.gif||||||Key Blanks||||loseprto||» Locksmith & Security Professional Tools > ||||||||||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||boxof250keyb boxof50ormed||||These are the most common type of keys in most parts of the US. Please give us a call or email for pricing on other keyways or types you need.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|keyriflinpao||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/key-ring-float-in-packs-of-12-25.gif||||||Key Ring Float (In Packs Of 12)||Item: 2064||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||49.000||49.000 ||||Key Ring Float (In Packs Of 12)||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Bottom snaps out to form a watertight storage compartment for a license or I.D (if bendable). Red top - white bottom. Key float is 4" long and 1-1/4" diameter. 6" rustproof nickel-plated brass ball chain. Can float up to 5 common sized keys. This product can save your day!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|keextrforvon||item.||soliditem||vondupheavdu||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/keyed-exit-trim-for-von-duprin-99-panic-exit-lock-24.gif||||||Keyed Exit Trim For Von Duprin 99 Panic Exit Lock||3680||exitdevices allowinelotr vondupheavdu||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > Alarm Lock Wireless Networx Lock Trim For Use With Von Duprin 99 Panic Lock > Von Duprin 99 Heavy Duty Exit Bar > ||429.000||429.000 ||||Keyed Exit Trim For Von Duprin 99 Panic Exit Lock||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Robust, commercial-duty devices can be installed on all types of interior and exterior, single and double doors with mullions. Trim All include Schlage C-keyway 6-pin cylinder.

    Dull chrome finish
    Size: 3 x 14 3/16 inches||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|keglshlo||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/keyless-glass-showcase-lock-sold-in-packs-of-4-34.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/keyless-glass-showcase-lock-sold-in-packs-of-4-36.gif||Keyless Glass Showcase Lock (Sold In Packs Of 4)||Item: 3295||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||89.000||89.000 ||||Keyless Glass Showcase Lock (Sold In Packs Of 4)||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||The new Combi-Ratchet features the ease of combination dials with 1,000 combinations possible and the addition of master key access. Unique in its applications such as glass sliding door locks, the Combi-Ratchet is made from a high impact ABS plastic body and designed with extremely tight clearances to resist shims and other picking tools.

    3 dial locking system 1,000 possible combinations Extremely tight clearances Master key access Pick resistant dials Strike plate available||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|watfaucloc||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/keyless-water-faucet-hose-bibb-lock-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/keyless-water-faucet-hose-bibb-lock-39.gif||Keyless Water Faucet (Hose Bibb) Lock||1940||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||49.000||49.000 ||||Keyless Water Faucet (Hose Bibb) Lock||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Hot Stop water theft immediately ! With this new lock it's easy. Not a 10 minute installation, or 5 or even 3. Installation usually takes under one minute! And it's keyless! This two piece keyless water faucet locking system includes the mechanical digital padlock and the screw on locking device. Since the padlock is a pushbutton type and not a spin dial, the correct combination can be found even under very bad visability.||

    Stop water theft immediately! With this new lock it's easy.

    Not a 10 minute installation, or 5 or even 3. Installation usually takes under one minute!

    This two piece keyless water faucet locking system includes the mechanical digital padlock and the screw on locking device. Since the padlock is a pushbutton type and not a spin dial, the correct combination can be found even under very bad visability. It's an amazingingly simple but highly effective way to lock down a faucet without having to spend a lot of money or alter the faucet in any way. Unlike other devices, there is no need to drill into the wall or faucet so anyone can install it quickly.

    You can not remove this lock by turning it. The thread is 3/4" Garden Hose thread. It's the North American standard. It's very simple to install in a few seconds and very effective.

    Installs and removes in seconds, fits standard garden hose faucets. This product is brass and hard chrome plated.

    Please note that the combination on the padlock can not be changed.

    Please note that this item may look a little different from what's pictured on this page.

    just insert the padlock through the hole and your done!

    Very well made using tough materials!

    The Keyless Padlock makes unlocking very easy! KeKab Key Cabinets > ||59.000||59.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|noname8||item.||soliditem||keycabinets||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/keytags-numbered-in-lots-of-20-27.gif||||||Keytags - Numbered In Lots Of 20||1487||keycabinets1 keycabinets||Key Cabinets > KeKab Key Cabinets > ||39.000||39.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Tags are in groups of 20 and can be ordered as 1 through 20 or 21 through 40 or 281 through 300 etc. When ordering please let us know.||"Choose number sequence" "1 to 20" "21 to40" "41 to 60" "61 to 80" "81 to 100" "101 to 120" "121 to 140" "141 to 160" "161 to 180" "181 to 200" "201 to 220" "221 to 240" "241 to 260" "261 to 280" "281 to 300"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|knob||item.||soliditem||firratexpanl||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/knob-32.gif||||||Knob||||exitdevices firratexpanl||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > Fire Rated Exit Panic Lock > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|knocknoctoac||item.||soliditem||escaperoomlock||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/knocklock-knock-to-unlock-an-electric-strike-34.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/knocklock-knock-to-unlock-an-electric-strike-35.gif||Knock lock (Knocklock) - Knock To Unlock||1389||escaperoomlock||» Escape Room Locking > ||115.000||115.000 ||||KnockLock - Knock To Unlock (Great For Escape Rooms)||||||Usually ships in 3-4 business days||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||herknocbeinp hearwhatknoc hearwhatknoc1 elk12volonea relaymodule multim 7dayhourtim coirprsesw domaco3wigap||Hot Open your door with a SECRET knock only YOU know because YOU set it! Great for secret rooms or bookcases. Some of our customers have come up with some very creative uses for the KnockLock. Just knock to unlock! Works great as an escape room locking system.||

    Knock open your door. Keyless entry is just a knock away! Click the picture of the hand above

    Very popular for escape rooms, safe rooms, secret rooms and cabinets!

    This animation shows the interaction between the Knock Lock and the user. The "combination" for this illustration is "5 - 2 - 4" where the hand knocks five times then two and finally four. This illustrates a 3-DIGIT code. The code is USER SETTABLE and can be set from a 1-DIGIT code to a SIX-DIGIT code. Each DIGIT can be from 1 KNOCK to 63 KNOCKS!

    The KnockLock is a secret knock detecting door device that is simple to use and capable of "sensing" a special and unique pattern of knocks. Actually a more appropriate name might be the KnockUnlock since you use it to unlock. The knocklock easily interfaces to "unlocking" devices such as Electric door strikes, Door actuators, alarm disable, hidden switch applications, covert entry or the ultimate secret Electric Garage Door opener allowing you to unlock or open the door simply by knocking a "special" way. This is done by using a vibration sensor that senses "knocking" on or near the item or area and sends the "knocking" information to a processor that is capable of recognizing a SPECIFIC and UNIQUE pattern. Once the "unique knocking" is sensed (for example: KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK (pause) KNOCK-KNOCK (pause) KNOCK) the KnockLock then activates an internal relay that can switch power to a lock mechanism (such as an electric door strike, electric car door lock or electric garage door opener for example). The "knocking" pattern that is required to activate the KnockLock can be as simple as one knock or as complicated as six different groups of knocks, where each group can be from one knock to 63 knocks (resulting in over 1 billion possible combinations). The combination must match EXACTLY before access is granted and is completely programmable by the user. The internal relay is rated at 2 Amperes at 30 volts DC.

    The pickup device that screws to the surface The Pickup

    Great Features!

    The KnockLock will hold TWO different combinations with each being from one knock to six groups of knocks. The KnockLock has a built-in PICK-UP element so the unit can be attached directly to a door or wall. For installations requiring the KnockLock to be mounted away from the "knock area" an external pick-up element is provided which simply plugs into the "external input" jack on the KnockLock.

    Dual power Input

    The KnockLock can run from four AA batteries or an external power source from 9 - 15 volts DC or BOTH (i.e. Batteries could be used in conjunction with external power for "combination" retention in the event that power was disrupted to the external power source)

    Accessory Ignition Input Terminal

    Used to keep the KnockLock from resetting until this input goes negative for a period of 20 seconds. This is useful in an automotive kill-switch application, so the user does not have to keep re-entering the code when the car is shut off briefly, and then re-started. Once the car has been off for a period of approximately 20 seconds, the KnockLock will then reset.

    Sensitivity adjustment for how "hard" of a knock is required to trigger the KnockLock.

    10-Try Lockout. If ten incorrect attempts are made at entering the code, the KnockLock will lock-up for 15 seconds.


    The KnockLock combinations can be set before OR after mounting. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the operation of the unit before putting it into service.

    To program COMBINATION #1:

    STEP #1 Insert paper clip or toothpick into CODE hole (Fig. 3), pressing and holding the internal push-button through the entire programming process. You will hear three tones indicating that you are in "CHANGE-CODE" mode.

    STEP #2 While continuing to hold in the toothpick/paper clip, tap the KnockLock the number of times you want the FIRST digit to be. After the last tap, the KnockLock will then verify what you tapped in by responding with a short "BEEP" for EACH tap. For example, if you want the first digit to be FIVE, tap the KnockLock five times. When you stop tapping, the knock-lock would then "BEEP" five times. The first number is now entered.

    STEP #3 Repeat STEP #2 by tapping in the SECOND digit for the code. Once again, the KnockLock will verify what you tapped in by "BEEPING" back the number of taps. This process can be repeated for UP TO SIX digits.

    STEP #4 When the LAST digit is "tapped" in, release the toothpick/paper clip from the program-hole, and the KnockLock will signal with two quick beeps that it is ready for normal operation. The code setting is complete.

    To program COMBINATION #2:

    NOTE: The first digit of COMBINATION #2 MUST BE DIFFERENT than the first digit of COMBINATION #1. Other wise, COMBINATION #2 will be disabled.

    Step #1 Just as in setting the first combination, you must insert a toothpick/paper clip into the programming hole. You will then hear 3 tones indicating the KnockLock is in "CHANGE-CODE" mode. BRIEFLY remove toothpick/paper clip, and then RE-INSERT toothpick/paper clip and you will hear six quick tones indicating that it is ready to set COMBINATION #2. Continue to hold in the toothpick/paper clip through the entire programming of COMBINATION #2.

    Step #2 Follow steps 2 through steps 4 in "CHANGE-CODE" example above. When finished, remove toothpick/paper clip from CODE hole.


    The KnockLock should be securely mounted on a surface capable of conducting sound (such as wood, metal or plastic for example). Poor mounting will result in poor sensitivity to the knocking. If the external sensor is being used, plug the 1/8" connector into the "REMOTE" hole (Fig. 1) and make sure it is mounted securely to the knock surface as well. The sensitivity control (Fig. 3) can be adjusted to fit the mounting environment. This is done by turning the sensitivity control left or right with your thumb. On surfaces that are more "resonating" or surfaces that lend themselves to reverberation, the sensitivity may have to be decreased to reduce false "additional" sound pulses. Experiment to find the ideal sensitivity setting.

    Normal Operation

    When batteries are installed, the KnockLock will emit five short beeps. Pay close attention to the speed of these "beeps" as they occur at the recommended "knock" rate for operation. During normal operation, the KnockLock is always listening for knocks. The rate at which the knocks should occur is approximately 5 to 6 knocks per second. The knocks can be as fast as 12 times per second, or as slow as 4 times per second. For our example, we will assume the code to be: 5 - 3 - 1 - 4 Knock five times and wait for the response BEEP. Immediately after the BEEP, knock three times and wait for response BEEP. Immediately after that BEEP, knock one time and wait for response BEEP. Immediately after that beep, knock four times and STOP.

    Note: If too much time goes by after a response BEEP, the KnockLock assumes you are done knocking. You have up to one second MAX to knock the next number after a response beep.

    If the procedure was done correctly , the KnockLock will play 9 tones very quickly, and engage the internal relay, activating the lock mechanism it is connected to. If the KnockLock did not recognize the code, it will respond with four tones, reset and wait for another attempt.

    Hint: Additional digits can be added in FRONT of the combination, and so long as the sequence ENDS with the correct combination, the KnockLock will still activate. For example, if the combination is 5 - 3 - 1 - 4, the user can "knock in" 3-1-2-4-2-4-10-1-2 - 5-3-1-4 and the lock would still engage. This is useful if someone is standing nearby, and you do not want them to easily figure out what you are doing, or to make the code seem much more complex than it really is.

    When the correct combination is entered, the KnockLock’s normally-open relay contacts engage for a period of 2 seconds by default.

    Battery Life

    4 AA Alkaline batteries should last well over 1 year under normal usage. Some of our tests indicate that the batteries could last at long as 3 - 5 years. Make sure the sensitivity control is set so that the environment does not trigger the pick-up element, causing unnecessary power consumption. When the batteries start to get low, the KnockLock will play an unusual sounding set of tones after each access attempt. Once you hear this sound, you should replace the batteries within 1 month.


    The KnockLock has five screw-wire terminals. Terminals 1 and 2 are the normally-open switch contacts that close when the correct combination is entered. Terminal 3 is an auxiliary input for automotive applications. Terminal 4 is the NEGATIVE connection for an external power source and terminal 5 is the POSITIVE connection for an external power source (from 9 to 15 VDC). To attach a wire to these terminals, simply loosen the screw with a small screwdriver, insert the wire in the terminal hole and then tighten the screw down on the wire. For the application of connecting to a garage door opener, simply parallel the two switch contacts of the wall mounted garage door opener switch with the switch terminals on the KnockLock. The KnockLock would then simulate the garage door switch being pressed when the correct combination is entered into the KnockLock.

    The KnockLock’s relay switch contacts are rated at 2 Amps/ 30 VDC maximum. If higher current requirements are needed, the KnockLock’s relay can be used to drive the coil of a heavy-duty relay, which would switch a much heavier current load.

    Modify relay contact time

    The "contact period" can be extended by pressing the "CODE" button when FIRST installing the batteries. After the five short start up beeps, you will hear a lower pitch beep, approximately once per second. Each beep represents an extra SECOND of "contact" time. Release the "CODE" button when the desired "contact period" has elapsed.

    Great for secret rooms, safe rooms, escape rooms, cabinets or bookcases. Just knock to unlock!

    Please note: that this item has just one output for a fail secure type of device such as an electric strike. If using it with a fail safe type of device such as a magnetic lock then an additional relay will be needed. See the relay module Item: 1389-C below.

    Size: 3 3/4" X 3 1/8" (9.6cm X 7.8cm )

    Typical electric strike door installation as can be used for access control or an escape room for example

    Typical domestic car power Door Locks "Positive Trigger"

    Typical import car power Door Locks "Negative Trigger"

    Typical car kill switch

    Helpful Knocklock resources

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section - Use Knocklock with electric strikes and not mag locks! (unless an additional relay is used)
    For cabinets see our electronic cabinet lock which works well with the KnockLock

    Don't forget the power supply! Click here for power supply with battery back-up||||knocklock nocklock noklock knock-lock knock-loc "escape room lock"||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|kwiksetroundprivacylock||item-1||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/kwiksetroundprivacylock-25.gif||||||Kwikset Round Pocket Door Lock - Privacy Function||3662||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||35.000||35.000 ||||Kwikset Round Pocket Door Lock - Privacy Function||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Function: Pocket Door Lock Privacy for bedrooms or bathrooms

    Our innovative round design fits a standard 2-1/8" drilled door, allowing easy installation with a standard screwdriver.

  • Designed for sliding doors
  • Round design eliminates need to cut notch in new door so much easier installation
  • Features a bolt with over 1.25 in. of play within the strike and a unique hook design to guarantee locking every time
  • Ideal for interior doors where privacy is required like a bathroom or bedroom
  • Lifetime mechanical and finish warranty.||"Please choose finish" "Brass" "Satin nickel"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larbronholti||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-bronze-hollow-tip-roman-key-29.gif||||||Large Bronze Hollow Tip Roman Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Roman Bronze Hollow Tip Key - circa 1-4th AD - 99 mm long. A very hefty key!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larbronmedke||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-bronze-medieval-key-27.gif||||||Large Bronze Medieval Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||A Large Bronze Medieval key measuring 85mm in length.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larbronromke||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-bronze-roman-key-32.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-bronze-roman-key-33.gif||Large Bronze Roman Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Large Bronze Roman Key||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||78MM Long - A big beautiful museum quality key! See these books Decorative Antique Ironwork and The Lure Of The Lock for more information||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|labrrokey2nd||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-bronze-roman-key-2nd-century-ad-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-bronze-roman-key-2nd-century-ad-38.gif||Large Bronze Roman Key 2nd Century AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||A Large And heavy beautiful Roman Bronze Key dating to about the 2nd C A.D. - 3 5/8 inches long (9.5 cm long.) The hollow shaft type.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|largecastkey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-cast-key-27.gif||||||Large Cast Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This is a large 6 inch cast key. I have no idea where its from or when it was made.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lardigkeysaf||item.||||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-digital-electronic-keypad-safe-10.gif||||||Large Digital Electronic Keypad Safe||Item: 1685||||||369.000||395.000 ||369.000 ||Large Digital Electronic Keypad Safe||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New!||This large digital electronic security safe is perfect for jewelry, firearms and valuables!

    •Large interior space
    •Quick-access digital keypad
    •Heavy-duty all-steel construction
    •Durable powder coated finish
    •Case hardened security bolts
    •Key backup/bypass
    •Mounting bolts and felt liner included
    •Two accessory shelves included
    •Four AA batteries included
    •Limited one year warranty

    This safe is not UPS shippable and will be delivered by Motor Freight truck

    Please note: Delivery includes trucking to your location only. If you will need help in unloading the safe off the truck an electric lift gate is available for an additional $79.00. (See below) The liftgate is attached to the truck and will allow the driver to lower the safe to the ground for you. Driver will only unload it off truck. Delivery charge only includes transportation from our location to yours. If you will need additional assistance in moving safe to and into your home or business then please have that arraigned previously. A local moving company in your area should be able to assist you. Large safes cannot be shipped to an APO address or to Alaska or Hawaii.

    Weight: 85 lbs.
    Outer dimensions: 14" w x 20" h x 13" d
    Color: black||"Liftgate from truck to lower to curb?" "Yes(+79)" "No - don't need"|^|"Residential delivery?""Yes(+45)" "No"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|laeameirkey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-early-medieval-iron-key-27.gif||||||Large Early Medieval Iron Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Large Early Medieval Iron Key||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||HUGE EARLY MEDIEVAL IRON KEY, FOUND IN TOTTERNHOE IN BEDFORDSHIRE Great Britain - CLOSE TO VILLAGE CHURCH

    SIZE approx 145mm||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|gunsafe||item.||soliditem||safes||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-fire-rated-gun-safe-48.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-fire-rated-gun-safe-60.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-fire-rated-gun-safe-50.gif||Large Fire Rated Gun Safe||Item: 3531||safes||» Digital Safes For Home Office Hotel And Pharmacy > ||795.000||895.000 ||795.000 ||Large Fire Rated Gun Safe||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New!||
  • 3/16" Steel Plate door with 2 layers of fire insulating material.
  • Mercury Class I fire protection of 1200°F for 30 minutes. Designed to maintain an interior temperature of less than 350°F.
  • Palusol™ door seal - expands up to 8 times its original thickness when exposed to high temperatures.
  • Body constructed of 14-gauge solid steel plate with a fire insulating material.
  • 3-wheel combination lock with spy-proof dial and drill resistant hardplate.
  • Optional electronic lock available.
  • Chrome “L” handle and bold zinc die-cast polished chrome logo.
  • 3-way boltwork with 5 active 1" chrome-plated bolts and 3 deadbolts.
  • Textured Black exterior and Mocha fabric interior including back-cover and firewalls.
  • Durable hinges.
  • Four (4) pre-cut anchor holes with mounting hardware included and one (1) pre-cut electrical access hole.
  • Warranty: 1 Year Parts and Labor.

    Outside dimensions:
    55.25 inches x 17.34 inches x 16 inches H W D
    Weight: 286 pounds
    14 ga. steel

    This safe is not UPS shippable and will be delivered by Motor Freight truck

    Please note: Delivery includes trucking to your location only. If you will need help in unloading the safe off the truck an electric lift gate is available for an additional $89.00. (See below) The liftgate is attached to the truck and will allow the driver to lower the safe to the ground for you. Driver will only unload it off truck. Delivery charge only includes transportation from our location to yours. If you will need additional assistance in moving safe to and into your home or business then please have that arraigned previously. A local moving company in your area should be able to assist you. Large safes cannot be shipped to an APO address or to Alaska or Hawaii.||"Liftgate from truck to lower to curb?" "Yes Add $79 (+79)" "No - don't need"|^|"Residential delivery?""Yes Add $55 (+35)" "No"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lahesekeyblt||item.||soliditem||boxof250keyb||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-head-security-key-blanks-the-large-head-is-the-same-for-all-types-box-of-250-25.gif||||||Large Head Security key Blanks (The Large Head Is The Same For All Types) Box Of 250||1611-B||loseprto keyblanks boxof250keyb||» Locksmith & Security Professional Tools > Key Blanks > Box Of 250 Key Blanks > ||189.000||189.000 ||||Large Head Security key Blanks (The Large Head Is The Same For All Types) Box Of 250||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||"Choose Keyway" "Kwikset KW1" "Schlage SHI" "Weiser" "Yale Y1"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|largeromankey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-impressive-roman-key-circa-100-a-d-37.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-impressive-roman-key-circa-100-a-d-38.gif||Large Impressive Roman Key Circa 100 A.D||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This is an Original Roman period in britain Circa 100 A.D date. A fine large very impressive type British found classic style key, with attractive design casting, in very fine state of preservation/condition.

    Handle/loop Fracture has been fully stabilised - small section missing

    * 12.2 cm length (4 3/4 inches) * 23.0 mm Handle diameter (1 inch) * Complete very fine state||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larirromkey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-iron-roman-key-27.gif||||||Large Iron Roman Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Circa 1st - 5th Century AD. Very large - 3 inch iron Roman key. Typical deeply encrusted. Large bit end and ring also.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larkeyfromin||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-key-from-india-26.gif||||||Large Key From India||Item: 104||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||A big heavy key, about 6 and 1/2 inches long - circa 17 - 19th AD India. What makes this key interesting, apart from the size is the slit that travels along the shank for most of the key.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|largekeysafe||item.||soliditem||comlocbox||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-key-safe-36.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-key-safe-38.gif||Large Key Safe ||3293||comlocbox||» Keyless Lock Box (Hide A Key) > ||29.000||29.000 ||||Large Key Safe||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New! Instead of just numbers you can use easy to remember words on this Key Safe!||These locks are mechanical with no battery needed
    No battery needed for these locks!

    The NEW KeyGuard Pro Key Safe is the professional’s choice because it offers a product that addresses professional’s demands. The KeyGuard Pro Key Box offers unique features such as the keypad and optional locking shackle. Along with this, is the large storage area which holds keys and cards. These features and others are offered at a price lower than leading competitive lockboxes.

    Use Easy to Remember Words on the Key Safe!

    KeyGuard Pro key safe offers a familiar keypad entry which offers number or letter combinations. Never forget your combination again with easy to use words!

    The letter and number combinations can allow you to:
  • Use a Company name
  • Convey a marketing message
  • Personalize your combination

  • Large Storage Area
    Multiple Keys
    Access Cards
    Business Cards

  • Large Punch Buttons
    Easy to use
    Easy to see
    Quick Access

  • Protective Cover
    Weather Resistant
    Protect from Elements

  • Value
    Competitively priced

  • 1 year warranty

    Body: 4 5/8 inches long - with shackel: 7 inches long x 3 1/4 inches wide x 2 inches deep (including front cover)||"Please choose size" "Smaller 3 1/4 inches Wide X 4 3/4 inches Long X 2 inches deep" "Larger 3 1/2 inches Wide X 4 3/4 X 2 1/2 inches Deep Add $5 (+5)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larmedbronke1||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-medieval-bronze-key-27.gif||||||Large Medieval Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Medieval bronze key. Simple key bit. Measures 70mm long. Found in the Balkans.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larmedirkey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-medieval-iron-key-52.gif||||||Large Medieval Iron Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Large Medieval Iron Key. Founf in Germany - LENGTH 80mm (3 1/8")||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|medirkey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-medieval-iron-key-53.gif||||||Large Medieval Iron Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Nice Medieval iron key dating from the 15th century. It measures 75mm in length and is quite rusty||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|noname10||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-medieval-key-34.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-medieval-key-35.gif||Large Medieval Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||A IRON MEDIEVAL KEY 15/16TH CENTURY IN A PERFECT QUALITY.108 MM

    An iron medieval key circa 15th to 16th century AD in perfect condition. 108 in length.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larrombronke1||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-bronze-key-1st-3rd-c-29.gif||||||Large Roman Bronze Key 1st-3rd C||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Beautiful large Roman key with hollow tip - 3 3/4 inches long||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|romanbronzekey5||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-bronze-key-123.gif||||||Large Roman Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Large and beautiful Roman bronze key, 1st - 3rd c. AD. Key bit attached in a straight angle to the shank with two diagonaly cut teeth. Measures 28 mm wide and 82 mm long. Found in the Balkans.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larrombronke||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-bronze-key-118.gif||||||Large Roman Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Beautiful large late Roman key, intact 3 1/4 inches - 80mm in length||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|romanbronzekey8||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-bronze-key-121.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-bronze-key-122.gif||Large Roman Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Magnificent long 3.25 inch bronze Roman key. This key has nice decorative markings and a nice greenish black patina. The bit end is unusually well defined. In perfect condition!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larmedbronke||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-bronze-key-119.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-bronze-key-120.gif||Large Roman Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Large Roman Bronze Key. This is a large beefy key! Hollow shank that has been filled in over time with a single large bit end. Measures 84mm long. Found in the Balkans.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|rombronkey1s17||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-bronze-key-2nd-3rd-century-ad-29.gif||||||Large Roman Bronze Key 2nd-3rd.Century AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Large Roman Bronze Key 2nd-3rd.Century AD 74 mm long. A Nice decorative key.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larrombronke2||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-bronze-key-3rd-to-5th-century-ad-29.gif||||||Large Roman Bronze Key 3rd to 5th Century AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Large Roman Bronze Key 3rd to 5th Century AD||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Beautiful large bronze roman key-75 mm long and found in Hungary. The rare hole in the tip type.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larrombronke4||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-bronze-key-circa-1st-3rd-century-ad-29.gif||||||Large Roman Bronze Key Circa: 1st - 3rd Century AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Large (107 mm) Roman Bronze Key Circa: 1st - 3rd Century AD. Very unusual because it's so large and it has an intact hollow tip!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larrombronke3||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-bronze-key-ring-100-ad-27.gif||||||Large Roman Bronze Key Ring 100 AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Large Roman bronze key ring. Size 73 x 35mm||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larromem1st31||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-empire-1st-3rd-c-ad-bronze-key-90.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-empire-1st-3rd-c-ad-bronze-key-91.gif||Large Roman Empire, 1st - 3rd c. AD. Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Large Roman Empire, 1st - 3rd c. AD. Bronze Key||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|romem1st3rdc3||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-empire-1st-3rd-c-ad-bronze-key-93.gif||||||Large Roman Empire, 1st - 3rd c. AD. Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Large Roman Empire, 1st - 3rd c. AD. Bronze Key||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Very unusual oddly shaped key.Large and beautiful Roman key. 3 1/4 inches long.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larromem1st3||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-empire-1st-3rd-c-ad-bronze-key-92.gif||||||Large Roman Empire, 1st - 3rd c. AD. Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Large Roman Empire, 1st - 3rd c. AD. Bronze Key - 4 1/4 inches long. The hollow tip type.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larromirkey11||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-iron-key-1st-3rd-century-ad-56.gif||||||Large Roman Iron key /1st-3rd.Century AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Roman iron key /1st-3rd.Century AD/ with well preserved tooth-part and ring-handle (for iron)- 95 mm long.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larromirkey1||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-iron-key-1st-3rd-century-ad-57.gif||||||Large Roman iron key /1st-3rd.Century AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Roman iron key /1st-3rd.Century AD./ . Intact tooth-part and ring handle . This key is 83 mm long||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|romirkey1st3||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-iron-key-1st-3rd-c-ad-27.gif||||||Large Roman iron key, 1st - 3rd c. AD.||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Measures 32x88 mm. Found in the Balkans. Very long and unusual key and may in fact be an older Greek latch lifter type, the predecessor of the more modern Roman type. See The Lure Of The Lock - John Mossman Collection page 96 plate #295 for similar type key where it's described as a Coptic type key found in Luxor Egypt.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|larromkeycir||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-key-circa-5th-century-ad-27.gif||||||Large Roman Key Circa 5th Century AD||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Hollow tip with very large end bitting. Shaft is a bit split split due to corrosion. 4 inches in length.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|laroramkey||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-ram-key-35.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/large-roman-ram-key-36.gif||Large Roman Ram Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||MASSIVE ROMAN BRONZE KEY



    2-4 C AD



    50mm/25mm/28mm||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|largegasket||item.||soliditem||digcomloc||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/larger-gasket-35.gif||||||Larger Gasket||1144||mecpusloc digcomloc||» Keyless Mechanical Pushbutton Locks > Digital Mechanical Combination Pushbutton Lock (Non Electronic) > ||49.000||49.000 ||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||A pair of larger hard ABS plastic gaskets to cover a 2 1/8 inch hole. You dont need this if the hole your using is 1 1/2 inch or less.||A pair of larger gaskets to cover a 2 1/8 inch hole

    4 3/4” W x 6 1/2” H x 14 Gauge” D||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lausloelst||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/larger-us-lock-trine-electric-strike-26.gif||||||Larger US Lock/Trine Electric Strike||3283||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||129.000||129.000 ||||Larger US Lock/Trine Electric Strike||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||For use in new or replacement installations in wood and metal jambs. Auxiliary lever ramps for use with locksets which contain dead locking levers. Use with locksets having up to 5/8” throw

     FACE PLATE – 1-7/16” wide X 7-15/16” long
     DURABILITY – 500,000 Life cycles
     HOLDING FORCE – 1000 lbs.
     Cavity Depth - 9/16”; Width - 9/16”; Height - 1-11/16”
     MORTISE TYPE – Backset 1-9/16” Deep
     FAIL SECURE – (Standard Action) Unlocks When Energized
     SCREW TERMINALS – For Quick Connection

    Finish: Powder coat aluminum
    Voltage: 8 to 16 volts AC or 3 to 6 volts DC||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|doorcloser||item.||soliditem||doopanddocld||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lcn-heavy-duty-super-smoothee-door-closer-28.gif||||||LCN Heavy Duty Super Smoothee Door Closer||1285||doopanddocld||» Door Opening And Door Closing Devices > ||427.000||427.000 ||||LCN Heavy Duty Super Smoothee Door Closer||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||This door closer is so good it comes standard with a 10 year warranty!||• Non handed and non sized
    • Tri-Pak Mount (Mounts on push side or pull side of door, or top jamb.)
    • Meets ADA requirements.
    • Barrier free size 1 - 6
    • Adjustable hydraulic backcheck
    • Heavy duty cast iron cylinder
    • Non-handed.
    • For interior or exterior use.
    • Many optional features available from stock.
    • 5 year warranty.
    • UL listed grade ANSI Certification A156.4 Grade 1.
    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lever1||item.||soliditem||firratexpanl||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lever-32.gif||||||Lever||||exitdevices firratexpanl||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > Fire Rated Exit Panic Lock > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|liduelcalo||item.||soliditem||exheduelcalo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/light-duty-electronic-cabinet-lock-38.gif||||||Light Duty Electronic Cabinet Lock||2089||exheduelcalo||Extra Heavy Duty Electronic Cabinet Lock > ||159.000||159.000 ||||Light Duty Electronic Cabinet Lock||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||inin6||Constructed with superior heavy duty metal, this compact electric lock is an ideal choice for securing any cabinet or drawer. This lock is easy to install with self-adjusting alignment tabs for side or top mounting capabilities. Four countersunk mounting holes also ensure that the lock is securely mounted. Lock mode is determined by the positioning of the lock solenoid.||Constructed with superior heavy duty metal, this compact electric lock is an ideal choice for securing any cabinet or drawer. This lock is easy to install with self-adjusting alignment tabs for side or top mounting capabilities. Four countersunk mounting holes also ensure that the lock is securely mounted. Lock mode is determined by the positioning of the lock solenoid.

  • Dual voltage - 12 or 24 vdc
  • Elongated holes on pin for adjustable mounting
  • 3-year limited warranty
  • Surface-mounted compact electric lock
  • Field selectable fail locked or fail unlocked assembly - just flip solenoid
  • 12VDC or 24VDC Operation
  • Plated (rust-resistant) self adjusting steel locking pin assembly
  • 320 lbs. or 145 kg. holding force
  • Low energy consumption - (184 mA @ 12VDC, 90 mA @ 24VDC)
  • Superior heavy duty metal construction
  • Black finish

    Lock Housing size: 1.13"D x 1.19"W x 2.86"L (28.7mm x 30.1mm x 72.7mm)
    Locking Pin Assembly 3/16” (.18 inches or 4.5mm)
    Operating Voltage 12VDC continuous; 24VDC continuous
    Mode of Operation Fail Unlocked or Fail Locked
    Cycle Rating 500,000 cycles
    Current Consumption 3512: 184 mA @12VDC 3514: 90 mA @ 24VDC
    Holding Force 320 lbs. or 145 kg.
    Operating Temperature 14º to 104°F -10º to 40°C

    Typical installation

    Where can you use this lock?: Surface mounted for maximum versatility, this electro-mechanical lock can secure a multitude of applications, from drawers and sliding doors to cases, lockers, cabinets, and more. With internal placement, this lock virtually disappears, making it ideal for any fixture where aesthetics are important.

    For interior usage only!

    Related Products
    Fingerprint readers
    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Multi Door Proximity Access Control
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller
    Knocklock (Great for hidden book cases)

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||"DC buzzer" " No - don't need it" "Yes include a low voltage buzzer for DC strikes and locks. DC strikes and locks don't make a buzzing sound so if you need that sound then order this auxiliary buzzer - Add $29 (+29)"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|linacgarandg||item.||soliditem||elkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/linear-480-user-accesskey-garage-gate-or-door-digital-keypad-38.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/linear-480-user-accesskey-garage-gate-or-door-digital-keypad-40.gif||Linear 480 User AccessKey Garage Gate Or Door Digital Keypad||1304||elkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ||349.000||379.000 ||349.000 ||Linear 480 User AccessKey Garage Gate Or Door Digital Keypad||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||formorininpd4 hr7 weatreskeyco||Hot Heavy duty and Up to 480 seperate user codes! Includes a built in light.||

    Illuminated buttons

    This lighted keypad is the perfect choice for use with gates or garage doors or for any access control system where many user codes are needed. It's heavy duty with lots of useful features and is also priced right. Same features as some keypads that sell for two or even three times as much!

  • Up to 480 seperate user codes - 480 people can have their own unique code!
  • 4 outputs - two form C relays and two voltage outputs
  • 4 independent timers
  • Will accept any voltage AC or DC between 12 - 24 Volts
  • Can be bolted to a gooseneck or a wall
  • Tactile and audible feedback when keys are pressed
  • Built in down light stays lit for two minutes
  • Request to exit (REX) feature for easy inside to outside egress
  • Timed Anti-passback feature prevents use of the same code before a programmed time period ends
  • Two LED indicators show system status
  • Secure mounting-Keylock secures keypad to mounting backplate

    Typical installation

    Temperature range:
    -22F to +149F (-30C to +65)
    Relay #1, form C 5 amps @ 24 volts max
    Relay #2 form C 1amp @24 volts max
    Outputs 3 and 4 are solid state short to common 100 mA @ 30 Vdc max
    Power requirement:
    12-24 volts ac or dc - Current 10 mA typical to 150 mA Max

    4 inches W X 5.50 inches H X 3 inches D

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section
    Heater kit for cold weather

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|stanalindigk||item.||soliditem||elkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/linear-interior-digital-keypad-480-users-24.gif||||||Linear Interior Digital Keypad - 480 Users||1715||elkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ||339.000||339.000 ||||Linear Interior Digital Keypad - 480 Users||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||hr19 morinonthisp14||New! Great features including 480 user code capacity and LED downlight!||The Model AK-21 Interior Digital Keypad is a digital keyless entry system designed for access control applications. The keypad is housed in a rugged, plastic enclosure and is designed to be mounted in a standard single-gang electrical box. The die-cast keys have bright, easy-to-read yellow graphics.

    The Model AK-21 is supplied with four different plastic snap-on mounting bezels to customize the look of the keypad. The satin-chrome bezel comes factory installed on the keypad. The white, ivory & bronze bezels are packaged separately.

    Up to 480 entry codes, from 1 to 6 digits in length, can be programmed. They can activate either, or both, of the relay outputs. Relay #1 has a 5 Amp capacity. Relay #2 has a 1 Amp capacity. The relays can be set for timed or latch-on/latch-off toggle operation per each individual entry code. The on or off toggle state of a relay is maintained even after power interruption. When power is restored to the keypad, each relay will assume the state it was in when power was removed.

    All system indicators and lights are long-lasting, solid-state LEDs. Two indicators show the status of the entry system. The left indicator lights red to indicate power, then turns green when access is granted. The right indicator lights yellow when the keypad is in lockout condition (from too many incorrect code entries). The keypad's courtesy light can be programmed to activate indefinitely, or for 1, 2, 3, or 4 minutes after the last key press, or not light at all. An internal sounder beeps when each key is pressed. An internal jumper sets the sounder volume high or low.

    The REQUEST-TO-EXIT input can be wired to a pushbutton to provide codeless activation of Main Relay, Auxiliary Relay, Output #3, or Output #4 (programmable) for authorized personnel. The “anti-passback” feature prevents using the same code twice before the programmed time elapses.

    The ALARM SHUNT output activates when access is granted. This output can be wired to shunt alarm contacts on the access door/gate to prevent triggering of an alarm when authorized access occurs. Two solid state outputs, capable of switching 100 mA to common, are programmable to signal forced entry, door ajar, lockout, alarm circuit shunting, request-to-enter, and keypad active conditions.

    The AK-21 is powered from a 12-24 Volt AC or DC source. Power can be obtained from the access device or a separate power supply. The EEPROM memory retains all entry codes and programming, even without power.

  • Self-contained keyless entry system ideal for airports, hospitals, warehouses, office buildings, parking lots, and many other commercial facilities
  • Mounts in a single gang electrical box using security screws; tool included
  • Four independent outputs and timers: two form C relays and two solid-state open collector outputs with unique programming per entry code
  • Up to 480 programmable input codes of one to six digits each for activating either or both relays
  • Two LED indicators show system status
  • Key operating features include: door sense input; inhibit input; request-to-exit input; alarm shunt output; timed anti-passback; and keypad lockout
  • Rugged metal keys
  • Built-in LED courtesy lights
  • Tactile and audible feedback
  • Includes 4 interchangeable decorative bezels

    Dimensions: 3" W x 5" H x 3" D

    Voltage: 12-24 Vac or Vdc (ac supply must be transformer isolated; power can be from access device or separate supply)
    Outputs: Relay #1 (Main), Form "C" 5 Amps @ 28 Volts maximum; Relay#2 (Auxiliary), Form "C" 1 Amp @ 28 Volts maximum; solid-state outputs (Outputs #3 and #4), short-to-common 100 mA@ 30 Vdc maximum
    Operational Temperature: -22° F to +149° F (-30° C to +65° C)
    Oprational Humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing

    Don't forget the power supply! Go here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Go here||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lockbumping||item.||soliditem||scematics||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lock-bumping-27.gif||||||Lock bumping||||scematics||» Glossary - Resources - Diagrams > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Click this picture to see how lock bumping works.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|locintoolhol||item.||soliditem||aseq||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lock-installation-tool-hole-move-over-tool-25.gif||||||Lock Installation Tool (Hole Move Over Tool)||Item: 1512||aseq|| » Miscellaneous Security Items > ||129.000||129.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||

    Known in the trade as the "Move Over Tool" This tool is the very best tool for redrilling the main lock hole - either 2 1/8th inch or 1 1/2 inch - and also for moving the backset from 2 3/4th inch to 2 3/8th inch or vise versa. It clamps tightly to the door and guides the hole cutter through the door for a nice clean cut. This is the tool many proffesional locksmiths use because it allows a quick and accurate installation. Please note that you also need to use a hole cutter and electric drill. These are not included.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lockeyextraremote||item.||soliditem||lockeyepro||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lockey-extra-rf-remote-20.gif||||||Lockey Extra RF Remote||Item: 3572-B||lockeyepro||E-PRO Touch - Electronic Lever Lock w/ Touch-Screen > ||20.000||20.000 ||||Lockey Extra RF Remote||||||||0||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lopabarshfor||item-1||soliditem||lopabaranddi1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lockey-panic-bar-shield-for-gate-installation-34.gif||||||Lockey Panic Bar Shield For Gate Installation||3809||lopabaranddi1||Lockey Panic Bar And Digital Keypad Lock With Knob > ||154.000||154.000 ||||Lockey Panic Bar Shield For Gate Installation||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||- Turn gates into panic exits - Panic Bar mounting plate - Available in Plain, Black (B) or Silver (S) - Available in 24" and 12" - Adjustable for 28" - 54" gates No mounting holes. You drill the mounting holes where you need them.||"Please choose shield Finish" Silver Black|^|"Please choose shield size" "12 inch" "24 inch"|^|"Please choose" "For use with Lockey brand panic lock" "For use with Detex brand panic lock"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lopapulokitf||item-1||soliditem||lopabaranddi1||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lockey-panic-pushbutton-lock-kit-for-gate-installation-50.gif||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lockey-panic-pushbutton-lock-kit-for-gate-installation-58.gif||||Lockey Panic Pushbutton Lock Kit For Gate Installation ||3806||lopabaranddi1||Lockey Panic Bar And Digital Keypad Lock With Knob > ||779.000||779.000 ||||Lockey Panic Pushbutton Lock Kit For Gate Installation||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Now using a panic bar on a gate is easy with this new kit that comes with everything you'll need.||The PS-11 Security Kit Includes: - 12 or 24-inch Lockey Panic Shield Available in Black or Silver. (The shield sizes are north and south they both expand east and west up to 54 inches). So the size based on the your needs. People typically use a 12” shield for easy mounting of a panic bar on a fence, whereas the 24” has the same easy mounting, but allows for more security coverage.

    - Lockey Grade 1 Panic Bar in aluminum Available in 33" or 42" - Strike Bracket (Black or Silver) - 285-P Satin Chrome Keyless Trim - MAX-Guard Cover Plate *Specify color and panic bar length when ordering

    The 285-P keyless pushbutton panic outside trim will work perfectly with this panic bar. The lock takes the place of a keyed cylinder and is most commonly used on Panic Exit Devices.

    Ideal for... - Panic Exit Doors/Gates - Narrow Stile Doors - Commercial Doors - Churches - Schools

    Features: - 2835 Lock Body - Features passage function - Takes the place of the keyed cylinder and requires acceptance of a flat tailpiece - Changeable Handing - Easy Installation - Easy to change combination - Covers standard 2 1/8" hole - Lifetime Mechanical Warranty

    Dimensions & Specifications: - 5 1/2" H x 1 5/8" W||"Please choose shield Finish" Silver Black|^|"Please choose shield size" "12 inch" "24 inch"|^|"Please choose panic bar size" "33 inch" "42 inch"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lostgabox||item.||soliditem||lo38mekecopa||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lockey-steel-gate-box-26.gif||||||Lockey Steel gate Box||3368||lo38mekecopa||Lockey 3830 Mechanical Keyless Combination Passage Knob Lock > ||79.000||79.000 ||||Lockey Steel Gate Box||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Will fit either deadbolt or latch - 2 3/8 backset
    Dimensions: 4-3/4" Wide x 7-5/8" High x 1-3/4" Deep
    Material: 12 gauge steel||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lockeythickdoor||item.||soliditem||lo38mekecopa||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lockey-thick-door-extention-pack-29.gif||||||Lockey Thick Door Extention Pack||3536||lo38mekecopa||Lockey 3830 Mechanical Keyless Combination Passage Knob Lock > ||32.000||32.000 ||||Lockey Thick Door Extention Pack||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||This thick door pack takes you from 2 inches to 5 inches. Please note that the extention ket will not work with key bypass models.||Occasionally you may come across a situation where a customer has an extra thick door. Typically locksets are designed to fit doors up to 1 ¾” in thickness. This thick door pack takes you from 2 inches to 5 inches. Please note that the extention ket will not work with key bypass models.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lockeyminihookbolt||item.||soliditem||kecatylo||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lockey-c-150-hook-cabinet-lock-sliding-door-hook-bolt-25.gif||||||LOCKEY® C-150 Hook Cabinet Lock / Sliding Door Hook Bolt||Item: 3540||kecatylo||» Keyless Cabinet Locks (Electronic And Mechanical) > ||149.000||149.000 ||||Lockey Mini Hook Bolt Lock For Cabinets And Sliding Doors||||||||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New!||Introducing the new Lockey® C-150 Hook Cabinet Lock. This is the smallest lock that Lockey® offers. The C-150 is ideal for sliding glass doors, cabinets, closets, lockers, bi-fold doors and more. Available in 6 different finishes. Comes with a Lifetime Warranty on the mechanics of the lock.


    Sliding doors with narrow frames 1" reveal on frame is needed Cabinets


    5" H x 1 1/18" W Throw: 3/8"


    Antique Brass Bright Brass Satin Chrome Satin Nickel Jet Black White


    Keyless entry hook bolt Perfect for sliding doors Great for cabinets 6 stylish finishes to choose form

    ||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|locheavdutex||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/locknetics-heavy-duty-exit-switch-24.gif||||||Locknetics Heavy Duty Exit Switch||Item: 1857||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||169.000||239.000 ||169.000 ||Locknetics Heavy Duty Exit Switch||||||||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Great for high traffic areas.||Sorry but out of stock

    Very heavy duty for high traffic areas

    SPDT 7 Amp @ 250vac
    Aluminum Dimensions: 2 3/4 inches wide X x 4 1/2 inches long
    Button: 1 1/4 inches in diameter
    Comes engraved in red with "exit"||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|loctoucexbar||item.||soliditem||exitdevices||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/locknetics-schlage-touch-exit-bar-24.gif||||||Locknetics - Schlage Touch Exit Bar||1732||exitdevices||» Exit Locks & Panic Hardware For Doors And Gates > ||329.000||329.000 ||||Locknetics/Schlage Touch Exit Bar||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Hot The 672 TouchBar is a request to exit device which releases electromagnetic or electronic locks when the bar depressed. Designed for easy installation, smooth operation and maximum durability.||The 672 TouchBar is a heavy duty grade 1 request to exit device which releases electromagnetic or electronic locks when the bar depressed. Designed for easy installation, smooth operation and maximum durability, the 672 TouchBar offers unmatched features and customer benefits. The "Push to Exit" signage provides an obvious exit indication for building occupants and the simplified design allows reversing the signage in the field. The new pivoting bar design allows 1/4" activation and the 2 1/4" low profile provides ample clearance through the door - notably less than others in the industry. The device's rugged cast ramped end caps deflect blows provide extra durability. With its easy installation and wiring the 672 TouchBar Request to Exit Device is another solution in the Locknetics product offering.

  • Heavy duty aluminum extrusion with cast metal end caps - Maximum durability
  • Field reversible, field sized
  • Quick install brackets / Universal mounting system for aluminum, hollow metal and wood doors
  • Low profile for greater clearance through door
  • “PUSH TO EXIT” signage designates opening||"Please choose Finish" "Aluminum" "Duronodic(+39)"|^| "Please choose the size" "36 inch" "48 inch"||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|loc770stains||item.||soliditem||elkey||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/locknetics-digital-keypad-system-33.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/locknetics-digital-keypad-system-35.gif||Locknetics Digital Keypad System||Item: 1168||elkey||» Digital Keypad Door Entry > ||279.000||479.000 ||279.000 ||Locknetics Digital Keypad System||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||150 user codes and made from tough lexan.||WEATHERPROOF

    This two piece system is inherently more secure than all in one type keypad - This system includes the control box and Locknetics, KP76+ Stainless steel buttons and black super strong Lexan housing keypad
    • 150 user codes.
    • Nonvolatile memory that accepts codes.
    • User codes can be 3 - 8 digits long.
    • All programming done at the keypad.
    • A master code provides an easy means to add, delete or change users in the system.
    • Codes can be programmed with a variety of unique features such as toggle, lockout, onetime use
    and supervised use. • The delay to relock timer is adjustable from 0 - 255 seconds.
    • Three control relays:
    • Main Relay - used primarily to control one or two locking devices.
    • Auxiliary Relay - used to control a separate locing device or other equipment, ie, CCTV or call signal.
    • Alarm Relay - used to signal an alarm system or a problem condition, ie, duress code.
    • Controller is housed in a surface mounted NEMA Grade 1 enclosure with hinged cover, conduit knockouts and beige baked enamel finish.

    • Input voltage: 12 or 24 VAC/VDC
    • Request to exit feature
    • Auxiliary output power: VDC, 1 amp max.
    • Control relays: 5 amp max., 30 VDC - Main - DPDT contact - Auxiliary - SPDT contacts - Alarm - SPDT contacts OPTIONS
    • Battery backup capability - battery not included

    Only available in Black Lexan
    Keypad size: 7" x 1-3/8" x 7/16" • LED indication for programming, entry status and self diagnostics.
    • Operating temperatures from -40 degrees F to +158 degrees F.
    • Keypad cable: 11 cond., 5" long with plug.
    • Allowable cable extension - 200' max.

    Related Products
    See our electric strike section
    See our electric lock section

    Dont forget the power supply!Click here
    Or a power supply with back up battery system Click here

    Sorry - out of stock!||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|locmagloc||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/locknetics-magnetic-locks-with-optional-delayed-egress-26.gif||||||Locknetics Magnetic Locks With Optional Delayed Egress||Item: 1612||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||385.000||385.000 ||||Locknetics Magnetic Locks With Optional Delayed Egress||||||Contact us for availability||0||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sorry but this item is no longer made.

    All Locknetics Magnetic locks have the following characteristics:

    Adjustable mounting bracket plates
    Attractive housing
    Dual voltage - 12 or 24 volt dc
    5 year warranty

    Single door 700 pounds: 2 1/8 inches H x 8 9/16 inches W x 1 11/16 inches D
    Single door 1650 pounds: 2 3/4 inches H x 10 1/2 inches W x 1 11/16 inches D
    Double door 1650 pounds: Split armature - 2 3/4 inches H x 10 1/2 inches W x 1 11/16 inches D
    Single door with delayed egress: 2 3/4 inches H x 10 1/2 inches W x 1 11/16 inches D
    See options below

    Input voltage: 12 or 24 vdc
    Current draw approx: .67 @ 12 vdc to .38 @ 24 vdc

    Related Products
    Fingerprint readers
    Card readers
    Digital keypad system
    Chip Reader
    Proximity card Reader
    Multi Door Proximity Access Control
    Receptionist unlock button
    Wireless Electric strike controller

    Dont forget the power supply! Heavy duty power supplies with backup batteries are highly recommended for magnetic locks Power Supplies||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|locexheavdut||item.||soliditem||exbutanddev||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/locknetics-schlage-heavy-duty-exit-switch-24.gif||||||Locknetics/ Schlage Heavy Duty Exit Switch||1670||exbutanddev||» Exit Buttons & Exit Alarms > ||149.000||195.000 ||149.000 ||Locknetics/Schlage Heavy Duty Exit Switch||||||Usually ships in 5-7 business days||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||On Sale!||Momentary action switch
    Stainless steel
    Plate size: 2 3/4 x 4 1/2 inches
    1 5/8 inch push to exit in red

    Button: 1 1/4 inch diameter
    Plate: 2 3/4 inches wide x 4 1/2 inches long
    For single gang electric box installation
    Contact ratings: 7 amp @ 250 vac no and no momentary contacts||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|locpropinkit||item.||soliditem||loseprto||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/locksmith-pro-pin-kit-26.gif||||||Locksmith Pro Pin Kit||3677||loseprto||» Locksmith & Security Professional Tools > ||429.000||429.000 ||||Locksmith Pro Pin Kit||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||.005 increments 102 sizes Top pins: .010 through .300
    Bottom pins: .150 through .360

    Will work with most pin tumbler cylinders (not Medeco)||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lodhotloc||item.||page.||||||||||Lodging & Hotel Security||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||safwithigsec||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|locmagcar||item.||soliditem||locschlagswi||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lot-of-25-blank-mag-stripe-track-2-cards-25.gif||||||Lot Of 25 Blank Mag-Stripe Track 2 Cards||Item: 1636||locschlagswi||Locknetics Schlage Card/Pushbutton Lock > ||79.000||79.000 ||||Lot Of 25 Blank Mag-Stripe Track 2 Cards||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Sold in lots of 25||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lotof4brroke||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lot-of-4-bronze-roman-keys-27.gif||||||Lot Of 4 Bronze Roman Keys||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||Lot Of 4 Bronze Roman Keys||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Interesting lot of 4 bronze roman keys all found in the same area. The 3 small keys are all about 1 1/2 inches long with interesting bit tips and are hollow at the end. All are perfect. The larger fouth key is flat and 2 5/8 inches long and also in very nice condition.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|loeneamebrke||item.||soliditem||ankeymus||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lovely-large-english-early-medieval-possibly-late-roman-bronze-key-29.gif||||||Lovely Large English Early Medieval (Possibly Late Roman) Bronze Key||||ankeymus|| •See Our Ancient Roman Lock & Key Gallery• > ||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Large bronze Key. Large size measures 55mm in length. Comes from an Old Norfolk Collection. Complete and nice uncleaned condition. Unsual style and rare type. The previous owner has labeled it as Early Medieval.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|lowprofileweathercover||item-1||soliditem||avrfstusbtic||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/lowprofileweathercover-33.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/low-profile-weather-cover-with-backplate-for-flush-devices-33.gif||Low Profile Weather Cover With Backplate For Flush Devices||3666||proxread avrfstusbtic||» RFID Readers & Cards For Single Doors > Avea RFID PC Based USB Time Clock > ||74.000||74.000 ||||||||||Usually ships in 1-2 weeks||1||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||This indoor/outdoor, low profile polycarbonate cover helps protect devices such as dual action pull stations, keypads for entry systems, intercom stations, emergency buttons, electrical light switches, duplex plugs, etc. The strong, durable construction takes the toughest knocks while it guards against accidental or intentional physical damage.

    This low profile Universal Stopper is clear with a enclosed flush back box. Other mounting options include a flush mount, surface mount or a waterproof Type 4X enclosed back box (Type rating pending). The cover is also available with a horn housing or message hood. The Universal Stopper is designed to comply with ADA and is less than 4 inches in depth. Universal Stopper has the same footprint as the Mini Stopper®, but has a larger interior and can accommodate most dual action pull stations.


  • Protects against vandalism and accidental damage.
  • Protects pull stations, keypads, intercom stations, emergency buttons, electrical light switches, duplex plugs, etc.
  • Cover is molded from thick, super tough polycarbonate material.
  • Sized to fit most pull stations.
  • Includes a clear enclosed flush back box.
  • High strength continuous hinge.
  • Low profile - ADA Compliant.
  • UV-stabilized to keep cover clear.
  • Typical working properties of polycarbonate are -40° to 250°F (-40° to 121°C).
  • Three year guarantee against breakage of polycarbonate in normal use for the 14300NC

    Approximate size: 7 3/8 inches long x 5 1/2 inches wide x 2 1/8 inches deep||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|pisibu||item.||soliditem||elstrikandma||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/piezo-signaling-buzzer-for-electric-strikes-30.gif||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/piezo-signaling-buzzer-for-electric-strikes-31.gif||Low voltage Buzzer For DC Electric Strikes ||2077||elstrikandma||» Electric Strikes & Magnetic Locks > ||46.000||46.000 ||||Low voltage Buzzer For DC Electric Strikes||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||New!||Great for signaling when a door is being unlocked when using an electric strike and DC current. Since DC current doesn't make a buzzing sound, almost all magnetic locks and some electric strike don't make any sound when unlocking. This buzzer simply connects in parallel to the two wires going from the power supply to your strike. Please note that the picture of this item may vary.

    Power requirement:
    Operating voltage: 6 to 16 VDC
    Current draw: 35 mA
    90 db at 1 ft.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|magglas||item.||soliditem||loseprto||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/magnification-glasses-26.gif||||||Magnification Glasses||1858||loseprto||» Locksmith & Security Professional Tools > ||59.000||69.000 ||59.000 ||Magnification Glasses||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||Hot Just flip the lens of your choice in any combination to achieve the magnification level necessary for the task at hand.||

    Very few left!

    See just like your dentist with these hands-free, multi-purpose, head-wearing magnification glasses with Dual Light Sources! Even without the lights this is a great product. But when you turn on the lights it works like a supercharger because it'so much more powerful. Each unit has 3 different magnifying lenses and 2 lights built all in one magnifying glass. Both eyes are used. Just flip the lens of your choice in any combination to achieve the magnification level necessary for the task at hand. For Example:
    If you use lens #1 you see at 1.8x magnification
    If you use lenses #1 & #2 you see at 2.3x magnification
    If you use lenses #1 & #3 you see at 3.7x magnification
    If you use lenses #1 & #2 & #3 you see at 4.8x magnification
    Ideal for impressioning, close observations, precision inspections, miniature parts, assembly, coins, stamps, checking circuit boards, reading resistors, detail work, reading and much more! Provides 100% user efficiency by leaving both hands free. Offers a wide field of vision and can be worn over prescription or safety eyeglasses. When not in use these Magnification glasses can easily be tilted up out of the way. The head strap is adjustable, with a Velcro tab for easy and comfortable adjustment to hold it in place for extended use. When more light is needed, simply turn on the light switches. Uses 2 AAA batteries (not included) per light.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|maforsk||link.||||||https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/853111/manual-for-the-sk3523sdq-6.gif||||||Manual For The SK3523SDQ||||||||||||||||||||||0||0||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|manufacturers||item.||page.||||||||||Manufacturers||||||||||||||||||||||0||1||0||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Manufacturers, if you have products that are similar to what you have seen in our store, we encourage you to send them for evaluation.If they are good products we'd love to sell them. We are always looking for great new products! If we don't think they are the type of products we can sell then we'll return it to you. Please call or e-mail us if you have a product to sell.||||||||||||||||0||||||||||New||||||||||||||0||~~minimum-quantity~~1~~|^^|mansubex||item.||soliditem||||||||||Manufacturers Please Submit Examples||||||||||||||||||||||1||1||1||0||Home, Garden and Garage > Arts, Antiques and Collectibles||||||Manufacturers, if you have products that are similar to what you have seen in our store, we encourage you to send them for evaluation.If they are good products we'd love to sell them. We are always looking for great new products! If we don't think they are the type of products we can sell then we'll return it to you. Please call or e-mail us if you have a product to sell.